var clients = { '3d-pong' : { title : "Gamewheel Multiplayer VR Pong", ogUrl : "http://3d-pong.gamewheel.local", ogType : "website", ogTitle : "Gamewheel Multiplayer VR Pong", ogDescription : "Games is our game", ogImage : "http://3d-pong.gamewheel.local/pong_image.png", ctaUrl : "https://www.gamewheel.local", account : 'root', subAccount : 'root', nameOfTheGame : 'pong', messageItemStart : 'VR Pong - Invite your friends to play!', messageItemEnd :[ 'Challenge your friends :)' ] }, '3doo' : { title : "3doo - VR Pong", ogUrl : "http://3doo.gamewheel.local", ogType : "website", ogTitle : "3doo – VR App", ogDescription : "Spiele PONG in 3d und VR mit 3doo", ogImage : "http://3doo.gamewheel.local/pong_image.png", ctaUrl : "", account : '3doo', subAccount : 'root', nameOfTheGame : 'pong', messageItemStart : '3doo VR Pong - Invite your friends to play!', messageItemEnd : [ 'Please install our
3doo Movie Player App
using the following link
to watch your free movie', 'Want more?
Download our
3doo Movie Player App.', 'Want even more fun?
Invite your friends
AND BEAT \'EM!', 'Like to win?
Challenge more friends
AND BEAT \'EM!' ] } }; module.exports = clients;