diff --git a/bash_history b/bash_history index 4999ca4..1285f11 100644 --- a/bash_history +++ b/bash_history @@ -9385,3 +9385,2319 @@ gulp build exit ssh spoon2 exit +3d +git diff +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +mongo +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git log +git checkout master +git merge component_construct +git pull +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +ssh spoon2 +exit +exoit +exit +gl +gulp +git diff src +git status +git diff src/game-lib-system-storage.js +git status +git commit -am "gui system fixes" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "animation system fix" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff src/ +git diff +gulp build +git commit -am "fix bad gui system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +git diff +git diff src/ +gulp +exit +p gulp +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "preview up to date again" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +git diff src +git commit -am "gui system updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +gulp build +git diff src +exit +gl +gulp build +git diff src +git commit -am "linking system updates components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +git commit -am "nice data for component update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "preview url" +git push +gl +git diff src +git commit -am "start fix tetris again" +git push flyingspoon +git push +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +gulp build +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "render run loop to render system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +gl +grep "GET_RUNTIME" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GET_RUNTIME" * -R +grep "GetRuntimeObject" * -R +grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R +gulp build +git diff . +git commit -am "resize event to render system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +gulp build +git diff src +git commit -am "render loop to render system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gl +cd src/ +grep "new\s*GameLib.Image" * -R +exit +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +gl +git diff +git commit -am "resize events to render system" +git push +3d +git diff +gl +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "resize to render system" +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +git commit -am "resize to render system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "run() to render system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ping www.google.com +git push flyingspoon +git diff src +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +g +gulp +exit +s +m +gedit +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +3d +cd src/ +grep "canvasMain" * -R +grep "canvasMain" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/canvasMain/divMain/g" +3d +gulp +s +ccsm +gl +gulp +gnome-calculator +gedit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gnome-calculator +gl +git diff +git diff src +git branch render_update +git checkout render_update +git commit -am "render update start" +git checkout master +git diff +git log +git diff src +cd .. +3d +git branch render_update +git checkout render_update +git diff +git commit -am "render update start" +git push -u origin render_update +git push -u flyingspoon render_update +cd .. +cd game +gl +git push -u flyingspoon render_update +git push -u origin render_update +git log +3d +git diff +git checkout master +git diff +3d +git log +exot +exit +gl +git pull +git checkout 1.0 +git rm --cached build +git rm --cached build -r +vim .gitignore +git diff +git log +exit +3d +gulp +git push +gulp +git diff +gl +git diff +git commit -am "don't register keyboard controls on top of editor controls" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ss +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "remove build" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +exit +sw +s +m +exit +gl +ssh spoon2 +exit +top +ps -A +killall bms_ +killall bms_linux +ps -9 18407 +kill -9 18407 +ps -9 18407 +ps -A +kill -9 22017 +kill -9 22107 +sudo reboot +ps -A +kill -9 8043 +ps -A +kill -9 4880 +syslog +tail -f /var/log/syslog +dmesg +killall docker +ps -A +sudo service docker stop +ps -A +dmesg +tail -f /var/log/syslog +ps -A +kill -9 5891 +ps -A +kill -9 10010 +ps -A +kill -9 27828 +ps -A +kill -9 28653 +sudo reboot +cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/ +cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ +cd Black\ Mesa/ +ls +cd bms/ +ls +ls -A +ps -A +top +free +free -h +ps aux --sort -rss +ps aux --sort -rss -h +free -h +htio +htop +ps -A +top -p 6806 +ps -A +top -p 10810 +dmesg +sudo service docker stop +tail -f /var/log/syslog +cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/ +cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ +ls +cd Black\ Mesa/ +ls +./bms.sh +./bms_linux +ls +vim bms.sh +tail -f /var/log/dmesg +tail -f /var/log/syslog +s +g +gl +git diff +git branch +git diff render_update +cd src/ +git diff render_update . +cd .local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/pinned_libs_64 +ls +cd .. +cd steam-runtime/pinned_libs_64/ +ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3 +rm libdbus-1.so.3 +ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3 +ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3.5.8 +rm libdbus-1.so.3.5.8 +rm libdbus-1.so.3 +ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3 +ps -A +top -p 7215 +tail -f /var/log/syslog +EXIT +exit +ps -A +kill -9 5421 +gl +git branch dots +git checkout dotsd +git checkout dots +git branch cast_receive +git checkout cast_receive +git diff +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "extend from API socket" +git push +git push -u origin cast_receive +git push -u flyingspoon cast_receive +git checkout dots +git commit -am "start api.mesh.plane" +git checkout cast_receive +git diff +git commit -am "fix constructor call process" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +git checkout dots +git merge cast_receive +gulp +git checkout cast_receive +git status +git commit src/game-lib-d3-api-mesh-plane.js src/game-lib-d3-mesh-0.js src/game-lib-d3-mesh-plane.js -m "mesh plane streamline" +git status +git checkout cast_receive +git diff +git commit -am "fix inheritence for sockets" +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +git checkout dots +git merge cast_receive +gulp +s +m +st +sudo service docker stop +gl +grep "Entity.FromObject" * -R +cd src/ +grep "Entity.FromObject" * -R +grep "FromObject\(" * -R +grep "FromObject(" * -R +grep "NEW_ENTITY" * -R +grep "createEntity" * -R +grep "parentEntityManager" * -R +3d +gulp +git branch dots +git checkout dots +gulp +git diff +git branch render_update_v2 +git checkout render_update_v2 +git diff +git commit -am "render update start" +git push -u origin render_update_v2 +git push -u flyingspoon +gulp +git diff +gulp +gl +git diff +git checkout master +git commit -am "gui array query by constructor fix" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +git checkout dots +git merge master +git config --global core.editor "vim" +git branch +git checkout render_update +git merge dots +rm -rf build +git merge dots +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge delete conflict" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +3d +git diff +git checkout master +git commit -am "dont add gui and stats to entity" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git checkout dots +git merge master +gl +git log +gulp +git checkout dots +git branch render_update_v2 +git checkout render_update_v2 +git diff +git commit -am "entities have renderers, sometimes" +git push flyingspoon +git push +git push -u origin render_update_v2 +git push -u flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "no more parent entity manager, new renderer for entity" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +gulp +ifconfig +exit +ls +ls -l +ls | grep bash +s +3d +git diff +gulp +exit +gl +git diff dots +git checkout dots +gulp +git checkout master +git branch +git merge cast_receive +git merge render_update_v2 +git merge dots +gulp +exit +gl +git branch +git checkout render_update +git diff master +git checkout master +git diff --name-only render_update +git show render_update:src/game-lib-api-canvas.js > gl_api_canvas.js +meld src/game-lib-api-canvas.js gl_api_canvas.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-api-entity.js > gl_api_entity.js +meld src/game-lib-api-entity.js gl_api_entity.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-canvas.js > gl_canvas.js +meld src/game-lib-canvas.js gl_canvas.js +git show src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js > gl_api_render_target.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js gl_api_render_target.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js > gl_api_render_target.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js gl_api_render_target.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js gl_renderer.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js > gl_renderer.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js gl_renderer.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-scene.js gl_scene.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-scene.js > gl_scene.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-scene.js gl_scene.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-texture.js > gl_texture.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-texture.js gl_texture.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-dom-element.js > dom_element.js +meld src/game-lib-dom-element.js dom_element.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-entity-manager.js > entity_manager.js +meld src/game-lib-entity-manager.js entity_manager.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-entity.js entity.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-entity.js > entity.js +meld src/game-lib-entity.js entity +meld src/game-lib-entity.js entity.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-system-gui.js > system_gui.js +meld src/game-lib-system-gui.js system_gui.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-system-render.js > system_render.js +meld src/game-lib-system-render.js system_render.js +git diff +git status +rm +dom_element.js +entity.js +entity_manager.js +gl_api_canvas.js +gl_api_entity.js +gl_api_render_target.js +gl_canvas.js +gl_renderer.js +gl_scene.js +gl_texture.js +system_gui.js +system_render.js +rm dom_element.js entity.js entity_manager.js gl_api_canvas.js gl_api_entity.js gl_api_render_target.js gl_canvas.js gl_renderer.js gl_scene.js gl_texture.js system_gui.js system_render.js +git diff +git branch -D render_update +git branch -D render_update_v2 +git branch render_update +git checkout render_update +git commit -am "render stuff legacy" +git diff +grep "GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +grep "GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create/s/Object.create.*;/Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype);/ +" +git diff +grep "GameLib.D3.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.D3.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create/s/Object.create.*;/Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype);/" +git commit -am "Object.create chain update" +perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -R +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if^C*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if^C*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//m' +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie "undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//" +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +git reset --hard HEAD +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n\n//' +git reset --hard HEAD +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +git reset --hard HEAD +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n\s*//' +git diff +git commit -am "api objects can no longer be instances of runtime objects" +grep "defaultEntity" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "defaultEntity" * -R +gl +grep "defaultEntity" * -R +cd src/ +grep "defaultRenderer" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "defaultRenderer" * -R +grep "GET_SCENE" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "GET_SCENE" * -R +grep "defaultRenderer" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "defaultRenderer" * -R +grep "setSize" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "setSize" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "renderer update" +git push +git push -u origin render_update +git checkout master +git merge render_update +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +exit +gl +git diff +3d +git branch +git diff render_update +git diff +git commit -am "move subscriptions up - start work with new renderer" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.API.*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" +grep "GameLib.API.*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create\(GameLib.Component.prototype\)" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype/" +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype" +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype" +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype/" +git diff +grep "GameLib.D3.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.D3.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype/" +git diff +exit +s +gl +gulp +exit +3d +git diff +git branch +git diff dots +git diff master +git checkout master +git diff +git commit -am "remove this stuff" +git checkout master +git merge dots +git merge render_update_v2 +git branch +gulp +gnome-screenshot -a +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Controls.CONTROLS" * -R +grep "GameLib.Controls.CONTROLS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Controls.CONTROLS/GameLib.API.Controls.CONTROLS/g" +r +gl +s +r +m +gl +cd src/ +grep "DELAYED_INSTANCE_ENCOUNTERED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "fixed render problem for now" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +s +p +gulp +hgl +hl +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "controls migration" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +gl +git pushg +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +cd +c +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "image update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git pull +git pull flyingspoon +git push flyingspoon +git pull +git pull flyingspoon +git pull flyingspoon master +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +p +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +api +cl +c +cd api +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "renderCamera" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "store last render mode - use this for edit mode for renderer" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "switch render mode on edit mode change" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git tag +git tag -l +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "render mode fix" +git tag -a "render mode stable" +git tag -a "v.r.1" +git tag +git push +git push --tags +gl +git diff +git commit -am "render mode stable" +git tag -a "v.r.1" -m "render mode stable" +git push +git push flyingspoon --tags +3d +git push flyingspoon --tags +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +git commit -am "render mode stable" +git tag -a "v.r.1" -m "render mode stable" +git push flyingspoon --tags +git push flyingspoon +git tag -l +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "render mode stable" +git tag -a "v.r.1" -m "render mode stable" +git push flyingspoon +git push flyingspoon --tags +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "FromObject deprecated" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +cd src/ +grep "parentEngine" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "parent particle engine" +git push flyingspoon +git push +p +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "remember to set the render mode to 'lastRenderMode'" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "remove errorcallbacks" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +3ds +ed +gl +vim package.json +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +ps -A +killall chrome +chrome +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "particles can fade in / out now - linking parentParticleEngines properly" +git push fl +git push flyingspoon +git push +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "scale offset and weight to dotmap" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +ssh spoon2 +exit +gedit +exit +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "todo for image replace" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +gulp +c +cd custom-code/ +git log +git diff 6028cb6a5c346617620742e5454166ec6e34a392 +3d +gulp +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "resize window on entity loaded" +git push +gl +cd src/ +grep "parentEngine" * -R +grep "opacityFactor" * -R +cat * | wc -l +grep "FromObject" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "scene render camera back" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "nice" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gl +git diff +git commit -am "text components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "update camera aspect ratios when renderer size updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "OPACITY_TYPE_DECREASE_LINEAR" * -R +grep "OPACITY_TYPE_DECREASE_LINEAR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/OPACITY_TYPE_DECREASE_LINEAR/OPACITY_TYPE_FADE_OUT_LINEAR/g" +grep "OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_LINEAR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_LINEAR/OPACITY_TYPE_FADE_IN_LINEAR/g" +grep "OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_DECREASE_LINEAR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_DECREASE_LINEAR/OPACITY_TYPE_FADE_IN_OUT_LINEAR/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.OPA" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.OPA" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.OPA/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.OPA/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.POS" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.DIR" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SCA" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SPE" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.POS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.POS/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.POS/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.DIR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.DIR/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.DIR/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SCA" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.SCA/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.SCA/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.SPE/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.SPE/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.ROT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.ROT/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.ROT/g" +gnome-calculator +sudo apt-get remove virtualbox +sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-dkms +gl +git diff +git commit -am "animation update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "on orientation change end?" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/ +grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +grep "window.innerWidth" * -R +cd .. +3d +grep "window.innerWidth" * -R +cd src/ +grep "window.innerWidth" * -R +p +cd src/ +grep "window.innerWidth" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "fix avail height" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fix screen avail width / height" +git pushj +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "fix screen avail width / height" +git push flyingspoon +git push +gl +git diff +git commit -am "strange - don't set px value for canvas width / height" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +p +gulp build +gulp +s +m +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fix" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +p +git diff +git commit -am "resize window on load" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "resize window on orientation change" +git push +git push flyingspoon +r +d +s +r +d +s +r +3d +gulp +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +gl +gulp +ifconfig +route +ping default +ping o2.box +ifconfig +exit +exit +s +m +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +scp uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/select2.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/drone.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "touch meta more info" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +cd src/ +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R +grep "PARENT_WORLD_CHANGE" * -R +grep "parentScene" * -R +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +ls +cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +ls +cp ~/Desktop/select.mp3 . +ls select.mp3 +o +p +git diff +git commit -am "black theme for + + +git commit -am "black theme for preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "parentCanvas update instance" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +ssh spoon2 +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +p +gulp +r +gl +gulp +exit +cd Downloads/ +cd .. +cd Documents/ +cat img_default.png +vim img_default.png +xxd -b img_default.png +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-available +ls +vim cybafelo.conf +gl +gulp +killall chrome +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fuck audio for microdummies" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +ps -A +killall chrome +gl +git diff +git commit -am "object urls for FUCKING WINDOZE" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +p +npm install +npm update three +s +tail -f /var/log/syslog +sudo service docker stop +tail -f /var/log/syslog +r +d +s +sudo service nginx restart +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +sudo service docker stop +m +s +3d +gulp +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "DOM_ELEMENT_CHANGE" * -R +grep "domElement" * -R +grep "clone\(" * -R +grep "clone(" * -R +cd .. +c +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +cd src/ +grep "clone(" * -R +cd .. +ls +grep "clone(" * -R +git diff +cd .. +gl +git diff +git commit -am "rudimentary uv editing capabilities - face select mode" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "face select mode" +git push +git push flyingspoon +s +m +exit +s +m +3d +gulp +hl +gl +gulp +p +gulp +cd Desktop/personal/po/ +ls +mv Untitled\ Folder/ .untitled +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "face select mode - cylinder updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "add to current scene if only one" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +[A +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +hostname +ifconfig +gl +git diff +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Light.LIGHT" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Light.LIGHT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Light.LIGHT/GameLib.D3.API.Light.LIGHT/g" +git diff +git commit -am "Lights updated" +s +gnome-screenshot +gnome-screenshot -t 5 +gnome-screenshot -t5 +gnome-screenshot -h +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +ccsm +exit +ps -A +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +eog +picasa +sudo apt-get install picasa +eog +exit +ccsm +gimp +gedit +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +gedit +gedit +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +exit +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +exit +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +g +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Camera.CAMERA" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Camera.CAMERA" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Camera.CAMERA/GameLib.D3.API.Camera.CAMERA/g" +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "Orthogonal" * -R +grep "Orthogonal" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Orthogonal/Orthographic/g" +grep "ORTHOGONAL" * -R +grep "ORTHOGONAL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ORTHOGONAL/ORTHOGRAPHIC/g" +grep "orthogonal" * -R +grep "orthogonal" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/orthogonal/orthographic/g" +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +gedit +s +gl +git diff +grep "GameLib.*Number" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.*Number" * -R +grep "new GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R +grep "new GameLib.D3.API.Camera" * -R +grep "new GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R +grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R +grep "new GameLib.D3.API.Camera" * -R +grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Light" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Light" * -R +git branch "cameras_lights_action" +git checkout cameras_lights_action +git commit -am "crazy render mode" +git push +git push -u flyingspoon cameras_lights_action +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_WINDOW_RESIZE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/CUSTOM_CODE_WINDOW_RESIZE/AFTER_WINDOW_RESIZE/g" +grep "fullscreen" * -R +grep "aspect\s*=" * -R +grep "widthheight" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "widthheight" * -R +grep "windowSize" * -R +3d +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +gnome-calculator +gl +gulp +s +m +st +m +gnome-calculator +xit +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*Image" * -R +gl +gul[ +gulp +gl +git diff +git commit -am "lights working - cameras working too - support for stereo camera" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git status +vim q +ls +3d +git diff +git commit -am "light updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git push +rm q +ls +ssh spoon2 +gnome-cal +gnome-calculator +s +m +3d +gulp +gnome-calculator +gnome-screenshot -a +gnome-screenshot --h +gnome-screenshot --help +gnome-screenshot -a -d5 +gnome-screenshot -a -d 5 +s +m +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "renderTarget" * -R +grep "target" * -R +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +grep "renderMode" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "renderMode" * -R +grep "lastRenderMode" * -R +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +3d +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +cd src/ +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +grep "renderMode" * -R +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +gl +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +cd src/ +grep "renderMode" * -R +grep "lastRenderMode" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "lastRenderMode" * -R +grep "imageChanged" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -R +grep "new.*Texture" * -R +grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R +3d +grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R +cd src/ +grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R +git diff +exitr +exit +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +3d +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.*Matrix" * -R +grep "GameLib.*Matrix4" * -R +grep "TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL" * -R +grep "TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL/TEXTURE_TYPE_IMAGE/g" +grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R +grep "*API.Texture\(" * -R +grep "*API.Texture(" * -R +grep ".*API.Texture(" * -R +grep ".*API.Texture" * -R +grep ".*API.Texture.call" * -R +grep "GameLib.Component.TEXTURE" * -R +grep "Material.MATE" * -R +grep "Material.MATE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Material.MATE/D3.API.Material.MATE/g" +grep "D3.Material.TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Material.TYPE/D3.API.Material.TYPE/g" +grep "D3.Material.LINE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Material.LINE/D3.API.Material.LINE/g" +grep "getTextures" * -R +grep "new.*API.Image" * -R +gl +gul +gulp +gedit +s +m +gl +cd src/ +grep "parentRenderer" * -R +grep "parentRenderer" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/parentRenderer/renderer_dep/g" +exit +s +m +gedit +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +gl +cd src/ +ls -l +ls -l | sed "s/.*/game-/game-" +ls -l | grep "s/.*/game-/game-" +ls -l | sed "s/.*game/game/" +s +m +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.RenderConfiguration/" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.API.RenderConfiguration/" +grep "GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.RenderConfiguration/" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.API.RenderConfiguration/" +grep "renderer_dep" * -R +grep "renderer_dep" * -Rl |xargs sed -i "s/renderer_dep/renderer/g" +git diff +git commit -am "render passes, effects, stereo cameras, light updates, materials revamp, render configruation" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3fd +3d +git diff +git commit -am "render passes, effects, stereo cameras, light updates, materials revamp, render configruation" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +cat * | wc -l +cd src/ +cat * | wc -l +sudo apt-get install pdfmod +pdfmod +ccsm +exit +cd /etc/ +sudo vim hostname +exit +s +m +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MULTIPLY_OPERATION" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MULTIPLY_OPERATION/GameLib.D3.API.Material.COMBINE_MULTIPLY_OPERATION/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MIX_OPERATION" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MIX_OPERATION/GameLib.D3.API.Material.COMBINE_MIX_OPERATION/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_ADD_OPERATION" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_ADD_OPERATION/GameLib.D3.API.Material.COMBINE_ADD_OPERATION/g" +p +gulp +gl +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "Edit Camera" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "Edit Camera" * -R +gl +git diff +git commit -am "re-introduce basic material" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +p +gulp +3d +gulp +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "getComponents" * -R +grep "getComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/getComponents/findComponentByConstructor/g" +grep "getFirstComponent" * -R +grep "addComponent" * -R +grep "removeComponent" * -R +grep "removeComponent\(" * -R +grep "removeComponent(" * -R +grep "addComponent" * -R +grep "hasComponent" * -R +grep "findEntities" * -R +grep "addObject" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "addObject" * -R +grep "meshes.push" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "meshes.push" * -R +grep "addObject" * -R +grep "meshes" * -R +gl +git diff +git commit -am "reaching stability for effects and passes" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/ +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGED" * -R +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R +grep "PARENT_SCENE_CHANGE" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "more nice names, spotlight targets" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +st +exit +ss +s +r +exit +gl +gulp +s +m +gl +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -R +grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/IMAGE_CHANGED/TEXTURE_UPDATED/g" +grep "TEXTURE_UPDATED" * -R +grep "TEXTURE_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXTURE_UPDATED/TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED/g" +git commit -am "start to fix cube camera" +grep "TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED" * -R +grep "TEXTURE_INSTANCE_UPDATED" * -R +grep "TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXURE_IMAGE_UPDATED/TEXURE_INSTANCE_UPDATED/g" +grep "TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED/TEXTURE_INSTANCE_UPDATED/g" +grep "getTextures" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "store and load cubemaps" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "exclude meshes from environment maps" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "instance.parentEnt" * -R +p +vim package.json +3d +vim package +vim package.json +p +npm update three +vim package.json +npm update +npm update three +vim package.json +npm update --save three +vim package.json +p +gulp +3d +gulp +gnome-calculator +gl +cd src/ +grep "API.Geometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* +grep "API.Geometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/API.Geometry/API.BufferGeometry/g" +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GEOMETRY_TYPE/BUFFER_GEOMETRY_TYPE/g" +grep "BUFFER_BUFFER" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/BUFFER_BUFFER/BUFFER/g" +exit +gl +cd st +cd src/ +grep "game-lib" * -R +grep "game-lib" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/game-lib/r2/" +grep "game-lib" * -R +grep "r2" * -R +grep "R2" * -R +grep "GameLib" * -R +grep "R2" * -R +grep "GameLib" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib/R2/g" +cd .. +grep "game-lib" * -R +grep "game-lib" * +cd src/ +grep "R2" * -R +grep "R2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/R2/GameLib/g" +git commit -am "all api geometries in" +grep "faceVertexUvs" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* +grep "faceVertexUvs" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* -lr | xargs sed -i "/apiGeometry.faceVertexUvs/s/.*//" +grep "isBuffer" * -R +grep "isBuffer\b" * -R +grep "isBuffer\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/isBuffer/isBufferGeometry/g" +grep "faceVertexUvs" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* +grep "isBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* +grep "isBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* | xargs sed -i "/isBufferGeometry/s/.*//" +grep "isBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* -lR | xargs sed -i "/isBufferGeometry/s/.*//" +grep "apiGeometry" * -R +grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* +grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry +grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* +grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/apiGeometry/apiBufferGeometry/g" +grep "geometryType" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* +grep "geometryType" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/geometryType/bufferGeometryType/g" +git commit -am "API geometry classes done" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "apiBufferGeometry.vertices," * -R +grep "apiBufferGeometry.vertices," * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry.vertices,/apiBufferGeometry.vertices,\n\t\tapiBufferGeometry.colors,/" +grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -R +grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry.colors,\n//" +grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -R +grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry.colors,\r\n//" +grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -R +git diff +git commit -am "bg's final" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +git status +git commit src/game-lib-a-2-utils.js src/game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-0.js src/game-lib-d3-api-face.js src/game-lib-d3-buffer-geometry-a.js src/game-lib-d3-geometry-a.js -m "instance for buffer g's" +git status +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git diff +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +p +gulp +ss +st +exit +sudo service docker stop +exit +ps -A +top +exit +killall csgo_linux64 +exit +man find +c +ls +cd +cd .local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike\ Global\ Offensive/ +ls +cd csgo/ +ls +cat autobuy.txt +find . -name "*.txt" +cd .. +find . -name "*.txt" +find . -name "*.txt" | xargs cat +find . -name "*.txt" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" -l +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" -lR +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" -l +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian|swedish" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian|swedish|hungarian" +man grep +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "(bulgarian|swedish|hungarian)" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" -v "german" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian||german" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian|german" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "(hungarian\|german)" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian|german" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "/hungarian|german/" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" -l +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" -lR +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -L +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -lR +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -l +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -R +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:.//" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:.//" | xargs cat +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:.//" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:././" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:././" | xargs cat +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:././" | xargs cat > data.txt +vim data.txt +mv data.txt ~/Desktop/ +PS -a +ps -A +which csgo_linux64 +ps --help +ps --help all +ps -A +ps -C csgo_linux64 +ps -A +ps --help +ps --help output +ps -A -F +1563dwd +d DwaawawdrD[1;7Cda awsd[1;3CADAZC +cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/ +ls +cd +cd .local/ +ls +cd share/ +ls +cd Steam/ +ls +cd steamapps/common/Counter-Strike\ Global\ Offensive/ +ls +tree . +sudo apt-get install tree +find . -name "*.png" +find . -name "*png" +find . -name "*jpg" +ls +cd platform/ +ls +cd materials/ +ls +cd engine/ +lg +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +tree . +ls +cd Counter-Strike\ Global\ Offensive/ +tree . +r +vim /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib/build/game-lib.js +r +exit +gnome-screenshot +gnome-screenshot -a +lspci | grep vga +lspci | grep +lspci +exit +sudo apt-get install shutter +shutter +exit +s +m +st +exit +r +vim /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib/build/game-lib.js +r +exit +gl +gulp +gulp build +gulp +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "REPLACE_COMPONENT" * -R +3d +npm remove --save three +npm install --save three +p +npm remove --save three +npm install --save three +exit +gl +cd src/ +git diff +git commit -am "just before introducing geometry base" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed -s "/.*game/game/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*game/game/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*game/mv game/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*(game.*)/mv $1/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game.*\)/mv $1/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game.*\)/mv \1/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game.*\)/mv \1 \1/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1bufferi-geometry-\2/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/\1buffer-geometry-\2/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/\1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/\1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs mv +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs basg +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs bash +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | bash +ls +grep "API.Geometry." game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* +grep "API.Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* +grep "API.Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* -lR | xargs sed -i "/create.*API.Geometry.prototype/s/API.Geometry.prototype/API.GeometryBase.prototype/" +grep "API.Geometry." game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* -l | xargs sed -i "s/API.Geometry\./API.Geometry.Normal./g" +grep "BufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* +grep "API.BufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* +grep "API.BufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/API.BufferGeometry/API.Geometry.Buffer/g" +grep "Geometry.Buffer.BUFFER" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* +grep "Geometry.Buffer.BUFFER" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/Geometry.Buffer.BUFFER/Geometry.BUFFER/g" +grep "Geometry.Normal.GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/Geometry.Normal.GEOMETRY/Geometry.GEOMETRY/g" +grep "GeometryBase" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GeometryBase/Geometry/g" +grep "BUFFER_GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* +grep "Geometry.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* +grep "Geometry.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "/Geometry.BUFFER_GEOMETRY/s/BUFFER_GEOMETRY_TYPE_\(\w*\)/GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_\1/" +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_NONE" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_NONE" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_NONE/GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER/" +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_" * +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/GEOMETRY_TYPE_/GEOMETRY_TYPE_NORMAL_/g" +grep "NORMAL_BUFFER" * -R +grep "NORMAL_BUFFER" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/NORMAL_BUFFER/BUFFER/g" +grep "NORMAL_NORMAL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/NORMAL_NORMAL/BUFFER/g" +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_NORMAL" * -R +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER\b" * -R +grep "Geometry " * -R +grep "'Geometry " * -R +grep "Component.GEOMETRY" * -R +grep "Component.GEOMETRY" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.GEOMETRY/Component.GEOMETRY_NORMAL/" +grep "Component.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" * -R +grep "Component.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.BUFFER_GEOMETRY/Component.GEOMETRY_BUFFER/" +grep "\.Geometry\." game-lib-a-component-a.js +grep "\.Geometry\." game-lib-a-component-a.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/\.Geometry\./.Geometry.Normal./" +grep "BufferGeometry" game-lib-a-component-a.js +grep "BufferGeometry" game-lib-a-component-a.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/BufferGeometry/Geometry.Buffer/" +git diff +git status +grep "apiBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* +grep "apiBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry/apiGeometry/g" +grep "bufferGeometryType" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* +grep "bufferGeometryType" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* -l |xargs sed -i "s/bufferGeometryType/geometryType/g" +grep "Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal-* +grep "Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/Geometry.prototype/Geometry.Normal.prototype/" +exit +s +n +m +exit +p +gulp +pavucontrol +gl +git diff +git commit -am "geometry done" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "remove old components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git checkout master +git pull +git merge cameras_lights_action +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "cleanup" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd . +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diee +git diff +git commit -am "fix" +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "fix image" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git stat +git status +rm image_* +ls +ssh spoon2 +3d +gulp +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pactl unload-module module-loopback +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +gl +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*API.Image" * -R +3d +grep "new.*API.Image" * -R +exit +gnome-calculator +gl +git diff +git commit -am "shader materials, shaders and instanced geometries" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +s +m +exut +exit +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +p +gnome-cal +gnome-calculator +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "updateFromRawObject" * -R +exit +gnome-calculator +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +glt +git diff +git commit -am "points material, raw shader, fixed aspect ratios for orthographic cams" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "filter components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git commit -am "respond to orientation and window resize" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exut +exit +e +3d +gulp +exit +p +gulp +e +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pavucontrol +grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * 0R +grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * -R +exit +gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz-1/plugins/grid/screen0/options/top_edge_action --type int 0 +sudo gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz-1/plugins/grid/screen0/options/top_edge_action --type int 0 +sudo gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz-1/plugins/grid/screen1/options/top_edge_action --type int 0 +gconf-editor +sudo apt-get install gconf-editor +exit +p +git commit -am "fuck" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +ccsm# +ccsm +exit +p +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git commit -am "test agaiin" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +git commit -am "dummy" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "dummy" +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "update instance color" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +p +git commit -am "test for chrome mobile or android" +git push flyingspoon +exit +shutter +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pavucontrol +shutter +exit +s +m +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +git diff +gulp +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pavucontrol +exit +3d +cd src/ +cd .. +npm remove --save codemirror +pactl unload-module module-loopback +exit +pavucontrol +exit +gnome-calculator +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "shader updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +m +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +ifconfig +gedit +gl +git diff +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git push flyingspoon +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +s +m +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +3d +git status +git diff +git commit -am "update codemirror, bacon.js" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/editor.js/ +ls +mv bacon-3.js ~/Desktop/bacon-3.zip +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.Subscribe( + GameLib.Event.GET_API_URL, + function(data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback) { + try { + clientCallback({apiUrl : this.getApiUrl(), passwoid : '"kent sent me" motherfucker!'}); + } catch (error) { + clientErrorCallback(error); + } + }.bind(this) +grep "GET_API_URL" * -R +eit +git diff +git commit -am "fix missing fog" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +g +gl +git diff +git commit -am "animation system update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git status +git add 3rd-party/codemirror-5.34.0/ +git commit -am "restart update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +gl +git diff +git commit -am "remove some warnings and todos" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git log +git diff +git commit -am "keyboard fix for edge" +git push flyingspoon +git push +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "addMaterial" * -R +grep "attachAnimation" * -R +grep "ANIMATION_MESH_REMOVED" * -R +grep "ANIMATION_MESH_ADDED" * -R +grep "ANIMATION_MESH_REMOVED" * -R +grep "attachAnimation" * -R +grep "dettachAnimation" * -R +grep "detachAnimation" * -R +ssh spoon2 +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pactl unload-module module-loopback +gl +git log +exit +shutter +p +gulp +exit +gl +s +gl +cd src/ +grep "_\." * -R +grep "q\." * -R +grep "Q\." * -R +grep "lodash" * -R +gl +gulp +exit +hl +gl +cd build +vim game-lib.js +p +sudo npm install -g light-server +ls +cd +cd Desktop/ +ls +cd bacon3/ +ls +light-server -s . +exit +mongo +exit +gl +gulp +p +git diff +git commit -am "client heighT" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +git commit -am "orientationchange" +p +git commit -am "orientationchange" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "resize after two seconds" +git push +git commit -am "resize after two seconds" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "resize after one second" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "500 ms" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "immediate and delayed resize" +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "try nice" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "unsure about commit" +exit +sudo poweroff +ifconfig +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*Mouse" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "canvas size updates, mouse and raycaster to API" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git log +git diff +git log +git commit -am "multiple resize" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "auto update size for canvas - cleanup" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +p +git diff +git commit -am "auto focus canvas for preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +e +3d +git diff +git commit -am "auto focus canvas" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +p +gulp +exit +shutter +gnome-calculator +cd config/ +ls +cd / +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" | grep -v "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" &2 > 1 | grep -v "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" 2 > &1 | grep -v "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" &2>1 | grep -v "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" &2>1 | grep -V "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" 2>&1 | grep -V "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu*png" 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied" +cd /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ +ls +rmsudo rm ubuntu-logo.png +sudo rm ubuntu-logo.png +sudo rm ubuntu-logo16.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo16.png +ls +exit +cd /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ +ls +rm progress-dot-on.png +sudo rm progress-dot-on.png +ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on.png +sudo rm progress-dot-on16.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on1.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on16.png +sudo rm progress-dot-on1.png +ls +exit diff --git a/nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf b/nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf index d511027..e82672f 100644 --- a/nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf +++ b/nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ server { } add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true; + add_header 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