From 41fd65963736732018650697852418b56ef59e90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Theunis J. Botha" Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2017 09:52:38 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] bash stuff --- .gitignore | 1 + bash_aliases | 18 + bash_history | 19873 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ bashrc | 115 + progress_dot_on.png | Bin 0 -> 245 bytes progress_dot_on16.png | Bin 0 -> 168 bytes ubuntu_logo.png | Bin 0 -> 3342 bytes ubuntu_logo16.png | Bin 0 -> 711 bytes vimrc.local | 39 + 9 files changed, 20046 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 bash_aliases create mode 100644 bash_history create mode 100644 bashrc create mode 100644 progress_dot_on.png create mode 100644 progress_dot_on16.png create mode 100644 ubuntu_logo.png create mode 100644 ubuntu_logo16.png create mode 100644 vimrc.local diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c3629e --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +node_modules diff --git a/bash_aliases b/bash_aliases new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ccb7b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/bash_aliases @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +alias c='cd /usr/share/gamewheel' +alias s='cd /usr/share/gamewheel && ./start' +alias d='cd /usr/share/gamewheel && ./delete' +alias r='cd /usr/share/gamewheel && ./restart' +alias st='cd /usr/share/gamewheel && ./stop' +alias g='cd /usr/share/gamewheel' +alias 3d='cd /usr/share/gamewheel/3d-editor' +alias gl='cd /usr/share/gamewheel/game-lib' +alias 3d2='cd /usr/share/gamewheel/3d-editor-v2' +alias gl2='cd /usr/share/gamewheel/game-lib-v2' +alias 3d3='cd /usr/share/gamewheel/3d-editor-v3' +alias gl3='cd /usr/share/gamewheel/game-lib-v3' +alias ps='cd /usr/share/gamewheel && ./start_pong' +alias e1='cd /usr/share/gamewheel && ./start_editor_v1' +alias e2='cd /usr/share/gamewheel && ./start_editor_v2' +alias e3='cd /usr/share/gamewheel && ./start_editor_v3' +alias l='cd /usr/share/gamewheel && ./logs' +alias m='pm2 monit' diff --git a/bash_history b/bash_history new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f58b295 --- /dev/null +++ b/bash_history @@ -0,0 +1,19873 @@ +grep "Imageupload\/uploadJson" * -R +git diff +git checkout tj/DPC-1311 +git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - front-end updates for image upload" +git push +git checkout master +git merge tj/DPC-1311 +vim debian/changelog +head debian/changelog +git commit -am "plista-www (4.51.8)" +git push +git diff +grep "getResized" * -R +grep "imagelibrary.getResized" * -R +git diff +git branch tj/DPC-1311 +git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - image library updates for resize to include tenant part" +git reset --soft HEAD +git reset --soft HEAD^1 +git diff +git status +git pull +git status +git checkout tj/DPC-1311 +git diff +git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - image library updates for resize to include tenant part" +git push +git diff master +git checkout master +git pull +git merge tj/DPC-1311 +vim debian/changelog +git diff +vim debian/changelog +head debian/changelog +git commit -am "plista-www (4.51.9)" +git push +exit +vim /etc/hosts +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/ +git checkout next +git pull +cd db/authorization/ +./generate_acls.sql.php +vim ~/.my.cnf +mysql +exit +vim .my.cnf +mysql +vim .my.cnf +mysqldump tenants > tenants.sql; +mysqldump db_youfilter tenants > tenants.sql; +mysqldump --lock-tables=false db_youfilter tenants > tenants.sql; +mysql +sudo service redis-server restart +vim .my.cnf +cd /usr/share/plista/www +git diff +git checkout tj/DPC-1311 +git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - css and js files also need tenant info" +git push +git checkout master +git merge tj/DPC-1311 +head debian/changelog +vim debian/changelog +head debian/changelog +git commit -am "plista-www (4.51.10)" +git push +cd .. +cd lib-cake2-plugins/ +git diff +git branch +git checkout tj/DPC-1311 +git diff +git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - minify needs tenant info" +git push +git checkout master +git merge tj/DPC-1311 +vim debian/changelog +head debian/changelog +git commit -am "lib-cake2-plugins (1.51.3)" +git push +cd .. +cd lib-cake2-extensions/ +git diff +git branch +git checkout tj/DPC-1311 +git diff +git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - minify also now accessible from satellites" +git push +git checkout master +git merge tj/DPC-1311 +head debian/changelog +vim debian/changelog +head debian/changelog +git commit -am "lib-cake2-extensions (1.49.3)" +git push +exit +ssh -L 9005: +ssh -R 9010: +cd /usr/share/plista/ +cd www +git diff +git checkout tj/DPC-1311 +git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - upload url changes to include tenant info" +git push +git checkout master +git merge tj/DPC-1311 +vim debian/changelog +git checkout tj/DPC-1311 +git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - ignore de tenant" +git push +git checkout master +git merge tj/DPC-1311 +vim debian/changelog +head debian/changelog +git commit -am "plista-www (4.51.7)" +git push +hk5 +sudo poweroff +cd /usr/share/plista/www +grep "platformLoginUrl" * -R +cd .. +cd lib-cake2-extensions/ +grep "platformLoginUrl" * -R +cd .. +cd lib-platform-core/ +git pull +cd db/authorization/ +ls +./generate_acls.sql.php +vim ~/.my.cnf +mysql +sudo service redis-server restart +cd .. +cd . +cd .. +cd www-admin/ +git diff +git checkout next +git pull +git branch tj/DEVWWW-456 +git branch tj/DEVWWW-4569 +git branch -D tj/DEVWWW-456 +git checkout tj/DEVWWW-4569 +git commit -am "DEVWWW-4569 - www admin tenant aware" +git push +git push -u origin tj/DEVWWW-4569 +cd .. +cd lib-cake2-extensions/ +git checkout next +exit +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/ +./branches +./checkout_all tj/DPC-1311 +./branches +cd www +git log +cd +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +exit +cd www +cd /usr/share/plista/ +ls +cd www-admin/ +git checkout tj/DEVWWW-4569 +git checkout tj/DPC-1311 +git checkout tj/DEVWWW-4569 +git merge tj/DPC-1311 +cd ... +cd .. +cd lib-cake2-extensions/ +git diff +git merge next +git checkout tj/DEVWWW-4569 +git diff +git branch tj/DEVWWW-4569 +git commit -am "DEVWWW-4569 - www admin tenant aware" +git push +cd .. +cd lib-cake2-plugins/ +git diff +git commit -am "DEVWWW-4569 - navigation visible for all, logout includes tenant info" +git push +hk5 +exit +sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng +sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 +sudo airmon-ng +sudo airodump-ng -a mon0 +sudo airmon-ng stop mon0 +sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces +man networks +sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces +sudo service network-manager restart +sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 +sudo airodump-ng mon0 +sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf +exit +gedit +sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf +sudo service network-manager restart +ifconfig +ping +ping +ping +ping +ping +route +ping frei.funk +ifconfig +sudo service network-manager restart +tail -f /var/log/syslog +sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf +sudo service network-manager restart +sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 +sudo airodump-ng mon0 +sudo airodump-ng --bssid C0:25:06:C6:B4:2C mon0 +sudo airodump-ng --bssid C0:25:06:C6:B4:2C -c 1 mon0 +sudo airodump-ng mon0 +sudo airmon-ng stop mon1 +sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf +sudo service network-manager restart +exit +vncviewer +sudo vncviewer +cd Downloads/ +ls +tar -xf VNC-5.3.0-Linux-x86-ANY.tar.gz +cd VNC-5.3.0-Linux-x86/ +ls +./vncviewer +ls -l +./vncinstall +sudo ./vncviewer +sudo ./vncinstall +vncviewer +ls +vim README +man vncviewer +vncviewer +cd /usr/bin/ +ls +ls | grep vnc +cd - +ls +./vncviewer +vim vncviewer +Xvnc +./Xvnc +java ./vncviewer +ls -l | grep dev +ls -l | grep deb +ls +vim vncinstall +cd .. +la +tar -xf VNC-5.3.0-Linux-x86-DEB.tar.gz +ls +sudo dpkg -i VNC-Viewer-5.3.0-Linux-x86.deb +sudo apt-get install libc6 +ls +tar -xf VNC-5.3.0-Linux-x64-DEB.tar.gz +ls +dpkg -i VNC-Viewer-5.3.0-Linux-x64.deb +sudo dpkg -i VNC-Viewer-5.3.0-Linux-x64.deb +realvnc-vnc-viewer +exit +cd config/ +ls +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +cd Desktop/ +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git commit -am "ruckus" +git push +exit +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo killall wpa_supplicant +sudo ifconfig wlan0:0 up +sudo ifconfig wlan0up +sudo ifconfig wlan0 up +ifconfig +sudo killall wpa_supplicant +sudo ifconfig wlan0:1 up +sudo ifconfig --help +sudo ifconfig wlan0 +sudo ifconfig wlan0:1 +sudo ifconfig wlan0:2 +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +ifup -a +sudo ifup -a +sudo ifdown -a +sudo ifup -a +sudo ifdown -a +ifconfig +sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c config/cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd +sudo ifup -a +sudo ifdown wlan0 +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo ifconfig wlan0 up +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo ifconfig +sudo ifconfig wlan0 up +sudo ifconfig +route +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo route add -net gw +route +ping +ping +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo ifconfig +cat config/wlan_up +sudo killall wpa_supplicant +sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd +sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./config/cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd +sudo ifconfig wlan0 up +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo killall wpa_supplicant +sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./config/cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd +sudo killall wpa_supplicant +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./config/cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd +dhclient wlan0 +sudo dhclient wlan0 +ifconfig +route +ping +cat /etc/resolv.conf +ping +ping +ping +ping +ping +route +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo killall wpa_supplicant +sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./config/cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd +sudo dhclient wlan0 +ifconfi +ifconfig +route +ping +ping +ping +ping +ifconfig +route +ping +cat /etc/resolv.conf +route del +sudo route del -net +route +sudo route add -net gw +route +ping +ifconf +ifconfig +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo su +exit +sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp -i eth0 -d --dport 514 -j ACCEPT +sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -i eth0 -d --dport 514 -j ACCEPT +exjt +exit +cd /var/log/ +ls | grep syslog +cat syslog +exit +ls +find . -name "syslog.conf" +vim /etc/ +cd /etc/ +ls +ls | grep sys +vim rsyslog.conf +sudo vim rsyslog.conf +sudo service rsyslog restart +sudo vim rsyslog.conf +sudo service rsyslog restart +ifconfig +exit +sudo su +cd /etc/ +ls +vim rsyslog.d/50-default.conf +ls +cd /var/ +ls +cd lo +cd log +ls +netstat -A +netstat -a +netstat -ap +netstat -ap | grep rsys +sudo netstat -ap | grep rsys +tail -f /var/log/syslog +exit +ifconfig +ping 192.168.1 +ping +ping 192.168.12 +ping +ifconfig +exit +sudo su +tcpdump +tcpdump eth0 +tcpdump --help +tcpdump -i eth0 +sudpo tcpdump -i eth0 +sudo tcpdump -i eth0 +tcpdump --help +tcpdump -i eth0 -T udp +man tcpdump +exit +ssh +exit +sudo su +exit +tail -f /var/log/syslog +exit +ifconfig +ping +ifconfig +route print +route +ping +ping +ping +ping +ping +ping +ifconfig +ping +ip --help + +ip --help +ping +ping +ifconfg +ifconfig +tail -f /var/log/syslog +exit +route +ifconfig +route print +route +exit +ping +ping +ping +ping +cat /etc/resolv.conf +sudo ifconfig wlan0 inet add +sudo ifconfig wlan0 inet add address netmask +sudo ifconfig wlan0 inet add netmask +ifconfig +ip addr add dev wlan0 +sudo ip addr add dev wlan0 +ifconfig +ping +ping +ifconfig +ping +sudo ip address del +sudo ip address del dev wlan0 +sudo ip address help +sudo ip address add help +sudo ip address add gw dev wlan9 +sudo ip address add gateway dev wlan0 +sudo ip address add dev wlan0 +ifconfig +route +ping +ping +sudo ip address del dev wlan0 +sudo ip address del dev wlan0 +sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf +sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces +sudo service network-manager restart +cd config/ +ls +vim wlan_up +sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces +vim wlan_up +chmod +x wlan_up +ls -l +cat wlan_up +vim cybafelo-wpa.conf +./wlan_up +vim cybafelo-wpa.conf +./wlan_up +vim cybafelo-wpa.conf +./wlan_up +vim cybafelo-wpa.conf +./wlan_up +ping +ping +ping +vim wlan_up +./wlan_up +ping +ifconfig +sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces +sudo vim wlan_up +./wlan_up +ifconf +ifconfig +ping +ifconfig wlan0:1 +ping +sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces +vim wlan_up +./wlan_up +vim wlan_up +sudo vim wlan_up +vim wlan_up +sudo vim wlan_up +sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces +sudo ifconfig wlan0 down +sudo killall wpa_supplicant +sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces +sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf +sudo service network-manager restart +sudo service freeradius stop +which freeradius +sudo freeradius -X +exit +tail -f /var/log/freeradius/*.log +sudo tail -f /var/log/freeradius/*.log +sudo su +exit +cd config/ +./wlan_up +route +sudo ip route change default via dev wlan0 +ifconfig +route +sudo route hepl +sudo route add help +sudo route add net +sudo route add net 19gateway +sudo route add ne-net 19gateway +sudo route add -net 19gateway +sudo route add -net gw +sudo route add -net gw +route +ping +vim /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base +sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces +ls +exit +radclient +echo "User-Name = tj" | radclient testing123 +echo "User-Name = tj" | radclient auth testing123 +mysql +echo "User-Name = sqltest, User-Password = testpwd" | radclient auth testing123 +exit +tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 1812 +sudo tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 1812 +ping +route +route del -net +sudo route del -net +sudo route add -net gw +ping +sudo route del -net +ifconfig +sudo route add -net gw +ping +cd /usr/share/plista/ +ls +cd wegyle/ +ls +vim post.php +git pull +git add post.php +git push +git commit -am "post for captive portal" +git push +ssh +l +ls +vim test.php +git mv post.php web/ +git commit -am "in web folder" +git push +git pull +git remote -v +ssh +cd /usr/share/plista/ +cd api-server/ +grep "setCollecionType" * -R +grep "collectionType\s*=" * -R +cd .. +grep "collectionType\s*=" * -R +grep "setCollectionType\s*=" * -R +grep "setCollectionType" * -R +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/crm/ +cd app/Vendor/ +cd .. +git checkout next +git pull +cd app/Vendor/ +cd .. +./checkout_all next +./update_all +cd crm/ +cd app/Vendor/ +ls +git status +git push +git add phpunit.phar +git add phpunit.phar.4.8.16 +git commit -am "phpunit 4.8.16" +git push +cd .. +cd lib-platform-core/ +git diff +git commit -am "pets upload" +git push +git pull +git push +cd db/authorization/ +ls +./generate_acls.sql.php +mysql +mongo +git diff +cd .. +git diff +git commit -am "no default to cms file" +git push +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd api-server/ +git diff +git commit -am "pets files can be uploaded" +git push +cd .. +exit +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +exit +p324 +p32 +p324 +exit +cd /home/tj/.CLion12/system/cmake/generated/e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug +ls +sudo make install +exit +p324 +cd /usr/share/plista/ +ls -l +sudo apt-get install bittorent +sudo apt-get install bittorrent +bittorrent +cd +cd Downloads/ +sudo dpkg -i frostwire-6.2.2.all.deb +cd /usr/share/plista/ +ls +git remote -v +cd ~/dark-matter/ +ls +cd src/ +ls +mkdir www +ls +cd www +ls +cp /usr/share/plista/ . -R +ls -l +rm +rm -R +sudo rm -R +ls +cp /usr/share/plista/* . -R +ls -l +cd .. +ls +git add www +git status +git checkout unstable +git commit -am "test introductions" +git push +git checkout unstable +ls +cd www +ls +git checkout master +ls +cd .. +ls +rm -rf www +git commit -am "oops" +git push +git merge unstable +git mergetool +git commit -am "breaking master" +git push +git checkout unstable +ls +find . -name "*.orig" +find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm +ls +git diff +git merge master +git commit -am "ld flag" +git merge master +git push +git checkout master +git merge unstable +git push +ls +cd /usr/share/plista/ +./update_all +ssh +exit +ssh +exit +ssh +exit +ssh +ssh +exit +ssh +cd /home/tj/.CLion12/system/cmake/generated/e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug +ls +./dark-matter-editor +# +./dark-matter-editor +ls +make dark-matter-editor +./dark-matter-editor +make dark-matter-editor +./dark-matter-editor +make dark-matter-editor +./dark-matter-editor +make dark-matter-editor +./dark-matter-editor +make dark-matter-editor +./dark-matter-editor +cd +cd dark-matter/ +git diff +git checkout unstable +git commit -am "stage placement - new stage viewport" +git push +git checkout master +git merge unstable +git push +exit +exit +ls +find . -name "dark-matter-editor" +cd ./.CLion12/system/cmake/generated/e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug/ +ls +./dark-matter-editor +exit +find . -name "dark-matter-editor" +cd ./.CLion12/system/cmake/generated/e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug/ +./dark-matter-editor +sudo poweroff +cd /etc/nginx/ +vim /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini +exit +cd dark-matter/ +git diff +git checkout unstable +git commit -am "single viewport for stage edit mode" +git push +git checkout master +git merge unstable +git push +killall dark-matter-editor +git checkout unstable +git commit -am "small cleanup" +git push +git checkout master +git merge unstable +git push +exit +cd Downloads/clion-145.184.4/ +cd bin/ +ls +./ +exit +gedit +exit +ssh +ssh +exit +exit +exit +scp yak.* +scp yak.png +exit +ssh +exit +mongo +sudo ldconfig +mongo +exit +git clone +cd mongo-c-driver/ +ls +./ +./configure +make +sudo make install +cd .. +git clone -b master +cd mongo-cxx-driver/ +cd build/ +cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .. +sudo apt-get install cmake +sudo apt-get remove frostwire +sudo apt-get remove cmake +cd +cd Downloads/ +tar -xf cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz +cd cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/ +ls +cd doc/ +ls +cd cmake/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./cmake +./cmake --help +cd .. +ls +ls | grep "\.sh" +chmod +x +ls -l +./ +cmake +ls -l +cd cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls +ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake +sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake +sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/ccmake +sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake-gui +sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/cpack +sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/ctest +cmake +cd +cd Downloads/ +ls +cd .. +cd mongo-cxx-driver/ +cd build/ +ls +cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .. +make +sudo make +sudo make install +sudo make uninstall +sudo make distclean +vim Makefile +cd /usr/local/include/mongocxx/ +ls +cd v_noabi/ +ls +cd mongocxx/ +ls +mv * ../../ +sudo mv * ../../ +ls +cd .. +ls +rmdir v_noabi/ +cd v_noabi/ +rmdir mongocxx/ +sudo rmdir mongocxx/ +cd .. +sudo rmdir v_noabi/ +ls +cd .. +cd bsoncxx/ +ls +cd v_noabi/ +ls +cd bsoncxx/ +ls +sudo mv * ../../ +ls +cd . +cd .. +sudo rmdir bsoncxx/ +cd .. +sudo rmdir v_noabi/ +ls +exit +cd /etc/ +cd /var/ +grep "clion-" * -R +cd .. +cd +cd .. +cd tj +grep "clion-" * -R +grep "clion\-" * -R +cd max +ls +cd max +cd max2 +ls +cd .. +rm -rf max +sudo rm -rf max +ls +grep "clion\-" * -R +grep "clion-" * -R +cd /etc/ +grep "clion-" * -R +cd // +cd / +cd var/ +ls +grep "clion-" * -R +cd .. +ls +cd usr/ +grep "clion-" * -R +grep "clion.1." * -R +cd .. +cd +cd dark-matter/ +git diff +git checkout unstable +git commit -am "added mongo c++ driver" +git push +git checkout masster +git checkout master +git merge unstable +it push +git push +ls +git commit -am "reduced logging" +git push +git checkout unstable +git merge master +git push +exit +cd Downloads/ +ls +cd clion-145.184.4/ +ls +cd bin/ +./ +exit +cd dark-matter/ +git branch mongoresource +git checkout mongoresource +git commit -am "mongo resource start" +git push +git status +git add src/storyline/ +git push +git status +cd src/storyline/ +rm chapter\ 1~ +rm chapter\ 2~ +ls +cd .. +git commit -am "storyline" +git push +exit +ping +ssh +exit +tail -f /var/log/syslog +exit +cd Downloads/ +ls +unzip +sudo dd bs=1M if=2016-02-26-raspbian-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/sdb +exit +cd dark-matter/ +git commit -am "mongoresource compiling" +git push +git checkout unstable +git merge mongoresource +git push +delete mongoresource +git diff +git commit -am "starting to save stages" +git push +killall java +ls +ps -A grep java +ps -A |#grep java +ps -A |grep java +kill -9 3471 +git branch broken +git checkout broken +git commit -am "refactor class imports" +git push +git push -u origin broken +git pull +git checkout unstable +git pull +git checkout broken +git pull +git push -u origin broken +git remote -v +git status +git pull +git branch -l +git push +git push -u origin broken +git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/broken +git push +git pull +git mergetool +exit +gedit list-editor +exity +exit +vim +sudo poweroff +ssh +exit +ping +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/db/authorization/ +ls +cat /tmp/acls.sql +./generate_acls.sql.php +cat /tmp/acls.sql +ssh +exit +ssh +ssh +ssh +exit +ssh +exit +cd config/ +ls +cd Desktop/ +git diff +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git push +git commit -am "yourkiez" +git push +cd +cd dark-matter/ +ls +git reset --hard HEAD +ls +git checkout unstable +git checkout broken +git log +git checkout unstable +git branch unstable-broken +git checkout unstable-broken +git cherry-pick 0c3b224abea49bc4d4a8c6f284529a60b552ca04 +git log +ls +delete broken +git branch -D broken +cd src/ +grep ".*ErrorCodes" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "fixed - adding entities to stages now" +git push +git checkout unstable +git merge unstable-broken +git push +exit +vim /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Interfaces/ +vim /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Interfaces +vim /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Interfaces/ +vim /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Interfaces +cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Interfaces +vim . +ls -l +gnome-screenshot +gnome-screenshot --help +gnome-screenshot -a +cd .. +grep "findOne" * -R +cd .. +cd api-server/ +grep "findOne" * -R +cd .. +cd lib-cake2-plugins/ +grep "findOne" * -R +cd .. +cd plista/ +cd www +grep "findOne" * -R +cd .. +ls +cd lib-platform-core/db/authorization/ +ls +cd .. +cd www +grep "findOne" * -R +cd .. +ls +exit +cd dark-matter/ +cd src/ +grep "applyTransformations" * -R +grep "applyOrientation" * -R +grep "applyTransformations" * -R +grep "setModelViewMatrix" * -R +dmesg +cd +mkdir t +mount /dev/sdb1 t +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 t +sudo mount /dev/sdb0 t +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 t +tail -v /var/log/syslog +tail -f /var/log/syslog +sudo mount /dev/sdb1 t +sudo mount t /dev/sdb1 +sudo mount /dev/sdb t +cd t +ls +cd nu-mixtape-flatliner-instrumentals/ +ls +play +sudo apt-get install sox +play ./* +sudo apt-get install lame +play ./* +play ./*.wav +sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 +sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-oss +sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-pulse +play ./* +ls +mv *.asd ~/ +sudo mv *.asd ~/ +play ./* +exit +cd dark-matter/src/ +s +ls +cd ~/t +ls +cd JH5/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd twi4u/ +ls +cd .. +ls +tree . +cd - +ls +cd ~/dark-matter/src/ +ls +git branch "getting rid of gldrawables" +git branch broken +git checkout broken +git commit -am "getting rid of gldrawables" +git push +git push -u origin broken +exit +mongo +cd dark-matter/ +git commit -am "compiling again" +git psh +git push +exit +ssh pi@ +exit +man cmake +cmake --help +cd dark-matter/ +git diff +git commit -am "monitor continue" +git push +exit +ssh pi@ +cd dark-matter/ +git diff +git commit -am "monitor" +git push +exit +cd dark-matter/ +git checkout unstable +cd dark-matter/ +git diff +git checkout broken +git reset --hard HEAD +git checkout broken +git diff +git commit -am "window creation" +git push +git commit -am "window catch error" +git push +ssh +exiyt +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/ +clone +git clone +cd yourkiez/ +ls +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled +ls +cd .. +cd sites-available +ls +sudo cp www.conf yourkiez.conf +sudo vim yourkiez.conf +cd .. +cd sites-enabled +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/yourkiez.conf +ls -l +sudo service nginx restart +cd .. +sudo vim hosts +cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ +ls +cd src/ +ls +cd .. +cd webroot/ +ls +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/yourkiez.conf +sudo service nginx restart +mysql +cd .. +mysql +cd +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ +ls +cd config/ +ls +cp app.default.php app.php +vim app.php +ls +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +cd +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +exit +ssh +cd /etc/ +exit +gedit +exit +ssh +ssh -vvv +ssh +exit +ssh +ssh +vim .ssh/known_hosts +ssh +ssh +ssh +cat .ssh/ +ssh +ssh +exit +ssh +sudo service php5-fpm restart +sudo service nginx restart +sudo service php5-fpm restart +cd /usr/share/plista/ +cd yourkiez/ +git diff +git commit -am "frontend" +git push +exit +ssh +ssh +exit +ssh +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ +vim migrate.sql +mysql +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ +git diff +git commit -am "got rid of locations" +git push +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ +vim migrate.sql +git commit -am "color for migration script" +git push +mysql +exit +php -i | grep "encoding" -i +cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ +git diff +git commit -am "like working" +git push +git commit -am "dislike working too" +git push +exi +exit +mysql +cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ +git diff +git branch fronted +git checkout fronted +git push -u origin fronted +git checkout master +ls -l +./bin/cake bake all comments +git diff +git checkout fronted -- src/Controller/CommentsController.php +git diff +git checkout fronted -- src/Model/Table/CommentsTable.php +git diff +vim migrate.sql +mysql +./bin/cake bake all comments +./bin/cake bake all ages +./bin/cake bake all categories +./bin/cake bake all images +./bin/cake bake all ratings +./bin/cake bake all sexes +git diff +git checkout fronted /src/Controller/CommentsController.php +git checkout fronted -- src/Controller/CommentsController.php +git diff +vim migrate.sql +mysql +vim migrate.sql +mysql +./bin/cake bake all comments +git diff +git checkout fronted -- src/Controller/CommentsController.php +git diff +git checkout fronted -- src/Template/Comments/edit.ctp +git diff +git checkout fronted -- src/Template/Comments/index.ctp +git diff +git commit -am "updated comment migrations" +git push +git pull +vim migrate.sql +git push +git pull +git push +git log +ssh +vim ~/.ssh/known_hosts +ssh +git diff +git commit -am "only return moderated comments" +git push +vim migrate.sql +mysql +./bin/cake bake all ratings +git commit -am "updated ratings with color" +git push +ssh +exit +ssh +exit +ssh +exit +ssh +exit +cd /etc/freeradius/ +ls +ls -l +sudo ls +sudo su +exit +cd dark-matter/ +git diff +git commit -am "application refactoring" +git push +cd /usr/share/doc/ +grep "CREATE" * -R +cd /etc/freeradius/ +sudo su +exit +sudo vim /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini +cd /usr/share/plista/ +./checkout_all next +./update_all +cd +cd t +ls +cd .. +mount /dev/sdb t +sudo mount /dev/sdb t +ls +cd t +ls +play Flatliner\ \&\ Fiaspec\ -\ 205.mp3 +cd .. +sudo umount t +exit +cd glew-1.10.0/ +ls +sudo make uninstall +cd .. +git clone +cd glew +make +ls +make +cd build/ +ls +cd cmake/ +ls +cmake +cmake ../../src/ +cmake ../../ +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +vim +./ +cd out/build/glew/ +ls +make +cd . +make al +make all +cd .. +ls +cd . +ks +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd build/cmake/ +ls +vim CMakeLists.txt +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +./ +vim +ls +cd out/ +ls +cd build/ +ls +cd glew/ +ls +exit +mysql +cd /usr/share/plista/ +cd yourkiez/ +git diff +git commit -am "additional edit fields" +git push +exit +ssh +cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ +clear; +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "less info in comment list" +git diff +git commit -am "no id columns" +git push +ssh +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/ +ls +cd yourkiez/ +git diff +git commit -am "dislike" +git push +mysql +vim migrate.sql +mysql +vim migrate.sql +mysql +git diff +./bin/cake bake all comments +git diff +git diff | sed -s "/^-//" +git diff | sed "s/^-//" +git diff +cd +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ +git diff +git commit -am "headline and location fields" +git push +ssh +uit +git diff +ssh +exit +vim .my.cnf +mysqldump yourkiez categories > categories.sql +cat categories.sql +scp categories.sql; +exit +ssh +exit +ssh +exit +cd glew +ls +./ +vim /etc/default/locale +sudo vim /etc/default/locale +exit +cd gl +cd glew +./ +git pull +git banch +git branch +git branches +cd .. +wget +mv download glew-1.13.0.tgz +tar -xf glew-1.13.0.tgz +cd glew-1.13.0/ +ls +make +sudo make install +sudo ldconfig +ls +cd doc/ +ls +vim glew.txt +google-chrome index.html +sudo ldconfig +cd /usr/local/lib/ +ls +cd /usr/lib64/ +ls +pkgconfig/ +pkgconfig +pkg-config +pkg-config glew +pkg-config --help +pkg-config --libs glew +pkg-config --list-all +pkg-config --list-all | grep glew +pkg-config --list-all | grep GL +echo ${PKG_CONFIG_PATH} +env PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib64/pkgconfig +pkg-config --list-all | grep GL +pkg-config --list-all | grep glew +pkg-config +pkg-config --help +cd +cd glew-1.13.0/ +ls +make uninstall +sudo make uninstall +cd .. +cd glew-1.10.0/ +make install +sudo make install +sudo ldconfig +sudo make uninstall +cd .. +cd glew-1.13.0/ +sudo make install +sudo ldconfig +cd /usr/lib64/ +ls -l +cd pkgconfig/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd ~/glew-1.13.0/ +sudo make uninstall +cd .. +cd glew-1.10.0/ +sudo make install +cd /usr/lib64/ +ls +ls -l +sudo ldconfig +cd pkgconfig/ +ls +cat glew.pc +sudo ldconfig +cd /home/tj/.CLion15/system/cmake/generated/dark-matter-e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug/dark-matter-monitor +ls +cd /home/tj/.CLion15/system/cmake/generated/dark-matter-e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug/ +ls +grep libGLEW * -R +cd /usr/lib64/ +ls +cat +cd ~ +cd glew-1.10.0/ +sudo make uninstall +cd .. +cd glew-1.13.0/ +sudo make install +sudo ldconfig +cd - +cd /usr/lib64/ +ls +cat +ls +exit +cd glew-1.13.0/ +sudo make uninstall +cd .. +cd glew-1.10.0/ +sudo make install +sudo ldconfig +cd .. +cd dark-matter/ +git diff +git commit -am "application refactoring - getting rid of glfwwindow" +git push +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/api-server/classes/Plista/ApiServer/MailerApi/ +ls +git log | grep -n 5 "Theun +git log | grep -n 5 "Theu" +git log | grep -n 5 "Theu*" +git log +git log | grep -c 5 "Theu*" +git log | grep -c5 "Theu*" +git log | grep -n5 "Theu*" +cd /usr/share/plista/cr +cd /usr/share/plista/crm +ls +git diff +git commit -am "logout for unit tests" +git pull +git push +cd /usr/share/plista/ +grep "PlistaRequestHandler" * -R +grep "PlistaEmail" * -R +grep "PlistaShellDispatcher" * -R +grep "cakeShellBootstrap" * -R +cd www +grep "getResized" * -R +git diff +sudo poweroff +mongo +exit +ping +ping +php -a +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/ +./checkout_all next +./update_all +cd lib-platform-core/ +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git diff +cd .. +grep "new\s*Platform" * -R +grep "Failed groups lookup" * -R +vim ~/.my.cnf +mysql +p32 +p324 +ssh +ssh +ssh +exit +mysql +vim .my.cnf +mysql +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/ +git add -p +git checkout -b fortk +git status +git commit -m "patch for ttl" +git push +git status +git push +git pull +git push -u origin fortk +git pull +git merge next +cd .. +grep "getToken(" * -R +grep "getToken(" * -R --include=*.php +mysql +cd Downloads/ +tar -xf blender-2.77-linux-glibc211-x86_64.tar.bz2 +cd blender-2.77-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +vim .my.cnf +mysql +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/db/authorization/ +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/ +git checkout master +git stash +git checkout master +git pull +cat classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Authorization/Rights/General.php +hk5 +hk5 +exit +exit +vim .my.cnf +mysql +cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/ +git checkout master +git pull +cd db/authorization/ +./generate_acls.sql.php +mysql +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/api-server/ +git diff +git branch wefixchina +git checkout wefixchina +git add -p +git commit -am "support HEAD requests" +git reset HEAD^1 +git status +git add -p +git status +git commit -m "patch for HEAD requests" +git push -u origin wefixchina +git pull +git push +git push -u origin wefixchina +git stash +cd .. +cd lib-platform-core/ +cd .. +./branches +git checkout master +./checkout_all master +./update_all +cd lib-cake2-plugins/ +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git checkout master +git pull +cd . +cd .. +ls +cd api-server/ +git checkout wefixchina +git pull +curl -i -X HEAD +curl -X HEAD +curl -i -X HEAD +curl -i -X HEAD +curl -i -X HEAD +cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/db/authorization/ +git diff +./generate_acls.sql.php +vim ~/.my.cnf +mysql +curl -i -X HEAD +cd . +cd .. +cd api-server/ +grep "getResponse(" * -R +grep "this..getResponse(" * -R +grep "getResponse(" * -R --exclude-dir=vendor +grep "getResponse(" * -R --exclude-dir=vendor --exclude-dir=test +curl -i -X HEAD +git add -p +git commit -m "proper head include" +git push +cd .. +cd lib-platform-core/ +git diff +git checkout next +git pull +git commit -am "head rights for upload api" +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd api-server/ +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +git push +git checkout next +git diff wefixchina +git pull +git checkout wefixchina +git merge next +git push +git checkout next +git diff wefixchina +git merge wefixchina +git push +cd .. +cd lib-platform-core/ +git push +hk5 +exit +exit +hk5 +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/api-server/ +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout next +git pull +git merge master +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "version fix live" +vim debian/changelog +head debian/changelog +git commit -am "plista-api-server (1.34.5)" +git checkout master +git merge next +git push +git checkout next +git pull +git push +p398 +exit +p494 +xit +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/api-server/ +vim debian/changelog +git commit -am "changelog fix" +git checkout master +git merge next +git push +git checkout next +git push +exit +gedit +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/ensemble/ +git pull +grep "new\s*WorkerDescription" * -R +grep "new\s*WorkerDescription(.*?,.*?,.*?)" * -R +grep -P "new\s*WorkerDescription(.*?,.*?,.*?)" * -R +cd /usr/share/plista/core/ +git diff +git pull +git checkout next +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "logging more info" +vim debian/changelog +head debian/changelog +git commit -am "plista-core-platform (1.3.3)" +git checkout master +git merge next +git push +git checkout next +git push +hk5 +xit +exit +hk5 +exit +gnome-screenshot +exit +cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ +ls +vim migrate.sql +git diff +git commit -am "users login" +git push +ssh +exit +cat /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Authorization/Rights/General.php +exit +mysql +vim .my.cnf +mysql +cd /usr/share/plista/ +cd yourkiez/ +cat migrate.sql +mysql +cat migrate.sql +mysql +ls +./bin/cake bake all users +mysql +git status +git add src/* tests/* +git status +git commit -am "users controllers etc" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "logout to layout" +git push +git status +git add src/ +git status +git diff +git diff next +git commit -am "no logout on login form" +git push +cd +cd dark-matter/ +git diff +git commit -am "viewport redraw calculations not 100%" +git push +exit +vim .my.cnf +mysql +exit +ps -A | grep wicd +sudo ps -A | grep wicd +iwlist +cd dark-matter/ +git diff +git branch "need a concept" +git branch "needconcept" +git checkout needconcept +git commit -am "wtf!" +git push +git push -u origin needconcept +exit +cd Desktop/ +mkdir backup +cd backup/ +cp /media/tj/PLISTA_2015/* . -R +ls -l +cp /media/tj/PLISTA_2015/\.* . +ls +ls -l +cp .bash_history ../../ +exit +cd /usr/share/ +mkdir gamewheel +sudo mkdir gamewheel +cd Desktop/backup/ +cd .. +cd Desktop +cd .. +cd config/ +openssl aes-256-cbc -d < general.encrypted > general +git pull +cd Desktop/ +openssl aes-256-cbc -d < general.encrypted > general +ls -l +cd +cd Desktop/ +ln -s ../config/Desktop/general +ls -l +cd .. +cd Downloads/ +tar -xf WebStorm-2016.1.1.tar.gz +cd WebStorm-145.597.6/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./ +sudo apt-get install gnome-panel +sudo service networking restart +sudo service network-manager restart +ifconfig +vim /etc/sysctl.conf +nano /etc/sysctl.conf +sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf +sudo sysctl -p +cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6 +sudo service network-manager restart +ifconfig +sudo apt-get install gnome-panel +sudo service lightdm restart +cd /usr/share/pl +cd /usr/share/ +sudo apt-get install nginx +sudo chown tj:www-data gamewheel/ +sudo chmod g+s gamewheel +cd gamewheel/ +touch t +ls +rm r +rm t +ls +ls -l +git clone +sudo apt-get install mys +sudo apt-get install mysql-server +sudo apt-get install nodejs +nodejs -v +node -v +sudo apt-get remove nodejs +sudo apt-get install node +cd +cd Doww +cd Downloads/ +ls +tar -xf node-v4.4.2-linux-x64.tar.xz +cd node-v4.4.2-linux-x64/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./node +ls +cd .. +mv node-v4.4.2-linux-x64 ../node-v4.4.2 +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls -l +sudo ln -s ~/node-v4.4.2/bin/node +sudo ln -s ~/node-v4.4.2/bin/npm +exit +ccsm +exit +node +node -v +npm -v +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd dark-matter/ +git status +ls -l +cd .. +ls +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +git clone +git clone +exit +sudo poweroff e +sudo poweroff +xit +exit +sudo vim /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base +sudo vim /etc/hostname +sudo vim /etc/hosts +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/ +git clone +ls +cd /srv/ +ls +cd games/ +ls +cd templates/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +sudo chown tj:www-data +sudo chown tj:www-data -R +ls +sudo chmod g+s +ls +cd +ls +sudo chmod g+s games -R +ls +cd games/ +ls +cd templates/ +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GW_archery Archery +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GW_Calendar Calendar +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GW_Stacker Catcher +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GW_VerticalScroller Collector +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GA_pianoTiles PianoTiles +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GA_ScratchCard Quiz +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GA_ScratchCard Scratchcard +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GW_Stacker Stacker +ls -l +rm Archery +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GA_archery Archery +ls -l +ls .. +ls +cd +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/q + +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +sudo npm i -g pm2 +ls +cd GW_Config/ +ls +make +cd con +cd conf/ +l +sls +ls +cp config.sample.json config.json +vim config.json +sudo reboot +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/ +git clone +git clone +git clone +cd /usr/share/g +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +git clone +cd +cd .ssh +mkdir .ssh +cd .ssh +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" +ls +cat +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +cd GW_Runtime/ +git pull +git remote -v +git remote --help +git remote rename origin +git remote remove origin +git remote add origin +git remote -v +git pull +cd .. +cd GW_UrlMasker/ +ls +git remote remove origin +git remote add +git remote add origin +git pull +git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master +git pull +git push +git config --global ppush.default matching +git config --global push.default matching +git push +git pull +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git remote remove origin +git remote add origin +git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master +git pull +git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Runtime/ +git remote remove origin +git remote add origin +git pull +git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master +git pull +git push +cd .. +mkdir Games +cd Games/ +ls +mkdir bin +mkdir templates +mkdir instances +ln -s ../GW_Config/bin/ +ln -s ../GW_Config/bin/ +ls +mv compose_image* bin +cd bin/ +ls +rm * +ln -s ../../GW_Config/bin/ +ln -s ../../GW_Config/bin/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd templates/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd Games/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd src/ +cd /srv/ +l;s +ls +mkdir +sudo mkdir +cd +ls +mkdir games +sudo mkdir games +ls +cd games/ +ls +sudo mv /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/* . +ls -l +cd bin +ls +rm * +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/bin/ +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/bin/ +ls +ls -l +cd .. +ls +cd templates/ +ls +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd Games/ +ls +git clone +git clone +cd /srv/ +mv gamewheel.local +sudo mv gamewheel.local +ls +exit +mysql +vim .my.cnf +mysql +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/ +ls +make +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd .. +rmdir node_modules +rm -r node_modules +ls -l +make +make start +cd conf/ +ls +cd .. +make start +mysql +make start +make install +make start +mysql +make start +cd bin +ls +vim +ls +cd .. +cd con +cd conf/ +ls +cp sequelize.config.sample.json sequelize.config.json +vim sequelize.config. +vim sequelize.config.json +cd .. +cd bin +ls +./ all +./ +ls +vim +vim +make +cd .. +make +make install +make start +cat Makefile +pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e /var/log/err.log -o /var/log/out.log --name api +exit +pm2 +sudo npm i -g pm2 +pm2 +exit +vim logfiles.txt +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Runtime/logs/ +ls +ls -l +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +l +cd /etc/mysql/ +ls +vim my.cnf +sudo vim my.cnf +sudo service mysql restart +cat my.cnf | grep log +sudo service nginx restart +exit +cd /etc/ssl/ +ls +cd er +cd certs/ +ls | grep snake +sudo service nginx restart +tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/games/ +ls +cd .. +ls +mkdir assets +ls +pm2 restart api +exit +sudo service nginx restart +vim logfiles.txt +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/ +cat Makefile +exit +cd /var/log/ +l +touch err.log +sudo touch err.log +sudo touch out.log +sudo chmod g+w err.log +sudo chmod g+w out.log +sudo chown tj:www-data err.log +sudo chown tj:www-data out.log +ls -l +tail -f err.log out.log +ls +cd +ls +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd GW_Runtime/ +ls +cd con +cd conf/ +ls +vim config.json +cd .. +make +make install +rm -rf node_modules +make +make install +make start +cat Makefile +pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e /var/log/err.log -o /var/log/out.log --name api_runtime +pm2 list +ps -A | grep pm +ps -A | grep pm2 +ps -A | grep node +ps -? +ps --help +man ps +echo "a" /var/log/err.log +echo "a" > /var/log/err.log +cat /var/log/err.log +man pm2 +pm2 --help +pm2 restart api_runtime +pm2 lsit +pm2 list +pm2 show api_runtime +cat Makefile +echo "$(d)" +mkdir logs +pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e ./logs/err.log -o ./logs/out.log --name api_runtime +pm2 stop api_runtime +pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e ./logs/err.log -o ./logs/out.log --name api_runtime +pm2 list +mkdir logs +pm2 show api_runtime +pm2 delete api_runtime +pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e ./logs/err.log -o ./logs/out.log --name api_runtime +cd logs +ls +tail -f *.log +ls +cd .. +ls +cd con +cd conf/ +ls +cat gw-runtime-api.nginx.conf +sudo cp gw-runtime-api.nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/api-runtime.conf +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled/ +s +ls +cd .. +rm -rf sites-enabled/ +sudo rm -rf sites-enabled/ +sudo ln -s sites-available sites-enabled +ls +ls -l +cd sites-enabled +ls +vim api-runtime.conf +sudo vim api-runtime.conf +cd /etc/vim/ +ls +ls -l +sudo ln -s ~/config/vimrc.local +ls -l +vim +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +ls +vim api-runtime.conf +sudo vim api-runtime.conf +cp api-runtime.conf app.conf +sudo cp api-runtime.conf app.conf +sudo vim app.conf +mv app.conf api.conf +sudo mv app.conf api.conf +sudo service nginx restart +ls +l s-l +cat api.conf +sudo service nginx restart +vim app.conf +sudo vim app.conf +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim assets.conf +sudo service nginx restart +ls +rm default +sudo rm default +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd GW_Config/ls +cd GW_Config/conf/ +ls +vim config.json +exit +sudo apt-get install postfix +pm2 +node pm2 +cd /usr/local/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +cd .. +ls +find . -name "pm2 +find . -name "pm2*" +cd .. +find . -name "pm2*" +cd local/lib/ +ls +cd .. +npm --help +which npm +cd .. +cdcd +cd +cd node-v4.4.2/ +ls +cd lib +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd /usr/local/lib/ +ls +sudo ln -s ~/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/ +pm2 +ls +cd node_modules +ls +cd pm2/ +ls +cd .. +ls +which npm +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls +npm +vim ~/.npmrc +ls +ls -l +ln -s ~/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 +sudo ln -s ~/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 +pm2 +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/ +ls +cat Makefile +pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e /var/log/err.log -o /var/log/out.log --name api +pm2 list +node server.js +pm2 delete api +pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" --name api +pm2 list +cd .. +cd GW_Runtime/ +ls +make +cd con +cd conf +ls +cp config.sample.json config.json +cat gw-runtime-api.nginx.conf +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api.conf +exit +hostname +sudo vim /etc/hosts +ping app.gamewheel.local +ls +sudo service nginx restart +exit +pm2 list +pm2 stop api +pm2 delete api +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/ +ls +mkdir logs +cat Makefile +make start -d . +make -d=. start +make -d. start +make -d\. start +make start -d. +make start -d\. +cat Makefile +pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e ./logs/err.log -o ./logs/out.log --name api +pm2 list +telnet +telnet 25 +pm2 restart api +pm2 restart api_runtime +pm2 list +pm2 restart api +pm2 list +cd /etc/postfix/ +ls +vim +pm2 list +pm2 --help +pm2 restart api +pm2 list +pm2 stop api +pm2 start api +pm2 restart api +exit +sudo service nginx restart +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/ +ls +cd con +cd conf/ +ls +vim config.json +sudo service nginx restart +pm2 restart api +sudo service nginx restart +ls +cd .. +ls +node server.js +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +cd games/ +ls +cd templates/ +ls +cd .. +cd templates/ +mv Scratchcard ScratchCard +ls +cd ScratchCard/ +ls +cd .. +cd Archery +ls +cd bin/ +ls +vim +./ +git clone git:// +git clone +ls +vim +ls +vim +ls +vim +ls +cd .. +ls +vim Gruntfile.js +ls +vim bower.json +vim settings.json +vim bower.json +cd bin/ +ls +./ +vim ../bower.json +./ +php +cd .. +sudo apt-get install php5-cli +./ +cd bin/ +./ +ls cd .. +cd .. +ls +cd Calendar/bin/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/G +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/ +ls +cd GA_pianoTiles/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +cd .. +vim bower.json +cd .. +grep "Gamewheel.*" * -R include=bower.json +grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -R include=bower.json +grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -R include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s/"ToywheelDev\/gamewheel/\/gamewheel.git/" +grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -R include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s#ToywheelDev/gamewheel\\##" +grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -R include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s/ToywheelDev\/gamewheel#/\/gamewheel.git#/" +cd GA_archery/ +ls +vim bower.json +grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -;R include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s/ToywheelDev\/gamewheel#/\/gamewheel.git#/" +grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -lR include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s/ToywheelDev\/gamewheel#/\/gamewheel.git#/" +ls +cd .. +grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -lR include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s/ToywheelDev\/gamewheel#/\/gamewheel.git#/" +ls -l +cd GA_pianoTiles/ +ls +git diff +cd .. +ls +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/games/ +ls +cd templates/ +ls +cd Ca +cd Calendar +ls +cd bin/ +./ +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd Catcher +ls +cd bin/ +./ +cd .. +ls +cd Collector +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./ +cd .. +ls +cd PianoTiles +cd bin/ +./ +cd .. +ls +cd Quiz +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./ +cd .. +ls +cd ScratchCard +cd bin/ +./ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd Stacker +cd bin/ +./ +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd instances/ +ls +cd drafts/ +ls +cd 1 +ls +cd media/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd GW_Config/ +ls +sudo apt-get install imagemagick +exit +cd /etc/mysql/ +sudo vim my.cnf +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +git clone +git clone +cd GW_Frontend/ +ls +npm i +ls +bower install +npm i -g bower +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls +ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/bower/bin/bower +sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/bower/bin/bower +bower +cd - +ls +bower install +grunt css +npm install -g grunt-cli +sudo npm install -g grunt-cli +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls +ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt +sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt +cd - +grunt css +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api.conf +cat *.conf +cat * +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled +ls +cat * +sudo vim api.conf +ls +sudo vim games.conf +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim games.conf +exit +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +exit +mysql +exit +msy +mysql +exit +cd /srv/ +ls +cd gamewheel.local/ +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/www/ +ls +cd www +ls +cd .. +ls +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd GW_Config/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd etc/ +cd nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled +ls +vim api.conf +sudo vim api.conf +cd /srv/ +ls +cd gamewheel.local/ +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config api +ls +ls /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +ls /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ app +ls +rm app +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend app +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_UrlMasker masker +ls -l +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Runtime api-runtime +ls -l +cd games/ +ls +cd templates/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +exit +vim logfiles.txt +exit +sudo vim /etc/hosts +exit +cat .ssh/ +# +exit +cd /etc/php5/ +ls +cd fpm/ +ls +vim php-fpm.conf +ls +cd pool.d/ +ls +vim www.conf +sudo vim www.conf +sudo service php5-fpm restart +cd .. +cd nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled +ls +vim www.conf +sudo vim www.conf +sudo service php5-fpm restart +sudo service nginx restart +sudo apt-get install php5-mysql +vim www.conf +ls +ls -l +sudo vim www.conf +sudo vim api-runtime.conf +sudo service nginx restart +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/www/ +grep "hero-section" * -R +grep "hero-section" * -R --include="*.php" +grep ".mp4" * -R --include="*.php" +grep "\.mp4" * -R --include="*.php" +grep "\.mp4" * -R --include="*.js" +cd +vim gw_wp.sql +mysql +mysql +ssh gw-web +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +mkdir www +cd www +scp gw-web:/var/www/ . +cd .. +scp gw-web:/var/www/ . -R +scp gw-web:/var/www/ . +scp --help +scp gw-web:/var/www/ . -r +scp -r gw-web:/var/www/ . +ls +rmdir www +mv www +cd www +ls +vim wp-config.php +vim /etc/vim/vimrc.local +ls +vim wp-config.php +mysql +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled +ls +cp assets.conf www.conf +sudo cp assets.conf www.conf +sudo vim www.conf +sudo apt-get install php5-fpm +ls -l +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim /etc/hosts +ls +ls -l +sudo vim /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini +sudo service php5-fpm restart +sudo touch /var/log/php_errors.log +sudo chown root:www-data /var/log/php_errors.log +sudo chmod g+w /var/log/php_errors.log +sudo service php5-fpm restart +cd +vim logfiles.txt +cd /etc/ +ls +cd // +ls +cd /var/log/ +ls -l +ls -l | grep php_eror +ls -l | grep php_err +ls -l +exut +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-available/ +ls +cp api.conf masker.conf +sudo cp api.conf masker.conf +vim masker.conf +sudo vim masker.conf +sudo service nginx restqart +sudo service nginx restart +ls -l +cd .. +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd GW_UrlMasker/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +vim +ls +cd .. +ls +cd bin/ +ls +cp ../../GW_Config/Makefile . +ls +cd .. +ls +cd bin/ +rm Makefile +ls +cd .. +ls +cat Makefile +cd conf/ +ls +cp config.sample.json config.json +ls +vim config. +vim config.json +cd .. +ls +make +make install +make start +ls +vim Makefile +make start +vim Makefile +make start +vim Makefile +make start +ls +git diff +cd .. +ls +ssh gw-web +sudo service nginx restart +exit +vim .my.cnf +mysql +vim .my.cnf +mysql +mysqldump gw_wp > gw_wp.sql; +vim .my.cnf +mysql +exit +sudo vim /etc/hosts +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd woopra/ +ls +node server.ts +sudo poweroff +cd +vim .ssh/ +cd .ssh +vim config +cd .. +ssh gw-dev +ssh gw-web +ls +cat .ssh/config | grep Host +cat .ssh/config | grep "Host " +ssh gw-rt-api-group +ssh gw-web +ssh gw-backup +ssh tw-web +ssh gw-app +cat .ssh/config | grep "Host " +ssh gw-api +ssh gw-rt-api +cat .ssh/config | grep "Host " +ssh gw-rt-api-test +ssh gw-management +cat .ssh/config | grep "Host " +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-dev +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh gw-backup +vim .ssh/config +cat .ssh/config | grep "Host " +ssh gamewheel.bitbucket +mysql +vim gw_wp.sql +mysql +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +cat logfiles.txt +vim logfiles.txt +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd GW_UrlMasker/ +ls +grep "Could not find masked " * -R +cd .. +ln -s ~/logfiles.txt +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf +cd /var/log/nginx/ +ls +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf +sudo service nginx restart +ls -l +rm* +sudo rm* +ls -l +sudo service nginx restart +ls +cd +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +ls +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd www +ls +grep "" * -R +ls -l +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf +mysql +ls +cd .. +ls +cd +ls +ls | grep .sql; +vim gw_wp.sql +mysql +ls +vim .my.cnf +mysqldump gw_wp > gw_wp.sql; +scp gw-web:/home/ubuntu/www.tgz . +cp www.tgz /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +tar -xf www.tgz +ls +ls -l +rm -rf +cd .. +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +rm -rf www +tar -xf www.tgz +mv www +cd www +mysql +ls +ssh gw-web +ibus restart +exit +sudo apt-get install php5-xdebug +sudo service php5-fpm restart +sudo vim /etc/php5/mods-available/xdebug.ini +exit +sudo service php5-fpm restart +exit +cd Downloads/ +ls +tar -xf PhpStorm-2016.1.tar.gz +cd PhpStorm-145.258.2/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./ +sudo vim /etc/sysctl. +sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +sudo sysctl -p +exit +gedit +ssh gw-web +php -r "readfile('');" > composer-setup.php +php -r "if (hash('SHA384', file_get_contents('composer-setup.php')) === '7228c001f88bee97506740ef0888240bd8a760b046ee16db8f4095c0d8d525f2367663f22a46b48d072c816e7fe19959') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;" +php composer-setup.php +php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');" +composer +ls -l +sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/ +php composer.phar +sudo mv /usr/local/bin/composer.phar /usr/share/gamewheel/core/ +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +cd core +ls +php composer.phar +php composer.phar install +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +mv core /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls -l +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/core +ls -l +cd core +ls +php composer.phar install +php composer.phar require woopra/woopra-php-sdk +php composer.phar install +rm composer.* +ls -l +ls +cd vendor/ +ls +cd woopra/ +ls +cd .. +rmdir woopra/ +git clone +git clone +ls +cd woopra-php-sdk/ +ls +rm -rf .git +ls -l +ls +vim woopra_tracker.php +cd /etc/php5/fpm/ +ls +vim php-fpm.conf +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled +ls +cd .. +ls +vim nginx.conf +sudo vim nginx.conf +sudo service nginx restart +exit +sudo poweroff +ls +exit +cat /etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf +cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf +cd /var/run/ +ls +cd lightdm/ +ls +sudo ls +ld -l +sudo su +exit +wget +wget +wget +wget +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +find . -name "woopra_tracker.php" +find . --name "woopra_tracker.php" +find . -name "woopra_tracker.php" +ls -l +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +find . -name "woopra_tracker.php" +exit +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/www +ls +cd wp-content/ +ls +cd uploads/ +ls +ln -s ../../../core/js/events.json +ls -l +gedit +ssh +exit +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd www +ls +ssh gw-web +ssh gw- +ssh gw-web +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ +ls +bower search woopra +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +cd sites-available/ +ls +vim redirect.conf +sudo mv ~/redirect.conf . +ls +ls -l +sudo chown root:root redirect.conf +sudo chmod 644 redirect.conf +ls -l +sudo service nginx restart +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ +ls +grep "util.js" * -R +grep "util.js" * -R --include=*.html +grep "utils.util.js" * -R +grep "utils\/" * -R +grep "data-ng-controller" * -R +grep "RegisterController" * -R +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +l;s +ls +vim sites-enabled +sudo vim sites-enabled/www.conf +ssh gw-weg +ssh gw-web +exit +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +scp -r core gw-web:/var/www/ +scp -r core gw-web:/var/www +scp -r core root@gw-web:/var/www +scp -r core gw-web:~/ +cd .. +ls +cd ga, +cd gamewheel.local/ +ls +ssh gw-web +ls -l +ls +cd www +ls +exit +pm2 list +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +pm2 +pm2 list +pm2 start api +pm2 start app +pm2 list +pm2 stop app +pm2 start api-runtime +pm2 delete app +exit +php -a +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +lks +ls +cd GW_Frontend/ +git reset --soft HEAD^1 +git diff +git reset --soft HEAD^1 +git diff +git pull +git diff +git -p +git commit -p +git diff +git commit -p +git status +git reset --hard HEAD^1 +git pull +git status +sudo npm i -g http-server +http-server +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls +ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/http-server +ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/hs +sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/hs +sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/http-server +ls +cd +cd - +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +http-server +ls +cd www +ls +cd .. +vim x.html +http-server +cd ap +cd app +ls +git diff +git commit -am "fix referer" +git push +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout dev +git checkout develop +git pull +git merge tj/analytics +git push +ls +cd .. +ls +vim x.html +http-server +cd ap +cd app +git push +git checkout master +git pull +git merge tj/analytics +git push +git diff +exit +xit +exitr +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd GW_Frontend/ +git diff +git branch tj/analytics +git checkout tj/analytics +git commit -am "analytics add-on" +git config --global "Theunis J. Botha" +git config --global "" +git commit --amend --reset-author +git config --help +git config --list +ls +git config help +git config --help +git config --global core.editor vim +git push -u origin tj/analytics +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout tj/analytics +git merge master +git diff +git status +git push +exit +ssh gw-app +exit +ps -A +killall install-printer +ps -A | grep defunct +kill -9 3807 3811 +sudo kill -9 3807 3811 +sudo kill -9 3505 +ping +ifconfig +ping +ping +ifconfig +ping +cat /etc/resolv.conf +ping +exit +tail -f /var/log/syslog +sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +sudo sysctl -p +tail -f /var/log/syslog +sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +sudo sysctl -p +exit +ls +vim head +ls +route +pm2 start api-runtime +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +cd ap +ls +cd app/ +ls +ls -l +pm2 start api-runtime +pm2 list +sudo pm2 +sudo pm2 list +pm2 list +ls -l +cd app/ +ls +dc .. +ls +ls -l +vim M +ls +cd .. +ls +cd api +ls +vim Makefile +cat Makefile +make start prod +vim Makefile +exit +cd /etc/sane.d/dll.d/ +ls +cd .. +ls +sudo vim /etc/default/saned +sudo vim /etc/sane.d/saned.conf +sudo service saned restart +sudo service saned status +sudo vim /etc/sane.d/net.conf +xsane +sudo apt-get install xsane +xsane +exit +sudo vim /etc/sysctl. +sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf +cat /etc/resolv.conf +exit +xsane +sudo vim /etc/sane.d/net.conf +sudo vim /etc/sane.d/saned.conf +sudo service saned status +xs +xsane +sudo service saned restart +xsane +ping +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ +ls +git checkout tj/analytics +cd .. +cd GW_Frontend/ +git dff +git diff +git commit -am "email is name" +git push +git pull +git push +git config --global push.default matching +git push +git checkout develop +git pull +git config --global pull.default matching +git push +git merge tj/analytics +git push +./bin/ dev +git diff +git checkout tj/analytics +git commit -am "username and also identify on register" +git push +git checkout develop +git merge tj/analytics +git push +./bin/ dev +git diff +git commit -am "identify all track events" +git push +git checkout tj/analytics +git merge develop +git push +git checkout develop +git push +./bin/ dev +./bin/ prod +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git diff master +git checkout master +git push +./bin/ prod +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ +ls +git diff +git checkout tj/analytics +git commit -am "identify users" +git push +git checkout master +ls +cd .. +ls +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/logfiles.txt +ls -l +vim ~/.ssh/config +exit +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ap +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/app +ls +git checkout master +git pull +git merge tj/analytics +git log +cd dev +git checkout develop +git pull +git push +git checkout master +cd .. +ls +cd app +ls +cd app/cd .. +ls +cd app/directives/gw-input/ +ls +vim gw-input-switch.js +git push +exit +ifconfig +route +ping +cd config/ +ls +git diff +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +cd Desktop/ +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git diff +git commit -am "gw" +git push +exit +php -a +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/core/ +git init +git add * +git commit -am "stuff" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "removed uncommented code"# +exit +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +l;s +ls +ls -l +ls +cd api +ls +make start +exit +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/api-runtime +ls +make start +exit +ping +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ +ls +cd .. +cd GW_Frontend/ +ls +./bin/ prod +exit +ifconfig +exit +sudo apt-get install nss-hostname +sudo apt-get install nss-myhostname +sudo apt-cache search nss-myhostname +sudo apt-get install libnss-myhostname +sudo iwlist +sudo iwlist wlan0 +sudo iwlist wlan0 channel +ifconfig +sudo iwlist wlan0 channel + +sudo iwlist wlan0 channel +exit +tail -f /var/log/syslog +exit +php -a +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ +ls +grep "" * -" +grep "" * -R +./bin/ prod +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +cd GW_Frontend/ +git diff +git checkout tj/analytics +git commit -am "location does not reload controller and partial sometimes" +git push +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git merge tj/analytics +./bin/ dev +./bin/ prod +git checkout master +git merge tj/analytics +git push +./bin/ prod +git diff +git status +git log +git checkout tj/analytics +git diff +git push +git checkout develop +git merge tj/analytics +git push +git checkout master +git merge tj/analytics +git push +./bin/ dev +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/ +ls +vim ~/.bashrc +g +exit +g +cd core/ +ls +cd js/ +ls +cd .. +cd core/ +ls +npm install typescript +sudo npm install -g typescript +ls +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls +sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/tsc +sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/tsserver +ls -l +npm --help +npm config --help +npm config list +npm config ls -l +cd +cd node-v4.4.2/ +ls +vim +cd ../Downloads/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd node-v4.4.2/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +cd .. +npm config ls -l +cd bin/ +ls +vim /etc/environment +npm config +npm config set prefix "/usr/local/bin" +sudo npm remove typescript +sudo npm install -g typescript +npm config set prefix "/usr/local" +sudo npm install -g typescript +cd /usr/local/lib/ +ls +tsc +g +ls +cd core/ +ls +cd js/ +ls +cd gamewheel/i +cd gamewheel/interfaces/ +ls +tsc Server.ts +cd .. +cd implementations/ +l +tsc SocketServer.ts +node SocketServer.js +node SocketServer.ts +ls +tsc SocketServer.ts +tsd +npm --help +npm install typings --save-dev +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +typings install --save --ambient require +typings +sudo npm install -g typings +typings install --save --ambient require +ls +cd typings/ +ls +cd .. +ls +vim typings +vim typings.json +cd js/gamewheel/implementations/ +ls +tsc SocketServer.ts +cd .. +cd core/ +sudo npm install -g tsd +typings +typings install http +typings install http --ambient +typings install --ambient http +typings search tape +typings search http +typings search require +npm remove http +ls +cd js/gamewheel/implementations/ +ls +tsc SocketServer.ts +cd .. +cd Games/GW_Pong/ +ls +npm remove +sudo npm remove +npm install typescript-require +ls +node server.js +node --debug server.js +node --debug=3302 server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 server.js +cd .. +cd GW_Pong/ +ls +cd .. +npm install +ls +rm -rf node_modules +cd GW_Pong/ +npm install +ls +node --debug-brk=3302 server.js +exit +g +ls +cd Games/GW_Pong/ +ls +npm install +sudo npm install +npm +npm remove +sudo npm --ws:verbose install +ls +cd .. +git clone +cd core/ +sudo npm install +sudo npm install http +exit +g +git clone +ls -l +cd GW_WebSocketServer/ +ls +ls -l +l +ls +cd .idea/ +ls +cd .. +ls +g +cd core/js/gamewheel/modules/ +ls +cd test/ +ls +node client.js +exit +g +cd core/js/gamewheel/modules/test/ +node server.js +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +git diff +ls -l +exit +g +man npm +npm --help +npm help install +cd core/js/gamewheel/modules/ +ls +cd socket-server/ +ls +npm install --save +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +git remote add origing +git remote remove origing +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +ls +git add package.json +git commit -am "package.json" +git push +git branch unstable +git checkout unstable +git push -u origin unstable +git add * +git commit -am "more files" +git push +cd js/gamewheel/ +ls +cd modules/ +ls +cd socket-server/test/ +ls +node all.js +node --debug-brk=3302 app.js +node --debug-brk=3302 ./app.js +node all.js +node --debug-brk=3302 app.js +ls +node --debug-brk=3302 all.js +cd .. +ls +cd modules/ +ls +cd test/ +ls +node --debug-brk=3302 all.js +cd .. +ls +cd socket-client/ +ls +npm install --save +ls +npm install --save +npm remove +ls -l +cd .. +ls +cd test/ +ls +node --debug-brk=3302 all.js +node all.js +node --debug-brk=3302 all.js +node all.js +node --debug-brk=3302 all.js +node all.js +cd .. +cd socket-client/ +ls +npm install sleep +cd .. +cd test/ +node all.js +cd .. +cd socket-client/ +npm remove sleep +cd .. +cd tes +cd test +node all.js +node --debug-brk=3302 all.js +node all.js +node --debug-brk=3302 all.js +node all.js +cp all.js server.js +cp all.js client.js +node client.js +node --debug-brk=3302 client.js +node client.js +node --debug-brk=3302 client.js +ls +cd .. +ls +cd socket-client/ +s +ls +cd .. +cd test/ +ls +npm install --save x11 +ls +node client.js +node --debug-brk=3302 client.js +node client.js +node --debug-brk=3302 client.js +node client.js +node --debug-brk=3302 client.js +node client.js +node --debug-brk=3302 client.js +node client.js +node --debug-brk=3302 client.js +node client.js +git commit -am "sending coords via test - need to work on connection management" +git push +exit +sudo vim /etc/hosts +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +sudo service nginx restart +exit +ifconfig +g +cd public/ +git diff +git commit -am "dependency injection" +git push +npm publish +cd .. +ls +cd core/ +ls +cd js/gamewheel/modules/ +ls +cd socket-client/ +ls +npm install --save gamewheel.public +ls +cd .. +cd core/test/ +ls +node module-socket-client.js +cd .. +cd public/ +git diff +git commit -am "expose module via index.js" +git push +npm push +npm publish +cd . +cd .. +cd core/ +ls +cd js/gamewheel/modules/ +ls +cd socket-client/ +ls +npm update +npm update --save +cd +g +cd core/test/ +ls +node module-socket-client. +node module-socket-client.js +ls +npm update --save +node module-socket-client.js +cd .. +cd public/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "fix name" +git push +cd .. +cd core/test/ +npm update --save +cd .. +cd js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client/ +npm update --save +cd .. +cd public/ +git diff +git push +cd .. +cd core/test/ +npm update --save +node module-socket-client.js +cd .. +cd public/ +git diff +git commit -am " + +git diff +git commit -am "expose GamewheelSocketClient to node (for who cares)" +git push +npm publish +cd .. +cd core/test/ +npm update --save +cd .. +cd js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client/ +npm update --save +cd .. +cd public/ +git diff +git commit -am "safe checking for module" +git push +npm publish +cd .. +cd core/test/ +npm update --save +cd .. +cd js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client/ +npm update --save +g +cd core/test/ +node module-socket-client.js +npm install --save three +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd public/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "three wrapper" +git push +git commit -am "v0.0.7" +git push +npm publish +cd .. +cd core/test/ +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +rm -rf gamewheel.public +ln -s ../../../public gamewheel.public +g +ls +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +g +ls +cd core/ +ls +rm -rf node_modules +sudo rm -rf node_modules +ls -l +git commit -am "restructure code" +git push +git checkout master +git merge unstable +git push +git checkout unstable +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/core/test/ dev-core +ls -l +cd dev-core +ls +cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/ +ls +ls -l +cp www.conf dev-core.conf +sudo cp www.conf dev-core.conf +sudo vim dev-core.conf +ls -l +cd +g +cd core/ +ls +cd js/ +ls +cd gamewheel/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd test/ +ls +vim package.json +npm install --save +npm adduser +cd .. +git clone +cd gamewheel.public/ +ls +git diff +ls +git add * +git status +git commit -am "initial commit" +git push +npm publish +npm login +npm publish +npm publish gamewheel.public +npm publish +git diff +git commit -am "updated package.json" +git push +npm publish +ls +cd .. +ls +cd gamewheel.public/ +ls +cd .. +mv gamewheel.public public +ls +cd public/ +ls +cd .. +cd core/test/ +ls +npm install --save gamewheel.public +ls +npm module-socket-server.js +node module-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 module-socket-server.js +node module-socket-server.js +git diff +git status +cd node_modules/ +ls +rm gamewheel.public +cd .. +npm update --save +git commit -am "starting to respond with game rules" +git push +git checkout master +git merge unstable +git push +git checkout unstable +cd .. +cd public/ +git diff +git commit -am "starting to add threejs wrapper" +git push +git checkout unstable +g +ls +cd public/ +ls +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +npm update --save +cd .. +cd public/ +npm publish +cd .. +cd core/test/ +npm update --save +node module-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 module-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +rm gamewheel.public -rf +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/public/ gamewheel.public +cd .. +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "need to work on player management" +git push +git merge master +git checkout master +git merge unstable +git push +rm node_modules/gamewheel.public +ls +cd .. +cd public/ +ls +git commit -am "updates" +git push +npm publish +cd .. +cd test +cd core/ +cd test +npm update --save +git commit -am "public updates" +git push +git checkout master +git merge unstable +git push +git checkout unstable +exit +g +cd core/test/ +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls -l +rm gamewheel.public -r +ls +ln -s ../../../public gamewheel.public +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +cd .. +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +cd .. +cd core/js/gamewheel/modules/ +ls +cd .. +ls +vim package.json +cd js/gamewheel/ +ls +cd modules/socket-server/ +ls +npm i --save lodash +cd .. +cd test/ +ls +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +rm gamewheel.public +ls +cd .. +cd public/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "sanity checks" +git push +npm publish +cd .. +ls +cd core/ +cd test/ +npm update --save +git diff +git commit -am "better connection management" +git pus +git push +git checkout master +git merge unstable +git push +git checkout unstable +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled +ls +cd / +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong pong +ls -l +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled +ls +cp dev-core.conf pong.conf +sudo cp dev-core.conf pong.conf +sudo vim pong.conf +sudo service nginx restart +cat dev-core.conf +cat pong.conf +vim ~/logfiles.txt +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo apt-get install cheese +cheese +lspci +lsusb +lsusb 0v +lsusb -v +lspci -v +exit +cd .config/google-chrome/Default/ +ls +vim Preferences +exit +google-chrome --enable-usermedia-screen-capture +sudo rmmod uvcvideo +sudo modprove uvcvideo +g +cd tquery/ +grep "DraPanControls" * -R +grep "DragPanControls" * -R +ls +ssh gw-web +ssh gw-app +ssh gw-web +exit +cd vr_pong/ +ls +git branch multiplayer +git checkout multiplayer +git diff +ls +npm install --save gamewheel.public +npm install --save tquery +cd .. +git clone +cd tquery/ +ls +npm install --save three +npm install --save requirejs +npm install --save es5-shim +npm install --save threex +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +ls +cd vendor/ +ls +cd .. +rm -rf vendor/ +ls +cd node_modules/ +cd tquery/ +ls +mv vendor ../ +ls +ls -l +mv node_modules ../ +ls +mv js ../ +ls +mv plugins ../ +ls -l +git diff +git status +git commit -am "stripped down version" +git diff +ls +vim package.json +git push +git status +git add * +git push +git commit -am "added built files" +git push +vim +git add +ls +git status +git commit -am "npm info" +git push +npm publish +ls +cd .. +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +rm -rf vendor +ls +cd tquery/ +ls +git status +cd .. +rm -rf tquery/ +cd .. +npm install --save tquery +ls +rm tquery-* +ls +rm three.min.js +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd tquery/ +ls +git commit -am "npm modules now" +git push +ls +cd .. +ls +npm install --save "" +ls +git status +cd .. +cd core/ +ls +cd test/ +ls +cp pong-socket-server.js ../../vr_pong/ +ls +cd .. +cd.. +cd .. +g +cd po +cd vr_pong/ +ls +ls -l +ls +node pong-socket-server.js +killall node +node pong-socket-server.js +ps -A +kill -9 9743 +node pong-socket-server.js +ls +npm install --save three +cd node_modules/ +grep "PointerLockControls" * -R +cd .. +node pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +npm remove three +git commit -am "start" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "server updates" +git push +cd vr_pong/ +ls +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +g +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "better connection management - two players should not connect to each other" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "better encapsulation" +git push +exit +ps -A | grep chrom +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +ccsm +g +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "fairly stable version - sending too many ball positions" +git push +cd .. +cd public/ +ls +git diff +cd .. +ls +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "stable - too many ball position updats" +git push +git checkout master +git merge unstable +git push +git tag 0.0.1 +git status +git log +git help tag +git log +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +exit +ssh gw-dev +sudo service lightdm restart +ifconfig +g +cd vr_pong/ +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd gamewheel.public/ +git diff +ls +cd .. +cd public/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "updates" +git push +meld socket-client.js ../vr_pong/node_modules/gamewheel.public/socket-client.js +sudo apt-get install meld +meld socket-client.js ../vr_pong/node_modules/gamewheel.public/socket-client.js +git diff +git commit -am "disable auto reconnect for now" +git push +ssh gw-web +g +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +vim ~/.ssh/config +ssh gw-dev +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh gw-dev2 +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pong.conf +exit +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +exit +ping +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +exit +ssh tj@cybafelo.c +ssh +exit +g +git diff +git commit -am "more files" +git push +git checkout unstable +git merge master +git push +cd .. +cd public/ +ls +meld socket-client.js ../vr_pong/node_modules/gamewheel.public/socket-client.js +git diff +git commit -am "0.0.11" +git push +npm publish +cd n.. +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +npm update --save +git diff +cd .. +ls +mkdir config +cd config/ +ls +vim config.js +git init +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +git push -u origin +git pull +git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master +git push -u origin master +git remote remove origin +git status +git remote -v +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +git add config.js +git push -u origin master +git commit -am "initial commit" +git push -u origin master +git branch tj-dev +git checkout tj-dev +git branch gw-dev +git checkout gw-dev +ls -l +cd .. +ls +ls -l +cd vr_pong/ +ls +git diff +ln -s ../config/config.js +ls -l +cd .. +cd config/ +ls +git checkout tj-dev +git diff +cd .. +ls +cd vr_pong/ +ls +git add config.js +ls +git rm --cached config.js +git status +git commit -am "v0.0.1" +git push +git commit -am "v0.0.1" +git push +ls +cd .. +ls +cd config/ +git branch +git checkout gw-dev +ls +vim config.js +git commit -am "gw-dev config" +git push -u gw-dev +git push -u origin gw-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +ls +git push -u origin multiplayer +ls +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "configuration update" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "node bindings" +git push +ls +git checkout tj-dev +git merge gw-dev +ls +vim config.js +git commit -am "tj-dev" +git push +git checkout gw-dev +vim config.js +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git checkout master +git diff unstable +git diff +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +ls +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +cd .. +cd config/ +ls +git diff +exit +sudo service lightdm restart +g +cd public/ +git diff +git commit -am "added sync to client" +git push +cd .. +cd vr_pong/node_modules/gamewheel.public/ +meld socket-client.js /usr/share/gamewheel/public/socket-client.js +exit +g +cd core/ +git diff +exit +ssh gw-dev2 +g +cd config/ +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "taking into account server latency" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "syncing for client to determine latency" +git push +cd .. +cd public/ +git diff +meld socket-client.js ../vr_pong/node_modules/gamewheel.public/socket-client.js +ls +git commit -am "syncing for clients (now have latency)" +git push +npm publish +ssh gw-dev2 +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout gw-dev +ls +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "refactoring" +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +cd .. +cd config/ +ls +git checkout gw-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "updated latency test" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "ball latency instead" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout gw-dev +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +cd .. +cd config/ +ls +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd core/ +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit pong-socket-server.js +git commit pong-socket-server.js -m "socket server updates +" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout gw-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +cd .. +cd onf +cd config/ +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "super cool" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout gw-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +wget +git diff +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "send server time on game start" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "super cool interpolation" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "super cool interpolation" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout gw-dev +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "ghost ball" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git commit -am "ghost ball" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout gw-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git status +git add dat.gui.js +git commit -am "datgui" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "30 ms server updates" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "60ms interval" +git push +exit +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "proper refresh rate" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "proper refresh rate" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout gw-dev +CD .. +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +npm install ammo +npm remove ammo +npm install ammojs +cd .. +mkdir ammojs +cd ammojs/ +wget +ls -l +vim ammo.js +cd .. +rm -rf ammojs/ +git clone +cd ammo.js/ +cd .. +ls +cd ammo.js/ +ls +vim package.json +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +ls +npm install ammo.js +npm install --save ammo.js +npm install --save three.js +git branch ammo +git checkout ammo +npm remove three.js +npm install --save three +find . -name "Stats.js" +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd three/ +ls +find . -name "stats.js" +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git branch three +git checkout three +git commit -am "migrated to three" +git push +git checkout ammo +git merge three +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git branch +git push -u origin three +git push -u origin ammo +node pong-socket-server.js +git push -u origin ammo +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "ammo.js physics" +gitp ush +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "ammo.js physics" +git push +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git commit -am "updated physics" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +exit +g +ls +cd vr_pong/ +ls +git log +git branch ammo-backup +git checkout ammo +git checkout ammo-backup +git push -u origin ammo-backup +ls -l +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git checkout ammo +git pull +git diff ammo-backup +git checkout ammo-backup +git log +git checkout amm +git checkout ammo +git branch ammo-stefan +git checkout ammo-stefan +git push -u origin ammo-stefan +git merge ammo-backup +git +git diff +ls +git log +git cherry-pick 40b2aea9b8cbf158f0f0512b15c6cb1f4cda284d +git mergetool +git commit -am "re-introduce ammo" +git cherry-pick 2155d4ada26d94445bd457641cffee0b7bc55c08 +git mergetool +git commit -am "stereo things" +git log +git checkout ammo -- index.html +git diff +git show 2155d4ada26d94445bd457641cffee0b7bc55c08 +git diff +git status +node pong-socket-server.js +cd .. +cd config/ +cd . +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git status +rm node_modules/ +rm node_modules/ +git commit -am "scorebar" +git push +git checkout ammo +git merge ammo-stefan +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "player configuration updates" +git push +git branch pong +git checkout pong +git diff +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +ping +ssh ubuntu@ +ssh tj@ +ssh root@ +ssh ubuntu@ +cat .ssh/ +ssh ubuntu@ +ssh christian@ +sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf +sudo killall NetworkManager +sudo iwlist +sudo iwlist wlan0 +sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning +sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning | grep cybafelo +sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning +sudo iwlist wlan0 +sudo iwlist +sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning cybafelo +sudo iwlist wlan0 channel 48 +sudo iwlist wlan0 channel +ssh ubuntu@ +ssh christian@ +ssh gw-dev2 +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git log +cd .. +cd cor +cd core/ +git diff +xs .. +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "better encapsulation" +git pull +git mergetool +git commit -am "color change" +node pong-socket-server.js +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +grep "roomName" * -R +grep "roomName" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/roomName/roomId/g" +cd .. +cd core/ +grep "roomName" * -R +grep "roomName" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/roomName/roomId/g" +git diff +git commit -am "fixes" +git push +git checkout master +git pull +git merge pong +git push +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "roomName to roomId" +git push +git pull +git commit -am "oops" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "delete old games" +git push +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "got rid of some uncommented code - could be useful later though" +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh christian@ +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh christian@ +ssh 'set -o xtrace && ls' +exit +ssh +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "restiution and velocity updates" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git pull +node pong-socket-server.js +git branch +git checkout three +git checkout ammo +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "original physics" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "dat gui disabled" +git push +git commit -am "forget pointer lock" +git push +git commit -am "forget pointer lock" +git push +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "more sensitive" +git push +git commit -am "more sensitive" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git branch orientation +git checkout orientation +git diff +git commit -am "orientation instead of acceleration" +git push +ls -l +git push -u origin orientation +git diff +git commit -am "beta" +git push +git remote -v +git remote delete origin +git remote remove origin +git remote add origin +git pull +git pull orientation +git push -u origin orientation +git pull +git checkout physics +git push -u origin +git pull +git checkout ori +git checkout orientation +ls +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "gamma" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "clamp y" +git push +g +git diff +git commit -am "orientation instead" +git push +git commit -am "orientation instead" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "super cool motion for ios only so far" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "don't log so much" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "for android start" +git push +git commit -am "for android start" +git push +exity +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "updatecheck" +git push +git commit -am "bad check" +git push +it diff +git diff +git commit -am "less check" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "move log" +git push +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "inverse for ios" +git push +git branch physics +git checkout physics +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "ammo physics" +git push +git push -u origin physics +git pull +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +ls +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "30% more sensitive" +git push +ssh christian@ +git stash +git stash apply +git branch game-encapsulation +git checkout game-encapsulation +git commit -am "better game encapsulation" +git checkout ammo +git commit -am "end of game 20 wins" +git push +ssh christian@ +git checkout game-encapsulation +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "better encapsulation" +git push +ls +git checkout ammo +git merge game-encapsulation +git mergetool +git commit -am "merging conflicts" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "better encapsulation" +git push +git diff +ssh christian@ +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "don't remove event listeners" +git push +ssh christian@ +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "logging type of device usage" +git push +ssh christian@ +git commit -am "probable fix for motion events" +git push +ssh christian@ +exit +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "android seems broken" +git push +exit +ssh gw-dev2 +g +cd vr_pong/ +ls +exit +ssh christian@ +exit +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "30 degree viewing angle" +git push +git commit -am "oops - 30 degree viewing angle" +git push +git commit -am "instant feedback" +git push +git commit -am "updated orientation code" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "check for null" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "android broken" +git push +git commit -am "android broken - another fix attempt" +git push +git commit -am "document ?" +git push +git checkout ammo +git diff +git pull +cp ~/Downloads/pong.png . +ls +git commit -am "updated landing page!" +git push +git add pong.png +git commit -am "remember image" +git push +git checkout ori +git checkout orientation +git merge ammo +git push +git diff +git commit -am "count motion events to log" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "again test for android" +git push +git commit -am "again test for android" +git push +git commit -am "proper remove of listener" +git push +git commit -am "motion wrapper" +git push +git commit -am "more sensitive" +git push +git commit -am "less sensitive" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "some grfx improvs" +git push +git commit -am "black background for canvas" +git push +git commit -am "some updates" +git push +git commit -am "more color updates" +git push +ls +git diff +git commit -am "introduce maxScore" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "introduce maxScore" +git push +ssh christian@ +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +exit +g +ls -l +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "memory optimizations" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +exit +ssh christian@ +ssh +scp Desktop/ball.jpg +ssh +exit +ssh +exit +cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api.conf +:q +exit +cat .ssh/ +ssh +scp Desktop/ball.png +scp Desktop/ball.png +g +cd .. +ls +cd gamewheel/ +cd fiddle/ +ls +ssh +exit +i +ssh +exit +npm +g +cd .. +cd gamewheel/ +rm -rf fiddle +git clone +ls +cd fiddle/ +ls +ssh +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +vim sites-enabled/dev-core.conf +cd +f +g +cd fiddle/ +git clone +cd dat.gui/ +ls +git branch +cd build/ +ls +cd .. +git add dat.gui/build +git commit -am "dat.gui" +git push +ssh +exit +ssh +exit +ssh +exit +sudo umount /dev/pts +ssh +scp Desktop/ball.jpg +ssh +g +cd fiddle/ +git add ball_bump.png +git commit -am "ball bumpmap" +git push +ls +cp ~/Desktop/normalMap.png ./ball_normal_map.png +git add ball_normal_map.png +git commit -am "normal map" +git push +cp ~/Desktop/sphere_normal_map.png . +git add sphere_normal_map.png +git commit -am "sphere normal map" +git push +cp ~/Desktop/sphere_emissive_map.png . +git add sphere_emissive_map.png +git commit -am "sphere emissive map" +git push +cp ~/Desktop/sphere_emissive_map_2.png . +git add sphere_emissive_map_2.png +git commit -am "map 2 emissive" +git push +git add bump_map_2.png +git commit -am "bump map 2" +git push +git +git commit -am "update map" +git push +git add grid_normal_map.png +git commit -am "grid normal map" +git push +cd +cd Downloads/ +tar -xf blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64.tar.bz2 +g +cd fiddle/ +ls +git add box.obj +git commit -am box.obj +git push +git diff +git commit -am "uv maps for paddle" +git push +git add normal_map_box.png +git commit -am "normal map box" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "bigger scale" +git push +git log +git diff +git commit -am "smaller scale" +git push +git add normal_map_box_2.png +git commit -am "normal map box 2" +git push +exit +cd Downloads/ +mv blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64 ../ +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +g +cd fiddle/ +ls +touch t +git add t +git commit -am "test" +git push +git pull +ssh +exit +exit +g +cd fiddle/ +scp sphere_emissive_map.png +ls +ssh +g +cd fiddle/ +scp ball_map.png +g +cd vr_pong/ +ls +npm install q +git diff +git branch graphics +git checkout graphics +git commit -am "graphics commit" +git push +git push -u origin graphics +exit +g +cd fiddle/ +ls +git pull +cd node_modules/three/examples/js/ +ls +cd cameras/ +ls +vim StereoCamera.js +git add StereoCamera.js +git reset --head +git reset --soft HEAD +git status +git branch tj +git checkout tj +git commit -am "Stereo Camera" +git push +git push -u origin tj +git checkout master +git merge tj +git push +ls +vim StereoCamera.js +git commit -am "updated StereoCamera" +git push +git log +git checkout 40b87ef0d163a22e820d5606ccfed1453ff995bd -- StereoCamera.js +git status +vim StereoCamera.js +git commit -am "Reverted StereoCamera" +git push +git log +git checkout 410bcdce593cb6cf4575cacbe9fdeef2bd08299e -- StereoCamera.js +git commit -am "This one actually works" +git push +vim StereoCamera.js +cat StereoCamera.js +git commit -am "stereocamera refactoring" +git push +ibus restart +g +ls +cd vr_pong/ +ls +npm install stats.js +ls +mv box.obj pong.obj +mv box_emissive_map.png pong_emissive_map.png +mv box_normal_map.png pong_normal_map.png +ls +npm install dat.gui +ibus restart +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "started single player stuff" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "updated configuration" +git push +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "promise stuff" +git push +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "fixed connect process - need to disconnect promise" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "sanity checks" +git push +exit +g +cd fiddle/ +git status +git add particle.png +git commit -am "particle" +git push +ls +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +cat Roboto_Bold.json +mv ~/Downloads/Roboto_Bold.js . +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git commit -am "glowing text" +git push +git status +git add orbitron-bold.js +git commit -am "font" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +git commit -am "device orientation" +git push +git commit -am "device orientation" +git push +git commit -am "device orientation" +git push +git commit -am "device orientation" +git push +git commit -am "device orientation" +git push +git commit -am "device orientation" +git push +git commit -am "device orientation" +git push +git commit -am "device orientation" +git push +git commit -am "device orientation" +git push +git commit -am "faster ball" +git push +git commit -am "faster ball" +git push +git commit -am "faster ball breaks collission detection" +git push +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git pull +git fetch --all +git reset --hard origin/graphics +node pong-socket-server.js +cd ... +cd cor +cd .. +cd core/ +git pull +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +cdm .. +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git log +git diff 896005e64d4b5d8ba05b50707d86329d28dcd0ab +cd .. +cd vr_pong/# +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +cp ../fiddle/particle.png . +git add particle.png +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "restrict z, cooler trails" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +cd .. +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git commit -am "font" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "touch events listen" +git push +git commit -am "only canvas object" +git push +git commit -am "only canvas object" +git push +git +git diff +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +git commit -am "touch event updates" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +exit +cd Downloads/ +mv Roboto_Bold.json /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ +mv Orbitron_Bold.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/orbitron-bold.js +g +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +cd .. +cd core/ +ls +cd js/gamewheel/modules/ +ls +cd bad-word-filter/ +npm install --save naughty-words +cd +cd +g +cd vr_pong/ +node +node pong-socket-server.js +git branch wide +git checkout wide +git commit -am "wide pong" +git push +git push -u origin wide +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +ssh +exit +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +cd +g +ls +cd Games/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd Games/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd Games/ +ls +cd .. +ls +tree . +sudo apt-get install tree +tree . +find . -name "instances" +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/games.conf +cd /usr/local/games/ +ls +cd /usr/local/games/ +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/games.conf +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/games/ +ls +cd instances/ +ls +cd publish/ +ls +scp -R gw-api:/var/www/games/instances/publish/1476 . +scp -r gw-api:/var/www/games/instances/publish/1476 . +ls +scp -r gw-api:/var/www/games/instances/publish/1476 . +ld +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pong.conf +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/games.conf +sudo service nginx restart +ls +cd instances/ +ls +cd publish/ +ls +cd 1476/ +ls +grep "" * -R +grep "gamewheel." * -R +grep "http.*gamewheel." * -R +ls -l +grep "http[*]gamewheel." * -R +grep "http[***]gamewheel." * -R +grep "http[...]gamewheel." * -R +grep "http...gamewheel." * -R +grep "http....gamewheel." * -R +grep "http.....gamewheel." * -R +grep "http.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+gamewheel." * -R +cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/app.conf +cd .. +cd /srv/ +cd gamewheel.local/ +ls +cd api +ls +vim server.js +pm2 start server.js +cd .. +cd app/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd api-runtime +ls +pm2 start server.js +ls +git pull +cd .. +cd api-runtime +pm2 stop server.js +cd .. +cd app/ +ls +git pull +pm2 stop server.js +pm2 start server.js +pm2 +pm2 list +pm2 start server.js +ls +cd .. +ls +cd api-runtime +git pull +pm2 stop server.js +pm2 start server +cd .. +ls +cd app/ +git pull +cd .. +cd ap +cd api +ls +git pull +pm2 stop server.js +pm2 start server.js +ls +cd .. +ls +g +ls +cd Games/ +ls +cd GA_ScratchCard/ +ls +git pull +git diff +./bin/ +cd .. +ls +cd GA_pianoTiles/ +gitp ull +git pull +./bin/ +git diff +cd .. +exit +g +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +cd api-runtime +ls +pm2 stop server.js +node --debug-brk=3302 server.js +node --debug-brk=3099 server.js +cd +cd vr +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "delta" +git push +git commit -am "delta" +git push +git commit -am "delta" +git push +git commit -am "alpha" +git push +git commit -am "alpha" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/api-runtime +ls +git pull +git branch badnames +git checkout badnames +git push -u origin badnames +ls +git checkout develop +ssh gw-api +ssh gw-api-runtime +vim ~/.ssh/config +ssh gw-rt-api +ssh gw-api +exit +vim +exit +gedit +exit +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +cd api-runtime +ls +node --debug-brk=3099 server.js +ls +npm install +node --debug-brk=3099 server.js +node server.js +node --debug-brk=3099 server.js +node server.js +node --debug-brk=3099 server.js +node server.js +exit +sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf +sudo service nginx restart +g +ls +cd GW_Runtime/ +ls +git diff +git checkout badnames +git stash +git checkout badnames +git merge develop +git stash apply +ls +npm install --save "naughty-words" +exit +cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api-runtime.conf +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +ls +grep "fuckface" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "badnames initial commit" +git push +exit +ssh gw-rt-api +ssh gw-dev2 +gnome-calculator +exit +g +ls +git status +cd node_modules/ +ls +git add naughty-words +git add -f# naughty-words +git add -f naughty-words +git status +git commit -am "modified version of npm package naughty words" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "more words" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "more words" +git push +git diff +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git commit -am "xz motion for vr" +git push +node server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "updates" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "less sensitive" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "proper values" +git push +git commit -am "proper values" +git push +git commit -am "proper values" +git push +git commit -am "proper values" +git push +git commit -am "proper values" +git push +git commit -am "field depth" +git push +git commit -am "field depth" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git status +git commit js/gamewheel/modules/field-configuration/field-configuration.js +git push +git commit js/gamewheel/modules/field-configuration/field-configuration.js +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "motion X" +git push +git commit -am "motion X" +git push +git commit -am "motion X" +git push +git commit -am "motion X" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z log" +git push +git commit -am "motion Z log" +git push +git commit -am "rotational z movement" +git push +git commit -am "rotational z movement" +git push +git commit -am "rotational z movement" +git push +git commit -am "rotational z movement" +git push +git commit -am "less sensitive" +git push +mv ~/Downloads/pong-wide.obj ./pong-green.obj +git diff +git status +git commit -am "cool pong +" +git push +git commit -am "fixed import" +git push +exit +ssh gw-api +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +cd +cd Downloads/ +ls +mv Material.001\ -\ Default\ Texture0002.png pong-green.png +mv pong-wide\ green.mtl pong-green.mtl +mv pong-wide\ green.obj pong-green.obj +ls +vim pong-green.mtl +vim pong-green. +vim pong-green.mtl +vim pong-green.obj +mv pong-green.* /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ +ls +g +cd vr_pong/ +ls +git add pong-green.* +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +ls +git diff +git checkout develop +git merge badnames +git push +git pull +git push +git pull +git push +git --global +git push.default +git --help +git config +git config --global push.default = matching +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +git config --global push.default simple +g +ls +cd GW_Runtime/ +ls +git push +g +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +cd +cd Downloads/ +ls +tar -xf emsdk-portable.tar.gz +cd emsdk_portable/ +ls +./emsdk +./emsdk update +./emsdk install latest +sudo apt-get install cmake +./emsdk install latest +cd .. +mv emsdk_portable ../ +ls +cd .. +cd emsdk_portable/ +ls +./emsdk activate latest +nod +node +source ./ +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "q +git diff +git commit -am "fix boundaries - center scaled obj object geometry" +git psuh +git push +ssh +exit +ssh gw-dev2 +ls +exit +ssh gw-dev2 +ls -l +g +ls +cd core/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd GW_Runtime/ +git branch anti-cheating +git checkout anti-cheating +git push -u origin anti-cheating +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout anti-cheating +git merge develop +git status +git push +git status +cd .. +cd core/ +git status +git add js/gamewheel/modules/anti-cheating +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "speed increase" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +cd test/ +l +node --debug-brk 3099 module-anti-cheating.js +node --debug-brk=3099 module-anti-cheating.js +git status +git add module-anti-cheating.js +git status +git rm ../js/gamewheel/modules/bad-word-filter +git rm ../js/gamewheel/modules/bad-word-filter -r +git commit -am "anti cheating" +git push +git status +find -name ".*~" +find -name "*~" +cd .. +find -name "*~" +find -name "*~" | xargs rm +ls +git status +git commit -am "removed bad files" +git push +ls +git diff +git commit -am "anti cheating - need to work on time extrapolation cheat probability" +git push +exit +g +cd gw_prototype/ +cd bin/ +cd .. +npm i +./bin/start +cd Downloads/ +unzip +mv gw_prototype /usr/share/gamewheel/ +g +cd gw_anti_cheating/ +ls +npm install --save sequelize +npm --help +npm install help +npm install -h +man npm +l +ls +cd src/model/ +ls +ln -s ../../../GW_Runtime/models/game_instance.js +ln -s ../../../GW_Runtime/models/game_session.js +ls +cd .. +ls +ln -s ../../GW_Runtime/db.js +ls -l +ls +ln -s ../../GW_Runtime/config.js +ln -s ../../GW_Runtime/conf +ls +cd con +cd conf/ +ls +cd .. +cd bin/ +ls +./start +cd .. +cd GW_Runtime/ +cd .. +cd gw_anti_cheating/ +git diff +ls +git init +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +ls +git add * +git add . +git status +git commit -am "anti cheating initial commit" +git push +git push -u origin master +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./start +env +env node +env | grep node +git diff +git commit -am "server starting" +git push +cd .. +node --debug-brk=3099 index.js +cd bin/ +node --debug-brk=3099 start +cd .. +cd GW_Runtime/ +ls +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout anti-cheating +git merge develop +ls +node --debug-brk=3099 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "anti cheating start integration into runtime" +git push +git push -u origin anti-cheating +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug-brk=3099 module-anti-cheating.js +node pong-socket-server.js +exit +gedit +cat /etc/hosts +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh gw-dev +g +ls +cd gam +cd Games/ +ls +cd .. +cd GW_Runtime/ +node --debug=3099 server.js +git commit -am "anti cheating done" +git push +exit +mysql +exit +cd /etc/ +cd nginx/ +ls +sudo vim sites-enabled/games.conf +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim sites-enabled/games.conf +cd sites- +cd sites-enabled +ls +cat api.conf +cat api-runtime.conf +sudo vim games.conf +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim api-runtime.conf +sudo service nginx restart +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +cd ap +cd api +ls +node serv +node server.js +meld +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +node --debug-brk=3099 server.js +node server.js +node --debug-brk=3099 server.js +node --debug=3099 server.js +ssh gw-dev +vim .my.cnf +exit +mysql +vim .my +vim .my.cnf +mysql +exit +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +git pull +node --debug=3099 server.js +git diff +node --debug=3099 server.js +vim ~/.ssh/config +ssh gw-rt-api +git diff +git commit -am "updates" +git push +node --debug=3099 server.js +ls +git diff +exit +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +node --debug=3099 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "anti-cheating - can run custom validations" +git push +exit +vim .my.cnf +mysql +eit +exit +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +ls +git diff +exit +cd Desktop/ +ls +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +cd Desktop/ +cd .. +git status +ls -l +cd Desktop/ +ls +cp ../../Desktop/general.encrypted . +ls +git status +git commit -am "update" +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +exit +g +cd vr +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "anti aliasing" +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "custom validation flags" +git push +git pull +git push +exit +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh gw-dev +ssh gw-dev2 +cd ammo.js/ +python +vim bullet/src/LinearMath/btScalar.h +python +vim builds/ammo.js +cd builds/ +ls +cd .. +grep btSetInternalTickCallback * -R +grep "btSetInternalTickCallback" * -R +ls +grep "btSetInternalTickCallback" * -R +grep "btSetInternalTickCallback" * -R --include=ammo.idl +grep "setInternalTickCallback" * -R +cd builds/ +grep "setInternalTickCallback" * -R +cd .. +cp builds/ammo.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js +cd builds/ +vim ammo.js +ls -l +cp temp.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js +cd .. +python +ls -l +cd builds/ +ls +cp temp.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js +cd src +cd .. +cd bullet/ +cd src/ +grep "worldUserInfo" * -R +grep "setWorldUserInfo" * -R +exit +cd +cd emsdk_portable/ +ls +ld +ls +cd emscripten/ +ls +cd master +ls +./emcc -v +cd tests/ +cd .. +./emcc tests/hello_world.c +node a.out.js +cat a.out.js +./emcc tests/hello_world_sdl.cpp -o hello.html +ls +cp hello.* /srv/gamewheel.local/pong/ +cd +git clone +cd ammo.js/ +python +cd bullet/ +./ +sudo apt-get install autogen +./ +sudo apt-get install autotools-dev +./ +sudo apt-get install aclocal +sudo apt-cache search aclocal +sudo apt-get install build-essential +sudo apt-get install automake +./ +sudo apt-get install libtoolize +sudo apt-cache search libtoolize +sudo apt-cache search libtool +sudo apt-get install autotools-dev +sudo apt-get install libtool +./ +cd .. +python +ls +find . -name "*.idl" +vim ammo.idl +ls +cd bu +cd bullet +grep setInternalTickCallback * -R +ls -l +cd src/ +ls +grep setInternalTickCallback * -R +tree . +cd .. +vim ammo.idl +ls +cd builds/ +ls +cp ammo.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js +cd .. +vim ammo.idl +python +vim ammo.idl +exit +cd ammo.js/ +ls +cd builds/ +ls +cd .. +cd bullet/ +ls +cd src/ +ls +grep "setInternalTickCallback" * -R +cd BulletDynamics/Dynamics/ +ls +vim btDynamicsWorld.h +grep "btOverlappingPairCallback" * -R +cd .. +grep "btOverlappingPairCallback" * -R +grep "RayResultCallback" * -R +vim BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionWorld.h +grep "setInternalTickCallback" * -R +grep "btInternalTickCallback" * -R +vim BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btDynamicsWorld.h +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git pull +cd .. +cd core/ +git pull +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +ls +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pong.conf +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pong.conf +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo service nginx restart +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "super cool prediction" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "minimal data transfer" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "elapsed time instead of fixed time" +git push +git commit -am "elapsed time instead of fixed time" +git push +git commit -am "elapsed time instead of fixed time including lag" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "ignore lag for now" +git push +git commit -am "ignore lag for now" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +ps -A | grep node +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +ps -A | grep java +kill -9 3542 +node pong-socket-server.js +exit +cd ammo.js/ +cd bullet/ +grep "DefaultVehicleRaycaster" * -R +grep "btScalar" * -R +cd src/LinearMath/ +vim btScalar.h +cd .. +python +cp builds/ammo.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js +vim ammo.idl +grep "Runtime" * -R +cd .. +cd ammo.js/ +cd bullet/ +cd src/ +grep "Runtime" * -R +cd .. +cd builds +grep "Runtime" temp.js +vim temp.js +cd .. +cd bullet/ +grep "getWorldUserInfo" * -R +cd Demos/SoftDemo/ +vim SoftDemo.cpp +exit +ssh gw-dev +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +ibus restart +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "new ammo - still no interval callback - better physics somehow?" +git push +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "ammo recompile test" +git push +git branch goblin +git checkout goblin +git push -u origin goblin +npm install --save goblinphysics +npm remove --save ammo.js +npm remove --save tquery +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "goblin physics start - need to put in paddles" +git push +git status +git add node_modules/goblinphysics/ +git commit -am "goblin" +git push +sudo poweroff +g +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +cd +g +cd dark-matter/ +git checkout unstable +git branch +cd +cd ammo.js/ +ls +python +cd builds/ +ls +cp temp.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js +cd emsdk_portable/ +ls +cd emscripten/ +ls +cd master +ls +./emcc tests/hello_world.cpp +./em++ tests/hello_world.cpp +cd tests/ +ls +g++ hello_world.cpp +g++ -std=c++11 hello_ +g++ -std=c++11 hello_world.cpp +[A +g++ -std=c++11 hello_world.cpp + +g++ -std=c++11 hello_world.cpp -o hi +./hi +g++ -std=c++11 hello_world.cpp +cd .. +./em++ tests/hello_world.cpp +./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp +cd tests/ +ls +find . -name "*.idl" +vim webidl/test.idl +cd .. +ls +vim a.out.js +cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ +./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp +ls +cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ +./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp +cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ +./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp +cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ +./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp +cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ +./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp +cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ +./em++ -std=c++11 --bind tests/hello_world.cpp +cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ +./em++ -std=c++11 --bind tests/hello_world.cpp +cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ +cd config/ +ls +cd Desktop/ +ls +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git pull +git commit -am "pp" +git push +emscripten +cd +cd emsdk_portable/ +ls +cd emscripten/ +ls +cd master +ls +cd tests/ +ls +vim hello_world.cpp +g +cd vr_pong/ +git commit -am "new pong" +git push +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +git pull +git mv pong\ new\ white.png pong-new-white.png +git commit -am "rename" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "pong glow effects for other player - many small bug fixes" +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "cool crazy version - server and client side physics" +git push +git commit -am "cool crazy version - server and client side physics" +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git branch goblin +git checkout goblin +git commmit -am "removed implementation from generic code" +git push +git commit -am "removed implementation from generic code" +git push -u origin goblin +node pong-socket-server.js +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +ssh gw-dev2 +git checkout wide +git pull +git checkout goblin +git checkout wide +git log +git checkout goblin +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +vim /etc/hosts +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-api +g +cd vr_pong/ +ls +cd .. +ls +ln -s ~/config/update_all +vim update_all +./update_all +vim ~/.ssh/config +ssh -L 3099: gw-api +ssh -R 3033: gw-api +ssh -L 3032: gw-api +gedit +exit +ssh gw-api +ssh -L 2022: gw-api +ssh -L 1222: gw-api +ssh -L 2022:localhost:3033 gw-api +ssh -L 3033:localhost:3033 gw-api +exit +cd Desktop/ +cd .. +cd config/ +cd Desktop/ +ls +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git commit -am "yt" +git push +node -v +php -a +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +ls +git status +git add pong.blend +git commit -am "pong.blend" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +ls +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git status +git commit -am "awesome version - nice pongs - client side physics - server sends updates" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "can win and lose" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "grid right glow rotation fix" +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "updated pong positions" +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "super cool - stable version" +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +node pong-socket-server.js +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +git diff +git commit -am "update score from client" +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "ok - cool version with score" +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "prevent default for touchmove" +git push +git commit -am "try to fix fullscreen request" +git push +git commit -am "try to fix fullscreen request" +git push +git commit -am "otherplayer check" +git push +git commit -am "otherplayer check also for frame updates" +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node pong-socket-server.js +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "resize window on start" +git push +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +git branch streamlined +git checkout streamlined +cd .. +cd core/ +git branch streamlined +git checkout streamlined +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +ls +git diff +npm remove --save lodash +git diff +git commit -am "server cleanup" +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "server cleanup" +git push +git push -u origin streamlined +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git push -u origin streamlined +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +git push -u origin streamlined +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "lots of refactoring - start to test" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "lots of refactoring - start to test" +git push +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "connect after file dowload" +git push +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +git status +git add side_* +git add grid_bottom_normal_map.png +git commit -am "gamewheel logo - server fixes needed for when player leaves and enters again" +git push +exit +cp Downloads/grid_normal_map3.png /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/bottom_grid_normal_map.png +g +cd vr_pong/ +mv bottom_grid_normal_map.png grid_bottom_normal_map.png +cp ~/Downloads/grid_normal_map6.png ./side_normal_map.png +cp short_border_emissive_map.png side_emissive_map.png +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "fixed multiplayer restart match" +git push +git branch cannpn +git branch -D cannpn +git branch cannon +git checkout cannon +npm remove --save goblinphysics +npm install --save cannon +git status +git add node_modules/cannon +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "cannon physics" +git push +git push -u origin cannon +git push +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "capping velocity" +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "stable - fixed rotation bug for physics pong 1" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +cd .. +ssh gw-dev2 +gedit +exit +gedit +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git pull +git commit -am "hide controls when fullscreen" +git push +ibus restart +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "hide controls in virtual reality mode" +git push +git commit -am "reset glow" +git push +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "shininess" +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git pull +git checkout feature/dev_1.6 +npm i +mongo +sudo apt-get install mongo +sudo apt-get install mongodb +sudo service mongodb start +vim /etc/mongodb.conf +mongo +cd .. +ls +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git --help +git help --commit +git commit --help +git commit -p -m "color hit fix" +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +cd .. +cd dark-matter/ +sudo vim /etc/hosts +ping dark-matter.cybafelo.local +git diff +git branch websocket +git checkout websocket +git commit -am "websocket start" +git push -u origin websocket +cd src/server/ +node dark-matter-socket-server.js +ls +npm install --save +node dark-matter-socket-server.js +ibus restart +cd .. +ls +cd public/ +ls +vim package.json +vf .. +ld +vf .. +ld +vf .. +cd .. +cd var +cd vr_pong/ +vim package.json +cd .. +cd dark-matter/src/client/ +ls +npm install +git status +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "Updated Schemas" +git pull +git push +git commit -am "Don't authenticate yet" +git push +exit +gedit +sudo su +cat /etc/hosts +cat /etc/hosts | grep "pong" +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "finalized schemas (except for User)" +git push +git pull +git commit -am "include all dates" +git push +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "start schema" +git push +exit +tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log +dmesg +exit +tail -f /var/log/syslog +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git pull +git commit -am "account structure" +git push +mongo +cd ..c +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -p -m "color hit fix" +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "updated structure" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "updated structure" +git push +exit +mongo +g +cd GW_Config/ +ls +git commit -p -m "schema updates" +git push +git diff +g +cd GW_Config/ +ls +npm install --save sinon +npm install --save chai +npm install --save sinon-chai +de .. +cd .. +git clone +cd gamewheel-bus/ +ls +cd tests/ +ls +cat test.Address.js +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +ls +cd .. +cd gamewheel-bus/ +ls +npm install +gulp coverage +npm install -g gulp +sudo npm install -g gulp +gulp coverage +ibus restart +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +ls +npm install --save-dev supertest +git diff +git commit -am "test environment setup" +git push +esdit +exit +g +cd tj/ +node server.js +[A +node server.js +exit +g +ls +cd dark-matter/ +ls +cd .. +ls +mkdir tj +cd tj +ls +vim server.js +exxit +exit +g +cd tj/ +node server +exit +ps -A +ps -A | grep node +top +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +ls +# +gulp +sudp npm i -g gulp +sudo npm i -g gulp +npm i --save-dev gulp-sync +npm i --save-dev gulp-plumber +npm i --save-dev gulp-mocha +gulp test +npm i --save-dev gulp +gulp test +npm i --save-dev wrench +gulp test +npm i --save-dev gulp-util +gulp test +gulp test-watch +mongo +vim /etc/mongodb.conf +ls +git commit -am "testing framework start - started with user model - not persisting to db even though no error present" +git push +git pull +exit +mongo +tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log +sudo service mongodb restart +tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log +sudo service mongodb restart +tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log +exit +vim +exit +gedit +exit +mon +mongo +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git pull +mongo +sudo service stop mongodb +sudo service mongodb stop; +/etc/init.d/mongodb --help +vim /etc/init.d/mongodb +vim /etc/mongodb.conf +sudo service mongodb start; +vim /etc/mongodb.conf +sudo vim /etc/mongodb.conf +sudo service mongodb restart +tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log +git pull +git reset gulp/test.js +git checkout gulp/test.js +git checkout test/test.UserModel.js +git pull +npm i +tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log +vim /etc/mongodb.conf +sudo vim /etc/mongodb.conf +sudo service mongodb restart +tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log +vim package.json +mongo +tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "updated tests - preparing for auth tests" +git push +exit +mongo +g +cd GW_Config/ +grep "randomToken" * -R +mongo +git diff +git commit -am "Authentication done - can authenticate a password, stores password hashes and not passwords, reset password creates a new token and stores a new hash" +git push +tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log +git push +git commit -am "first API integration test for signing up users" +git push +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +npm i --save deasync +git diff +git commit -am "done with sign up" +git push +git commit -am "done with sign in" +git push +git commit -am "signout done" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "typo" +git push +exit +mongo +exit +vim +gnome-calculator +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -p -m "pong low graphics mode bug fix" +git push +ssh gw-dev2 +g +cd GW_Config/ +cat package.json +grep "createTransport" * -R +npm install -g capto +npm install --save capto +ls +npm remove capto +sudo npm i -g capto +mongo +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "user api done - up until password reset - update next" +git push +git diff +ext +exit +vim +gem +sudo apt-get install docker +docker pull mailhog/mailhog +docker +sudo apt-get autoremove +go +sudo apt-get remove docker +sudo apt-get install go +sudo apt-get install gccgo-go +go get +go help gopath +export GOPATH=/home/tj/gocode +echo $GOPATH +mkdir gocode +go get +MailHog -h +cd gocode/ +ls +cd src/ +ls +cd +ls +cd mailhog/ +ls +cd MailHog +ls +cd .. +ls +cd MailHog-Server/ +ls +vim +cd .. +go get +sudo apt-get install bzr +go get +mv gocode gocode-bak +mkdir gocode +go get +go --help +go list +rmdir gocode +cd gocode +ls +cd src/ +tree . +4 +cd .. +mv gocode gocode.segfault +mv gocode-bak/ gocode +go list +ls +go list +go +go run MailHog +cd gocode +ls +tree . +cd .. +go get +go +go fix +go fix mailhog +go fix MailHog +go fix mailhog +cd gocode/src/ +ls +go fix +go fix +go fix +cd .. +bzr +cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/capto/app/con +cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ +ls +cp settings.js.example settings.js +sudo cp settings.js.example settings.js +sudo vim settings.js +capto run +exit +vim +exitr +exit +ssh . +ssh +dmesg +export GOPATH=/home/tj/gocodev +go get +export GOPATH=/home/tj/gocode_err +go get +export GOPATH=/home/tj/gocode_error +go get +exit +cat /etc/environment +cat /etc/debian_version +go +mongo +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "done with user API and tests - 82.5% sloc coverage" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "100% user schema coverage" +git push +git commit -am "include status update" +git push +mongo +git diff +git commit -am "mongoose manages create and update dates" +git push +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +npm install --save-dev gulp-istanbul +exit +go get +export GOPATH=/home/tj/gocode +go get +go -v +go --version +go version +exit +vim +cat x +vim +capto run +exit +g +ls +cd GW_Config/ +ls +ssh +vim .ssh/config +exit +ssh gw-dev2 +exut +exit +ccsm +tailall +tail -f /var/log/syslog +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git pull +git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST +npm install +netstat -ltp +netstat -ltp | grep 9025 +kill -9 5501 +netstat -ltp | grep 9025 +git diff +netstat -ltp | grep 9025 +kill -9 6592 +netstat -ltp | grep 9025 +kill -9 7105 +git commit -am "template API ported to new CRUDController" +git push +git checkout feature/dev_1.6 +git pull +git merge feature/dev_1.6_REST +git push +exit +echo "/var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log\n/var/log/nginx/access.log" > logfiles.txt +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +vim logfiles.txt +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +cd GW_Frontend/ +grep "WoopraService" * -R +cd .. +cd GW_Runtime/ +grep "WoopraService" * -R +cd .. +cd GW_Frontend/ +git pull +git log +grep "WoopraService" * -R +git branch no_woopra +git checkout no_woopra +git commit -am "removed woopra from login / registration process" +git push -u origin no_woopra +git pull +ssh gw-app +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +exit +vim .ssh/config +exit +ssh gw-beta-api +exit +ping +ping +ssh +ping +ping +ping +ping +ping +g +cd GW_Frontend/ +git diff +git commit -am "removed woopra service" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +gitr +git diff +git commit -am "start with campaign API" +git push +git checkout master +git pull +git branch beta +git checkout beta +git merge feature/dev_1.6 +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +git push -u origin beta +ping +vim ~/.ssh/config +ssh gw-statistics +ssh gw-beta-api +ssh gw-statistics +exit +tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "schema updateS" +git push +exit +ssh gw-dev2 +exit +ping +cd Downloads/ +ls +tar -xf WebStorm-2016.2.tar.gz +ls -l | grep WebStorm- +cd WebStorm-162.1121.31/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./ +g +cd GW_Config/ +git pull +vim +git commit -am "done with campaign create" +git push +git commit -am "done with campaign update" +git push +exit +g +netstat -ltp | grep 9025 +kill -9 11167 +exit +cd config/Desktop/ +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +cd Downloads/WebStorm-162.1121.31/ +ls +cd bin/ +./ +ssh gw-beta-api +mongo +g +cd GW_Config/ +git pull +git mergetool +git checkout lib/model/schema/user.js +git diff +git commit -am "include user object in response" +git pull +grep "randomString" * -R +git commit -am "fix user token duplication problem" +git push +mongo +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git commit -am "updates for campaigns working" +git push +git commit -am "done with campaigns API" +git push +git commit -am "done with content API GET" +git push +git pull +git push +ssh gw-beta-api +git commit -am "done with content API" +git push +git pull +git push +git commit -am "include body" +git push +git pull +git push +git pull +git commit -am "platform start" +git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST +git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor +git commit -am "asset belongs to platform" +git push +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +ls +git branch +git checkout beta +git log +git push +git pull +git push +git checkout beta +git diff +git commit -am "particle type" +git push +git checkout beta +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git branch "customization" +git checkout customization +git commit -am "start customizing!" +git push -u origin customization +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +ls +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +node server +ls -l +node pong-socket-server.js +exit +g +cd dark-matter/ +ls +cd .. +cd dark-matter/ +ls +cd +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +ls +git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor +exit +mongo +g +cd GW_Config/ +mongo +git commit -am "done with account API" +git push +git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor +git merge beta +mongo +git diff +git commit -am "image API start" +git push +exit +php +cd Documents/ +php -a +cat test.png +php -a +exit +ccsm +g +cd gw_3d_editor/ +ls +vim ~/.bashrc +3d +ls +exit +ccsm +ls +3d +ls +npm run protractor +npm test +npm run protractor +sudo npm run protractor +npm run protractor +protractor +npm update +bower update +npm run protractor +cd .. +cd vr_racing/ +ls +node server.js +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled +ls +cp pong.conf racer.conf +sudo cp pong.conf racer.conf +sudo vim racer.conf +sudo vim /etc/hosts +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_racer/ +sudo service nginx restart +ls +ping racer.gamewheel.local; +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/racer.conf +ls +rm vr_racer +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_racer/ racer +g +vim ~/.bashrc +r +exit +r +cd lib +ls +ln -s ../../core/js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client +g +cd gw_3d_editor/ +ls +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled +ls +cp pong.conf 3d-editor.conf +ls +sudo cp pong.conf 3d-editor.conf +vim 3d-editor.conf +sudo vim 3d-editor.conf +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/gw_3d_editor 3d-editor +ls +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo service nginx restart +g +cd gw_3d_editor/ +ls +npm install +npm run update-webdriver +npm run protractor +npm start +3d +npm install +npm i --save express +ln -s ../config/config.js +node server.js +npm i --save cors +node server.js +npm i --save body-parser +node server.js +node --debug-brk=3104 pong-socket-server.js +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +cd bin/ +ls +mv start.js start +mv start start.js +./start.js +cd .. +node --debug=3104 server.js +cd bin/ +./start.js +node -v +./start.js +cd .. +grep "spawn" * -R +grep "spawn.*require" * -R +3d +cd bin/ +ls +./start.js +node ../server.js +node --debug=3104 ../server.js +./start.js +cd .. +node --debug=3104 ../server.js +node --debug=3104 server.js +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +vim /etc/nginx/ +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +sudo service nginx restart +3d +ls +node server.js +node --debug=3104 server.js +npm i --save multer +cd Downloads/blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./ +cd bi +cd bin +ls +ls +l- +ls +cd .. +ls +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +cd Downloads/ +ls +exit +r# +r +ls +npm install +ln -s ../config/config.js +ls +node server.js +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api.conf +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin/ +./start +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./start +ccsm +cd blender-2.77a +ls +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +cd 2.77/ +ls +cd .. +find . -name "doc +" +find . -name "doc" +./blender -b -P ../blender-2.77a/doc/blender_file_format/ +ls +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a +ls +cd doc/ +cd blender_file_format/ +ls +exit +mv Desktop/blender\ source/blender-2.77a . +cd blender-2.77a +ls +grep "\.blend" * -R +cd doc/ +ls +cd blender_file_format/ +;ls +ls +ivm README +vim README +exit +cd Downloads/ +mv Asphalt\ \(2\).png Asphalt.png +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +g +ls +3d +ls +cd uploads/ +ls +cd .. +ls +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +ls +cd uploads/ +ls +cd .. +cp ~/Desktop/backup/tj_32x32.ico ./favicon.ico +npm install pusher.blender +npm install --save pusher.blender; +npm install --save lodash +ps -A | grep java +kill -9 3315 +gnome-screenshot -a +gnome-calculator +ps -A | grep java +kill -9 9366 +exit +g +3d +ls +node --debug=3104 server.js +npm install json +npm install urlencoded +node --debug=3104 server.js +npm remove json +node --debug=3104 server.js +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +node --debug=3104 server.js +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +ccsm +exit +gedit +exit +3d +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./start.js +cd .. +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +cd blender-2.77a +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +3d +npm remove --save pusher.blender +npm install --save surfacecurve-blender +npm install --save underscore +cd .. +cd +cd Downloads/ +ls +tar -xf blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-i686.tar.bz2 +mv blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-i686 ../ +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-i686/ +ls +./blender +exit +cd blender-2.77a +ls +cd source/ +grep "drawFlag" * -R +grep "mselect" * -R +exit +node --v +node -v +g +export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH" +`pwd` +pwd +vim ~/.bashrc +fetch v8 +cd v8/ +ls +vim .git/config +git branch +vim .git/config +git pull origin +vim .git/config +git branch -r +git checkout origin/4.4.2 +ls +cd .. +git clone +cd libuv/ +./ +./configure +make +make check +sudo make install +cd /usr/local/lib/ +ls +cd .. +cd include/ +ls +cd .. +find . -name "node.h" +g +cd ~/ClionProjects/ +ls +mv blender-node /usr/share/gamewheel/ +g +cd blender-node/ +ls +npm install -g node-gyp +sudo npm install -g node-gyp +node-gyp configure +ls +cd build/ +ls +cd .. +node-gyp build +ls +vim binding.gyp +node-gyp build +cd build/ +ls +cd Release/ +ls +cd .. +ls +node-gyp build +cd build/Release/ +ls +rm addon.node +rm blender-node.node +ls +cd +ls +cd .. +rm -rf Release/ +cd .. +node-gyp build +cd build/Release/ +tree . +cd /usr/ +find . -name "v8.h" +find . -name "node.h" +find . -name "device.h" +g +cd blender-node/ +ls +node-gyp build +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +cd Downloads/ +ls +tar -xf CLion-2016.2.tar.gz +mv clion-2016.2 ../ +cd .. +cd clion-2016.2/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./ +exit +3d +node server.js +3d +node server.js +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +ls +git init +git add +vim +ls +git add * +ls +git status +git commit -am "if i lose this im gonna puke" +git push +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +exit +ghex +sudo apt-get install ghex +ghex +exot +exit +ps -A +killall blend-loader-test +ls -l +killall blend-loader-test +ps -A +killall blend-loader-test +ps -A +killall blend-loader-test +sudp killall blend-loader-test +sudo killall blend-loader-test +ps -A +exit +cd Do +cd Downloads/ +ls +mv trackTest\ \(3\).blend /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-node/ +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a +ls +cd source/ +ls +cd blender/blenloader/intern/ +ls +vim readfile.c +exit +sudo poweroff +gcc -v +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install g++-4.9 +gcc -v +which gcc +cd /usr/bin/ +ls +ls -l | grep gcc +ls -l | grep g++ +rm g++ +sudo rm g++ +sudo ln -s g++-4.9 g++ +ls -l | grep gcc +sudo rm gcc +sudo ln -s gcc-4.9 gcc +gcc +gcc -v +exit +gdb -v +gdb --v +gcc -v +exit +cd /usr/bin/ +ls -l | grep c++ +ls -l +ls -l | grep c++ +c++ -v +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "sdna load complete - now file block loading starts" +git push +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-64 +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +ls +grep "\blong\b" * -R +ibus restart +git commit -am "starting to read some info" +git push +exit +ping +exit +gnome-calculator +g +cd blender-node/ +git commit -am "file handle limit reached" +git push +exit +3d +node server.js +~ +node server.js +~ +node server.js +node --debug=3104 server.js +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +node server.js +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +node server.js +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +node server.js +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "reading data into javascript" +git push +ibus restart +3g +g +cd blender-node/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "fix update index - was getting duplicate data" +git push +git commit -am "removed printf" +git push +exit +g +ls +cd blender-node/ +ls +cd .. +ls +3d +ls +node server.js +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "mostly done - need to specify a max depth" +git push +exit +3d +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled +ls +sudo vim 3d-editor.conf +sudo vim /etc/hosts +exit +vim /etc/hosts +ps -A | grep chrome +ping +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +ex +git diff +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "better returns to javascript" +git push +cd .. +3d +ls +git init +git commit -m "first commit" +git add * +git rm --cached node_modules +git rm --cached node_modules -r +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd .. +ls +git rm --cached uploads +git rm --cached uploads -r +git status +git commit -am "3d editor start" +git push -u origin master +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +3d +npm install pnltri +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +npm install earcut +wget +node --debug=3104 server.js +npm install libtess +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "tessellation problems - and winding order" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +node --debug=3104 server.js +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +gnome-c +gnome-calculator +exit +which node +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "fixed missing faces after triangulation - now backface culling problem" +git push +git commit -am "all meshes" +git push +node --debug=3104 server.js +gdb --args /usr/local/bin/node server.js +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +ls +node-gyp build +cd .. +3d +gdb --args /usr/local/bin/node server.js +git diff +git commit -am "include scene data" +git push +cd .. +git diff +git commit -am "include debug symbols - fixed bug with reading float pointers (size mismatch 8 vs 4) +" +git push +mysqldumpslow +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git commit -am "start winding order fix" +node --debug=3104 server.js +git commit -am "close to working" +git push +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "still broken" +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "got some kind of winding fixed" +git push +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +npm remove earcut +npm install earcut +node --debug=3104 server.js +git commit -am "winding order algorithm - broken import for track" +git push +git log +git checkout bbab24e7716350ee7f1d29ad80f9c709b7d19ef9 +node --debug=3104 server.js +git checkout HEAD +git pull +git reset --hard HEAD +git checkout master +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "triangulation problem revisited - empty result for duplicate X, Y 3d coords" +git pus +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +ls +npm install --save earcut +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git commit -am "refactoring - working on lookAt()" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "refactoring - working on lookAt()" +git push +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +3d +git commit -am "maximize poly width and height - check cone problem" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "start materials" +git push +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +node --debug=3104 server.js +sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf +sudo service nginx restart +node --debug=3104 server.js +git commit -am "continue texture mapping" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git status +git diff +git commit -am "continue texture mapping" +git push +exit +3x +ed +kill -9 ed +killall ed +3d +npm install q +npm install --save q +ln -s ../blender-node/maths3d.js +ln -s ../blender-node/blender-node.js +git diff +git commit -am " + + + +ls +exit +cd Downloads/ +mv /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-node/ +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-node/ +ls +git status +unzip +exit +3d +ls +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +ls +git status +git add Ads1.png Asphalt.png CarBlue.png Chalet.png EnvironmentTextures1.png Grass.png Mercedes.png Rock.png Skybox1.png Tree1.png art-fight-club.jpg cube.blend spiral_19.JPG track.blend1 trackTest.blend +git commit -am "test data +" +git push +ls +git status +cd .. +ls +cd gw_3d_editor/ +git status +git add maths3d.js blender-node.js +git reset --soft HEAD +git status +git commit -am "maths" +gitp ush +git push +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled +ls +cp 3d-editor.conf ~/config/ +cp api-runtime.conf ~/config/ +cp api.conf ~/config/ +cd ~/ +cd config/ +git add 3d-editor.conf api-runtime.conf api.conf +git commit -am "conf files" +git push +ls +exit +g +ls +cd GW_Config/ +ls +git status +git commit -am "3d editor stuff" +git push +exit +3d +cd uploads/ +rm * +ls +exit +3d +wget +wget +git diff +git commit -am "eye candy" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +exit +3d +ls +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "done blend loader - all good" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "blend loader working" +git push +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +hg +g +cd blender-node/ +cp CarBlue.png CarBlue.png.001 +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +#] +git diff +git commit -am "more eye-candy" +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +cd Downloads/ +mv trackTest\ \(5\).blend /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-node/trackTest2.blend +b +g +cd blender-node/ +git add trackTest2.blend +git commit -am "uv mapping starting to work!" +git push +3d +npm install --save jquery +npm install --save bootstrap +# +git commit -am "selection" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "selection" +git push +gnome-calculator +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git commit -am "need to fix culling after faces have been triangulated and more edges introduced" +git push +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +3d +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +npm install --save lodash +git diff +git commit -am "start upload to api +" +exit +cd +3df +3d +git diff +git commit -am "start upload to api" +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +meld +3d +npm install --save lodash +node --debug=3104 server.js +npm install --save lodash +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "bones and animation stuff" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "bones and animation stuff" +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +ls +git pull +git fetch +git branch +git branch -a +git tree +git --help +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +ls +node server.js +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./start +ls +vim start +./start +vim start +./start +vim start +node --debug=3010 start +git diff +git commit -am "start export to API" +git push +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "start to export to API" +git push +exit +bim +vim +exit +3d +node --debug=3010 start +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +node --debug=3010 start +cd bin + +node --debug=3010 start +git commit -am "first save to API successful" +git push +node --debug=3010 start +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +grep "meshName" * -R +grep "meshName" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/meshName/name/" +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "meshName" * -R +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +grep "meshName" * -R +cd .. +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +grep "meshName" * -R +node --debug=3104 server.js +git commit -am "first save to API successful" +git push +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +grep "meshName" * -R +mongo +git diff +git commit -am "first save to API successful" +git push +cd .. +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "saving scenes - loading them again - starting with updates" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "align scenes with api" +git push +exit +3d +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin/ +node --debug=3010 start +cd .. +git diff +git commit -am "saving scenes - starting to update them" +git push +exit +tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log +exit +mongo +exit +cd /etc/ +cd nginx/ +ls +sudo vim nginx.conf +exit +mongo +exit +g +3d +ln -s ../core/js/gamewheel/modules/3d-game-lib/3d-game-lib.js +git commit -am "start of gamelib - can display from API" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "start of gamelib - can display from API" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "crud updates" +git push +exit +3d +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +cd bi +cd bin +node --debug=3010 start +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-web +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +npm install +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "gw 3d lib continues - selection updates" +git push +exut +exit +3d +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +node --debug=3010 start +cd bin +node --debug=3010 start +git diff +git commit -am "texture API" +git push +exot +exit +mongo +g +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "start differentiate between three, blender and API meshes" +git push +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin +node --debug=3010 start +git diff +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "small fixes" +git push +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +cd .. +exit +g +3d +grep "Undefined vertexUv2" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "material properties and texture properties editable" +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +node --debug=3010 start +cd bin +node --debug=3010 start +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "multiple select fixes" +git push +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +node --debug=3104 server.js# +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "multiple select fix - start multiple property modify" +git push +cd .. +exit +mongo +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211- +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin +node --debug=3010 start +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "multi select material mesh and texture" +git push +exit +g +3d +cd uploads/ +ls +rm * +ls +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin/ +node --debug=3010 start +# +git diff +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "stupid node fs sucks so much ass" +git push +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +node --debug=3104 server.js +node --debug-brk=3104 server.js +node --debug=3104 server.js +npm +npm i --save file-system +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "start image paths" +git push +exit +ibus restart +exit +g +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git commit -am "persist uploaded images for next blender upload - fixed scene dropdown selection" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "scene image upload persistance" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +cd .. +3d +ls +node --debug=3104 server.js +cd .. +grep "new.*Blender.*Image" --include-dir=gw_3d_editor +grep "new.*Blender.*Image" --include=gw_3d_editor +grep "new.*Blender.*Image" gw_3d_editor +grep -? +grep --help +ls +grep "new.*Blender.*Image" * -R +grep "new.*Blender.*Texture" * -R +grep "new.*Blender.*Material" * -R +grep "new.*Blender.*Skeleton" * -R +grep "new.*Blender.*Mesh" * -R +grep "new.*Blender.*Bone" * -R +3d +git commit -am "start API export" +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git commit -am "start API export" +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git commit -am "start API export" +git push +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin +node --debug=3010 start +npm install --save mongoose-gridstore +npm remove --save mongoose-gridfs +node --debug=3010 start +exit +g +grep "new.*Image" * -R +ls +grep "new.*Image" * -R --exclude-dir=ammo.js +grep "new.*BlenderNode.*Image" * -R +grep "new.*Editor.*Image" * -R +grep "new.*BlenderNode.*Image" * -R +exit +3d +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +ls +npm install --save mongoose-fs +npm remove --save mongoose-fs +npm install --save mongoose-gridfs +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin/ +node --debug=3010 start +ls +vim start +cd . +cd .. +cd bin +node --debug=3010 start +git commit -am "saving scenes with bones" +git push +node --debug=3010 start +exit +g +3d +cd .. +grep "new.*Blender.*Mesh" * -R +grep "new.*Blender.*Skeleton" * -R +grep "new.*Blender.*Bone" * -R +grep "new.*Blender.*Image" * -R +grep "new.*Blender.*Scene" * -R +grep "image.*path" * -R +grep "image\.path" * -R +cd gw_3d_editor/ +grep "image\.path" * -R +grep "image\.path" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/image\.path/image.uploadPath/" +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "image\.path" * -R +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +grep "image\.path" * -R +cd .. +grep "new.*Blender.*Scene" * -R +3d +node --debug=3010 start +node --debug=3104 server.js +grep "maps.texture" * -R +grep "maps.texture" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/maps.texture/maps.diffuse/g" +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "maps.texture" * -R +grep "maps.texture" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/maps.texture/maps.diffuse/g" +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +grep "maps.texture" * -R +cd .. +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "saving scenes with bones :)" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git commit -am "saving scenes with bones :)" +git push +node --debug=3104 server.js +cd .. +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +g +3d +ls +cd uploads/ +ls +exit +gedit +mongo +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin +node --debug=3010 start +git fetch +git checkout master +git pull +cd .. +git diff +git commit -am "start-debug" +git push +git pull +exut +exit +node --help +exit +cat .ssh/config +cat .ssh/config | grep gw-api -c 6 +cat .ssh/config | grep gw-api -c6 +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-api +exit +ssh -gw-api +ssh gw-api +g +cd GW_Config/ +git pull +exit +ssh gw-dev +exit +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/838/media/user/ov_ButtonPlay.png . +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/838/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/838/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . +compose +composite +composite help compose +composite -help compose +man composite +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/840/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/840/media/user/ov_ButtonPlay.png . +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "don't touch custom image" +git push +git pull +git push +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/841/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . +rm fn_ButtonPlay.png +cd +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/841/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "fix convert" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "replace simply" +git push +git commit -am "replace simply" +git push +git commit -am "exit 0?" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "don't modify user versions" +git push +git commit -am "exit 1" +git push +git commit -am "exit 0" +git push +git diff master +git checkout master +git checkout develop -- bin/ +git checkout develop -- bin/ +git diff +git status +git commit -am "compose scripts" +git push +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git pull +git diff +cd .. +ls +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games -R . +scp -R gw-dev:/var/www/games . +scp -r gw-dev:/var/www/games . +exit +g +3d +ls +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor +git diff +git commit -am "semicolon" +git push +git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor +cd bin/ +node --debug=3010 start +git checkout master +exit +ssh gw-api +exit +exit +ssh gw-demo +exit +g +cd vr_ +cd vr_pong/ +ls +exit +ssh gw-api +exit +cd blender-2.77a +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/841/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . +ssh gw-dev +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/841/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . +cp -? +cp --help +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/841/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . +scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/842/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . +ssh gw-api +exit +ssh gw-api +g +cd GW_Config/ +git checkout develop +ssh gw-dev +ssh gw-demo +g +cd GW_c +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "error log" +git push +git commit -am "error log" +git push +git pull +git commit -am "too many logs" +git push +git commit -am "no return" +git push +vim server.js +git diff +git commit -am "log args" +git push +ssh gw-app +ssh gw-api +ssh gw-dev-api +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-dev +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh gw-demo +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "green" +git push +exit +cd +g +cd vr_ +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +node pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "small changes" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "editor and racer configs" +git push +git push -u origin tj-dev +cd .. +cd vr_ +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git pull +git push +node pong-socket-server.js +git commit -am "no a.out.js" +git push +git commit -am "relative paths" +git push +ls +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pong.conf +ls +node pong-socket-server.js +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin/ +git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor +node --debug=3010 start +node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=8192 start +git diff +git commit -am "increase body size" +git push +exit +g +ssh gw-api +mongo +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git checkout develop +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "continue not exit" +git push +git checkout master +git diff develop +git checkout develop -- bin/ +git commit -am "continue not exit" +git push +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exot +exit +ssh gw-api +ssh gw-dev +ssh gw-api +exit +gedit +exit +mongo +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin +node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=8192 start +git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor +node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=8192 start +node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +git status +git diff +git commit -am "small bug fixes" +git push +cd .. +3d +git diff +git commit -am "small bug fixes" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git dif +git commit -am "small bug fixes" +git push +git status +exit +exit +mongo +exit +cd ammo.js/ +ls +cd .. +ls +find . -name "a.out.js" +cd ammo.js/bullet/build/ +ls +vim a.out.js +cd .. +ls +vim README +vim VERSION +exit +3d +npm remove --save lzstring +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +npm remove --save lz-string +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +npm remove --save lz-string +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +npm remove --save lz-string +exit +sudo service nginx restart +exit +sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf +ls +cd /etc/nginx/ +cd sites-enabled +ls +vim 3d-editor.conf +scp 3d-editor.conf gw-3d:/etc/nginx/sites-available/3d-editor-tj.conf +sudo scp 3d-editor.conf gw-3d:/etc/nginx/sites-available/3d-editor-tj.conf +scp 3d-editor.conf gw-3d:/tmp/3d-editor.conf +scp api.conf gw-3d:/tmp/api.conf +mongo +exit +ping +exit +g +cd config/ +ls +git diff +vim config.js +git commit -am "api16" +git push +ls -l +exit +which gcc +cd /usr/bin/ +ls +ls -l +ls -l | grep gcc +exit +gcc -v +exit +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-3d +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd /var/log/ +ls +cd nginx/ +ls +tail -f 3d-editor.gamewheel.local.* +tail -f 3d-editor.gamewheel.local.* api.gamewheel.local.* +ls +exit +tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log +exit +3d +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd .. +npm install --save delaunay-triangulate +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin +node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf +sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf +sudo service nginx restart +node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +git diff +git commit -am "compression - need to have lean save queries" +git push +node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +npm install --save gzip-js +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +npm install --save gzip-js +3d +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +npm remove --save gzip-js +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +npm install --save gzip-js +cd .. +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +npm remove --save gzip-js +npm install --save lzstring +npm install --save lz-string +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +npm remove --save gzip-js +npm install --save lz-string +node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +cd .. +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "common maps - compression, upload paths fixed" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "compression, fixed winding order for triangulation" +git push +cd .. +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "all rights reserved" +git push +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +npm install --save delaunay-triangulation +ls +grep "lodash" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "deps" +git pull +git push +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-api +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +sudo vim nginx.conf +exit +sudo service nginx restart +exit +g +grep "apiUrl" * -R +grep "editor\.apiUrl" * -R +grep "editor\.apiUrl" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/editor\.apiUrl/api.url/g" +grep "api\.url" * -R +exit +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +exit +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +ls -l +cd 3d +cd 3d-editor +ls +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +git diff +vim +git pull +vim +git commit -am "include getStructures" +git push +exit +g +cd config/ +git pull +git checkout gw-3d +ls +git commit -am "config fixes" +git push +git checkout tj-dev +exit +ssh gw-3d +telnet 3104 +telnet -p 3104 +telnet 3104 +exit +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-3d +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +ls +vim api.conf +sudo vim api.conf +sudo service nginx restart +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "respond with server online" +git push +exit +cd .. +3d +git commit -am "remove pw" +git push +git commit -am "remove username" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "registration for users" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +cd.. +exit +ssh gw-3d +g +grep "config.api.url" * -R +grep "config\.api\.url" * -R +grep "config\.api\.url" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/config\.api\.url/config.api16.url/g" +cd gw_3d_editor/ +git diff +git commit -am "api16 url" +git push +git pull +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +cd .. +cd config/ +git push +cd .. +ls +cd blender-node/ +git diff +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "mongoose problems with update - super slow" +git push +ex3d +3d +git diff +git add favicon.ico +git commit -am "fav icon" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +npm remove --save delaunay-triangulation +npm install --save delaunay-triangulate +git commit -am "correct triangulation library" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git commit -am "favicon.ico" +git push +npm update --save mongoose +git commit -am "mongoose update" +git push +git pull +ls +ls -l +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout gw-3d +git log +git checkout tj-dev +git cherry-pick a484e181e89222bc877be7b48a6889bb5d0cdcf4 +git reset --hard HEAD +git cherry-pick c3befc06348acddf42afcd9428162a93b8437397 +git cherry-pick a484e181e89222bc877be7b48a6889bb5d0cdcf4 +git mergetool +] +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +] +git diff +git commit -am "options" +git push +git checkout gw-3d +git cherry-pick 4bac3bc +git mergetool +git commit -am "include mongo ports" +git push +ls +cd .. +find . -name "*.orig" +find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm +ls +cd config/ +git diff +git push +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin +node --debug-brk=3204 start +node start +git commit -am "streamlined bootstrap process" +git push +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd 3d +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "config updates" +git push +git checkout gw-3d +git cherry-pick 662d557 +git push +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +grep " res.status(400); + res.contentType('application/json'); + res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers' , 'accept, content-type'); + res.set('Access-Control-Request-Methods', 'OPTIONS, GET, POST'); + res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin' , req.header('Origin')||'api-test'); + res.set('Accept-Encoding' , 'gzip, deflate'); + res.set('X-Powered-By' , 'Gamewheel a Toywheel product'); + return res.json( + { + result:'failure', + status: 0, + message:err.message || err +grep "sessionKey" * -R +grep "appConfig" * -R +grep "appConfig" * -R --exlude-dir=coverage +grep "appConfig" * -R --exlude-dir coverage +grep "appConfig" * -R --exclude-dir coverage +grep "baseURL" * -R --exclude-dir coverage +git diff +git commit -am "fix config" +git push +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +git diff +git commit -am "error messages" +gitp ush +git push +git commit -am "bind this" +gitp ush +git push +gcc -v +sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 +sudo apt-get update gcc-4.9 +sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 +cd /var/cache/apt +ls +cd archives/ +ls +find . |grep gcc +apt-cache policy gcc-4.9 +sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade gcc-4.9 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 +gcc -v +g +3d +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "fixes" +git pull +git push +exit +ssh gw-3d +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +node --debug=3204 server.js +node --debug=3203 server.js +gdb --args /usr/local/bin/node server.js +git diff +git commit -am "fix fetch scene bug" +git push +exit +gnome-calculator +3d +git diff +git commit -am "updated gui" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git push +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd 3d +3d +git diff +git commit -am "api independent" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +cd .. +ls +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "default position, rotaiton scale etc" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +ls +cd .. +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin +node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +git commit -am "fixed registration - also authenticate session afterwards" +git push +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +git commit -am "bypass scene for GET" +git push +cd .. +cd 3d +3d +git diff +git commit -am "removed unused parameter" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/bin/ +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +exit +cd Downloads/ +mv Rock\ \(4\).png Rock.png +mv Asphalt\ \(3\).png Asphalt.png +mv Skybox1\ \(3\).png Skybox1.png +mv EnvironmentTextures1\ \(5\).png EnvironmentTextures1.png +exit +3d +git commit -am "remove threescene - unneeded" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "don't ignore position, rotation and scale" +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +npm install +sudo ldconfig +git diff +git status +git rm --cached build +git rm --cached build -r +git status +git commit -am "include debug symbols again" +git push +gdb --args /usr/local/bin/node server.js +ls +cd .. +3d +exit +exit +ssh gw-3d +g +grep "new.*Blend.*Image" * -R +grep "new.*BlenderNode.*Image" * -R +grep "new.*BlenderNode.*Material" * -R +cd +cd Downloads/ +unzip +mkdir pong_assets +mv pong_assets +cd pong_assets/ +unzip +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +3d +node --debug=3203 server.js +g +cd blender-node/ +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "texture links" +git push +cd .. +3d +git diff +git commit -am "standard materials" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "no gridstore - texture links" +gi tpush +git push +git pull +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +exit +cd Downloads/ +mv WallScoreLeft5.png pong_assets/ +exit +g +find . -name "3d-game-lib.js" +cd core/ +git diff +exit +ssh gw-3d +3d +node --debug=3203 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "restore lights" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "lights" +git push +node --debug=3203 server.js +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +git diff +git commit -am "save light" +git push +node --debug=3203 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "directional and ambient lights" +git push +node --debug=3203 server.js +git commit -am "more complete lights" +git push +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +cd .. +3d +git diff +git commit -am "tooltips - need to start saving lights" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/bin/ +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +git +git diff +git commit -am "saving lights" +git push +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +git diff +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "comment" +git push +exit +mongo +ls +g +3d +git commit -am "scale to 200" +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +g +cd vr_ +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git branch new_look +git checkout new_look +git push -u origin new_look +git checkout customization +git add a.out.js +git commit -am "compiled ammo" +git push +git checkout new_look +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib.js +git add game-lib.js +git add config.js +node pong-socket-server.js +node --debug=3201 pong-socket-server.js +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-maths.js +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "load scene by name" +git push +git pull +git checkout feature-triMesh +git pull +git checkout develop +git merge feature-triMesh +git merge tj +git push +git checkout feature-triMesh +git merge develop +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git checkout tj +git merge develop +git push +git diff +cd .. +ls +cd game +cd game-lib/ +cd .. +cd cd vr_pong/ +cd vr_ +cd vr_pong/ +cp ~/Downloads/pong_assets/ . +ls +git add +git status +git add game-lib-maths.js +git commit -am "pong assets etc" +git push +git push -u origin new_look +ls +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +g +cd vr_pong/ +cp ~/Downloads/pong_assets/ball.blend . +ls +git add ball.blend +git push +git commit -am "ball.blend" +git push +exit +cd blender-2.77a +ls +cd source/ +ls +tree . +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +mongo +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin/ +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +cd .. +grep "customSaveValidation" * -R +cd bin +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "start physics" +git remote add origin +git remote add remote +git push +git push -u remote +git branch develop +git checkout develop +git push -u remote develop +git branch tj +git checkout tj +git push -u remote tj +cd .. +mkdir game-lib +cd game +cd game-lib/ +ls +git init +vim +git add +git commit -am "initial commit" +mv ../gw_3d_editor/3d-game-lib.js . +ls +git add 3d-game-lib.js +git mv 3d-game-lib.js game-lib.js +git commit -am "game-lib" +it remote add origin +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +grep "GameLib3d" * -R +grep "GameLib3d" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib3d/GameLib/g" +cd .. +grep "GameLib3d" * -R +cd gw_3d_editor/ +grep "GameLib3d" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib3d/GameLib/g" +cd .. +ls +cd game-lib/ +git diff +grep "BlenderNode" * -R +grep "BlenderNode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode/GameLib.D3/g" +grep "this.THREE" * -R +grep "this.THREE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/this\.THREE/" +grep "" * -R +grep "" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/" +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "calculateNormal" * -R +cd .. +grep "calculateNormal" * -R +grep "fixWindingOrder" * -R +cd game-lib/ +grep "GameLib.prototype" * -R +grep "GameLib.prototype" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib/GameLib.D3/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.D3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.D3/GameLib.D3/g" +git diff +git commit -am "GameLib D3" +git push +git status +git add game.js physics.js +git commit -am "GameLib D3 Files" +git push +git diff +git rm physics.js +rm physics.js +git rm physics.js +git commit -am "physics into GameLib.D3" +git push +ls +vim game.js +git diff +git commit -am "this" +git push +git branch develop +git checkout develop +git push -u origin develop +git diff +git status +git add maths3d.js +git commit -am "maths3d" +git push +git push -u origin develop +git checkout master +git merge develop +git push +git diff +git status +git add game-lib-maths.js +git commit -am "maths" +git push +ls +git checkout develop +git merge master +git push +git checkout tj +git branch tj +git checkout tj +git push -u origin tj +ls +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +git diff +git checkout 3d-game-lib.js +git status +git diff +git commit -am "fix target position" +ls +vf .. +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git checkout master -- maths3d.js +git status +git add maths3d.js +git diff +git status +git checkout master +git diff +git status +git diff +git commit -am "removed physics from here" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +cd bin/ +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +git commit -am "start physics" +git push +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +git +git branch 1.6 +git checkout 1.6 +git push -u origin 1.6 +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +git diff +git commit -am "load scene from API via name" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd blender-node/ +git diff +cd .. +cd cd core/ +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "various" +git push +cd .. +ls +3d +git status +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git status +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git status +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git push +exit +3d +node --debug=3104 server.js +node --debug=3203 server.js +ls +git diff +cd .. +exit +hg +g +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +git pull +git diff +git diff develop +git checkout develop +git merge tj +git push +git checkout master +git merge develop +git push +cd .. +cd 3d +3d +git difr +git diff +git commit -am "update path" +git push +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-demo +exit +ssh gw-3d +g +cd vr_pong/ +git pull +cd .. +3d +git diff +git commit -am "don't clamp emissive and others" +gitp ush +git push +git commit -am "typo" +git push +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +ls +gimp particle.png +exit +cd Downloads/ +mv +mkdir tc +mv tc +cd tc +unzip +ls -l +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-3d +cd .. +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-3d +mongo +g +cd vr_ +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "moving light" +git push +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +sudo killall unclutter +gksudo modprobe -r psmouse +sudo modprobe -r psmouse +sudo modprobe psmouse +sudo apt-get install unclutter +unclutter -idle 1 -root -grab -visible +sudo killall unclutter +unclutter -idle 1 -root -grab -visible +xdotool mousemove +sudo apt-get remove unclutter +sudo apt-get install xdotool +xdotool mousemove 100 100 +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +node --debug=3201 pong-socket-server.js +git d +git diff +cd .. +3d +git diff +git commit -am "import from blender" +git push +node --debug=3201 pong-socket-server.js +git push +cd .. +cd vr_ +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug=3201 pong-socket-server.js +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin/ +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +cd +g +cd config/ +ls +git checkout cyb +git pull +git checkout cybafelo +ls +vim 3d-editor.conf +git checkout tj-dev +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-3d +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +node --debug=3203 server.js +mongo +cd blender-2.77a +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +3d +git diff +git commit -am "also update blender meshes and lights" +git push +ssh gw-3d +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git pull +git branch +git branch -a +cd Downloads/ +mkdir pong_assets_new +mv pong_assets_new/ +cd pong_assets_new/ +unzip +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211- +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +g +cd vr_pong/ +node --debug=3201 pong-socket-server.js +git diff +git commit -am "look updates" +git push +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-demo +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd bin +node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start +git diff +git commit -am "store clipping planes" +git push +g# +3d +node --debug=3203 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "start work with clipping planes" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "proper deal with clipping planes" +git push +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "store clipping planes as arrays" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git push +3d +node --debug=3203 server.js +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd nin +exit +exit +3 +vim .bashrc +exit +cd Downloads/ +ls +cd vc +ls +cd tc/ +ls +mv ../ . +unzip +g +cd vr_pong/ +git commit -am "color inherit" +git push +git checkout new_look +git merge tc +git push +git commit -am "load normal pong" +git push +exit +cd Downloads/ +gimp Ads1.png +exit +ssh gw-demo +exit +3 +git diff +git commit -am "bw compatible clipping planes" +git push +exit +p +git commit -am "all effects in for now" +git push +p +git commit -am "done with new look" +git push +ssh gw-3d +git checkout tc +git merge new_look +git push +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-demo +p +git commit -am "local clipping planes - ripple on left and right borders" +git push +ssh gw-demo +exit +a +git diff +git push +exyt +a +exit +3 +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +g +git clone +cd blender- +cd blender-files/ +ls +vim +ls +mkdir pong +mv ball.blend pong/ +ls +git add pong/ +git add +git commit -am "initial commit" +git push +git pull +cp ~/Downloads/pong_assets_new/Trail.png . +git add Trail.png +git commit -am "trail.png" +git push +git mv Trail.png pong/ +git commit -am "oops wrong place" +git push +exit +cp Downloads/pong_assets_new/ball.blend /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/ +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +ls +vim 3d-editor.conf +sudo vim 3d-editor.conf +exit +sudo service nginx restart +exit +g +cd blender- +cd blender-files/ +ls +mkdir pong_tc +cd pong_tc/ +cp ~/Downloads/tc/*.png . +cp ~/Downloads/tc/.*png . +cp ~/Downloads/tc/*png . +ls +exit +gnome-screenshot -a +gnome-screenshot +exit +g +cd blender- +cd blender-files/ +git pull +git status +git add pong_tc/ +git commit -am "tech crunch assets" +git push +ls +cd pong +ls +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +git branch -l +git diff tj +git merge tj +git push +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +ls +mkdir racer +cd racer/ +cp ~/Downloads/trackTest\ \(3\).blend track.blend +git add track.blend +git commit -am "track 1" +git push +cd .. +ls +mkdir truck +mkdir car +git add truck +git add car +git commit -am "save stuff here pleae" +exit +g +cd blender-files/ +git pull +ls +cd car/ +ls +cd .. +cd racer/ +ls +cd .. +git mv racer vr_racer +git commit -am "rename" +git push +exit +g +ls +git clone +cd game-lib/ +ls +cp ../GW_3D_Racing/game/js/flyControls.js . +ls +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +ls +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-controls.js +rm game-lib-controls.js +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib +rm game-lib +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib.js +rm 3d-game-lib.js +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-maths.js +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-controls.js.js +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-controls.js +rm game-lib-controls.js.js +git commit -am "translation - start with fly controls - migrated to gamelibrm game-lib-controls.js.js ! :)" +git push +git status +git add game-lib* +git commit -am "awesomeness" +git push +cd .. +ls +exit +3 +git commit -am "drop original filenames - take new filenames" +git push +ssh gw-3d +3 +npm update +vim package.json +npm update +3 +vim package.json +npm update +3 +vim package.json +npm update +vim package.json +npm update +3 +git diff +git commit -am "light fixes" +git push +3 +git diff +git commit -am "allow all header" +git push +3 +exit +a +exit +p +git commit -am "pong updates" +git push +git log +git checkout tc +git log +git checkout new_look +git log +git checkout tc +git cherry-pick 34f2e401d360c107d93f99bbd72114f9f3260931 +git cherry-pick ce11dbc3d7c972575a7c2df328d57ce521d31be1 +git push +git pull +git push +git checkout new_look +git pull +ssh gw-demo +p +git diff +git commit -am "fix trails" +git push +p +git push +git log +git checkout tc +git log +git cherry-pick c73d61e3250f67db06bd0e56360cf7219670eb88 +git push +ssh +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-3d +cd .. +3 +cd uploads/ +ls +cd gamewheel/tech_crunch/root/pong/ +ls +scp * gw-3d:/srv/ +cd .. +cd root/root/pong/ +scp * gw-3d:/srv/ +g +ls +cd game-lib/ +ls +git diff tj +git merge tj +git push +git diff tj +git checkout tj +git merge master +git push +git pull +git checkout feature-triMesh +git checkout develop +git merge feature-triMesh +git push +git checkout master +git diff develop +git checkout develop +git merge feature-triMesh +git checkout master +git checkout develop +git merge master +git push +p +git checkout new_look +p +exit +g +cd blender-files/ +git pull +g +cd ~ +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +g +cd gw_3d_editor/ +grep "BlenderNode" * -R +ls -l +grep "BlenderNode" * -R +grep "BlenderNode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode/GameLib.D3/g" +git diff +git commit -am "get rid of blenderNode" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd game +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git status +git add game-lib-controls.js +git commit -am "game lib controls" +git push +git checkout feature-triMesh +git pull +git checkout develop +git merge feature-triMesh +git push +git branch editor +git checkout editor +cd .. +3d +ls +npm install --save cannon +exitr +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211- +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +ps -a | grep java +ps -a | grep web +ps -a | grep sto +ps -A | grep java +kill -9 3129 +exit +3 +git diff +git commit -am "starting to work with physics" +git push +cd .. +cd game +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "starting to work with physics" +git push +git push -u origin editor +git pull +git push +exit +a +git commit -am "starting to save physics to API" +git push +cd .. +ls +exit +sudo killall java +3 +git diff +git commit -am "fix some controls, fix worlds which weren' getting saved properly, start to create shapes from meshes" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "better loading and displaying of scenes, start work with physics data" +git push +git checkout develop +git pull +git merge editor +git push +exit +a +git diff +git commit -am "get list of scenes instead, respond with object again" +git push +exit +p +git diff +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +mongo +g +cd blender-files/ +git pull +g +ls +grep "new.*GameLib.*Texture" * -R +grep "new.*Blender.*Texture" * -R +cd blender-node/ +git diff +mv blender-node.js blender-node.js.bak +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib.js +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-maths.js +mv maths3d.js maths3d.js.bak +mv *.bak ../ +ls +grep "BlenderNode.Material" * -R +grep "BlenderNode.Material" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Material/GameLib.D3.Material/g" +grep "BlenderNode.Texture" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Texture/GameLib.D3.Texture/g" +grep "BlenderNode.Bone" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Texture/GameLib.D3.Bonde/g" +grep "BlenderNode.Bone" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Bone/GameLib.D3.Bone/g" +grep "BlenderNode.Vector2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Vector2/GameLib.D3.Vector2/g" +grep "BlenderNode.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Vector3/g" +grep "BlenderNode.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Vector4/g" +grep "BlenderNode.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Vector4/GameLib.D3.Vector4/g" +grep "BlenderNode.Mesh" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Mesh/GameLib.D3.Mesh/g" +git branch gamewheel +git checkout gamewheel +grep "BlenderNode.PolyVertex" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Mesh/GameLib.D3.PolyVertex/g" +grep "BlenderNode.PolyVertex" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.PolyVertex/GameLib.D3.PolyVertex/g" +grep "BlenderNode.TriangleFace" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.TriangleFace/GameLib.D3.TriangleFace/g" +grep "BlenderNode.Vertex" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.TriangleFace/GameLib.D3.Vertex/g" +grep "BlenderNode.Vertex" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Vertex/GameLib.D3.Vertex/g" +grep "BlenderNode.Skeleton" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Skeleton/GameLib.D3.Skeleton/g" +cd .. +grep "createChildBoneIds" * -R +cd blender-node/ +grep "BlenderNode.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Image/GameLib.D3.Image/g" +cd .. +grep "new.*GameLib.*Texture" * -R +vim blender-node.js.bak +exit +a +git diff +exit +g +grep "new.*GameLib.*Material" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.*Image" * -R +cd gw_3d_editor/ +grep "uploadPath" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "shitload of work - refactoring - creating physics objects - much more stable loading / upload paths etc" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "finally migrated BlenderNode to GameLib.D3" +git status +git add game-lib* +git commit -am "and here's the game-lib - mofos" +git push -u origin gamewheel +git remote -v +git push -u remote gamewheel +git branch --delete origin/gamewheel +git push origin --delete gamewheel +git cd .. +cd .. +ls +cd gw_3d_editor/ +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "real scene save functions - removed unneeded properties from material, image and texture schama" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "physics worlds - hello" +git push +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "could i live with this typo?" +git push +cd .. +ln -s ~/config/status_all +vim status_all +./status_all +exit +3 +exit +p +ibus restart +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +sudo service nginx restart +ibus restart +EXIT +exit +sudo service nginx restart +exit +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +sudvim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +exit +ssh gw-demo +exit +ssh gw-demo +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "fix splash ripples - better stereo effect" +git push +ssh gw-demo +exit +3d +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git log +exit +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "request pointer lock" +git pull +git push +ssh gw-demo +3 +git diff +git commit -am "no origin for API requests - need this to be set in nginx" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "remove uploadpath" +git push +git checkout master +git pull +git merge develop +git push +ssh gw-3d +3 +exit +a +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +a +exit +op +p +git diff +git commit -am "some pong AI" +git push +p +git commit -am "fix init players" +git push +cd .. +p +exit +ssh gw-demo +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git pull +git checkout feature-triMesh +git pull +git branch -a +git branch next +git checkout next +git merge master +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git pusg +git push +git push -u origin next +exit +g +cd game-lib +grep "GameLib.D3.Physics.Engine.TYPE_CANNON" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Physics.Engine.TYPE_CANNON" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Physics.Engine.TYPE_CANNON/GameLib.D3.Physics.TYPE_CANNON/g" +grep "this.engineType" * -R +grep "this.engineType ==" * -R +grep "this.engineType ==" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/this.engineType ==/this.physics.engineType ==/" +grep "new\s*CANNON" * -R +grep "new\s*CANNON" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/new\s*CANNON/new this.physics.CANNON/g" +grep "Shape\.TYPE" * -R +grep "Shape\.TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Shape\.TYPE/SHAPE_TYPE/g" +ls +cd .. +ls +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +cd . +cd ls +cd .. +ls +gw_3d_editor/ +cd gw_3d_editor/ +ls +git diff +exit +3 +exit +a +exit +p +git diff +exit +xit +exit +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +grep "Access-Con" * -R +grep "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" * -R +grep "include.*cors" * -R +grep "var.*cors" * -R +grep "var.*\bcors\b" * -R +grep "require.*cors" * -R +ls +exit +ssh gw-app +ssh gw-games +ssh gw-game +ping +ping +ping +ssh gw-api +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api-runtime.conf +g +ls +cd GW_Runtime/ +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +ls +vim config.js +vim conf/config. +vim conf/config.json +node --debug=3200 server.js +npm install +node --debug=3200 server.js +sudo apt-get install redis +sudo apt-get install redis-server +node --debug=3200 server.js +exit +ssh gw-rt +exit +g +grep "\bTriangleMesh\b" * -R +cd game-lib/ +gulp +gulp build +gulp +npm install --save gulp-sort +gulp +npm install --save gulp-minify +gulp +git commit -am "gulp build - now start to fix" +gulp +git commit -am "start to fix - at 'Heightmap'" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd GW_Frontend/ +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "vehicles" +git push +git checkout master +git pull +a +cd .. +ls +node server.js +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api-runtime.conf +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api.conf +node --debug=3204 server.js +node --debug=3204 server.js # +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api-runtime.conf +ssh gw-api +exit +gnome-screenshot -a +exit +g +grep "dashboard.total_sessions" * -R +grep "total_sessions" * -R +exit +ssh gw-runtime +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-rt-api +vim .ssh/config +exit +ssh gw-api +gnome-screenshot -a +exit +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +ls +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "update" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Runtime/ +git pull +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "try again" +git push +git commit -am "try again" +git push +ssh gw-rt +g +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git checkout develop +git pull +git diff master +git commit -am "fix counter" +git push +git checkout master +git diff develop +git merge develop +git push +ssh gw-api +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +npm install --save gulp +npm install --save gulp-concat +exit +mysql -h -u root -p +ssh gw-rt +exit +g +ssh gw-rt +exit +ssh gw-rt +exity +exit +ssh gw-api +exit +exit +exit +ssh gw-rt +vim +ssh gw-api +exit +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +node --debug=3200 server.js +git log +ssh gw-rt +ssh gw-api +ssh gw-rt +exit +g +ssh gw-api +g +ls +cd GW_Config/ +ssh gw-ap +ssh gw-api +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +node --debug=3200 server.js +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +node --debug=3204 server.js +git diff +git commit -am "using pipe" +git push +git commit -am "using pipe" +git push +node --debug=3204 server.js +exit +ssh gw-new +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-new +exit +ssh gw-beta-api +g +ls +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "start writing tests" +git push +git commit -am "include code coverage reports" +git push +npm install --save cannon +npm install --save three +ping +ssh gw-admin +cd +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-admin +g +cd gw_3d_editor/ +ls +git branch develop +git checkout develop +ls +rm game-lib-controls.js +rm game-lib.js +rm game-lib-maths.js +rm maths3d.js +ls +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js +ls +ibus restart +npm install --save-dev gulp-istanbul +npm install --save gulp +npm install --save-dev gulp-concat +npm install --save-dev gulp-sort +npm install --save-dev gulp-minify +npm install --save-dev gulp-mocha +gulp build +npm install --save-dev gulp-plumber +gulp build +git diff +git commit -am "start test frameworkd" +git push -u origin develop +git pull +ln -s build/editor.js +git commit -am "gulp build" +git push +git commit -am "editor ln" +git push +exit +vim .ssh/config +exit +ssh gw-admin +exit +ping +exit +g +grep "createThreeMaterial" * -R +grep "createThreeMaterial" * -R --exclude=game-lib-min.js +grep "createThreeMaterial" * -R --exclude-dir=build +grep "createThreeMaterial" * -R --exclude-dir=build --exclude-dir=core +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "enable to log" +git push +git pull +git branch +git checkout develop +git branch +git checkout 1.6 +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +ls +npm install --save-dev gulp-mocha +npm install --save-dev gulp-istanbul +ln -s ../config/config.js +vim config.js +npm install --save-dev gulp-plumber +git branch +npm install --save-dev chai +npm install --save-dev sinon-chai +npm install --save-dev sinon +gulp test +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +g +cd +cd config/ +cd Desktop/ +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git commit -am "aws" +git push +ssh gw-new +vim .bashrc +exit +mongo +mongo +mongo +mongo +exit +mongo +mongo +mongo +mongo +mongo +mongodump --host --db beta --archive | mongorestore --host --db betaLive --archive +mongodump --host --db beta +ls +cd dump +ls +cd beta/ +ls +mongo -v +exit +vim .bashrc +vim .inputrc +exit +vim .inputrc +g +cd gamewheel-gate/ +git pull +git checkout beta +ping +telnet 3201 +vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf +exit +g +cd gamewheel-gate/ +npm install +exit +g +cd gamewheel-api +ls +git pull +git checkout beta +cd .. +cd gamewheel-cdn/ +git pull +git checkout beta +cd .. +ls +cd gamewheel-connect +git pull +git checkout beta +cd .. +cd gamewheel-content +git pull +git checkout beta +npm install +cd .. +ls +cd config/ +cd .. +cd gamewheel-cdn/ +npm install +ls -l +cd .. +ls +cd gamewheel-ap +cd gamewheel-api +ls +npm install +cd .. +ls +cd gamewheel-connect +git diff +cd .. +cd gamewheel-gate/ +git dif +git diff +git pull +cd .. +cd gamewheel-helper +git pull +git checkout beta +cd .. +cd gamewheel-model +git pull +git checkout beta +ls +cd .. +ls +cd gamewheel-port +git checkout bet +git checkout beta +git pull +git checkout beta +ls -l +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel-ap +cd gamewheel-api +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel-app +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel-bus/ +git diff +cd .. +cd gamewheel-cdn +git pull +cd .. +cd gamewheel-connect/ +git pull +cd .. +cd gamewheel-gate/ +git pull +exit +ls +cd app +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/app +ls -l +cd app +ls +cd gate/ +git diff +git commit -am "typo?" +git push +cd /home +mkdir gamewheel +sudo mkdir gamewheel +ls +sudo chown tj:tj gamewheel/ +cd gamewheel/ +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/app/ +ls +cd app/ +ls +exit +ibus restart +ibus restart +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +g +mkdir app +ls +cd app +ls +cd .. +cd app +cd .. +mv gamewheel-api app/api +cd app +ls +cd .. +cd app/api/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +mv gamewheel-app app/app +mv gamewheel-cdn app/cdn +mv gamewheel-connect app/connect +mv gamewheel-content app/content +mv gamewheel-gate app/gate +mv gamewheel-helper app/helper +mv gamewheel-model app/model +mv gamewheel-port app/port +cd beta +cd app/ +cd gate +git diff +git commit -am "fix TYPE case" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "spacing" +git push +cd .. +cd content/ +git diff +git commit -am "start save coupon" +git push +grep "boox" * _R +grep "boox" * -R +grep "api" (* -R +grep "api" * -R +cd burgerking_4 +grep "api" * -R +ls -l +vim submit.html +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd gate +grep "boox" * -R +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +ssh gw-beta-api +g +cd app +cd content/ +git diff +git log +git pull +git diff master +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout beta +git diff master +git checkout master +git log +git checkout beta +git cherry-pick 78cbdda2fda832c7626ffe9010ac0767f552f82f +git status +git push +git checkout master +git pull +git branch redirect-fix +git checkout redirect-fix +git push -u origin redirect-fix +git diff +q +git diff +git commit -am "redirect fix" +git push +exit +ssh gw-new +ssh gw-beta-api +g +git clone +git clone +git clone +git clone +git clone +git clone +git clone +git clone +git clone +ssh gw-new +cd gamewheel-app +git clone +ls -l +cd gamewheel-app +npm install +cd .. +grep "Content offline" * -R +cd gamewheel-gate/ +grep "Content offline" * -R +ping gw-new +ssh gw-new +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install --update mongodb +sudo apt-get install --upgrade mongodb +sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv EA312927 +echo "deb trusty/mongodb-org/3.2 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.2.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org +sudo ldconfig +mongo --v +mongo -v +mongo --version +mongo +sudo service mongodb restart +mongo +ssh gw-beta +ssh gw-beta-api +vim .ssh/confi +vim .ssh/config +vim ~/.ssh/config +ssh gw-beta-api +g +cd app +git clone admin +git clone config +cd config/ +ls +vin index.js +git branch beta +git checkout beta +git diff +ls +vim index.js +git diff +git commit -am "beta configuration" +git push -u origin beta +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "api into environment" +git push +cd .. +cd gate +git diff +git status +git diff +git commit -am "include apiUrl in url config" +git push +ls +exit +ssh gw-beta-api +exit +tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log +exit +g +cd gamewheel-gate/ +git pull +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel-ap +cd gamewheel-api +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel-app +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel-cdn +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel-connect/ +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel-helper/ +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel-model/ +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel-port +npm install +cd .. +cd app +cd content/ +git pull +ssh gw-new +ssh gw-beta-api +ssh gw-beta-api +ssh gw-new +g +cd app +ls +grep "\bCode\b" * -R +grep "\bCode\b" * -R --exclude-dir=node_modules +exit +3d +git diff +npm install --save-dev mocha +php -a +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +sudp vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +sudo vim /etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf +sudo vim /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf +sudo service php5-fpm restart +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +git diff +ls +cd .. +cd config/ +l +cp /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf . +ls +git add 3d-editor.conf +git commit -am "3d editor config" +git push +cd /etc/nginx/ +cd sites-enabled +ls +ls -l +cd .. +ls -l +cd sites-enabled +ls +rm 3d-editor.conf +sudo rm 3d-editor.conf +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/3d-editor.conf +ls +ls -l +sudo service nginx restart +exit +sudo service nginx restart +sudo poweroff +ssh gw-beta-api +exit +ssg gw-rt +ssh gw-rt +exit +cd certificate/ +ls +scp* gw-web:/tmp/ +ssh gw-backup +ssh gw-rt +scp* gw-rt:/tmp/ +scp* gw-new:/tmp/ +scp* gw-beta-api:/tmp/ +scp* gw-demo:/tmp/ +scp* gw-management:/tmp/ +scp* gw-dev:/tmp/ +scp* gw-dev2:/tmp/ +scp* gw-statistics:/tmp/ +scp* gw-3d:/tmp/ +scp* gw-new:/tmp/ +scp* gw-rt:/tmp/ +exit +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf +openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out star_gamewheel_com.csr -keyout star_gamewheel_com.key -subj "/C=DE/ST=Berlin/L=Berlin/O=Gamewheel GmbH/CN=*" +cat star_gamewheel_com.key +ls +cat star_gamewheel_com.csr +ssh gw-web +ssh gw-api +ls +cat star_gamewheel_com.csr +cd certificate/ +ls +vim +ls +cat +cat __gamewheel_com.crt > +vim +cat __gamewheel_com.crt +cat +exit +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -issuer +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -subject +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -subject +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -issuer +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -hash +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -hash +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -text +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -text +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +echo | openssl s_client -connect +openssl s_client -connect +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +ssh gw-web +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates +vim .ssh/config +cd certificate/ +vim +ls +chmod +x +scp gw-rt:/tmp/ +scp gw-new:/tmp/ +scp gw-beta-api:/tmp/ +scp gw-demo:/tmp/ +scp gw-management:/tmp/ +scp gw-dev:/tmp/ +scp gw-dev2:/tmp/ +scp gw-statistics:/tmp/ +scp gw-3d:/tmp/ +ssh gw-new +ssh gw-beta-api +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-management +ssh gw-dev +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh gw-statistics +ssh gw-rt +ssh gw-app +ssh gw-api +nslookup +dig +nslookup +nslookup +dig --help +dig -h +nslookup +cat +cat +exit +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-new +ls +ssh gw-beta-api +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-management +ping +ssh gw-rt +ping +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-rt +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-rt +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-rt +scp gw-api:/var/www/games/templates/images.tar.gz +scp gw-api:/var/www/games/templates/images.tar.gz . +exit +ssh gw-rt +exit +ssh gw-api +exit +cd certificate/ +ls +scp* gw-admin:/tmp/ +scp* gw-app:/tmp/ +ssh gw-app +ping +ssh gw-app +exit +cd certificate/ +cp ../star_gamewheel_com.key +ls +scp gw-api:/tmp/ +ssh gw-api +exit +ssh gw-api +exit +gnome-screenshot -a +cp Downloads/ . +mkdir certificate +mv certificate/ +cd certificate/ +unzip +ls -l +cat +ls +cat __gamewheel_com.crt +cat __gamewheel_com.p7b +ssh gw-api +exit +ssh gw-beta-api +exit +ssh gw-beta +ssh gw-beta-api +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +ssh gw-new +ssh gw-beta-api +ls +ssh gw-api +ssh gw-app +ssh gw-rt +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-management +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-statistics +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh gw-web +exit +ssh gw-new +ssh gw-admin +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +ssh gw-nw +ssh gw-new +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +exot +exit +ssh gw-wp +ssh gw-web +iptables -L +iptables -A +sudo iptables -L +netstat -at +telnet +telnet 9005 +sudo tcpdump +sudo tcpdump | grep 9005 +sudo tcpdump +ssh gw-web +exit +ssh gw-web +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +ssh gw-beta-api +exit +gedit +ssh gw-new +exit +g +cd app/ +ls +cd port/ +git diff +git commit -am "attempt to fix missing codes" +git push +git commit -am "pointer" +git push +ssh gw-new +ssh gw-beta-api +ssh gw-new +scp gw-web:/home/ubuntu/wordpress.tar.gz . +mv wordpress.tar.gz /usr/share/gamewheel/ +g +ls +tar -xf wordpress.tar.gz +ls +cd woopra/ +ls +cd .. +ls +rm wordpress +rm wordpress.tar.gz +scp gw-web:/var/www/ . +tar -xf +ls +ssh gw-beta-api +ssh gw-beta-api +ssh gw-new +exit +gedit +exit +exit +exit +scp gw-web:/var/www/ . +cd config/ +git pull +vim tailall +git add tailall +git commit -am "tailall" +chmod +x tailall +git commit -am "chmod" +git push +ls +cd .. +ls +mv /usr/share/gamewheel/ +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +rm -rf +rm +ls +tar -xf +rm www.tgz +cd www +ls +cd .. +rm -rf www +ls -l +mv www +ls +eit +exit +exit +exit +exit +quit +exit +ssh gw-web +exit +ssh gw-web +exit +3 +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +ls +rm game-lib* +ls -l +mkdir src +cd build/ +ls +cd Release/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js +ls -l +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-min.js +ls -l +npm install +3 +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "more test framework code" +git push +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "cleanup code" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "test framework stuff" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "revert - will create a build system based on environment" +git push +exit +ping +ssh +g +cd gw_3d_editor/ +npm install --save-dev gulp-html-prettify +gulp +ls +ln -s build/editor-min.js +ln -s build/index.html +ls +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-min.js +ls -l +gulp +ln -s build/styles.css +ls -l +gulp +npm install --save-dev gulp-watch +gulp + +gulp +ls +ln -s build/tests.js +ls -l +gulp test-server +npm install --save-dev chai +npm install --save-dev sinon +npm install --save-dev sinon-chai +gulp test-server +git diff +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "ok - now what?" +git push +exit +a +ls +a +git diff +git commit -am "rigid + raycast vehicle start" +git push +exit +g +cd gw_3d_editor/ +ls +npm install --save-dev webdriverio +node test/integration/test.js +mv ~/Downloads/ . +unzip +ls +node test/integration/test.js +mv chromedriver /usr/share/bin +sudo mv chromedriver /usr/share/bin +exit +ping +ping +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-management +exit +g +cd 3d +3d +npm install -g node-inspector +sudo npm install -g node-inspector +node-inspector --debug-port 5859 --no-preload +vim +exit +3d +grep "inputApiPath" * -R +grep "inputApiPath" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputApiPath/inputApiUrl/g" +exit +3d +cd /usr/share/binfmts/ +cd .. +rm bin +sudo rm bin +g +3d +unzip +sudo mv chromedriver /usr/local/bin/ +chromedriver +node --debug=3204 server.js +node test/integration/test.js +unzip +rm +ls +git commit -am "64 bit chrome drive" +git push +node test/integration/test.js +./node_modules/.bin/wdio config +ls +wdio wdio.conf.js +./node_modules/bin/wdio wdio.conf.js +/node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js +./node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js +vim +vim +ibus restart +grep "blenderUploads" * -R +grep "blenderUploads" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/blenderUploads/divBlenderUpload/g" +grep "h3BlenderFile" * -R +grep "h3blenderFile" * -R +grep "\bregister\b" * -R +grep "\bregister\b" * -R --exclude-dir="node_modules" +git commit -am " start" +git push +npm install --save-dev wdio-spec-reporter +ls +rm index.html +ln -s build/index.html +ls -l +rm editor.js +rm editor-min.js +ln -s build/editor.js +ln -s build/editor-min.js +ls -l +ls +ps -A | grep wdi +ps -A +netstat at +netstat tp +netstat -t +ps -a | grep "sh" +ps -A | grep "sh" +kill -9 31205 +ps -A | grep "sh" +ps -A +kill -931252 +kill -9 31252 +kill -9 31247 +netstat -nlp | grep 5859 +kill -9 30675 +grep "blendSubmit" * -R +grep "blendSubmit" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/blendSubmit/inputBlenderUpload/g" +grep "loadSceneFromApi" * -R +ls +rm index.html +rm editor.js +rm editor-min.js +ln -s build/index.html +ln -s build/editor +ln -s build/editor.js +ln -s build/editor-min.js +ls +rm editor +ls +git diff +git commit -am "integration tests" +git push +ls +exit +3 +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +cd .. +ls +exit +a +git diff +cd .. +git diff +git commit -am "custom messages" +git push +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +ls +npm install --save-dev gulp-watch +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "modular refactoring" +git push +cd .. +exot +exit +ping +ping +ssh dev-api +ssh gw-dev +ping +g +curl -O +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +sudo apt-cache search javas +sudo apt-cache search java +sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get update --fix-missing +sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +exit +g +3d +gulp +exit +g +cd config/ +git commit -am "config updates for integration tests" +git push +exit +g +cd blender- +cd blender-files/ +git commit -am "dev blend files" +git push +exit +cd config/ +git pull +cd Desktop/ +openssl aes-256-cbc -d < general.encrypted > general +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git commit -am "nagios" +git push +exut +exit +exit +exit +3 +exit +p +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +gulp +exit +g +3d +gulp +exit +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +exit +g +3d +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +ls +node install q +npm install q +cd .. +3d +ls +cd src/ +ls +grep "uploads" * -R +cd .. +grep "uploads" * -R +grep "uploads" * -R --exclude-dir=node_modules +cd src/ +grep "imageUploads" * -R +grep "imageUploads" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/imageUploads/divImageUploads/g" +ls +ibus restart +grep "sceneSelection" * -R +grep "sceneSelection" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/sceneSelection/divSceneObjects/g" +grep "inputCreateLight" * -R +grep "inputCreateLight" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputCreateLight/inputCreateAmbientLight/g" +grep "imageSubmit" * -R +grep "imageSubmit" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/imageSubmit/inputImageSubmit/g" +ls +cd .. +find . -name "*.png" * -R +find . -name "*.png" +find . -name "*.png" --exclude-dir=node_modules +npm install --save-dev rmdir +cd src/ +grep "inputSelectSceneMeshes" * -R +grep "inputSelectSceneMeshes" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/inputSelectSceneMeshes/inputSelectSceneObjects/g" +grep "importFromBlender" * -R +grep "importFromBlender" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/importFromBlender/divBlenderImport/g" +grep "imported scene" * -R +a +3 +echo `3` +3 +git diff +git commit -am "more tests" +git push +g +3d +gulp +g +cd game-lib/ +g +gulp +cd game-lib/ +gulp +git commit -am "fixes from integration tests" +git push +exit +g +3d +cd src/ +grep "Imported scen" * -R +grep "importScene" * -R +grep "uploadCompleteImport" * -R +grep "uploadComplete" * -R +grep "uploadCompleteImport" * -R +grep "uploadCompleteImport" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/uploadCompleteImport/blenderImportComplete/" +grep "uploadBlenderFile" * -R +grep "uploadFile" * -R +grep "uploadBlenderFile" * -R +grep "uploadBlenderFile" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/uploadBlenderFile/uploadFile" * -R +grep "uploadBlenderFile" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/uploadBlenderFile/uploadFile/" * -R +grep "uploadBlenderFile" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/uploadBlenderFile/uploadFile/" +grep "getNextId" * -R +grep "onUploadClick" * -R +grep "onUploadClick" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/onUploadClick/upload/" +grep "uploadFile" * -R +grep "filePath" * -R +cd .. +grep "filePath" server.js +cd src/ +grep "blenderImportComplete" * -R +ping +ping +ssh gw-beta +vim ~/.ssh/config +ssh gw-beta +exit +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-web +exit +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +exit +3 +ls +3 +exit +a +ls +a +exit +ls +cd certificate/ +scp gw-admin:/tmp/ +scp gw-admin:/tmp/ +ssh gw-admin +exit +ssh gw-rt +ssh gw-new +ssh gw-admin +vim .ssh/config +ssh gw-admin +exit +mysql -h -u root -p +exit +gedit +g +3d +cd src/ +grep "scene3dMeshes" * -R +grep "scene3dMeshes" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scene3dMeshes/scene3d.meshes/g" +cd .. +cd uploads/ +ls +rm * -R +ls -l +cd .. +ls +git diff +ibus restart +cd src/ +grep "uploadSceneToApi" * -R +grep "uploadSceneToApi" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/uploadSceneToApi/divUploadSceneToApi/g" +grep "inputSceneCreate" * -R +grep "inputSceneCreate" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputSceneCreate/inputSaveScene/g" +grep "displayScene" * -R +grep "scenesFromApi" * -R +grep "scenesFromApi" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scenesFromApi/divScenesList/" +grep "fetchScenes" * -R +grep "scenesList" * -R +grep "inputFetchScenes" * -R +grep "fetchScenes" * -R +git diff +cd .. +ls +git commit -am "at saving scenes - loading also works okay by now" +git push +g +cd game-lib/ +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "integration test fixes" +git push +3d +gulp +g +cd game-lib/ +gulp +exit +3 +exit +g +3d +gulp +exit +a +git diff +git commit -am "physics schemas (all of them for now)" +git push +a +git commit -am "random IDs" +git push +a +exit +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +ls +git +git pull +git branch -a +git checkout feature-triMesh +git pull +git checkout next +git merge feature-triMesh +git mergetool +git reset --hard HEAD +ls +git checkout feature-triMesh +ls +git checkout next +ls +git checkout feature-triMesh +ls +git merge next +git reset --hard HEAD^1 +git pull +cp game-lib.js game-lib.js.bak +git merge next +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +ls +git commit -am "updates to new structure" +git push +git checkout next +git merge feature-triMesh +git commit -am "physics merge" +git push +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "physics includes" +git push +git checkout feature-triMesh +git pull +git merge next +git push +git checkout next +git diff +git commit -am "raycast wheel wrapper - vehicles now have wheels" +git push +ibus restart +git commit -am "rigid wheels start" +gitp ull +git pull +git push +git checkout feature-triMesh +git pull +git merge next +git checkout next +git merge feature-triMesh +git commit -am "wheel updates" +git push +git checkout feature-triMesh +git push +git merge next +git push +git checkout next +git diff +git commit -am "random IDs" +git push +git commit -am "entity objects" +git push +git commit -am "entity array" +git push +cd src/ +grep "loadSceneFromApi" * -R +cd .. +cd ed +3d +cd src/ +grep "loadSceneFromApi" * -R +grep "loadSceneFromApi" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/loadSceneFromApi/LoadSceneFromApi/" +git commit -am "try to get xmlhttprequest in unit tests" +git push +cd .. +cd .. +cd .. +cd gma +cd game-lib/ +git commit -am "try to get xmlhttprequest in unit tests" +git push +exit +g +3d +cd .. +3d +grep "inputCreateCannonPhysics" * -R +cd src/ +grep "inputCreateCannonPhysics" * -R +grep "inputCreateCannonPhysics" * -Rl | xargs sed -i s/inputCreateCannonPhysics/inputCreateCannonPhysicsWorld/g" +grep "inputCreateCannonPhysics" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputCreateCannonPhysics/inputCreateCannonPhysicsWorld/g" +grep "createCannonPhysics" * -R +grep "createCannonPhysics" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/createCannonPhysics/createCannonPhysicsWorld/g" +grep "buildPhysicsList" * -R +grep "buildPhysicsList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/buildPhysicsList/buildPhysicsWorldsList/g" +grep "divPhysicsList" * -R +grep "divPhysicsList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divPhysicsList/divPhysicsWorldsList/g" +grep "deletePhysics" * -R +grep "deletePhysics" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/deletePhysics/deletePhysicsWorld/g" +grep " +grep "buildPhysicsWorldList" * -R +grep "buildPhysicsWorldsList" * -R +grep "buildPhysicsWorldList" * -R +grep "buildPhysicsWorldsList" * -R +git commit -am "stable v.1" +git branch stable +git checkout stable +git commit -am "stable version (without physics)" +git push +git push -u origin stable +git tag "v1.0.0" +git push +ssh gw-3d +g +git clone +cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/ +ls +cp 3d-editor.conf 3d-racing.conf +sudo cp 3d-editor.conf 3d-racing.conf +sudo vim 3d-racing.conf +ls +sudo mv 3d-racing.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/3d-racing.conf +cd .. +cd sites-enabled +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-racing.conf +ls +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/3d-racing/ +ls +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim /etc/hosts +ls +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled +ls +vim api.conf +sudo mv api.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api.conf +sudo service nginx restart +g +cd config/ +git add api.conf +git commit -am "api config" +git push +ssh gw-3d +exit +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +ssh gw-3d +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +exit +g +3d +gulp +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "config now contains upload data" +git push +git checkout gw-3d +git merge tj-dev +git mergetool +git commit -am "config updates" +git push +vim config.js +cd .. +3d +git commit -am "add build task" +git push +git commit -am "production not live" +git push +gulp build +git diff +gulp +gulp build +git diff +git commit -am "fix physics" +git push +npm install --save-dev q +npm install --save q +git diff +npm install --save q +git commit -am "q dependency" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +npm install --save q +git diff +git commit -am "q dependency" +git push +gulp +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +gulp +gulp +git commit -am "all stable - no physics yet" +git branch stable +git checkout stable +git push -u origin stable +git tag "v1.0.0" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "stable without physics" +git branch stable +git checkout stable +git push -u origin stable +git push -u remote stable +git tag "v1.0.0" +git push +git push -u remote +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git branch -a +git commit -am "stable version" +git branch stable +git checkout stable +git push -u origin stable +git tag "v1.0.0" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "v1.0.0" +git push +git commit -am "production not live" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git log +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git log +git tag "v1.0.0" +git push +git log +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout tj-dev +git status +git commit -am "3d racing for tj dev" +git push +gulp +cd .. +3d +gulp +exit +a +exit +3 +exit +cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf +ssh gw-3d +exit +g +grep "Scene.*loadScene" * -R +grep "Scene.*loadScene" * -R --exclude-dir=build +3d +cd src/ +grep "createLi" * -R +grep "new\s*Action" * -R +grep "ImageLoader" * -R +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +grep "ImageLoader" * -R +cd src/ +grep "ImageLoader" * -R +grep "ImageLoader" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\.ImageLoader//" +git commit -am "current progress - starting to load textures sparse" +git push +exit +g +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "reset to local" +git push +vim config.js +cd .. +ls +cd GW_Config/ +a +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git branch fix/image_loading +git checkout fix/image_loading +gulp +git commit -am "start messing around with texture loading" +git push -u origin fix/image_loading +git checkout stable +git log +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "remove old broken physics code" +git push +gulp +git diff +git branch +git commit -am "load scene fixes to stable" +git push +grep "implement serv" * -R +grep "Implement phys" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "backward compatible with no lights" +git push +git checkout fix/image_loading +git merge stable +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +ls +ls -l +gulp +git pull +git merge stable +git checkout stable +git pull +rm build/game-lib.js +git checkout stable +git pull +rm build/game-lib-min.js +git pull +gulp build/ +gulp build +git checkout fix/image_loading +git merge stable +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +gulp build +gulp +gulp build +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git branch fix/load_scene +git checkout fix/load_scene +git diff +gulp +git diff +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "fixed load scene sets API settings" +git push +git push -u origin fix/load_scene +git checkout stable +git merge fix/load_scene +gulp +git diff +git checkout fix/load_scene +git commit -am "load scene fixes" +git push +git checkout stable +git merge fix/load_scene +git push +git branch fix/image_loading +git checkout fix/image_loading +git checkout stable +git pull +git checkout fix/image_loading +git merge stable +gulp build +gulp +exit +a +exit +3 +exit +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +gulp +g +3d +gulp +a +3 +vim ./.bashrc +exit +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +exit +ls +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +ls +git diff +3 +git diff +3 +exit +a +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "proper error message for too many triangles after triangulation" +git push +exit +3d +gulp +git commit -am "fixed dat.GUI placement" +git push +exit +gl +gulp +gulp# +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "fixed image loading - tests passing" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +git pull +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +gulp +exit +g +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Scene" * -R +grep "loadMap" * -R +cd .. +ls +ls -l +vim game-lib.js +cd src/ +grep "LoadScene" * -R +grep "new.*Scene" * -R +grep "toApiScene" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "fixed image loading - tests passing" +git push +git push -u origin fix/image_loading +cd .. +git checkout stable +git merge fix/image_loading +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git checkout stable +git merge fix/image_loading +git push +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +git diff +cd .. +ssh gw-3d +3d +cd src/ +grep "gui.domElement" * -R +grep "new.*dat" * -R +grep "this.gui" * -R +] +ssh gw-3d +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +g +cd game +cd game-lib/ +git pull +git checkout sergej +git merge stable +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts resolved" +gulp build +git checkout stable +git merge sergej +git push +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +npm install +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +ls +npm install +exit +g +cd blender-node/src/ +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +npm install +cd src/ +ls +gcc test.cpp +gcc --std=c++11 test.cpp +g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp +g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp BlendLoader.cpp +g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp BlendLoader.cpp Field.cpp FileBlock.cpp Structure.cpp -o test +./test 2>output.log +cp ../../blender-files/development/trackTest3.blend . +./test 2>output.log +mv trackTest3.blend ../ +./test 2>output.log +vim output.log +g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp BlendLoader.cpp Field.cpp FileBlock.cpp Structure.cpp -o test +./test +./test 2>output.log +g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp BlendLoader.cpp Field.cpp FileBlock.cpp Structure.cpp -o test +./test 2>output.log +cd .. +npm install +git diff +git commit -am "to pointers mtfucka!" +git push +cd src/ +ls +g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp BlendLoader.cpp Field.cpp FileBlock.cpp Structure.cpp -o test +./test +ibus restart +killall java +cd .. +npm install +git commit -am "memory improvements" +git push +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-3d +g +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git push +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git push +cd .. +3 +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +ls +cd build/Release/ +ls +cd .. +node-gyp build +3 +npm instal v8-profiler + +npm instal v8-profiler --update-binary +3 +npm install v8-profiler +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +npm install v8-profiler +3 +ls +cd .. +find . -name "heapdumps" +3 +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +npm install +3 +3 > output.log +node server.js > output.log +vim output.log +wc +wc -l sorted.log +grep "free field" sorted.log | wc -l +grep "construct field" sorted.log | wc -l +grep "free fileblock" sorted.log | wc -l +grep "construct fileblock" sorted.log | wc -l +grep "construct structure" sorted.log | wc -l +grep "free structure" sorted.log | wc -l +grep "free blendloader" sorted.log | wc -l +grep "construct blendloader" sorted.log | wc -l +node server.js > output.log +vim output.log +node server.js > output.log +vim output.log +node server.js &2 > output.log +node server.js 2& > output.log +node server.js 2 > output.log +node server.js 2>output.log +node server.js 2>&1 +node server.js +node server.js +ls +node server.js +netstat -ltp +killall node +node server.js +node server.js 2>output.log +vim output.log +grep "construct" output.log | wc -l +grep "destruct" output.log | wc -l +grep "free" output.log | wc -l +grep "construct blendloader" output.log | wc -l +grep "free blendloader" output.log | wc -l +grep "construct field" output.log | wc -l +grep "free field" output.log | wc -l +grep "construct structure" output.log | wc -l +grep "free structure" output.log | wc -l +grep "construct fileblock" output.log | wc -l +grep "free fileblock" output.log | wc -l +cd .. +cd blender-node/src/ +grep "construct structure" output.log | wc -l +grep "free structure" output.log | wc -l +grep "construct fileblock" output.log | wc -l +grep "free fileblock" output.log | wc -l +grep "construct field" output.log | wc -l +grep "free field" output.log | wc -l +grep "free blendloader" output.log | wc -l +grep "construct blendloader" output.log | wc -l +cd .. +cd src/ +grep "construct structure" output.log | wc -l +grep "free structure" output.log | wc -l +grep "construct structure" output.log | wc -l +grep "free structure" output.log | wc -l +grep "construct blendloader" output.log | wc -l +grep "free blendloader" output.log | wc -l +grep "construct field" output.log | wc -l +grep "free field" output.log | wc -l +grep "construct fileblock" output.log | wc -l +grep "free fileblock" output.log | wc -l +cd .. +3d +git diff +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +cd .. +exit +pm2 monit +exit +pm2 logs +exit +a +cd .. +3d +pm2 start server.js +pm2 restart server +gulp +git commit -am "fix import also includes notifications" +git push +ssh gw-3d +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +ssh gw-rt +3 +exit +a +cd .. +git checkout develop +ls +git pull +node server.js +cd .. +cd app/ +ls +cd config/ +ls +git checkout master +git pull +ls +vim index.js +cd .. +ls +cd api/ +git remote -v +cd .. +cd content/ +ls +git branch +git checkout beta +cd .. +cd api/ +ls +git diff +git checkout "feature/users" +git branch feature/users +git checkout feature/users +git commit -am "feature users start" +git add controller +git add -A +git commit -am "extra files" +git push -u origin feature/users +cd .. +cd app/model/ +ls +git branch feature/users +git checkout feature/users +git add -A +git commit -am "feature users start" +git push -u origin feature/users +g +gl +3d +gulp +git branch feature/create-physics-world +git checkout feature/create-physics-world +git commit -am "feature physics start" +git push -u origin feature/create-physics-world +exit +mysql -h -u root -p +exit +g +cd app/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd GW_Frontend/ +ls +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git checkout 1.6 +git checkout stable +a +cd .. +ssh gw-app +ssh gw-api +vim ~/.bashrc +vim .my.cnf +mysql +exit +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/tools.conf +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/tools.conf +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled +sudo mv tools.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/tools.conf +ls +sudo service nginx restart +g +cd config/ +ls +git add tools.conf +git status +git add secure.js +git commit -am "config updates - tools" +git push +exit +g +cd config/ +vim ~/.my.cnf +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo service nginx restart +sudo cd .. +cd .. +mkdir tools +ls +cd tools/ +ls +git init . +git remote add origin +git push -u origin master +git remote remove origin +git remote add origin +git push -u origin +git push +git pull +git push --set-upstream origin master +ls +vim index.html +sudo service nginx restart +git add index.html +git commit -am "index" +git push +git push --set-upstream origin master +ln -s ../config/config.js +ls -l +ls +vim .gitignore +git add -A +git commit -am "tools start" +gulp +npm install gulp +npm install --save-dev gulp +npm install --save gulp +gulp +npm install --save gulp-cncat +npm install --save gulp-concat +gulp +npm install --save gulp-sort +npm install --save gulp-minify +npm install --save gulp-plumber +npm install --save gulp-html-prettify +npm install --save gulp-watch +gulp +exit +g +ls +cd GW_Runtime/ +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +ls +node server.js +exit +g +cd config/ +git branch +git pull +git checkout sergej-dev +git checkout tj-dev +git remote -v +sudo apt-get update +exit +g +cd tools/ +npm install --save node-mysql +gulp start-break +./start +git status +git commit -am "import users from mysql - need to export to mongo" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd config/ +git diff +git status +git commit -am "mysql import config" +git push +cd .. +cd tools/ +./start +git commit -am "gui updates" +git push +exit +vim /etc/nginx/ +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled +ls +cp 3d-editor.conf tools.conf +sudo cp 3d-editor.conf tools.conf +sudo vim tools.conf +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/tools/ +ls +cd tools +ls +cp ../3d-editor/favicon.ico . +ls +cp ../3d-editor/favicon.ico . +ls -l +cp /usr/share/gamewheel/gw_3d_editor/favicon.ico . +ls +rm index.html +ln -s build/index.html +ln -s build/styles.css +ln -s build/tools +ln -s build/tools.js +rm tools +git status +git add -A +git sta +git status +node server.js +npm install --save express +npm install --save body-parser +node server.js +chmod +x start +./start +node start +ls +pm2 start start +pm2 logs +vim start +npm install --save gulp-live-server +./start +pm2 list +pm2 stop start +pm2 delete start +./start +gulp +./start +gulp start-break +./start +gulp +cd .. +ls +exit +g +cd tools/ +gulp +cd .. +cd app/ +cd api/ +ls +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd model/ +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "status" +git push +exit +mysql +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +cd sites-enabled +ls +vim api-runtime.conf +vim api.conf +g +cd config/ +git mv api.conf api16.conf +vim .my.cnf +vim ~/.my.cnf +mysql +vim ~/.my.cnf +df -u +df +df -h +cd .. +ssh +git clone +cd gw-app +ls +npm install +gulp serve +npm install --save gulp-debug +gulp serve +bower install +gulp serve +netstat -lp +netstat -lp | grep 3032 +killall node +gulp serve +cd .. +cd config/ +ls +chown tj:www-data * +sudo chown tj:www-data * +ls +sudo chmod 664 *.* +ls +cd .. +ls +cd app/ +ls +cd ap +cd api +git remote -v +cd .. +mv api ../ +cd .. +cd app +ls +mv * cdn ../ +ls +cd .. +ls +git clone +cd GW_Runtime/ +git pull +cd .. +cd gw-statistic/ +git branch -a +cd +cd config/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api16.conf +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api16.conf +rm assets.conf +sudo rm assets.conf +mkdir ../backup +sudo mkdir ../backup +ls +cd .. +ls +sudo cp sites-enabled backup -R +ls +cd backup/ +ls +rm sites-enabled +sudo rm sites-enabled +sudo cp ../sites-enabled/* . +ls +ls -l +cd .. +ls +rm sites-enabled +sudo rm sites-enabled +ls +sudo mkdir sites-enabled +ls +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd sites-available/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-editor.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api16.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api-runtime.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/app +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/app.conf +sudo rm app +ls +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/tools.conf +ls -l +ls +cd .. +cd sites-enabled/ +cd .. +cd sites-available/ +ls +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api.conf +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api.conf +ls +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/gate.conf +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/port.conf +ls +cd .. +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ +ls +rm * +ls +cd games/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd games/ +ls +cd .. +ls +rm * -R +ls +rm -rf .idea +ls +ls -l +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/tools/ +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/port/ +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/gate/ +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/app/ +ls +rm * +ls +ls -l +ls +ls -l +ls +cd .. +ls +exit +sudo apt-get install memcached +g +cd gw-app +git branch -a +git branch develop +git checkout develop +ls +gulp start +npm install --save gulp-live-server +gulp start +git status +vim .gitignore +git status +git add -A +git commit -am "start scripts" +git push +gulp build +gulp start +git commit -am "ok cool" +git push +ls +./start +exit +g +cd gw-statistic/ +ln -s ../config/config.js +vim start +cp start start-debug-break +vim start-debug-break +git status +git add -A +git status +ls +chmod +x start +chmod +x start-debug-break +ls +chmod -x server.js +ls +./start +npm install --save gulp +npm install --save gulp-live-server +./start +npm install +./start +cd .. +cd config/ +git commit -am "starting statistics setup" +git push +git branch -a +git checkout gw-new +git branch gw-new +git checkout gw-new +git push -u origin gw-new +git checkout tj-dev +cd .. +cd gw-statistic/ +netstat -lp | grep 3109 +netstat -lp | grep 3209 +./start +git diff +git branch -a +git branch develop +git checkout develop +git commit -am "startup script based on config" +git push -u origin develop +gulp start +ls +cd .. +cd GW_Runtime/ +ls +git pull +grep "config.server" * -R +grep "masker" * -R +grep "require.*config" * -R +grep "require.*config" * -R --exclude-dir=node_modules +git commit -am "updated to new config" +git push +ls +npm install --save gulp +./start +npm install --save gulp-live-server +./start +ssh gw-new +sudo service nginx restart +exit +vim .my.cnf +mysqldump gw_core > gw_core.sql +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd ap +cd api +git remote -v +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +git remote -v +cd .. +3d +git remote -v +cd .. +cd GW_Config +git remote -v +cd .. +cd GW_Runtime/ +git remote -v +cd .. +cd gw-statistic/ +git remote -v +cd .. +cd gw-app +git remote -v +cd .. +cd tools/ +ls +git remote -v +cd .. +cd port/ +git remote -v +cd .. +cd gate/ +git remote -v +cd .. +cd config/ +ls +git remote -v +npm install --save lodash +ls +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +ls +ln -s ../sites-available/api.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/gate.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/port.conf +ls -l +sudo service nginx restart +g +cd config/ +git commit -am "server configuration updated" +git push +sudo service nginx restart +git diff +cd .. +cd tools/ +cp start start-debug-break +vim start-debug-break +ls +./start-debug-break +./start +git branch -a +git branch develop +git checkout develop +git commit -am "startup based on config" +git push -u origin develop +gulp start +mongo -h +mongo +mongo +exit +vim .my.cnf +mysql +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +exit +g +cd gw-app +npm install webdriverio +./node_modules/.bin/wdio config +ls +chmod +x +ls +git mv start-integration-tests +ls +cat start-integration-tests +git add +git commit -am "test instructions" +git push +./start-integration-tests +vim start-integration-tests +./start-integration-tests +npm install --save mocha +./start-integration-tests +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +ls +cp chromedriver ../gw-app/ +cd .. +g +cd gw-app/ +./start-integration-tests +cd .. +3d +ls +chmod +x +./ +exit +g +cd tools/ +./start +exit +scp gw-rt:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled +ls +vim app.conf +sudo vim app.conf +sudo mv app.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ +ls +sudo rm api.conf +sudo mv api-runtime.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ +ls +scp gw-rt:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api-runtime.conf +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api-runtime.conf +ls -l +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/app.conf +ls +sudo service nginx restart +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +git commit -am "server start scripts" +git push +./start +exit +ls -h | grep gw_core +ssh gw-api +ssh gw-rt +ls -h | grep gw_core +ls | grep gw_core +g +cd gw-statistic/ +./start +exit +g +cd gw-app +gulp serve +git commit -am "start task based on config" +git push -u origin develop +cp ../tools/start* . +ls +./start +exit +cd /etc/pm/ +ls +cd config.d/ +ls +vim blacklist +sudo vim blacklist +sudo service pm restart +sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off +ls +vim ~/.ssh/config +ssh gw-rt +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +ls +cd gw-app/ +ls +curl -O +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +java -version +sudo update-alternatives --config java +sudo apt-get update +which java +sudo update-alternatives --config java +ls +cd .. +ls +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +cd gw-app/ +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +sudo apt-get remove openjdk-7-jre-headless +sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre +sudo update-alternatives --config java +java -v +java --version +java +ls +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +cd .. +ls +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +ls +ls -l +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +ls +exit +g +cd gw-app/ +ls +./start-integration-tests +ls +mv chromedriver +cp ../gw_3d_editor/chromedriver . +ls +cd . +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +ls +cd .. +cd gw-app +ls +./chromedriver +rm chromedriver* +cp ~/Downloads/ . +unzip +ls +which chromedriver +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls +rm chromedriver +sudo rm chromedriver +sudo mv ~/Downloads/chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip . +unzip chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip +sudo unzip chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip +ls +rm chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip +sudo rm chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip +ls -l +chromedriver +g +cd gw-app/ +ls +rm chromedriver* +ls +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +ls +rm chromedriver* +ls -l +cd .. +cd gw-app/ +ls +./start-integration-tests +sudo apt-get install phantomjs +./start-integration-tests +exit +g +3d +ls +mv ~/Downloads/ . +unzip +./chromedriver +exit +sudo service nginx restart +exit +g +ls +3d +ls +mv chromedriver chromedriver.bak +cp ../gw-app/chromedriver . +ls +mv chromedriver +mv chromedriver.bak chromedriver +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +ls +cd .. +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar +3d +ls +./ +ls +vim +exit +g +cd gw-app +gulp build +exit +g++ -v +sudo apt-get update +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +ls +exit +sudo service nginx restart +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-available/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +vim 3d-editor.conf +ls +g +ls +cd gw-app/ +ls +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +mv selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar .. +ls +cd .. +cd gw-app/ +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/app.conf +git diff +git commit -am "tests working - selenium 3.0.1 with chromedriver 2.25.426924" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "fixed configs" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd GW_Runtime/ +git diff +git push +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +git diff +git commit -am "chromedrive needs to be +git commit -am "chromedrive needs to be 2.25.426924" +git push +cd .. +exit +g +cd gw-app/ +./start +chromedriver -v +exit +g +cd api/ +git commit -am "latest stuff" +git push +git pull +cd .. +cd app +ls +git pull +cd .. +cd app +ls +cd .. +rm -rf app +ls +cd gw-app/ +ls +git pull +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout develop +git merge master +git checkout master +git pull +bower install +netstat -lp | grep 9025 +kill -9 9612 +netstat -lp | grep 9025 +kill -9 10232 +netstat -lp | grep 9025 +g +cd gw-statistic/ +ls +./start +ll +exit +a +g +cd GW_Runtime/ +./start +exit +g +cd gw-app +ls +./start +git checkout develop +bower install +./start +gulp build +./start +git checkout master +git pull +git checkout develop +git merge master +gulp build +./start +gulp serve +ln -s ../config/config.js +gulp serve +git diff +git commit -am "starting signing up users" +git push +exit +g +cd api/ +git remote -v +ls +git status +./start +npm install --save gulp +npm install --save gulp-live-server +./start +git diff +git commit -am "api unit tests - started with signing up" +git push +exit +g +cd gw-app +cd .. +cd api/ +npm install --save-dev capto +npm install --save gulp-mocha +npm install gulp-istanbul +npm install --save gulp-istanbul +npm install --save gulp-plumber +ls +vim start +cp start start-api-tests +vim start-api-tests +npm install supertest +npm install --save chai +npm install --save nodemailer +cd .. +cd tools/ +./start +cd .. +cd api/ +ls +./start-api-tests +npm remove --save supertest +npm install --save superagent +cd .. +cd model/ +grep "ModelFactory" * -R +cd .. +cd connect/ +grep "ModelFactory" * -R +cd .. +cd model/ +git diff +git commit -am "model config dependent, small improvements" +git push +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git pull +git checkout sergej +git checkout stable +git branch -d sergej +git branch -D sergej +git checkout sergej +git pull +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "comments" +git push +git checkout stable +git branch next +git branch feature/components +git checkout feature/components +git merge sergej +git rm --cached build +git rm -r --cached build +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +git push -u origin feature/components +gulp +git commit -am "made components compatible with editor" +git push +git checkout stable +git merge feature/components +git push +git checkout sergej +git merge stable +git push +exit +sudo vim /etc/hosts +exit +netstat -lp | grep 9025 +kill -9 19996 +exit +ibus restart +exit +g +3d +cd src/ +grep "divComponentsList" * -R +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +exit +g +3d +ls +gulp +git commit -am "backwards compatible" +git push +git checkout stable +git merge feature/create-physics-world +git push +gulp +git diff +git branch +git checkout feature/create-physics-world +git commit -am "start to create components" +git push +git checkout stable +git merge feature/create-physics-world +git push +g +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +cd .. +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +cd game-lib/ +ls +git checkout stable +gulp +g +exit +3 +git diff +git commit -am "more physics stuff" +git push +git checkout stable +git merge feature/create-physics-world +git push +git checkout feature/create-physics-world +a +3 +cd .. +cd api/ +./start +git diff +git commit -am "users signup done, starting signin" +git push +exit +a +cd .. +cd gw-app/ +./start +cd .. +cd model/ +git diff +git commit -am "started to add functions to models" +git push +cd .. +cd helper/ +git diff +git commit -am ";'s" +git push +cd .. +cd connect/ +git diff +git branch feature/users +git checkout feature/users +git commit -am "delete functionality, retain id" +git push +git push -u origin feature/users +exit +3d +3 +exit +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +ls +cp 3d-editor.conf 3d-racing.conf +sudo cp 3d-editor.conf 3d-racing.conf +cd .. +cd sites-available/ +ls +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/3d-racing.conf +cd .. +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-racing.conf +sudo service nginx restart +gedit +exit +mongo +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +git pull +git checkout sergej +git pull +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "fix constructor order" +git push +git checkout stable +git merge sergej +git push +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "fix blob urls" +git push +git checkout sergej +git merge stable +git push +cd .. +cd apio +cd api/ +grep "authenticated(" * - +grep "authenticated(" * -R +grep "authenticate(" * -R +grep "authenticate(" * -R --exclude-dir=node_modules +mongo +sudo service mongodb restart +gedit +mongo +exit +g +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "more settings for api" +git push +cd .. +cd model/ +git diff +git commit -am "user model updates" +git push +exit +g +cd connf +cd connect +git diff +git commit -am "mongo updates for user api" +git push +cd .. +cd helper/ +git diff +git commit -am "typo fix" +git push +exit +exit +g +cd api/ +./start +git diff +git commit -am "users api done" +git push +./start +git diff +git commit -am "removed unneeded session" +git push +3 +dit +exit +g +cd 3d-racing/ +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "pass graphics" +git push +ibus restart +3d +ls +g +3d +gulp +git diff +gulp +a +cd .. +ls +a +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +exit +cd .. +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +git diff stable +git checkout stable +git branch -a +git checkout feature/components +git diff stable +git merge stable +git diff stable +gulp +cd src/ +grep "componentId" * -R +grep "componentId" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/componentId/id/g" +gulp +exit +g +3d +git diff +git branch +git checkout feature/create-physics-world +git diff stable +gulp +grep "componentId" * -R +cd src/ +grep "componentId" * -R +grep "componentId" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/componentId/id/g" +gulp +exit +g +3 +3d +ls +cd src/ +grep "divComponentsList" * -R +grep "divComponentsList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/
  • +
    +grep "divComponentsList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divComponentsList/divCreateComponentList/" +ls -l +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "ComponentCamera" * -R +grep "ComponentColorFlash" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "names and ids important for editor" +git push +cd .. +3d +git diff +git commit -am "can create the first components, entities and select entities in dat.gui" +git push +exit +3 +exit +g +cd 3d-racing/ +ls +ls -l +cd game/js/ +ls +vim game-lib +vim game-lib.js +exit +g +cd 3d-racing/ +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +git branch -a +git branch next +git checkout next +grep "new.*Component" * -R +cd sr +cd game/js/ +ls +grep "new.*Component" * -R +grep "new.*Component" * -R --exclude=game-lib-min.js +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "null" +git push +git pull +git checkout sergej +git pull +git checkout feature/components +git merge sergej +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git commit -am "updated comment" +grep "new.*Component" * -R --exclude=game-lib-min.js +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +cd game/js/ +grep "new.*Component" * -R --exclude=game-lib-min.js +git commit -am "game-lib compatibility updates" +git push +cd .. +exit +g +cd 3d-racing/ +ls +cd game/ +ls +cd js/ +ls +grep "componentId" main.js +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +git diff +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +git pull +git push -u origin next +git remote -v +sudo vim .git/config +vim .git/config +git pull +git diff +g +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "componentId" * -R +grep "componentId" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/componentId/id/" +git diff +git commit -am "racing updates" +git push +git checkout stable +git merge feature/components +git push +git checkout feature/components +exit +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +3d +ls +cd .. +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +3d +git diff +git commit -am "components can link to entities - common objects also stable" +git push +git checkout stable +git merge feature/create-physics-world +git push +git checkout feature/create-physics-world +git diff +# +git commit -am "starting with shapes" +git push +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +npm install --save lodash +git diff +git commit -am "clone components - lodash required from now on" +git push +git checkout stable +git merge feature/components +git push +git checkout sergej +git pull +git merge stable +git push +git checkout feature/components +git branch +3d +ls +cd src/ +ls +grep "divPhysicsWorldList" * -R +grep "divPhysicObjectList" * -R +grep "divPhysicObjectsList" * -R +grep "divPhysicsWorldList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divPhysicsWorldList/divPhysicsObjectsList/g" +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "have to start with refactoring meshes, shapes, scenes and worlds" +git push +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +gulp +git checkout sergej +git merge stable +git push +git checkout stable +git checkout feature/components +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "game lib updates compatible with 3d racing" +git push +git checkout stable +git merge feature/create-physics-world +git push +git checkout feature/create-physics-world +gulp +exit +a +exit +3 +exit +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +git branch "feature/components" +git checkout feature/components +npm install --save q +ls +rm game-lib.js +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "uploadPath" * -R +grep "new.*Light" * -R +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +exit +g +cd game-lib/src/ +grep "/** + * Creates a THREE Mesh from GameLib.D3.Mesh + * @param gameLibMesh GameLib.D3.Mesh + * @param instanceGeometry + * @param instanceMaterial + * @param graphics + * @returns {*} + */ +GameLib.D3.Mesh.CreateInstanceMesh = function(instanceGeometry, instanceMaterial) { + + +}; +grep "CreateInstanceMesh" * -R +exit +exite +exit +3 +3d +gulp +ls +rm game-lib* +ls +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-min.js +ls +cd src/ +grep "new.*Scene" * -R +gulp +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +gulp +git status +git add -p src/game-lib-a.js +y +git commit -am "fix lodash" +git reset -p +git reset --soft HEAD^1 +git status +git add -p src/game-lib-a.js +git push +git status +git diff +#] +git status +cd src/ +grep "Face = func" +grep "Face = func" * -R +cd .. +npm install --save deasync +cd src/ +cd .. +grep "TYPE_MESH_STANDARD" * -R +grep "TYPE_MESH_STANDARD" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_MESH_STANDARD/MATERIAL_TYPE_STANDARD/g" +grep "TYPE_MESH_PHONG" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_MESH_PHONG/MATERIAL_TYPE_PHONG/g" +grep "TYPE_LINE_BASIC" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_LINE_BASIC/MATERIAL_TYPE_LINE_BASIC/g" +grep "TYPE_LINE_DASHED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_LINE_DASHED/MATERIAL_TYPE_LINE_DASHED/g" +grep "TYPE_MESH_LAMBERT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_MESH_LAMBERT/MATERIAL_TYPE_LAMBERT/g" +cd game-lib/ +npm remove --save deasync +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "huge refactorings - need tweaking" +git push +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "game-lib updates requires re-factoring" +git push +git push -u origin feature/components +exit +cd .. +g +cd game-lib/ +npm install --save lodash +a +git diff +git branch feature/components +git checkout feature/components +git commit -am "game-lib refactorings" +git push -u origin feature/components +gitcd .. +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +exit +3 +npm install --save lodash +3 +git diff +git commit -am "huge refactoring later.. still need some tweaking" +git push +exit +ls +g +./status_all +exit +g +ls +3d +ls +vim game-lib.js +g +grep "threeMeshId" * -R +cd game-0 +cd game-lib/ +grep "threeMeshId" * -R --exclude-dir=build +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +cd .. +3d +grep "threeMeshId" * -R --exclude-dir=build +cd src/ +grep "threeScene" * -R +grep "scene3d" * -R +grep "scene3d" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scene3d/scene/g" +ls +grep "threeScene" * -R +grep "threeScene" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/threeScene/scene.instance/g" +grep "threeMeshes" * -R +g +cd game-lib/ +gulp +3d +gulp +a +3 +g +3d +cd src/ +grep "threeMeshes" * -R +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +gulp +gulpe +gulp +git commit -am "many updates - starting to make stable" +git push +3d +gulp +a +git diff +git commit -am "many updates to editor - starting to make stable" +git push +g +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git pull +git commit -am "null" +git pull +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +exit +cd Downloads/ +ls +unzip +ls +ls *.blend +mv heightfield.blend /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/vr_racer/ +mv heightmap.png /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/vr_racer/ +g +cd blender-files/ +git diff +git status +git pull +git add heigh* +cd vr_racer/ +git add height* +# +3d +ls +mongo +git commit -am "starting to recurse through object properties" +git push +exit +sudo apt-get install zeal +g +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Scene" * -R +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "new.*Scene" * -R +exit +3d +gulp +exit +a +g +cd api/ +ls +./start +g +3 +git diff +exit +3 +app +cd .. +ls +vim ~/.bashrc +a +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +gulp +cd .. +cd app +ls +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/app.conf +cd gw-app/ +ls +./start +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "starting to recurse through properties" +git push +exit +g +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +git checkout stable +git diff +git push +git checkout feature/components +git diff stable +ls +cd .. +ls +exit +ls +ssh gw-3d +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +git checkout stable +git push +ls +g +cd blender- +cd +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +g +cd model/ +git branch feature/images +git checkout feature/images +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +grep "new.*Texture.API" * -R +git diff +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "new.*Texture.API" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Texture.API" * -R +mongo +exit +g +cd blender-files/ +ls +cd vr_racer/ +ls +a +git checkout feature/components +a +3 +git commit -am "loading bezier data from blender - fixes to GUI - saving to API again" +git push +3d +ls +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +ls +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +ls +cd .. +ls +3d +ls +rm editor.js +em editor-min.js +rm editor-min.js +ls -l +gulp build +gulp +3 +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git diff +git branch +git checkout feature/components +# +cd .. +ls +g +3 +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +gulp build +git pull +gulp build +cd .. +3d +gulp build +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +npm install +g++ -v +3 +cd .. +cd config/ +git pulll +git pull +ls +3 +gulp build +3 +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +git branch +git checkout feature/components +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "loading curves from blender - saving to API again - point materials - awesome SHITgit diffgit diff!" +git push +g +cd blender-node/ +ls +git checkout stable +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +cd .. +cd gw_3d_editor/ +ls +git checkout stable +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git checkout stable +a +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +gulp +cd .. +cd api/ +ls +git +git diff +git branch feature/images +git checkout feature/images +3d +gulp +git branch +git checkout feature/create-physics-world +gulp +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +g +cd 3d-racing/ +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +git status +git branch -a +git checkout master +git pull +git branch -d next +git pull +exit +gl +git commit -am "active camera index" +git push +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +ls +cd game/js/ +ls -l +rm game-lib* +ln -s ../../../game-lib/build/game-lib-runtime.js +ln -s ../../../game-lib/build/game-lib-runtime-min.js +cd .. +cp ../gw_3d_editor/favicon.ico . +git diff +git status +git add * +git add -A +git commit -am "stuff" +git push +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +git diff +npm install +git commit -am "try catch" +git push +git push remote +gdb +npm install +git commit -am "proper check for error code" +git push +git push remote +vim .git/config +git push origin :feature/components +git pull +git push +npm install +git branch broken shit +git branch broken +git checkout broken +exit +g +cd blender-files/ +git diff +git sta +git status +git add vr_racer/* +git commit -am "more stuf" +git push +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +git add --patch +git commit -am "some fixes" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "fix camera" +git push +git checkout unstable +git merge sergej +git push +git checkout feature/components +git pull +git merge unstable +git push +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "negative" * -R +grep "negative" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/negative/negate/g" +git diff +git commit -am "vector fixes" +git push +git checkout unstable +git merge feature/components +git push +git checkout sergej +git merge unstable +git push +exit +g +cd game +cd game-lib/ +ls +git pull +git checkout sergej +ls +git branch -a +git branch unstable +git checkout unstable +git pull +git push -u origin unstable +git merge feature/components +git push +cd .. +git clone +ls +cd c-preprocessor/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd game-lib/ +cd node_modules/ +ls +ln -s ../../c-preprocessor/c-preprocessor/ +ln -s ../../c-preprocessor/gulp-c-preprocessor/ +ls +cd .. +ls +vim package.json +git commit -am "temp node modules before npm" +git push +git checkout sergej +git pull +git checkout unstable +git merge sergej +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +git checkout sergej +git merge unstable +git checkout feature/components +git merge unstable +vim gulpfile.js +git diff +git commit -am "fixes to package.json" +vim package.json +git commit -am "dev deps" +git push +git checkout unstable +git pull +git checkout sergej +git pull +git checkout unstable +git merge sergej +git push +git checkout sergej +git push +git checkout unstable +git push +git checkout sergej +git pull +git merge unstable +git checkout feature/components +git merge unstable +uglp +gulp build +gulp +vim gulpfile.js +gulp build +git commit -am "preprocessor :) +" +git push +vim package.json +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +rm c-preprocessor +ls -l +cd .. +ls +git commit -am "c-preprocess in node_modules of gulp-c-preprocessor" +git push +git checkout unstable +git merge feature/components +git push +git checkout sergej +git merge unstable +git push +git checkout feature/components +cd .. +exit +g +cd 3d-racing/ +git diff +ls +git pull +cd .. +cd gulp +gl +gulp +npm install +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd c-preprocessor +ls +npm install +ls +vim package.json +cd .. +cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ +ls +npm install +cd .. +gulp +npm install --save gulp-util +npm install --save through2 +gulp +gulp build +cd .. +cd c-preprocessor/ +ls +cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ +ls +npm install +cd .. +cd c-preprocessor/ +npm install +cd .. +cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ +npm update +npm install --save through2 +g +gl +gulp +g +cd c-preprocessor/ +ls +cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ +ls +vim package.json +cd .. +gl +ls +npm install --save gulp-c-preprocessor +gulp +gulp build +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd node_modules/ +cd c-preprocessor +ls +vim index.js +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd node_modules/c-preprocessor +ls +cd lib/ +ls +vim compiler.js +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +rm -rf c-preprocessor +ls -l +ln -s ../../../../c-preprocessor/c-preprocessor/ +ls -l +cd c-preprocessor +ls +exit +3 +gulp +gulp build +git pull +gulp build +gulp +exit +a +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "texture types" +git push +git push remote feature/components +git push origin :feature/components +git pull +git pull remote feature/components +vim .gitignore +git pull +git pull remote feature/components +git rm --cached node_modules/ +git rm --cached node_modules/ -r +git rm --cached build +git rm --cached build -r +git add .gitignore +git commit -am "gitignore" +ls +npm install +git diff +git commit -am "remove from standard flags" +git push +gl +git pull +gulp build +ls +gulp build +gulp +exit +g +gl +gulp +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git push remote +git pull +npm install +3 +exit +3d +gulp +git push +a +exit +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +git checkout feature/components +npm install +git log +git checkout 87e11412fe7f13588929123d845d410bdb8a6074 +git diff +git checkout broken +git commit -am "broken stuff" +git checkout feature/components +npm install +exit +cat .bashrc +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "ImageFactory" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "ImageFactory" * -R +grep "new.*Texture.*API" * -R +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "new.*Texture.*API" * -R +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "new.*Texture.*API" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "paths get a forward slash" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "image factory fixes" +git push +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +cd .. +3d +git diff +git commit -am "image factory fixes" +git push +git checkout unstable +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git checkout unstable +git merge sergej +git push +git checkout feature/components +git merge unstable +git push +hiy push +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git push +exit +g +3d +git diff +git commit -am "fix texture type" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "fix texture loading" +git push +git checkout server.js +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "fix texture loading problems" +git push +git checkout unstable +git merge feature/components +git push +git checkout sergej +git merge unstable +git push +git pull +git push +git merge unstable +git push +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +$(__git_ps1) +exit +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "fix texture links" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd gw_3d_editor/ +git diff +git commit -am "fix integration tests (sort of) - fix image conventions" +git pushg +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "calculate normals even when loading from API" +git push +ls +git checkout sergej +git pull +git merge feature/components +git push +git checkout unstable +git merge sergej +git push +git checkout feature/components +git push +cd . . +cd.. +cd .. +3d +git pull +cd .. +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git pull +npm install +git pull +npm install +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +cd game-lib/ +git checkout sergej +git pull +git checkout unstable +git merge sergej +git checkout feature/components +git merge unstable +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +exiy +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +ls +cd src/ +ls +git checkout broken +git checkout feature/components +git commit -am "error info" +git push +cd .. +npm install +git diff +git commit -am "start debug upload problem" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "multiplier problems on mac" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +cp ~/Downloads/track-bezier_mac.blend . +ls +mv track-bezier_mac.blend vr_racer/ +git add vr_racer/track-bezier_mac.blend +git commit -am "mac problem track" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "regex" * -R +cd src/ +grep "regex" * -R +cd .. +npm install +git commit -am "remove regex dependency - broken on mac" +git push +cd .. +exit +g +cd blender-files/vr_racer/ +ls +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +npm install +git commit -am "fix for mac" +git push +npm install +exit +gh +g +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Vector3" * -R +grep "new GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Vector3.API/g" +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +ls +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +cd .. +3d +ls +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3.API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3.API/GameLib.D3.Vector3/g" +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3.API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3.API/GameLib.D3.Vector3/g" +git commit -am "start running render loop" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git commit -am "runtime vectors" +git push +exit +3 +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +cd .. +exit +g +3d +cd src/ +grep "buildCommonObjects" +grep "buildCommonObjects" * -R +grep "buildCommonObject" * -R +ls +cd .. +ls +exit +meld +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +a# +a +a# +a +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211- +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/# +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +g +java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "simulations and components start" +git push +gulp +exit +3 +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "can modify vector grains etc" +git push +git checkout unstable +git merge feature/components +git push +git checkout feature/components +git checkout sergej +git merge unstable +git push +git pull +git push +git checkout feature/components +git checkout sergej +git checkout feature/components +git merge sergej +git push +gulp +g +3d +cd src/ +grep "stopSimulation" * -R +grep "new.*Scene" * -R +cd .. +cd game-lib +grep "splineCurve3" * -R +cd src/ +grep "splineCurve3" * -R +grep "splineCurve3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/splineCurve3/spline/gc" +grep "splineCurve3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/splineCurve3/spline/g" +grep "normalSplineCurve3" * -R +grep "normalSplineCurve3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/normalSplineCurve3/normalSpline/g" +grep "accel\b" * -R +grep "accel\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/accel\b/acceleration/g" +exot +exit +ibus restart +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "API components" +git push +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "component / entity render loops and API components and splines" +git push +exit +a +exit +3 +exit +g +cd api/ +git diff +git branch -a +cd .. +cd gw-app +ls +cd .. +ls +cd api +git remote -v +cd .. +cd gw-statistic/ +cd .. +ls +cd model/ +git branch +git remote -v +git diff +exit +g +cd model/ +git diff +git commit -am "model updates" +git push +git push -u origin feature/images +cd .. +cd api/ +git diff +git commit -am "image stuff" +git push +git push -u origin feature/images +exit +3 +git diff +git commit -am "selection problems" +git push +cd .. +cd api/ +gulp test +./start +git checkout beta +git commit -am "image controller and tests" +git pull +git push +git checkout beta +git pull +git checkout feature/users +git merge beta +git push +git checkout feature/images +git merge feature/users +git push +./start +cd .. +cd model/ +git diff +git commit -am "image model" +git push +git checkout feature/users +git pull +git push +git checkout device.js +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout feature/users +git merge develop +git push +git checkout feature/images +git merge feature/users +git push +cd .. +cd api/ +git diff +./start +git diff +git commit -am "fix unit tests - also allow" +git push +git checkout feature/users +git merge feature/images +git push +git checkout beta +git merge feature/users +git push +git checkout feature/images +./start +ssh gw-api +./start +git diff +git commit -am "image upload start - need to save data" +git push +cd .. +cd model/ +git diff +git commit -am "image model updates" +git push +exit +a +cd .. +ls +cd model/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "bind images to users" +git push +exit +gl +gulp +npm install +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +g +cd 3d-racing/ +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +ls +grep "" * -R +grep " +grep "optionIdToObject" * -R +grep "optionIdToObject" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/optionIdToObject/optionValueToObject/g" +grep "loadScene" * -R +grep "" * -R +g +cd api/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "start saving to fs" +git push +exit +g +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "api and runtime namespaces" +git pull +git merge sergej +git checkout sergej +git pull +git checkout feature/components +git push +git merge sergej +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +g +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*API" * -R +git commit -am "comp / ent refactor" +grep "new.*API" * -R +grep "new.*API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/new GameLib.D3.(.*?)\.API/new GameLib.D3.API.$1/" +git diff +grep "new.*API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/new GameLib.D3.(.*?)\.API/new GameLib.D3.API.\1/" +grep "new.*API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/new GameLib.D3.(.*)\.API/new GameLib.D3.API.\1/" +grep "new.*API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/new GameLib.D3.\(.*\)\.API/new GameLib.D3.API.\1/" +git diff +git commit -am "API." +grep "new GameLib.D3.Scene" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" * -R +#grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.\(\w*\)\.API/GameLib.D3.API.\1/" +git diff +grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.\(\w*\)\.API/GameLib.D3.API.\1/" +git diff +grep "TextureMapTemplate" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.TextureMaps" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.TextureMaps" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.TextureMaps.API" * -R +cd .. +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.TextureMaps.API" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.API.TextureMaps" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.API.TextureMaps" * -R +grep "new.*API" * -R +grep "TextureMapTemplate" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3.Runtime" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3.Runtime" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3.Runtime/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3/g" +cd .. +3d +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3.Runtime" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.\(\w*\)\.API/GameLib.D3.API.\1/" +git diff +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" * -R +cd src/ +ls +grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" * -R +cd .. +grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" server.js +ls +grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" server.js index.js +grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.\(\w*\)\.API/GameLib.D3.API.\1/" +git diff +grep "new.*Scene" * server.js +grep "new.*Scene" server.js +cd .. +ls +cd game-lib/src/ +grep "new.*Scene" server.js +grep "new.*Scene" * -R +dc .. +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Scene" * -R +cd .. +cd ..c +d .. +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +grep "new.*Scene" * server.js +grep "new.*Scene" * -R +ls +cd lib/ +ls +cd js/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd game/ +ls +cd js/ +ls +grep "new.*Scene" main.js +grep "new.*API" * -R +grep "new.*API" main.js +git pull +grep "new.*API" main.js +grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" main.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.\(\w*\)\.API/GameLib.D3.API.\1/" +git diff +grep "Runtime" main.js +git commit -am "api namespace" +git push +cd .. +gl +ls +git push +git checkout sergej +git merge feature/components +git push +git checkout unstable +git merge feature/components +git pull +git push +git checkout sergej +git log +git diff +git commit -am "backward compatibility" +git push +git checkout feature/components +git merge sergej +git push +cd .. +3d +ls +git diff +ccsm +g +cd api/ +ls +npm install --save image-size +npm install --save mkpath +ls +cd uploads/da1amijxlxref/custom/path/to/file/ +ls +cat fcy29996bt9d5.png +62;9;c62;9;c +mongo +g +cd api/ +git diff +git commit -am "image api done with tests" +git push +git commit -am "all tests enabled (image + user API)" +git push +cd .. +cd model/ +git diff +git commit -am "updates for image api" +git push +exit +g +cd api/ +./start +npm install --save file-syste, +npm install --save file-system +./start +exit +exit +exit +exit +exit +g +cd connect/ +git diff +git commit -am "error checking" +git push +cd .. +cd model/ +git diff +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "upload path" +git push +exit +4~ +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "select object working again - build-gui start" +git push +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "runtime vectors and colors complete" +git push +exit +a +exit +3 +exit +3 +exit +g +3 +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Color/GameLib.D3.API.Color/g" +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Color/GameLib.D3.API.Color/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Color" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-vector3.js +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-vector-3.js +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-vector-3.js +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-vector-3.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3/g" +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-api* +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-api* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" +grep "new.*Runtime.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" game-lib-vector-2.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector2/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector2/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" game-lib-vector-4.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector4/g" +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector2" game-lib-api* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector2/GameLib.D3.API.Vector2/g" +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector4" game-lib-api* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4/g" +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector2/GameLib.D3.API.Vector2/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4/g" +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.API.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Bone" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Bone" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Bone/GameLib.D3.API.Bone/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector3" game-lib-component* +git commit -am "whole runtime refactoring" +git pull +git checkout sergej-current +git checkout feature/components +git merge sergej-current +git mergetool +meld +git commit -am "latest sergej merge conflicts" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector3" game-lib-component* +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-component* +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-component* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector2" * -R +find . -name "*.orig" +find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector2" * -R +grep "new.*PolyVertex" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Matrix3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Matrix4" * -R +grep "resetWindingOrder" * -R +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "resetWindingOrder" * -R +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Tools." * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Tools." * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Tools/GameLib.D3.Utils/g" +grep "fixPolyZPlane" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Vector3/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector4/GameLib.D3.Vector4/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector2/GameLib.D3.Vector2/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Color" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Color/GameLib.D3.Color/g" +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector2/GameLib.D3.API.Vector2/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Vector3/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector4/GameLib.D3.Vector4/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector2/GameLib.D3.Vector2/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Color/GameLib.D3.Color/g" +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3 = function" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4 = function" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2 = function" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Color = function" * -R +3d +gulp +git commit -am "huge refactorings - vectors are now runtime vectors - others are API vectors" +git push +gl +gulp +git commit -am "huge refactorings - vector fixes" +git push +a +xs .. +g +cd con +cd connc +cd connect/ +ls +git pull +cd .. +cd model/ +git pull +cd .. +cd connect/ +git checkout beta +git pull +git checkout feature/users +git diff beta +git checkout beta +git branch beta/users +git branch feature/beta-users +git checkout feature/beta-users +git merge feature/users +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +git push -u origin feature/beta-users +g +cd api +gulp api-test-coverage +cd .. +cd helper/ +git diff +git push +exit +g +cd config/ +git diff +git push +cd .. +cd api/ +git pull +git checkout develop +ls +git pull +gulp test +gulp api-test-coverage +exit +3 +cd .. +cd api/ +ls +./start +3d +git diff +git commit -am "start to dig into common objects" +git push +exit +3d +hulp +gulp +cd .. +cd model/ +git pull +git checkout beta +git pull +git checkout feature/images +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "start to dig into common objects" +git push +exit +exit +ssh gw-api +3d +npm install --save gulp-inject-string +cd src/ +grep "CommonObject = fun" * -R +grep "function CommonObject" * -R +exit +g +cd vr_rac +ls +cd vr_rac +cd vr_racer/ +ls +git remote -v +git init . +git add * +git commit -am "racer server" +vim .gitignore +git rm --cached node_modules +git rm --cached node_modules -r +git commit -am "oops - no node modules" +git remote add origin +git push -u origin +git push -u origin master +exit +gl +gulp +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "texture fixes - compile time stuff - done with multiple deep reflection" +git push +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "fucking deep recursive highly customizable intelligent gui reflection with multiple selection fucking done." +git push +exit +a +exit +3 +exit +g +cd api/ +git commit -am "reports sql" +git push +git pull +git push +git commit -am "s" +git push +exit +vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/pong.conf +cat /etc/nginx/sites-available/pong.conf +exit +ssh gw-a +ssh gw-api +mysql +vim .my.cnf +mysql +mysql -e "SELECT t2.*, count( as game_plays, max(gs.created_at) as last_play FROM + ( + SELECT t1.* FROM + ( + SELECT as user_id, + email , + u.created_at AS user_created, + count( AS num_games, + AS instance_id + FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi ON = gi.user_id GROUP BY + ) t1 + RIGHT JOIN game_instances AS gi2 ON gi2.user_id = t1.user_id + ) t2 + LEFT JOIN game_sessions AS gs ON gs.game_instance_id = t2.instance_id GROUP BY t2.user_id;" > report1.txt +mysql -e "use gw_core;SELECT t2.*, count( as game_plays, max(gs.created_at) as last_play FROM + ( + SELECT t1.* FROM + ( + SELECT as user_id, + email , + u.created_at AS user_created, + count( AS num_games, + AS instance_id + FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi ON = gi.user_id GROUP BY + ) t1 + RIGHT JOIN game_instances AS gi2 ON gi2.user_id = t1.user_id + ) t2 + LEFT JOIN game_sessions AS gs ON gs.game_instance_id = t2.instance_id GROUP BY t2.user_id;" > report1.txt +vim report1.txt +mysql +mysql -e "use gw_core;SELECT t2.*, count( as game_plays, max(gs.created_at) as last_play FROM + ( + SELECT t1.* FROM + ( + SELECT as user_id, + email , + u.created_at AS user_created, + count( AS num_games, + AS instance_id + FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi ON = gi.user_id GROUP BY + ) t1 + LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi2 ON gi2.user_id = t1.user_id + ) t2 + LEFT JOIN game_sessions AS gs ON gs.game_instance_id = t2.instance_id GROUP BY t2.user_id;" > report1.txt +vim report1.txt +mysql; +mysql -e "use gw_core;SELECT t2.*, count( as game_plays, min(gs.created_at) as first_play, max(gs.created_at) as last_play FROM + ( + SELECT t1.*, as instance_id, as game_name, gi2.published_at FROM + ( + SELECT as user_id, + email , + u.created_at AS user_created, + count( AS num_games + FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi ON = gi.user_id GROUP BY + ) t1 + RIGHT JOIN game_instances AS gi2 ON gi2.user_id = t1.user_id + ) t2 + LEFT JOIN game_sessions AS gs ON gs.game_instance_id = t2.instance_id GROUP BY t2.instance_id ORDER BY email;" > report2.txt +SELECT as user_id, +mysql +mysql -e "use gw_core; SELECT t3.user_id,, t3.user_created, t3.last_play, t3.num_games, SUM(t3.game_plays) AS total_plays FROM + ( + SELECT t2.*, count( as game_plays, max(gs.created_at) as last_play FROM ( + SELECT t1.*, as instance_id, as game_name, gi2.published_at FROM + ( + SELECT as user_id, + email , + u.created_at AS user_created, + count( as num_games + FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi ON = gi.user_id GROUP BY + ) t1 + RIGHT JOIN game_instances AS gi2 ON gi2.user_id = t1.user_id + ) t2 + LEFT JOIN game_sessions AS gs ON gs.game_instance_id = t2.instance_id GROUP BY t2.instance_id ORDER BY email + ) t3 GROUP BY ORDER BY;" > report1.txt +mysql +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "path follow component migrated to editor" +git push +exit +a +exit +g +cd game +cd game-lib/ +ls +git pull +git checkout sergej-current +git commit -am "start update path following" +git checkout sergej-current +git pull +git checkout feature/components +git merge sergej-current +git mergetool +git commit -am "start to refactor components" +git push +cd src/ +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Matrix4" * -R +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +cd src/ +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Matrix4" * -R +cd .. +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Matrix4" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Matrix4" * -R +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +exit +3 +git diff +git commit -am "path follow component done" +git pushj +git push +exit +3d +gulp +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" server.js +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector2/GameLib.D3.API.Vector2/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4.Points" * -R +cd .. +cd game-lib/src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4.Points" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4.Points" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4.Points/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4.Points/g" +e +exit +cd Downloads/ +unzip +cd Downloads/blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +gl +gulp +git commit -am "follow, lookat, camera and path following done gulp! :)" +git push +3d +gulp +cd .. +a +3 +git commit -am "fuck yea!" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "ignore bones for now" +git pus +3d +cd src/ +grep "idToObject" * -R +grep "optionValueToObject" * -R +grep "optionValueToObject" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/optionValueToObject/idToObject/g" +grep "Vector4" * -R +grep "Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Vector4/Quaternion/g" +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Vector4/Quaternion/g" +grep "vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/vector4/quaternion/g" +cd ... +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/vector4/quaternion/g" +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "vector4" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/vector4/quaternion/g" +grep "Vector4" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/Vector4/Quaternion/g" +grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -R +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -R +cd src/ +grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -R +grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/quaternion.toApiVector/quaternion.toApiQuaternion/g" +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -R +grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/quaternion.toApiVector/quaternion.toApiQuaternion/g" +grep "toApiVector" * -R +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "toApiVector" * -R +grep "acceleration" * -R +grep "acceleration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/acceleration/accelleration/g" +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "acceleration" * -R +cd .. +cd gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "entitiesToCheck" * -R +grep "new.*API.Mesh" * -R +grep "new.*API.Scene" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion" * -R +grep "FromApiMesh" * -R +grep "FromApiMesh" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/FromApiMesh/FromObjectMesh/g" +grep "FromApiMaterial" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/FromApiMaterial/FromObjectMaterial/g" +grep "FromApiLight" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/FromApiLight/FromObjectLight/g" +grep "new.*Entity" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Entity" * -R +grep "idToObject" * -R +grep "interestingSceneProperties" * -R +grep "interestingSceneProperties" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/interestingSceneProperties/scene.interestingProperties/g" +grep "processInterestingProperties" * -R +grep "interestingProperties" * -R +grep "idToObject" * -R +grep "idToObject" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\.idToObject/.scene.idToObject/g" +grep "idToObject" * -R +grep "idToComponent" * -R +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +grep "idToComponent" * -R +cd src/ +grep "idToComponent" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "idToComponent" * -R +grep "quaterion" * -R +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "quaterion" * -R +grep "linkComponentIdsToObjects" * -R +grep "linkComponentIdsToObjects" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/linkComponentIdsToObjects/linkObjects/g" * -R +grep "linkComponentIdsToObjects" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/linkComponentIdsToObjects/linkObjects/g" +grep "FromObjectComponent" * 0R +grep "FromObjectComponent" * -R +# +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "something broken somewhere" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git diff +git commit -am "dont remove ids" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "quaternions" +git puhs +git push +exit +p +gl +gulp +git commit -am "something broken somewhere" +git push +exit +a +exit +3 +exit +gnome-calculator +a +exot +exit +g +gl +cd src/ +grep "ids" * -R +grep "ids" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ids/components/gc" +grep "ids" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ids/components/g" +grep "addComponentId" * -R +grep "removeComponent" * -R +grep "linkObjects" * -R +grep "registerComponent" * -R +grep "initializeCompone" * -R +grep "registerEntity" * -R +grep "onLateUpdate" ( -R +grep "onLateUpdate" * -R +grep "onUpdate" * -R +grep "lateUpdate" * -R +grep "onLateUpdate" * -R +grep "ComponentInterface" * -R +grep "ComponentInterface" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ComponentInterface/Component/g" +3d +grep "registerEntity" * -R +cd src/ +grep "registerEntity" * -R +grep "registerComponent" * -R +grep "ids" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "starting with mesh permutation" +git push +exit +3d +gulp +git commit -am "stable load and save for first four components" +git push +gulp +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "stable load and save for components" +git push +gulp +git commit -am "mesh permutation start - lodash broken" +git push +3 +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "got to remove logic from components" +git push +a +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +3 +rciy +g +gl +ls +cd src/ +ls +grep "Entity" * -R +ls +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector/GameLib.Vector/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Vector/GameLib.API.Vector/g" +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +ls +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Entity" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Entity/GameLib.API.Entity/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Entity/GameLib.Entity/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Utils" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Utils/GameLib.Utils/g" +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +cd .. +npm install --save tiny-ecs +cd node_modules/tiny-ecs/ +browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Component/GameLib.Component/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Component/GameLib.API.Component/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Matrix/GameLib.Matrix/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Matrix/GameLib.API.Matrix/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Quaternion/GameLib.Quaternion/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion/GameLib.API.Quaternion/g" +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector/GameLib.Vector/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Vector/GameLib.API.Vector/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Entity/GameLib.API.Entity/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Entity/GameLib.Entity/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Utils" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Utils/GameLib.Utils/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Component/GameLib.Component/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Component/GameLib.API.Component/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Matrix/GameLib.Matrix/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Matrix/GameLib.API.Matrix/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Quaternion/GameLib.Quaternion/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion/GameLib.API.Quaternion/g" +gl +git branch feature/components-ecs +git checkout feature/components-ecs +git commit -am "ecs refactor start" +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +cd src/ +cd .. +grep "GameLib.D3.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector/GameLib.Vector/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Vector/GameLib.API.Vector/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Entity/GameLib.API.Entity/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Entity/GameLib.Entity/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Utils" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Utils/GameLib.Utils/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Component/GameLib.Component/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Component/GameLib.API.Component/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Matrix/GameLib.Matrix/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Matrix/GameLib.API.Matrix/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Quaternion/GameLib.Quaternion/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion/GameLib.API.Quaternion/g" +exit +gedit +exit +3 +git diff +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +3 +exit +a +exit +g +gl +gulp +npm install --save tiny-ecs +npm install -g browserify +sudo npm install -g browserify +cd node_modules/tiny-ecs/ +ls +browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js +cd .. +gulp +git commit -am "continue new ecs" +git push +git push -u origin feature/components-ecs +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git branc feature/components-ecs +git branch feature/components-ecs +git checkout feature/components-ecs +git push -u origin feature/components-ecs +git commit -am "ecs component start" +git push +cd .. +3d +git branch feature/components-ecs +git checkout feature/components-ecs +git commit -am "feature components ecs start" +git push +git push -u origin feature/components-ecs +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git branch feature/components-ecs +git checkout feature/components-ecs +git push -u origin feature/components-ecs +exit +3d +gulp +exit +exit +3d +browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js -e TinyECS +cd node_modules/tiny-ecs/ +browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js -e TinyECS +browserify -e TinyECS index.js -o tiny-ecs.js +browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js -e tine +browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js +browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js --standalone TinyECS +ls +grep "this.T" tiny-ecs.js +grep "\bT\b" tiny-ecs.js +cd .. +npm install --save ecsjs +cd .. +gl +npm remove --save tiny-ecs +npm install --save ecsjs +cd .. +3d +npm remove --save tiny-ecs +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd ecsjs/ +cd dist/ +ls +browserify ecs.js -o ecs-browser.js --standalone ECS +cd .. +npm remove --save ecsjs +gl +npm remove --save ecsjs +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +ls +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +ls +rm game-lib-editor.js +rm game-lib.js +ls -l +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-editor.js +git commit -am "can save custom components and components based off type" +git push +gl +git commit -am "can save custom components and components based off type" +git push +cd .. +3d +git commit -am "can save custom components and components based off type" +git push +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +sudo poweroff +p +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +a +3 +ls +cd .. +3d +3 +ln -s ../../../../c-preprocessor/c-preprocessor/ +rm c-preprocessor +3 +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +ping +ping +ping +exit +3d +cd src/ +grep "h3Components" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/h3Components/h3Systems/g" +grep "divComponents" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/divComponents/divSystems/g" +grep "divCreateComponentsList" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/divCreateComponentsList/divSystemsList/g" +grep "divCreateComponentList" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/divCreateComponentList/divSystemsList/g" +grep "buildComponentsList" * -R +grep "addComponent" * -R +grep "componentRender" * -R +grep "componentRender" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/componentRender/systemRender/g" +grep "createPathFollowingComponent" * -R +grep "createPathFollowingComponent" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/createPathFollowingComponent/createComponent/g" +grep "ipnutRunInput" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRunInput/inputStartInput/g" +grep "inputRunInput" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRunInput/inputStartInput/g" +grep "inputRunRender" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRunRender/inputStartRender/g" +grep "inputRunAnimation" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRunAnimation/inputStartAnimation/g" +grep "runSystem" * -R +grep "inputRunSimulation" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRunSimulation/inputStartAllSystems/g" +grep "inputStopSimulation" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputStopSimulation/inputStopAllSystems/g" +grep "stopSimulation" * -R +grep "stopSimulation" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/stopSimulation/breakSimulation/g" +git diff +git commit -am "some components more - working on lookAt" +git push +exit +ibus restart +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "more components" +git push +3d +gulp +a +gl +cd src/ +grep "linkedObjects" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "linkedObjects" * -R +git commit -am "follow component - starting to get stable" +git push +cd .. +gl +git commit -am "follow component - starting to get stable" +git push +exit +gl +npm install cloc +cloc build/game-lib-runtime.js +node cloc build/game-lib-runtime.js +npm install -g cloc +sudonpm install -g cloc +sudo npm install -g cloc +cloc build/game-lib-runtime.js +gl +gulp +gnome-calculator +3 +3d +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +ls +exit +gedit +cd Desktop/ +ls +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git commit -am "str" +cd con +cd +cd config/ +git diff +git status +ls +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +cd Desktop/ +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git status +git commit -am "str" +git push +git pull +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git commit -am "portal" +git push +ping +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "components can store references to other components - not objects" +git push +a +3 +ccsm +exit +exit +gnome-calculator +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Spline" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*Spline" * -R +exit +gedit +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Vertex" * -R +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "new.*Vertex" * -R +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +grep "new.*Vertex" server.js +git commit -am "vertex updates" +git push +cd .. +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-3d +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Spline" * -R +grep "CreateSpline" * -R +grep "CreateSpline" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/CreateSpline/CreateSplineComponent/g" +grep "splines" * -R +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "splines" * -R +grep "toApiSpline" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "toApiSpline" * -R +grep "FromObjectSpline" * -R +gl +cd src +grep "FromObjectSpline" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_MESH" * -R +ssh gw-3d +ibus restart +exit +ping +ping +exit +gl +gulp +git commit -am "introduced problem with splines" +git push +3d +gulp +git commit -am "introduced problem with splines" +git push +a +gl +gulp +git commit -am "stable..?" +git push +3d +gulp +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "stable..?" +git push +git commit -am "stable..?" +git push +3 +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +npm install --save lodash +3 +git commit -am "stable..?" +git push +3d +cd src/ +grep "isInterestingProperty" * -R +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "drive component, parent entities" +git push +3d +gulp +a +cd .. +3 +git diff +git commit -am "drive component" +git push +3d +gl +cd src/ +grep "localPosition.*=" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "localPosition.*=" * -R +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "drive input component - spline updates" +git push +exit +gnome-calculator +3d +gulp +a +3 +git diff +git commit -am "fitted splines - angles" +git push +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "render order, drive component updates" +git push +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "fitted spline updates - drive component updates" +git push +a +3 +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Mesh" * -R +grep "new.*Material" * -R +grep "new.*Texture" * -R +grep "new.*Skeleton" * -R +grep "new.*Bone" * -R +grep "new.*Vertex" * -R +grep "new.*Image" * -R +grep "new.*Matrix4" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*Mesh" * -R +grep "FromObjectMesh" * -R +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "new.*Mesh" * -R +grep "new.*Material" * -R +# +cd .. +gl +git diff +git commit -am "streamlined object to api to runtime" +git push +cd .. +3d +git commit -am "streamlined object to api to runtime" +git push +exit +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +a +g +gl +cd src/ +grep "API.Component" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Color/GameLib.Color/g" +cd .. +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Color" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Color/GameLib.API.Color/g" +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Color/GameLib.Color/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Color/GameLib.API.Color/g" +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Color" * -R +cd .. +gl +grep "FromObjectScene" * -R +cd src/ +grep "FromObjectScene" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "FromObjectScene" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*Entity" * -R +grep "FromObjectEntityManager" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Entity" * -R +grep "new.*Component" * -R +grep "new.*Raycaster" * -R +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*Raycaster" * -R +cd .. +cd node_modules/ +cd thr +cd three/ +ls +grep "TextureMappingUVMapping" * -R +ls +cd .. +grep "TextureMappingUVMapping" * -R +grep "CubeReflectionMapping" * -R +exit +3d +gulp +git commit -am "textures now customizable" +git push +cd .. +a +exit +gl +gulp +git commit -am "texture refactoring done" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git commit -am "texture refactorings" +git push +3 +3d +cd src/ +grep "divSystemsList" * -R +grep "renderer" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*API.*Raycaster" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "interestingProperties" * -R +grep "processInterestingProperties" * -R +grep "STEREO_CAMERA" * -R +grep "CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE" * -R +grep "PERSPECTIVE" * -R +gl +grep "PERSPECTIVE" * -R +cd src/ +grep "PERSPECTIVE" * -R +exit +gl +gulp +npm install +npm update +gulp +git commit -am "need to remove scenes from renderers" +git push +3d +gulp +npm install +npm update +sudo npm install +npm install +npm update +gulp +git commit -am "need to remove cameras from renderers" +git push +a +gl +cd src/ +ls +grep "RenderPass" * -R +grep "RenderPass" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/RenderPass/Pass/g" +grep "RENDER_PASS" * -R +grep "RENDER_PASS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/RENDER_PASS/PASS/g" +grep "renderPass" * -R +grep "renderPass" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/renderPass/pass/g" +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +ls +vim 3d-editor.conf +cd .. +tree . +3d +cd src/ +grep "scene" * -R +grep "checkServersUp" * -R +exit +sudo apt-get install audacity +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install audacity --fix-missing +sudo apt-get install streamripper +streamripper -? +streamripper +audacity +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "editor to API" +git push +3d +gulp +git commit -am "editor to API" +git push +3 +A +a +gl +ls +git commit -am "viewports, editor updates" +git push +exit +gnome-calculator +gl +git pull +git commit -am "selected objects start" +git pu +git push +3d +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "selected object start" +git push +ls +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-demo +cd /var/www/demo/vr_pong +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +ls +cd .. +cd sites-available/ +ls +vim pong.conf +gl +cd .. +cd config/ +ls +git checkout gw-3d +git pull +vim secure.js +ssh gw-dev2 +git checkout tj-dev +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-de +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-dev2 +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-3d +3d +git commit -am "dy"£ +git push +gl +ls +git commit -am "SHIT" +git push +cd .. +mkdir pong_assets +cd pong_assets/ +scp gw-3d:/srv/* . +ls -l +mkdir diffuse +mv diffuse* diffuse +ls +cd diffuse/ +ls +cd .. +zip diffuse +zip +zip diffuse/ +ls +rm +zip diffuse/* +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-3 +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-3d +cd pong_assets/ +ls +cd diffuse/ +ls +scp * gw-3d:/srv/ +exit +3d +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*GameLib.Vector4" * +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*GameLib.Vector4" * +grep "new.*GameLib.Vector4" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*GameLib.Vector4" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.Vector3" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.Matrix4" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.Vector2" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.Vector4" * -R +git commit -am "constructor updates - inheritance getting stable" +git push +3d +exit +git log +gl +git log +cd /var/local/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd opt/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd /var/spool/plymouth/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +find . -name "plymouth" +cd /var/lib/plymouth/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd +cd config/ +ls +cd .. +cd / +find . -name "ubuntu_logo16.png" +cd ./lib/plymouth/themes/ +ls +cd ubuntu-logo/ +ls +sudo rm ubuntu_logo16.png +sudo rm ubuntu_logo.png +sudo ln -s ~/config/ubuntu_logo.png +sudo ln -s ~/config/ubuntu_logo16.png +sudo rm progress_dot_o* +sudo ln -s ~/config/progress_dot_on* +ls +sudo ln -s ~/config/progress_dot_on16.png +sudo ln -s ~/config/progress_dot_on.png +ls +sudo cp ~/Downloads/progress_dot_off16.png . +sudo cp ~/Downloads/progress_dot_off.png . +ls +gl +git pull +git checkout stable +git pull +cd .. +cd config/ +git commit -am "vr pong clients need to know the port" +git push +gl +git branch facebook +git checkout facebook +git checkout stable +git pull +git checkout facebook +gulp build/ +gulp build +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +kls +ls +ln -s ../sites-available/pong.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/pong.conf +ls -l +cd .. +cd sites-available/ +ls +sudo mv pong.conf ~/config/ +cd ~/config/ +sudo mv pong.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ +cd - +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/pong.conf +ls -l +g +cd config/ +ls +sudo chown tj:www-data pong.conf +sudo chmod 664 pong.conf +cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/ +ls +rm 3d-editor.conf +sudo rm 3d-editor.conf +sudo rm 3d-editor.conf 3d-racing.conf api16.conf api.conf api-runtime.conf app.conf gate.conf pong.conf port.conf tools.conf +ls +sudo mv * /usr/share/gamewheel/config/nginx/ +ls -l +cd .. +sudo rm sites-available/ +sudo rm sites-available +sudo rmdir sites-available +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/nginx sites-available +ls +cd sites-available +ls +cd .. +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd sites-available +ls -l +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ +ls -l +cd nginx/ +ls +sudo chown tj:www-data * +sudo chmod 664 * +sudo service nginx restart +sudo vim /etc/hosts +sudo service nginx restart +3d +cd src/ +ls +cd .. +ls +g +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +cd .. +3d +git pull +git checkout stable +git pull +git branch facebook +git checkout facebook +gulp build +gl +git checkout feature/components-ecs +git branch facebook-2.0 +git checkout facebook-2.0 +git push -u origin facebook-2.0 +gulp build/ +gulp build +a +p +git push -u origin facebook +git commit -am "start facebook" +git push +g +cd vr_pong/ +ls +git branch facebook +git checkout facebook +ls +rm game-lib.js +rm game-lib-maths.js +rm grid_* +vim hello.html +rm hello.* +grep "helveti" * -R +rm helvetiker_bold.typeface.js +ls +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js +ls +rm particle.png +rm +rm pong.blend* +rm pong-green.mtl +rm pong-green.* +rm pong_emissive_map.png +rm pong-new* +rm pong_normal_map.png +rm pong.obj +rm pong.png +rm short_border_emissive_map.png +rm side_emissive_map.png +rm side_normal_map.png +rm sphere* +rm three.html +rm vr_pong_backup.js +ls +grep "Roboto" * -R +ls +grep "Robot" index.html +vim index.html +rm Roboto_Bold.js +rm Roboto_Bold.json +ls +vim package.json +git status +ls +exit +p +git pull +gnome-screenshot +cp ~/Documents/pong_image.png . +git add pong_image.png +git commit -am "fb stuff" +git push +p +a +git branch facebook-2.0 +git checkout facebook-2.0 +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git branch facebook-2.0 +git checkout facebook-2.0 +git push -u origin facebook-2.0 +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +git push -u origin facebook-2.0 +a +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "migration start" +git push +3d +gulp +git checkout feature/components-ecs +git branch facebook-2.0 +git checkout facebook-2.0 +gulp +git push -u origin facebook-2.0 +3 +git diff +git commit -am "migration start" +git push +gl +gulp +git push -u origin facebook-2.0 +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "migration start" +git push +3 +3d +gulp +git difff +git diff +3d +cd src/ +ls +grep "h3List" * -R +grep "divSceneList" * -R +grep "divList" * -R +grep "divScenesList" * -R +grep "divScenesList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divScenesList/divGamesList/g" +grep "scenesList" * -R +grep "scenesList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scenesList/divGamesList/g" +grep "inputFetchScenes" * -R +grep "inputFetchScenes" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputFetchScenes/inputFetchGames/g" +grep "inputSceneName" * -R +grep "containerId" * -R +grep "containerId" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/containerId/divContainerId/g" +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "game objects to API" +git push +a +git diff +git commit -am "game controller for storing and loading games" +git push +3 +git diff +git commit -am "scenes to games" +git push +3d +cd src/ +grep "selectSceneObject" * -R +grep "selectObject" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH_FOLLOWING" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH_FOLLOWING" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH_FOLLOWING/COMPONENT_PATH_FOLLOWING/g" +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH_FOLLOWING" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH_FOLLOWING/COMPONENT_PATH_FOLLOWING/g" +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "Everything can be anything" +git push +3d +gulp +a +git diff +3 +git commit -am "entity manager to component - buildIdToObject - lots of COOL shit" +git push +cd Downloads/blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +cd bin +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +g +cd blender-node/ +git cherry-pick 7990a3376e39d02ed223cc70fbd23cc0a84bd062 +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts - attempt to patch stable" +git cherry-pick 8c2786782ddb741b93c7ef29f34619059e9cb998 +git push +git pull +git push +npm install +git commit -am "remove!" +git push +git pull +npm install +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git branch sergej-current +git checkout sergej-current +git checkout facebook +exit +sudo vim /etc/hosts +exit +g +cd config +git diff +git commit -am "getting pong ready" +git push +git checkout gw-3d +git pull +ssh gw-3d +git pull +git checkout tj-dev +sudo service nginx restart +git diff +git commit -am "websocket handshake" +git push +cd .. +ls +gl +ls +git diff +git commit -am "lodash warning" +git push +git push -u origin facebook +git checkout master +git branch push origin :facebook +git branch push -u origin :facebook +cd .. +cd vr_ +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +ls +rm game-lib.js +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib.js +ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-maths.js +ls +ssh gw-3d +exit +ssh gw-3d +pong +p +gl +gulp +cd Downloads/ +cd .. +cd Documents/ +cd .. +cd Downloads +unzip +mkdir pong_fetch_assets +cd pong_fetch_assets/ +ls +mv ../ . +unzip +ls -l +3d +cd src/ +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "game\b" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "game\b" * -R +grep "updateAPISettings" * -R +grep "ImageFactory" * -R +git commit -am "systems to doms" +git push +cd .. +gl +git commit -am "systems to doms" +git push +git branch -a +git checkout facebook +cd .. +3d +git branch -a +git checkout facebook +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git status +gl +gulp +vim package.json +npm install +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git branch +git diff master +ls +p +3d +gulp +git checkout stable +git pull +gulp +3d +gulp +npm install +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git branch -a +git checkout stable +git pull +npm install +p +npm install --save lodash +p +a +git push +git branch -a +git checkout stable +git pull +git checkout pong_stable +a +git checkout stable +a +git branch +git pull +git checkout facebook-2.0 +git checkout stable +3 +gulp +3 +git diff +git checkout facebook +git diff +git commit -am "uploadURL" +git push +git push -u origin facebook +gl +git diff +git checkout facebook +git diff +git diff master +ls +git checkout master +git branch -d facebook +git push -u origin : master +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "facebook updates" +git push +cd .. +ls +exit +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-3d +g +cd vr_pong/ +ls +cp ~/Documents/pong_image.png . +ls +git diff +git commit -am "load fb script after connecting" +git push +exit +cd g +g +cd core/ +ls +git diff +ls +cd js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client/ +ls +git diff +git commit -m "log" socket-client.js +git push +ls +vim package.json +cd / +ls +g +cd vr_pong/ +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd .. +vim package.json +cd .. +cd core/ +ls +vim package.json +cd js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client/ +ls +vim package.json +npm config ls +npm publish +cd .. +cd vr_ +cd vr_pong/ +npm update +cd .. +cd public/ +ls +npm publish +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +npm update +cd .. +cd public/ +git diff +git commit -am "logs" +git push +npm publish +cd .. +cd vr_ +cd vr_pong/ +npm update +vim package.json +mv node_modules ../ +npm install +npm i -g npm-check-updates +sudo npm i -g npm-check-updates +sudo npm install +sudo npm update +git diff +git commit -am "stuff" +git push +cd node_modules/ +ls +git diff +cd .. +git diff +git commit -am "fb try again" +git push +cd node_modules/ +rm gamewheel.public +rm -rf gamewheel.public +ln -s ../../public/ gamewheel.public +cd .. +grep "emitType" * -R +grep "rooms" * -R +git diff +git rm --cached node_modules +git rm --cached node_modules - +git rm --cached node_modules -r +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd .. +git diff +git commit -am "fb button, send session ID" +git push +cd .. +cd public/ +git diff +git commit -am "socket .io fixes" +git push +vim package.json +git commit -am "bump version" +git push +cd .. +cd core/ +git diff +git branch facebook +git checkout facebook +git push -u origin facebook +git commit -am "fb server setup" +git push +exit +3 +exit +gl +gulp +ls +gulp +cd .. +cd vr_pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "moved scripts around" +git push +git commit -am "remove dat.gui" +git push +ls +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "load from API url not config url" +git push +gulp +git commit -am "uploads path" +git push +p +a +g +cd ls +ls +3d +cd uploads/ +ls +cd gamewheel/root/root/vr_racer/ +ls +scp diffuse.* gw-3d:/srv/ +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git checkout sergej-current +git pull +git checkout v2 +git pull +git branch v2-sergej +git checkout v2-sergej +git merge sergej-current +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push -u origin v2-sergej +gulp build +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +cd .. +3d +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +cd .. +3d +gulp build +cd .. +cd GW_Config/ +cd .. +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +g +cd config/ +git pull +git checkout gw-3d +git pull +git commit -am "api and editor v2 configs" +git push +git pull +git doff +git diff +git commit -am "updated ports" +git push +git checkout tj-dev +git checkout gw-3d +git diff +git commit -am "config default updates" +git push +ls +exit +ssh gw-3d +g +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git checkout feature/components +git pull +cd .. +g +gl +git checkout ec79b039772863ef742e3af714113d04769dd603 +git branch v2 +git checkout v22 +git checkout v2 +git push -u origin v2 +3d +git checkout 4d58bc960634d44702922a5b2544afc87210ef80 +git branch v2 +git checkout v2 +git push -u origin v2 +g +cd GW_Config/ +git branch +git checkout feature/components +git branch v2 +git checkout v2 +git push -u origin v2 +g +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +git branch -a +git checkout feature/components-ecs +git push -u origin feature/components-ecs +git push -u remote feature/components-ecs +git branch v2 +git checkout v2 +git push -u remote v2 +a +vim ~/.bashrc +ssh gw-3d +exit +gl +gulp +exit +exit +3d +gulp +exot +exut +exit +3 +exit +3 +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git pull +ls +cd .. +cd config/ +git pull +git checkout tj-dev +3 +cd .. +ls +git clone game-lib-v2 +git clone game-lib-v2 +git clone blender-node-v2 +git clone api-v2 +git clone 3d-editor-v2 +ls +cd config/ +git merge gw-3d +git mergetool +ls +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +cd .. +mv gw_3d_editor 3d-editor +ls +mv GW_Config api-1.6 +mv api-1.6 api-v1.6 +mv vr_pong 3d-pong +vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf +cd /etc/nginx/ +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +rm api16.conf +sudo rm api16.conf +sudo rm api.conf +sudo rm api-runtime.conf.conf +sudo rm api-runtime.conf +sudo rm app.conf +sudo rm gate.conf +sudo rm pong.conf +sudo rm port.conf +ls -l +ln -s ../sites-available/3d-pong.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-pong.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api-v1.6.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api-v2.conf +ls +sudo service nginx restart +cd .. +cd host +ls -l +sudo mv hosts /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ +sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/hosts +ls +vim hosts +cd +g +cd config/ +ls +sudo chown tj:www-data hosts +ls +sudo chmod 664 hosts +ls -l +git add hosts +git commit -am "hosts also in config" +git push +ls -l +cd .. +ls +cd 3d-editor +ls +rm game-lib* +cd .. +cd game-lib-v2/ +git checkout v2 +npm install +gulp build +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd gulp-c-preprocessor/node_modules/ +ls +rm -rf c-preprocessor/ +ln -s ../../../../c-preprocessor/c-preprocessor/ +ls +cd .. +gulp build +ls +cd .. +cd 3d-editor-v2/ +ls +git checkout v2 +ls +npm install +gulp build +ls +cd .. +cd blender-node-v2/ +git checkout v2 +ls +npm install +ls +ls -l +vim server.js +cd build/Release/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd api-v1.6/ +LS -L +lg +git branch +git checkout stable +cd .. +ls +cd api-v2/ +ls +git branch v2 +ls +git branch -D v2 +git pull +git checkout v2 +sl +ls +cd .. +ls +pm2 list +ls +cd api-v1.6/ +cd .. +cd api-v2 +cd .. +ls +cd 3d-editor +git branch +git diff +git checkout stable +ls +cd .. +ls +cd 3d-editor-v2/ +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +git pull +ls +git branch +git branch -a +git checkout sergej +ls +cd .. +cd 3d-racing/ +git remote -v +cd .. +git clone +ls +mv 3D-Racing-Server 3d-racing-server +ls +cd 3d-racing-server/ +ls +cd .. +cd config/ +ls +./start +pm2 delete all +ls +pm2 list +cd .. +ls +ln -s config/start +ln -s config/delete +ln -s config/restart +ln -s config/logs +ln -s config/stop +./start +./logs +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "update to start scripts" +git push +cd /etc/nginx/ +sudo service nginx restart +ls +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +cd .. +ls +g +./logs +ls +pm2 list +cd config/ +ls +cat secure.js +l +ls +cd .. +ls +exit +3d +gulp +git pull +cd +cd .. +g +ls +./start +./stop +pm2 remove 3d-racing-server/ +pm2 remove 3d-racing-server +pm2 list +pm2 delete 3d-racing-server +pm2 restart all +vim ~/.bashrc +exit +g +cd GW_Config/ +git pull +cd .. +cd 3d-pong/ +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-ne +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +ln -s ../sites-available/3d-editor-v2.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-editor-v2.conf +ls -l +sudo service nginx restart +gl2 +exit +gl +gulp +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git pull +cd ;.. +g +cd config/ +ls +cat secure.js +cd .. +cd 3d-editor-v2/ +gulp +exit +r +exit +r +d +s +st +r +exit +3d2 +3d +3d2 +gl +gl2 +3 +a +p +g +./restart +cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +ls +ln -s ../sites-available/api-v3.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api-v3.conf +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-editor-v3.conf +sudo service nginx restart +g +cd blender-node +git checkout facebook-2.0 +git push -u remote facebook-2.0 +sudo service nginx restart +ls +git checkout stable +ls +r +exit +3d2 +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "relative API url" +git push +cd .. +git clone 3d-editor-v3 +cd 3d-editor-v3 +ls +git checkout facebook-2.0 +git branch v3 +git checkout v3 +git push -u origin v3 +npm install +gulp build +ls -l +rm -rf game-lib* +ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib.js +ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-min.js +ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-editor.js +ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-editor-min.js +ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-runtime.js +ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-runtime-min.js +ls -l +cd src/ +grep "api16" * -R +grep "api16" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/api16/api_v3/g" +cd .. +ls +vim server.js +git commit -am "v3 config updates" +git push +cd lib/controller/ +vim upload.js +git commit -am "v3" +git push +cd .. +git clone blender-node-v3 +cd blender-node-v +cd blender-node-v3/ +ls +git branch -a +git pull +git checkout facebook-2.0 +git branch v3 +git checkout v4 +git checkout v3 +git push -u remote v3 +git push -u origin v3 +ls -l +npm install +ls -l +rm game-lib-editor.js +ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-editor.js +git diff +git status +git commit -am "v3 updates" +git push +ls -l +vim server.js +ls +cd .. +ls +./delete +./start +cd tools/ +ls +cd .. +./delete +./start +ls +pm2 list +./delete +./start +./delete +./start +cd .. +g +ls +vim ~/.bashrc +exit +s +ls +exit +r +exit +gl2 +gulp +cd .. +ls +git clone game-lib-v3 +cd game-lib-v +cd game-lib-v3 +ls +git checkout feature/components-ecs +git checkout facebook-2.0 +git branch v3 +git checkout v3 +git push -u origin v3 +npm install +cd node_modules/gulp-c-preprocessor/ +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +rm -rf c-preprocessor/ +ln -s ../../../../c-preprocessor/c-preprocessor/ +ls -l +cd .. +gulp build +exit +r +3d +gulp +3d1 +3d +3d2 +git diff +git commit -am "displacementScale" +git push +gl2 +git diff +git commit -am "fix" +git psh +git push +git pull +git push +exit +g +git clone +cd dat.gui/ +ls +git checkout 80608425696b9f0a139fb91af3ad40ea8981c676 +cd .. +ls +cd dat.gui/ +ls +cd build/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd 3d-editor +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd dat.gui/ +ls +cd .. +rm dat.gui/ +rm -rf dat.gui +ln -s ../../dat.gui/ +ls -l +cd dat.gui +ls +cd .. +cd 3d-editor +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd .. +cd node_modules/ +rm dat.gui +ls +cd .. +vim package.json +npm install +npm update +3d2 +npm update +cd .. +cd 3d-racing +git pull +cd game/assets/ +cp Rock* ../../../blender-files/vr_racer/ +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +git status +git add vr_racer +git commit -am "new blender files" +git push +git add vr_racer/ +git commit -am "new track with bezier" +git push +cd .. +cd 3d-racing +git pull +cd game/assets/ +cp Asphalt* /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/vr_racer/ +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/ +git add vr_racer/ +git commit -am "asphalt additional textures" +git push +exit +cp Downloads/track1\ \(2\)\ tj.blend /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/vr_racer/track_new_asphalt_with_bezier.blend +exit +g +3d +ls +git diff +git commit -am "fix dat.gui" +git push +git log +cd .. +3d2 +git cherry-pick c43259683610809009fb21ebdf385bf02154f61a +git pull +git cherry-pick c43259683610809009fb21ebdf385bf02154f61a +git push +3d3 +git pull +git cherry-pick c43259683610809009fb21ebdf385bf02154f61a +git push +npm update +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +a +cd +cd +cg +g +ls +./logs +exit +pm2 list +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +sudo service nginx restart +pm2 list +d +s +git clone api-v3 +cd api-v3 +git branch -a +git checkout facebook-2.0 +git branch v3 +git checkout v3 +git push -u origin v3 +d +s +cd api-v3 +npm install +r +cd api-v3/ +ls +vim server.js +grep "api16" * -R +grep "api16" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/api16/api_v3/g" +git diff +git status +ls -l +rm config.js +ls +ls -l +grep "require.*config" +grep "require.*config" * -R +grep "require\(..config" * -R +r +cd api-v3 +ls +ln -s ../config/config.js +ls -l +git status +git commit -am "v3 config" +gitp ush +git push +3 +r +cd 3d-editor-v3 +ls +cd src/ +grep "api16" * -R +grep "config.editor" * -R +grep "config.editor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/config.editor/config.editor_v3/g" +git diff +git commit -am "config updates" +git push +cd .. +gulp +gulp build +r +cd 3d-editor-v3 +mkdir uploads +gl3d +gl3 +gulp +3d2 +gulp +exit +3d3 +gulp +gl2 +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +3d3 +gl3 +3d2 +gl2 +3d1 +gl1 +gl +3d +cd .. +lcd +ls +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "v3" +git push +git pull +exit +pm2 list +pm2 start api-v2 +g +cd api-v2 +ls +npm install +pm2 restart api-v2 +cd .. +cd 3d-editor +ls +git checkout facebook +pm2 start 3d-editor +cd .. +cd game-lib +git checkout stable +gulp build/ +gulp build +ls +cd build +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd 3d-editor +git checkout stable +gulp build +ls +cd .. +pm2 restart 3d-editor +pm2 restart 3d-racing-server/ +pm2 restart 3d-racing-server +cd 3d-racing-server/ +git branch -a +npm install +ls +pm2 restart 3d-racing-server +ls +cd .. +cd game-lib +ls +cd .. +ls +mkdir v1 +cd v1 +ls +cd .. +mkdir v2 +ls +cd v2 +ls +cd .. +ls +mv 3d-editor v1 +mv blender-node v1 +ls +mv 3d-pong v1 +ls +cd v1 +ls +mv ../game-lib . +ls +mv ../api-v1.6 ./api +ls +cd .. +ls +cd v2 +ls +mv ../3d-editor-v2 ./3d-editor +ls +mv ../blender-node-v2 ./blender-node +ls +mv ../game-lib-v2 ./game-lib +ls +tree ../v1 +ls +cd .. +ls +cd v1 +ls +cd .. +cd v2 +ls +mv ../api-v2 ./api +ls +cd 3d-editor/ +ls +cd .. +ls +ln -s ../config +ls +cd .. +cd v1 +ln -s ../config/ +ls +cd .. +cd v1 +cd 3d-editor/ +ls +cd .. +cd 3d-pong/ +cd .. +cd api/ +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git checkout stable +cd .. +ls +cd game-lib/ +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd v2 +ls +cd 3d-editor/ +ls +rm game-lib* +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-min.js +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-editor.js +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-editor-min.js +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-runtime.js +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-runtime-min.js +ls +cd src/ +grep "api16" * -R +cd .. +vim server.js +ls +cd .. +ls +rm config +ls +cp ../config . +cp ../config . -R +ls +cd config/ +ls +git branch tj-dev-v2 +git checkout tj-dev-v2 +ls +vim secure.js +ls +cd .. +ls +rm -rf config +mv game-lib ../game-lib-v2 +mv blender-node ../blender-node-v2 +mv 3d-editor ../3d-editor-v2 +mv api ../api-v2 +ls +cd .. +rmdir v2 +cd v1 +ls +rm config +ls +mv api ../api-v1.6 +ls +mv * ../ +ls +cd .. +rmdir v1 +ls +cd 3d-editor-v2 +ls +git reset --hard HEAD +ls +git pul +git pull +ls -l +cd .. +ls +pm2 restart all +pm2 list +cd 3d-racing-server/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd game-lib +ls +cd . +cd .. +ls +cd vr_rac +cd vr_racer/ +ls +cd .. +mv vr_racer 3d_v1 +cd 3d_v1/ +ls +rm -rf node_modules +ls +rm -rf git +ls +rm -rf \.git +ls +cd .. +s +r +s +st +pm2 start api-v1.6 +pm2 start 3d-pong +pm2 start 3d-editor +pm2 start api-v1 +pm2 list +pm2 start api-v1.6/ +pm2 start api-v1.6 +pm2 logs +./delete +./start +pm2 list +st +cd config/ +ls +cd .. +ln -s config/start_editor_v1 +ln -s config/start_editor_v2 +ln -s config/start_editor_v3 +st +ln -s config/start_pong +sudo vim ~/.bashrc +exit +e1 +pm2 list +st +ps +pm2 logs +cd blender-files/ +cd vr_racer/ +ls +s +st +ps +./logs +pm2 list +e2 +pm2 list +pm2 logs +pm2 status +pm2 --help +pm2 monit +st +e2 +cd blender-node-v2/ +git diff +npm install +st +e2 +pm2 monit +cd blender-node-v2/ +npm install +st +e2 +pm2 logs +st +e2 +./logs +st +e2 +logs +./logs +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +ps +e1 +pm2 logs +cd public/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "whitespace" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd core/ +git diff +git commit -am "facebook updates" +git push +exit +pm2 monit +st +ps +st +ps +st +ps +st +ps +st +ps +st +ps +st +ps +st +ps +st +ps +st +st# +ps +st +ps +st +ps +st +ps +# +ls +cd 3d-pong/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "more facebook updates" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "more updates" +git push +exit +g +cd 3d-pong/ +ls +rm game-lib* +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js +ls +exit +g +cd 3d-pong/ +ls +cd .. +cd game-lib +ls +git checkout master +ls +git checkout stable +ls +cd build/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd 3d-pong/ +npm install --save lodash +exit +g +cd blender-files/ +git pull +cd .. +cd blender-node-v2/ +npm instlal +npm install +npm instlal +npm install +[A +npm install +exit +vim ~/.bashrc +exit +vim ~/.bashrc +m +exit +g +cd blender-node +git checkout v2 +git pull +git rm --cached .idea/vcs.xml +rm .idea/vcs.xml +git pull +git checkout stable +cd src/ +git checkout v2 +git log +:q +exit +g +cd blender-node-v2/ +ls +cd build/Release/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd /home/tj/.CLion2016.2/system/cmake/generated/blender-node-v2-32c5a778/32c5a778/Debug +ls +./blend-loader-test +./blend-loader-test > debug.txt +vim debug.txt +ls +./blend-loader-test +ls +./blend-loader-test +cd +cd /home/tj/.CLion2016.2/system/cmake/generated/blender-node-v2-32c5a778/32c5a778/Debug +ls +./blend-loader-test +xiyt +exit +cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ +./blender +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd blender-files/ +git diff +git commit -am "updated new" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node-v2 +ls +git diff +git commit -am "fixed memory problem" +git push +ssh gw-3d +exitr +exit +g +cd blender-node +git checkout stable +git log +git cherry-pick fdd6972851ffb5258f1fe1fe771153516c11cb7b +git mergetool +git commit -am "stable also patched" +git push +npm install +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +git push +exit +vim .bashrc +exit +ping +g +cd config/ +git checkout tj-dev +ping +cd .. +cd 3d-editor-v3 +git pull +npm install +git commit -am "updated three path" +git push +cd .. +3d2 +git pull +git cherry-pick ab713ef +git reset +git cherry-pick 8f7dd59 +git reset +git reset --hard HEAR +git reset --hard HEAD +git checkout v3 +ls +cd .. +cd 3d-pong/ +ls +git pull +git checkout 3doo +ls +exit +ssh gw-3d +g +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "scripts" +git push +ls +git status +git checkout gw-3d +git merge tj-dev +ls +grep "gamewheel.local" * -R +grep "gamewheel.local" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/gamewheel.local/" +git diff +cd nginx/ +ls +cat 3d-editor-v2.conf +cd .. +ls +vim start_editor_v +grep "usr/share/gamewheel/" * -R +grep "usr/share/gamewheel/" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/usr\/share\/gamewheel/srv\/\/g" +grep "usr/share/gamewheel/" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/usr\/share\/gamewheel/srv\/" +git commit -am "gw-3d config" +git push +git pull +git push +ssh gw-3d +git pull +ls +cd nginx/ +ls +rm api16pong.conf +rm 3d-pong-editor.conf +ls +vim +git commit -am "salesshuttle" +git push +ssh gw-3d +ls +cd .. +l +exit +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +st +e2 +cd 3d-pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "update image" +git push +ls +git diff +git commit -am "move share code" +git push +m +exit +g +cd blender-node-v2/ +ls +npm install +st +cd blender-node-v2 +npm install +git diff +git commit -am "push bone if exists" +git push +st +ps +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +sudo vim nginx.conf +exit +g +cd public/ +l +ls +cd public/ +ls +git status +ls +vim package.json +exit +xit +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +r +cd 3d-pong/ +ls +cd js/ +ls +ln -s ../config.js +vim config.js +ls +cd .. +ls +mv game-lib.js js +ls +cd js/ +ls +rm game-lib.js +ln -s ../../game-lib/build/game-lib.js +ls -l +rm config.js +ln -s ../../config/config.js +ls +cd .. +ls +rm config.js +ls -l +exit +cd Downloads/ +ls +unzip +mv express_prototype /usr/share/gamewheel/ +exit +g +cd 3d-editor-v3/ +git diff +e3 +exit +g +cd config/ +lg +ls +git diff +git commit -am "hosts update" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "hosts fix" +git push +git pull +git push +git commit -am "updates hosts" +git push +git commit -am "removed debug urls" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "config updates" +git push +eixt +exit +r +st +./delete +ps +r +st +./delete +ps +r +st +ps +sudo service nginx restart +r +sudo service nginx restart +r +sudo service nginx restart +r +88888888s +sudo service nginx restart +r +sudo service nginx restart +r +5r +r +3 +r +cd 3d-pong/ +npm remove --save +cd node_modules/ +rm gamewheel.public +ls +cd .. +npm remove --save gamewheel.public +ls -l +r +cd 3d-pong/ +npm install +npm install --save +r +st +r +e2 +st +s +g +cd blender-node-v3 +git pull +git checkout v2 +git pull +git checkout v2 +git checkout v3 +git merge v2 +ls +git mergetool +git commit -am "keep symbolic link" +git push +ls +rm game-lib-editor.js.orig +ls +git push +sudo service nginx restart +tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log +sudo service nginx restart +tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log +m +ls +pm2 list +st +ps +ssh gw-3d +cd 3d-pong/ +git pull +git checkout facebook +git merge 3doo +st +ps +st +ps +./delete +ps +st +ps +st +./delete +ps +r +pm2 list +mon +m +e +l +st +e2 +st +l +ssh gw-3d +ls +pm2 list +e2 +cd 3d-editor-v2 +ls +git checkout v2 +gulp build +git pull +npm install +vim src/index.html/index-head-start.html +:q +cd .. +cd - +gulp build +l +pm2 list +cd config/ +ls +./stop +./start +cd .. +cd 3d-editor-v2/uploads/gamewheel/root/root/test/ +ls +scp texture_* gw-3d:/srv/ +cd .. +l +cd 3d-pong/ +npm install +l +cd blender-node +ls +npm install +cd .. +cd 3d-editor +cd .. +cd 3d-pong +npm install +git diff +ls +npm install --save +l +cd vr_pong +ls +cd port/ +cd .. +ls +cd 3d-pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "expressjs manages all pong now" +git push +ls +cd .. +ls +rm 3d_v1 +rm 3d_v2 +rmdir 3d_v1 +rmdir 3d_v2 +ls +ssh gw-3d +exit +cd Downloads/ +ls +cd pong_fetch_assets/ +ls +e1 +e2 +cd 3d-editor-v2 +git push +st +ps +r +d +ps +cd 3d-pong/ +npm remove --save three-obj +npm remove --save stats.js +r +re +r +de +d +ps +r +d +ps +st +ps +r +e1 +r +st +d +ps +e2 +d +e1 +ps +r# +r +l +cd 3d-pong/ +git diff +git status +git add bin blender clients.js fonts img index.js js lib route server.js view +git commit -am "client connect and rooms - pretty stable - need to do disconnect" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd api-v1.6/ +git diff +git commit -am "don't log result for now - its too much info" +git push +l +r +exit +ps +e1 +e2 +gl2 +gulp +r +cd api-v2/ +npm install --save file-system +r +cd blender-node-v2 +ls +r +cat config/secure.js +l +exit +e2 +3d2 +gulp +3d2 +gulp +exit +gl2 +gulp +exit +3d2 +cd src +grep "editor_v2" * -R +cd .. +cd game-lib-v2 +cd src/ +grep "editor_v2" * -R +cd .. +ls +3d2 +cd src/ +grep "/upload/blender" * -R +exit +sudo apt-get install --update git +sudo apt-get install --upgrade git +sudo apt-get update +ls +apt-get install --upgrade git +sudo apt-get install --upgrade git +sudo apt-get autoremove +git -v +git --version +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa -y +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install git +git --version +exit +echo $JDK_HOME +echo $JAVA_HOME +java --version +java -v +java +java -version +cd .WebStorm2016.3/ +ls +cd config/ +ls +cd .. +cd Downloads/WebStorm-162.1121.31/bin/ +ls +cd .. +cd .WebStorm2016.3/ +ls +cd config/ +ls +ls *.jsd +ls *.jdk +find . -name "*.jdk" +cd .. +cd .WebStorm2016.1 +ls +cd .. +ls +cd Downloads/WebStorm-162.1121.31/ +ls +cd .. +cd WebStorm-145.597.6/ +ls +cd bin/ +./ +cd .. +cd WebStorm-162.1121.31/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd jre/ +ls +cd jtr +cd jre/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd bin/ +./ +exit +e2 +r +exit +l +ls +exot +exit +which chrome +which google-chrome +cd /usr/bin/ +cat google-chrome +ls | grep chrome +readlink -f "$0" +./chrome +chrome +gl2 +gulp +ls +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "v2_v3 updates" +git push +exit +readlink -f "$0" +cd /home/tj/bas +cd /home/tj/bash +cd bas +cd bash +dirname /home/tj/bash +ls . | grep chrome +3d2 +gulp +git diff +git branch v2_v3 +git checkout v2_v3 +git commit -am "progress to v3" +git push +git push -u origin v2_v3 +exit +g +3d2 +cd src/ +grep "" * -R +grep "scene.cameras\[.*?\]" * -R +grep "scene.cameras\[.*\]" * -R +grep "scene.cameras\[.*\]" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scene.cameras\[.*\]/camera/" +grep "EditorControls" * -R +exit +cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ +cd in +cd bin/ +./ +exit +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd blender-node-v3 +git pull +cd .. +cd blender-node-v2 +git diff +git commit -am "materials to scene" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node-v3 +git pull +git merge v2 +git checkout v2 +git pull +ls +git diff +git checkout v3 +cd .. +cd blender-node-v2 +git pull +cd .. +cd game-lib-v2/ +git diff +cd .. +cd game-lib-v3 +git diff +git commit -am "textures and materials stored to scene" +git push +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib-v2 +git diff +git commit -am "materials and textures stuff needs updates" +git push +git pull +git push +vim package.json +git diff v +git diff v3 +git checkout v3 +git pull +git checkout v2 +git diff v3 +git branch v2_v3 +git checkout v2_v3 +git merge v3 +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +git push -u origin v2_v3 +git diff +git status +git checkout src/game-lib-d3-api-material.js +git status +exit +3d2 +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.*ImageFactory" * -R +cd .. +gll2 +gl2 +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.*ImageFactory" * -R +grep "new.*Color" * -R +grep "new.*Color" * -R -c4 +grep "new.*Color" * -Rc4 +grep "new.*Color" * -R -C4 +killall google-chrome +killall chrome +sudo poweroff +ibus restart +sudo service nginx restart +gl2 +gulp +git commit -am "getting therer -- deep linking objects" +git push +3d2 +gulp +git commit -am "deep linked objects" +git push +e2 +r +cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/bin/. +ls +./ +exit +e1 +cd 3d-editor +cd uploads/ +ls +cd gamewheel/3doo/ +cd root/pong/ +ls +scp * gw-3d:/srv/ +scp * gw-3d:/srv/ +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-3d +ps +m +l +r +ssh gw-demo +ssh gw-3d +exit +exit +ssh gw-3d +ssh gw-demo +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +gnome-calculator +g +cd 3d-pong/ +grep "facebookShare" * -R +grep "facebookShare" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/facebookShare/facebookInvite/g" +exit +3d1 +3d +grep "renderId" * -R -C4 +cd src/ +grep "renderId" * -R -C4 +3d2 +cd src/ +grep "renderId" * -R -C4 +~#] +git +cd .. +cd 3d-pong/ +git diff +git status +git commit -am "facebook share start and end scenes done with responsiveness" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "uploads to api" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node-v2/ +git diff +git commit -am "backwards compatible" +git push +cd .. +cd api-v2/ +git diff +git commit -am "uploads to API" +git push +cd .. +cd 3d-editor-v3 +git diff +git commit -am "unneeded" +git push +exit +ps +r +ps +r +l +r +l +r +l +exit +g +cd 3d-pong/ +git commit -am "server updates" +git push +sudo poweroff +exit +l +cd 3d-pong/ +git diff +git commit "touch movement, server updates" +git commit -am "touch movement, server updates" +git push +exit +ps +l +r +s +st +d +ps +st +ps +r +r# +r +exit +cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/bin/ +ls +./ +ps +r +e1 +e2 +d +e2 +d +ps +e1` +e1 +r +d +ps +r +e1 +r +cd 3d-pong/ +npm remove --save cannong +npm remove --save cannon +r +cd 3d-pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "our own physics - fullscreen, vr mode in end scene, etc" +git push +git commit -am "computer gets scared" +git push +exit +3d1 +3d +ls +git branc +git branch -a +git checkout facebook +r +3d2 +ls +git log +git checkout 873d4f7576e575691822f6420a407f9185f28bd5 +git pull +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +git checkout v2_v3 +ls +cd .. +cd game-lib-v2 +git diff +cd src/ +grep "parentObjects" * -R +gulp +gulp build +git diff +git commit -am "parent F*n object wtf??" +git push +exit +cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ +cd bin +./ +exit +l +gnome-screenshot +gnome-screenshot --help +gnome-screenshot -w -B -d 3 +exit +p +ps +r +st +r +st +r +st +r +cd 3d-pong/ +ls +st +e1 +r +d +e1 +vim /etc/hosts +r +ps +r +d +ps +r +d +e1 +r +d +ps +r +gl +ls +git branc +git branch +git diff +gulp +exit +ssh gw-3d +exit +l +cd 3d-pong/ +git diff +git commit -am "multi-player motion queues" +git push +exit +gl1 +gl +gulp +r +st +r +5r +r +st +r +ssh gw-3d +r + +exit +cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ +cd bin/. +./ +exit diff --git a/bashrc b/bashrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e324c1a --- /dev/null +++ b/bashrc @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. +# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc) +# for examples + +# If not running interactively, don't do anything +[ -z "$PS1" ] && return + +# don't put duplicate lines or lines starting with space in the history. +# See bash(1) for more options +HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth + +# append to the history file, don't overwrite it +shopt -s histappend + +# for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1) +HISTSIZE=1000000 +HISTFILESIZE=200000 + +# check the window size after each command and, if necessary, +# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS. +shopt -s checkwinsize + +# If set, the pattern "**" used in a pathname expansion context will +# match all files and zero or more directories and subdirectories. +#shopt -s globstar + +# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1) +[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)" + +# set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below) +if [ -z "$debian_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then + debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot) +fi + +# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color) +case "$TERM" in + xterm-color) color_prompt=yes;; +esac + +# uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned +# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window +# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt +force_color_prompt=yes + +if [ -n "$force_color_prompt" ]; then + if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then + # We have color support; assume it's compliant with Ecma-48 + # (ISO/IEC-6429). (Lack of such support is extremely rare, and such + # a case would tend to support setf rather than setaf.) + color_prompt=yes + else + color_prompt= + fi +fi + +GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true +GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true + +if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then + PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\][\D{%d}] \A\[\033[1;31m\] \u@\[\033[01;32m\]-=\[\033[00m\]\[\033[0;33m\]$(__git_ps1)\[\033[00m\] \$ ' +else + PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\][\D{%d}] \A\[\033[1;31m\] \u@\[\033[01;32m\]-=\[\033[00m\]\[\033[0;33m\]$(__git_ps1)\[\033[00m\] \$ ' +fi +unset color_prompt force_color_prompt + +# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir +case "$TERM" in +xterm*|rxvt*) + PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[38;5;34m\]-\[\033[38;5;35m\]=\[\033[38;5;36m\]<\[\033[38;5;37m\]y\[\033[38;5;38m\]b\[\033[38;5;39m\]4\[\033[38;5;38m\]f\[\033[38;5;37m\]3\[\033[38;5;36m\]1\[\033[38;5;34m\]0\w/\[\033[38;5;36m\]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)")\[\033[38;5;38m\]' + ;; +*) + ;; +esac + +# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases +if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then + test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)" + alias ls='ls -l -a --color=auto' + #alias dir='dir --color=auto' + #alias vdir='vdir --color=auto' + + alias grep='grep --color=auto -n' + alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto' + alias egrep='egrep --color=auto' +fi + +# some more ls aliases +alias ll='ls -alF' +alias la='ls -A' +alias l='ls -CF' +alias mysql='mysql -A' + +# Add an "alert" alias for long running commands. Use like so: +# sleep 10; alert +alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"' +alias composer='php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar' + +# Alias definitions. +# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like +# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly. +# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package. + +if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then + . ~/.bash_aliases +fi + +# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable +# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile +# sources /etc/bash.bashrc). +if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then + . /etc/bash_completion +fi + + +export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH" diff --git a/progress_dot_on.png b/progress_dot_on.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6c99a180d203fecb486445e0abd1f4507e5efb5 GIT binary patch literal 245 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^q9Dw{3?%2B3|#`GLIQk3ToV_>6NB`<_4Ajf#B2-( zl7?pt@uS@0?i`@`j3q&S!3+-1Zlr-YN#5=*3>~bp9zYIffk$L90|U1(2s1Lwnj--e zWH0gbb!ETDDZwwV&}h1NDo{wu)5S4F;&O6=#Hxmg69rc*h$RNOY@BWF!oVPMkU{L_ S7dZi-Dh5wiKbLh*2~7aHo=H0Z literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/progress_dot_on16.png b/progress_dot_on16.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a81a56d6052231baa306fc1c05b1de64ebf8ccd GIT binary patch literal 168 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^q9Dw|3?!p1cPs@``~f~8uG$Q8`ri8a%TsI%Tw*o` zi*9`r4U}R`@^*J&=wOxg0CG4BJR*x37`TN&n2}-D90{Nxdx@v7EBif834U3nSl$KJ zKp}Zg7sn8e>&XcVm<5WQHiX8AJjf9jXJ7Nk$&cwvff$2RH`7GN+ud)0N*O#|{an^L HB{Ts5RXN8>AA(TBzWRvWWJZZH0P+mO4enRoyIcR>G{0Fa&uzAec-)wSVdi{xNxX2uq?y)*!TGD95(efDl{ z*W4l6@F$(cQtYdAaCfND1Cmz(X_DF?lHj3Vxg`9DrH`y%o9f2V7qkfhA#Gy8?9_T` zCGzQjxn~xHB*N?~gDPLNCs%UvVo=I_y6OS-okjtf?Ps%B!|i8ykG)|MH^1It%HajO zoZ2(wj_DHeO6}o2ATeQ(GW-95u8i^n=#KS#LN#R|V7z}$+Y)29SXCC3)IkP-5$kKv z@Lihl-$QR=yFU$OYbay5?iJ+v8!KGx&47`(qTMq>v6`JRh7O;MYX1!%9v(taeC&%; 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