diff --git a/bash_history b/bash_history index cc96f79..4999ca4 100644 --- a/bash_history +++ b/bash_history @@ -7683,3 +7683,1705 @@ exi exit s exit +3d +gulp +p +c +cd config/ +git push +exit +gl +gulp +3d +git diff +git commit -am "dep inject" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +p +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "particle system, materials, position, stable" +3d +git diff +git commit -am "particle system for editor" +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "custom code path" +gl +git diff +git commit -am "move all particle properties in" +git diff +git commit -am "rotation scale for particle engines" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "release" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +git commit -am "particle system for preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +s +3d +cd src/ +grep "setServerStatus" * -R +grep "setServerStatus" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/setServerStatus/setStatus/g" +grep "setServerStatus" * -R +gl +git log +git commit -am "abandon pre-create idea" +3d +cd src/ +grep "renderSystem" * -R +gl +grep "DELAYED_INSTANCE_ENC" * -R -C4 +cd src/ +grep "DELAYED_INSTANCE_ENC" * -R -C4 +3d +cd src/ +grep inputSystem * -R +git diff +git commit -am "server updates - system starts taking over responsibilities" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "particle component, input and render system updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "particles become only instances" +git diff +git commit -am "don't store particles" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/ +lgr +l +grep "parentMesh" * -R +exit +p +git diff +git commit -am "remove cursor" +git push +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git push flyingspoon +exit +o +p +git log +exit +ccsm +exit +s +m +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "keep processing particles" +git push +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git push flyingspoon +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +gl +gulp +git diff +3d +gulp +p +gulp +cd Downloads/ +cd blender-2.7 +cd blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +gedit +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +# +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "EmitInstanceEvents" * -R +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "cleanup linking system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +grep "getStorageDependencies" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "don't store clones, deep clone objects, continue loading when components fail to load, fix entity and renderer toApiObject" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +gl +git commit -am "whitespace" +exit +s +m +r +3d +gulp +p +gulp +gl +gulp +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +gl +gulp +exit +gl +git diff +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +3d +git push flyingspoon +p +git pull +git push flyingspoon +s +gl +git diff +git commit -am "store clones option" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git pull +ssh spoon2 +exit +3d +gulp +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +3d +git log +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "replace api URL" +git puhs +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fix parent scene" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +cd src/ +grep "selectComponentType" * -R +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +git diff +cd .. +git commit -am "sort names" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +gl +git diff +git commit -am "update min / max" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.7 +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +c +cd blender-files/ +git diff +git status +git add xmas +git status +git commit -am "xmas game" +git push +git remote -v +git push flyingspoon +exit +which gimp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gimp +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "gui color update sends property, colors and axis for grids" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +cd src/ +grep "lookAt" * -R +gl +git diff +git commit -am "scene save bug fix, set from camera for raycaster, lookAt for mesh" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +3d +exit +s +m +exit +r +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "grid and axis to gamelib" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "default for color from object" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "animation system takes care of texture animations" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gnome-cal +gnome-calculator +p +gulp +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "texture updateInstance fixes" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +3d +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +cd src/ +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +p +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +cd src/ +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "restart" * -R +p +cd src/ +grep "restart" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "systems take care of themselves now" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "custom code system independent" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "custom code system independent" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gl +git diff +git commit -am "gui updates for particles" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "component name fix cc" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +cd src/ +grep "INSTANCE_CLONED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "particle updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +git diff +q +git diff +git commit -am "particle system updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "opacity factor for particle system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +s +m +s +mm +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "scale linear" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fog updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "make sure scene loaded" +git push flyingspoon +exit +cd Downloads/ +cd blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +s +m +exit +gnome-calculator +gnome-calculator +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "remove particle engine slowly - todo: notify clones of being clones" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE" * -R +gl +git diff +git status +git diff +git status +git commit src/game-lib-system-particle.js -m "fix" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git branch storage_fixing +git checkout storage_fixing +git commit -am "attempt 1" +git push -u origin storage_fixing +git checkout master +git log +git checkout storage_fixing +git diff +git commit -am "async storage" +git push +git push -u flyingspoon storage_fixing +ssh spoon2 +git diff +git checkout master +git commit -am "fix component start()" +git merge storage_fixing +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gnome-calculator +gnome-cal +gnome-calculator +mv fire.ogg burning.ogg +3d +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +cp ~/burning.ogg . +cp ~/hohoho.ogg . +cp ~/xmas.ogg . +scp *.ogg spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +gl +git diff +git commit -am "audio ended event" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "particle system updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +git diff +git commit -am "audio system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +cd src/ +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +git diff +grep "listenFor" * -R +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +ls +cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +ls +cp ~/flamethrower.ogg . +ls +3d +cd src/ +grep "meshInstanc" * -R +audacity +git diff +git commit -am "no more instance creation specifics" +git pushg +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "audio components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git diff +git commit -am "audio system for preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fix position offset for renderer" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/ +grep "this.instance.setSize" * -R +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +exit +sudo apt-get install vorbis-tools +sudo apt-get install pavucontrol +pavucontrol +s +exit +p +cd src/ +grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +gl +git diff +git commit -am "set size" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +ssh spoon2 +exit +c +cd +scp flamethrower.ogg spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +audacity +cp xmas2.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp xmas2.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +ls *.mp3 +cp *.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp *.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +exit +cp flamethrower.ogg /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +exit +pavucontrol +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "particle explosions" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "memory cleanup" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/ +grep "failed to find" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "check subscription before remove, respect audio load time" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git help tag +git tag 1.0 +git push origin --tags +git push flyingspoon --tags +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./bk +./blender +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "saving progress" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +s +m +exot +exit +c +cd controller/ +tar -czf queries.tar.gz queries +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +s +m +exit +göl +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "updateinstance property for light and camera" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +gulp +exit +c +ls +cd api +ls +git branch -a +exit +c +find . -name "*.json" +find . -name "*.json" --exclude-dir=node_modules +find . -name "*.json" | grep --exclude-dir=node_modules +find . -name "*.json" | grep "*" --exclude-dir=node_modules +find . -name "*.json" +find . -name "*.json" | grep -v "node_modules" +find . -name "*.json" | grep -v "node_modules|bower_components" +find . -name "*.json" | grep -v "node_modules\|bower_components" +cd controller/examples/ +ls +vim performanceReportQuery.json +tar -czf reports.tar.gz * +ls +exit +p +ls +cd .. +ls +cd 3d-pong/ +ls +grep "fullscreen" * -ir +cd js/ +grep "fullscreen" * -ir +vim pong.js +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +gnome-calculator +s +exit +cp xmas.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp xmas.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.7 +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +s +m +gl +gulp +o +p +gulp build +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fix movement touch" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "touches t +" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +git commit -am "set property" +git push +gl +git diff +git commit -am "touch input updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +ssh spoon2 +s +m +exirt +exit +sudo apt-get install dosbox +dosbox +cd .dosbox/ +;s +ls +vim dosbox-0.74.conf +dosbox +dosbox +which dosbox +cd /etc/dosb +sudo service lightdm restart +xs +cd +cd .dosbox/ +ls +vim dosbox-0.74.conf +gedit +s +dosbox +gedit +dosbox +gnome-calculator +find . -name "heightmap" * -R +find . -name "heightmap" +find . -name "heightmap*" +c +find . -name "heightmap*" +gnome-calculator +exit +3d +git diff +gulp +hl +gl +git diff +git commit -am "stop all audio, package.json" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "log audio" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +v +c +cd release/ +git diff +git commit -am "release for moorcow" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "release done" +git push +git status +cp ../preview/favicon.ico . +git add favicon.ico +git push +git commit -am "favicon" +git push +gl +git diff +cd src/ +git diff +cd .. +git diff src +git commit -am "log updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git diff src/ +git commit -am "fix zoom etc" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "fix zoom etc" + +git commit -am "fix zoom etc" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd 3d-pong/ +vim js/pong.js +gl +git diff +git commit -am "request fullscreen" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd custom-code/ +git log +git diff b1cf96d00ad6c79eb8565912e897d239c200ffff +p +git diff +git commit -am "game loaded event for preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gl +gulp +s +m +gnome-calculator +p +git diff +git commit -am "pass data" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit package.json -m "package" +git push +git push flyingspoon +npm install +vim .gitignore +vim package.json +git pull flyingspoon +vim package.json +git pull flyingspoon master +git commit .gitignore -m "ignore build" +git add build +git commit build -m "add build" +vim package.json +git commit package.json "pjs" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +vim package.json +git commit package.json -m "pjs" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "touch meta" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +ssh spoon2 +p +gulp +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +p +gulp +s +m +ssh spoon2 +exit +c +cd release/ +git commit -am "pause for release" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git diff +git commit -am "pause for preview" +git push flyingspoon +git push +exit +3d +git commit -am "pause for editor" +git push +exit +3d +gulpt +gulp +gl +git diff +cd src/ +git diff src +cd .. +git diff src/ +git commit -am "toon material" +git push +git branch image_system +git checkout image_system +cd .. +3d +git diff src/ +git commit -am " + + +git diff src/ +git commit -am "streamline"! +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git checkout master +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b/GameLib.Event.GAME_PAUSE/g" +git diff . +git commit -am "GAME_PAUSE" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "GAME_PAUSE" +git push flyingspoon +git push +3d +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b/GameLib.Event.GAME_PAUSE/g" +git diff +git diff . +git commit -am "GAME_PAUS" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +gl +gulp +s +m +gl +git diff src/ +git commit -am "pause and continue all audio" +git push +git push flyingspoon +sa +s +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +gl +gulp +g +gk +gl +git diff src +git commit -am "mute audio" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +m +gl +gulp +s +m +gl +git diff src/ +git commit -am "fix font loading" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gnome-calculator +exit +c +cd release/ +git diff +git commit -am "new GAME_OVER" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "trigger custom game start" +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff src +git commit -am "custom game start" +git push flyingspoon +3d +glp +gulp +s +m +c +cd release/ +git diff +git commit -am "resumed and paused events" +git push flyingspoon +git push +git log +git diff +git commit -am "bad log" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "pause, game over and start event" +git push +git push flyingspoon +o +p +git diff +git commit -am "fix start stuff" +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "custom game start" +git push +gl +3d +hl +gl +git push flyingspoon +p +git push flyingspoon +2 +3d +git diff +git commit -am "system start" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +vim .gitignore +git add build +git status +git commit -am "preview build" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +gulp +gl +git diff +git diff src/ +git commit -am "restarted event, webpack window" +git push +git commit -am "events" +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gl +gulp +ccsm +s +m +exit +3d +gulp +p +exit +gl +gulp +exit +r +3d +vim package.json +npm install +git diff +exit +gl +git log +gl +git diff +git diff src/ +git commit -am "type safety check" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff src/ +git commit -am "audio system pause updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "fix pause" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +3d +git push +gulp build +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +qit commit -am "pause fixes" +git commit -am "pause fixes" +git push +git push flyingspoon +vim .gitignore +git commit -am "ignore build for preview"! +git push +git push flyingspoon +git rm --cached build +git rm -r --cached build +gulp build +git push +git commit -am "remove build" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +ps -A | grep chr +s +gl +git diff +git diff src/ +git commit -am "update instance for mesh" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +exit +c +cd custom-code/ +git log +exit +cd Downloads/ +mv Verse\ section\ loop.mp3 xmas4.mp3 +mv xmas4.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +s +gnome-calculator +cd Downloads/ +mv sjl.Happy_Me_Xmas_Edition.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/xmas3.mp3 +scp xmas3.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +c +cd api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp xmas3.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp xmas4.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +git diff +cd .WebStorm2017.2/config/scratches/ +ls +meld scratch_15.js scratch_17.js +gnome-calculator +exit +gl +git diff +git diff src +gulp buil +gulp build +git commit -am "unmuted and muted events" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff src/ +git commit -am "audio system respect mute before play" +gulp build +git commit -am "audio system respect mute before play" +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "bad event" +git push +gulp build +git commit -am "bad event" +git push +gulp build +git commit -am "bad mute" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +exit +sudo apt-get remove skype +s +which skype +gl +gulp build +git commit -am "buffaratt" +git push f +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +git diff src/ +git commit -am "keep float arrays - have to find another solution" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +gulp build +exit +gl +git diff +git diff src/ +git diff src +git commit -am "compute normals for buffer geometries" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +git commit -am "src" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff src/ +git commit -am "no float32 array" +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +git commit -am "no float32 array" +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exdit +exit +gl +gulp build +git commit -am "new float array" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +git commit -am "new float array" +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +gl +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "D3.API.Canvas" * -R +grep "D3.API.Canvas" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.API.Canvas/API.Canvas/g" +grep "D3.Canvas" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Canvas/Canvas/g" +grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -R +grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_GRAPHICS_RUNTIME" * -R +grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_GRAPHICS_RUNTIME/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_GRAPHICS_RUNTIME/g" +grep "GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_PHYSICS_RUNTIME/g" +gl +cd src/ +grep "GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_PHYSICS_RUNTIME/g" +grep "GET_CODER_IMPLEMENTATION" +grep "GET_CODER_IMPLEMENTATION" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "GET_CODER_IMPLEMENTATION" * -R +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "runtimeComponent" * -R +grep "runtimeObject" * -R +3d +cd src/ +git diff . +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Graphics" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Graphics" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Graphics/GameLib.GraphicsRuntime/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Physics" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Physics\b" * -Rl +grep "GameLib.D3.Physics\b" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Physics\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Physics/GameLib.PhysicsRuntime/g" +grep "GameLib.PhysicsRuntime" * -R +grep "GameLib.PhysicsRuntime" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.PhysicsRuntimeWorld/GameLib.D3.PhysicsWorld/g" +git diff game-lib-system-storage.js +exit +s +c +cd api-v1/ +ls +git diff +npm install --save ws +m +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +gl +git diff +cd src/ +git diff +git diff . +exit +gl +cd src/ +git diff +git commit -am "sockets runtime, component construction" +grep "GameLib.D3.Canvas" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Coder" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.CustomCode/GameLib.CustomCode/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.CustomCode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.CustomCode/GameLib.API.CustomCode/g" +git diff . +git commit -am "rename custom code component" +git push +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor/GameLibD3ControlsEditor/g" +git diff . +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls.Editor" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls/GameLib.Controls/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Controls/GameLib.API.Controls/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -R +grep "GameLibD3EditorControls" * -R +grep "GameLibD3ControlsEditor" * -R +grep "GameLibD3ControlsEditor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLibD3ControlsEditor/GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor/g" +git commit -am "Controls namespace update" +git push +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" +git diff . +git diff +grep "GameLib.D3.Image" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Image/GameLib.Image/g" +git diff . +git commit -am "Image namespace fix" +git push +git diff . +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "contentType.*=" * -R +grep "componenttType.*=" * -R +grep "componentType.*=" * -R +q +grep "SHAPE_TYPE_CONVEX_HULL" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Mesh.MESH_T" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Mesh.MESH_T" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Mesh.MESH_T/GameLib.D3.API.Mesh.MESH_T/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.SOLV" * +grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.GS" * +grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.GS" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.GS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Solver.GS/GameLib.D3.API.Solver.GS/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.SPL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Solver.SPL/GameLib.D3.API.Solver.SPL/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TYP" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TYP" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Texture.TYP/GameLib.D3.API.Texture.TYP/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TEX" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TEX" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Texture.TEX/GameLib.D3.API.Texture.TEX/g" +grep "typeId" * -R +grep "typeId" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/typeId/textureType/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Stats" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Stats/GameLib.Stats/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Stats/GameLib.API.Stats/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Stats/GameLib.API.Stats/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Stats/GameLib.Stats/g" +gulp build +git diff sr +git diff . +gl +cd src/ +git diff . +gulp build +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor/GameLib.Controls.D3.Editor/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.CustomCode/GameLib.CustomCode/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls/GameLib.Controls/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Controls/GameLib.API.Controls/g" +cd .. +cd api +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" +r +git branch component_construct +git checkout component_construct +git commit -am "component_construct" +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Image/GameLib.Image/g" +grep "REGISTER_UPDATE" * -R +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "REGISTER_UPDATE" * -R +3d +cd sr +cd src +grep "removeEntity" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "removeEntity" * -R +grep "queryComponents" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_" * -R +grep "Component.COMPONENT_" * -R +grep "Component.COMPONENT_" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.COMPONENT_/Component./g" +grep "queryComponents" * -R +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.RigidBody)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RIGID_BODY)/g +" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Shape)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.SHAPE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Animation)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.ANIMATION)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Mesh)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.MESH)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.CustomCode)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CUSTOM_CODE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.GUI)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.GUI)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.D3.Editor)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_EDITOR)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.Touch)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_TOUCH)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.Keyboard)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_KEYBOARD)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.Mouse)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_MOUSE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Scene)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.Scene)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(\[GameLib.D3.Mesh\])/queryComponents([GameLib.Component.MESH])/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Material)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.MATERIAL)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.Scene)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.SCENE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Texture)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.TEXTURE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.ParticleEngine)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.PARTICLE_ENGINE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.PhysicsWorld)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.PHYSICS_WORLD)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.RaycastWheel)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RAYCAST_WHEEL)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.RaycastVehicle)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RAYCAST_VEHICLE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Renderer)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RENDERER)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Stats)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.STATS)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Entity)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.ENTITY)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Image)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.IMAGE)/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "queryComponents" * -R +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Image)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.IMAGE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Renderer)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RENDERER)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Camera)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CAMERA)/g" +gl +grep "queryComponents" * -R +cd src/ +grep "queryComponents" * -R +grep "parentWorld" * -R +grep "parentWorld" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/parentWorld/parentPhysicsWorld/g" +grep ":\s*GameLib.D3.Mesh" * -R +grep "'\s*:\s*GameLib.D3.Mesh" * +grep "queryComponents" * -R +grep "register" * -R +grep "register\." * -R +git commit -am "register updates" +grep "NEW_COMPONENT_TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/NEW_COMPONENT_TYPE/COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATE/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENTS_UPDATE" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_UPDATE" * -R +grep "REGISTER_UPDATE" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R +grep "Emit.*COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED/COMPONENT_TYPES_FETCHED/g" +3d +cd src +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED/COMPONENT_TYPES_FETCHED/g" +grep "COMPONENT_DELETED" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_DELETED" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "this.componentTypes" * -R +gl +git push -u origin component_refactoring +git diff src +git commit -am "component refactoring nearing completion" +git push +git push -u flyingspoon component_refactoring +exit +gl +git diff +git branch component_refactoring +git checkout component_refactoring +git commit -am "start with linked objects" +git push +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git branch component_refactoring +git checkout component_refactoring +git comm +git commit -am "component refactoring nearing completion" +git push -u flyingspoon component_refactoring +exit +s +r +gl +gulp +s +3d +gulp +sr +g +c +cd sr +3d +cd src/ +grep "this.gui" * -R +grep "this.gui\b" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "pause / edit mode / game mode - nice message for constructino" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git checkout master +git merge component_refactoring +git push flyingspoon +git push +gl +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "textures backward compatible, runtime name, finished cast component" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git checkout master +git merge component_refactoring +git push flyingspoon +git push +git commit "build"! +git commit -am "build" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +cd src/ +grep "Sockets" * -R +grep "inputSockets" * -R +grep "inputSockets" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputSockets/inputSocket/g" +git commit -am "systems update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "socket system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff src +git commit -am "cast meets gui" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +cd src/ +grep "selectCreateMesh" * -R +grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R +grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Component.Construct/GameLib.Component.ConstructFromObject/g" +grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R +git diff src +git diff . +git commit -am "construct from object and new" +git push +git push flyingspoon +s +mongo +exit +s +killall chrome +exit +exot +exit +top +killall bms_linux +ps -A +top +kill -9 5288 +exit +ps -A +kill -9 16878 +killall steam +ps -A +ps -A +killall bms_linux +kill -9 16823 +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git log +cd src/ +git diff . +git commit -am "current state" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "CAST_SOURCE_CHANGED" * -R +git diff . +git commit -am "receive component" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +cd src/ +git diff . +git commit -am "create components quick" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_FETCHED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "oops" +git push +gl +3d +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +gul +gulp +s +m +3d +gulp +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +git diff src +exit +s +m +st +gl +cd src/ +grep "RECEIVE" * -R +grep "Component.RECEIVE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.RECEIVE/Component.SOCKET_RECEIVE/g" +grep "Component.CAST" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.CAST/Component.SOCKET_CAST/g" +grep "Component.RECEIVE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.RECEIVE/Component.SOCKET_RECEIVE/g" +grep "RECEIVE" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.Cast" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.Cast" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.API.Cast/GameLib.API.Socket.Cast/g +grep "GameLib.API.Cast" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.API.Cast/GameLib.API.Socket.Cast/g" +grep "GameLib.Cast" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Cast/GameLib.Socket.Cast/g" +grep "GameLib.API.Receive" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.API.Receive/GameLib.API.Socket.Receive/g" +grep "GameLib.Receive" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Receive/GameLib.Socket.Receive/g" +git diff +git diff src +git diff . +git commit -am "cast and receive sockets" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git pull +gl +gulp +gulp build +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp build +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit diff --git a/config.js b/config.js index 1826973..de87dbd 100644 --- a/config.js +++ b/config.js @@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ var config = { app: { url: protocol + '://' + user + '-app.' + domain }, + preview: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-preview.' + domain + }, api: { url: protocol + '://' + user + '-api.' + domain },