diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 3c3629e..0892c95 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1 +1,5 @@ node_modules +<<<<<<< HEAD +======= +general +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 diff --git a/bash_aliases b/bash_aliases index e4e2d91..07c66c5 100644 --- a/bash_aliases +++ b/bash_aliases @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ alias c='cd /usr/share/cybafelo' alias s='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./start' alias d='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./delete' +<<<<<<< HEAD alias r='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./restart' alias st='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./stop' alias g='cd /usr/share/cybafelo' @@ -10,9 +11,26 @@ alias 3d2='cd /usr/share/cybafelo/3d-editor-v2' alias gl2='cd /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib-v2' alias 3d3='cd /usr/share/cybafelo/3d-editor-v3' alias gl3='cd /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib-v3' -alias ps='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./start_pong' alias e1='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./start_editor_v1' alias e2='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./start_editor_v2' alias e3='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./start_editor_v3' alias l='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./logs' alias m='pm2 monit' +======= +alias st='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./stop' +alias gl='cd /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib' +alias p='cd /usr/share/cybafelo/preview' +alias 3d='cd /usr/share/cybafelo/3d-editor' +alias api='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./start_api' +alias app='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./start_app' +alias port='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./start_port' +alias gate='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./start_gate' +alias e1='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./start_editor' +alias logs='cd /usr/share/cybafelo && ./logs' +alias m='pm2 monit' +alias list='pm2 list' +function r() { + /usr/share/cybafelo/restart "$@" +} +export -f r +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 diff --git a/bash_history b/bash_history new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d91651b --- /dev/null +++ b/bash_history @@ -0,0 +1,12358 @@ +git diff +grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel\/" * -R +grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel\/" * -R --exclude=bash_history +grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel\/" * -lR --exclude=bash_history | xargs sed -i "s/\/usr\/share\/gamewheel/\/home\/gamewheel\/app/" +git diff +git commit -am "beta config" +git pushg +git push +git push -u origin gw-beta +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd .. +cd / +g +ls +ls -l +./update_all +cd api +ls +git diff +cd .. +cd controller/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "mail controller" +git push +git pull +gitp ush +git push +cd .. +ls +cd api +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +git commit -am "start mail signup" +git push +r +cd app/ +l +cd api +git dif +cd .. +cd app/ +ls +git diff +gulp build +bower install +gulp build +ssh gw-beta +r +list +sudo service nginx restart +r +list +r +d +start +s +ssh gw-bet +ssh gw-beta +exit +g +cd controller/ +ls +git commit -am "reset and changed mail" +git push +exit +c +cd controller/ +git commit -am "fixes" +git push +cd .. +cd ap +cd api +git diff +git commit -am "sign up mail" +git push +r +exit +ping portal.gamewheel.com +ssh gw-beta +ext +exit +ssh gw-beta +exit +start +s +exit +l +exit +list +m +r +m +exit +cd config/ +ls +cp inputrc /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ +c +cd config/ +ls +vim inputrc +git status +git add inputrc +git commit -am "inputrc" +git push +cd .. +c +cd +ls +rm \.inputrc +ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/inputrc \.inputrc +ls +exit +start +s +cd ~/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ +ls +vim settings.js +ssh gw-beta +mong +mongo +ssh gw-beta +exit +ifconfig +exit +ping gw-beta.gamewheel.com +ping beta-app.gamewheel.com +ping beta-api.gamewheel.com +exit +mongo +ssh gw-beta +c +cd app +cd test/ +mkdir specs +ls +cd specs/ +ls +cd .. +node test.js +cd test +ls +cd specs/ +ls +vim test_app.js +ls +cd .. +cd 3d-editor +ls +cd test/ +ls +cd integration/ +ls +vim test-3d-editor.js +# +ls +cd .. +ls +cd app +ls +npm install --save-dev assert +npm install --save-dev rmdir +node test.js +exit +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls +sudo mv chromedriver chromedriver.bak +cp ~/Downloads/chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip . +sudo cp ~/Downloads/chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip . +sudo unzip chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip +ls -l +sudo rm chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip +ls +chromedriver +npm install -g v8debug +v8debug +npm remove -g v8debug +sudo npm install -g v8debug +v8debug +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls +which v8debug +node -v +c +cd app/ +npm update +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd port/ +ls +cd bin +git diff +ls +vim start +cd .. +cd api +ls +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +cd .. +cd gate +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +cd .. +cd port/ +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +cd .. +cd cdn/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd config/ +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd connect/ +ls +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd controller/ +ls +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +ls +cd helper/ +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd model +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd port/ +ls +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +r +sudo npm remove -f pm2 +sudo npm install pm2 +r +sudo npm remove pm2 +sudo npm install -g pm2 +pm2 +pm2 --version +r +d +pm2 update +d +s +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd conf.d +l +cd /etc/nginx/conf.d +ls +vim ports.conf +xc +c +cd app +l +m +l +cd +ls +ls -l | grep node +cd .npm +ls +cd .. +mv \.npm \.npm.bak +cd +c +./start_api +npm install +npm +which npm +cd .. +cd /usr/bin +ls | grep npm +cd ../lib +ls +ls | grep node +cd no +cd node_modules/ +l +cd - +ls +cd npm +ls +cd bin/ +ls +npm +cd .. +cd local/bin/ +ls +which npm +npm +cd +rm -f node-v4.4.2.bak +rm -rf node-v4.4.2.bak +sudo rm -rf node-v4.4.2.bak +sudo rm \.npm +sudo rm -rf \.npm +sudo apt-get remove nodejs +sudo npm +sudo apt-get remove npm +sudo apt-get autoremove +node +sudo apt-get remove node +grep "node" * -R +ls +cd /usr/local/bin +l +ls +cd +vim bash_a +c +cd config/ +vim bash_aliases +:q +exit +sudo npm remove -g capto +sudo npm install -g capto +capto run +cd node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ +ls +mv settings.js.example settings.js +sudo mv settings.js.example settings.js +r +cd +ls +c +cd config/ +ls +vim start_mail +sudo npm remove -g capto +captoinfo +sudo npm install -g capto +capto run +npm --help +npm config +npm config lsit +npm config list +npm config ls -l +ls -l +cd +ls +which node +node -v +ls -l +cd node-v4.4.2/ +ls +tree . +cd .. +mv node-v4.4.2 node-v4.4.2.bak +capto run +npm +node --help +ls +ls grep "node" +ls | grep "node" +grep "node-v4.4.2" * -R +cd /etc/ +grep "node-v4.4.2" * -R +node +npm +echo $(NPM_HOME) +npmrc +ls +cd +vim .npmrc +cd /usr/local/ +ls +cd lib/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +cd lib +ls +find . -name "node_modules" +cd .. +find . -name "node_modules" +cd local/ +find . -name "node_modules" +ls -l +cd bin/ +ls +sudo apt-get install npm +ls +npm +ls +cd .. +ls +cd lib/ +ls +rm node_modules +sudo rm node_modules +sudo apt-get install --update npm +sudo apt-get install --upgrade npm +npm +cd .. +cd bin +ls +rm bower +sudo rm bower +sudo rm browserify +sudo rm capto +sudo rm cloc +sudo rm grunt +sudo rm gulp +sudo rm hs +sudo rm http-server +sudo rm n +sudo rm node* +;s +ls +rm npm +sudo rm npm +sudo rm pm2 +sudo rm pm2-* +sudo rm rundev +sudo rm selenium-standalone +sudo rm start-selenium +sudo rm tsc +sudo rm tsserver +sudo rm typings +sudo rm weinre +ls +ln -s +sudo apt-get remove npm +node +sudo apt-get install nodejs +sudo apt-get autoremove +sudo apt-get install npm +npm +node +pm2 +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install pm2 +npm install pm2 +sudo npm install -g pm2 +cd Dow +cd +cd Downloads/ +ls +tar -xf node-v6.10.1-linux-x64.tar.xz +cd node-v6.10.1-linux-x64/ +ls +vim README.md +ls +cd bin/ +ls +no +./node +cd .. +ls +curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | sudo -E bash - +sudo apt-get install nodejs +npm +npm -v +node -v +npm install -g pm2 +sudo npm install -g pm2 +ls -l +r +ls -l +d +s +r +cd config/ +ls +vim start_mail +cd .. +npm install -g capto +sud onpm install -g capto +sudo npm install -g capto +capto run +cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ +ls +sudo mv settings.js.example settings.js +capto run +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +npm install +sudo npm install +capto run +cd .. +ls +sudo npm install -g coffee-script +capto run +r +ls -l +cd app/ +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd api +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +cd .. +ls +cd cdn/ +ls +cd .. +cd config/ +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd connect/ +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd controller/ +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel +ls +npm install +cd .. +ls +cd gate/ +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd helper +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd model +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd port +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +r +ls -l +./start_app +ls +vim start_api +grep "debug=" * -R +grep "debug=" * +grep "debug=" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/debug=/inspect=/" +grep "debug=" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/debug\=/inspect\=/" +grep "debug=" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/debug\\=/inspect\\=/" +ls +vim start_ap +vim start_api +ls +m +./start_ap +./start_api +cd +ls +cd .npm +l +cd +cd .npm +ls +cd .. +node -v +which node +cd /usr/bin/ +ls | grep node +cd .. +cd lib +ls | grep node +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd npm/ +ls +cd .. +ls +which node +cd /usr/bin/ +ls +cd .. +cd local/ +cd lib/ +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +l +exit +node +npm +ls -l +ls | grep npm +rm .npmrc +rm .npm.bak/ +rm .npm.bak +rm -rf .npm.bak +ls | grep npm +ls | grep node +rm -rf \.node-gyp +sudo rm -rf .node-gyp +sudo rm -rf .node_repl_history +ls +ls -l | grep pm2 +rm -rf \.pm2 +ls -l +ls | grep pm2 +ls | grep node +ls | grep npm +ls -l +sudo apt-get install nodejs +node -v +sudo apt-get install npm +sudo apt-get install --fix-missing +sudo apt-get remove nodejs +sudo apt-get remove node +curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | sudo -E bash - +sudo apt-get install nodejs +sudo apt-get install -y build-essential +sudo apt-get install npm +sudo apt-get update +curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | bash - +curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash - +sudo apt-get install nodejs +sudo apt-get remove nodejs +sudo apt-get install nodejs +node -v +sudo apt-get install npm +sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list +ls +cd /etc/ap +cd /etc/apt +ls +cd sources.list.d/ +ls +vim nodesource.list +npm -v +sudo npm install npm -g +ls -l +cd +c +cd api +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +ls +cd .. +./start_api +r +cd .. +cd gamewheel/ +cd app/ +ls +cd .. +cd app/ +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +./start_app +ls +cd config/ +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd connect +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +cd .. +cd controller/ +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd gamewheel +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +cd .. +cd gate/ +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +cdcd .. +cd .. +cd helper/ +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +cd .. +cd model +rm -rf node_modules/ +np +npm install +cd .. +cd port/ +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +npm install -g capto +sudo npm install -g capto +capto run +sudo npm install -g coffee-script +capto run +exit +gedit +r +ls +cd app +ls +./node_modules/.bin/wdio config +wdio wdio.conf.js +./node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js +git status +cd test/reports/ +ls +git status +cd .. +git commit -am "integration tests for app" +git push +git checkout develop +git merge feature/integration_tests +git push +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd api +git diff +git checkout develop +git diff +git branch feature/password_mails +git checkout feature/password_mails +git push -u origin feature/password_mails +git commit -am "routes" +git push +git checkout develop +git pull +git checkout feature/password_mails +cd .. +cd controller/ +git pull +exit +c +cd app +ls +git diff +git pull +git branch feature/forgot_link +git checkout feature/forgot_link +cd .. +cd api +git pull +git branch feature/forgot_link +git checkout feature/forgot_link +git push -u origin feature/forgot_link +cd .. +cd app +git push -u origin feature/forgot_link +git branch -a +git checkout develop +git branch feature/integration_tests +git checkout feature/integration_tests +git diff +git push -u origin feature/integration_tests +cd .. +ls +cd 3d-editor +ls +cd test/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd app +ls +mkdir test +ls +nom install --save wdio +npm install --save wdio +./node_modules/.bin/wdio --help +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd wdio/ +ls +ls -l +node wdio.js +node wdio.js --help +vim example.js +cd .. +npm remove --save wdio +npm install --save-dev webdriverio +./node_modules/.bin/wdio --help +sudo npm install -g vvo/selenium-standalone +selenium-standalone +selenium-standalone start +selenium-standalone install +sudo selenium-standalone install +sudo selenium-standalone start +selenium-standalone start +sudo npm install -g vvo/selenium-standalone +selenium-standalone start +exit +selenium-standalone start +cd /usr/lib/node_modules/selenium-standalone/ +ls +ls -l +selenium-standalone install +sudo selenium-standalone install +selenium-standalone start +exit +selenium-standalone start +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls +./chromedriver +exit +m +exit +sudo npm cache clean -f +sudo npm install -g n +sudo n stable +node -v +exit +sudo npm install -g v8-debug +v8debug +v8-debug +exit +s +r +which capto +cd /usr/local/bin/ +ls +cd capto +cd ../lib/node_modules/capto/ +ls +vim package.json +npm install --save coffee-script +sudo npm install --save coffee-script +capto run +npm remove --save coffee-script +sudo npm remove --save coffee-script +capto run +ls -l +cd .. +ls +cd coffee-script/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./coffee +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +npm remove -g coffee-script +sudo npm remove -g coffee-script +sudo npm install -g coffee-script@1.6.3 +capto run +sudo npm remove -f coffee-script +sudo npm remove -f coffee-script@1.6.3 +ls -l +cd capto/ +sudo npm install --save coffee-script@1.6.3 +sudo npm install --save connect +capto run +r +cd app +git pull +r +ls +vim start_api +r +d +s +r +cd controller/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "reset link things" +git pull +git mergetool +r +0~ +./update_all +r +exit +selenium-standalone start +exit +logs +exit +c +cd api +touch t +git status +rm t +vim +ls +vim reports.sql +git diff +exit +c +./update_all +cd gate/ +git pull +cd .. +cd model/ +git pull +r +exit +r +cd controller/ +git pull +git mergetool +git status +git diff +git status +vim user.js +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflict" +git push +find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm +ls +r +sudo service nginx restart +r +sudo service nginx restart +r +cd 3d-editor +cd src/ +grep "normalRender" * -R +exit +gedit +exit +vim .my.cnf +mysql +sudo service nginx restart +c +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "serve index.html" +git push +git diff +exit +c +ls +cd 3d- +cd 3d-editor +cd .. +cd game-lib +git diff +git branch -a +git pull +git checkout v2_v3_stable +cd .. +cd blender-node +git branch - +git branch -a +git checkout v2_v3_stable +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +cd 3d-editor +git diff +git commit -am "fix" +git push +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +gulp build +sudo npm install -g gulp +gulp build +cd .. +cd game-lib +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +gulp build +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd c-preprocessor/ +ls +cd lib/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd bin/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +npm install +cd node_modules/gulp-c-preprocessor/ +ls +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd readable-stream/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd through2/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +gulp build +exit +s +cd api +vim ~/.bashrc +cd +cc +c +./start_editor +l +logs +exit +3 +c +cd 3d-editor +gulp +exir +exit +c +cd game-lib +cd src/ +grep "ifdef" * -R +gulp build +gulp +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +vim gamewheel.conf +c +cd 3d-editor +ls +rm game-lib-runtime.js +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js +ls -l +git status +git add game-lib.js +git commit -am "there can be only one game-lib" +git push +r +sudo service nginx restart +exit +c +ls +cd api-v1/ +git branch -a +git checkout v2_v3_stable +rm -rf node_modules/ +npm install +ls -l +cd .. +ls +cd config/ +ls +cp start_api start_api-v1 +sudo vim start_api-v1 +cd .. +ls +ln -s config/start_api-v1 +ls -l +vim start +vim start_editor +./start_editor +l +r +l +logs +cd api-v1/ +ls +grep "api_v2 +grep "api_v2" * -R +grep "api_v3" * -R +ls -l +r +cd api-v1/ +grep "blender-node" * -R +r +d +./start_editor +cd api-v1/ +grep "api_v3" *-R +grep "blender-node" * -R +grep "game-lib" * -R +cd .. +ls +cd api-v1/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "fix paths" +git push +exit +r +exit +c +cd game-lib +gulp +exit +c +cd 3d-editor +gulp +exit +nginx --version +nginx -version +nginx -v +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install nginx +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +vim nginx.conf +exit +c +cd config/ +ls +cat secure.js +sudo service nginx restart +tail -f /var/log/syslog +tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.lof +tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log +l +logs +tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log +exit +mysql +exit +sudo service nginx restart +sudo poweroff +editor +ls +vim .bash_aliases +c +ls +vim start_editor +mv api-v1.6 api-v1 +ls -l +grep "api-v1.6" * -R +cd api-v1/ +ls +grep "api-v1.6" * -R +rm -rf node_modules +npm install +cd .. +grep "api-v1.6" * -R +grep "api-v1.6" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/api-v1.6/api-v1/g" +sudo service nginx restart +exit +ssh gw-beta +ls +cd config/ +ls +vim nginx.conf +cd nginx +ls +git diff +cd +c +cd config/ +ls +cd nginx/ +ls +cd .. +git diff +git commit -am "api v1 config" +git push +git status +cd nginx/sites-available/ +git add default.dpkg-dist +git commit -am "default nginx config" +git push +ls +git checkout gw-beta +git pull +ls +cd .. +ls +cd sites-available/ +ls +vim gamewheel.conf +git checkout tj-dev +git show gw-beta -- gamewheel.conf +git show gw-beta:gamewheel.conf +git show gw-beta:./gamewheel.conf +git show gw-beta:./gamewheel.conf > gamewheel.conf.beta +git checkout gw-beta +git status +rm gamewheel.conf.beta +git show tj-dev:./gamewheel.conf +git show tj-dev:./gamewheel.conf > gamewheel.conf.tj +meld gamewheel.conf gamewheel.conf.tj +git diff +git commit -am "options support" +git push +git status +rm gamewheel.conf.tj +ls +git checkout tj-dev +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +ssh gw-beta +ssh gw-beta +exit +exit +c +cd config/ +git diff +grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel" * -R +grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history +grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel" * -lR --exclude=bash_history | xargs sed -i "s/\/usr\/share\/gamewheel/\/home\/gamewheel\/app/g" +git diff +git commit -am "gw-new new config" +git push +git push -u origin gw-new +git checkout tj-dev +ls +ls -l +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +mongo -v +mongo +exit +ssh gw-new +e1 +cd blender-node +ls +rm game-lib-editor.js +ls +r +exit +MONGO +mongo +exit +ssh gw-new +ssh gw-new +ssh gw-new +exit +list +m +exit +exit +c +cd config +ls +cd .. +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ +ls +cd config/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "new hosts" +git push +git pull +git push +git checkout tj-dev +git pull +exit +ssh gw-beta +exit +mongo +man ssh +ssh gw-beta +exit +gl +gulp +exit +ssh gw-beta +exit +3d +gulp +exit +ls -l +ssh gw-new +ls +cd config/ +c +cd config/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "history" +git push +git checkout gw-new +git status +git checkout tj-dev +git push -u origin :gw-new +git branch -D gw-new +git branch gw-new +git checkout gw-new +git diff +exit +nslookup beta-app.gamewheel.com +dig beta-app.gamewheel.com +exit +c +cd api +ls +git diff +git status +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +git checkout develop +git pull +vim package.json +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +ls +git diff +git checkout gw-new +ls +git checkout gw-new +git commit -am "his" +git checkout gw-new +exit +dig -t a beta-app.gamewheel.com +exit +ssh gw-beta +exit +ssh gw-beta +exit +ping beta-app.gamewheel.com +exit +ssh -R 22233:localhost:27017 gw-new +c +mkdir ../bak +sudo mkdir ../bak +cd .. +ls +ls | grep gam +sudo chown tj:www-data bak +cd gamewheel/ +mv 3d-editor-v2 ../bak +mv 3d-editor-v3 ../bak +mv 3d_v1 ../bak +mv 3d_v2 ../bak +mv admin ../bak +mv ammo.js ../bak +mv api-v2 ../bak +mv api-v3 ../bak +sudo mv blender-node.js.bak ../bak +sudo mv blender-node-v2 ../bak +sudo mv blender-node-v3 ../bak +sudo mv core ../bak +sudo mv c-preprocessor ../bak +sudo mv dark-matter ../bak +sudo mv dat.gui ../bak +sudo mv depot_tools ../bak +sudo mv express_prototype ../bak +sudo mv fiddle ../bak +sudo mv game-lib-d3-api-material.js ../bak/ +sudo mv game-lib-v2 ../bak +sudo mv game-lib-v3 ../ba +sudo mv game-lib-v3 ../bak +sudo mv games ../bak +sudo mv Games ../bak +sudo mv gamewheel-bus ../bak +sudo mv gamewheel.com.tar.gz ../bak +sudo mv .gclient* ../bak +sudo mv GW_* ../bak +sudo mv gw* ../bak +sudo rm -rf .idea/ +sudo mv libuv ../bak +sudo mv live-debug ../bak +sudo mv maths3d.js.bak ../bak +sudo rm -rf node_modules +sudo mv public ../bak +rm sedhvXvup +rm sedq0exRP +rm selenium-server-standalone-* +ls +sudo mv tj ../bak +sudo mv v8 ../bak +sudo mv vr_racing ../bak +rm -rf .vscode/ +sudo mv woopra ../bak +sudo mv www ../bak +./update_all +cd content +ls +cd .. +sudo mv content ../bal +cd .. +sudo mv bal ./bak/content +ls +g +ls +r +vim start +d +s +r +gulp test +cd api +gulp test +git diff +ls +gulp test +git diff +git status +git commit -am "tj API tests" +git push +exit +ls +c +ls +vim ./update_all +ls -l +m +exit +mongo +exit +r +exit +r +exit +r +sudo service nginx restart +exit +ssh gw-new +r +ssh gw-new +c +cd config/ +git diff +git checkout gw-new +git commit -am "stuff" +git push +git checkout gw-new +git pull +git checkout tj-dev -- build_latest +git commit -am "build latest" +git push +git checkout tj-dev +l +exit +r +exit +ssh gw-new +c +./update_all +cd app/ +git commit -am "fix" +git push +r +cd app +gulp build +[12:58:15] gulp-debug: src/app/sections/user/user.route.js +r +cd controller/ +git pull +r +cd model/ +git pull +r +./update_all +vim update_all +./update_all +cp update_all build_latest +vim update_all +vim build_latest +cd 3d-racing +npm install gulp-concat +gulp build +npm install gulp-uglify +gulp build +npm i -g npm +sudo npm i -g npm +cd .. +ls +vim build_latest +./build_latest +s +ls +r +vim build_latest +ls +mv build_latest config/ +ln -s config/build_latest +cd config/ +git add build_latest +git status +git diff +git commit -am "new files" +git push +git diff +ls +cd .. +cd app +ls +gulp build +cd .. +vim build_latest +r +./build_latest +cd helper/ +git diff +git commit -am "semicolons" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "more semicolons, type coersion" +git push +git pull +cd .. +cd config/ +ls +vim bash_aliases +vim build_latest +./build_latest +vim bash_aliases +vim build_latest +exit +r +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +c +./build_latest +vim build_latest +./build_latest +cd app +git diff +git status +# +ls +git status +cd .. +./build_latest +ssh gw-new +exit +ssh gw-new +exit +c +vim build_latest +./build_latest +exit +c +cd config/ +git checkout gw-new +git status +git diff +git rm --cached bash_history +git status +git diff +git commit -am "update" +git push +git checkout gw-new +git add bash_history +git commit -am "bash_hoist" +git push +git checkout gw-new +git diff +git commit -am "release database" +git push +git checkout tj-dev +ssh gw-new +exit +s +m +exit +ssh gw-new +s +exit +mysql +exit +3d +gulp +cd .. +cd cron/ +node server.js +exit +c +cd app +git status +s +ls -l +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-cron.git cron +cd cron/ +ls +ls -l +ls +git branch develop +git checkout dev +git checkout develop +ls +git push -u origin master +git pull +git status +touch package.json +git add package.json +git commit -am "initial package.json" +git push +git branch develop +git checkout develop +ls +npm install node-cron +npm install --save cron +ls +rm package.json +npm install --save cron +ls +cd ap +cd .. +ls +cd api +ls +cd .. +ls +cd cron/ +ls +exit +c +cd 3d +3d +ls +git diff +git commit -am "more updates - visual" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "child objects don't instantiate parent objects" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "there can be only one game-lib" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "fix config path" +git push +cd .. +ls +exit +sudo service nginx restart +c +cd cron +npm install --save express +r +exit +mysql +c +cd 3d-editor/ +cd src/ +grep "EditorControls" * -R +cd .. +cd cron +cd .. +ln -s config/start_cron +d +s +r +cd model/ +ls +git branch feature/cron +git pull +git checkout feature/cron +git merge develop +cd .. +cd controller/ +git branch feature/cron +git checkout feature/cron +r +cd .. +cd app/ +git pull +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +r +cd +c +cd cron/ +npm install --save body-parser +r +]r +r +git diff +git status +git add server.js +git add service/ +git commit -am "cron start" +git status +vim .gitignore +git add .gitignore +git commit -am "git ignore" +git push -u origin develop +r +cd .. +cd model/ +git diff +git commit -am "cron model" +git push +git push -u origin feature/cron +cd .. +cd controller/ +git status +git commit -am "cron controller" +git push +git push -u origin feature/cron +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "cron config" +git push +cd .. +cd model/ +git diff +git commit -am "whitespace" +git push +cd .. +cd controller/ +git diff +git commit -am "do something" +git push +exit +m +exit +gl +gulp +sudo service nginx restart +tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log +exit +r +c +cd controller/ +git diff +git commit -am "cron cleanup" +git push +git checkout develop +git merge feature/cron +git push +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd model/ +git diff +git commit -am "cron model" +git push +git checkout develop +git merge feature/cron +git push +cd .. +cd api +git push +git checkout develop +git merge feature/cron +git push +git pull +git push +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git status +git push +find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm +ls +cd .. +ls +cd app/ +git diff +git pull +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +git status +cd .. +ls +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "cron config" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd controller/ +cd .. +ls +cd cron/ +git diff +git push +exit +m +exit +s +exit +r +mongo +r +d +s +r +cd app +gulp build +git pull +gulp build +git pull +r +cd .. +cd api +git branch feature/cron +git checkout feature/cron +git commit -am "move cron to API" +r +npm install --save cron +r +d +s +sudo service nginx restart +cd app +git pull +git diff +git status +git reset views/index.ejs +git status +cd .. +cd cron/ +git diff +git commit -am "start cron jobs" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "reload and start jobs if needed" +git diff +git commit -am "stop jobs if needed, basic error handling" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "cron config" +git push +d +s +cd cron +ls +npm install --save cron +ls +ls -l +npm install --save cron +cd .. +cd cron +npm install --save cron +npm install cron +npm install --save cron +git commit -am "gw_cron package.json" +git push +r +cd .. +cd api +git diff +git commit -am "cron api" +git push +git push -u origin feature/cron +cd .. +ls +r +d +s +r +st +ls +./start_cron +st +r +cd cron +git diff +git commit -am "loading jobs - catching bad cron configs" +git push +m +exit +ls -l +sudo rm .bash_history +rm .bash_history +ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/bash_history .bash_history +ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/inputrc \.inputrc +ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/bash_aliases \.bash_aliases +ls +exit +c +cd config/ +c +cd config/ +ls +c +cd +ls +cd config/ +ls +cd Desktop/ +ls +cp general.encrypted /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ +c +cd config/ +git add general.encrypted +git commit -am "general encrypted" +git config --global user.email "theunis.botha1@gmail.com" +git config --global user.name "-= general +c +cd +cd Desktop/ +ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/general +cd /usr/share/plymouth/ +ls +cd themes/ +ls +dc ubuntu- +cd ubuntu-logo/ +ls +ls -l +rm ubuntu-logo.png +sudo rm ubuntu-logo +sudo rm ubuntu-logo.p +sudo rm ubuntu-logo.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo.png +sudo rm progress-dot-on.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on.png +ls -l +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +sudo rm ubuntu-logo.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo.png +ls -l +exit +cd /var/lib/plymouth/ +ls +cd .. +ls +find . -name "ubuntu*.png"! +find . -name "ubuntu*.png" +sudop find . -name "ubuntu*.png" +sudo find . -name "ubuntu*.png" +ls -l +cd /lib +ls +sudo su +exit +ccsm +git clone git@github.com:cybafelo/config.git +cd config/ +ls +cd .. +rm .bashrc +cd .. +cd /usr/share/ +mkdir cybafelo +sudo mkdir cybafelo +sudo chown tj:www-data cybafelo/ +sudo chown tj:www-data cybafelo -R +sudo chmod g+s cybafelo -R +cd cybafelo/ +ls +touch t +ls +ls -l +rm r +rm t +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-config.git config +cd config/ +git checkout tj-dev +ls +git branch cybafelo +git checkout cybafelo +grep "gamewheel" * -R +grep "gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history +grep "gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history -lR | xargs sed -i "s/gamewheel/cybafelo" +grep "gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history -lR | xargs sed -i "s/gamewheel/cybafelo/" +ls +cd /etc/ +sudo mv hosts hosts.bak +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/hosts +cd +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/bashrc \.bashrc +ccsm +ssh-keygen -t rsa b 4096 -C "theunis.botha1@gmail.com" +ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "theunis.botha1@gmail.com" +ls +cd .ssh/ +ls +cat id_rsa.pub +cd Downloads/ +mkdir ll +cd ll +mv ../Leisure\ Suit\ Larry\ 1\ -\ in\ the\ Land\ of\ the\ Lounge\ Lizards.zip . +ls +unzip Leisure\ Suit\ Larry\ 1\ -\ in\ the\ Land\ of\ the\ Lounge\ Lizards.zip +ls -l +mv Leisure\ Suit\ Larry\ 1.1987 ll +mv ll ll1 +mv ll1 .. +cd .. +dosbox --help +cd .. +cd .dosbox/ +ls +vim dosbox-0.74.conf +sudo apt-get install vim +vim dosbox-0.74.conf +exit +dosbox +sudo apt-get install dosbox +dosbox +dosbox +exit +cd .dosbox/ +vim dosbox-0.74.conf +exit +killall dosbox +sudo service lightdm restart +sudo apt-get install gnome-panel +ccsm +c +ls +git clone https://github.com/ToywheelDev/gamewheel-controller.git controller +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-services.git services +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-model.git model +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-cron.git cron +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-app.git app +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-api.git api +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-port.git port +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/blender-files.git blender-files +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/3D-Racing-Server.git 3d-racing-server +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/3d-racing.git 3d-racing +c +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-gate.git gate +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/GW_Config.git api_v1 +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/game-lib.git game-liv +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/game-lib.git game-lib +rm -rf game-liv +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/3d_editor.git 3d-editor +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-helper.git helper +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-gamewheel.git gamewheel +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-cdn.git cdn +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/vr_pong.git 3d-pong +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/blender-node.git +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/tools.git tools +ls +cd config/ +git pull +git fetch +git checkout tj-dev -- status_all +git checkout tj-dev +git pull +git checkout cybafelo +git checkout tj-dev -- status_all +git checkout tj-dev -- update_all +git commit -am "status" +git checkout tj-dev model.js +git checkout tj-dev -- start_cron +ls +git status +git commit -am "start scripts" +git status +cd .. +ln -s config/update_all +ln -s config/status_all +ls +./status_all +vim status_all +vim update_all +./status_all +vim update_all +vim track_all +ls +sudo mv track_all config/ +mv track_all config/ +cd config/ +chmod +x track_all +cd .. +ln -s config/track_all +./track_all +cd game-lib/ +git branch +cd .. +ls +cp track_all dump +ls +vim dump +mv dump config/ +ln -s config/dump +cd config/ +git status +git add dump track_all +git commit -am "dump and track all" +git push +cd .. +./dump +vim dup +vim dump +./dump +cd game-lib/ +git branch +git checkout v2_v3_stable +git pull +cd .. +ls +sudo service lightdm restart +cd config/ +git diff +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +cd Desktop/ +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +openssl aes-256-cbc general > general.encrypted +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +ls +cd .. +cd +c +cd config/ +ls +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git commit -am "pateron" +git push +git config --global push.default simple +git push +git diff +git status +git add progress-dot-on.png +git add ubuntu-logo.png +vim .gitignore +git add .gitignore +git commit -am "git ignore" +git push +git pull +ccsm +exit +ccsm +exit +sudo initctl lis +sudo initctl list +sudo --service version +sudo initctl --service version +sudo initctl --system version +exit +initctl +initctl --help +initctl --system version +cd / +grep "initctl.*system.*version" * -R +exit +ccsm +sudo systemctl stop prefdm.service +upstart --user --startup-event indicator-services-start +ps -A +vim ~/.bash_aliases +exit +ps -A +vim ~/.bash_aliases +exit +ps -A +ps -A | grep steam +killall steam +killall steamwebhelper +ps -A | grep steam +kill -9 3849 +kill -9 3847 +steam +exit +dmesh +dmesg +c +ls +cd con +cd config/ +ls +git diff +git status +ls -l +cd .. +ls -l +cd .. +cd themes/ +ls +cd De +cd Default/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +find . -name "ubuntu-logo.png" +cd plymouth/ +ls +cd /usr/share/backgrounds/ +ls +gimp warty-final-ubuntu.png +sudo gimp warty-final-ubuntu.png +cd Downloads/ +tar -xf blender-2.78c-linux-glibc219-x86_64.tar.bz2 +cd blender-2.78c-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +c +ls +vim dump +./dump +exit +tail -f /var/log/syslog +dd if=/dev/sdd of=/dev/sdc +sudo dd if=/dev/sdd of=/dev/sdc +du +df +df -h +c +./dump +exit +cd Downloads/WebStorm-171.4249.40/ +ls +cd bin/ +ls +./webstorm.sh +c +cd config/ +git checkout tj-dev +git checkout tj-dev -- config.js +vim config.js +sudo vim hosts +ls +vim hosts +ls +cd nginx/ +ls +cd sites-available/ +ls +mv gamewheel.conf cybafelo.conf +vim cybafelo.conf +cd /etc/ng +sudo apt-get install nginx +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-available/ +ls +cd .. +sudo mv sites-available sites-available.bak +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/nginx/sites-available/ +ls +cd sites-available +ls +vim cybafelo.conf +cd .. +cd sites-available +vim cybafelo.conf +cd .. +ls +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +rm default +sudo rm default +sudo ln -s ../sites-available/cybafelo.conf +sudo service nginx restart +exit +sudo apt-get install mongodb +cd +c +cd config/ +ls +git diff +git diff tj-dev +git diff tj-dev 'exclude:bash_history' +git diff . tj-dev 'exclude:bash_history' +git diff tj-dev -- 'exclude:bash_history' +git diff -- tj-dev 'exclude:bash_history' +git diff -- tj-dev ':(exclude)bash_history' +git diff tj-dev ':(exclude)bash_history' +git diff tj-dev '!bash_history' +git diff tj-dev !(bash_history) +git diff tj-dev '!bash_history' +git diff tj-dev !(bash_history) +git checkout tj-dev -- start_api-v1.6 +vim start_api-v1.6 +git status +git commit -am "cybafeloi update" +gi tpuyhsg +git push +cd .. +ls +ls -l +pm2 +sudo npm - +sudo npm i -g pm2 +cd con +cd config/ +git diff +ls +cd .. +./build_latest +sudo npm install -g gulp +top +c +cd config/ +git checkout tj-dev -- secure.js +vim secure.js +ls -l +vim secure.js +git status +git commit -am "temp ocmmit" +git push +git add nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf +git commit -am "cybafelo +.c" +git push +git checkout tj-dev +git pull +cd .. +cd config/ +git checkout cybafelo +git checkout tj-dev -- config.js +vim config.js +git diff +git checkout tj-dev -- model.js +git checkout tj-dev -- nginx/sites-available/gamewheel.conf +git diff tj-dev -- nginx/sites-available/gamewheel.conf +git diff nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf tj-dev -- nginx/sites-available/gamewheel.conf +ls +cd nginx/ +cd sites-available/ +ls +vim gamewheel.conf +ls +vim cybafelo.conf +vimdiff cybafelo.conf gamewheel.conf +mv gamewheel.conf cybafelo.conf +vim cybafelo.conf +s +cd config/ +git checkout tj-dev -- secure.js +vim secure.js +npm install npm@latest -f +npm install npm@latest -g +sudo npm install npm@latest -g +npm install -g gulp +c +./dump +cd config/ +ls +vim ./build_latest +cd .. +ln -s config/build_latest +./build_latest +cp ~/config/checkout_all ./config/ +cd config/ +git add checkout_all +git status +git add cybafelo.blend +git commit -am "checkout all" +git pull +git push +la -l +./checkout_all v2_v3_stable +xs .. +cd .. +ln -s config/checkout_all +vim checkout_all +./checkout_all v2_v3_stable +./build_latest +./checkout_all devq +./checkout_all develop +./checkout_all v2_v3_stable +./build_latest +sudo apt-get install npm +sudo npm install -g gulp +./build_latest +npm update +xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set "underscan hborder" 30 --set "underscan vborder" 18 +sudo xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set "underscan hborder" 30 --set "underscan vborder" 18 +gulp +sudo apt-get install node +sudo apt-get install nodejs +node +curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | sudo -E bash - +sudo apt-get install nodejs +npm +npm install -g gulp +sudo vim /etc/hosts +exit +c +cd 3d-editor/ +git diff +git commit -am "single objects only - order is important" +git push +git pull +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "by me" +git push +cd ,, +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "only one" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "config update" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "no graphics for something" +git push +cd .. +cd app/ +git pull +exit +npm install -g bower +sudo npm install -g bower +sudo npm install -g pm2 +ls +c +./build_latest +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git branch +git branch -a +git checkout v3 +npm install +git checkout v2 +git merge v3 +git checkout v3 +lsa +sl +ls +rm game-lib-editor.js +ls -l +git checkout develop +git pull +git diff v3 +git checkout stable +git diff v3 +git checkout v3 +git diff stable +git branch -a +git status +ls +rm game-lib-editor.js +cd src/ +ls +cd .. +ls +vim server.js +npm install +cd .. +ls +s +ls +cd config/ +ls +cd .. +ln -s config/start +ln -s config/start_api +ln -s config/start_api-v1.6 +ln -s config/start_app +ln -s config/start_cron +ln -s config/start_editor +ln -s config/start_gate +ln -s config/start_mail +ln -s config/start_po +rm start_po +ln -s config/start_pong +ln -s config/start_port +ln -s config/start_racing +ln -s config/start_tools +ln -s config/stop +ln -s config/delete +ln -s config/dump +ln -s config/logs +ln -s config/restart +ln -s config/track_all +ln -s config/update_all +ln -s config/checkout_all +ln -s config/build_latest +ls -l +s +d +./start_api +git clone git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-service.git service +cd service +npm install +git checkout develop +npm install +ls -l +cd .. +./start_ap +./start_api +./start_api-v1.6 +mv api_v1 api-v1 +./start_api-v1.6 +ls +./start_editor +vim start_editor +./delete +./start_api-v1.6 +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +sudo service nginx restart +ps -A | grep ng +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +vim nginx.conf +c +cd config/ +ls +cd nginx/ +ls +cd conf.d/ +ls +cd .. +cd /etc/ +cd nginx/ +ls +mv nginx.conf nginx.conf.bak +sudo mv nginx.conf nginx.conf.bak +sudo ln -s ~? +ls +rm ~/ +rm ~? +sudo rm ~? +ls +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/nginx/nginx.conf +cd conf.d/ +ls +cd .. +sudo rmdir conf.d/ +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/nginx/conf.d/ +ls -l +sudo service nginx restart +ps -A | grep ng +ping tj-3d-editor.cybafelo.com +tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log +cd conf.d +ls +vim ports.conf +sudo apt-get install php-fpm +cd /etc/php/7.0/ +ls +cd fpm/ +ls +vim php-fpm.conf +ls +cd conf.d/ +ls +cd .. +cd pool.d/ +ls +vim www.conf +sudo vim www.conf +su +sudo service php7.0-fpm restart +sudo service nginx restart +tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log +ls +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd conf.d +ls +vim ports.conf +c +cd 3d-editor/ +ls +gulp build +ls +npm install +cd .. +./build_latest +cd app +l +ls +vim bower.json +ls +re +r +c +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "new.*GameLib.DomEl" * -R +cd .. +cd 3d-editor/src/ +grep "new.*GameLib.DomEl" * -R +c +cd config/ +ls +git checkout tj-dev -- status_all +git add status_all +vim status_all +cd .. +ln -s config/status_all +./status_all +exit +c +sudo vim ./start_editor +vim start_editor +./start_editor +c +npm install -g gulp +auso npm install -g gulp +sudo npm install -g gulp +m +c +cd app +bower install +npm install +gulp build +bower install +ls +gulp build +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +gulp +3d +gulp +ccsm +c +g +gl +vim config/bash_aliases +gl +exit +c +cd 3d-editor/ +git diff +git commit -am "single objects please" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "smart object creation - image factory override" +git push +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git status +cd uploads/cybafelo/ +ls +cd root/root/test/l +cd root/root/test/ +ls +exit +m +exit +a +c +vim ./start +s +ls +vim ./start +s +cd blender-node/ +git remote -v +git remote add cybafelo git@github.com:cybafelo/blender-node.git +git remote -v +git pull cybafelo +git checkout v2_v3_stable +npm install +r +cd .. +./status_all +cd config/ +git diff +c +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "history" +git push +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +3d +git commit -am "ok - so loading ok again - now will get rid of editor and games as concrete objects - they become entities" +git push +gl +git commit -am "ok - so loading ok again - now will get rid of editor and games as concrete objects - they become entities" +git push +cd .. +cd 3d-editor/ +cd src/ +grep "divCanvasEditor" * -R +grep "divEditorCanvas" * -R +exit +s +3d +git diff +git commit -am "input controls again" +git push +gl +git diff +git commit -am "input controls again" +git push +exit +cd Downloads/ +mkdir duke +cd duke +mv ../Duke\ Nukem\ 3D\ \(1996\)\(3D\ Realms\).zip . +unzip Duke\ Nukem\ 3D\ \(1996\)\(3D\ Realms\).zip +ls +cd ten/ +ls +cd .. +ls +dosbox +exit +, +m +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exti +exit +c +gl +git status +exit +c +./status_all +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "input system awesome - ecs really taking off" +git push +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "awesome input system and editor controls component" +git push +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "h4 - images to textures streamlined" +git push +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +c +./status_all +exit +3d +cd src/ +cd index.html/ +ls +grep "h3" * -R +grep "h3 " * -R +grep "h3 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/h3 /h2 /" +grep "\/h3 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h3 /\/h2 /" +grep "/h3 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h3 /\/h2 /" +grep "h3" * -R +grep "\/h3" * -R +grep "\/h3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h3/\/h2/" +grep "\/h2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h2/\/h4/" +grep "h2 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/h2 /h4 /" +grep "h4 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/h4 /h3 /" +grep "\/h4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h4/\/h3/" +grep "h3 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/h3 /h4 /" +grep "\/h3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h3/\/h4/" +r +3d +cd src/ +grep "createUploadButton" * -R +r +grep "loadImage" * -R +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +grep "loadImage" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "remove parent entities from linked objects" +git push +cd .. +ls +cd . +cd .. +cd 3d-editor/ +git diff +git commit -am "so sweet texture editing..." +git push +3d +gulp +s +m +gl +gulp +c +cd 3d-editor/ +cd src/ +grep "getComponent" * -R +cd .. +cd // +gl +grep "getComponent" * -R +cd src/ +grep "getComponent" * -R +grep "\bgetComponent\b" * -R +grep "\bgetComponent\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\bgetComponent\b/getComponents/g" +git diff +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "upload path" +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git branch -a +git diff +git diff facebook +a +s +pm2 +m +ex +gl +git diff +git commit -am "helper functinon +c +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +gnome-calculator +3d +git diff +git commit -am "gui style updates" +git push +gl +git diff +git commit -am "toApiObject" +git push +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "stats and GUI" +git push +cd .. +gl +git diff +git commit -am "stats and gui components" +git push +cd src/ +grep "toApi" * -R +grep "toApi(\w*)" * -R +grep "toApi\(\w*\)" * -R +grep "toApi\(\w*\)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/toApi\(\w*\)" +grep "toApi\(\w*\)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/toApi\(\w*\)/toApiObject/g" +git diff +grep "build" * -R +grep "\bbuild\b" * -R +grep "\bbuild\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\bbuild\b/built/g" +exit +s +m +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "image mesages" +git status +vim .gitignore +git commit -am "ign" +git push +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "code instp" +git push +cd .. +exit +3d +npm remove --save dat.gui +npm install --save dat.gui +sudo npm i -g npm +git diff +git commit -am "style updates - migrating to gamelib gui" +git push +cd .. +gl +git diff +git commit -am "migrating gui to gamelib" +git push +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "upload path histroty" +git push +ls +cd .. +;ls +./status_all +s +d +, +m +exit +s +m +gl +git pull +git checkout v2_v3_broken +git checkout v2_v3_stable +git diff v2_v3_broken +git checkout v2_v3_broken -- src/game-lib-gui.js +git diff +git status +git diff HEAD +gulp build +git commit -am "gui updates" +git push +gulp +3d +git pull +git diff v2_v3_broken +git checkout v2_v3_broken +git diff v2_v3_broken +git checkout v2_v3_stable +git diff v2_v3_broken +git checkout v2_v3_broken -- src/editor.js/editor-gui.js +git diff HEAD +gulp build +git commit -am "gui updates" +git push +gulp +gedit +exit +c +cd 3d-editor/ +git diff +git commit -am "systems up" +git push +gl +git diff +git commit -am "GUI system" +git push +cd src/ +grep ".*loadImage" * -TR +grep ".*loadImage" * -R +e +git diff +git commit -am "some gui stuff" +git push +3d +git diff +git commit -am "some gui stuff" +git push +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +s +3d +gulp +3d +git diff +git commit -am "textures reload after load" +git push +gl +git diff +git commit -am "texture and number" +git push +gl +gulp +c +./update_all +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "parent scenes change - helpers are now components - intersects are now per scene / camera and sorted to distance" +git push +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "scene change to game lib" +git push +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "create generic properties" +git push +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "buildIdToObject" +grep "buildIdToObject" * -R +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit "some gui checks" +git commit -am "some gui checks" +git push +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "entity manager takes care of parent entity change" +git push +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +guop +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "multiple viewports (finally) - start with clone" +git push +exit +s +m +exit +ps -A +top +ps -A | grep ry +ps -A | grep r +killall rhythmbox +rhythmbox +ping gw-new +sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 0C49F3730359A14518585931BC711F9BA15703C6 +c +cd controller/ +mongo -eval +mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js +, +mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js +, +mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js +exit +c +cd controller/ +mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js +cd controller/ +mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js +clear +c +cd controller/ +mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js +git diff +git commit -am "query for max score" +git push +exit +echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu xenial/mongodb-org/3.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.4.list +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install mongodb-org +sudo apt-get autoremove +c +./update_all +exit +mongo +sudo service mongodb restart +cd /etc/ +vim mongodb.conf +ls -l +vim mongod.conf +mongo +mongod +sudo mongod +cd /dat +vim mongodb.conf +sudo vim mongod.conf +sudo service mongod start +mongo +sudo apt-get remove mongodb +ls +cd conf +cd default/ +ls +mongo +mongo --help +mongo --host ec2-52-57-8-255.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com +mongo --host +mongo --host +ssh gw-new +mongo +exit +ssh gw-new +mongo +exot +exit +cd /etc/sysctl.d/ +ls +sudo vim 20-idea.conf +sudo sysctl -p --system +exit +3d +gulp +git pull +systemctl enable mongod.service +sudo service mongod start +mongo +gulp +cd .. +3d +gulp +git pull +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "image loading for additional textures too" +git push +exit +c +./update_all +mongo +vim /etc/ls +vim /etc/ +exit +s +m +exit +r +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git status +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "textures working nice" +git push +cd .. +./status_all +git clone https://github.com/cybafelo/dark-matter.git +cd dark-matter/ +git branch -a +git checkout unstable +exit +c +3d +grep "addMesh" * -R +cd src/ +grep "addMesh" * -R +grep "removeMesh" * -R +cd .. +gl +grep "addMesh" * -R +cd src/ +grep "addMesh" * -R +cd .. +cd src/ +grep "removeMesh" * -R +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "light fixes - also parent scenes for lights" +git push +s +st +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "light fixes" +git push +exit +s +r +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +exit +gl +gulp +git pull +git log +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "keydown and up - tex map fixes - delete objects" +git push +exit +m +r +m +exit +r +exit +g +c +./update_all +sudo apt-get install audacity +audacity +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +gulp +3d +gulp +exit +c +./update_all +exit +cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +git remote -v +cd .. +cd config/ +git remote -v +cd .. +ls +cd config/ +vim .git/config +git pull +git push +cd .. +ls +cd blender-files/ +vim .git/config +git pull +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +vim .git/config +git pull +git push +git status +git commit -am "rm blend" +git push +cd .. +cd 3d-editor/ +vim .git/config +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +vim .git/config +git pul +git pull +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git pull +git push +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +vim .git/config +git pull +git push +cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub +audacity +ps -A |grep aud +c +cd game-lib/ +cd src/ +git diff +git commit -am "more checks" +git push +exit +3d +git pull +git remote add gamewheel git@github.com:ToywheelDev/3d_editor.git +git pull gamewheel +git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +3d +gulp +c +cd api-v1/ +git pull +git add remote gamewheel git@github.com:ToywheelDev/GW_Config.git +git remote add gamewheel git@github.com:ToywheelDev/GW_Config.git +git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable +sa +s +m +r +c +3d +git diff +git commit -am "name" +git push +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fixes" +git push +gl +git remote add gamewheel git@github.com:ToywheelDev/game-lib.git +git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable +gulp +34d +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "no buildidtoobject" +git push +cd .. +gl +git diff +git commit -am "first loading seems ok" +git push +exit +gl +gulp +exit +c +cd 3d-editor/src/ +grep "buildIdToObject" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "buildIdToObject" * -R +grep "LoadIdsFromObjectToIdObject" * -R +r +s +m +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "buildIdTOObject slowly" +git push +oexit +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "re-introduce buildIdToObject slowly" +git push +exit +s +m +exit +c +cd blender-node/ +git push gamewheel +exit +3d +git push gamewheel +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git push gamewheel +exit +gl +git push gamewheel +sudo poweroff +mongo +exit +3d +git pull +git pull gamewheel +cd .. +cd game +cd game-lib/ +git pull gamewheel +git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git pull +git log +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "wicked systems" +git push +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "wicked systems" +git push +exit +s +m +c +3d +cd src/ +grep "linkObjects" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "linkObjects" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE\bv" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE\b" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.LOADED\b" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.LOAD" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_SUCCESS" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_SUCCESS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/SAVE_SUCCESS/COMPONENT_SAVED/g" +git dff +git diff +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_SUCCESS" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE\b" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.LOAD" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_FAILURE" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_FAILURE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/SAVE_FAILURE/SAVE_COMPONENT_ERROR/g" +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.LOAD" * -R +grep "LOAD_IMAGE" * -R +git pull +3d +git pull +git pull gamewheel +git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable +git diff +git commit -am "component load to lib" +git push +git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable +gl +git diff +git commit -am "component loading continues" +git push +git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable +git diff +eix +cd .. +3d +git diff +git commit -am "start loading components which really work" +git diff +gl +git diff +cd .. +cd api-v1 +git diff +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +exit +gl +gulp +exot +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +cd str +cd src/ +grep "addComponent" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "addComponent" * -R +r +grep "addComponent" * -R +grep "buildIdToObject" * -R +gl +grep "GameLib.EntityManager = fu" * -R +cd ./ +cd .. +cd 3d-editor/ +vim package.json +npm install +git status +grep "GameLib.EntityManager = fu" * -R +cd src/ +grep "buildIdToObject" * -R +c +cd api-v1/ +git pull +grep "buildIdToObject" * -R +c +gl +git diff +git commit -am "constructor fixes - auto add child components" +git push +c +3d +git diff +git commit -am "more stuff to gl" +git push +r +mongo +r +mongo +gl +git diff +git commit -am "canSave deprecated" +git push +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +git pull +git log +exit +s +m +exit +gl +git pull +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "create instances immediately when dependencies are met" +git push +git push gamewheel +git diff +exit +3d +exit +r +3d +cd src/ +grep "ts=" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "ts=" * -R +git diff +git branch "child_meshes" +git checkout child_meshes +git commit -am "child meshes?" +git push +git push -u origin child_meshes +git push -u gamewheel child_meshes +3d +git pull +git mergetool +sudo apt-get install meld +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm +git status +find . -name "*2295.js" | xargs rm +git push +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "fix texture loading and image loading" +git push +git push gamewheel +mongo +s +exit +s +m +exit +c +cd 3d-ed +cd 3d-editor/ +npm install --save cannon +cd .. +3d +cd node_modules/cannon/ +ls +cd build/ +ls +vim cannon. +vim cannon.js +cd .. +cd ... +cd .. +ln -s 3d-editor/node_modules/cannon/ +ln -s 3d-editor/node_modules/three/ +exit +3d +git pull +gulp +exit +gulp +gl +git pull +git checkout v2_v3_stable +git pull +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "physics start (again)" +git push +exit +dmesg +exit +syslinux +tail -f /var/log/syslog +exit +c +cd config/ +ls +c +cd +cd config/ +ls +cd Desktop/ +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +cd .. +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +ls +cd Desktop/ +ls +cd .. +ls +c +cd +cd Desktop/ +ls -l +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ +git status +vim .gitignore +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git status +git commit -am "o2" +git push +cd +c +3d +ls +gl +git diff +git status +exit +gedit +exit +3d +cd src/ +git pull +3d +git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "physics intro" +git push +git push gamewheel +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "physics intro" +git push +git push gamewheel +exit +s +m +exit +gl +g +c +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/ +cd config/ +git checkout cybafelo +exit +ls +c +ls +gl +git pull +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git pull +exir +exit +c +cd 3d-editor/ +git pull +cd .. +cd config/ +git pull +git pull gamewheel +git checkout tj-dev +git commit -am "stuff" +git checkout tj-dev +git pull +c +cd 3d-editor/ +git pull +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git pull +cd .. +./update_all +exit +r +exit +s +exit +mongo +gl +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +ls +cd .. +cd conf +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "stuff" +git checkout tj-dev +git pull +git remote -ve +git remote -v +git remote add gamewheel git@github.com:ToywheelDev/gamewheel-config.git +git pull gamewheel tj-dev +cat nginx/sites-available/gamewheel.conf +git checkout cybafelo +sudo service nginx restart +3d +git pull +gulp +c +cd api-v1/ +git pull +r +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git pull +git remote -v +git pull cybafelo +git log +r +cd .. +r +m +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf +sudo service nginx restart +gl +git pull +gulp +git log +git checkout 3d-e +cd .. +3d +git log +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "start move blender node to storage system" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "start move blender node to storage system" +git push +exit +gl +gulp +git pull +git diff +gulp +git diff +git add --patch +git commit -m "start move blender load to storage system" +e +exit +g +gl +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R +r +s +m +sudo apt-get install virtualbox +virtualbox +c +cd config/ +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git commit -am "ss" +git push +rxit +exit +sudo fdisk -l +exit +du +df -i +df -u +df -h +exit +ls +mkdir britta_backup +ifconfig +exit +cd config/ +git diff +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +cd Desktop/ +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +ls +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ +ls +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git diff +git commit -am "aa" +git push +openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted +git commit -am "aa" +git push +sudo poweroff +sudo apt-get install k3b +k3b +exit +s +exit +gl +m +cd Downloads/ +sudo dpkg -i iscan-bundle-1.0.4.x64.deb/core/iscan_2.30.3-1_amd64.deb +cd iscan-bundle-1.0.4.x64.deb/ +ls +./install.sh +sudo apt-get -f install +./install.sh +sudo apt-get autoremove +r +exit +cd Downloads/ +cd blender-2.78c-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +cat /tmp/rubix.crash.txt +./blender +cd .. +ls +tar -xf blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64.tar.bz2 blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +tar -xf blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64.tar.bz2 +cd blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "fucking image loading.... again.." +git push +git pull +git push +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fucking image loading.... again.." +git push +cd .. +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git remote -v +git commit -am "multi material again - threejs is ready" +git pushh +git push +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +git diff +git status +git add rubix +git diff +git status +ls ~/.png +ls ~/*png +mv ~/*png ./rubix/ +cd rubix/ +ls +git add * +git status +git commit -am "rubix muthaphucka" +git push +cd .. +ls +exi +erxit +exi +texit +exit +gl +gulp +exit +r +gl +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R +3d +cd src/ +3d +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "LOAD_IMAGE" * -R +r +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "createTextureUploadForms" * -R +grep "createTextureUploadForms" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/createTextureUploadForms/createImageUploadForms/g" +grep "textureUploadComplete" * -R +grep "textureUploadComplete" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/textureUploadComplete/imageUploadComplete/g" +grep "formTextureImport" * -R +grep "formTextureImport" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/formTextureImport/formImageImport/g" +grep "inputTextureUpload" * -R +grep "inputTextureUpload" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputTextureUpload/inputImageUpload/g" +grep "textureCallbacks" * -R +grep "textureCallbacks" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/textureCallbacks/imageCallbacks/g" +r +e +r +grep "divTextures" * -R +grep "divTextures" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divTextures/divImages/g" +grep "h3Textures" * -R +grep "h3Textures" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/h3Textures/h3Images/g" +grep "divTextureImages" * -R +#grep "divTextureImages" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divTextureImages/divIma +grep "divImages" * -R +grep "divTextureImages" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divTextureImages/divImages/g" +r +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "fucking image loading.... again.." +git push +git remote -ve +git remote -v +exit +s +m +./status_all +cd config/ +git commit -am "hist" +git push +exit +c +cd config/ +git diff +cd .. +cd 3d-racing +cd .. +cd 3d-racing-server/ +git diff +git push +cd .. +./status_all +exit +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +s +exit +ccsm +exit +s +m +exit +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +npm i -g npm-check-updates +sudo npm i -g npm-check-updates +gl +vim package.json +npm update --save +exit +c +ls +cd game-lib/ +ls +cd .. +cd 3d-editor/ +lss +ls +vim package.json +npm update +npm i -g npm +sudo npm i -g npm +vim package.json +npm install --save threejs +vim package.json +npm update --save +ls +git add package-lock.json +git commit -am "lock" +git push +exit +gl +npm update --save +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "TEXTURE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +r +r# +r +s +m +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +tp[ +top +exit +killall chrom +killall chrome +exit +m +exit +lspci +lsvga +lspci --hel +lspci --v | grep VGA +lspci -v | grep VGA +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "MATERIAL_TYPE_CHANGED" * -R +3d +npm update --save +npm install +vim package.json +npm update --save +npm update dat.gui --save +npm remove dat.gui +npm install --save dat.gui +vim package +.j +vim package.json +# +git diff +git commit -am "ok - image loading for blender files working again - multi textures enabled" +git push +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.BUILD_GUI" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.BUILD_GUI" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "move to faster buffergeometries - blender upload working again - gui starts to support multiple selections again" +git push +s +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "move more to game-lib - apply rot pos scale" +git push +git remote -v +vim .git/config +git push origin +git remote remove gamewheel +git push +git status +git push +git push origin +git push --verbose +c +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "multiple materials working again" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +git diff +git status +git add rubix/black.png +git add rubix/rubix.blend +git add rubix/rubix.blend1 +git commit -am "rubix stuff" +git push +git remote -v +git push +git push --verbose +v +c +ls +gl +gulp +./stat +git push +git remote -ve +git remote -v +git remote remove gamewheel +git status +git diff +git push +git remote -v +git push origin +git push --vvvv +git push --vv +cd .. +./status_all +gl +git push +git -v push +git --verbose push +git push --verbose +git diff +git commit -am "affected objects pt. 2" +git push +exit +gl +gulp +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Utils.Extend" * -R +gulp +c +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "image fixes" +git push +git status +rn image_cggnz9100s.unknown +rm image_cggnz9100s.unknown +rm image_lromhdv135.unknown +ls +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git push +ls +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git status +git push +exit +s +m +./status_all +exit +c +cd blender-files/ +git push +exit +ifconfig +m +exit +gl +git pull +git diff +gl +gulp +exit +3d +cd node_modules/dat.gui/ +ls +cd build/ +ls +vim dat.gui.js +ls +vim dat.gui.min.js +ls +cd .. +ls +vim package.json +npm install +3d +gulp +exit +3d +cd src/ +grep "PARENT_SCENE_CHANGE" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "PARENT_SCENE_CHANGE" * -R +grep "parentScene\s*null" * -R +grep "parentScene\s*" * -R +grep "parentScene\s*=\s*null" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "parentScene\s*=\s*null" * -R +grep "activeCamera" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "activeCamera" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R +grep "MESH_DELETED" * -R +exit +3d +cd src/ +cd .. +cd node_modules/dat.gui/ +ls +npm run build +webpack +sudo apt-get install webpack +sudo npm install -g webpack +npm run build +ls +vim package.json +npm install +cat /home/tj/.npm/_logs/2017-08-24T08_40_02_983Z-debug.log +npm install +ls -l +npm run build +cd build/ +ls +vim dat.gui.js +s +gl +gulp +git commit -am "custom components start" +git push +3d +gulp +git commit -am "custom shit !" +git push +r +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "storing custom code components and reading them ok" +git push +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git push +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +git diff +git push +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R +3d +npm remove dat.gui +npm install +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd dat.gui/ +ls +cd .. +rm -rf dat.gui +cd .. +npm install +npm update +npm update dat.gui +cd node_modules/ +ls +cd .. +npm install dat.gui +rpm remove dat.gui +npm remove dat.gui +vim package.json +npm update dat.gui +npm remove --save dat.gui +cd 3rd-party/ +ls +cp ~/Downloads/dat.gui-0.6.5.tar.gz . +tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.5.tar.gz +ls +cd dat.gui-0.6.5/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cp ~/Downloads/dat.gui-0.6.4.tar.gz . +cp ~/Downloads/dat.gui-0.6.3.tar.gz . +cp ~/Downloads/dat.gui-0.6.2.tar.gz . +tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.4.tar.gz +tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.3.tar.gz +tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.2.tar.gz +cp ~/Downloads/dat.gui-0.6.1.tar.gz . +tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.1.tar.gz +git status +git add dat.gui-0.6.* +ls +git status +git add codemirror.zip +git status +cd .. +ls +git diff +git commit -am "scrolling, code mirror stuff" +git push +exit +3d +cd src/ +grep "selectEventType" * -R +grep "selectEventType" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/selectEventType/selectCustomCodeComponent/g" +greo "SelectEventType" * -R +gro "SelectEventType" * -R +grep "SelectEventType" * -R +grep "SelectEventType" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/SelectEventType/SelectCustomCodeComponent/g" +# +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +exit +3d +gulp +exit +ccsm +s +m +exit +3d +ls +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "create textures again" +git push +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "start converting between buffer objects and api objects" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +cd .. +./status_all +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_UPLOAD_COMPLETE" * -R +grep "LOAD_IMAGE" * -R +exit +r +exit +3d gulp +3d +3d;gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +gl +cd src +grep "TriangleFace" * -R +grep "TriangleFace" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TriangleFace/Face/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "TriangleFace" * -R +c +cd blender-node/ +grep "TriangleFace" * -R +grep "TriangleFace" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TriangleFace/Face/g" +ls +cd src/ +ls +grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R +cd .. +grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R +grep "toApiObject.true" * -R +grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R +exir +exit +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +r +s +m +s +st +3d +cd src +grep "REGISTER_UPDATE" * -R +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +vim nginx.conf +exit +r +st +s +st +s +st +s +st +r +st +cd api-v1/ +ls +npm install --save mongodb +vim package.json +cp package.json package.json.bak +vim package.json +ls +vim serv +vim bin/start +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +ls +vim server.js +vim index.js +ls +st +s +cd api-v1/ +ls +rm config.js +ls +r +st +r +st +cd api-v1/ +npm install --save lodash +exit +r +exit +api +stop +st +d +c +a +ls +cd api-v1/ +ls +npm install --save body-parser +sudo npm install npm@latest -g +npm update +npm install --save body-parser +npm update +npm --help +npm update -h +npm cache +npm cache clean +npm cache verify +npm cache clean --force +npm install body-parser +git branch api-fucked-up +git checkout api-fucked-up +ls +npm install express +cat /home/tj/.npm/_logs/2017-08-29T09_45_10_790Z-debug.log +npm remove -g npm +npm +npm install express +sudo npm remove -g npm +npm +nodejs +nodejs --version +sudo apt-get install --reinstall nodejs +npm +npm i express +npm install --save body-parser +npm i --save express +npm i --save mongodb +r +s +r +m +r +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +npm install --save lodash +s +st +cd api-v1/ +npm install --save q +st +s +st +npm install --save file-system +npm remove --save file-system +ls +cd api-v1/ +npm install --save file-system +s +st +cd api-v1/ +npm install --save multer +r +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "new.*Image" * -R +gl +grep "new.*Image" * -R +cd src/ +grep "new.*Image" * -R +r +e +r +d +s +r +d +s +r +cd api-v1/ +npm install --save stream-buffers +r +exit +mongo +gl +git diff +git commit -am "buffer and normal geometries" +git push +3d +git diff +git commit -am "no game - gui updates" +git push +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "Face" +git push +cd .. +./status_all +exit +m +exit +r +c +gl +cd src/ +grep "image.*path.*=" * -R +exi +exit +r +c +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +m +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "migrate to gridfs" +git push +git push -u origin api-fucked-up +git status +exit +3d +gulp +exit +mongo +s +m +gedit +3d +cd src/ +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +npm install --save JSONStream +r +npm install --save event-stream +r +npm install --save ndjson +r +git commit -am "first working serialization stream" +r +gl +cd src/ +grep "backupComponents" * -R +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "helpers no longer components - it causes unnecessary register updates" +git push +exit +r +mongo +exit +r +] +exit +exit +r +rr +r +exit +3d +gulp +cd +c +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "ok - gridfs live - albeit slow for writes - but good enough for reads" +git push +git status +rm *.json +vim .gitignore +git diff +git status +vim package.json +git diff +git commit -am "oops package.json" +git push +cd .. +./status_all +r +exit +s +m +exit +gl +3d +cd src/ +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R -C4 +gl +cd src/ +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R -C4 +r +grep "updateVerticesFromGeometryInstance" * -R +3d +cd 3rd-party/ +ls +cd dat.gui-0.6.1/ +ls +cd build/ +ls +mv dat.gui.js.map ../ +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +rm -rf dat.gui-0.6.1 +tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.1.tar.gz +ls +cd dat.gui-0.6.1/ +ls +vim README.md +npm install +npm run build +xs .. +ls +cd webpack/ +ls +vim webpack.config.js +cd .. +npm run build +cd .. +tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.1.tar.gz +cd dat.gui-0.6.1/ +ls +npm run build +cd src/ +grep "CLASS_CLOSED" * -R +npm run build +gl +cd src +3d +cd src/ +grep "linkedObjects" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "linkedObjects" * -R +exit +r +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "deletes, exclusive mode fixes, array control completed, dat.gui fucking listening fixed in an awesome fucking way" +git push +cd .. +3d +git diff +git commit -am "delete components" +git push +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "delete components, error checking for saves" +git push +cd .. +./status_all +cd /etc/lightdm/ +ls +vim users.conf +vim lightdm.conf.d/ +cd /usr/share/backgrounds/ +ls -l +sudo chown tj:tj warty-final-ubuntu.png +sudo chown root:root warty-final-ubuntu.png +mongo +r +mongo +sudo service mongod rstart +sudo service mongod restart +r +mongo +exit +mongo +exitr +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +r +ps -A | grep pm2 +ps -A | grep pm +ps -A | grep +ps -A +exit +3d +gulp +exit +r +exit +r +hgl +hl +gl +cd src/ +grep "activeMesh" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "activeMesh" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "MESH_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "MESH_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "emitInstan" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "emitInstan" * -R +grep "EmitInstan" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "box shape object loading and saving ok" +git push +3d +git diff +git commit -am "super nice" +git push +gl +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENTS_LINKED" * -R -C5 +3d +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENTS_LINKED" * -R -C5 +git diff +git commit -am "update gui on components linked" +git push +gl +cd src/ +git diff +git commit -am "emit component linked events" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "friction materials" +git push +3d +gl +r +mongo +r +git status +git commit src/game-lib-d3-api-friction-contact-material.js +git commit src/game-lib-d3-api-friction-contact-material.js src/game-lib-d3-friction-contact-material.js -m "friction contact material" +git status +git commit src/game-lib-a-2-utils.js src/game-lib-d3-mesh-plane.js -m "linear interpolation for heightmaps" +git status +git commit src/game-lib-d3-world.js src/game-lib-system-gui.js src/game-lib-a-component-a.js -m "world also" +git diff +git commit -am "raycast vehicles, wheels - need to do the linking" +git push +3d +cd .. +ls +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "increase chunk size - does nothing" +git push +cd .. +./status_all +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exti +exit +3d +cd src/ +grep "required by" * -R +grep "COMPONENTS_LINKED" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENTS_LINKED" * -R +git status +git commit game-lib-system-linking.js +git commit game-lib-system-linking.js -m "fixed recursive linking" +git commit game-lib-d3-vertex.js game-lib-d3-face.jsgame-lib-d3-api-face.js -m "make faces and vertexes implementation independent" +git commit game-lib-d3-vertex.js game-lib-d3-face.js game-lib-d3-api-face.js -m "make faces and vertexes implementation independent" +git status +git diff game-lib-d3-raycast-vehicle.js +git status +git commit game-lib-d3-raycast-vehicle.js -m "delayed instance creation" +git commit -am "cylinder shape" +git push +3d +gl +cd src/ +exit +s +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "done with cylinder shapes - worlds - need to do broadphase and solver next" +git push +exit +m +exut +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "restart code system after code components loaded" +git push +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git push -u origin api-fucked-up +cd .. +./status_all +exit +s +m +exit +3d gulp +3d +gulp +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.World" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.World" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.World/GameLib.D3.API.PhysicsWorld +grep "GameLib.D3.API.World" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.World/GameLib.D3.API.PhysicsWorld"; +grep "GameLib.D3.API.World" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.World/GameLib.D3.API.PhysicsWorld/g"; +grep "GameLib.D3.API.World" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.AP.World" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.World" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.World" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.World/GameLib.D3.PhysicsWorld/g" +grep "COMPONENT_WORLD" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_WORLD" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_WORLD/COMPONENT_PHYSICS_WORLD/g" +grep "WORLD_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "WORLD_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/WORLD_INSTANCE_CREATED/PHYSICS_WORLD_INSTANCE_CREATED/g" +gl +gulp +cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub +exit +ssh cybafelo +ssh cybafelo.com +exit +s +m +gl +gulp +[A +gulp +3d +gulp +3d +cd src/ +grep "buttonPlane" * -R +grep "buttonPlane" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/buttonPlane/buttonCreateMesh/g" +grep "createPlane" * -R +grep "createPlane" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/createPlane/createMesh/g" +grep "MESH_SELECTED" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "MESH_SELECTED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "cylinders, boxes, spheres" +git push +3d +git diff +git commit -am "animation and visualization system" +git push +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "switch to quaternion rotation" +git push +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "shape updates + fixes" +git push +gl +start +s +m +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +c +cd config/ +ls +git remote -a +git remote -V +git remote -a +git remote -A +git remote -v +exit +cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub +exit +node -v +exit +vim .ssh/config +ssh spoon2 +exit +3d +ls +exit +c +cd 3d-editor/ +git remote -v +git remote add flyingspoon git@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/editor-3d-editor.git +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git remote -v +git remote add flyingspoon git@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/editor-game-lib.git +git commit -am "dom element load fix" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git push +git remote +git remote -v +git remote add flyingspoon git@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/editor-blender-node.git +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +ls +git diff +ls +git remote add flyingspoon git@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/editor-blender-files.git +ls +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +ls +git remote add flyingspoon git@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/editor-api-v1.git +git push flyingspoon +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +vim .ssh/config +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +mongo +ls +vim .bashrc +cat /etc/passwd +ssh spoon2 +exit +ping live-api-v1.flyingspoon.de +ping live-editor.flyingspoon.de +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +vim cybafelo.conf +ls +cd .. +cd conf.d +ls +vim ports.conf +exit +ssh spoon2 +ifconfig +ping www.google.com +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cybafelo.conf +c +cd 3d-editor/ +ls +ssh spoon2 +exit +cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf +exit +3d +cd src/ +grep "buildSelec" * -R +cd .. +gulp build +git diff +git commit -am "valid index" +git checkout master +git pull +git status +git pull flyingspoon master +git merge v2_v3_stable +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +c +cd 3d-editor/ +ls +cd .. +mkdir preview +cd preview/ +ls +git init . +cd .. +v +cd +vim .bash_aliases +p +ls +exit +3d +ls +cd .. +cd preview/ +ls +ln -s build/styles.css +ls +rm styles.css +ls +ln -s ../config/config.js +vim /etc/hosts +ping tj-preview.cybafelo.com +sudo service nginx restart +wget http://tj-preview.cybafelo.com +wget http://tj-preview.cybafelo.com/ +cat /etc/host +cat /etc/hosts +wget tj-preview.cybafelo.com +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cybafelo.conf +c +cd preview/ +ls +ln -s build/index.html +ls +wget tj-preview.cybafelo.com +p +ls +npm install --save gulp-concat +npm install --save gulp-sort +npm install --save gulp-minify +npm install --save gulp-html-prettify +npm install --save gulp-concat;npm install --save gulp-sort;npm install --save gulp-minify;npm install --save gulp-html-prettify +git remote add origin ssh://git@bitbucket.org/cybafelo/preview.git +git push origin master +git push -u origin master +git remote -v +cd .. +cd 3d-editor/ +git remote -v +cd .. +cd preview/ +git remote remove origin +git remote -v +git status +vim .gitignore +git status +git add * +git status +git commit -am "initial commit" +git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:cybafelo/preview.git +git status +git add .gitignore +git status +git commit -am "git ignore" +git push -u origin master +git remote add flyingspoon git@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/editor-preview.git +git push flyingspoon +npm install --save gulp-inject-string +npm install --save gulp-watch +gulp +npm install --save gulp +gulp +3d +git diff +git commit -am "status" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +cd .. +cd preview/ +gulp +p +ls +npm install --save three +npm install --save q +npm install --save cannon +npm install --save lodash +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js +gnome-screenshot --help +gnome-screenshot -a +c +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git commit -am "type loading to storage system" +git push +git checkout master +git pull flyingspoon +git pull +git merge v2_v3_stable +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd 3d-editor/ +git diff +git commit -am "type loading to game-lib" +git push +git pull flyingspoon +git push flyingspoon +exit +c +cd preview/ +git diff +git commit -am "height proper" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "resize issue" +git push +git push all +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +cd .. +p +ls +git diff +git commit -am "preview version 1" +git push +git status +git add 3rd-party/ +git add src/tools.js/ +git rm src/tools.js/ +git rm src/tools.js/ -r +git status +vim .gitignore +git commit -am "ignore" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +ls +p +ls +git diff +git commit -am "override preview camera with camera from entity (if any)" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "remove child components of entities (if anu)" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +gulp +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +[ +p +gulp +gulp build +gulp +exit +s +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +3d +cd src/ +grep "RESIZE" * -R +p +ls +gl +grep "REMOVE_COMPONENT" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R +grep "MESH_DELETED" * -R +exit +c +cd preview/ +git diff +git commit -am "also fix input system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +g +gl +ls +git diff +git commit -am "controls instance" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +git commit -am "no" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "remove some mesh" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "remove cc componetns too" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "remove light componetns too" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "remove light componetns too" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +gl +git diff +git commit -am "quaternion updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gedit +exit +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_COMPONENT" * -R +gl +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_COMPONENT" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_COMPONENT" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_COMPONENT" * -R +grep "storageSystem.save" * -R +grep "LOAD_COMPONENT" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "LOAD_COMPONENT" * -R +3d +grep "GameLib.Event.DELETE_COMPONENT" +grep "GameLib.Event.DELETE_COMPONENT" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.DELETE_COMPONENT" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.DELETE_COMPONENT" * -R +grep "getChildrenComponents" * -R +s +m +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d;gulp +git diff +git commit -am "respond to physics engine and api url requests" +git push +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "awesome - sphere shape and plane shape physics working" +git push +gulp +exit +3d;gulp; +git diff +git commit -am "change status" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "face fixes, parentWorld fixes, linking system updates, physics ok" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +m +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "getChildrenComponents" * -R +exit +mong +mongo +exit +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +cd Downloads/ +cd blender-2.7 +cd blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +s +a +s +m +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "clock, linking system updates, physics updates, animation system started" +git push +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "animation system update" +git push +3d +git diff +exit +s +m +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +exit +3d +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "gamelib clock" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +m +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +ls +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "new animation system - better, got rid of localPosition, rot and scale" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +g +gl +ls +cd build/ +ls +rm game-lib.js +ls +3d +ls +git diff +git commit -am "restart animation, don't start physics" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "Event.ANIMATE" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "Event.ANIMATE" * -R +grep "\.query\(" * -R +grep "\.query(" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "\.query(" * -R +grep "BEFORE_RENDER" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "BEFORE_RENDER" * -R +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "localPosition" * -R +grep "localRotation" * -R +grep "localScale" * -R +grep "applyLocal" * -R +grep "applyLocalP" * -R +grep "applyLocalP" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/applyLocalPosi/applyPosi/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "applyLocalP" * -R +exit +s +m +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep ".updateInstance(" * -R +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "download entities from front page" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "animation system updates... still not 100%" +git push +exi +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +npm install --save deasync +npm remove --save deasync +exit +gedit +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "tetris stuff" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "listen for game over events" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +m +# +exit +m +exit +r +c +cd blender-node/ +git diff +ls +npm install +r +s +p +ls +git diff +git commit -am "cleanup more stuff on loads" +git push +git push flyingspoon +g +gl +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +3d +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git diff master +git push +git push flyingspoon +git checkout master +git pull +git status +git merge api-fucked-up +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +git status +find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm +ls +git push flyingspoon +git pull +git pull flyingspoon +git pull flyingspoon master +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflict" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git status +find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm +ls +cd .. +ls +cd blender-node/ +git pull flyingspoon master +git checkout master +git pull +git pull flyingspoon master +git remote -v +git push cybafelo +git push flyingspoon +r +git diff v2_v3_stable +cd .. +./status_all +cd blender-node/ +git push origin +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +git status +git add pool +git commit -am "pool" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "backward fixes for rubix cube" +git push +exit +s +m +exit +r +sudo service nginx restart +exit +p +git diff +git commit -am "wait for linker to finish" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "game start event" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "bad clipping plane implementation" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +p +ls +git diff +gulp build +ls +gulp +exit +p +git diff +git commit -am "respond to game over" +git push +git push flyingspoon +m +git diff +git commit -am "emit game start event" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "apply axis and angle to vectors" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +git push flyingspoon +3d +git push flyingspoon +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +a +c +cd api-v1/ +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd preview/ +git push flyingspoon +exit +ls +c +p +git diff +git commit -am "if any subscriptions to events, remove them" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +3d +guolp +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +g +gl +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git diff +git commit -am "do this but not at linking time" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "tweak start events" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +gl +gulp +exi +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "restart / start stuff" +git push +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +ls +git log +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "canvasEditor to canvasMain" +git push +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +c +3d +cd src/ +grep "canvasEditor" * -R +grep "canvasEditor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/canvasEditor/canvasMain/g" +p +cd src/ +grep "canvasPreview" * -R +grep "canvasPreview" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/canvasPreview/canvasMain/g" +git diff +git commit -am "canvasPreview to canvasMain" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "wrap in divMain" +git push +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +git commit -am "wrap in divMain" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd preview/ +gulp build +cd .. +3d +gulp +exit +p +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "look after ortho cams too" +git push +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "touch, keyboard and mouse control components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "touch events" +git push +exit +cd Desktop/ +ls -l +chown tj:tj nathalie +sudo chown tj:tj nathalie +cd nathalie/ +ls +s +mk +m +git diff +p +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "preview change aspect of orthographic camera" +git push +gulp +3d +gulp +git diff +gulp +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "send events too" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +r +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "adjust sensitivity again" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "get remote api url event" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +git log +git diff +git commit -am "remote API url" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-baert/simplescreenrecorder +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install simplescreenrecorder +simplescreenrecorder +exit +c +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "stuff" +git push +git status +rm *.blend +rm *.blend1 +ls +git diff +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "touch event fire properly for start" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +git commit -am "prevent pull down effect" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "counter action for left / right" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "sensitivity for gui" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "s" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git commit -am "more sens stuff" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +git lo +git log +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "reset sensitivity counter" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +p +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "entity controls override edit controls" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +git diff +gulp +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "reload image if imagedata available" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "add sensitivity to touch controls" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "nothing much but ok" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +git commit -am "some more touch sensitivity code" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +3 +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "mode selection" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git log +3d +gulp +git +gulp +s +m +r +s +m +ssh spoon2 +gl +cd src/ +grep "createInstanceDefaults" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R +s +m +exit +p +gulp +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "setParentMesh" * -R +gl +git commit -am "before animation refactor" +vim +cd /etc/vim/ +ls +ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/vimrc.local +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/vimrc.local +vim +sudo vim vimrc.local +vim +sudo vim vimrc.local +vim +exit +3d +cd src/ +grep "26" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "26" * -R +grep "25" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "25" * -R +grep "Resize" * -iR +cd .. +git diff +git commit -am "camera updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +git commit -am "camera updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "animation system, camera offsets" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git diff +git commit -am "respond to scene event" +git push +git push flyingspoon +s +m +s +st +p +gulp +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "get sub property" +git push +git push flyingspoon +s +m +gl +git commit -am "points material properties update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +ssh spoon2 +gl +exit +3d +exit +p +gulp +exit +s +m +st +exit +p +cd sr +cd src +grep "85" * -R +grep "15" * -R +3ed +3d +cd src/ +grep "activeCamera" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "activeCamera" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "editInputSystem" * -R +grep "editInputSystem" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/editInputSystem/inputSystem/g" +grep "parentScene.*=" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "parentScene.*=" * -R +grep "LOAD_IMAGE" * -R +grep "IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED" +grep "IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R +grep "computeBoundingBox" * -R +grep "size.x" * -R +grep "size.y" * -R +grep "size.z" * -R +grep "size.y" * -R +grep "size.z" * -R +grep "computeBoundingBox" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep ".Plane" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "space for text meshes" +git push +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fonts, text meshes, lines, input system refactorings" +git push +p +exit +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cybafelo.conf +exit +p +git diff +git commit -am "fullscreen mode" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +r +p +git commit -am "fix normal preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gulp +ssh spoon2 +s +r +st +s +st +d +s +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +gedit +killall chrome +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "render to canvas - persist loading in case of errors" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "fonts for bk" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git status +git commit -am "fonts for bk" +git push +git push flyingspoon +vim index.js +cd .. +ls +3 +3d +cd src/ +ls +cd .. +ls +mkdir release +ls +cd release/ +ls +cd pre +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gedit +ssh spoon2 +gl +git diff +cd src/ +grep "LOAD_IMAGE" * -R +exit +s +m +r +3d +grep "GET_REMOTE_API_URL" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GET_REMOTE_API_URL" * -R +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "GET_REMOTE_API_URL" * -R +grep "SAVE_COMPONENT" * -R +c +cd api-v1 +grep "x-gamewheel" * -R +grep "x-gamewheel" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/x-gamewheel/x/g" +r +sudo service nginx restart +3d +gl +cd src/ +grep "x-gamewheel" * -R +grep "x-gamewheel" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/x-gamewheel/x/g" +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +c +cd release/ +git diff +git commit -am "resize event" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exut +exit +c +cd release/ +ls +vim package.json +npm install --save three +npm install +ln -s ../config/config.js +ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js +exit +ls +gl +git diff +git commit -am "remove coder and physics deps" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "authorization" +git log +git checkout master +git log +git push origin +git pull flyingspoon +git pull flyingspoon master +git cherry-pick b849a949e6667d53bf2d61121e56860e8b570709 +git push +git push flyingspoon +git checkout b849a949e6667d53bf2d61121e56860e8b570709 +git log +git branch "stable for editor" +git branch "stable_4_editor" +git checkout stable_4_editor +git log +git checkout master +git log +git checkout stable_4_editor +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "write protect api" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git log +cd .. +3d +git diff +log +git log +git branch stable_for_editor +git checkout stable_for_editor +git commit -am "authorization" +git push +git push -u stable_for_editor +git push -u origin +ssh spoon2 +exit +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cybafelo.conf +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +git diff +r +r# +r +c +cd api-v1/ +cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +ls +ls -l -h +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +l +cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +ls +ls -l +scp image_* spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +vim /etc/hosts +c +cd release +git remote add flyingspoon cybafelo@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/game-release.git +git push -u flyingspoon master +ssh spoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +sudo service nginx restart +c +cd release +npm install --save lodash +git remote add origin cybafelo@bitbucket.org:cybafelo/release.git +git init +git remote add origin cybafelo@bitbucket.org:cybafelo/release.git +git push -u origin master +git status +git add * +git commit -am "initial commit" +git rm --cached node_modules/ +git rm --cached node_modules/ -R +git rm -r --cached node_modules +vim .gitignore +git add .gitignore +git commit -am "ignore node modules" +git push +git push -u origin master +exit +gedit +scp spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/image_chhcn0deru.png /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/image_chhcn0deru.png +scp spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/image_ysuf7jwbrv.png /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/image_ysuf7jwbrv.png +scp /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/image_* spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +lls +ssh spoon2 +gl +git log +git checkout 5c5ea74e149189cdfe8e1b763878c8f4ff4ca6c8 +cd .. +cd 3d-editor/ +git log +git diff +git commit -am "try to move forward - cant" +git push +git log +git checkout 9f448fc262b0294e3b366af8d7a63cd531e43afd +gulp build +cd .. +glk +gl +gulp build +exit +c +cd rele +cd release/ +git pull flyingspoon +git merge +git mergetool +git diff +git commit +git commit -am "no need for canvas id" +git pull flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +vim inuse +exit +3d +gulp +exit +p;gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +c +cd release/ +git diff +exit +gl +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "game loaded event" +git checkout master +git cherry-pick 763d6c1 +git push flyingspoon +git log +git checkout 763d6c1 +git log +exit +gl +exit +gl +grep "GET_API_URL" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GET_API_URL" * -R +exit +ccsm +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exot +exit +ls +gl +gulp +ssh spoon2 +3d +gulp +gl +git diff +git commit -am "scale update instance" +git push +git push -u origin stable_4_editor +git push -u flyingspoon stable_4_editor +git checkout master +git cherry-pick a14ca1e +git push +git push flyingspoon +git pull +git pull flyingspoon +git pull flyingspoon master +git checkout stable_for_editor +git checkout stable_4_editor +ssh spoon2 +ssh spoon2 +s +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +cd Downloads/ +tar -xf Magento-CE-2.2.0-2017-09-26-07-39-02.tar.bz2 +gnome-screenshot -x +gnome-screenshot --help +gnome-screenshot -a +gnome-screenshot -a -d 3 +gnome-screenshot -a -d3 +gnome-screenshot -a +wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NicolasBernaerts/ubuntu-scripts/master/ubuntugnome/update-monitor-position-install.sh +chmod +x update-monitor-position-install.sh +./update-monitor-position-install.sh +rm ~/.config/monitors.xml +vim .config/monitors.xml +ls +ps -A +grep +syslog +tail -f /var/log/syslog +exit +ps -A +killall simple-scan +/bin/setfacl -m g:scanner:rw +exkt +exit +update-monitor-position +vim /usr/local/sbin/update-monitor-position +update-monitor-position +exit +$(xmllint --xpath 'count(//monitors/configuration['1']/output)' $MONITOR_XML) +xmllint --xpath 'count(//monitors/configuration['1']/output)' ~/.config/monitors.xml +vim .config/monitors.xml +xmllint --xpath 'count(//monitors/configuration['1']/output)' ~/.config/monitors.xml +vim .config/monitors.xml +xmllint --xpath 'count(//monitors/configuration['1']/output)' ~/.config/monitors.xml +update-monitor-position +exit +ls +cd .config/ +ls +vim monitors.xml +ls -l | grep mon +chown root:tj monitors.xml +sudo chown root:tj monitors.xml +sudo chmod 644 monitors.xml +ls -l | grep mon +exit +virtualbox +gedit +virtualbox +exit +cat /etc/resolv.conf +exit +gedit +gnome-screenshot -a +update-monitor-position +ssh spoon2 +exit +s +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "fix color for scrollbar" +git push +git checkout master +git pull +git diff stable +git diff stable_for_editor +git checkout stable_for_editor +git diff master +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git diff +git diff master +git checkout master +git pull +git pull flyingspoon +git pull flyingspoon master +git checkout stable_4_editor +git diff master +3d +git checkout master +git pull flyingspoon master +git checkout master +git checkout stable_for_editor +git diff master +cd .. +ls +cd release/ +git pull flyingspoon master +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +git status +find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm +ls +cd .. +cd 3d-editor/ +git checkout master +git merge stable_for_editor +git log +cd .. +cd game-lib/ +git checkout master +git merge stable_4_editor +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git status +rm src/game-lib-a-1-event.js.orig +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +update-monitor-position +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "failsafe scene instance creation, logs for systems" +git push +3d +git diff +git commit -am "streamlined loading of editor" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +exit +s +m +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +p +gulp +git diff +exit +3d +cd src/ +grep "FETCH_COMPONENT_TYPES" * -R -c$ +grep "FETCH_COMPONENT_TYPES" * -R -c4 +grep "FETCH_COMPONENT_TYPES" * -R -C4 +g +gl +cd src/ +grep "FETCH_COMPONENT_TYPES" * -R -C4 +3d +cd src/ +grep "this.entityManager" * -R +grep "this.entityManager" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/this.entityManager/GameLib.EntitManager.Instance/g" +gl +cd src/ +grep "createInstance\(" * -T +grep "createInstance\(" * -R +grep "createInstance(" * -R +grep "delayedInstance" * -R +grep "createInstance(" * -R +grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R +grep "createInstance(" * -R +exit +gl +git diff +git branch create_instance +git checkout create_instance +exit +update-monitor-position +exit +r +exit +r +]exit +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +ls +cd /usr/share/app +cd /usr/share/application +cd /usr/share/applications/ +lls +ls +vim update-monitor-position.desktop +sudo vim update-monitor-position.desktop +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "createInstance(" * -R +grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -R +grep "createInstance(" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "create instance updated" +grep IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED * -R +gl +cd src/ +D +grep "\.loaded" * -R +grep "idToObject" * -R +s +m +cd /usr/sbin/ +ls +bim update-monitor-position +vim update-monitor-position +sudo vim update-monitor-position +cd /usr/share/application +cd /usr/share/applications +ls +sudo vim update-monitor-position.desktop +rm update-monitor-position.desktop +sudo rm update-monitor-position.desktop +ls +cd .. +cd sbin/ +ls +sudo rm update-monitor-position +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +which update-monitor-position +cd /usr/local/sbin/ +sidp rm update-monitor-position +s rm update-monitor-position +sudo rm update-monitor-position +sudo rm /usr/local/sbin/update-monitor-position +exit +sudo reboot +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common +curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add - +sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88 +sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get install docker-ce +docker +sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.16.1/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose +docker run +docker run -it ubuntu bash +sudo docker run -it ubuntu bash +exit +iptables +ufw +man ufw +exit +exit +exit +gedit +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +git remote -v +exit +vim .inputrc +cat .inputrc +exit +c +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git status +git log +vim .gitignore +exit +c +git clone git@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/docker-composer-spoon3.git +cd docker-composer-spoon3/ +docker-compose up -d +docker-compose up +docker +docker -H +docker -h +docker images +sudo docker-compose up -d +ls +vim docker-compose.yml +sudo docker-compose up -d +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +grep "idToObject" * -R +cd src/ +grep "idToObject" * -R +grep "addComponent" * -R +grep "removeComponent" * -R +grep "\.loaded" * -R +grep "delayed" * -R +grep "delayedInstance" * -R +grep "\.loaded" * -R +# +grep "\.loaded" * -R +grep "idToObject" * -R +grep "\.loaded" * -R +grep "ENTITY_LOADED" * -R +grep "buildIdToObject" * -R +grep "resolved" * -R +exit +c +git clone git@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/docker-air-trafic-control.git +cd docker-air-trafic-control/ +ls +npm install +./build.sh tj +sudo ./build.sh asdasd +sudo docker container ls +ls +cd .. +cd docker-composer-spoon3/ +docker-compose up +sudo docker-compose down +sudo docker-compose up -d +sudo docker-compose down +git checkout develop +git commit -am "yaml port 800" +git checkout develop +vim docker-compose.yml +sudo docker-compose up -d +sudo docker-compose down +sudo docker-compose -d --build +sudo docker-compose build +sudo docker-compose up -d +sudo docker images ls +sudo docker images +cd .. +cd docker-air-trafic-control/ +ls +./build.sh +./build.sh asdasd +grunt +npm install -g grun +npm install -g grunt +sudo npm install -g grunt +./build.sh asdasd +cd .. +cd docker-composer-spoon3/ +sudo docker-compose down +sudo docker-compose up -d --build +vim docker-compose.yml +sudo docker-compose up -d --build +vim docker-compose.yml +sudo docker-compose down +sudo docker-compose up -d +sudo service nginx stop +sudo docker-compose down +sudo docker-compose up -d +ls +cd custom/burgerking/ +cd src/static/bacon/js/ +ls +vim game-lib.js +ssh spoon2 +exit +vim .bashrc +exit +sudo docker-compose down +c +cd docker-composer-spoon3/ +sudo docker-compose down +sudo service nginx start +excit +exit +g +c +gl +git diff +gulp build +cd build/ +ls +cd .. +cd docker-composer-spoon3/custom/burgerking/src/static/bacon/js/ +ls +cp /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib/build/game-lib.* . +ls +git diff +git commit -am "whole new game-lib" +cp /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib/build/game-lib-min.js . +git status +ls +mv game-lib-min.js game-lib.min.js +git diff +git commit -am "minified version" +git push +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +p +gulp +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "linking system and storage system towards stable" +grep "COMPONENT_LINKED" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_LINKED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_REGISTER" * -R +gl +cd sr +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_REGISTER" * -R +git diff +git status +rm c.js +rm l.js +rm s.js +git commit -am "start revert" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "\.loaded" * -R +grep "built" * -R +grep "FONT_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "built" * -R +grep "getDependencies" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_LINKED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R +grep "MATERIAL_TYPE_CHANGED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R +grep "IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "MESH_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "TEXTURE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "MATERIAL_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "PHYSICS_WORLD_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "SHAPE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "getDependencies" * -R +grep "createDependencies" * -R +grep "generateNewIds" * -R +git diff +git branch FUCK_UP +git checkout FUCK_UP +git commit -am "FUCK UP" +git checkout create_instance +q +git checkout FUCK_UP +git push -u flyingspoon FUCK_UP +git show master^game-lib-system-storage.js +git show master:game-lib-system-storage.js +git show master^:game-lib-system-storage.js +git show master:/src/game-lib-system-storage.js +git show master^:/src/game-lib-system-storage.js +git show master:/src/game-lib-system-storage.js +git show master:src/game-lib-system-storage.js +git show master:src/game-lib-system-storage.js > s.js +meld game-lib-system-storage.js s.js +meld game-lib-system-linking.js l.js +git show master:src/game-lib-system-linking.js > l.js +meld game-lib-system-linking.js l.js +git show master:src/game-lib-a-component-a.js > c.js +meld game-lib-a-component-a.js c.js +exit +gl +gulp +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "force build" +git branch +git checkout create_instance +s +p +npm install --save gulp-replace +git +git diff +git commit -am "replace hardcoded url" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exitr +exit +ssh spoon2 +? +ssh spoon2 +gl +git diff +git commit -am "remove extra subscription" +git push +git push -u origin create_instance +git checkout master +git pull flyingspoon master +git diff create_instance +git checkout create_instance +git diff +git diff FUCK_UP +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-entity-manager.js > e.js +meld src/game-lib-entity-manager.js e.js +meld src/game-lib-api-entity-manager.js e-api.js +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-api-entity-manager.js > e-api.js +meld src/game-lib-api-entity-manager.js e-api.js +git commit -am "fix entity manager with default instance" +git push +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-api-renderer.js > r-api.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-api-renderer.js r-api.js +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js >r.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js r.js +git commit -am "default scene for renderer" +git push +git push flyingspoon create_instance +git diff FUCK_UP +git show /src/game-lib-a-1-event.js > e.js +git show FUCK_UP:/src/game-lib-a-1-event.js > e.js +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-a-1-event.js > e.js +meld src/game-lib-a-1-event.js e.js +git diff FUCK_UP +cd .. +gl +3d +git diff +git branch +git checkout stable_for_editor +git diff +git commit -am "middle of revert" +git push +git checkout stable_for_editor +git diff fuck_up +git diff +gl +git dif +git diff +git commit -am "proper linked and loading flags" +git push +git status +rm e-api.js e.js r-api.js r.js src/ce.js src/c.js src/g.js src/i.js src/s.js src/t.js +git diff +git push +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "cleanup subscriptions" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "\.loaded" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "update getDependencies" +git push flyingspoon +grep "\.loaded" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "revert to original" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "remember to delay instance" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "REGISTER_DEPENDENCIES" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "linking system fixed" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "linking system really fixed" +git push +grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R +grep "MESH_DELETED" * -R +grep "MESH_DELETED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/MESH_DELETED/REMOVE_MESH/g" +grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R +grep "REMOVE_MESH" * -r +grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_REMOVE/REMOVE_COMPONENT/g" +grep "REMOVE_COMPONENT" * -R +grep "removeComponent" * -R +grep "removeEntity" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "component remove" +git push +git checkout master +git diff +git merge create_instance +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE" * -R +grep "GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/g" +git diff +git commit -am "IMPLEMENTATION" +git pus +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +grep "GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/g" +git diff +gl +cd src/ +grep "GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "get physics better" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git +cd .. +3d +git +cd .. +p +git diff +git commit -am "preview updated" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +gl +cd src/ +p +gl +cd src/ +grep "delayed =" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "housekeeping for delayed instance" +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "fix bug for edit controls" +git push flyingspoon +git push +3d +git diff +git commit -am "start fixes" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "restart input system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "delayed instance encounterer" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git push flyingspoon +git log +gl +git push flyingspoon +git log +g +po +p +git diff +git commit -am "start all systems" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "event management update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "parent update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "components can be delayed" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "built" * -R +cd src/ +grep "built" * -R +grep "built" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/built/building/g" +git diff +git commit -am "building" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "process component for buildId" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "clone numbers for components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-controls-0 > c.js +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-controls-0.js > c.js +meld game-lib-d3-controls-0.js c.js +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-controls-editor.js > ce.js +meld game-lib-d3-controls-editor.js ce.js +git diff +git commit -am "delayed controls for edit" +git push +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-image.js > i.js +meld game-lib-d3-image.js i.js +git diff +git commit -am "delayed image instance" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-texture.js > t.js +meld game-lib-d3-texture.js t.js +git commit -am "canvas check for textures" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-system-gui.js > g.js +meld game-lib-system-gui.js g.js +git commit -am "ambiguous idToObject removed" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-system-input.js > i.js +meld game-lib-system-input.js i.js +git commit -am "delayed instance update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "dont push to resolved" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "physics world" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-system-storage.js > s.js +meld game-lib-system-storage.js s.js +git diff +git commit -am "delayed image creation for storage system" +git push +3d +git show fuck_up:src/editor-a.js > e.js +git show fuck_up:src/editor.js/editor-a.js > e.js +cd src/editor.js/ +meld editor-a.js editor- +git show fuck_up:src/editor.js/editor-a.js > e.js +meld editor-a.js e.js +git diff +git commit -am "fuckup updates" +git push +git push -u origin stable_for_editor +git diff +git status +git diff +git status +git show fuck_up:src/editor.js/editor-buttons.js > eb.js +meld editor-buttons.js eb.js +git diff +git commit -am "buttons updates" +git push +git show fuck_up:src/editor.js/editor-images.js > ei.js +git show fuck_up:src/editor.js/editor-upload.js > eu.js +meld editor-images.js ei.js +meld editor-upload.js eu.js +git diff +git commit -am "passwoid for uploads, images via EM" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R +gl +cd src/ +git diff +git commit -am "unneeded 'loaded'" +git push +3d +cd src/ +grep "MESH_DELETED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_REMOVE/REMOVE_COMPONENT/g" +grep "inputEditInputSystemStart" * -R +grep "inputEditInputSystemStart" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputEditInputSystemStart/inputInputSystemStart/g" +grep "inputEditInputSystemStop" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputEditInputSystemStop/inputInputSystemStop/g" +git diff +git commit -am "get physics" +git push +s +m +git +3d +gulp +p +gulp +ssh spoon2 +g +gl +gulp +3d +git diff +git branch "fuck up" +git checkout "fuck up" +git branch fuck_up +git checkout fuck_up +git help +git commit help +git help commit +git commit --patch -m "fuck" +git diff +git commit -am "controls part of entity" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git status +rm e.js +cd .. +cd game +cd game-lib/ +3d +git checkout master +git merge stable_for_editor +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge conflicts" +git push +git status +find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm +git push flyingspoon +p +git push flyingspoon +gl +git push flyingspoon +gl +gulp +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +s +m +exit +p +gulp +git diff +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "multiple renderer support" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "mesh types in mesh constructors (like it should have been)") +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "mesh types in mesh constructors (like it should have been)" +git push flyingspoon +git push +ssh spoon2 +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "mesh types in constructor" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +o +p +git diff +git commit -am "restart custom code system on custom code component created" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "input system updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "game start event" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +exit +3d +npm install --save gulp-replace +exi +t +exit +s +p +git diff +git commit -am "download timestamp game-lib" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +gulp +exit +p gulp +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "always latest scripts for editor" +git push +git push flyingspoon +pp +p +git diff +git commit -am "timestamp for preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fog component" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "override camera" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit --patch -m "camera update lookat" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +m +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +npm install --save nodegit +s +r +c +cd api-v1/ +npm install --save nodegit +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test +sudo apt-get update +c++ -v +sudo apt-get install libssl-dev +npm install --save nodegit +m +exit +cd +c +cd custom-code +git log +git diff +r +git log +gitlog +git log +exit +c +mkdir custom-code +rmdir custom-code +git clone git@bitbucket.org:cybafelo/custom-code.git +cd custom-code/ +vim README.md +git add README.md +git commit -m "first commit" +git push +git push -u origin master +git remote add flyingspoon git@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/editor-custom-code.git +git push -u flyingspoon master +s +touch 3as +vim 3as +rm 3as +r +cd api-v1/ +npm install --save promisify +npm install --save fs-extra +npm install --save path +r +npm remove --save promisify +npm install --save promisify-node +r +cd .. +cd custom-code/ +ls +vim dywmtohrda +rm dywmtohrda +r +ls +r +ls +vim dywmtohrda.js +rm dywmtohrda.js +r +ls +r +ls +rm dywmtohrda.js +git status +rm dywmtohrda.js +git status +git rm dywmtohrda.js +ls +git status +r +git status +git log +r +l +ls +git rm dywmtohrda.js +ls +git status +ls +git status +git log +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +git status +git log +r +git log +r +ls +r +l +git rm *.js +git status +rm *.js +ls +git status +git log +git reset --HARD 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +git log +git push +git push origin +git pul +git pull +git log +ls +rm *.js +git rm *.js +git log +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +git push origin :master +git push origin master +r +ls +rm *.js +git rm *.js +git status +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +ls +rm *.js +r +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +ls +rm *.js +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +r +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +ls +rm *.js +c +cd api-v1/ +npm install --save nodegit-kit +git commit -am "before git-kit" +r +rm *.js +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +ls +git pull +ls +git reset HEAD +git status +r +ls +git status +git checkout index.js +ls +r +c +cd custom-code/ +rm *.js +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +ls +r +ls +git log +r +git log +rm *.js +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +ls +r +ls +git log +r +vim .git/config +r +vim .git/config +ls +rm *.js +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +r +rm *.js +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +git log +cd .. +rm -rf custom-code +git clone git@bitbucket.org:cybafelo/custom-code.git +cd custom-code/ +git log +git remote add flyingspoon git@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/editor-custom-code.git +r +ls +rm *.js +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +git log +r +ls +r +ls +r +d +s +r +cd custom-code/ +ls +rm *.js +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +ls +rm *.js +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +r +rm *.js +git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 +r +ls +git log +ls +git log +git pull +git push +r +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +npm remove --save promisify-node +npm remove --save gitkit +npm remove --save nodegit-kit +npm remove --save nodegit +npm remove --save fs-extra +npm install --save simple-git +git diff +git commit -am "custom code components save themselves to git" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "sorting" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "mesh line - untested and probably stupid" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "style update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +3d +grep "selectEntity" * -R +cd src/ +grep "selectEntity" * -R +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "sort objects" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git push +exit +3d +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "particle engine" +git push +exit +s +m +s +l +m +exit +p +gulp +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +gnome-screenshot -a +exit +s +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exi +exit +s +exit +3d +gulp +p +c +cd config/ +git push +exit +gl +gulp +3d +git diff +git commit -am "dep inject" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +p +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "particle system, materials, position, stable" +3d +git diff +git commit -am "particle system for editor" +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "custom code path" +gl +git diff +git commit -am "move all particle properties in" +git diff +git commit -am "rotation scale for particle engines" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "release" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +git commit -am "particle system for preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +exit +s +3d +cd src/ +grep "setServerStatus" * -R +grep "setServerStatus" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/setServerStatus/setStatus/g" +grep "setServerStatus" * -R +gl +git log +git commit -am "abandon pre-create idea" +3d +cd src/ +grep "renderSystem" * -R +gl +grep "DELAYED_INSTANCE_ENC" * -R -C4 +cd src/ +grep "DELAYED_INSTANCE_ENC" * -R -C4 +3d +cd src/ +grep inputSystem * -R +git diff +git commit -am "server updates - system starts taking over responsibilities" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "particle component, input and render system updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "particles become only instances" +git diff +git commit -am "don't store particles" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/ +lgr +l +grep "parentMesh" * -R +exit +p +git diff +git commit -am "remove cursor" +git push +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git push flyingspoon +exit +o +p +git log +exit +ccsm +exit +s +m +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "keep processing particles" +git push +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git push flyingspoon +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +ls +./blender +gl +gulp +git diff +3d +gulp +p +gulp +cd Downloads/ +cd blender-2.7 +cd blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +gedit +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +# +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "EmitInstanceEvents" * -R +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "cleanup linking system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +grep "getStorageDependencies" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "don't store clones, deep clone objects, continue loading when components fail to load, fix entity and renderer toApiObject" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +gl +git commit -am "whitespace" +exit +s +m +r +3d +gulp +p +gulp +gl +gulp +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +gl +gulp +exit +gl +git diff +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +3d +git push flyingspoon +p +git pull +git push flyingspoon +s +gl +git diff +git commit -am "store clones option" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git pull +ssh spoon2 +exit +3d +gulp +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +3d +git log +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "replace api URL" +git puhs +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fix parent scene" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +cd src/ +grep "selectComponentType" * -R +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +git diff +cd .. +git commit -am "sort names" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +gl +git diff +git commit -am "update min / max" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.7 +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +c +cd blender-files/ +git diff +git status +git add xmas +git status +git commit -am "xmas game" +git push +git remote -v +git push flyingspoon +exit +which gimp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gimp +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "gui color update sends property, colors and axis for grids" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +cd src/ +grep "lookAt" * -R +gl +git diff +git commit -am "scene save bug fix, set from camera for raycaster, lookAt for mesh" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +3d +exit +s +m +exit +r +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "grid and axis to gamelib" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "default for color from object" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "animation system takes care of texture animations" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gnome-cal +gnome-calculator +p +gulp +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "texture updateInstance fixes" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +3d +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +cd src/ +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +p +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +cd src/ +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R +cd .. +3d +cd src/ +grep "restart" * -R +p +cd src/ +grep "restart" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "systems take care of themselves now" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "custom code system independent" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "custom code system independent" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gl +git diff +git commit -am "gui updates for particles" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "component name fix cc" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +cd src/ +grep "INSTANCE_CLONED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "particle updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +git diff +q +git diff +git commit -am "particle system updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "opacity factor for particle system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +s +m +s +mm +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "scale linear" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fog updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "make sure scene loaded" +git push flyingspoon +exit +cd Downloads/ +cd blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +s +m +exit +gnome-calculator +gnome-calculator +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "remove particle engine slowly - todo: notify clones of being clones" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE" * -R +gl +git diff +git status +git diff +git status +git commit src/game-lib-system-particle.js -m "fix" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git branch storage_fixing +git checkout storage_fixing +git commit -am "attempt 1" +git push -u origin storage_fixing +git checkout master +git log +git checkout storage_fixing +git diff +git commit -am "async storage" +git push +git push -u flyingspoon storage_fixing +ssh spoon2 +git diff +git checkout master +git commit -am "fix component start()" +git merge storage_fixing +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gnome-calculator +gnome-cal +gnome-calculator +mv fire.ogg burning.ogg +3d +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +cp ~/burning.ogg . +cp ~/hohoho.ogg . +cp ~/xmas.ogg . +scp *.ogg spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +gl +git diff +git commit -am "audio ended event" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "particle system updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +git diff +git commit -am "audio system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +cd src/ +grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R +git diff +grep "listenFor" * -R +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +ls +cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +ls +cp ~/flamethrower.ogg . +ls +3d +cd src/ +grep "meshInstanc" * -R +audacity +git diff +git commit -am "no more instance creation specifics" +git pushg +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "audio components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git diff +git commit -am "audio system for preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fix position offset for renderer" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/ +grep "this.instance.setSize" * -R +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +exit +sudo apt-get install vorbis-tools +sudo apt-get install pavucontrol +pavucontrol +s +exit +p +cd src/ +grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +gl +git diff +git commit -am "set size" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +ssh spoon2 +exit +c +cd +scp flamethrower.ogg spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +audacity +cp xmas2.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp xmas2.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +ls *.mp3 +cp *.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp *.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +exit +cp flamethrower.ogg /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +exit +pavucontrol +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "particle explosions" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "memory cleanup" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/ +grep "failed to find" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "check subscription before remove, respect audio load time" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git help tag +git tag 1.0 +git push origin --tags +git push flyingspoon --tags +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./bk +./blender +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "saving progress" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +s +m +exot +exit +c +cd controller/ +tar -czf queries.tar.gz queries +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +s +m +exit +göl +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "updateinstance property for light and camera" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +gulp +exit +c +ls +cd api +ls +git branch -a +exit +c +find . -name "*.json" +find . -name "*.json" --exclude-dir=node_modules +find . -name "*.json" | grep --exclude-dir=node_modules +find . -name "*.json" | grep "*" --exclude-dir=node_modules +find . -name "*.json" +find . -name "*.json" | grep -v "node_modules" +find . -name "*.json" | grep -v "node_modules|bower_components" +find . -name "*.json" | grep -v "node_modules\|bower_components" +cd controller/examples/ +ls +vim performanceReportQuery.json +tar -czf reports.tar.gz * +ls +exit +p +ls +cd .. +ls +cd 3d-pong/ +ls +grep "fullscreen" * -ir +cd js/ +grep "fullscreen" * -ir +vim pong.js +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +gnome-calculator +s +exit +cp xmas.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp xmas.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.7 +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +s +m +gl +gulp +o +p +gulp build +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fix movement touch" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "touches t +" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +git commit -am "set property" +git push +gl +git diff +git commit -am "touch input updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +ssh spoon2 +s +m +exirt +exit +sudo apt-get install dosbox +dosbox +cd .dosbox/ +;s +ls +vim dosbox-0.74.conf +dosbox +dosbox +which dosbox +cd /etc/dosb +sudo service lightdm restart +xs +cd +cd .dosbox/ +ls +vim dosbox-0.74.conf +gedit +s +dosbox +gedit +dosbox +gnome-calculator +find . -name "heightmap" * -R +find . -name "heightmap" +find . -name "heightmap*" +c +find . -name "heightmap*" +gnome-calculator +exit +3d +git diff +gulp +hl +gl +git diff +git commit -am "stop all audio, package.json" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "log audio" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +v +c +cd release/ +git diff +git commit -am "release for moorcow" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "release done" +git push +git status +cp ../preview/favicon.ico . +git add favicon.ico +git push +git commit -am "favicon" +git push +gl +git diff +cd src/ +git diff +cd .. +git diff src +git commit -am "log updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git diff src/ +git commit -am "fix zoom etc" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "fix zoom etc" + +git commit -am "fix zoom etc" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd 3d-pong/ +vim js/pong.js +gl +git diff +git commit -am "request fullscreen" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd custom-code/ +git log +git diff b1cf96d00ad6c79eb8565912e897d239c200ffff +p +git diff +git commit -am "game loaded event for preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gl +gulp +s +m +gnome-calculator +p +git diff +git commit -am "pass data" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit package.json -m "package" +git push +git push flyingspoon +npm install +vim .gitignore +vim package.json +git pull flyingspoon +vim package.json +git pull flyingspoon master +git commit .gitignore -m "ignore build" +git add build +git commit build -m "add build" +vim package.json +git commit package.json "pjs" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +vim package.json +git commit package.json -m "pjs" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "touch meta" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +ssh spoon2 +p +gulp +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +p +gulp +s +m +ssh spoon2 +exit +c +cd release/ +git commit -am "pause for release" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git diff +git commit -am "pause for preview" +git push flyingspoon +git push +exit +3d +git commit -am "pause for editor" +git push +exit +3d +gulpt +gulp +gl +git diff +cd src/ +git diff src +cd .. +git diff src/ +git commit -am "toon material" +git push +git branch image_system +git checkout image_system +cd .. +3d +git diff src/ +git commit -am " + + +git diff src/ +git commit -am "streamline"! +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git checkout master +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b/GameLib.Event.GAME_PAUSE/g" +git diff . +git commit -am "GAME_PAUSE" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "GAME_PAUSE" +git push flyingspoon +git push +3d +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R +grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b/GameLib.Event.GAME_PAUSE/g" +git diff +git diff . +git commit -am "GAME_PAUS" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +gl +gulp +s +m +gl +git diff src/ +git commit -am "pause and continue all audio" +git push +git push flyingspoon +sa +s +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +gl +gulp +g +gk +gl +git diff src +git commit -am "mute audio" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +m +gl +gulp +s +m +gl +git diff src/ +git commit -am "fix font loading" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gnome-calculator +exit +c +cd release/ +git diff +git commit -am "new GAME_OVER" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "trigger custom game start" +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff src +git commit -am "custom game start" +git push flyingspoon +3d +glp +gulp +s +m +c +cd release/ +git diff +git commit -am "resumed and paused events" +git push flyingspoon +git push +git log +git diff +git commit -am "bad log" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "pause, game over and start event" +git push +git push flyingspoon +o +p +git diff +git commit -am "fix start stuff" +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "custom game start" +git push +gl +3d +hl +gl +git push flyingspoon +p +git push flyingspoon +2 +3d +git diff +git commit -am "system start" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +vim .gitignore +git add build +git status +git commit -am "preview build" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +gulp +gl +git diff +git diff src/ +git commit -am "restarted event, webpack window" +git push +git commit -am "events" +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gl +gulp +ccsm +s +m +exit +3d +gulp +p +exit +gl +gulp +exit +r +3d +vim package.json +npm install +git diff +exit +gl +git log +gl +git diff +git diff src/ +git commit -am "type safety check" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff src/ +git commit -am "audio system pause updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "fix pause" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +3d +git push +gulp build +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +qit commit -am "pause fixes" +git commit -am "pause fixes" +git push +git push flyingspoon +vim .gitignore +git commit -am "ignore build for preview"! +git push +git push flyingspoon +git rm --cached build +git rm -r --cached build +gulp build +git push +git commit -am "remove build" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +ps -A | grep chr +s +gl +git diff +git diff src/ +git commit -am "update instance for mesh" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +exit +c +cd custom-code/ +git log +exit +cd Downloads/ +mv Verse\ section\ loop.mp3 xmas4.mp3 +mv xmas4.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +s +gnome-calculator +cd Downloads/ +mv sjl.Happy_Me_Xmas_Edition.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/xmas3.mp3 +scp xmas3.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +c +cd api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp xmas3.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp xmas4.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +git diff +cd .WebStorm2017.2/config/scratches/ +ls +meld scratch_15.js scratch_17.js +gnome-calculator +exit +gl +git diff +git diff src +gulp buil +gulp build +git commit -am "unmuted and muted events" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff src/ +git commit -am "audio system respect mute before play" +gulp build +git commit -am "audio system respect mute before play" +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "bad event" +git push +gulp build +git commit -am "bad event" +git push +gulp build +git commit -am "bad mute" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +exit +sudo apt-get remove skype +s +which skype +gl +gulp build +git commit -am "buffaratt" +git push f +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +git diff src/ +git commit -am "keep float arrays - have to find another solution" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +gulp build +exit +gl +git diff +git diff src/ +git diff src +git commit -am "compute normals for buffer geometries" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +git commit -am "src" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff src/ +git commit -am "no float32 array" +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +git commit -am "no float32 array" +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exdit +exit +gl +gulp build +git commit -am "new float array" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +git commit -am "new float array" +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +gl +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "D3.API.Canvas" * -R +grep "D3.API.Canvas" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.API.Canvas/API.Canvas/g" +grep "D3.Canvas" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Canvas/Canvas/g" +grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -R +grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_GRAPHICS_RUNTIME" * -R +grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_GRAPHICS_RUNTIME/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_GRAPHICS_RUNTIME/g" +grep "GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_PHYSICS_RUNTIME/g" +gl +cd src/ +grep "GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_PHYSICS_RUNTIME/g" +grep "GET_CODER_IMPLEMENTATION" +grep "GET_CODER_IMPLEMENTATION" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "GET_CODER_IMPLEMENTATION" * -R +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "runtimeComponent" * -R +grep "runtimeObject" * -R +3d +cd src/ +git diff . +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Graphics" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Graphics" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Graphics/GameLib.GraphicsRuntime/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Physics" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Physics\b" * -Rl +grep "GameLib.D3.Physics\b" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Physics\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Physics/GameLib.PhysicsRuntime/g" +grep "GameLib.PhysicsRuntime" * -R +grep "GameLib.PhysicsRuntime" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.PhysicsRuntimeWorld/GameLib.D3.PhysicsWorld/g" +git diff game-lib-system-storage.js +exit +s +c +cd api-v1/ +ls +git diff +npm install --save ws +m +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +gl +git diff +cd src/ +git diff +git diff . +exit +gl +cd src/ +git diff +git commit -am "sockets runtime, component construction" +grep "GameLib.D3.Canvas" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Coder" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.CustomCode/GameLib.CustomCode/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.CustomCode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.CustomCode/GameLib.API.CustomCode/g" +git diff . +git commit -am "rename custom code component" +git push +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor/GameLibD3ControlsEditor/g" +git diff . +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls.Editor" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls/GameLib.Controls/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Controls/GameLib.API.Controls/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -R +grep "GameLibD3EditorControls" * -R +grep "GameLibD3ControlsEditor" * -R +grep "GameLibD3ControlsEditor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLibD3ControlsEditor/GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor/g" +git commit -am "Controls namespace update" +git push +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" +git diff . +git diff +grep "GameLib.D3.Image" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Image/GameLib.Image/g" +git diff . +git commit -am "Image namespace fix" +git push +git diff . +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "contentType.*=" * -R +grep "componenttType.*=" * -R +grep "componentType.*=" * -R +q +grep "SHAPE_TYPE_CONVEX_HULL" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Mesh.MESH_T" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Mesh.MESH_T" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Mesh.MESH_T/GameLib.D3.API.Mesh.MESH_T/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.SOLV" * +grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.GS" * +grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.GS" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.GS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Solver.GS/GameLib.D3.API.Solver.GS/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.SPL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Solver.SPL/GameLib.D3.API.Solver.SPL/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TYP" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TYP" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Texture.TYP/GameLib.D3.API.Texture.TYP/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TEX" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TEX" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Texture.TEX/GameLib.D3.API.Texture.TEX/g" +grep "typeId" * -R +grep "typeId" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/typeId/textureType/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Stats" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Stats/GameLib.Stats/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Stats/GameLib.API.Stats/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Stats/GameLib.API.Stats/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Stats/GameLib.Stats/g" +gulp build +git diff sr +git diff . +gl +cd src/ +git diff . +gulp build +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor/GameLib.Controls.D3.Editor/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.CustomCode/GameLib.CustomCode/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls/GameLib.Controls/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Controls/GameLib.API.Controls/g" +cd .. +cd api +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +cd .. +cd blender-node/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" +r +git branch component_construct +git checkout component_construct +git commit -am "component_construct" +cd .. +cd blender-files/ +3d +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Image/GameLib.Image/g" +grep "REGISTER_UPDATE" * -R +cd .. +gl +cd src/ +grep "REGISTER_UPDATE" * -R +3d +cd sr +cd src +grep "removeEntity" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "removeEntity" * -R +grep "queryComponents" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_" * -R +grep "Component.COMPONENT_" * -R +grep "Component.COMPONENT_" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.COMPONENT_/Component./g" +grep "queryComponents" * -R +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.RigidBody)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RIGID_BODY)/g +" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Shape)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.SHAPE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Animation)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.ANIMATION)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Mesh)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.MESH)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.CustomCode)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CUSTOM_CODE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.GUI)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.GUI)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.D3.Editor)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_EDITOR)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.Touch)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_TOUCH)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.Keyboard)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_KEYBOARD)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.Mouse)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_MOUSE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Scene)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.Scene)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(\[GameLib.D3.Mesh\])/queryComponents([GameLib.Component.MESH])/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Material)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.MATERIAL)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.Scene)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.SCENE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Texture)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.TEXTURE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.ParticleEngine)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.PARTICLE_ENGINE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.PhysicsWorld)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.PHYSICS_WORLD)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.RaycastWheel)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RAYCAST_WHEEL)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.RaycastVehicle)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RAYCAST_VEHICLE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Renderer)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RENDERER)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Stats)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.STATS)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Entity)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.ENTITY)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Image)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.IMAGE)/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "queryComponents" * -R +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Image)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.IMAGE)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Renderer)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RENDERER)/g" +grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Camera)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CAMERA)/g" +gl +grep "queryComponents" * -R +cd src/ +grep "queryComponents" * -R +grep "parentWorld" * -R +grep "parentWorld" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/parentWorld/parentPhysicsWorld/g" +grep ":\s*GameLib.D3.Mesh" * -R +grep "'\s*:\s*GameLib.D3.Mesh" * +grep "queryComponents" * -R +grep "register" * -R +grep "register\." * -R +git commit -am "register updates" +grep "NEW_COMPONENT_TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/NEW_COMPONENT_TYPE/COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATE/g" +3d +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENTS_UPDATE" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_UPDATE" * -R +grep "REGISTER_UPDATE" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R +grep "Emit.*COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED/COMPONENT_TYPES_FETCHED/g" +3d +cd src +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED/COMPONENT_TYPES_FETCHED/g" +grep "COMPONENT_DELETED" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_DELETED" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "this.componentTypes" * -R +gl +git push -u origin component_refactoring +git diff src +git commit -am "component refactoring nearing completion" +git push +git push -u flyingspoon component_refactoring +exit +gl +git diff +git branch component_refactoring +git checkout component_refactoring +git commit -am "start with linked objects" +git push +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git branch component_refactoring +git checkout component_refactoring +git comm +git commit -am "component refactoring nearing completion" +git push -u flyingspoon component_refactoring +exit +s +r +gl +gulp +s +3d +gulp +sr +g +c +cd sr +3d +cd src/ +grep "this.gui" * -R +grep "this.gui\b" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "pause / edit mode / game mode - nice message for constructino" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git checkout master +git merge component_refactoring +git push flyingspoon +git push +gl +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "textures backward compatible, runtime name, finished cast component" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git checkout master +git merge component_refactoring +git push flyingspoon +git push +git commit "build"! +git commit -am "build" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +cd src/ +grep "Sockets" * -R +grep "inputSockets" * -R +grep "inputSockets" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputSockets/inputSocket/g" +git commit -am "systems update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "socket system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff src +git commit -am "cast meets gui" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +cd src/ +grep "selectCreateMesh" * -R +grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R +grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Component.Construct/GameLib.Component.ConstructFromObject/g" +grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R +git diff src +git diff . +git commit -am "construct from object and new" +git push +git push flyingspoon +s +mongo +exit +s +killall chrome +exit +exot +exit +top +killall bms_linux +ps -A +top +kill -9 5288 +exit +ps -A +kill -9 16878 +killall steam +ps -A +ps -A +killall bms_linux +kill -9 16823 +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git log +cd src/ +git diff . +git commit -am "current state" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "CAST_SOURCE_CHANGED" * -R +git diff . +git commit -am "receive component" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +cd src/ +git diff . +git commit -am "create components quick" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_FETCHED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "oops" +git push +gl +3d +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +gul +gulp +s +m +3d +gulp +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +git diff src +exit +s +m +st +gl +cd src/ +grep "RECEIVE" * -R +grep "Component.RECEIVE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.RECEIVE/Component.SOCKET_RECEIVE/g" +grep "Component.CAST" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.CAST/Component.SOCKET_CAST/g" +grep "Component.RECEIVE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.RECEIVE/Component.SOCKET_RECEIVE/g" +grep "RECEIVE" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.Cast" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.Cast" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.API.Cast/GameLib.API.Socket.Cast/g +grep "GameLib.API.Cast" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.API.Cast/GameLib.API.Socket.Cast/g" +grep "GameLib.Cast" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Cast/GameLib.Socket.Cast/g" +grep "GameLib.API.Receive" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.API.Receive/GameLib.API.Socket.Receive/g" +grep "GameLib.Receive" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Receive/GameLib.Socket.Receive/g" +git diff +git diff src +git diff . +git commit -am "cast and receive sockets" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git pull +gl +gulp +gulp build +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp build +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +3d +git diff +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +mongo +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git log +git checkout master +git merge component_construct +git pull +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +ssh spoon2 +exit +exoit +exit +gl +gulp +git diff src +git status +git diff src/game-lib-system-storage.js +git status +git commit -am "gui system fixes" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "animation system fix" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff src/ +git diff +gulp build +git commit -am "fix bad gui system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +git diff +git diff src/ +gulp +exit +p gulp +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "preview up to date again" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +git diff src +git commit -am "gui system updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +gulp build +git diff src +exit +gl +gulp build +git diff src +git commit -am "linking system updates components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp build +git commit -am "nice data for component update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "preview url" +git push +gl +git diff src +git commit -am "start fix tetris again" +git push flyingspoon +git push +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +gulp build +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "render run loop to render system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +gl +grep "GET_RUNTIME" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GET_RUNTIME" * -R +grep "GetRuntimeObject" * -R +grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R +gulp build +git diff . +git commit -am "resize event to render system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +gulp build +git diff src +git commit -am "render loop to render system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gl +cd src/ +grep "new\s*GameLib.Image" * -R +exit +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +gl +git diff +git commit -am "resize events to render system" +git push +3d +git diff +gl +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "resize to render system" +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +git commit -am "resize to render system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "run() to render system" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ping www.google.com +git push flyingspoon +git diff src +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +g +gulp +exit +s +m +gedit +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +3d +cd src/ +grep "canvasMain" * -R +grep "canvasMain" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/canvasMain/divMain/g" +3d +gulp +s +ccsm +gl +gulp +gnome-calculator +gedit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gnome-calculator +gl +git diff +git diff src +git branch render_update +git checkout render_update +git commit -am "render update start" +git checkout master +git diff +git log +git diff src +cd .. +3d +git branch render_update +git checkout render_update +git diff +git commit -am "render update start" +git push -u origin render_update +git push -u flyingspoon render_update +cd .. +cd game +gl +git push -u flyingspoon render_update +git push -u origin render_update +git log +3d +git diff +git checkout master +git diff +3d +git log +exot +exit +gl +git pull +git checkout 1.0 +git rm --cached build +git rm --cached build -r +vim .gitignore +git diff +git log +exit +3d +gulp +git push +gulp +git diff +gl +git diff +git commit -am "don't register keyboard controls on top of editor controls" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ss +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git diff src +git commit -am "remove build" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +exit +sw +s +m +exit +gl +ssh spoon2 +exit +top +ps -A +killall bms_ +killall bms_linux +ps -9 18407 +kill -9 18407 +ps -9 18407 +ps -A +kill -9 22017 +kill -9 22107 +sudo reboot +ps -A +kill -9 8043 +ps -A +kill -9 4880 +syslog +tail -f /var/log/syslog +dmesg +killall docker +ps -A +sudo service docker stop +ps -A +dmesg +tail -f /var/log/syslog +ps -A +kill -9 5891 +ps -A +kill -9 10010 +ps -A +kill -9 27828 +ps -A +kill -9 28653 +sudo reboot +cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/ +cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ +cd Black\ Mesa/ +ls +cd bms/ +ls +ls -A +ps -A +top +free +free -h +ps aux --sort -rss +ps aux --sort -rss -h +free -h +htio +htop +ps -A +top -p 6806 +ps -A +top -p 10810 +dmesg +sudo service docker stop +tail -f /var/log/syslog +cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/ +cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ +ls +cd Black\ Mesa/ +ls +./bms.sh +./bms_linux +ls +vim bms.sh +tail -f /var/log/dmesg +tail -f /var/log/syslog +s +g +gl +git diff +git branch +git diff render_update +cd src/ +git diff render_update . +cd .local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/pinned_libs_64 +ls +cd .. +cd steam-runtime/pinned_libs_64/ +ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3 +rm libdbus-1.so.3 +ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3 +ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3.5.8 +rm libdbus-1.so.3.5.8 +rm libdbus-1.so.3 +ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3 +ps -A +top -p 7215 +tail -f /var/log/syslog +EXIT +exit +ps -A +kill -9 5421 +gl +git branch dots +git checkout dotsd +git checkout dots +git branch cast_receive +git checkout cast_receive +git diff +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "extend from API socket" +git push +git push -u origin cast_receive +git push -u flyingspoon cast_receive +git checkout dots +git commit -am "start api.mesh.plane" +git checkout cast_receive +git diff +git commit -am "fix constructor call process" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +git checkout dots +git merge cast_receive +gulp +git checkout cast_receive +git status +git commit src/game-lib-d3-api-mesh-plane.js src/game-lib-d3-mesh-0.js src/game-lib-d3-mesh-plane.js -m "mesh plane streamline" +git status +git checkout cast_receive +git diff +git commit -am "fix inheritence for sockets" +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +git checkout dots +git merge cast_receive +gulp +s +m +st +sudo service docker stop +gl +grep "Entity.FromObject" * -R +cd src/ +grep "Entity.FromObject" * -R +grep "FromObject\(" * -R +grep "FromObject(" * -R +grep "NEW_ENTITY" * -R +grep "createEntity" * -R +grep "parentEntityManager" * -R +3d +gulp +git branch dots +git checkout dots +gulp +git diff +git branch render_update_v2 +git checkout render_update_v2 +git diff +git commit -am "render update start" +git push -u origin render_update_v2 +git push -u flyingspoon +gulp +git diff +gulp +gl +git diff +git checkout master +git commit -am "gui array query by constructor fix" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +git checkout dots +git merge master +git config --global core.editor "vim" +git branch +git checkout render_update +git merge dots +rm -rf build +git merge dots +git mergetool +git commit -am "merge delete conflict" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +3d +git diff +git checkout master +git commit -am "dont add gui and stats to entity" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git checkout dots +git merge master +gl +git log +gulp +git checkout dots +git branch render_update_v2 +git checkout render_update_v2 +git diff +git commit -am "entities have renderers, sometimes" +git push flyingspoon +git push +git push -u origin render_update_v2 +git push -u flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "no more parent entity manager, new renderer for entity" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +gulp +ifconfig +exit +ls +ls -l +ls | grep bash +s +3d +git diff +gulp +exit +gl +git diff dots +git checkout dots +gulp +git checkout master +git branch +git merge cast_receive +git merge render_update_v2 +git merge dots +gulp +exit +gl +git branch +git checkout render_update +git diff master +git checkout master +git diff --name-only render_update +git show render_update:src/game-lib-api-canvas.js > gl_api_canvas.js +meld src/game-lib-api-canvas.js gl_api_canvas.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-api-entity.js > gl_api_entity.js +meld src/game-lib-api-entity.js gl_api_entity.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-canvas.js > gl_canvas.js +meld src/game-lib-canvas.js gl_canvas.js +git show src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js > gl_api_render_target.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js gl_api_render_target.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js > gl_api_render_target.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js gl_api_render_target.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js gl_renderer.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js > gl_renderer.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js gl_renderer.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-scene.js gl_scene.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-scene.js > gl_scene.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-scene.js gl_scene.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-texture.js > gl_texture.js +meld src/game-lib-d3-texture.js gl_texture.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-dom-element.js > dom_element.js +meld src/game-lib-dom-element.js dom_element.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-entity-manager.js > entity_manager.js +meld src/game-lib-entity-manager.js entity_manager.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-entity.js entity.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-entity.js > entity.js +meld src/game-lib-entity.js entity +meld src/game-lib-entity.js entity.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-system-gui.js > system_gui.js +meld src/game-lib-system-gui.js system_gui.js +git show render_update:src/game-lib-system-render.js > system_render.js +meld src/game-lib-system-render.js system_render.js +git diff +git status +rm +dom_element.js +entity.js +entity_manager.js +gl_api_canvas.js +gl_api_entity.js +gl_api_render_target.js +gl_canvas.js +gl_renderer.js +gl_scene.js +gl_texture.js +system_gui.js +system_render.js +rm dom_element.js entity.js entity_manager.js gl_api_canvas.js gl_api_entity.js gl_api_render_target.js gl_canvas.js gl_renderer.js gl_scene.js gl_texture.js system_gui.js system_render.js +git diff +git branch -D render_update +git branch -D render_update_v2 +git branch render_update +git checkout render_update +git commit -am "render stuff legacy" +git diff +grep "GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +grep "GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create/s/Object.create.*;/Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype);/ +" +git diff +grep "GameLib.D3.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.D3.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create/s/Object.create.*;/Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype);/" +git commit -am "Object.create chain update" +perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -R +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if^C*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if^C*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//m' +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie "undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//" +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +git reset --hard HEAD +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n\n//' +git reset --hard HEAD +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' +git reset --hard HEAD +grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n\s*//' +git diff +git commit -am "api objects can no longer be instances of runtime objects" +grep "defaultEntity" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "defaultEntity" * -R +gl +grep "defaultEntity" * -R +cd src/ +grep "defaultRenderer" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "defaultRenderer" * -R +grep "GET_SCENE" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "GET_SCENE" * -R +grep "defaultRenderer" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "defaultRenderer" * -R +grep "setSize" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "setSize" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "renderer update" +git push +git push -u origin render_update +git checkout master +git merge render_update +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +exit +gl +git diff +3d +git branch +git diff render_update +git diff +git commit -am "move subscriptions up - start work with new renderer" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.API.*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" +grep "GameLib.API.*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create\(GameLib.Component.prototype\)" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -R +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype/" +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype" +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype" +grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype/" +git diff +grep "GameLib.D3.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.D3.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype/" +git diff +exit +s +gl +gulp +exit +3d +git diff +git branch +git diff dots +git diff master +git checkout master +git diff +git commit -am "remove this stuff" +git checkout master +git merge dots +git merge render_update_v2 +git branch +gulp +gnome-screenshot -a +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Controls.CONTROLS" * -R +grep "GameLib.Controls.CONTROLS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Controls.CONTROLS/GameLib.API.Controls.CONTROLS/g" +r +gl +s +r +m +gl +cd src/ +grep "DELAYED_INSTANCE_ENCOUNTERED" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "fixed render problem for now" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git push origin +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +s +p +gulp +hgl +hl +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "controls migration" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gulp +gl +git pushg +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +cd +c +cd blender-node/ +git diff +git commit -am "image update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git pull +git pull flyingspoon +git push flyingspoon +git pull +git pull flyingspoon +git pull flyingspoon master +git push flyingspoon +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +p +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +api +cl +c +cd api +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "renderCamera" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "store last render mode - use this for edit mode for renderer" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "switch render mode on edit mode change" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git tag +git tag -l +git pull +git diff +git commit -am "render mode fix" +git tag -a "render mode stable" +git tag -a "v.r.1" +git tag +git push +git push --tags +gl +git diff +git commit -am "render mode stable" +git tag -a "v.r.1" -m "render mode stable" +git push +git push flyingspoon --tags +3d +git push flyingspoon --tags +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diff +git commit -am "render mode stable" +git tag -a "v.r.1" -m "render mode stable" +git push flyingspoon --tags +git push flyingspoon +git tag -l +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "render mode stable" +git tag -a "v.r.1" -m "render mode stable" +git push flyingspoon +git push flyingspoon --tags +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "FromObject deprecated" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +cd src/ +grep "parentEngine" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "parent particle engine" +git push flyingspoon +git push +p +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "remember to set the render mode to 'lastRenderMode'" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +3d +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "remove errorcallbacks" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +3ds +ed +gl +vim package.json +exit +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +exit +ps -A +killall chrome +chrome +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "particles can fade in / out now - linking parentParticleEngines properly" +git push fl +git push flyingspoon +git push +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "scale offset and weight to dotmap" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +ssh spoon2 +exit +gedit +exit +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "todo for image replace" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +gulp +c +cd custom-code/ +git log +git diff 6028cb6a5c346617620742e5454166ec6e34a392 +3d +gulp +exit +3d +git diff +git commit -am "resize window on entity loaded" +git push +gl +cd src/ +grep "parentEngine" * -R +grep "opacityFactor" * -R +cat * | wc -l +grep "FromObject" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "scene render camera back" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "nice" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +gl +git diff +git commit -am "text components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "update camera aspect ratios when renderer size updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "OPACITY_TYPE_DECREASE_LINEAR" * -R +grep "OPACITY_TYPE_DECREASE_LINEAR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/OPACITY_TYPE_DECREASE_LINEAR/OPACITY_TYPE_FADE_OUT_LINEAR/g" +grep "OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_LINEAR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_LINEAR/OPACITY_TYPE_FADE_IN_LINEAR/g" +grep "OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_DECREASE_LINEAR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_DECREASE_LINEAR/OPACITY_TYPE_FADE_IN_OUT_LINEAR/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.OPA" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.OPA" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.OPA/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.OPA/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.POS" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.DIR" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SCA" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SPE" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.POS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.POS/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.POS/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.DIR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.DIR/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.DIR/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SCA" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.SCA/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.SCA/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.SPE/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.SPE/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.ROT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.ROT/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.ROT/g" +gnome-calculator +sudo apt-get remove virtualbox +sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-dkms +gl +git diff +git commit -am "animation update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "on orientation change end?" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/ +grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +grep "window.innerWidth" * -R +cd .. +3d +grep "window.innerWidth" * -R +cd src/ +grep "window.innerWidth" * -R +p +cd src/ +grep "window.innerWidth" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "fix avail height" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fix screen avail width / height" +git pushj +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "fix screen avail width / height" +git push flyingspoon +git push +gl +git diff +git commit -am "strange - don't set px value for canvas width / height" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +p +gulp build +gulp +s +m +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fix" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +p +git diff +git commit -am "resize window on load" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "resize window on orientation change" +git push +git push flyingspoon +r +d +s +r +d +s +r +3d +gulp +cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ +./blender +gl +gulp +ifconfig +route +ping default +ping o2.box +ifconfig +exit +exit +s +m +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +scp uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/select2.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +scp uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/drone.mp3 spoon2:/srv/flyingspoon.de/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "touch meta more info" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +cd src/ +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R +grep "PARENT_WORLD_CHANGE" * -R +grep "parentScene" * -R +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +ls +cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ +ls +cp ~/Desktop/select.mp3 . +ls select.mp3 +o +p +git diff +git commit -am "black theme for + + +git commit -am "black theme for preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "parentCanvas update instance" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +ssh spoon2 +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +p +gulp +r +gl +gulp +exit +cd Downloads/ +cd .. +cd Documents/ +cat img_default.png +vim img_default.png +xxd -b img_default.png +exit +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-available +ls +vim cybafelo.conf +gl +gulp +killall chrome +gl +git diff +git commit -am "fuck audio for microdummies" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +ps -A +killall chrome +gl +git diff +git commit -am "object urls for FUCKING WINDOZE" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +p +npm install +npm update three +s +tail -f /var/log/syslog +sudo service docker stop +tail -f /var/log/syslog +r +d +s +sudo service nginx restart +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +sudo service docker stop +m +s +3d +gulp +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "DOM_ELEMENT_CHANGE" * -R +grep "domElement" * -R +grep "clone\(" * -R +grep "clone(" * -R +cd .. +c +cd blender- +cd blender-node/ +cd src/ +grep "clone(" * -R +cd .. +ls +grep "clone(" * -R +git diff +cd .. +gl +git diff +git commit -am "rudimentary uv editing capabilities - face select mode" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "face select mode" +git push +git push flyingspoon +s +m +exit +s +m +3d +gulp +hl +gl +gulp +p +gulp +cd Desktop/personal/po/ +ls +mv Untitled\ Folder/ .untitled +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "face select mode - cylinder updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "add to current scene if only one" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +[A +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +hostname +ifconfig +gl +git diff +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Light.LIGHT" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Light.LIGHT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Light.LIGHT/GameLib.D3.API.Light.LIGHT/g" +git diff +git commit -am "Lights updated" +s +gnome-screenshot +gnome-screenshot -t 5 +gnome-screenshot -t5 +gnome-screenshot -h +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +ccsm +exit +ps -A +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +eog +picasa +sudo apt-get install picasa +eog +exit +ccsm +gimp +gedit +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +gedit +gedit +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +exit +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +exit +gnome-screenshot -d 5 +g +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.Camera.CAMERA" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Camera.CAMERA" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Camera.CAMERA/GameLib.D3.API.Camera.CAMERA/g" +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "Orthogonal" * -R +grep "Orthogonal" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Orthogonal/Orthographic/g" +grep "ORTHOGONAL" * -R +grep "ORTHOGONAL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ORTHOGONAL/ORTHOGRAPHIC/g" +grep "orthogonal" * -R +grep "orthogonal" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/orthogonal/orthographic/g" +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +gedit +s +gl +git diff +grep "GameLib.*Number" * -R +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.*Number" * -R +grep "new GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R +grep "new GameLib.D3.API.Camera" * -R +grep "new GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R +grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R +grep "new GameLib.D3.API.Camera" * -R +grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Light" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Light" * -R +git branch "cameras_lights_action" +git checkout cameras_lights_action +git commit -am "crazy render mode" +git push +git push -u flyingspoon cameras_lights_action +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +grep "CUSTOM_CODE_WINDOW_RESIZE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/CUSTOM_CODE_WINDOW_RESIZE/AFTER_WINDOW_RESIZE/g" +grep "fullscreen" * -R +grep "aspect\s*=" * -R +grep "widthheight" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "widthheight" * -R +grep "windowSize" * -R +3d +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R +gnome-calculator +gl +gulp +s +m +st +m +gnome-calculator +xit +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*Image" * -R +gl +gul[ +gulp +gl +git diff +git commit -am "lights working - cameras working too - support for stereo camera" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git status +vim q +ls +3d +git diff +git commit -am "light updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git push +rm q +ls +ssh spoon2 +gnome-cal +gnome-calculator +s +m +3d +gulp +gnome-calculator +gnome-screenshot -a +gnome-screenshot --h +gnome-screenshot --help +gnome-screenshot -a -d5 +gnome-screenshot -a -d 5 +s +m +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "renderTarget" * -R +grep "target" * -R +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +grep "renderMode" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "renderMode" * -R +grep "lastRenderMode" * -R +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +3d +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +cd src/ +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +grep "renderMode" * -R +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +gl +grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R +cd src/ +grep "renderMode" * -R +grep "lastRenderMode" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "lastRenderMode" * -R +grep "imageChanged" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -R +grep "new.*Texture" * -R +grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R +3d +grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R +cd src/ +grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R +git diff +exitr +exit +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +3d +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.*Matrix" * -R +grep "GameLib.*Matrix4" * -R +grep "TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL" * -R +grep "TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL/TEXTURE_TYPE_IMAGE/g" +grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R +grep "*API.Texture\(" * -R +grep "*API.Texture(" * -R +grep ".*API.Texture(" * -R +grep ".*API.Texture" * -R +grep ".*API.Texture.call" * -R +grep "GameLib.Component.TEXTURE" * -R +grep "Material.MATE" * -R +grep "Material.MATE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Material.MATE/D3.API.Material.MATE/g" +grep "D3.Material.TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Material.TYPE/D3.API.Material.TYPE/g" +grep "D3.Material.LINE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Material.LINE/D3.API.Material.LINE/g" +grep "getTextures" * -R +grep "new.*API.Image" * -R +gl +gul +gulp +gedit +s +m +gl +cd src/ +grep "parentRenderer" * -R +grep "parentRenderer" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/parentRenderer/renderer_dep/g" +exit +s +m +gedit +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +gl +gulp +gl +cd src/ +ls -l +ls -l | sed "s/.*/game-/game-" +ls -l | grep "s/.*/game-/game-" +ls -l | sed "s/.*game/game/" +s +m +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.RenderConfiguration/" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.API.RenderConfiguration/" +grep "GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.RenderConfiguration/" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.API.RenderConfiguration/" +grep "renderer_dep" * -R +grep "renderer_dep" * -Rl |xargs sed -i "s/renderer_dep/renderer/g" +git diff +git commit -am "render passes, effects, stereo cameras, light updates, materials revamp, render configruation" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3fd +3d +git diff +git commit -am "render passes, effects, stereo cameras, light updates, materials revamp, render configruation" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +cat * | wc -l +cd src/ +cat * | wc -l +sudo apt-get install pdfmod +pdfmod +ccsm +exit +cd /etc/ +sudo vim hostname +exit +s +m +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MULTIPLY_OPERATION" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MULTIPLY_OPERATION/GameLib.D3.API.Material.COMBINE_MULTIPLY_OPERATION/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MIX_OPERATION" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MIX_OPERATION/GameLib.D3.API.Material.COMBINE_MIX_OPERATION/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_ADD_OPERATION" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_ADD_OPERATION/GameLib.D3.API.Material.COMBINE_ADD_OPERATION/g" +p +gulp +gl +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "Edit Camera" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "Edit Camera" * -R +gl +git diff +git commit -am "re-introduce basic material" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +p +gulp +3d +gulp +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "getComponents" * -R +grep "getComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/getComponents/findComponentByConstructor/g" +grep "getFirstComponent" * -R +grep "addComponent" * -R +grep "removeComponent" * -R +grep "removeComponent\(" * -R +grep "removeComponent(" * -R +grep "addComponent" * -R +grep "hasComponent" * -R +grep "findEntities" * -R +grep "addObject" * -R +3d +cd src/ +grep "addObject" * -R +grep "meshes.push" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "meshes.push" * -R +grep "addObject" * -R +grep "meshes" * -R +gl +git diff +git commit -am "reaching stability for effects and passes" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/ +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGED" * -R +grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R +grep "PARENT_SCENE_CHANGE" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "more nice names, spotlight targets" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +st +exit +ss +s +r +exit +gl +gulp +s +m +gl +cd src/ +grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -R +grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/IMAGE_CHANGED/TEXTURE_UPDATED/g" +grep "TEXTURE_UPDATED" * -R +grep "TEXTURE_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXTURE_UPDATED/TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED/g" +git commit -am "start to fix cube camera" +grep "TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED" * -R +grep "TEXTURE_INSTANCE_UPDATED" * -R +grep "TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXURE_IMAGE_UPDATED/TEXURE_INSTANCE_UPDATED/g" +grep "TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED/TEXTURE_INSTANCE_UPDATED/g" +grep "getTextures" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "store and load cubemaps" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "exclude meshes from environment maps" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "instance.parentEnt" * -R +p +vim package.json +3d +vim package +vim package.json +p +npm update three +vim package.json +npm update +npm update three +vim package.json +npm update --save three +vim package.json +p +gulp +3d +gulp +gnome-calculator +gl +cd src/ +grep "API.Geometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* +grep "API.Geometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/API.Geometry/API.BufferGeometry/g" +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GEOMETRY_TYPE/BUFFER_GEOMETRY_TYPE/g" +grep "BUFFER_BUFFER" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/BUFFER_BUFFER/BUFFER/g" +exit +gl +cd st +cd src/ +grep "game-lib" * -R +grep "game-lib" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/game-lib/r2/" +grep "game-lib" * -R +grep "r2" * -R +grep "R2" * -R +grep "GameLib" * -R +grep "R2" * -R +grep "GameLib" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib/R2/g" +cd .. +grep "game-lib" * -R +grep "game-lib" * +cd src/ +grep "R2" * -R +grep "R2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/R2/GameLib/g" +git commit -am "all api geometries in" +grep "faceVertexUvs" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* +grep "faceVertexUvs" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* -lr | xargs sed -i "/apiGeometry.faceVertexUvs/s/.*//" +grep "isBuffer" * -R +grep "isBuffer\b" * -R +grep "isBuffer\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/isBuffer/isBufferGeometry/g" +grep "faceVertexUvs" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* +grep "isBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* +grep "isBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* | xargs sed -i "/isBufferGeometry/s/.*//" +grep "isBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* -lR | xargs sed -i "/isBufferGeometry/s/.*//" +grep "apiGeometry" * -R +grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* +grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry +grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* +grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/apiGeometry/apiBufferGeometry/g" +grep "geometryType" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* +grep "geometryType" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/geometryType/bufferGeometryType/g" +git commit -am "API geometry classes done" +git push +git push flyingspoon +grep "apiBufferGeometry.vertices," * -R +grep "apiBufferGeometry.vertices," * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry.vertices,/apiBufferGeometry.vertices,\n\t\tapiBufferGeometry.colors,/" +grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -R +grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry.colors,\n//" +grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -R +grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry.colors,\r\n//" +grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -R +git diff +git commit -am "bg's final" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +git status +git commit src/game-lib-a-2-utils.js src/game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-0.js src/game-lib-d3-api-face.js src/game-lib-d3-buffer-geometry-a.js src/game-lib-d3-geometry-a.js -m "instance for buffer g's" +git status +git diff +git reset --hard HEAD +git diff +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +p +gulp +ss +st +exit +sudo service docker stop +exit +ps -A +top +exit +killall csgo_linux64 +exit +man find +c +ls +cd +cd .local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike\ Global\ Offensive/ +ls +cd csgo/ +ls +cat autobuy.txt +find . -name "*.txt" +cd .. +find . -name "*.txt" +find . -name "*.txt" | xargs cat +find . -name "*.txt" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" -l +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" -lR +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" -l +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian|swedish" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian|swedish|hungarian" +man grep +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "(bulgarian|swedish|hungarian)" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" -v "german" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian||german" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian|german" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "(hungarian\|german)" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian|german" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "/hungarian|german/" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" -l +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" -lR +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -L +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -lR +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -l +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -R +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:.//" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:.//" | xargs cat +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:.//" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:././" +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:././" | xargs cat +find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:././" | xargs cat > data.txt +vim data.txt +mv data.txt ~/Desktop/ +PS -a +ps -A +which csgo_linux64 +ps --help +ps --help all +ps -A +ps -C csgo_linux64 +ps -A +ps --help +ps --help output +ps -A -F +1563dwd +d DwaawawdrD[1;7Cda awsd[1;3CADAZC +cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/ +ls +cd +cd .local/ +ls +cd share/ +ls +cd Steam/ +ls +cd steamapps/common/Counter-Strike\ Global\ Offensive/ +ls +tree . +sudo apt-get install tree +find . -name "*.png" +find . -name "*png" +find . -name "*jpg" +ls +cd platform/ +ls +cd materials/ +ls +cd engine/ +lg +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +tree . +ls +cd Counter-Strike\ Global\ Offensive/ +tree . +r +vim /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib/build/game-lib.js +r +exit +gnome-screenshot +gnome-screenshot -a +lspci | grep vga +lspci | grep +lspci +exit +sudo apt-get install shutter +shutter +exit +s +m +st +exit +r +vim /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib/build/game-lib.js +r +exit +gl +gulp +gulp build +gulp +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "REPLACE_COMPONENT" * -R +3d +npm remove --save three +npm install --save three +p +npm remove --save three +npm install --save three +exit +gl +cd src/ +git diff +git commit -am "just before introducing geometry base" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed -s "/.*game/game/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*game/game/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*game/mv game/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*(game.*)/mv $1/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game.*\)/mv $1/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game.*\)/mv \1/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game.*\)/mv \1 \1/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1bufferi-geometry-\2/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/\1buffer-geometry-\2/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/\1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/\1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs mv +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs basg +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs bash +ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | bash +ls +grep "API.Geometry." game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* +grep "API.Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* +grep "API.Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* -lR | xargs sed -i "/create.*API.Geometry.prototype/s/API.Geometry.prototype/API.GeometryBase.prototype/" +grep "API.Geometry." game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* -l | xargs sed -i "s/API.Geometry\./API.Geometry.Normal./g" +grep "BufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* +grep "API.BufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* +grep "API.BufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/API.BufferGeometry/API.Geometry.Buffer/g" +grep "Geometry.Buffer.BUFFER" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* +grep "Geometry.Buffer.BUFFER" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/Geometry.Buffer.BUFFER/Geometry.BUFFER/g" +grep "Geometry.Normal.GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/Geometry.Normal.GEOMETRY/Geometry.GEOMETRY/g" +grep "GeometryBase" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GeometryBase/Geometry/g" +grep "BUFFER_GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* +grep "Geometry.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* +grep "Geometry.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "/Geometry.BUFFER_GEOMETRY/s/BUFFER_GEOMETRY_TYPE_\(\w*\)/GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_\1/" +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_NONE" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_NONE" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_NONE/GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER/" +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_" * +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/GEOMETRY_TYPE_/GEOMETRY_TYPE_NORMAL_/g" +grep "NORMAL_BUFFER" * -R +grep "NORMAL_BUFFER" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/NORMAL_BUFFER/BUFFER/g" +grep "NORMAL_NORMAL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/NORMAL_NORMAL/BUFFER/g" +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_NORMAL" * -R +grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER\b" * -R +grep "Geometry " * -R +grep "'Geometry " * -R +grep "Component.GEOMETRY" * -R +grep "Component.GEOMETRY" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.GEOMETRY/Component.GEOMETRY_NORMAL/" +grep "Component.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" * -R +grep "Component.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.BUFFER_GEOMETRY/Component.GEOMETRY_BUFFER/" +grep "\.Geometry\." game-lib-a-component-a.js +grep "\.Geometry\." game-lib-a-component-a.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/\.Geometry\./.Geometry.Normal./" +grep "BufferGeometry" game-lib-a-component-a.js +grep "BufferGeometry" game-lib-a-component-a.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/BufferGeometry/Geometry.Buffer/" +git diff +git status +grep "apiBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* +grep "apiBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry/apiGeometry/g" +grep "bufferGeometryType" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* +grep "bufferGeometryType" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* -l |xargs sed -i "s/bufferGeometryType/geometryType/g" +grep "Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal-* +grep "Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/Geometry.prototype/Geometry.Normal.prototype/" +exit +s +n +m +exit +p +gulp +pavucontrol +gl +git diff +git commit -am "geometry done" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "remove old components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git checkout master +git pull +git merge cameras_lights_action +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "cleanup" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd . +cd .. +cd preview/ +git diee +git diff +git commit -am "fix" +git push flyingspoon +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "fix image" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git stat +git status +rm image_* +ls +ssh spoon2 +3d +gulp +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pactl unload-module module-loopback +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +gl +gulp +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*API.Image" * -R +3d +grep "new.*API.Image" * -R +exit +gnome-calculator +gl +git diff +git commit -am "shader materials, shaders and instanced geometries" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +s +m +exut +exit +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +p +gnome-cal +gnome-calculator +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "updateFromRawObject" * -R +exit +gnome-calculator +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +glt +git diff +git commit -am "points material, raw shader, fixed aspect ratios for orthographic cams" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "filter components" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git commit -am "respond to orientation and window resize" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exut +exit +e +3d +gulp +exit +p +gulp +e +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pavucontrol +grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * 0R +grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * -R +gl +cd src/ +grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * -R +exit +gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz-1/plugins/grid/screen0/options/top_edge_action --type int 0 +sudo gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz-1/plugins/grid/screen0/options/top_edge_action --type int 0 +sudo gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz-1/plugins/grid/screen1/options/top_edge_action --type int 0 +gconf-editor +sudo apt-get install gconf-editor +exit +p +git commit -am "fuck" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +ccsm# +ccsm +exit +p +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +p +git commit -am "test agaiin" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +git commit -am "dummy" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "dummy" +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +git commit -am "update instance color" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +p +git commit -am "test for chrome mobile or android" +git push flyingspoon +exit +shutter +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pavucontrol +shutter +exit +s +m +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +git diff +gulp +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pavucontrol +exit +3d +cd src/ +cd .. +npm remove --save codemirror +pactl unload-module module-loopback +exit +pavucontrol +exit +gnome-calculator +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "shader updates" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +s +m +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +ifconfig +gedit +gl +git diff +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git push flyingspoon +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +s +m +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +3d +git status +git diff +git commit -am "update codemirror, bacon.js" +git push +git push flyingspoon +cd src/editor.js/ +ls +mv bacon-3.js ~/Desktop/bacon-3.zip +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.Event.Subscribe( + GameLib.Event.GET_API_URL, + function(data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback) { + try { + clientCallback({apiUrl : this.getApiUrl(), passwoid : '"kent sent me" motherfucker!'}); + } catch (error) { + clientErrorCallback(error); + } + }.bind(this) +grep "GET_API_URL" * -R +eit +git diff +git commit -am "fix missing fog" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +g +gl +git diff +git commit -am "animation system update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git status +git add 3rd-party/codemirror-5.34.0/ +git commit -am "restart update" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git diff +gl +git diff +git commit -am "remove some warnings and todos" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git log +git diff +git commit -am "keyboard fix for edge" +git push flyingspoon +git push +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "addMaterial" * -R +grep "attachAnimation" * -R +grep "ANIMATION_MESH_REMOVED" * -R +grep "ANIMATION_MESH_ADDED" * -R +grep "ANIMATION_MESH_REMOVED" * -R +grep "attachAnimation" * -R +grep "dettachAnimation" * -R +grep "detachAnimation" * -R +ssh spoon2 +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pactl unload-module module-loopback +gl +git log +exit +shutter +p +gulp +exit +gl +s +gl +cd src/ +grep "_\." * -R +grep "q\." * -R +grep "Q\." * -R +grep "lodash" * -R +gl +gulp +exit +hl +gl +cd build +vim game-lib.js +p +sudo npm install -g light-server +ls +cd +cd Desktop/ +ls +cd bacon3/ +ls +light-server -s . +exit +mongo +exit +gl +gulp +p +git diff +git commit -am "client heighT" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +git commit -am "orientationchange" +p +git commit -am "orientationchange" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +git commit -am "resize after two seconds" +git push +git commit -am "resize after two seconds" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "resize after one second" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "500 ms" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "immediate and delayed resize" +git push flyingspoon +git commit -am "try nice" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git diff +exit +gl +git diff +git commit -am "unsure about commit" +exit +sudo poweroff +ifconfig +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "new.*Mouse" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "canvas size updates, mouse and raycaster to API" +git push +git push flyingspoon +p +git log +git diff +git log +git commit -am "multiple resize" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +git diff +git commit -am "auto update size for canvas - cleanup" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +gl +p +git diff +git commit -am "auto focus canvas for preview" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +e +3d +git diff +git commit -am "auto focus canvas" +git push +git push flyingspoon +ssh spoon2 +exit +s +m +exit +gl +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +p +gulp +exit +shutter +gnome-calculator +cd config/ +ls +cd / +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" | grep -v "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" &2 > 1 | grep -v "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" 2 > &1 | grep -v "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" &2>1 | grep -v "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" &2>1 | grep -V "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" 2>&1 | grep -V "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied" +find . -name "ubuntu*png" 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied" +cd /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ +ls +rmsudo rm ubuntu-logo.png +sudo rm ubuntu-logo.png +sudo rm ubuntu-logo16.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo16.png +ls +exit +cd /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ +ls +rm progress-dot-on.png +sudo rm progress-dot-on.png +ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on.png +sudo rm progress-dot-on16.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on1.png +sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on16.png +sudo rm progress-dot-on1.png +ls +exit +c +cd config/ +git diff +git commit -am "stuff +" +git status +git add progress-dot-on16.png +git add ubuntu-logo* +git commit -am "rename" +git push +exit +c +cd config/ +ls +mv ubuntu_logo16.png ubunty-logo16.png +mv ubuntu_logo.png ubunty-logo.png +mv ubunty-logo.png ubuntu-logo.png +mv ubunty-logo16.png ubuntu-logo16.png +mv progress_dot_on16.png progress-dot-on16.png +ls -l +rm progress_dot_on.png +git diff +exit +cd /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ +ls +pactl unload-module module-loopback +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pactl unload-module module-loopback +exit +s +m +exit +gnome-calculator +exit +r +exit +mongo +exit +gl +gulp +exit +s +m +exit +p +gulp +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Mesh.MESH_TYPE" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Mesh.MESH_TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Mesh.MESH_TYPE/GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_MESH/g" +grep "OBJECT_TYPE_MESH_NORMAL" * -R +grep "OBJECT_TYPE_MESH_NORMAL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/OBJECT_TYPE_MESH_NORMAL/OBJECT_TYPE_MESH/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT/GameLib/D3.API.Light.LIGHT_TYPE/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT/GameLib.D3.API.Light.LIGHT_TYPE/g" +git diff +git commit -am "cameras and meshes are now 3d objects" +git push +git push flyingspoon +3d +p +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Light.LIGHT_TYPE" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Light.LIGHT_TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Light.LIGHT_TYPE/GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT/g" +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Camera.CAMERA_TYPE_" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Camera.CAMERA_TYPE_" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Camera.CAMERA_TYPE/GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_CAMERA/g" +exit +ps -A +st +killall csgo_linux +ps -A | grep go +killall csgo_linux64 +exit +pactl unload-module module-loopback +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +exit +pactl unload-module module-loopback +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pactl unload-module module-loopback +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pactl unload-module module-loopback +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +r +exit +3d +s +r +m +exit +r +exit +3d +gulp +exit +r +p +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "introducing 2d renderer" +exit +gl +cd src/ +grep "Renderer.MODE_CANVAS" * -R +grep "Renderer.MODE_CANVAS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Render.MODE_CANVAS/Render.MODE_CANVAS_3D/g" +grep "Renderer.MODE_CANVAS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Renderer.MODE_CANVAS/Renderer.MODE_CANVAS_3D/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Renderer" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.Renderer" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Renderer/GameLib.Renderer/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Renderer" * -R +grep "GameLib.D3.API.Renderer" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Renderer/GameLib.API.Renderer/g" +grep "MODE_CANVAS_3D" * -R +grep "MODE_CANVAS_3D" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/MODE_CANVAS_3D/MODE_CANVAS/g" +grep "GameLib.D3.Renderer" * -R +grep "new.*GameLib.Renderer" * -R +3d +git diff +git commit -am "2d renderer for impact" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git push flyingspoon +e +r +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +ssh spoon2 +exit +ssh spoon2 +scp spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_saver/ -r . +scp -r spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_saver/ . +cd iscan-bundle-1.0.4.x64.deb/ +cd i_saver/ +ls +cd lib/ +grep "input.joy" * -R +exit +cd /etc/ +sudo vim hosts +exit +r +sudo service nginx restart +exit +scp spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_collector/ ./pacman +mkdir pacman +scp spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_collector/ ./pacman -R +scp -R spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_collector/ ./pacman +scp -r spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_collector/ ./pacman +shutter +exit +cd Pictures/ +ls +scp fn_Tileset.png spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_collector/media/ +scp fn_Tileset.png spoon2:/tmp +c +scp -r spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/* . +scp -r spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/DonkeyKong_t_system/ . +cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ +light-server --? +light-server --help +light-server -s . -p 4001 +exit +gl +c +cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ +ls +grep "EntityButton" * -R +grep "touchmove" * -R +cd .. +cd i_saver/ +grep "GameOver" * -R +grep "coins" * -R +grep "EntityPlayer" * -R +grep "StartScreen" * -R +grep "EntityPlayer" * -R +grep "EntityPlayer" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityPlayer/ig.EntityPlayer/g" +grep "EntityLadder" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityLadder/ig.EntityLadder/g" +grep "EntityEnemywindow" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityEnemywindow/ig.EntityEnemywindow/g" +grep "EntityEnemyviking" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityEnemyviking/ig.EntityEnemyviking/g" +grep "EntityEnemyammo" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityEnemyammo/ig.EntityEnemyammo/g" +grep "EntityCoin" * -R +grep "EntityCoin" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityCoin/ig.EntityCoin/g" +grep "type.*Entity" * -R +grep "type.*Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/type.*ig\.Entity/s/ig.Entity/Entity/" +grep "type.*Entity" * -R +grep "EntityPlayer" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityPlayer/ig.EntityPlayer/g" +grep "type.*Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/type.*ig\.Entity/s/ig.Entity/Entity/" +grep "EntityPlayer" * -R +grep "ig.ig.Entity" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/ig.ig/ig/g" +grep "EntityPlayer" * -R +grep "EntityLadder" * -R +grep "EntityEnemywindow" * -R +grep "type\s*:\s*Entity" * -R +grep "type\s*:\s*Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/type\/s*:\s*Entity/type : ig.Entity/g" +grep "type\s*:\s*Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/type/s*:\s*Entity/type : ig.Entity/g" +grep "type\s*:\s*Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/type\s*:\s*Entity/type : ig.Entity/g" +grep "EntityCoin" * -R +grep "input.joystick" * -R +cd .. +cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ +grep "input.joystick" * -R +cd .. +cd i_saver/ +grep "joystick.*function" * -R +grep "function.*joystick.*" * -R +d +cd +cd i_saver/ +grep "function.*joystick.*" * -R +grep "joystick.*function" * -R +cd lib/impact/ +ls +vim impact.js +gl +ls +cd .. +cd i_saver/ +ls +cd lib/ +ls +mv impact impact.new +cp -R ~/i_saver/lib/impact . +ls +exit +shutter +gnome-calculator +c +cd i_saver/ +ls +git init . +git status +cd lib/ +ls +rm -rf impact +cp ../../api-v1/public/impact_src/lib/impact . +cp ../../api-v1/public/impact_src/lib/impact . -R +cd .. +git status +git add & +git add * +cd .. +cd +php -a +vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cybafelo.conf +c +ls +mkdir weltmeister +cd weltmeister/ +ls +c +cd i_saver/ +ls +grep "ig.Entity\w" * -R +grep "ig.Entity\w" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ig.Entity(\w)/Entity\1/g" +grep "ig.Entity\w" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ig.Entity\(\w\)/Entity\1/g" +grep "ig.Entity\w" * -R + +exit +c +ls +cd i_saver/ +ls +cd lib/ +ls +cd gam +cd game/ +ls +vim main.js +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +light-server -s . +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pactl unload-module module-loopback +meld +c +cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ +grep resetLevel * -R +grep "ending" * -R +grep "\bending\b" * -R +grep "levelLost" * -R +cd .. +cd i_saver/ +grep "levelLost" * -R +grep "sessionStats" * -R +cd .. +cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ +grep "sessionStats" * -R +grep "endScene" * -R +grep "getBootScene" * -R +c +cd i_saver/ +git diff +git status +git add * +git rm lib/impact.new/ +git rm lib/impact.new/ -r +git commit -am "touch" +git push +git status +git commit -am "first commit" +git push +cd .. +cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ +grep "endScene" * -R +grep "actions" * -R +grep "onSceneEnd" * -R +grep "goToScene" * -R +grep "endScene" 8 -R +grep "endScene" * -R +grep "endScene.*function" * -R +grep "goToScene" * -R +grep "ending.*function" * -R +grep "\bending\b.*function" * -R +cd .. +cd i_saver/ +ls +git diff +git commit -am "redirect on end" +git push +ssh spoon2 +cd .. +cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ +grep "TouchButtonCollection" * -R +cd.. +cd .. +cd i_saver/ +grep "TouchButtonCollection" * -R +git diff +git commit -am "touch button update" +gitp ush +git push +cd .. +cp i_saver i_saver.bak +cp i_saver i_saver.bak -R +cd i_saver +git push +ls +git status +git add * +git status +git push +git dfif +git diff +git commit -am "also climb on up" +git push +git dff +git diff +git commit -am "get rid of start scene" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "remove global" +git push +cd .. +scp -r spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/ninja/ . +cd i_saver +git commit -am "resize +" +git push +git commit "delayed resize and orientation trigger" +git commit -am "delayed resize and orientation trigger" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "fix touch buttons" +git pus +git push +git commit -am "fix jump" +git push +git diff +git commit -am "new enemy" +git push +exit +gnome-calculator +c +mv i_collector i_pacman +cd ninja/ +light-server -s . -p 4001 +exit +c +cd i_saver/ +ls +cd .. +cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ +grep "joystick.*function" * -R +cd lib/impact/ +vim impact.js +vim input.js +ssh spoon2 +cd .. +light-server -s . +cd .. +cd i_saver/ +light-server -s . +git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:flyingspoon/i_saver.git +git push -u origin master +light-server -s . +exit +gl +cd .. +cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ +ls +grep "ig.content" * -R +git commit -am "latest" +cd .. +cd i_saver +git diff +git commit -am "score multiplier 1000" +git push +ls +cd tools/ +ls +chmod +x bake.sh +./bake.sh +ls +vim bake.sh +git commit -am "sounds disable - debug mesg" +gitpush +git push +cd .. +ls +php tools/bake.php +cd lib +ls +rm -rf impact.new +cd plugins/ +ls +rm touch-button-broken.js +ls +cd .. +ls +cd weltmeister/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd game/ +ls +cd entities/ +ls +cd .. +cd levels/ +ls +cd .. +ls +cd .. +ls +tree . +cd .. +php tools/bake.php lib/impact lib/plugins lib/game i_saver.min.js +php tools/bake.php lib/impact/*.js lib/plugins/*.js lib/game/*.js i_saver.min.js +vim i_saver.min.js +git add i_saver.min.js +git commit -am "baked" +git push +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +c +cd i_saver +grep "debugMessage" +grep "debugMessage" * -R +cd .. +ls +exit +ssh spoon2 +exit +c +cd i_saver +git push +cat lib/game/main.js +exit +gl +cd .. +cd i_saver +php tools/bake.php lib/impact/*.js lib/plugins/*.js lib/game/*.js i_saver.min.js +git commit -am "really disable sound" +git push +ssh spoon2 +exit +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +r +exit +s +m +exit +gl +grep "setSize" * -R +cd src/ +grep "setSize" * -R +grep "TYPE_THREE_JS" * -R +grep "TYPE_THREE_JS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_THREE_JS/GRAPHICS_RUNTIME_THREE/g" +exit +gl +gulp +3d +gulp +r +p +gulp +cd /etc/nginx/ +ls +cd sites-enabled/ +ls +vim cybafelo.conf +sudo service nginx restart +vim cybafelo.conf +exit +sudo service nginx restart +exit +r +d +s +exit +p +s +r +exit +m +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +exit +gl +grep "new.*Canvas" * -R +cd src/ +grep "new.*Canvas" * -R +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +ls +ln -s public/impact impact +ls +exit +c +cd i_saver +light-server -s . +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +pactl unload-module module-loopback +exit +pactl unload-module module-loopback +pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 +c +cd i_saver +light-server -s . +exit +m +exit +s +r +exit +3d +gulp +exit +gl +gulp +git diff +git commit -am "graphics runtimes" +git push +git push flyingspoon +exit +gl +git diff +cd .. +cd i_Sa +cd i_saver +git diff +git commit -am "bigger buttons" +git push +ssh spoon2 +gl +cd src/ +grep "addComponent" * -R +exit +c +cd i_saver +git commit -am "no outline" +git push +exit +ssh cybafelo.com +exit +cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub +ls +cd config/ +ls +grep "cybafelo.com" * -R +ls +cd .. +c +exit +r +d +st +s +exit +ssh cybafelo.com +vim /etc/hosts +exit +c +cd config/ +grep "cybafelo.com" * -R +grep "cybafelo.com" * -R --exclude=bash_history +grep "cybafelo.com" * -R --exclude=bash_history --exclude=general +grep "cybafelo.com" * -R --exclude=bash_history --exclude=general -lR | xargs sed -i "s/cybafelo.com/cybafelo.local/g" +ls +s +3d +gulp +cd .. +cd api-v1/ +ls +exit +c +cd api-v1/ +git diff +git commit -am "snake" +git push +git push flyingspoon +git status +git add impact/lib/game/entities/snake-head.js +impact/lib/game/levels/ +impact/media/platforms.png +git add impact/lib/game/levels/ impact/media/platforms.png +git commit -am "images" +git push +ls +git status +vim index. +vim index.php +rm index. +rm index.php +rm image_* +ls +cd .. +ls +cd 3d-editor/ +git diff +git status +git commit -am "runtime - also no impact" +git push +git push flyingspoon +gl +git diff +exit diff --git a/build_latest b/build_latest new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0cb7215 --- /dev/null +++ b/build_latest @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#for package in $() +for dir in /usr/share/cybafelo/*/ +do + dir_short_name=${dir%*/} + dir_short_name=${dir_short_name##*/} + + if [ -d "$dir/.git" ]; then + echo "===========================starting============================ $dir_short_name" + cd $dir + git branch + git pull + if [ -f "package.json" ]; then + npm install + fi + if [ -f "bower.js" ]; then + bower install + fi + if [ -f "gulpfile.js" ]; then + gulp build + fi + echo "=============================done==============================" + fi +done + +r diff --git a/checkout_all b/checkout_all new file mode 100755 index 0000000..960aa8d --- /dev/null +++ b/checkout_all @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#for package in $() +for dir in /usr/share/cybafelo/*/ +do + dir_short_name=${dir%*/} + dir_short_name=${dir_short_name##*/} + + if [ -d "$dir/.git" ]; then + echo "===========================starting============================ $dir_short_name" + cd $dir + git checkout $1 + echo "=============================done==============================" + fi +done diff --git a/clients.js b/clients.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11f1da0 --- /dev/null +++ b/clients.js @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +var clients = { + '3d-pong' : { + title : "Gamewheel Multiplayer VR Pong", + ogUrl : "http://3d-pong.cybafelo.local", + ogType : "website", + ogTitle : "Gamewheel Multiplayer VR Pong", + ogDescription : "Games is our game", + ogImage : "http://3d-pong.cybafelo.local/pong_image.png", + ctaUrl : "https://www.cybafelo.local", + account : 'root', + subAccount : 'root', + nameOfTheGame : 'pong', + messageItemStart : 'VR Pong - Invite your friends to play!', + messageItemEnd : [ + 'Challenge your friends :)' + ], + endSceneIndex : { + 'default': { + title : 'Great Job!', + message : 'Challenge your friends or learn more about Gamewheel', + cta : 'https://www.cybafelo.local', + quote : 'VR PONG!' + } + } + }, + '3doo' : { + title : "3doo - VR Pong", + ogUrl : "http://3doo.cybafelo.local", + ogType : "website", + ogTitle : "3doo – VR App", + ogDescription : "Spiele PONG in 3d und VR mit 3doo", + ogImage : "http://3doo.cybafelo.local/pong_image.png", + ctaUrl : "https://3doo.com", + account : '3doo', + subAccount : 'root', + nameOfTheGame : 'pong', + messageItemStart : '3doo VR Pong - Invite your friends to play!', + messageItemEnd : [ + 'Please install our
 3doo Movie Player App 
using the following link
to watch your free movie', + 'Want more?
 Download our
 3doo Movie Player App.', + 'Want even more fun?
 Invite your friends 
AND BEAT \'EM!', + 'Like to win?
 Challenge more friends 
AND BEAT \'EM!' + ], + endSceneIndex : { + 'default': { + title : 'Great Job!', + message : 'Challenge your friends
or learn more about 3doo.
', + cta : 'https://app.adjust.com/9lxsna', + quote : 'Try this awesome 3doo VR game – and beat me!' + }, + 'alternate' : { + title : 'Great Job!', + message : 'Install our 3doo App now to watch the free movie!', + cta : 'https://app.adjust.com/m0ewt7', + quote : 'I just won free a 3doo movie by playing a VR game. Check it out' + }, + 'app' : { + title : 'Great Job!', + message : 'Challenge friends
or learn more about 3doo.', + cta : 'https://3doo.com', + quote : 'Just discovered a cool VR game in the 3doo app. Check it out!' + } + } + + + } +}; + +module.exports = clients; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config.js b/config.js index 598ece1..6ca1178 100644 --- a/config.js +++ b/config.js @@ -1,5 +1,17 @@ +var environment = { + path : '/usr/share/cybafelo', + protocol : 'http', + environment : 'tj', + domain : 'cybafelo.local' +}; + +var protocol = environment.protocol; +var user = environment.environment; +var domain = environment.domain; + var config = { vr_pong: { +<<<<<<< HEAD url: "http://3d-pong.cybafelo.local" }, vr_racer: { @@ -33,19 +45,38 @@ var config = { }, editor_v3: { url: 'http://3d-editor-v3.cybafelo.local', +======= + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-3d-pong.' + domain + }, + vr_racer: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-3d-racing.' + domain + }, + editor: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-3d-editor.' + domain, +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 default: { platform: 'cybafelo', account: 'root', subAccount: 'root', nameOfTheGame: 'test' - }, - uploadPath: '/uploads' + } }, +<<<<<<< HEAD api_v3: { url: 'http://api-v3.cybafelo.local' }, tools: { url: "http://tools.cybafelo.local", +======= + api16: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-api-v1.' + domain, + remoteUrl: protocol + '://live-api-v1.flyingspoon.de', + uploadPath: '/uploads', + impactUrl : 'http://tj-api-v1.cybafelo.local/impact' + }, + tools: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-tools.' + domain, +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 default: { platform: 'cybafelo', account: 'root', @@ -53,6 +84,7 @@ var config = { } }, app: { +<<<<<<< HEAD url: 'http://app.cybafelo.local' }, api: { @@ -73,19 +105,50 @@ var config = { }, gate: { url: 'http://gate.cybafelo.local' +======= + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-app.' + domain + }, + preview: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-preview.' + domain + }, + api: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-api.' + domain + }, + cdn: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-cdn.' + domain + }, + gate: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-gate.' + domain + }, + content: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-content.' + domain + }, + asset: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-asset.' + domain + }, + port: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-port.' + domain + }, + cron: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-cron.' + domain + }, + analytics: { + url: protocol + '://' + user + '-analytics.' + domain +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 }, environment: { mode: 'development' - } + }, + db: {} }; if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { if (typeof require !== 'undefined') { - var secure = require('./secure'); var _ = require('lodash'); - - _.merge(config, secure); + _.merge(config, require('./secure')); + _.merge(config, require('./connection')); + _.merge(config, require('./model')); } module.exports = config; diff --git a/connection.js b/connection.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7e40b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/connection.js @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +var config = { + connection: { + model: { + // + // default model connection + default: 'connect/connect.mongoose' + } + }, + + schema: { + model: { + // + // default schema + default: 'connect/schema.mongoose' + } + } +}; + + +if (!!module) { module.exports = config; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dump b/dump new file mode 100755 index 0000000..afebed4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dump @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#for package in $() +for dir in /usr/share/cybafelo/*/ +do + dir_short_name=${dir%*/} + dir_short_name=${dir_short_name##*/} + + if [ -d "$dir/.git" ]; then + echo "===========================starting============================ $dir_short_name" + cd $dir + git pull --all + echo "=============================done==============================" + fi +done diff --git a/general.encrypted b/general.encrypted new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2639685 Binary files /dev/null and b/general.encrypted differ diff --git a/hosts b/hosts index 9e6c67a..5f5539f 100644 --- a/hosts +++ b/hosts @@ -1,27 +1,37 @@ localhost +<<<<<<< HEAD + cfo_plista + cfo_plista.cybafelo.local + +# Gamewheel dev endpoints + tj-3d-editor.cybafelo.local + tj-api-v1.cybafelo.local + tj-preview.cybafelo.local + +======= cybafelo cybafelo.cybafelo.local # Gamewheel dev endpoints - 3d-editor.cybafelo.local - 3d-editor-debug.cybafelo.local - 3d-editor-v2.cybafelo.local - 3d-editor-v2-debug.cybafelo.local - 3d-editor-v3.cybafelo.local - 3d-editor-v3-debug.cybafelo.local - 3d-pong.cybafelo.local - 3d-pong-debug.cybafelo.local - 3d-racing.cybafelo.local - 3d-racing-debug.cybafelo.local - api-v1.6.cybafelo.local - api-v1.6-debug.cybafelo.local - api-v2.cybafelo.local - api-v2-debug.cybafelo.local - api-v3.cybafelo.local - api-v3-debug.cybafelo.local - tools.cybafelo.local - tools-debug.cybafelo.local - + tj-3d-editor.cybafelo.local + tj-3d-pong.cybafelo.local + tj-3doo.cybafelo.local + tj-3d-racing.cybafelo.local + tj-api-v1.cybafelo.local + tj-tools.cybafelo.local + tj-gate.cybafelo.local + tj-content.cybafelo.local + tj-asset.cybafelo.local + tj-port.cybafelo.local + tj-app.cybafelo.local + tj-api.cybafelo.local + tj-cdn.cybafelo.local + tj-mail.cybafelo.local + tj-cron.cybafelo.local + tj-preview.cybafelo.local + tj-release.cybafelo.local + tj-weltmeister.cybafelo.local +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback diff --git a/model.js b/model.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eef2b11 --- /dev/null +++ b/model.js @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +var config = { + model: { + connection: { + // + // default model connection + default : 'connect/connect.mongoose.general', + ticket : 'connect/connect.memcached', + gamestate : 'connect/connect.memcached', + job : 'connect/connect.memory', + // event : 'connect/connect.mongoose.statistics', + content_state : 'connect/connect.mongoose.statistics' + }, + schema: { + // + // default schema + default : 'connect/schema.mongoose', + ticket : 'connect/schema.memcached', + gamestate : 'connect/schema.memcached', + job : 'connect/schema.memory' + } + } +}; + + +if (!!module) { module.exports = exports = config; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nginx/conf.d/ports.conf b/nginx/conf.d/ports.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..352a9dd --- /dev/null +++ b/nginx/conf.d/ports.conf @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +upstream 3d-pong { + server; +} + +upstream 3d-racing { + server; +} + +upstream mail { + server; +} + +upstream 3d-editor { + server; +} + +upstream api-v1 { + server; +} + +upstream tools { + server; +} + +upstream app { + server; +} + +upstream api { + server; +} + +upstream port { + server; +} + +upstream gamestate { + server; +} + +upstream gate { + server; +} + +upstream content { + server; +} + +upstream asset { + server; +} + +upstream cron { + server; +} + +upstream php { + server; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nginx/nginx.conf b/nginx/nginx.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e48cd8d --- /dev/null +++ b/nginx/nginx.conf @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +user www-data; +worker_processes 4; +pid /run/nginx.pid; + +events { + worker_connections 768; + # multi_accept on; +} + +http { + + ## + # Basic Settings + ## + + sendfile on; + tcp_nopush on; + tcp_nodelay on; + keepalive_timeout 65; + types_hash_max_size 2048; + # server_tokens off; + + # server_names_hash_bucket_size 64; + # server_name_in_redirect off; + + include /etc/nginx/mime.types; + default_type application/octet-stream; + + client_max_body_size 1024M; + + ## + # Logging Settings + ## + log_format custom_access '$request_method ($status) : $host$request_uri'; + access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log custom_access; + + error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; + + ## + # Timeout Settings + ## + + fastcgi_read_timeout 6000; + proxy_read_timeout 6000; + + ## + # Gzip Settings + ## + + gzip on; + gzip_disable "msie6"; + + gzip_vary on; + gzip_proxied any; + gzip_comp_level 2; + gzip_buffers 16 8k; + gzip_http_version 1.1; + gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript; + + ## + # nginx-naxsi config + ## + # Uncomment it if you installed nginx-naxsi + ## + + #include /etc/nginx/naxsi_core.rules; + + ## + # nginx-passenger config + ## + # Uncomment it if you installed nginx-passenger + ## + + #passenger_root /usr; + #passenger_ruby /usr/bin/ruby; + + ## + # Virtual Host Configs + ## + + include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; + include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; +} + + +#mail { +# # See sample authentication script at: +# # http://wiki.nginx.org/ImapAuthenticateWithApachePhpScript +# +# # auth_http localhost/auth.php; +# # pop3_capabilities "TOP" "USER"; +# # imap_capabilities "IMAP4rev1" "UIDPLUS"; +# +# server { +# listen localhost:110; +# protocol pop3; +# proxy on; +# } +# +# server { +# listen localhost:143; +# protocol imap; +# proxy on; +# } +#} diff --git a/nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf b/nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c155d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +server { + listen 80 default_server; + listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; + + server_name ~^(?.*?)-(?.*?)\.(?.*); + + root /usr/share/cybafelo/$app; + + location ~ \.php$ { + + if ($request_method = OPTIONS) { + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Authorization, Content-Type, x-authorization"; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true; + return 200; + } + + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true; + + fastcgi_pass php; + fastcgi_index index.php; + fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; + fastcgi_param SCRIPT_URL $request_uri; + fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $http_host; + include fastcgi_params; + } + + location = / { + if ($request_method = OPTIONS) { + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Authorization, Content-Type, x-authorization"; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true; + return 200; + } + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true; + try_files /index.html @node; + } + + location ~ { + if ($request_method = OPTIONS) { + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Authorization, Content-Type, x-authorization"; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true; + return 200; + } + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin; + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true; + add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"; + try_files $uri dist/$uri @node; + } + + location @node { + + add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true; + + # WebSocket support + proxy_http_version 1.1; + proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; + proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; + + # Normal parameters + proxy_pass_request_headers on; + proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; + proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true; + + # Set Environment, App, and Domain + proxy_set_header X-Gamewheel-Env $environment; + proxy_set_header X-Gamewheel-App $app; + proxy_set_header X-Gamewheel-Host $host_domain; + + # Pass Everything to our app + proxy_pass http://$app; + proxy_ssl_session_reuse off; + proxy_set_header Host $http_host; + proxy_redirect off; + } +} diff --git a/nginx/sites-available/default.dpkg-dist b/nginx/sites-available/default.dpkg-dist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c841ceb --- /dev/null +++ b/nginx/sites-available/default.dpkg-dist @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +## +# You should look at the following URL's in order to grasp a solid understanding +# of Nginx configuration files in order to fully unleash the power of Nginx. +# https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/ +# https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/tutorials/config_pitfalls/ +# https://wiki.debian.org/Nginx/DirectoryStructure +# +# In most cases, administrators will remove this file from sites-enabled/ and +# leave it as reference inside of sites-available where it will continue to be +# updated by the nginx packaging team. +# +# This file will automatically load configuration files provided by other +# applications, such as Drupal or Wordpress. These applications will be made +# available underneath a path with that package name, such as /drupal8. +# +# Please see /usr/share/doc/nginx-doc/examples/ for more detailed examples. +## + +# Default server configuration +# +server { + listen 80 default_server; + listen [::]:80 default_server; + + # SSL configuration + # + # listen 443 ssl default_server; + # listen [::]:443 ssl default_server; + # + # Note: You should disable gzip for SSL traffic. + # See: https://bugs.debian.org/773332 + # + # Read up on ssl_ciphers to ensure a secure configuration. + # See: https://bugs.debian.org/765782 + # + # Self signed certs generated by the ssl-cert package + # Don't use them in a production server! + # + # include snippets/snakeoil.conf; + + root /var/www/html; + + # Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP + index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html; + + server_name _; + + location / { + # First attempt to serve request as file, then + # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404. + try_files $uri $uri/ =404; + } + + # pass PHP scripts to FastCGI server + # + #location ~ \.php$ { + # include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf; + # + # # With php-fpm (or other unix sockets): + # fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock; + # # With php-cgi (or other tcp sockets): + # fastcgi_pass; + #} + + # deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root + # concurs with nginx's one + # + #location ~ /\.ht { + # deny all; + #} +} + + +# Virtual Host configuration for example.com +# +# You can move that to a different file under sites-available/ and symlink that +# to sites-enabled/ to enable it. +# +#server { +# listen 80; +# listen [::]:80; +# +# server_name example.com; +# +# root /var/www/example.com; +# index index.html; +# +# location / { +# try_files $uri $uri/ =404; +# } +#} diff --git a/nginx/ssl/gamewheel.com.crt b/nginx/ssl/gamewheel.com.crt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bde9194 --- /dev/null +++ b/nginx/ssl/gamewheel.com.crt @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIFVDCCBDygAwIBAgIQIsyWkQe0NoNQqLjtNcpgbjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCB +kDELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxGzAZBgNVBAgTEkdyZWF0ZXIgTWFuY2hlc3RlcjEQMA4G +A1UEBxMHU2FsZm9yZDEaMBgGA1UEChMRQ09NT0RPIENBIExpbWl0ZWQxNjA0BgNV +BAMTLUNPTU9ETyBSU0EgRG9tYWluIFZhbGlkYXRpb24gU2VjdXJlIFNlcnZlciBD +QTAeFw0xNjEwMjAwMDAwMDBaFw0xODEwMjEyMzU5NTlaMFwxITAfBgNVBAsTGERv +bWFpbiBDb250cm9sIFZhbGlkYXRlZDEdMBsGA1UECxMUUG9zaXRpdmVTU0wgV2ls +ZGNhcmQxGDAWBgNVBAMMDyouZ2FtZXdoZWVsLmNvbTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEB +BQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMTjZQBWf5uyidrbWAujcAymY7144oxklA6D+0lREUph +BVwME5973AI+Fqr6sJAXzycz0oN3WyIarywDLJnxyyiqt4kmAM7nSr9KE0BpJjj5 +ajyySIABrX7SGAGGHo8R5O46MAc9hotmXwy1CCt9Vt224QN/Upv/PJ/13Av+rsA2 +NPQfnhv/jVt/823ta3ImVLnGMigJM+BKHWmcawu8m/qqX46RiSQaXB9o9r5PtldC +kZHM0VkoyJfvmkCwQ9Zc7Qo3etrPDtuUu4WQycw1DjQ2Ihx5IxiE4wHDUbrzW/4j +k+BTVodRIArh5g8R1WhZmRpSdX9Pk6/qymQEvg2r8ecCAwEAAaOCAdswggHXMB8G +A1UdIwQYMBaAFJCvajqUWgvYkOoSVnPfQ7Q6KNrnMB0GA1UdDgQWBBRh3vjVLvyl +QstTxMMuObTylE+RiTAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCBaAwDAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADAdBgNV +HSUEFjAUBggrBgEFBQcDAQYIKwYBBQUHAwIwTwYDVR0gBEgwRjA6BgsrBgEEAbIx +AQICBzArMCkGCCsGAQUFBwIBFh1odHRwczovL3NlY3VyZS5jb21vZG8uY29tL0NQ +UzAIBgZngQwBAgEwVAYDVR0fBE0wSzBJoEegRYZDaHR0cDovL2NybC5jb21vZG9j +YS5jb20vQ09NT0RPUlNBRG9tYWluVmFsaWRhdGlvblNlY3VyZVNlcnZlckNBLmNy +bDCBhQYIKwYBBQUHAQEEeTB3ME8GCCsGAQUFBzAChkNodHRwOi8vY3J0LmNvbW9k +b2NhLmNvbS9DT01PRE9SU0FEb21haW5WYWxpZGF0aW9uU2VjdXJlU2VydmVyQ0Eu +Y3J0MCQGCCsGAQUFBzABhhhodHRwOi8vb2NzcC5jb21vZG9jYS5jb20wKQYDVR0R +BCIwIIIPKi5nYW1ld2hlZWwuY29tgg1nYW1ld2hlZWwuY29tMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB +CwUAA4IBAQBh7DIM8ZBIhYURjVwW5xBN+ciKogK/o7uM/Dix5+LvbMoIZs704ir5 +wAfZXLAayU3uKNg9ZJmkyI32mGnwlt61Z8pzoK2AvqcFR8t68We2B3ic0dOupfbI +4Z8Ll9gcqEsmMrGuo7XWQtEVSUg1S6rQAhe0G424KAB4OlGohRDkffmhSp6R5NrW +qbZlXRXnQeUoa2WF5C8ElplETv6M2QSYXfup0hMU2tY76Pg7ymphm2OliXTdUNIl +G+DCal3CEjuCwoubPY/EuXKJ5PN5563qHz1xOSKzCcOQlO8Tngs2MSfiMouPIgD/ +bKUlWoJv8UkIybOiMITe1zxHnV3Klzvd +-----END CERTIFICATE----- +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIGCDCCA/CgAwIBAgIQKy5u6tl1NmwUim7bo3yMBzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADCB +hTELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxGzAZBgNVBAgTEkdyZWF0ZXIgTWFuY2hlc3RlcjEQMA4G +A1UEBxMHU2FsZm9yZDEaMBgGA1UEChMRQ09NT0RPIENBIExpbWl0ZWQxKzApBgNV +BAMTIkNPTU9ETyBSU0EgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkwHhcNMTQwMjEy +MDAwMDAwWhcNMjkwMjExMjM1OTU5WjCBkDELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxGzAZBgNVBAgT +EkdyZWF0ZXIgTWFuY2hlc3RlcjEQMA4GA1UEBxMHU2FsZm9yZDEaMBgGA1UEChMR +Q09NT0RPIENBIExpbWl0ZWQxNjA0BgNVBAMTLUNPTU9ETyBSU0EgRG9tYWluIFZh +bGlkYXRpb24gU2VjdXJlIFNlcnZlciBDQTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEP +ADCCAQoCggEBAI7CAhnhoFmk6zg1jSz9AdDTScBkxwtiBUUWOqigwAwCfx3M28Sh +bXcDow+G+eMGnD4LgYqbSRutA776S9uMIO3Vzl5ljj4Nr0zCsLdFXlIvNN5IJGS0 +Qa4Al/e+Z96e0HqnU4A7fK31llVvl0cKfIWLIpeNs4TgllfQcBhglo/uLQeTnaG6 +ytHNe+nEKpooIZFNb5JPJaXyejXdJtxGpdCsWTWM/06RQ1A/WZMebFEh7lgUq/51 +UHg+TLAchhP6a5i84DuUHoVS3AOTJBhuyydRReZw3iVDpA3hSqXttn7IzW3uLh0n +c13cRTCAquOyQQuvvUSH2rnlG51/ruWFgqUCAwEAAaOCAWUwggFhMB8GA1UdIwQY +MBaAFLuvfgI9+qbxPISOre44mOzZMjLUMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSQr2o6lFoL2JDqElZz +30O0Oija5zAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAYYwEgYDVR0TAQH/BAgwBgEB/wIBADAdBgNV +HSUEFjAUBggrBgEFBQcDAQYIKwYBBQUHAwIwGwYDVR0gBBQwEjAGBgRVHSAAMAgG +BmeBDAECATBMBgNVHR8ERTBDMEGgP6A9hjtodHRwOi8vY3JsLmNvbW9kb2NhLmNv +bS9DT01PRE9SU0FDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uQXV0aG9yaXR5LmNybDBxBggrBgEFBQcB +AQRlMGMwOwYIKwYBBQUHMAKGL2h0dHA6Ly9jcnQuY29tb2RvY2EuY29tL0NPTU9E +T1JTQUFkZFRydXN0Q0EuY3J0MCQGCCsGAQUFBzABhhhodHRwOi8vb2NzcC5jb21v +ZG9jYS5jb20wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQADggIBAE4rdk+SHGI2ibp3wScF9BzWRJ2p +mj6q1WZmAT7qSeaiNbz69t2Vjpk1mA42GHWx3d1Qcnyu3HeIzg/3kCDKo2cuH1Z/ +e+FE6kKVxF0NAVBGFfKBiVlsit2M8RKhjTpCipj4SzR7JzsItG8kO3KdY3RYPBps +P0/HEZrIqPW1N+8QRcZs2eBelSaz662jue5/DJpmNXMyYE7l3YphLG5SEXdoltMY +dVEVABt0iN3hxzgEQyjpFv3ZBdRdRydg1vs4O2xyopT4Qhrf7W8GjEXCBgCq5Ojc +2bXhc3js9iPc0d1sjhqPpepUfJa3w/5Vjo1JXvxku88+vZbrac2/4EjxYoIQ5QxG +V/Iz2tDIY+3GH5QFlkoakdH368+PUq4NCNk+qKBR6cGHdNXJ93SrLlP7u3r7l+L4 +HyaPs9Kg4DdbKDsx5Q5XLVq4rXmsXiBmGqW5prU5wfWYQ//u+aen/e7KJD2AFsQX +j4rBYKEMrltDR5FL1ZoXX/nUh8HCjLfn4g8wGTeGrODcQgPmlKidrv0PJFGUzpII +0fxQ8ANAe4hZ7Q7drNJ3gjTcBpUC2JD5Leo31Rpg0Gcg19hCC0Wvgmje3WYkN5Ap +lBlGGSW4gNfL1IYoakRwJiNiqZ+Gb7+6kHDSVneFeO/qJakXzlByjAA6quPbYzSf ++AZxAeKCINT+b72x +-----END CERTIFICATE----- +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIFdDCCBFygAwIBAgIQJ2buVutJ846r13Ci/ITeIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADBv +MQswCQYDVQQGEwJTRTEUMBIGA1UEChMLQWRkVHJ1c3QgQUIxJjAkBgNVBAsTHUFk +ZFRydXN0IEV4dGVybmFsIFRUUCBOZXR3b3JrMSIwIAYDVQQDExlBZGRUcnVzdCBF +eHRlcm5hbCBDQSBSb290MB4XDTAwMDUzMDEwNDgzOFoXDTIwMDUzMDEwNDgzOFow +gYUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRswGQYDVQQIExJHcmVhdGVyIE1hbmNoZXN0ZXIxEDAO +BgNVBAcTB1NhbGZvcmQxGjAYBgNVBAoTEUNPTU9ETyBDQSBMaW1pdGVkMSswKQYD +VQQDEyJDT01PRE8gUlNBIENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5MIICIjANBgkq +hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAkehUktIKVrGsDSTdxc9EZ3SZKzejfSNw +AHG8U9/E+ioSj0t/EFa9n3Byt2F/yUsPF6c947AEYe7/EZfH9IY+Cvo+XPmT5jR6 +2RRr55yzhaCCenavcZDX7P0N+pxs+t+wgvQUfvm+xKYvT3+Zf7X8Z0NyvQwA1onr +ayzT7Y+YHBSrfuXjbvzYqOSSJNpDa2K4Vf3qwbxstovzDo2a5JtsaZn4eEgwRdWt +4Q08RWD8MpZRJ7xnw8outmvqRsfHIKCxH2XeSAi6pE6p8oNGN4Tr6MyBSENnTnIq +m1y9TBsoilwie7SrmNnu4FGDwwlGTm0+mfqVF9p8M1dBPI1R7Qu2XK8sYxrfV8g/ +vOldxJuvRZnio1oktLqpVj3Pb6r/SVi+8Kj/9Lit6Tf7urj0Czr56ENCHonYhMsT +8dm74YlguIwoVqwUHZwK53Hrzw7dPamWoUi9PPevtQ0iTMARgexWO/bTouJbt7IE +IlKVgJNp6I5MZfGRAy1wdALqi2cVKWlSArvX31BqVUa/oKMoYX9w0MOiqiwhqkfO +KJwGRXa/ghgntNWutMtQ5mv0TIZxMOmm3xaG4Nj/QN370EKIf6MzOi5cHkERgWPO +GHFrK+ymircxXDpqR+DDeVnWIBqv8mqYqnK8V0rSS527EPywTEHl7R09XiidnMy/ +s1Hap0flhFMCAwEAAaOB9DCB8TAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBStvZh6NLQm9/rEJlTvA73g +JMtUGjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUu69+Aj36pvE8hI6t7jiY7NkyMtQwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQD +AgGGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wEQYDVR0gBAowCDAGBgRVHSAAMEQGA1UdHwQ9 +MDswOaA3oDWGM2h0dHA6Ly9jcmwudXNlcnRydXN0LmNvbS9BZGRUcnVzdEV4dGVy +bmFsQ0FSb290LmNybDA1BggrBgEFBQcBAQQpMCcwJQYIKwYBBQUHMAGGGWh0dHA6 +Ly9vY3NwLnVzZXJ0cnVzdC5jb20wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQADggEBAGS/g/FfmoXQ +zbihKVcN6Fr30ek+8nYEbvFScLsePP9NDXRqzIGCJdPDoCpdTPW6i6FtxFQJdcfj +Jw5dhHk3QBN39bSsHNA7qxcS1u80GH4r6XnTq1dFDK8o+tDb5VCViLvfhVdpfZLY +Uspzgb8c8+a4bmYRBbMelC1/kZWSWfFMzqORcUx8Rww7Cxn2obFshj5cqsQugsv5 +B5a6SE2Q8pTIqXOi6wZ7I53eovNNVZ96YUWYGGjHXkBrI/V5eu+MtWuLt29G9Hvx +PUsE2JOAWVrgQSQdso8VYFhH2+9uRv0V9dlfmrPb2LjkQLPNlzmuhbsdjrzch5vR +pu/xO28QOG8= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIENjCCAx6gAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBvMQswCQYDVQQGEwJTRTEU +MBIGA1UEChMLQWRkVHJ1c3QgQUIxJjAkBgNVBAsTHUFkZFRydXN0IEV4dGVybmFs +IFRUUCBOZXR3b3JrMSIwIAYDVQQDExlBZGRUcnVzdCBFeHRlcm5hbCBDQSBSb290 +MB4XDTAwMDUzMDEwNDgzOFoXDTIwMDUzMDEwNDgzOFowbzELMAkGA1UEBhMCU0Ux +FDASBgNVBAoTC0FkZFRydXN0IEFCMSYwJAYDVQQLEx1BZGRUcnVzdCBFeHRlcm5h +bCBUVFAgTmV0d29yazEiMCAGA1UEAxMZQWRkVHJ1c3QgRXh0ZXJuYWwgQ0EgUm9v +dDCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALf3GjPm8gAELTngTlvt +H7xsD821+iO2zt6bETOXpClMfZOfvUq8k+0DGuOPz+VtUFrWlymUWoCwSXrbLpX9 +uMq/NzgtHj6RQa1wVsfwTz/oMp50ysiQVOnGXw94nZpAPA6sYapeFI+eh6FqUNzX +mk6vBbOmcZSccbNQYArHE504B4YCqOmoaSYYkKtMsE8jqzpPhNjfzp/haW+710LX +a0Tkx63ubUFfclpxCDezeWWkWaCUN/cALw3CknLa0Dhy2xSoRcRdKn23tNbE7qzN +E0S3ySvdQwAl+mG5aWpYIxG3pzOPVnVZ9c0p10a3CitlttNCbxWyuHv77+ldU9U0 +WicCAwEAAaOB3DCB2TAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUrb2YejS0Jvf6xCZU7wO94CTLVBowCwYD +VR0PBAQDAgEGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wgZkGA1UdIwSBkTCBjoAUrb2YejS0 +Jvf6xCZU7wO94CTLVBqhc6RxMG8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlNFMRQwEgYDVQQKEwtBZGRU +cnVzdCBBQjEmMCQGA1UECxMdQWRkVHJ1c3QgRXh0ZXJuYWwgVFRQIE5ldHdvcmsx +IjAgBgNVBAMTGUFkZFRydXN0IEV4dGVybmFsIENBIFJvb3SCAQEwDQYJKoZIhvcN +AQEFBQADggEBALCb4IUlwtYj4g+WBpKdQZic2YR5gdkeWxQHIzZlj7DYd7usQWxH +YINRsPkyPef89iYTx4AWpb9a/IfPeHmJIZriTAcKhjW88t5RxNKWt9x+Tu5w/Rw5 +6wwCURQtjr0W4MHfRnXnJK3s9EK0hZNwEGe6nQY1ShjTK3rMUUKhemPR5ruhxSvC +Nr4TDea9Y355e6cJDUCrat2PisP29owaQgVR1EX1n6diIWgVIEM8med8vSTYqZEX +c4g/VhsxOBi0cQ+azcgOno4uG+GMmIPLHzHxREzGBHNJdmAPx/i9F4BrLunMTA5a +mnkPIAou1Z5jJh5VkpTYghdae9C8x49OhgQ= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/nginx/ssl/gamewheel.com.key b/nginx/ssl/gamewheel.com.key new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1ca884 --- /dev/null +++ b/nginx/ssl/gamewheel.com.key @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- +MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQDE42UAVn+bsona +21gLo3AMpmO9eOKMZJQOg/tJURFKYQVcDBOfe9wCPhaq+rCQF88nM9KDd1siGq8s +AyyZ8csoqreJJgDO50q/ShNAaSY4+Wo8skiAAa1+0hgBhh6PEeTuOjAHPYaLZl8M +tQgrfVbdtuEDf1Kb/zyf9dwL/q7ANjT0H54b/41bf/Nt7WtyJlS5xjIoCTPgSh1p +nGsLvJv6ql+OkYkkGlwfaPa+T7ZXQpGRzNFZKMiX75pAsEPWXO0KN3razw7blLuF +kMnMNQ40NiIceSMYhOMBw1G681v+I5PgU1aHUSAK4eYPEdVoWZkaUnV/T5Ov6spk +BL4Nq/HnAgMBAAECggEBAKmQlZnW5Qu4ldUw9wD+/y9F1byGccYrkP93V2FrOhLu +v+joVbYSvAYKZwdV494VQ0kl7nVew9P5W0fya+UhQrCBZpPtcODAfbWFHFNqu4px +87bWbG4iA8OnORmG4qag6KLq5hY2PLutrMqK1sBtr/Q+3kdezkyfYxz4Z0zFSMcr +4uDEvwjCzpzkLCdk9L0uftwrTgtdJUuNJ9X3YMr9Sb27G+bMpVdrqSVHREafXwNH +sFfxMM6Nm7pTtHN3+dDqBcMGlRD2rnQiK3YyXvPJc5RPeQ1GEhlkqyfOT6CS6MQp +9gZ9wWC26vKOT2AWjkvFxx6/roiqFKjiimM8z+2SSBECgYEA+//9tAa/Qjk2verC +ouuVZZ/Fx2HuBmFdI5WZteW0tqb/jG3xcIblXPdXlgM+x0r44/r1hMMqThdKtxvt +0GEIN9BReZ1iCfIhkkdLil6NBgONjiWE7ZcjMSqgNfOt1xwjqwEKtBYoSD0yqEye +iMKevNFc18FtBmFv1XJ9loDMv6UCgYEAyAN0njHxuuugyYxXmpHtRShXsNGvTKAN +SAtnO1st0cYNUCONi3cKKN74RUgW7Ca8hZ0lzGavgLwZhaG5KlAOzT36nUSFTjsw +KaGzij0BYLC7GGbTHrGQjegvOKFL/WhjFbo/LH7Ry/VyfchfzbPjy4cqn2++CxDt +JiyYNAMv9ZsCgYBeqfR5K0uvqeR5hXXmU89EZLecRZpvxSWC15DtdsPjFWrMKwTW +u6XvvW6miMONhAlpQv32CIac3T0Q+ink7H500Qm6QLfyeoXH+IZVDV22k6Eac9ey +lOMAdj3G5qo4M3bmpzaJHgW11V9xP48SWuHcll1lI2E8U1/6c87fubSwjQKBgCRu +RLJ/xFjYjDvJvTchN0dudrJ1LunVCTZDJXVxQSJBYbFkGGb7srUJD82GuO4gjBwG +KJlXZsYa/McTUue7F0cY7+nvThyWuUoL8ujN/c8/wYRLTk775qmCTf+RmYa5mbqe +Zt1S6CGvPkBc295a0rYCk6fgsYvQdHGMk9h9cCHbAoGAIJaceplG99r1R2gA1PH0 +EccY0SJpEYnpjgRTTSnQZq4Z00jd17bsxN/4iKCvPK4JXje4MnJix6NAHbUMT0Pg +kg0aqEy4qS17dsuFAKMCWWfGkNtKV8cfAjtHTNDUNL+ZriUXcDWYKcUMWDJCuQao +xibQQXt204Ba4Ti834RKQso= +-----END PRIVATE KEY----- diff --git a/nginx/ssl/ssl.conf b/nginx/ssl/ssl.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3eaaa6c --- /dev/null +++ b/nginx/ssl/ssl.conf @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + ssl_certificate ssl/cybafelo.local.crt; + ssl_certificate_key ssl/cybafelo.local.key; + ssl_session_timeout 5m; + ## Don't use SSL v3 because of POODLE vulnerability + # ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; + ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; + ssl_ciphers "HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5 or HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!3DES"; + ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; diff --git a/progress-dot-on.png b/progress-dot-on.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf6958a Binary files /dev/null and b/progress-dot-on.png differ diff --git a/progress-dot-on16.png b/progress-dot-on16.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a81a56 Binary files /dev/null and b/progress-dot-on16.png differ diff --git a/secure.js b/secure.js index 1d4c43f..116d52c 100644 --- a/secure.js +++ b/secure.js @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ var secure = { debug: true, ignoreTLS: true }, +<<<<<<< HEAD mongodb: { host: 'mongodb://', db: 'cybafelo', @@ -116,6 +117,10 @@ var secure = { ignoreTLS: true }, sessionKey: 'iJswK29klj20Jos02mJK8ud9239j23' +======= + sessionKey: 'iJswK29klj20Jos02mJK8ud9239j23', + customCodePath: '/usr/share/cybafelo/custom-code' +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 }, tools: { port: 3109, @@ -146,30 +151,16 @@ var secure = { port: 3111, debugPort: 3211, liveReloadPort: 3411, - mongodb: { - host: 'mongodb://', - db: 'apidev', - port: 27017, - shardPort: 27018, - options: { - db: { - native_parser: true - }, - server: { - poolSize: 5, - keepAlive: 120 - }, - user: '', - pass: '', - autoIndex: false - } - }, uploadPath : 'uploads', // mailer: { // host: "smtp.office365.com", // port: 587, // auth: { +<<<<<<< HEAD // user: "admin@cybafelo.com", +======= + // user: "admin@cybafelo.local", +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 // pass: "Toypro42!" // }, // secureConnection: false, @@ -178,19 +169,25 @@ var secure = { // rejectUnauthorized: false // }, // emails: { +<<<<<<< HEAD // founder: "evgeni@cybafelo.com", // support: "support@cybafelo.com" +======= + // founder: "evgeni@cybafelo.local", + // support: "support@cybafelo.local" +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 // } // }, mailer: { host: 'localhost', - port: 9025, + port: 25, secure: false, debug: true, ignoreTLS: true }, sessionKey: 'iJswK29klj20Jos02mJK8ud9239j23' }, +<<<<<<< HEAD api_runtime: { port: 3112, debugPort: 3212, @@ -229,6 +226,8 @@ var secure = { db: 'statistic' } }, +======= +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 port: { port: 3114, debugPort: 3214 @@ -236,6 +235,88 @@ var secure = { gate: { port: 3115, debugPort: 3215 + }, + cron: { + port: 3116, + debugPort: 3216, + apiUser : 'tj@cybafelo.local', + apiPassword : 'test12345' + }, + db : { + mongo : { + analytics : { + host: 'mongodb://', + db: 'analyticsDev', + port: 27017, + shardPort: 27018, + options: { + db: { + native_parser: true + }, + server: { + poolSize: 5, + keepAlive: 120 + }, + user: '', + pass: '', + autoIndex: false + } + }, + statistics : { + host: 'mongodb://', + db: 'statistic' + }, + general : { + host: 'mongodb://', + db: 'releaseTJ', + port: 27017, + shardPort: 27018, + options: { + db: { + native_parser: true + }, + server: { + poolSize: 5, + keepAlive: 120 + }, + user: '', + pass: '', + autoIndex: false + } + }, + original : { + host: 'mongodb://', + db: 'cybafelo', + port: 27017, + shardPort: 27018, + options: { + db: { + native_parser: true + }, + server: { + poolSize: 5, + keepAlive: 120 + }, + user: '', + pass: '', + autoIndex: false + } + } + }, + mysql : { + statistics : { + host : '', + user : 'root', + password : '', + database : 'gw_core' + } + }, + memcached : { + statistics : { + host : '', + port : 11211 + } + } } }; diff --git a/start b/start index a09f6a7..ebc9dd9 100755 --- a/start +++ b/start @@ -1,8 +1,18 @@ #!/bin/bash cd /usr/share/cybafelo +<<<<<<< HEAD ./start_editor_v1 ./start_editor_v2 ./start_editor_v3 ./start_pong ./start_racing ./start_tools +======= +#./start_editor +./start_api-v1.6 +#./start_app +#./start_gate +#./start_port +#./start_mail +#./start_cron +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 diff --git a/start_api b/start_api new file mode 100755 index 0000000..3d2376f --- /dev/null +++ b/start_api @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/api +pm2 start bin/start --node-args="--inspect=3211" --name api \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/start_api-v1.6 b/start_api-v1.6 new file mode 100755 index 0000000..cdec065 --- /dev/null +++ b/start_api-v1.6 @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1 +pm2 start bin/start --node-args="--debug=3204" --name "api-v1.6" diff --git a/start_app b/start_app new file mode 100755 index 0000000..107f1db --- /dev/null +++ b/start_app @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/app +pm2 start bin/start --node-args="--inspect=3210" --name app \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/start_cron b/start_cron new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5a95d1f --- /dev/null +++ b/start_cron @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash +cd /usr/share/gamewheel/cron +pm2 start bin/start --node-args="--inspect=3216" --name cron \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/start_editor b/start_editor new file mode 100755 index 0000000..17a492b --- /dev/null +++ b/start_editor @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/3d-editor +pm2 start server.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --inspect=3203" --name 3d-editor diff --git a/start_gate b/start_gate new file mode 100755 index 0000000..fb8dd00 --- /dev/null +++ b/start_gate @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/gate +pm2 start bin/start --node-args="--inspect=3215" --name gate \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/start_mail b/start_mail new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e0557e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/start_mail @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/gate +pm2 start capto -- run diff --git a/start_pong b/start_pong index 4b1f678..f731ba0 100755 --- a/start_pong +++ b/start_pong @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ #!/bin/bash +<<<<<<< HEAD cd /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1.6 pm2 start bin/start --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --debug=3204" --name api-v1.6 cd /usr/share/cybafelo/3d-pong -pm2 start server.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --debug=3201" --name 3d-pong \ No newline at end of file +pm2 start server.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --debug=3201" --name 3d-pong +======= +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1 +pm2 start bin/start --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --inspect=3204" --name api-v1 +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/3d-pong +pm2 start server.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --inspect=3201" --name 3d-pong +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 diff --git a/start_port b/start_port new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c8afdf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/start_port @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash +cd /usr/share/cybafelo/port +pm2 start bin/start --node-args="--inspect=3214" --name port \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/start_racing b/start_racing index 482bf9c..4d8f69f 100755 --- a/start_racing +++ b/start_racing @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ #!/usr/bin/env bash #cd /usr/share/cybafelo/3d-racing-server -#pm2 start app.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --debug=3202" --name 3d-racing-server \ No newline at end of file +<<<<<<< HEAD +#pm2 start app.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --debug=3202" --name 3d-racing-server +======= +#pm2 start app.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --inspect=3202" --name 3d-racing-server +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 diff --git a/start_tools b/start_tools index 09c4301..14c6e41 100755 --- a/start_tools +++ b/start_tools @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ #!/usr/bin/env bash cd /usr/share/cybafelo/tools -pm2 start server.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --debug=3209" --name tools \ No newline at end of file +<<<<<<< HEAD +pm2 start server.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --debug=3209" --name tools +======= +pm2 start server.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=16000 --inspect=3209" --name tools +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 diff --git a/status_all b/status_all new file mode 100755 index 0000000..27cd162 --- /dev/null +++ b/status_all @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#!/bin/bash + + +#for package in $() +for dir in /usr/share/cybafelo/*/ +do + dir_short_name=${dir%*/} + dir_short_name=${dir_short_name##*/} + + if [ -d "$dir/.git" ]; then + cd $dir + echo `echo "$dir_short_name: " && git fetch && git status | grep "\(clean\|Untracked files\|Changes not staged\|ahead.*commit\|behind.*commit\)" | sed "s/^.*\(clean\|Untracked files\|Changes not staged\|ahead.*commit\|behind.*commit\).*/\l\1 |/" | grep --color=always "\(changes not staged\|ahead.*commit\|clean\|untracked files\|behind.*commit\)"` + fi +done diff --git a/track_all b/track_all new file mode 100755 index 0000000..21e16bf --- /dev/null +++ b/track_all @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#for package in $() +for dir in /usr/share/cybafelo/*/ +do + dir_short_name=${dir%*/} + dir_short_name=${dir_short_name##*/} + + if [ -d "$dir/.git" ]; then + echo "===========================starting============================ $dir_short_name" + cd $dir + git branch -r | grep -v '\->' | while read remote; do git branch --track "${remote#origin/}" "$remote"; done + echo "=============================done==============================" + fi +done diff --git a/ubuntu-logo.png b/ubuntu-logo.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d78016 Binary files /dev/null and b/ubuntu-logo.png differ diff --git a/ubuntu-logo.xcf b/ubuntu-logo.xcf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b1560b Binary files /dev/null and b/ubuntu-logo.xcf differ diff --git a/ubuntu-logo16.png b/ubuntu-logo16.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c23601 Binary files /dev/null and b/ubuntu-logo16.png differ diff --git a/update_all b/update_all new file mode 100755 index 0000000..825dcc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/update_all @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#for package in $() +for dir in /usr/share/cybafelo/*/ +do + dir_short_name=${dir%*/} + dir_short_name=${dir_short_name##*/} + + if [ -d "$dir/.git" ]; then + echo "===========================starting============================ $dir_short_name" + cd $dir + git branch + git pull + echo "=============================done==============================" + fi +done diff --git a/vimrc.local b/vimrc.local index ac434c9..6c51051 100644 --- a/vimrc.local +++ b/vimrc.local @@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ set statusline="%f%m%r%h%w [%Y] [0x%02.2B]%< %F%=%4v,%4l %3p%% of %L" set number set nowrap +<<<<<<< HEAD set history=1000000 +======= +>>>>>>> 56f9a0e9c814bc05cdd17da606e11bf3f3485499 com! FormatJSON %!python -m json.tool nmap dd\|i=join([" -- Theunis J. Botha ", strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")], "") imap dd\|i=join([" -- Theunis J. Botha ", strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")], "")