git diff grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel\/" * -R grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel\/" * -R --exclude=bash_history grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel\/" * -lR --exclude=bash_history | xargs sed -i "s/\/usr\/share\/gamewheel/\/home\/gamewheel\/app/" git diff git commit -am "beta config" git pushg git push git push -u origin gw-beta cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd .. cd / g ls ls -l ./update_all cd api ls git diff cd .. cd controller/ ls git diff git commit -am "mail controller" git push git pull gitp ush git push cd .. ls cd api git reset --hard HEAD git pull git commit -am "start mail signup" git push r cd app/ l cd api git dif cd .. cd app/ ls git diff gulp build bower install gulp build ssh gw-beta r list sudo service nginx restart r list r d start s ssh gw-bet ssh gw-beta exit g cd controller/ ls git commit -am "reset and changed mail" git push exit c cd controller/ git commit -am "fixes" git push cd .. cd ap cd api git diff git commit -am "sign up mail" git push r exit ping ssh gw-beta ext exit ssh gw-beta exit start s exit l exit list m r m exit cd config/ ls cp inputrc /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ c cd config/ ls vim inputrc git status git add inputrc git commit -am "inputrc" git push cd .. c cd ls rm \.inputrc ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/inputrc \.inputrc ls exit start s cd ~/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ ls vim settings.js ssh gw-beta mong mongo ssh gw-beta exit ifconfig exit ping ping ping exit mongo ssh gw-beta c cd app cd test/ mkdir specs ls cd specs/ ls cd .. node test.js cd test ls cd specs/ ls vim test_app.js ls cd .. cd 3d-editor ls cd test/ ls cd integration/ ls vim test-3d-editor.js # ls cd .. ls cd app ls npm install --save-dev assert npm install --save-dev rmdir node test.js exit cd /usr/local/bin/ ls sudo mv chromedriver chromedriver.bak cp ~/Downloads/chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip . sudo cp ~/Downloads/chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip . sudo unzip chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip ls -l sudo rm chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip ls chromedriver npm install -g v8debug v8debug npm remove -g v8debug sudo npm install -g v8debug v8debug cd /usr/local/bin/ ls which v8debug node -v c cd app/ npm update rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd port/ ls cd bin git diff ls vim start cd .. cd api ls rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd gate rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd port/ rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd cdn/ ls cd .. ls cd config/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd connect/ ls rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd controller/ ls rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. ls cd helper/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd model rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd port/ ls rm -rf node_modules npm install r sudo npm remove -f pm2 sudo npm install pm2 r sudo npm remove pm2 sudo npm install -g pm2 pm2 pm2 --version r d pm2 update d s cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd conf.d l cd /etc/nginx/conf.d ls vim ports.conf xc c cd app l m l cd ls ls -l | grep node cd .npm ls cd .. mv \.npm \.npm.bak cd c ./start_api npm install npm which npm cd .. cd /usr/bin ls | grep npm cd ../lib ls ls | grep node cd no cd node_modules/ l cd - ls cd npm ls cd bin/ ls npm cd .. cd local/bin/ ls which npm npm cd rm -f node-v4.4.2.bak rm -rf node-v4.4.2.bak sudo rm -rf node-v4.4.2.bak sudo rm \.npm sudo rm -rf \.npm sudo apt-get remove nodejs sudo npm sudo apt-get remove npm sudo apt-get autoremove node sudo apt-get remove node grep "node" * -R ls cd /usr/local/bin l ls cd vim bash_a c cd config/ vim bash_aliases :q exit sudo npm remove -g capto sudo npm install -g capto capto run cd node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ ls mv settings.js.example settings.js sudo mv settings.js.example settings.js r cd ls c cd config/ ls vim start_mail sudo npm remove -g capto captoinfo sudo npm install -g capto capto run npm --help npm config npm config lsit npm config list npm config ls -l ls -l cd ls which node node -v ls -l cd node-v4.4.2/ ls tree . cd .. mv node-v4.4.2 node-v4.4.2.bak capto run npm node --help ls ls grep "node" ls | grep "node" grep "node-v4.4.2" * -R cd /etc/ grep "node-v4.4.2" * -R node npm echo $(NPM_HOME) npmrc ls cd vim .npmrc cd /usr/local/ ls cd lib/ ls cd .. ls cd .. cd lib ls find . -name "node_modules" cd .. find . -name "node_modules" cd local/ find . -name "node_modules" ls -l cd bin/ ls sudo apt-get install npm ls npm ls cd .. ls cd lib/ ls rm node_modules sudo rm node_modules sudo apt-get install --update npm sudo apt-get install --upgrade npm npm cd .. cd bin ls rm bower sudo rm bower sudo rm browserify sudo rm capto sudo rm cloc sudo rm grunt sudo rm gulp sudo rm hs sudo rm http-server sudo rm n sudo rm node* ;s ls rm npm sudo rm npm sudo rm pm2 sudo rm pm2-* sudo rm rundev sudo rm selenium-standalone sudo rm start-selenium sudo rm tsc sudo rm tsserver sudo rm typings sudo rm weinre ls ln -s sudo apt-get remove npm node sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get install npm npm node pm2 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install pm2 npm install pm2 sudo npm install -g pm2 cd Dow cd cd Downloads/ ls tar -xf node-v6.10.1-linux-x64.tar.xz cd node-v6.10.1-linux-x64/ ls vim ls cd bin/ ls no ./node cd .. ls curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install nodejs npm npm -v node -v npm install -g pm2 sudo npm install -g pm2 ls -l r ls -l d s r cd config/ ls vim start_mail cd .. npm install -g capto sud onpm install -g capto sudo npm install -g capto capto run cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ ls sudo mv settings.js.example settings.js capto run cd .. ls cd .. ls npm install sudo npm install capto run cd .. ls sudo npm install -g coffee-script capto run r ls -l cd app/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd api rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. ls cd cdn/ ls cd .. cd config/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd connect/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd controller/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd gamewheel ls npm install cd .. ls cd gate/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd helper rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd model rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd port rm -rf node_modules/ npm install r ls -l ./start_app ls vim start_api grep "debug=" * -R grep "debug=" * grep "debug=" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/debug=/inspect=/" grep "debug=" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/debug\=/inspect\=/" grep "debug=" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/debug\\=/inspect\\=/" ls vim start_ap vim start_api ls m ./start_ap ./start_api cd ls cd .npm l cd cd .npm ls cd .. node -v which node cd /usr/bin/ ls | grep node cd .. cd lib ls | grep node cd node_modules/ ls cd npm/ ls cd .. ls which node cd /usr/bin/ ls cd .. cd local/ cd lib/ ls cd node_modules/ ls l exit node npm ls -l ls | grep npm rm .npmrc rm .npm.bak/ rm .npm.bak rm -rf .npm.bak ls | grep npm ls | grep node rm -rf \.node-gyp sudo rm -rf .node-gyp sudo rm -rf .node_repl_history ls ls -l | grep pm2 rm -rf \.pm2 ls -l ls | grep pm2 ls | grep node ls | grep npm ls -l sudo apt-get install nodejs node -v sudo apt-get install npm sudo apt-get install --fix-missing sudo apt-get remove nodejs sudo apt-get remove node curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo apt-get install -y build-essential sudo apt-get install npm sudo apt-get update curl --silent --location | bash - curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo apt-get remove nodejs sudo apt-get install nodejs node -v sudo apt-get install npm sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list ls cd /etc/ap cd /etc/apt ls cd sources.list.d/ ls vim nodesource.list npm -v sudo npm install npm -g ls -l cd c cd api rm -rf node_modules npm install ls cd .. ./start_api r cd .. cd gamewheel/ cd app/ ls cd .. cd app/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. ./start_app ls cd config/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd connect rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd controller/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd gamewheel rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd gate/ rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cdcd .. cd .. cd helper/ rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd model rm -rf node_modules/ np npm install cd .. cd port/ rm -rf node_modules/ npm install npm install -g capto sudo npm install -g capto capto run sudo npm install -g coffee-script capto run exit gedit r ls cd app ls ./node_modules/.bin/wdio config wdio wdio.conf.js ./node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js git status cd test/reports/ ls git status cd .. git commit -am "integration tests for app" git push git checkout develop git merge feature/integration_tests git push git pull git push cd .. cd api git diff git checkout develop git diff git branch feature/password_mails git checkout feature/password_mails git push -u origin feature/password_mails git commit -am "routes" git push git checkout develop git pull git checkout feature/password_mails cd .. cd controller/ git pull exit c cd app ls git diff git pull git branch feature/forgot_link git checkout feature/forgot_link cd .. cd api git pull git branch feature/forgot_link git checkout feature/forgot_link git push -u origin feature/forgot_link cd .. cd app git push -u origin feature/forgot_link git branch -a git checkout develop git branch feature/integration_tests git checkout feature/integration_tests git diff git push -u origin feature/integration_tests cd .. ls cd 3d-editor ls cd test/ ls cd .. ls cd app ls mkdir test ls nom install --save wdio npm install --save wdio ./node_modules/.bin/wdio --help ls cd node_modules/ ls cd wdio/ ls ls -l node wdio.js node wdio.js --help vim example.js cd .. npm remove --save wdio npm install --save-dev webdriverio ./node_modules/.bin/wdio --help sudo npm install -g vvo/selenium-standalone selenium-standalone selenium-standalone start selenium-standalone install sudo selenium-standalone install sudo selenium-standalone start selenium-standalone start sudo npm install -g vvo/selenium-standalone selenium-standalone start exit selenium-standalone start cd /usr/lib/node_modules/selenium-standalone/ ls ls -l selenium-standalone install sudo selenium-standalone install selenium-standalone start exit selenium-standalone start cd /usr/local/bin/ ls ./chromedriver exit m exit sudo npm cache clean -f sudo npm install -g n sudo n stable node -v exit sudo npm install -g v8-debug v8debug v8-debug exit s r which capto cd /usr/local/bin/ ls cd capto cd ../lib/node_modules/capto/ ls vim package.json npm install --save coffee-script sudo npm install --save coffee-script capto run npm remove --save coffee-script sudo npm remove --save coffee-script capto run ls -l cd .. ls cd coffee-script/ ls cd bin/ ls ./coffee ls cd .. ls cd .. ls npm remove -g coffee-script sudo npm remove -g coffee-script sudo npm install -g coffee-script@1.6.3 capto run sudo npm remove -f coffee-script sudo npm remove -f coffee-script@1.6.3 ls -l cd capto/ sudo npm install --save coffee-script@1.6.3 sudo npm install --save connect capto run r cd app git pull r ls vim start_api r d s r cd controller/ ls git diff git commit -am "reset link things" git pull git mergetool r 0~ ./update_all r exit selenium-standalone start exit logs exit c cd api touch t git status rm t vim ls vim reports.sql git diff exit c ./update_all cd gate/ git pull cd .. cd model/ git pull r exit r cd controller/ git pull git mergetool git status git diff git status vim user.js git reset --hard HEAD git pull git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflict" git push find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls r sudo service nginx restart r sudo service nginx restart r cd 3d-editor cd src/ grep "normalRender" * -R exit gedit exit vim .my.cnf mysql sudo service nginx restart c cd config/ git diff git commit -am "serve index.html" git push git diff exit c ls cd 3d- cd 3d-editor cd .. cd game-lib git diff git branch -a git pull git checkout v2_v3_stable cd .. cd blender-node git branch - git branch -a git checkout v2_v3_stable rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd 3d-editor git diff git commit -am "fix" git push rm -rf node_modules/ npm install gulp build sudo npm install -g gulp gulp build cd .. cd game-lib rm -rf node_modules/ npm install gulp build ls cd node_modules/ ls cd c-preprocessor/ ls cd lib/ ls cd .. ls cd bin/ ls cd .. ls cd .. npm install cd node_modules/gulp-c-preprocessor/ ls cd node_modules/ ls cd readable-stream/ ls cd .. ls cd through2/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd .. gulp build exit s cd api vim ~/.bashrc cd cc c ./start_editor l logs exit 3 c cd 3d-editor gulp exir exit c cd game-lib cd src/ grep "ifdef" * -R gulp build gulp exit cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls vim gamewheel.conf c cd 3d-editor ls rm game-lib-runtime.js ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js ls -l git status git add game-lib.js git commit -am "there can be only one game-lib" git push r sudo service nginx restart exit c ls cd api-v1/ git branch -a git checkout v2_v3_stable rm -rf node_modules/ npm install ls -l cd .. ls cd config/ ls cp start_api start_api-v1 sudo vim start_api-v1 cd .. ls ln -s config/start_api-v1 ls -l vim start vim start_editor ./start_editor l r l logs cd api-v1/ ls grep "api_v2 grep "api_v2" * -R grep "api_v3" * -R ls -l r cd api-v1/ grep "blender-node" * -R r d ./start_editor cd api-v1/ grep "api_v3" *-R grep "blender-node" * -R grep "game-lib" * -R cd .. ls cd api-v1/ ls git diff git commit -am "fix paths" git push exit r exit c cd game-lib gulp exit c cd 3d-editor gulp exit nginx --version nginx -version nginx -v sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nginx cd /etc/nginx/ ls vim nginx.conf exit c cd config/ ls cat secure.js sudo service nginx restart tail -f /var/log/syslog tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.lof tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log l logs tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log exit mysql exit sudo service nginx restart sudo poweroff editor ls vim .bash_aliases c ls vim start_editor mv api-v1.6 api-v1 ls -l grep "api-v1.6" * -R cd api-v1/ ls grep "api-v1.6" * -R rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. grep "api-v1.6" * -R grep "api-v1.6" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/api-v1.6/api-v1/g" sudo service nginx restart exit ssh gw-beta ls cd config/ ls vim nginx.conf cd nginx ls git diff cd c cd config/ ls cd nginx/ ls cd .. git diff git commit -am "api v1 config" git push git status cd nginx/sites-available/ git add default.dpkg-dist git commit -am "default nginx config" git push ls git checkout gw-beta git pull ls cd .. ls cd sites-available/ ls vim gamewheel.conf git checkout tj-dev git show gw-beta -- gamewheel.conf git show gw-beta:gamewheel.conf git show gw-beta:./gamewheel.conf git show gw-beta:./gamewheel.conf > gamewheel.conf.beta git checkout gw-beta git status rm gamewheel.conf.beta git show tj-dev:./gamewheel.conf git show tj-dev:./gamewheel.conf > meld gamewheel.conf git diff git commit -am "options support" git push git status rm ls git checkout tj-dev ls cd .. ls cd .. ls exit ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-beta ssh gw-beta exit exit c cd config/ git diff grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel" * -R grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel" * -lR --exclude=bash_history | xargs sed -i "s/\/usr\/share\/gamewheel/\/home\/gamewheel\/app/g" git diff git commit -am "gw-new new config" git push git push -u origin gw-new git checkout tj-dev ls ls -l exit ssh gw-new exit mongo -v mongo exit ssh gw-new e1 cd blender-node ls rm game-lib-editor.js ls r exit MONGO mongo exit ssh gw-new ssh gw-new ssh gw-new exit list m exit exit c cd config ls cd .. cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd config/ ls git diff git commit -am "new hosts" git push git pull git push git checkout tj-dev git pull exit ssh gw-beta exit mongo man ssh ssh gw-beta exit gl gulp exit ssh gw-beta exit 3d gulp exit ls -l ssh gw-new ls cd config/ c cd config/ ls git diff git commit -am "history" git push git checkout gw-new git status git checkout tj-dev git push -u origin :gw-new git branch -D gw-new git branch gw-new git checkout gw-new git diff exit nslookup dig exit c cd api ls git diff git status git reset --hard HEAD git pull git checkout develop git pull vim package.json git push cd .. cd config/ ls git diff git checkout gw-new ls git checkout gw-new git commit -am "his" git checkout gw-new exit dig -t a exit ssh gw-beta exit ssh gw-beta exit ping exit ssh -R 22233:localhost:27017 gw-new c mkdir ../bak sudo mkdir ../bak cd .. ls ls | grep gam sudo chown tj:www-data bak cd gamewheel/ mv 3d-editor-v2 ../bak mv 3d-editor-v3 ../bak mv 3d_v1 ../bak mv 3d_v2 ../bak mv admin ../bak mv ammo.js ../bak mv api-v2 ../bak mv api-v3 ../bak sudo mv blender-node.js.bak ../bak sudo mv blender-node-v2 ../bak sudo mv blender-node-v3 ../bak sudo mv core ../bak sudo mv c-preprocessor ../bak sudo mv dark-matter ../bak sudo mv dat.gui ../bak sudo mv depot_tools ../bak sudo mv express_prototype ../bak sudo mv fiddle ../bak sudo mv game-lib-d3-api-material.js ../bak/ sudo mv game-lib-v2 ../bak sudo mv game-lib-v3 ../ba sudo mv game-lib-v3 ../bak sudo mv games ../bak sudo mv Games ../bak sudo mv gamewheel-bus ../bak sudo mv ../bak sudo mv .gclient* ../bak sudo mv GW_* ../bak sudo mv gw* ../bak sudo rm -rf .idea/ sudo mv libuv ../bak sudo mv live-debug ../bak sudo mv maths3d.js.bak ../bak sudo rm -rf node_modules sudo mv public ../bak rm sedhvXvup rm sedq0exRP rm selenium-server-standalone-* ls sudo mv tj ../bak sudo mv v8 ../bak sudo mv vr_racing ../bak rm -rf .vscode/ sudo mv woopra ../bak sudo mv www ../bak ./update_all cd content ls cd .. sudo mv content ../bal cd .. sudo mv bal ./bak/content ls g ls r vim start d s r gulp test cd api gulp test git diff ls gulp test git diff git status git commit -am "tj API tests" git push exit ls c ls vim ./update_all ls -l m exit mongo exit r exit r exit r sudo service nginx restart exit ssh gw-new r ssh gw-new c cd config/ git diff git checkout gw-new git commit -am "stuff" git push git checkout gw-new git pull git checkout tj-dev -- build_latest git commit -am "build latest" git push git checkout tj-dev l exit r exit ssh gw-new c ./update_all cd app/ git commit -am "fix" git push r cd app gulp build [12:58:15] gulp-debug: src/app/sections/user/user.route.js r cd controller/ git pull r cd model/ git pull r ./update_all vim update_all ./update_all cp update_all build_latest vim update_all vim build_latest cd 3d-racing npm install gulp-concat gulp build npm install gulp-uglify gulp build npm i -g npm sudo npm i -g npm cd .. ls vim build_latest ./build_latest s ls r vim build_latest ls mv build_latest config/ ln -s config/build_latest cd config/ git add build_latest git status git diff git commit -am "new files" git push git diff ls cd .. cd app ls gulp build cd .. vim build_latest r ./build_latest cd helper/ git diff git commit -am "semicolons" git push git diff git commit -am "more semicolons, type coersion" git push git pull cd .. cd config/ ls vim bash_aliases vim build_latest ./build_latest vim bash_aliases vim build_latest exit r exit ssh gw-new exit c ./build_latest vim build_latest ./build_latest cd app git diff git status # ls git status cd .. ./build_latest ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-new exit c vim build_latest ./build_latest exit c cd config/ git checkout gw-new git status git diff git rm --cached bash_history git status git diff git commit -am "update" git push git checkout gw-new git add bash_history git commit -am "bash_hoist" git push git checkout gw-new git diff git commit -am "release database" git push git checkout tj-dev ssh gw-new exit s m exit ssh gw-new s exit mysql exit 3d gulp cd .. cd cron/ node server.js exit c cd app git status s ls -l git clone cron cd cron/ ls ls -l ls git branch develop git checkout dev git checkout develop ls git push -u origin master git pull git status touch package.json git add package.json git commit -am "initial package.json" git push git branch develop git checkout develop ls npm install node-cron npm install --save cron ls rm package.json npm install --save cron ls cd ap cd .. ls cd api ls cd .. ls cd cron/ ls exit c cd 3d 3d ls git diff git commit -am "more updates - visual" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "child objects don't instantiate parent objects" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "there can be only one game-lib" git push cd .. ls cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "fix config path" git push cd .. ls exit sudo service nginx restart c cd cron npm install --save express r exit mysql c cd 3d-editor/ cd src/ grep "EditorControls" * -R cd .. cd cron cd .. ln -s config/start_cron d s r cd model/ ls git branch feature/cron git pull git checkout feature/cron git merge develop cd .. cd controller/ git branch feature/cron git checkout feature/cron r cd .. cd app/ git pull git diff git reset --hard HEAD git pull r cd c cd cron/ npm install --save body-parser r ]r r git diff git status git add server.js git add service/ git commit -am "cron start" git status vim .gitignore git add .gitignore git commit -am "git ignore" git push -u origin develop r cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "cron model" git push git push -u origin feature/cron cd .. cd controller/ git status git commit -am "cron controller" git push git push -u origin feature/cron cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "cron config" git push cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "whitespace" git push cd .. cd controller/ git diff git commit -am "do something" git push exit m exit gl gulp sudo service nginx restart tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log exit r c cd controller/ git diff git commit -am "cron cleanup" git push git checkout develop git merge feature/cron git push git pull git push cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "cron model" git push git checkout develop git merge feature/cron git push cd .. cd api git push git checkout develop git merge feature/cron git push git pull git push git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git status git push find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls cd .. ls cd app/ git diff git pull git reset --hard HEAD git pull git status cd .. ls cd config/ git diff git commit -am "cron config" git push cd .. ls cd controller/ cd .. ls cd cron/ git diff git push exit m exit s exit r mongo r d s r cd app gulp build git pull gulp build git pull r cd .. cd api git branch feature/cron git checkout feature/cron git commit -am "move cron to API" r npm install --save cron r d s sudo service nginx restart cd app git pull git diff git status git reset views/index.ejs git status cd .. cd cron/ git diff git commit -am "start cron jobs" git push git diff git commit -am "reload and start jobs if needed" git diff git commit -am "stop jobs if needed, basic error handling" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "cron config" git push d s cd cron ls npm install --save cron ls ls -l npm install --save cron cd .. cd cron npm install --save cron npm install cron npm install --save cron git commit -am "gw_cron package.json" git push r cd .. cd api git diff git commit -am "cron api" git push git push -u origin feature/cron cd .. ls r d s r st ls ./start_cron st r cd cron git diff git commit -am "loading jobs - catching bad cron configs" git push m exit ls -l sudo rm .bash_history rm .bash_history ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/bash_history .bash_history ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/inputrc \.inputrc ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/bash_aliases \.bash_aliases ls exit c cd config/ c cd config/ ls c cd ls cd config/ ls cd Desktop/ ls cp general.encrypted /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ c cd config/ git add general.encrypted git commit -am "general encrypted" git config --global "" git config --global "-= general c cd cd Desktop/ ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/general cd /usr/share/plymouth/ ls cd themes/ ls dc ubuntu- cd ubuntu-logo/ ls ls -l rm ubuntu-logo.png sudo rm ubuntu-logo sudo rm ubuntu-logo.p sudo rm ubuntu-logo.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo.png sudo rm progress-dot-on.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on.png ls -l cd .. ls cd .. ls sudo rm ubuntu-logo.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo.png ls -l exit cd /var/lib/plymouth/ ls cd .. ls find . -name "ubuntu*.png"! find . -name "ubuntu*.png" sudop find . -name "ubuntu*.png" sudo find . -name "ubuntu*.png" ls -l cd /lib ls sudo su exit ccsm git clone cd config/ ls cd .. rm .bashrc cd .. cd /usr/share/ mkdir cybafelo sudo mkdir cybafelo sudo chown tj:www-data cybafelo/ sudo chown tj:www-data cybafelo -R sudo chmod g+s cybafelo -R cd cybafelo/ ls touch t ls ls -l rm r rm t git clone config cd config/ git checkout tj-dev ls git branch cybafelo git checkout cybafelo grep "gamewheel" * -R grep "gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history grep "gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history -lR | xargs sed -i "s/gamewheel/cybafelo" grep "gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history -lR | xargs sed -i "s/gamewheel/cybafelo/" ls cd /etc/ sudo mv hosts hosts.bak sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/hosts cd sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/bashrc \.bashrc ccsm ssh-keygen -t rsa b 4096 -C "" ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" ls cd .ssh/ ls cat cd Downloads/ mkdir ll cd ll mv ../Leisure\ Suit\ Larry\ 1\ -\ in\ the\ Land\ of\ the\ Lounge\ . ls unzip Leisure\ Suit\ Larry\ 1\ -\ in\ the\ Land\ of\ the\ Lounge\ ls -l mv Leisure\ Suit\ Larry\ 1.1987 ll mv ll ll1 mv ll1 .. cd .. dosbox --help cd .. cd .dosbox/ ls vim dosbox-0.74.conf sudo apt-get install vim vim dosbox-0.74.conf exit dosbox sudo apt-get install dosbox dosbox dosbox exit cd .dosbox/ vim dosbox-0.74.conf exit killall dosbox sudo service lightdm restart sudo apt-get install gnome-panel ccsm c ls git clone controller git clone services git clone model git clone cron git clone app git clone api git clone port git clone blender-files git clone 3d-racing-server git clone 3d-racing c git clone gate git clone api_v1 git clone game-liv git clone game-lib rm -rf game-liv git clone 3d-editor git clone helper git clone gamewheel git clone cdn git clone 3d-pong git clone git clone tools ls cd config/ git pull git fetch git checkout tj-dev -- status_all git checkout tj-dev git pull git checkout cybafelo git checkout tj-dev -- status_all git checkout tj-dev -- update_all git commit -am "status" git checkout tj-dev model.js git checkout tj-dev -- start_cron ls git status git commit -am "start scripts" git status cd .. ln -s config/update_all ln -s config/status_all ls ./status_all vim status_all vim update_all ./status_all vim update_all vim track_all ls sudo mv track_all config/ mv track_all config/ cd config/ chmod +x track_all cd .. ln -s config/track_all ./track_all cd game-lib/ git branch cd .. ls cp track_all dump ls vim dump mv dump config/ ln -s config/dump cd config/ git status git add dump track_all git commit -am "dump and track all" git push cd .. ./dump vim dup vim dump ./dump cd game-lib/ git branch git checkout v2_v3_stable git pull cd .. ls sudo service lightdm restart cd config/ git diff openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted cd Desktop/ openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted openssl aes-256-cbc general > general.encrypted openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted ls cd .. cd c cd config/ ls openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git commit -am "pateron" git push git config --global push.default simple git push git diff git status git add progress-dot-on.png git add ubuntu-logo.png vim .gitignore git add .gitignore git commit -am "git ignore" git push git pull ccsm exit ccsm exit sudo initctl lis sudo initctl list sudo --service version sudo initctl --service version sudo initctl --system version exit initctl initctl --help initctl --system version cd / grep "initctl.*system.*version" * -R exit ccsm sudo systemctl stop prefdm.service upstart --user --startup-event indicator-services-start ps -A vim ~/.bash_aliases exit ps -A vim ~/.bash_aliases exit ps -A ps -A | grep steam killall steam killall steamwebhelper ps -A | grep steam kill -9 3849 kill -9 3847 steam exit dmesh dmesg c ls cd con cd config/ ls git diff git status ls -l cd .. ls -l cd .. cd themes/ ls cd De cd Default/ ls cd .. ls cd .. find . -name "ubuntu-logo.png" cd plymouth/ ls cd /usr/share/backgrounds/ ls gimp warty-final-ubuntu.png sudo gimp warty-final-ubuntu.png cd Downloads/ tar -xf blender-2.78c-linux-glibc219-x86_64.tar.bz2 cd blender-2.78c-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ls ./blender c ls vim dump ./dump exit tail -f /var/log/syslog dd if=/dev/sdd of=/dev/sdc sudo dd if=/dev/sdd of=/dev/sdc du df df -h c ./dump exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-171.4249.40/ ls cd bin/ ls ./ c cd config/ git checkout tj-dev git checkout tj-dev -- config.js vim config.js sudo vim hosts ls vim hosts ls cd nginx/ ls cd sites-available/ ls mv gamewheel.conf cybafelo.conf vim cybafelo.conf cd /etc/ng sudo apt-get install nginx cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-available/ ls cd .. sudo mv sites-available sites-available.bak sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/nginx/sites-available/ ls cd sites-available ls vim cybafelo.conf cd .. cd sites-available vim cybafelo.conf cd .. ls cd sites-enabled/ ls rm default sudo rm default sudo ln -s ../sites-available/cybafelo.conf sudo service nginx restart exit sudo apt-get install mongodb cd c cd config/ ls git diff git diff tj-dev git diff tj-dev 'exclude:bash_history' git diff . tj-dev 'exclude:bash_history' git diff tj-dev -- 'exclude:bash_history' git diff -- tj-dev 'exclude:bash_history' git diff -- tj-dev ':(exclude)bash_history' git diff tj-dev ':(exclude)bash_history' git diff tj-dev '!bash_history' git diff tj-dev !(bash_history) git diff tj-dev '!bash_history' git diff tj-dev !(bash_history) git checkout tj-dev -- start_api-v1.6 vim start_api-v1.6 git status git commit -am "cybafeloi update" gi tpuyhsg git push cd .. ls ls -l pm2 sudo npm - sudo npm i -g pm2 cd con cd config/ git diff ls cd .. ./build_latest sudo npm install -g gulp top c cd config/ git checkout tj-dev -- secure.js vim secure.js ls -l vim secure.js git status git commit -am "temp ocmmit" git push git add nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf git commit -am "cybafelo .c" git push git checkout tj-dev git pull cd .. cd config/ git checkout cybafelo git checkout tj-dev -- config.js vim config.js git diff git checkout tj-dev -- model.js git checkout tj-dev -- nginx/sites-available/gamewheel.conf git diff tj-dev -- nginx/sites-available/gamewheel.conf git diff nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf tj-dev -- nginx/sites-available/gamewheel.conf ls cd nginx/ cd sites-available/ ls vim gamewheel.conf ls vim cybafelo.conf vimdiff cybafelo.conf gamewheel.conf mv gamewheel.conf cybafelo.conf vim cybafelo.conf s cd config/ git checkout tj-dev -- secure.js vim secure.js npm install npm@latest -f npm install npm@latest -g sudo npm install npm@latest -g npm install -g gulp c ./dump cd config/ ls vim ./build_latest cd .. ln -s config/build_latest ./build_latest cp ~/config/checkout_all ./config/ cd config/ git add checkout_all git status git add cybafelo.blend git commit -am "checkout all" git pull git push la -l ./checkout_all v2_v3_stable xs .. cd .. ln -s config/checkout_all vim checkout_all ./checkout_all v2_v3_stable ./build_latest ./checkout_all devq ./checkout_all develop ./checkout_all v2_v3_stable ./build_latest sudo apt-get install npm sudo npm install -g gulp ./build_latest npm update xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set "underscan hborder" 30 --set "underscan vborder" 18 sudo xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set "underscan hborder" 30 --set "underscan vborder" 18 gulp sudo apt-get install node sudo apt-get install nodejs node curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install nodejs npm npm install -g gulp sudo vim /etc/hosts exit c cd 3d-editor/ git diff git commit -am "single objects only - order is important" git push git pull cd .. cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "by me" git push cd ,, cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "only one" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "config update" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "no graphics for something" git push cd .. cd app/ git pull exit npm install -g bower sudo npm install -g bower sudo npm install -g pm2 ls c ./build_latest cd blender-node/ git diff git branch git branch -a git checkout v3 npm install git checkout v2 git merge v3 git checkout v3 lsa sl ls rm game-lib-editor.js ls -l git checkout develop git pull git diff v3 git checkout stable git diff v3 git checkout v3 git diff stable git branch -a git status ls rm game-lib-editor.js cd src/ ls cd .. ls vim server.js npm install cd .. ls s ls cd config/ ls cd .. ln -s config/start ln -s config/start_api ln -s config/start_api-v1.6 ln -s config/start_app ln -s config/start_cron ln -s config/start_editor ln -s config/start_gate ln -s config/start_mail ln -s config/start_po rm start_po ln -s config/start_pong ln -s config/start_port ln -s config/start_racing ln -s config/start_tools ln -s config/stop ln -s config/delete ln -s config/dump ln -s config/logs ln -s config/restart ln -s config/track_all ln -s config/update_all ln -s config/checkout_all ln -s config/build_latest ls -l s d ./start_api git clone service cd service npm install git checkout develop npm install ls -l cd .. ./start_ap ./start_api ./start_api-v1.6 mv api_v1 api-v1 ./start_api-v1.6 ls ./start_editor vim start_editor ./delete ./start_api-v1.6 cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls sudo service nginx restart ps -A | grep ng cd /etc/nginx/ ls vim nginx.conf c cd config/ ls cd nginx/ ls cd conf.d/ ls cd .. cd /etc/ cd nginx/ ls mv nginx.conf nginx.conf.bak sudo mv nginx.conf nginx.conf.bak sudo ln -s ~? ls rm ~/ rm ~? sudo rm ~? ls sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/nginx/nginx.conf cd conf.d/ ls cd .. sudo rmdir conf.d/ sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/nginx/conf.d/ ls -l sudo service nginx restart ps -A | grep ng ping tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log cd conf.d ls vim ports.conf sudo apt-get install php-fpm cd /etc/php/7.0/ ls cd fpm/ ls vim php-fpm.conf ls cd conf.d/ ls cd .. cd pool.d/ ls vim www.conf sudo vim www.conf su sudo service php7.0-fpm restart sudo service nginx restart tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log ls cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd conf.d ls vim ports.conf c cd 3d-editor/ ls gulp build ls npm install cd .. ./build_latest cd app l ls vim bower.json ls re r c cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "new.*GameLib.DomEl" * -R cd .. cd 3d-editor/src/ grep "new.*GameLib.DomEl" * -R c cd config/ ls git checkout tj-dev -- status_all git add status_all vim status_all cd .. ln -s config/status_all ./status_all exit c sudo vim ./start_editor vim start_editor ./start_editor c npm install -g gulp auso npm install -g gulp sudo npm install -g gulp m c cd app bower install npm install gulp build bower install ls gulp build cd .. cd game-lib/ gulp 3d gulp ccsm c g gl vim config/bash_aliases gl exit c cd 3d-editor/ git diff git commit -am "single objects please" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "smart object creation - image factory override" git push cd .. cd api-v1/ git diff git status cd uploads/cybafelo/ ls cd root/root/test/l cd root/root/test/ ls exit m exit a c vim ./start s ls vim ./start s cd blender-node/ git remote -v git remote add cybafelo git remote -v git pull cybafelo git checkout v2_v3_stable npm install r cd .. ./status_all cd config/ git diff c cd config/ git diff git commit -am "history" git push gl gulp 3d gulp 3d git commit -am "ok - so loading ok again - now will get rid of editor and games as concrete objects - they become entities" git push gl git commit -am "ok - so loading ok again - now will get rid of editor and games as concrete objects - they become entities" git push cd .. cd 3d-editor/ cd src/ grep "divCanvasEditor" * -R grep "divEditorCanvas" * -R exit s 3d git diff git commit -am "input controls again" git push gl git diff git commit -am "input controls again" git push exit cd Downloads/ mkdir duke cd duke mv ../Duke\ Nukem\ 3D\ \(1996\)\(3D\ Realms\).zip . unzip Duke\ Nukem\ 3D\ \(1996\)\(3D\ Realms\).zip ls cd ten/ ls cd .. ls dosbox exit , m exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp exti exit c gl git status exit c ./status_all exit 3d git diff git commit -am "input system awesome - ecs really taking off" git push exit gl git diff git commit -am "awesome input system and editor controls component" git push exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "h4 - images to textures streamlined" git push exit gl gulp exit s m exit c ./status_all exit 3d cd src/ cd index.html/ ls grep "h3" * -R grep "h3 " * -R grep "h3 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/h3 /h2 /" grep "\/h3 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h3 /\/h2 /" grep "/h3 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h3 /\/h2 /" grep "h3" * -R grep "\/h3" * -R grep "\/h3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h3/\/h2/" grep "\/h2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h2/\/h4/" grep "h2 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/h2 /h4 /" grep "h4 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/h4 /h3 /" grep "\/h4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h4/\/h3/" grep "h3 " * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/h3 /h4 /" grep "\/h3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/h3/\/h4/" r 3d cd src/ grep "createUploadButton" * -R r grep "loadImage" * -R cd .. cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "loadImage" * -R git diff git commit -am "remove parent entities from linked objects" git push cd .. ls cd . cd .. cd 3d-editor/ git diff git commit -am "so sweet texture editing..." git push 3d gulp s m gl gulp c cd 3d-editor/ cd src/ grep "getComponent" * -R cd .. cd // gl grep "getComponent" * -R cd src/ grep "getComponent" * -R grep "\bgetComponent\b" * -R grep "\bgetComponent\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\bgetComponent\b/getComponents/g" git diff exit 3d git diff git commit -am "upload path" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git branch -a git diff git diff facebook a s pm2 m ex gl git diff git commit -am "helper functinon c 3d gulp gl gulp gnome-calculator 3d git diff git commit -am "gui style updates" git push gl git diff git commit -am "toApiObject" git push exit 3d git diff git commit -am "stats and GUI" git push cd .. gl git diff git commit -am "stats and gui components" git push cd src/ grep "toApi" * -R grep "toApi(\w*)" * -R grep "toApi\(\w*\)" * -R grep "toApi\(\w*\)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/toApi\(\w*\)" grep "toApi\(\w*\)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/toApi\(\w*\)/toApiObject/g" git diff grep "build" * -R grep "\bbuild\b" * -R grep "\bbuild\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\bbuild\b/built/g" exit s m exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp exit c cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "image mesages" git status vim .gitignore git commit -am "ign" git push cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "code instp" git push cd .. exit 3d npm remove --save dat.gui npm install --save dat.gui sudo npm i -g npm git diff git commit -am "style updates - migrating to gamelib gui" git push cd .. gl git diff git commit -am "migrating gui to gamelib" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "upload path histroty" git push ls cd .. ;ls ./status_all s d , m exit s m gl git pull git checkout v2_v3_broken git checkout v2_v3_stable git diff v2_v3_broken git checkout v2_v3_broken -- src/game-lib-gui.js git diff git status git diff HEAD gulp build git commit -am "gui updates" git push gulp 3d git pull git diff v2_v3_broken git checkout v2_v3_broken git diff v2_v3_broken git checkout v2_v3_stable git diff v2_v3_broken git checkout v2_v3_broken -- src/editor.js/editor-gui.js git diff HEAD gulp build git commit -am "gui updates" git push gulp gedit exit c cd 3d-editor/ git diff git commit -am "systems up" git push gl git diff git commit -am "GUI system" git push cd src/ grep ".*loadImage" * -TR grep ".*loadImage" * -R e git diff git commit -am "some gui stuff" git push 3d git diff git commit -am "some gui stuff" git push exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp exit s m exit s 3d gulp 3d git diff git commit -am "textures reload after load" git push gl git diff git commit -am "texture and number" git push gl gulp c ./update_all s m exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "parent scenes change - helpers are now components - intersects are now per scene / camera and sorted to distance" git push exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "scene change to game lib" git push exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "create generic properties" git push exit gl cd src/ grep "buildIdToObject" grep "buildIdToObject" * -R exit gl gulp git diff git commit "some gui checks" git commit -am "some gui checks" git push 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "entity manager takes care of parent entity change" git push exit gl gulp git diff guop gulp git diff git commit -am "multiple viewports (finally) - start with clone" git push exit s m exit ps -A top ps -A | grep ry ps -A | grep r killall rhythmbox rhythmbox ping gw-new sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 0C49F3730359A14518585931BC711F9BA15703C6 c cd controller/ mongo -eval mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js , mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js , mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js exit c cd controller/ mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js cd controller/ mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js clear c cd controller/ mongo --eval "var instanceId = [3284]" queries/crispy.js git diff git commit -am "query for max score" git push exit echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] xenial/mongodb-org/3.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.4.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mongodb-org sudo apt-get autoremove c ./update_all exit mongo sudo service mongodb restart cd /etc/ vim mongodb.conf ls -l vim mongod.conf mongo mongod sudo mongod cd /dat vim mongodb.conf sudo vim mongod.conf sudo service mongod start mongo sudo apt-get remove mongodb ls cd conf cd default/ ls mongo mongo --help mongo --host mongo --host mongo --host ssh gw-new mongo exit ssh gw-new mongo exot exit cd /etc/sysctl.d/ ls sudo vim 20-idea.conf sudo sysctl -p --system exit 3d gulp git pull systemctl enable mongod.service sudo service mongod start mongo gulp cd .. 3d gulp git pull gulp git diff git commit -am "image loading for additional textures too" git push exit c ./update_all mongo vim /etc/ls vim /etc/ exit s m exit r exit c cd api-v1/ git diff git status exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "textures working nice" git push cd .. ./status_all git clone cd dark-matter/ git branch -a git checkout unstable exit c 3d grep "addMesh" * -R cd src/ grep "addMesh" * -R grep "removeMesh" * -R cd .. gl grep "addMesh" * -R cd src/ grep "addMesh" * -R cd .. cd src/ grep "removeMesh" * -R exit s m exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "light fixes - also parent scenes for lights" git push s st exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "light fixes" git push exit s r exit 3d gulp git diff exit gl gulp git pull git log gulp git diff git commit -am "keydown and up - tex map fixes - delete objects" git push exit m r m exit r exit g c ./update_all sudo apt-get install audacity audacity exit s m exit gl gulp exit gulp 3d gulp exit c ./update_all exit cat .ssh/ exit c cd api-v1/ git remote -v cd .. cd config/ git remote -v cd .. ls cd config/ vim .git/config git pull git push cd .. ls cd blender-files/ vim .git/config git pull cd .. cd api-v1/ vim .git/config git pull git push git status git commit -am "rm blend" git push cd .. cd 3d-editor/ vim .git/config git pull git push cd .. cd blender-node/ vim .git/config git pul git pull git diff git reset --hard HEAD git pull git push cd .. cd game-lib/ vim .git/config git pull git push cat ~/.ssh/ audacity ps -A |grep aud c cd game-lib/ cd src/ git diff git commit -am "more checks" git push exit 3d git pull git remote add gamewheel git pull gamewheel git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable cd .. cd game-lib/ 3d gulp c cd api-v1/ git pull git add remote gamewheel git remote add gamewheel git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable sa s m r c 3d git diff git commit -am "name" git push gl git diff git commit -am "fixes" git push gl git remote add gamewheel git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable gulp 34d 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "no buildidtoobject" git push cd .. gl git diff git commit -am "first loading seems ok" git push exit gl gulp exit c cd 3d-editor/src/ grep "buildIdToObject" * -R gl cd src/ grep "buildIdToObject" * -R grep "LoadIdsFromObjectToIdObject" * -R r s m gl gulp git diff git commit -am "buildIdTOObject slowly" git push oexit exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "re-introduce buildIdToObject slowly" git push exit s m exit c cd blender-node/ git push gamewheel exit 3d git push gamewheel cd .. cd api-v1/ git push gamewheel exit gl git push gamewheel sudo poweroff mongo exit 3d git pull git pull gamewheel cd .. cd game cd game-lib/ git pull gamewheel git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable cd .. cd blender-node/ git pull git log gl gulp git diff git commit -am "wicked systems" git push exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "wicked systems" git push exit s m c 3d cd src/ grep "linkObjects" * -R gl cd src/ grep "linkObjects" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE\bv" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE\b" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.LOADED\b" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.LOAD" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_SUCCESS" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_SUCCESS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/SAVE_SUCCESS/COMPONENT_SAVED/g" git dff git diff grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_SUCCESS" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE\b" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.LOAD" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_FAILURE" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_FAILURE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/SAVE_FAILURE/SAVE_COMPONENT_ERROR/g" grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.LOAD" * -R grep "LOAD_IMAGE" * -R git pull 3d git pull git pull gamewheel git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable git diff git commit -am "component load to lib" git push git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable gl git diff git commit -am "component loading continues" git push git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable git diff eix cd .. 3d git diff git commit -am "start loading components which really work" git diff gl git diff cd .. cd api-v1 git diff cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff exit gl gulp exot exit 3d gulp exit gl cd str cd src/ grep "addComponent" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "addComponent" * -R r grep "addComponent" * -R grep "buildIdToObject" * -R gl grep "GameLib.EntityManager = fu" * -R cd ./ cd .. cd 3d-editor/ vim package.json npm install git status grep "GameLib.EntityManager = fu" * -R cd src/ grep "buildIdToObject" * -R c cd api-v1/ git pull grep "buildIdToObject" * -R c gl git diff git commit -am "constructor fixes - auto add child components" git push c 3d git diff git commit -am "more stuff to gl" git push r mongo r mongo gl git diff git commit -am "canSave deprecated" git push exit c cd api-v1/ git pull git log exit s m exit gl git pull gulp git diff git commit -am "create instances immediately when dependencies are met" git push git push gamewheel git diff exit 3d exit r 3d cd src/ grep "ts=" * -R gl cd src/ grep "ts=" * -R git diff git branch "child_meshes" git checkout child_meshes git commit -am "child meshes?" git push git push -u origin child_meshes git push -u gamewheel child_meshes 3d git pull git mergetool sudo apt-get install meld git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm git status find . -name "*2295.js" | xargs rm git push gulp git diff git commit -am "fix texture loading and image loading" git push git push gamewheel mongo s exit s m exit c cd 3d-ed cd 3d-editor/ npm install --save cannon cd .. 3d cd node_modules/cannon/ ls cd build/ ls vim cannon. vim cannon.js cd .. cd ... cd .. ln -s 3d-editor/node_modules/cannon/ ln -s 3d-editor/node_modules/three/ exit 3d git pull gulp exit gulp gl git pull git checkout v2_v3_stable git pull gulp git diff git commit -am "physics start (again)" git push exit dmesg exit syslinux tail -f /var/log/syslog exit c cd config/ ls c cd cd config/ ls cd Desktop/ openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted cd .. openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted ls cd Desktop/ ls cd .. ls c cd cd Desktop/ ls -l cd /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ git status vim .gitignore openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git status git commit -am "o2" git push cd c 3d ls gl git diff git status exit gedit exit 3d cd src/ git pull 3d git pull gamewheel v2_v3_stable gl gulp git diff git commit -am "physics intro" git push git push gamewheel exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "physics intro" git push git push gamewheel exit s m exit gl g c cd /usr/share/cybafelo/ cd config/ git checkout cybafelo exit ls c ls gl git pull cd .. cd blender-node/ git pull exir exit c cd 3d-editor/ git pull cd .. cd config/ git pull git pull gamewheel git checkout tj-dev git commit -am "stuff" git checkout tj-dev git pull c cd 3d-editor/ git pull cd .. cd api-v1/ git pull cd .. ./update_all exit r exit s exit mongo gl cd src/ grep "IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R ls cd .. cd conf cd config/ git diff git commit -am "stuff" git checkout tj-dev git pull git remote -ve git remote -v git remote add gamewheel git pull gamewheel tj-dev cat nginx/sites-available/gamewheel.conf git checkout cybafelo sudo service nginx restart 3d git pull gulp c cd api-v1/ git pull r cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git pull git remote -v git pull cybafelo git log r cd .. r m sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/cybafelo.conf sudo service nginx restart gl git pull gulp git log git checkout 3d-e cd .. 3d git log gl gulp 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "start move blender node to storage system" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "start move blender node to storage system" git push exit gl gulp git pull git diff gulp git diff git add --patch git commit -m "start move blender load to storage system" e exit g gl cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R r s m sudo apt-get install virtualbox virtualbox c cd config/ openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git commit -am "ss" git push rxit exit sudo fdisk -l exit du df -i df -u df -h exit ls mkdir britta_backup ifconfig exit cd config/ git diff openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted cd Desktop/ openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted ls cd /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ ls openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git diff git commit -am "aa" git push openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git commit -am "aa" git push sudo poweroff sudo apt-get install k3b k3b exit s exit gl m cd Downloads/ sudo dpkg -i iscan-bundle-1.0.4.x64.deb/core/iscan_2.30.3-1_amd64.deb cd iscan-bundle-1.0.4.x64.deb/ ls ./ sudo apt-get -f install ./ sudo apt-get autoremove r exit cd Downloads/ cd blender-2.78c-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ls ./blender cat /tmp/rubix.crash.txt ./blender cd .. ls tar -xf blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64.tar.bz2 blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ tar -xf blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64.tar.bz2 cd blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ls ./blender 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "fucking image loading.... again.." git push git pull git push gl git diff git commit -am "fucking image loading.... again.." git push cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ git diff git remote -v git commit -am "multi material again - threejs is ready" git pushh git push cd .. cd blender-files/ git diff git status git add rubix git diff git status ls ~/.png ls ~/*png mv ~/*png ./rubix/ cd rubix/ ls git add * git status git commit -am "rubix muthaphucka" git push cd .. ls exi erxit exi texit exit gl gulp exit r gl cd src/ grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R 3d cd src/ 3d cd src/ grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R gl cd src/ grep "LOAD_IMAGE" * -R r cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "createTextureUploadForms" * -R grep "createTextureUploadForms" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/createTextureUploadForms/createImageUploadForms/g" grep "textureUploadComplete" * -R grep "textureUploadComplete" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/textureUploadComplete/imageUploadComplete/g" grep "formTextureImport" * -R grep "formTextureImport" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/formTextureImport/formImageImport/g" grep "inputTextureUpload" * -R grep "inputTextureUpload" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputTextureUpload/inputImageUpload/g" grep "textureCallbacks" * -R grep "textureCallbacks" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/textureCallbacks/imageCallbacks/g" r e r grep "divTextures" * -R grep "divTextures" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divTextures/divImages/g" grep "h3Textures" * -R grep "h3Textures" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/h3Textures/h3Images/g" grep "divTextureImages" * -R #grep "divTextureImages" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divTextureImages/divIma grep "divImages" * -R grep "divTextureImages" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divTextureImages/divImages/g" r exit c cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "fucking image loading.... again.." git push git remote -ve git remote -v exit s m ./status_all cd config/ git commit -am "hist" git push exit c cd config/ git diff cd .. cd 3d-racing cd .. cd 3d-racing-server/ git diff git push cd .. ./status_all exit gl gulp 3d gulp s exit ccsm exit s m exit 3d gulp gl gulp npm i -g npm-check-updates sudo npm i -g npm-check-updates gl vim package.json npm update --save exit c ls cd game-lib/ ls cd .. cd 3d-editor/ lss ls vim package.json npm update npm i -g npm sudo npm i -g npm vim package.json npm install --save threejs vim package.json npm update --save ls git add package-lock.json git commit -am "lock" git push exit gl npm update --save cd .. gl cd src/ grep "TEXTURE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R r r# r s m 3d gulp gl gulp tp[ top exit killall chrom killall chrome exit m exit lspci lsvga lspci --hel lspci --v | grep VGA lspci -v | grep VGA exit gl cd src/ grep "MATERIAL_TYPE_CHANGED" * -R 3d npm update --save npm install vim package.json npm update --save npm update dat.gui --save npm remove dat.gui npm install --save dat.gui vim package .j vim package.json # git diff git commit -am "ok - image loading for blender files working again - multi textures enabled" git push cd src/ grep "GameLib.Event.BUILD_GUI" * -R gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.Event.BUILD_GUI" * -R git diff git commit -am "move to faster buffergeometries - blender upload working again - gui starts to support multiple selections again" git push s 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "move more to game-lib - apply rot pos scale" git push git remote -v vim .git/config git push origin git remote remove gamewheel git push git status git push git push origin git push --verbose c cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "multiple materials working again" git push cd .. cd blender-files/ git diff git status git add rubix/black.png git add rubix/rubix.blend git add rubix/rubix.blend1 git commit -am "rubix stuff" git push git remote -v git push git push --verbose v c ls gl gulp ./stat git push git remote -ve git remote -v git remote remove gamewheel git status git diff git push git remote -v git push origin git push --vvvv git push --vv cd .. ./status_all gl git push git -v push git --verbose push git push --verbose git diff git commit -am "affected objects pt. 2" git push exit gl gulp cd src/ grep "GameLib.Utils.Extend" * -R gulp c cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "image fixes" git push git status rn image_cggnz9100s.unknown rm image_cggnz9100s.unknown rm image_lromhdv135.unknown ls cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git push ls exit 3d gulp git diff git status git push exit s m ./status_all exit c cd blender-files/ git push exit ifconfig m exit gl git pull git diff gl gulp exit 3d cd node_modules/dat.gui/ ls cd build/ ls vim dat.gui.js ls vim dat.gui.min.js ls cd .. ls vim package.json npm install 3d gulp exit 3d cd src/ grep "PARENT_SCENE_CHANGE" * -R gl cd src/ grep "PARENT_SCENE_CHANGE" * -R grep "parentScene\s*null" * -R grep "parentScene\s*" * -R grep "parentScene\s*=\s*null" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "parentScene\s*=\s*null" * -R grep "activeCamera" * -R gl cd src/ grep "activeCamera" * -R grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R grep "MESH_DELETED" * -R exit 3d cd src/ cd .. cd node_modules/dat.gui/ ls npm run build webpack sudo apt-get install webpack sudo npm install -g webpack npm run build ls vim package.json npm install cat /home/tj/.npm/_logs/2017-08-24T08_40_02_983Z-debug.log npm install ls -l npm run build cd build/ ls vim dat.gui.js s gl gulp git commit -am "custom components start" git push 3d gulp git commit -am "custom shit !" git push r exit gl git diff git commit -am "storing custom code components and reading them ok" git push cd .. cd api-v1/ git diff git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git push cd .. cd blender-files/ git diff git push exit gl cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R 3d npm remove dat.gui npm install cd node_modules/ ls cd dat.gui/ ls cd .. rm -rf dat.gui cd .. npm install npm update npm update dat.gui cd node_modules/ ls cd .. npm install dat.gui rpm remove dat.gui npm remove dat.gui vim package.json npm update dat.gui npm remove --save dat.gui cd 3rd-party/ ls cp ~/Downloads/dat.gui-0.6.5.tar.gz . tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.5.tar.gz ls cd dat.gui-0.6.5/ ls cd .. ls cp ~/Downloads/dat.gui-0.6.4.tar.gz . cp ~/Downloads/dat.gui-0.6.3.tar.gz . cp ~/Downloads/dat.gui-0.6.2.tar.gz . tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.4.tar.gz tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.3.tar.gz tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.2.tar.gz cp ~/Downloads/dat.gui-0.6.1.tar.gz . tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.1.tar.gz git status git add dat.gui-0.6.* ls git status git add git status cd .. ls git diff git commit -am "scrolling, code mirror stuff" git push exit 3d cd src/ grep "selectEventType" * -R grep "selectEventType" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/selectEventType/selectCustomCodeComponent/g" greo "SelectEventType" * -R gro "SelectEventType" * -R grep "SelectEventType" * -R grep "SelectEventType" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/SelectEventType/SelectCustomCodeComponent/g" # exit gl gulp git diff exit 3d gulp exit ccsm s m exit 3d ls exit s m exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "create textures again" git push exit gl git diff git commit -am "start converting between buffer objects and api objects" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ cd .. ./status_all exit gl cd src/ grep "IMAGE_UPLOAD_COMPLETE" * -R grep "LOAD_IMAGE" * -R exit r exit 3d gulp 3d 3d;gulp exit gl gulp exit s m exit gl cd src grep "TriangleFace" * -R grep "TriangleFace" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TriangleFace/Face/g" 3d cd src/ grep "TriangleFace" * -R c cd blender-node/ grep "TriangleFace" * -R grep "TriangleFace" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TriangleFace/Face/g" ls cd src/ ls grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R cd .. grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R gl cd src/ grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R grep "toApiObject.true" * -R grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R cd .. gl cd src/ grep "faceVertexUvs" * -R exir exit gl gulp 3d gulp r s m s st 3d cd src grep "REGISTER_UPDATE" * -R grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R cd /etc/nginx/ ls vim nginx.conf exit r st s st s st s st r st cd api-v1/ ls npm install --save mongodb vim package.json cp package.json package.json.bak vim package.json ls vim serv vim bin/start cd .. cd api-v1/ ls vim server.js vim index.js ls st s cd api-v1/ ls rm config.js ls r st r st cd api-v1/ npm install --save lodash exit r exit api stop st d c a ls cd api-v1/ ls npm install --save body-parser sudo npm install npm@latest -g npm update npm install --save body-parser npm update npm --help npm update -h npm cache npm cache clean npm cache verify npm cache clean --force npm install body-parser git branch api-fucked-up git checkout api-fucked-up ls npm install express cat /home/tj/.npm/_logs/2017-08-29T09_45_10_790Z-debug.log npm remove -g npm npm npm install express sudo npm remove -g npm npm nodejs nodejs --version sudo apt-get install --reinstall nodejs npm npm i express npm install --save body-parser npm i --save express npm i --save mongodb r s r m r exit c cd api-v1/ npm install --save lodash s st cd api-v1/ npm install --save q st s st npm install --save file-system npm remove --save file-system ls cd api-v1/ npm install --save file-system s st cd api-v1/ npm install --save multer r cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Image" * -R gl grep "new.*Image" * -R cd src/ grep "new.*Image" * -R r e r d s r d s r cd api-v1/ npm install --save stream-buffers r exit mongo gl git diff git commit -am "buffer and normal geometries" git push 3d git diff git commit -am "no game - gui updates" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "Face" git push cd .. ./status_all exit m exit r c gl cd src/ grep "image.*path.*=" * -R exi exit r c exit gl gulp exit s m cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "migrate to gridfs" git push git push -u origin api-fucked-up git status exit 3d gulp exit mongo s m gedit 3d cd src/ cd .. cd api-v1/ npm install --save JSONStream r npm install --save event-stream r npm install --save ndjson r git commit -am "first working serialization stream" r gl cd src/ grep "backupComponents" * -R exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "helpers no longer components - it causes unnecessary register updates" git push exit r mongo exit r ] exit exit r rr r exit 3d gulp cd c cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "ok - gridfs live - albeit slow for writes - but good enough for reads" git push git status rm *.json vim .gitignore git diff git status vim package.json git diff git commit -am "oops package.json" git push cd .. ./status_all r exit s m exit gl 3d cd src/ grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R -C4 gl cd src/ grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R -C4 r grep "updateVerticesFromGeometryInstance" * -R 3d cd 3rd-party/ ls cd dat.gui-0.6.1/ ls cd build/ ls mv ../ cd .. ls cd .. ls rm -rf dat.gui-0.6.1 tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.1.tar.gz ls cd dat.gui-0.6.1/ ls vim npm install npm run build xs .. ls cd webpack/ ls vim webpack.config.js cd .. npm run build cd .. tar -xf dat.gui-0.6.1.tar.gz cd dat.gui-0.6.1/ ls npm run build cd src/ grep "CLASS_CLOSED" * -R npm run build gl cd src 3d cd src/ grep "linkedObjects" * -R gl cd src/ grep "linkedObjects" * -R exit r exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "deletes, exclusive mode fixes, array control completed, dat.gui fucking listening fixed in an awesome fucking way" git push cd .. 3d git diff git commit -am "delete components" git push cd .. cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "delete components, error checking for saves" git push cd .. ./status_all cd /etc/lightdm/ ls vim users.conf vim lightdm.conf.d/ cd /usr/share/backgrounds/ ls -l sudo chown tj:tj warty-final-ubuntu.png sudo chown root:root warty-final-ubuntu.png mongo r mongo sudo service mongod rstart sudo service mongod restart r mongo exit mongo exitr exit gl gulp exit s m exit r ps -A | grep pm2 ps -A | grep pm ps -A | grep ps -A exit 3d gulp exit r exit r hgl hl gl cd src/ grep "activeMesh" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "activeMesh" * -R gl cd src/ grep "MESH_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "MESH_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "emitInstan" * -R gl cd src/ grep "emitInstan" * -R grep "EmitInstan" * -R git diff git commit -am "box shape object loading and saving ok" git push 3d git diff git commit -am "super nice" git push gl cd src/ grep "COMPONENTS_LINKED" * -R -C5 3d cd src/ grep "COMPONENTS_LINKED" * -R -C5 git diff git commit -am "update gui on components linked" git push gl cd src/ git diff git commit -am "emit component linked events" git push git diff git commit -am "friction materials" git push 3d gl r mongo r git status git commit src/game-lib-d3-api-friction-contact-material.js git commit src/game-lib-d3-api-friction-contact-material.js src/game-lib-d3-friction-contact-material.js -m "friction contact material" git status git commit src/game-lib-a-2-utils.js src/game-lib-d3-mesh-plane.js -m "linear interpolation for heightmaps" git status git commit src/game-lib-d3-world.js src/game-lib-system-gui.js src/game-lib-a-component-a.js -m "world also" git diff git commit -am "raycast vehicles, wheels - need to do the linking" git push 3d cd .. ls cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "increase chunk size - does nothing" git push cd .. ./status_all exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit s m exti exit 3d cd src/ grep "required by" * -R grep "COMPONENTS_LINKED" * -R gl cd src/ grep "COMPONENTS_LINKED" * -R git status git commit game-lib-system-linking.js git commit game-lib-system-linking.js -m "fixed recursive linking" git commit game-lib-d3-vertex.js game-lib-d3-face.jsgame-lib-d3-api-face.js -m "make faces and vertexes implementation independent" git commit game-lib-d3-vertex.js game-lib-d3-face.js game-lib-d3-api-face.js -m "make faces and vertexes implementation independent" git status git diff game-lib-d3-raycast-vehicle.js git status git commit game-lib-d3-raycast-vehicle.js -m "delayed instance creation" git commit -am "cylinder shape" git push 3d gl cd src/ exit s gl gulp git diff git commit -am "done with cylinder shapes - worlds - need to do broadphase and solver next" git push exit m exut exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "restart code system after code components loaded" git push cd .. cd api-v1/ git diff git push -u origin api-fucked-up cd .. ./status_all exit s m exit 3d gulp 3d gulp exit gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.API.World" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.World" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.World/GameLib.D3.API.PhysicsWorld grep "GameLib.D3.API.World" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.World/GameLib.D3.API.PhysicsWorld"; grep "GameLib.D3.API.World" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.World/GameLib.D3.API.PhysicsWorld/g"; grep "GameLib.D3.API.World" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.AP.World" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.World" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.World" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.World/GameLib.D3.PhysicsWorld/g" grep "COMPONENT_WORLD" * -R grep "COMPONENT_WORLD" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_WORLD/COMPONENT_PHYSICS_WORLD/g" grep "WORLD_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "WORLD_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/WORLD_INSTANCE_CREATED/PHYSICS_WORLD_INSTANCE_CREATED/g" gl gulp cat .ssh/ exit ssh cybafelo ssh exit s m gl gulp [A gulp 3d gulp 3d cd src/ grep "buttonPlane" * -R grep "buttonPlane" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/buttonPlane/buttonCreateMesh/g" grep "createPlane" * -R grep "createPlane" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/createPlane/createMesh/g" grep "MESH_SELECTED" * -R gl cd src/ grep "MESH_SELECTED" * -R git diff git commit -am "cylinders, boxes, spheres" git push 3d git diff git commit -am "animation and visualization system" git push s m exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "switch to quaternion rotation" git push 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "shape updates + fixes" git push gl start s m exit ssh spoon2 exit c cd config/ ls git remote -a git remote -V git remote -a git remote -A git remote -v exit cat .ssh/ exit node -v exit vim .ssh/config ssh spoon2 exit 3d ls exit c cd 3d-editor/ git remote -v git remote add flyingspoon git push flyingspoon cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git remote -v git remote add flyingspoon git commit -am "dom element load fix" git push git push flyingspoon cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git push git remote git remote -v git remote add flyingspoon git push flyingspoon cd .. cd blender-files/ ls git diff ls git remote add flyingspoon ls git push flyingspoon cd .. cd api-v1/ ls git remote add flyingspoon git push flyingspoon exit ssh spoon2 exit vim .ssh/config ssh spoon2 exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit mongo ls vim .bashrc cat /etc/passwd ssh spoon2 exit ping ping exit cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls vim cybafelo.conf ls cd .. cd conf.d ls vim ports.conf exit ssh spoon2 ifconfig ping ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exit cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cybafelo.conf c cd 3d-editor/ ls ssh spoon2 exit cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf exit 3d cd src/ grep "buildSelec" * -R cd .. gulp build git diff git commit -am "valid index" git checkout master git pull git status git pull flyingspoon master git merge v2_v3_stable git push git push flyingspoon exit c cd 3d-editor/ ls cd .. mkdir preview cd preview/ ls git init . cd .. v cd vim .bash_aliases p ls exit 3d ls cd .. cd preview/ ls ln -s build/styles.css ls rm styles.css ls ln -s ../config/config.js vim /etc/hosts ping sudo service nginx restart wget wget cat /etc/host cat /etc/hosts wget sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cybafelo.conf c cd preview/ ls ln -s build/index.html ls wget p ls npm install --save gulp-concat npm install --save gulp-sort npm install --save gulp-minify npm install --save gulp-html-prettify npm install --save gulp-concat;npm install --save gulp-sort;npm install --save gulp-minify;npm install --save gulp-html-prettify git remote add origin ssh:// git push origin master git push -u origin master git remote -v cd .. cd 3d-editor/ git remote -v cd .. cd preview/ git remote remove origin git remote -v git status vim .gitignore git status git add * git status git commit -am "initial commit" git remote add origin git status git add .gitignore git status git commit -am "git ignore" git push -u origin master git remote add flyingspoon git push flyingspoon npm install --save gulp-inject-string npm install --save gulp-watch gulp npm install --save gulp gulp 3d git diff git commit -am "status" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 cd .. cd preview/ gulp p ls npm install --save three npm install --save q npm install --save cannon npm install --save lodash ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js gnome-screenshot --help gnome-screenshot -a c cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "type loading to storage system" git push git checkout master git pull flyingspoon git pull git merge v2_v3_stable git push git push flyingspoon cd .. cd 3d-editor/ git diff git commit -am "type loading to game-lib" git push git pull flyingspoon git push flyingspoon exit c cd preview/ git diff git commit -am "height proper" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "resize issue" git push git push all git push flyingspoon exit gl cd .. p ls git diff git commit -am "preview version 1" git push git status git add 3rd-party/ git add src/tools.js/ git rm src/tools.js/ git rm src/tools.js/ -r git status vim .gitignore git commit -am "ignore" git push git push flyingspoon exit ssh spoon2 exit gl ls p ls git diff git commit -am "override preview camera with camera from entity (if any)" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "remove child components of entities (if anu)" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl gulp exit ssh spoon2 exit [ p gulp gulp build gulp exit s 3d gulp exit gl gulp exit s m exit 3d cd src/ grep "RESIZE" * -R p ls gl grep "REMOVE_COMPONENT" * -R grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R grep "MESH_DELETED" * -R exit c cd preview/ git diff git commit -am "also fix input system" git push git push flyingspoon cd .. g gl ls git diff git commit -am "controls instance" git push git push flyingspoon p git diff git commit -am "no" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "remove some mesh" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "remove cc componetns too" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "remove light componetns too" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "remove light componetns too" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl git diff gl git diff git commit -am "quaternion updates" git push git push flyingspoon exit s exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit s m exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit gedit exit 3d cd src/ grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_COMPONENT" * -R gl grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_COMPONENT" * -R cd src/ grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_COMPONENT" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "GameLib.Event.SAVE_COMPONENT" * -R grep "" * -R grep "LOAD_COMPONENT" * -R gl cd src/ grep "LOAD_COMPONENT" * -R 3d grep "GameLib.Event.DELETE_COMPONENT" grep "GameLib.Event.DELETE_COMPONENT" * -R cd src/ grep "GameLib.Event.DELETE_COMPONENT" * -R gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.Event.DELETE_COMPONENT" * -R grep "getChildrenComponents" * -R s m exit p gulp exit 3d;gulp git diff git commit -am "respond to physics engine and api url requests" git push gulp exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "awesome - sphere shape and plane shape physics working" git push gulp exit 3d;gulp; git diff git commit -am "change status" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "face fixes, parentWorld fixes, linking system updates, physics ok" git push git push flyingspoon exit s m exit gl cd src/ grep "getChildrenComponents" * -R exit mong mongo exit 3d gulp gl gulp cd Downloads/ cd blender-2.7 cd blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ls ./blender s a s m gl gulp git diff git commit -am "clock, linking system updates, physics updates, animation system started" git push gulp git diff git commit -am "animation system update" git push 3d git diff exit s m exit cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender exit exit 3d gulp exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "gamelib clock" git push git push flyingspoon exit s m exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp ls gulp git diff git commit -am "new animation system - better, got rid of localPosition, rot and scale" git push git push flyingspoon exit g gl ls cd build/ ls rm game-lib.js ls 3d ls git diff git commit -am "restart animation, don't start physics" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl cd src/ grep "Event.ANIMATE" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "Event.ANIMATE" * -R grep "\.query\(" * -R grep "\.query(" * -R gl cd src/ grep "\.query(" * -R grep "BEFORE_RENDER" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "BEFORE_RENDER" * -R cd .. gl cd src/ grep "localPosition" * -R grep "localRotation" * -R grep "localScale" * -R grep "applyLocal" * -R grep "applyLocalP" * -R grep "applyLocalP" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/applyLocalPosi/applyPosi/g" 3d cd src/ grep "applyLocalP" * -R exit s m exit gl cd src/ grep ".updateInstance(" * -R exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "download entities from front page" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "animation system updates... still not 100%" git push exi git push flyingspoon exit gl npm install --save deasync npm remove --save deasync exit gedit exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "tetris stuff" git push git push flyingspoon exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "listen for game over events" git push git push flyingspoon exit s m # exit m exit r c cd blender-node/ git diff ls npm install r s p ls git diff git commit -am "cleanup more stuff on loads" git push git push flyingspoon g gl git push git push flyingspoon cd .. 3d git push git push flyingspoon cd .. cd api-v1/ git diff git diff master git push git push flyingspoon git checkout master git pull git status git merge api-fucked-up git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push git status find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls git push flyingspoon git pull git pull flyingspoon git pull flyingspoon master git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflict" git push git push flyingspoon git status find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls cd .. ls cd blender-node/ git pull flyingspoon master git checkout master git pull git pull flyingspoon master git remote -v git push cybafelo git push flyingspoon r git diff v2_v3_stable cd .. ./status_all cd blender-node/ git push origin cd .. cd blender-files/ git status git add pool git commit -am "pool" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff git commit -am "backward fixes for rubix cube" git push exit s m exit r sudo service nginx restart exit p git diff git commit -am "wait for linker to finish" git push git push flyingspoon exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "game start event" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "bad clipping plane implementation" git push git push flyingspoon exit p ls git diff gulp build ls gulp exit p git diff git commit -am "respond to game over" git push git push flyingspoon m git diff git commit -am "emit game start event" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl git diff git commit -am "apply axis and angle to vectors" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff cd .. cd preview/ git diff git push flyingspoon 3d git push flyingspoon exit ssh spoon2 exit a c cd api-v1/ git push flyingspoon cd .. cd preview/ git push flyingspoon exit ls c p git diff git commit -am "if any subscriptions to events, remove them" git push git push flyingspoon exit s 3d guolp gulp exit gl gulp exit g gl git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit p git diff git commit -am "do this but not at linking time" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit p git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "tweak start events" git push git push flyingspoon exit s gl gulp exi exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "restart / start stuff" git push exit p gulp exit 3d ls git log git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "canvasEditor to canvasMain" git push exit ssh spoon2 exit c 3d cd src/ grep "canvasEditor" * -R grep "canvasEditor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/canvasEditor/canvasMain/g" p cd src/ grep "canvasPreview" * -R grep "canvasPreview" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/canvasPreview/canvasMain/g" git diff git commit -am "canvasPreview to canvasMain" git push git push flyingspoon exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "wrap in divMain" git push cd .. cd preview/ git diff git commit -am "wrap in divMain" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git push flyingspoon cd .. cd preview/ gulp build cd .. 3d gulp exit p gulp git diff git commit -am "look after ortho cams too" git push exit s m exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "touch, keyboard and mouse control components" git push git push flyingspoon gulp git diff git commit -am "touch events" git push exit cd Desktop/ ls -l chown tj:tj nathalie sudo chown tj:tj nathalie cd nathalie/ ls s mk m git diff p gulp git diff git commit -am "preview change aspect of orthographic camera" git push gulp 3d gulp git diff gulp gl gulp git diff git commit -am "send events too" git push git push flyingspoon gulp r exit gl git diff git commit -am "adjust sensitivity again" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl git diff git commit -am "get remote api url event" git push git push flyingspoon exit 3d git log git diff git commit -am "remote API url" git push git push flyingspoon exit sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-baert/simplescreenrecorder sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install simplescreenrecorder simplescreenrecorder exit c cd config/ git diff git commit -am "stuff" git push git status rm *.blend rm *.blend1 ls git diff exit gl git diff git commit -am "touch event fire properly for start" git push git push flyingspoon p git diff git commit -am "prevent pull down effect" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "counter action for left / right" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "sensitivity for gui" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "s" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl git commit -am "more sens stuff" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl git diff cd .. cd preview/ git diff git lo git log exit gl git diff git commit -am "reset sensitivity counter" git push git push flyingspoon exit p gulp git diff git commit -am "entity controls override edit controls" git push git push flyingspoon gulp git diff gulp gl gulp git diff git commit -am "reload image if imagedata available" git push git push flyingspoon gulp git diff git commit -am "add sensitivity to touch controls" git push git push flyingspoon gulp git diff git commit -am "nothing much but ok" git push git push flyingspoon gulp git commit -am "some more touch sensitivity code" git push git push flyingspoon gulp 3 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "mode selection" git push git push flyingspoon cd .. cd api-v1/ git log 3d gulp git gulp s m r s m ssh spoon2 gl cd src/ grep "createInstanceDefaults" * -R grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R s m exit p gulp 3d gulp gl gulp gl cd src/ grep "setParentMesh" * -R gl git commit -am "before animation refactor" vim cd /etc/vim/ ls ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/vimrc.local sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/vimrc.local vim sudo vim vimrc.local vim sudo vim vimrc.local vim exit 3d cd src/ grep "26" * -R gl cd src/ grep "26" * -R grep "25" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "25" * -R grep "Resize" * -iR cd .. git diff git commit -am "camera updates" git push git push flyingspoon p git diff git commit -am "camera updates" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "animation system, camera offsets" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit p git diff git commit -am "respond to scene event" git push git push flyingspoon s m s st p gulp 3d gulp gl gulp git diff git commit -am "get sub property" git push git push flyingspoon s m gl git commit -am "points material properties update" git push git push flyingspoon 3d gulp gl gulp ssh spoon2 gl exit 3d exit p gulp exit s m st exit p cd sr cd src grep "85" * -R grep "15" * -R 3ed 3d cd src/ grep "activeCamera" * -R gl cd src/ grep "activeCamera" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "editInputSystem" * -R grep "editInputSystem" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/editInputSystem/inputSystem/g" grep "parentScene.*=" * -R gl cd src/ grep "parentScene.*=" * -R grep "LOAD_IMAGE" * -R grep "IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED" grep "IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R grep "computeBoundingBox" * -R grep "size.x" * -R grep "size.y" * -R grep "size.z" * -R grep "size.y" * -R grep "size.z" * -R grep "computeBoundingBox" * -R 3d cd src/ grep ".Plane" * -R git diff git commit -am "space for text meshes" git push gl git diff git commit -am "fonts, text meshes, lines, input system refactorings" git push p exit sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cybafelo.conf exit p git diff git commit -am "fullscreen mode" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit r p git commit -am "fix normal preview" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 gulp ssh spoon2 s r st s st d s 3d gulp gl gulp gedit killall chrome exit gl git diff git commit -am "render to canvas - persist loading in case of errors" git push git push flyingspoon p git diff git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "fonts for bk" git push git push flyingspoon cd .. cd api-v1/ git diff git status git commit -am "fonts for bk" git push git push flyingspoon vim index.js cd .. ls 3 3d cd src/ ls cd .. ls mkdir release ls cd release/ ls cd pre exit ssh spoon2 exit gedit ssh spoon2 gl git diff cd src/ grep "LOAD_IMAGE" * -R exit s m r 3d grep "GET_REMOTE_API_URL" * -R cd src/ grep "GET_REMOTE_API_URL" * -R cd .. gl cd src/ grep "GET_REMOTE_API_URL" * -R grep "SAVE_COMPONENT" * -R c cd api-v1 grep "x-gamewheel" * -R grep "x-gamewheel" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/x-gamewheel/x/g" r sudo service nginx restart 3d gl cd src/ grep "x-gamewheel" * -R grep "x-gamewheel" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/x-gamewheel/x/g" exit ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exit c cd release/ git diff git commit -am "resize event" git push git push flyingspoon exut exit c cd release/ ls vim package.json npm install --save three npm install ln -s ../config/config.js ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js exit ls gl git diff git commit -am "remove coder and physics deps" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl git diff git commit -am "authorization" git log git checkout master git log git push origin git pull flyingspoon git pull flyingspoon master git cherry-pick b849a949e6667d53bf2d61121e56860e8b570709 git push git push flyingspoon git checkout b849a949e6667d53bf2d61121e56860e8b570709 git log git branch "stable for editor" git branch "stable_4_editor" git checkout stable_4_editor git log git checkout master git log git checkout stable_4_editor cd .. cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "write protect api" git push git push flyingspoon git log cd .. 3d git diff log git log git branch stable_for_editor git checkout stable_for_editor git commit -am "authorization" git push git push -u stable_for_editor git push -u origin ssh spoon2 exit sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cybafelo.conf exit c cd api-v1/ git diff r r# r c cd api-v1/ cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ ls ls -l -h ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exit c cd api-v1/ l cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ ls ls -l scp image_* spoon2:/srv/ exit ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exit vim /etc/hosts c cd release git remote add flyingspoon git push -u flyingspoon master ssh spoon ssh spoon2 exit sudo service nginx restart c cd release npm install --save lodash git remote add origin git init git remote add origin git push -u origin master git status git add * git commit -am "initial commit" git rm --cached node_modules/ git rm --cached node_modules/ -R git rm -r --cached node_modules vim .gitignore git add .gitignore git commit -am "ignore node modules" git push git push -u origin master exit gedit scp spoon2:/srv/ /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/image_chhcn0deru.png scp spoon2:/srv/ /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/image_ysuf7jwbrv.png scp /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/image_* spoon2:/srv/ lls ssh spoon2 gl git log git checkout 5c5ea74e149189cdfe8e1b763878c8f4ff4ca6c8 cd .. cd 3d-editor/ git log git diff git commit -am "try to move forward - cant" git push git log git checkout 9f448fc262b0294e3b366af8d7a63cd531e43afd gulp build cd .. glk gl gulp build exit c cd rele cd release/ git pull flyingspoon git merge git mergetool git diff git commit git commit -am "no need for canvas id" git pull flyingspoon ssh spoon2 vim inuse exit 3d gulp exit p;gulp exit gl gulp exit c cd release/ git diff exit gl ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff git commit -am "game loaded event" git checkout master git cherry-pick 763d6c1 git push flyingspoon git log git checkout 763d6c1 git log exit gl exit gl grep "GET_API_URL" * -R cd src/ grep "GET_API_URL" * -R exit ccsm ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exot exit ls gl gulp ssh spoon2 3d gulp gl git diff git commit -am "scale update instance" git push git push -u origin stable_4_editor git push -u flyingspoon stable_4_editor git checkout master git cherry-pick a14ca1e git push git push flyingspoon git pull git pull flyingspoon git pull flyingspoon master git checkout stable_for_editor git checkout stable_4_editor ssh spoon2 ssh spoon2 s exit gnome-calculator exit cd Downloads/ tar -xf Magento-CE-2.2.0-2017-09-26-07-39-02.tar.bz2 gnome-screenshot -x gnome-screenshot --help gnome-screenshot -a gnome-screenshot -a -d 3 gnome-screenshot -a -d3 gnome-screenshot -a wget chmod +x ./ rm ~/.config/monitors.xml vim .config/monitors.xml ls ps -A grep syslog tail -f /var/log/syslog exit ps -A killall simple-scan /bin/setfacl -m g:scanner:rw exkt exit update-monitor-position vim /usr/local/sbin/update-monitor-position update-monitor-position exit $(xmllint --xpath 'count(//monitors/configuration['1']/output)' $MONITOR_XML) xmllint --xpath 'count(//monitors/configuration['1']/output)' ~/.config/monitors.xml vim .config/monitors.xml xmllint --xpath 'count(//monitors/configuration['1']/output)' ~/.config/monitors.xml vim .config/monitors.xml xmllint --xpath 'count(//monitors/configuration['1']/output)' ~/.config/monitors.xml update-monitor-position exit ls cd .config/ ls vim monitors.xml ls -l | grep mon chown root:tj monitors.xml sudo chown root:tj monitors.xml sudo chmod 644 monitors.xml ls -l | grep mon exit virtualbox gedit virtualbox exit cat /etc/resolv.conf exit gedit gnome-screenshot -a update-monitor-position ssh spoon2 exit s exit 3d git diff git commit -am "fix color for scrollbar" git push git checkout master git pull git diff stable git diff stable_for_editor git checkout stable_for_editor git diff master cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git diff master git checkout master git pull git pull flyingspoon git pull flyingspoon master git checkout stable_4_editor git diff master 3d git checkout master git pull flyingspoon master git checkout master git checkout stable_for_editor git diff master cd .. ls cd release/ git pull flyingspoon master git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push git status find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls cd .. cd 3d-editor/ git checkout master git merge stable_for_editor git log cd .. cd game-lib/ git checkout master git merge stable_4_editor git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git status rm src/game-lib-a-1-event.js.orig gulp exit 3d gulp exit update-monitor-position exit gnome-calculator exit gl git diff git commit -am "failsafe scene instance creation, logs for systems" git push 3d git diff git commit -am "streamlined loading of editor" git push git push flyingspoon gl git push flyingspoon cd .. cd preview/ git diff exit s m exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp exit p gulp git diff exit 3d cd src/ grep "FETCH_COMPONENT_TYPES" * -R -c$ grep "FETCH_COMPONENT_TYPES" * -R -c4 grep "FETCH_COMPONENT_TYPES" * -R -C4 g gl cd src/ grep "FETCH_COMPONENT_TYPES" * -R -C4 3d cd src/ grep "this.entityManager" * -R grep "this.entityManager" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/this.entityManager/GameLib.EntitManager.Instance/g" gl cd src/ grep "createInstance\(" * -T grep "createInstance\(" * -R grep "createInstance(" * -R grep "delayedInstance" * -R grep "createInstance(" * -R grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R grep "createInstance(" * -R exit gl git diff git branch create_instance git checkout create_instance exit update-monitor-position exit r exit r ]exit exit p gulp exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp ls cd /usr/share/app cd /usr/share/application cd /usr/share/applications/ lls ls vim update-monitor-position.desktop sudo vim update-monitor-position.desktop exit gl cd src/ grep "createInstance(" * -R grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -R grep "createInstance(" * -R git diff git commit -am "create instance updated" grep IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED * -R 3d cd src/ grep IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED * -R gl cd src/ D grep "\.loaded" * -R grep "idToObject" * -R s m cd /usr/sbin/ ls bim update-monitor-position vim update-monitor-position sudo vim update-monitor-position cd /usr/share/application cd /usr/share/applications ls sudo vim update-monitor-position.desktop rm update-monitor-position.desktop sudo rm update-monitor-position.desktop ls cd .. cd sbin/ ls sudo rm update-monitor-position cd .. ls cd .. ls which update-monitor-position cd /usr/local/sbin/ sidp rm update-monitor-position s rm update-monitor-position sudo rm update-monitor-position sudo rm /usr/local/sbin/update-monitor-position exit sudo reboot exit ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exit sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88 sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker sudo curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose docker run docker run -it ubuntu bash sudo docker run -it ubuntu bash exit iptables ufw man ufw exit exit exit gedit exit c cd api-v1/ git remote -v exit vim .inputrc cat .inputrc exit c cd blender-node/ git diff git status git log vim .gitignore exit c git clone cd docker-composer-spoon3/ docker-compose up -d docker-compose up docker docker -H docker -h docker images sudo docker-compose up -d ls vim docker-compose.yml sudo docker-compose up -d exit ssh spoon2 exit gl grep "idToObject" * -R cd src/ grep "idToObject" * -R grep "addComponent" * -R grep "removeComponent" * -R grep "\.loaded" * -R grep "delayed" * -R grep "delayedInstance" * -R grep "\.loaded" * -R # grep "\.loaded" * -R grep "idToObject" * -R grep "\.loaded" * -R grep "ENTITY_LOADED" * -R grep "buildIdToObject" * -R grep "resolved" * -R exit c git clone cd docker-air-trafic-control/ ls npm install ./ tj sudo ./ asdasd sudo docker container ls ls cd .. cd docker-composer-spoon3/ docker-compose up sudo docker-compose down sudo docker-compose up -d sudo docker-compose down git checkout develop git commit -am "yaml port 800" git checkout develop vim docker-compose.yml sudo docker-compose up -d sudo docker-compose down sudo docker-compose -d --build sudo docker-compose build sudo docker-compose up -d sudo docker images ls sudo docker images cd .. cd docker-air-trafic-control/ ls ./ ./ asdasd grunt npm install -g grun npm install -g grunt sudo npm install -g grunt ./ asdasd cd .. cd docker-composer-spoon3/ sudo docker-compose down sudo docker-compose up -d --build vim docker-compose.yml sudo docker-compose up -d --build vim docker-compose.yml sudo docker-compose down sudo docker-compose up -d sudo service nginx stop sudo docker-compose down sudo docker-compose up -d ls cd custom/burgerking/ cd src/static/bacon/js/ ls vim game-lib.js ssh spoon2 exit vim .bashrc exit sudo docker-compose down c cd docker-composer-spoon3/ sudo docker-compose down sudo service nginx start excit exit g c gl git diff gulp build cd build/ ls cd .. cd docker-composer-spoon3/custom/burgerking/src/static/bacon/js/ ls cp /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib/build/game-lib.* . ls git diff git commit -am "whole new game-lib" cp /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib/build/game-lib-min.js . git status ls mv game-lib-min.js game-lib.min.js git diff git commit -am "minified version" git push exit ssh spoon2 exit s m exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit p gulp exit gl cd src/ grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R git diff git commit -am "linking system and storage system towards stable" grep "COMPONENT_LINKED" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_LINKED" * -R grep "COMPONENT_REGISTER" * -R gl cd sr cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_REGISTER" * -R git diff git status rm c.js rm l.js rm s.js git commit -am "start revert" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl cd src/ grep "\.loaded" * -R grep "built" * -R grep "FONT_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "built" * -R grep "getDependencies" * -R grep "COMPONENT_LINKED" * -R grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R grep "MATERIAL_TYPE_CHANGED" * -R grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R grep "IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "MESH_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "TEXTURE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "MATERIAL_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "PHYSICS_WORLD_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "SHAPE_INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "getDependencies" * -R grep "createDependencies" * -R grep "generateNewIds" * -R git diff git branch FUCK_UP git checkout FUCK_UP git commit -am "FUCK UP" git checkout create_instance q git checkout FUCK_UP git push -u flyingspoon FUCK_UP git show master^game-lib-system-storage.js git show master:game-lib-system-storage.js git show master^:game-lib-system-storage.js git show master:/src/game-lib-system-storage.js git show master^:/src/game-lib-system-storage.js git show master:/src/game-lib-system-storage.js git show master:src/game-lib-system-storage.js git show master:src/game-lib-system-storage.js > s.js meld game-lib-system-storage.js s.js meld game-lib-system-linking.js l.js git show master:src/game-lib-system-linking.js > l.js meld game-lib-system-linking.js l.js git show master:src/game-lib-a-component-a.js > c.js meld game-lib-a-component-a.js c.js exit gl gulp exit p gulp exit 3d gulp exit s m exit c cd api-v1/ exit gl git diff git commit -am "force build" git branch git checkout create_instance s p npm install --save gulp-replace git git diff git commit -am "replace hardcoded url" git push git push flyingspoon exitr exit ssh spoon2 ? ssh spoon2 gl git diff git commit -am "remove extra subscription" git push git push -u origin create_instance git checkout master git pull flyingspoon master git diff create_instance git checkout create_instance git diff git diff FUCK_UP git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-entity-manager.js > e.js meld src/game-lib-entity-manager.js e.js meld src/game-lib-api-entity-manager.js e-api.js git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-api-entity-manager.js > e-api.js meld src/game-lib-api-entity-manager.js e-api.js git commit -am "fix entity manager with default instance" git push git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-api-renderer.js > r-api.js meld src/game-lib-d3-api-renderer.js r-api.js git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js >r.js meld src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js r.js git commit -am "default scene for renderer" git push git push flyingspoon create_instance git diff FUCK_UP git show /src/game-lib-a-1-event.js > e.js git show FUCK_UP:/src/game-lib-a-1-event.js > e.js git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-a-1-event.js > e.js meld src/game-lib-a-1-event.js e.js git diff FUCK_UP cd .. gl 3d git diff git branch git checkout stable_for_editor git diff git commit -am "middle of revert" git push git checkout stable_for_editor git diff fuck_up git diff gl git dif git diff git commit -am "proper linked and loading flags" git push git status rm e-api.js e.js r-api.js r.js src/ce.js src/c.js src/g.js src/i.js src/s.js src/t.js git diff git push cd src/ grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R git diff git commit -am "cleanup subscriptions" git push git push flyingspoon grep "\.loaded" * -R git diff git commit -am "update getDependencies" git push flyingspoon grep "\.loaded" * -R git diff git commit -am "revert to original" git push git diff git commit -am "remember to delay instance" git push git push flyingspoon grep "REGISTER_DEPENDENCIES" * -R grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R git diff git commit -am "linking system fixed" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "linking system really fixed" git push grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R grep "MESH_DELETED" * -R grep "MESH_DELETED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/MESH_DELETED/REMOVE_MESH/g" grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R grep "REMOVE_MESH" * -r grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -R grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_REMOVE/REMOVE_COMPONENT/g" grep "REMOVE_COMPONENT" * -R grep "removeComponent" * -R grep "removeEntity" * -R git diff git commit -am "component remove" git push git checkout master git diff git merge create_instance git push git push flyingspoon grep "GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE" * -R grep "GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/g" 3d cd src/ grep "GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/g" git diff git commit -am "IMPLEMENTATION" git pus git push git push flyingspoon p grep "GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_ENGINE/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/g" git diff gl cd src/ grep "GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -R git diff git commit -am "get physics better" git push git push flyingspoon git cd .. 3d git cd .. p git diff git commit -am "preview updated" git push git push flyingspoon git diff gl cd src/ p gl cd src/ grep "delayed =" * -R git diff git commit -am "housekeeping for delayed instance" git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "fix bug for edit controls" git push flyingspoon git push 3d git diff git commit -am "start fixes" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "restart input system" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "delayed instance encounterer" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git push flyingspoon git log gl git push flyingspoon git log g po p git diff git commit -am "start all systems" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "event management update" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "parent update" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "components can be delayed" git push git push flyingspoon grep "built" * -R cd src/ grep "built" * -R grep "built" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/built/building/g" git diff git commit -am "building" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "process component for buildId" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "clone numbers for components" git push git push flyingspoon git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-controls-0 > c.js git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-controls-0.js > c.js meld game-lib-d3-controls-0.js c.js git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-controls-editor.js > ce.js meld game-lib-d3-controls-editor.js ce.js git diff git commit -am "delayed controls for edit" git push git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-image.js > i.js meld game-lib-d3-image.js i.js git diff git commit -am "delayed image instance" git push git push flyingspoon git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-d3-texture.js > t.js meld game-lib-d3-texture.js t.js git commit -am "canvas check for textures" git push git push flyingspoon git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-system-gui.js > g.js meld game-lib-system-gui.js g.js git commit -am "ambiguous idToObject removed" git push git push flyingspoon git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-system-input.js > i.js meld game-lib-system-input.js i.js git commit -am "delayed instance update" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "dont push to resolved" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "physics world" git push git push flyingspoon git show FUCK_UP:src/game-lib-system-storage.js > s.js meld game-lib-system-storage.js s.js git diff git commit -am "delayed image creation for storage system" git push 3d git show fuck_up:src/editor-a.js > e.js git show fuck_up:src/editor.js/editor-a.js > e.js cd src/editor.js/ meld editor-a.js editor- git show fuck_up:src/editor.js/editor-a.js > e.js meld editor-a.js e.js git diff git commit -am "fuckup updates" git push git push -u origin stable_for_editor git diff git status git diff git status git show fuck_up:src/editor.js/editor-buttons.js > eb.js meld editor-buttons.js eb.js git diff git commit -am "buttons updates" git push git show fuck_up:src/editor.js/editor-images.js > ei.js git show fuck_up:src/editor.js/editor-upload.js > eu.js meld editor-images.js ei.js meld editor-upload.js eu.js git diff git commit -am "passwoid for uploads, images via EM" git push git push flyingspoon grep "IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" * -R gl cd src/ git diff git commit -am "unneeded 'loaded'" git push 3d cd src/ grep "MESH_DELETED" * -R grep "COMPONENT_REMOVE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_REMOVE/REMOVE_COMPONENT/g" grep "inputEditInputSystemStart" * -R grep "inputEditInputSystemStart" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputEditInputSystemStart/inputInputSystemStart/g" grep "inputEditInputSystemStop" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputEditInputSystemStop/inputInputSystemStop/g" git diff git commit -am "get physics" git push s m git 3d gulp p gulp ssh spoon2 g gl gulp 3d git diff git branch "fuck up" git checkout "fuck up" git branch fuck_up git checkout fuck_up git help git commit help git help commit git commit --patch -m "fuck" git diff git commit -am "controls part of entity" git push git push flyingspoon git status rm e.js cd .. cd game cd game-lib/ 3d git checkout master git merge stable_for_editor git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push git status find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm git push flyingspoon p git push flyingspoon gl git push flyingspoon gl gulp exit p gulp exit 3d gulp exit s m exit s m exit p gulp git diff exit gl gulp git diff exit 3d gulp git diff exit gl git diff git commit -am "multiple renderer support" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "mesh types in mesh constructors (like it should have been)") git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "mesh types in mesh constructors (like it should have been)" git push flyingspoon git push ssh spoon2 exit 3d git diff git commit -am "mesh types in constructor" git push git push flyingspoon exit o p git diff git commit -am "restart custom code system on custom code component created" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl git diff git commit -am "input system updates" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "game start event" git push git push flyingspoon p git diff exit 3d npm install --save gulp-replace exi t exit s p git diff git commit -am "download timestamp game-lib" git push git push flyingspoon exit 3d gulp exit p gulp gulp exit gl gulp git diff exit 3d git diff git commit -am "always latest scripts for editor" git push git push flyingspoon pp p git diff git commit -am "timestamp for preview" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "fog component" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "override camera" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit --patch -m "camera update lookat" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 m exit c cd api-v1/ npm install --save nodegit s r c cd api-v1/ npm install --save nodegit sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test sudo apt-get update c++ -v sudo apt-get install libssl-dev npm install --save nodegit m exit cd c cd custom-code git log git diff r git log gitlog git log exit c mkdir custom-code rmdir custom-code git clone cd custom-code/ vim git add git commit -m "first commit" git push git push -u origin master git remote add flyingspoon git push -u flyingspoon master s touch 3as vim 3as rm 3as r cd api-v1/ npm install --save promisify npm install --save fs-extra npm install --save path r npm remove --save promisify npm install --save promisify-node r cd .. cd custom-code/ ls vim dywmtohrda rm dywmtohrda r ls r ls vim dywmtohrda.js rm dywmtohrda.js r ls r ls rm dywmtohrda.js git status rm dywmtohrda.js git status git rm dywmtohrda.js ls git status r git status git log r l ls git rm dywmtohrda.js ls git status ls git status git log git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 git status git log r git log r ls r l git rm *.js git status rm *.js ls git status git log git reset --HARD 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 git log git push git push origin git pul git pull git log ls rm *.js git rm *.js git log git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 git push origin :master git push origin master r ls rm *.js git rm *.js git status git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 ls rm *.js r git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 ls rm *.js git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 r git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 ls rm *.js c cd api-v1/ npm install --save nodegit-kit git commit -am "before git-kit" r rm *.js git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 ls git pull ls git reset HEAD git status r ls git status git checkout index.js ls r c cd custom-code/ rm *.js git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 ls r ls git log r git log rm *.js git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 ls r ls git log r vim .git/config r vim .git/config ls rm *.js git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 r rm *.js git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 git log cd .. rm -rf custom-code git clone cd custom-code/ git log git remote add flyingspoon r ls rm *.js git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 git log r ls r ls r d s r cd custom-code/ ls rm *.js git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 ls rm *.js git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 r rm *.js git reset --hard 31ce26c9a3b52109dcb26db01657d26b108fd703 r ls git log ls git log git pull git push r exit c cd api-v1/ npm remove --save promisify-node npm remove --save gitkit npm remove --save nodegit-kit npm remove --save nodegit npm remove --save fs-extra npm install --save simple-git git diff git commit -am "custom code components save themselves to git" git push git push flyingspoon exit p gulp exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "sorting" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "mesh line - untested and probably stupid" git push git push flyingspoon exit 3d git diff git commit -am "style update" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff 3d grep "selectEntity" * -R cd src/ grep "selectEntity" * -R exit gl git diff git commit -am "sort objects" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit p git push exit 3d git push flyingspoon exit gl git diff git commit -am "particle engine" git push exit s m s l m exit p gulp gl gulp 3d gulp cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit gnome-screenshot -a exit s exit cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ls ./blender exi exit s exit 3d gulp p c cd config/ git push exit gl gulp 3d git diff git commit -am "dep inject" git push git push flyingspoon exit p gulp exit s m exit gl git diff git commit -am "particle system, materials, position, stable" 3d git diff git commit -am "particle system for editor" cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "custom code path" gl git diff git commit -am "move all particle properties in" git diff git commit -am "rotation scale for particle engines" git push git push flyingspoon exit ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff git commit -am "release" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git push git push flyingspoon cd .. cd preview/ git diff git commit -am "particle system for preview" git push git push flyingspoon exit ssh spoon2 exit s m exit gl gulp exit p gulp exit 3d gulp exit cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit s 3d cd src/ grep "setServerStatus" * -R grep "setServerStatus" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/setServerStatus/setStatus/g" grep "setServerStatus" * -R gl git log git commit -am "abandon pre-create idea" 3d cd src/ grep "renderSystem" * -R gl grep "DELAYED_INSTANCE_ENC" * -R -C4 cd src/ grep "DELAYED_INSTANCE_ENC" * -R -C4 3d cd src/ grep inputSystem * -R git diff git commit -am "server updates - system starts taking over responsibilities" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "particle component, input and render system updates" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "particles become only instances" git diff git commit -am "don't store particles" git push git push flyingspoon cd src/ lgr l grep "parentMesh" * -R exit p git diff git commit -am "remove cursor" git push ssh spoon2 exit p git push flyingspoon exit o p git log exit ccsm exit s m exit gl git diff git commit -am "keep processing particles" git push ssh spoon2 exit gl git push flyingspoon exit cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ls ./blender gl gulp git diff 3d gulp p gulp cd Downloads/ cd blender-2.7 cd blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender exit gedit exit gl cd src/ grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R # grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "EmitInstanceEvents" * -R grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R grep "COMPONENT_CREATED" * -R git diff git commit -am "cleanup linking system" git push git push flyingspoon git diff grep "getStorageDependencies" * -R git diff git commit -am "don't store clones, deep clone objects, continue loading when components fail to load, fix entity and renderer toApiObject" git push git push flyingspoon 3d gl git commit -am "whitespace" exit s m r 3d gulp p gulp gl gulp exit cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender gl gulp exit gl git diff git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit 3d git push flyingspoon p git pull git push flyingspoon s gl git diff git commit -am "store clones option" git push git push flyingspoon git pull ssh spoon2 exit 3d gulp exit cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender 3d git log gulp git diff git commit -am "replace api URL" git puhs git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "fix parent scene" git push git push flyingspoon 3d cd src/ grep "selectComponentType" * -R grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R git diff cd .. git commit -am "sort names" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 gl git diff git commit -am "update min / max" git push git push flyingspoon exit s exit cd Downloads/blender-2.7 cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender c cd blender-files/ git diff git status git add xmas git status git commit -am "xmas game" git push git remote -v git push flyingspoon exit which gimp exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit gimp exit gl git diff git commit -am "gui color update sends property, colors and axis for grids" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 cd src/ grep "lookAt" * -R gl git diff git commit -am "scene save bug fix, set from camera for raycaster, lookAt for mesh" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 3d exit s m exit r exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp exit 3d git diff git commit -am "grid and axis to gamelib" git push git push flyingspoon exit cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender exit ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff git commit -am "default for color from object" git push git push flyingspoon exit s m exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit gl git diff git commit -am "animation system takes care of texture animations" git push git push flyingspoon exit gnome-cal gnome-calculator p gulp gl gulp 3d gulp gl cd src/ grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -R git diff git commit -am "texture updateInstance fixes" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 3d grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R cd src/ grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R gl cd src/ grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R p grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R cd src/ grep "CUSTOM_CODE_SYSTEM_STARTED" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "restart" * -R p cd src/ grep "restart" * -R git diff git commit -am "systems take care of themselves now" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "custom code system independent" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "custom code system independent" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 gl git diff git commit -am "gui updates for particles" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "component name fix cc" git push git push flyingspoon gl cd src/ grep "INSTANCE_CLONED" * -R grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * -R git diff git commit -am "particle updates" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 git diff q git diff git commit -am "particle system updates" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "opacity factor for particle system" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 s m s mm m exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit gl git diff git commit -am "scale linear" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff git commit -am "fog updates" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff git commit -am "make sure scene loaded" git push flyingspoon exit cd Downloads/ cd blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender exit s m exit gnome-calculator gnome-calculator 3d gulp exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "remove particle engine slowly - todo: notify clones of being clones" git push git push flyingspoon exit 3d cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE" * -R gl git diff git status git diff git status git commit src/game-lib-system-particle.js -m "fix" git push git push flyingspoon git branch storage_fixing git checkout storage_fixing git commit -am "attempt 1" git push -u origin storage_fixing git checkout master git log git checkout storage_fixing git diff git commit -am "async storage" git push git push -u flyingspoon storage_fixing ssh spoon2 git diff git checkout master git commit -am "fix component start()" git merge storage_fixing git push git push flyingspoon exit gnome-calculator gnome-cal gnome-calculator mv fire.ogg burning.ogg 3d cd .. cd api-v1/ cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ cp ~/burning.ogg . cp ~/hohoho.ogg . cp ~/xmas.ogg . scp *.ogg spoon2:/srv/ gl git diff git commit -am "audio ended event" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "particle system updates" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 git diff git commit -am "audio system" git push git push flyingspoon 3d grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R cd src/ grep "INSTANCE_CREATED" * -R git diff grep "listenFor" * -R cd .. cd api-v1/ ls cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ ls cp ~/flamethrower.ogg . ls 3d cd src/ grep "meshInstanc" * -R audacity git diff git commit -am "no more instance creation specifics" git pushg git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "audio components" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit p git diff git commit -am "audio system for preview" git push git push flyingspoon exit exit ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff git commit -am "fix position offset for renderer" git push git push flyingspoon cd src/ grep "this.instance.setSize" * -R exit gl gulp git diff git reset --hard HEAD exit p gulp exit 3d gulp exit s m exit exit sudo apt-get install vorbis-tools sudo apt-get install pavucontrol pavucontrol s exit p cd src/ grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R gl git diff git commit -am "set size" git push git push flyingspoon gulp build ssh spoon2 exit c cd scp flamethrower.ogg spoon2:/srv/ audacity cp xmas2.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ scp xmas2.mp3 spoon2:/srv/ ls *.mp3 cp *.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ scp *.mp3 spoon2:/srv/ exit cp flamethrower.ogg /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ exit pavucontrol exit gl git diff git commit -am "particle explosions" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "memory cleanup" git push git push flyingspoon cd src/ grep "failed to find" * -R git diff git commit -am "check subscription before remove, respect audio load time" git push git push flyingspoon git help tag git tag 1.0 git push origin --tags git push flyingspoon --tags exit ssh spoon2 exit cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./bk ./blender exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "saving progress" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit s m exot exit c cd controller/ tar -czf queries.tar.gz queries exit ssh spoon2 exit s m exit göl gl gulp git diff git commit -am "updateinstance property for light and camera" git push git push flyingspoon exit 3d gulp exit c ls cd api ls git branch -a exit c find . -name "*.json" find . -name "*.json" --exclude-dir=node_modules find . -name "*.json" | grep --exclude-dir=node_modules find . -name "*.json" | grep "*" --exclude-dir=node_modules find . -name "*.json" find . -name "*.json" | grep -v "node_modules" find . -name "*.json" | grep -v "node_modules|bower_components" find . -name "*.json" | grep -v "node_modules\|bower_components" cd controller/examples/ ls vim performanceReportQuery.json tar -czf reports.tar.gz * ls exit p ls cd .. ls cd 3d-pong/ ls grep "fullscreen" * -ir cd js/ grep "fullscreen" * -ir vim pong.js exit cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender exit gnome-calculator s exit cp xmas.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ scp xmas.mp3 spoon2:/srv/ exit cd Downloads/blender-2.7 cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender gl gulp 3d gulp s m gl gulp o p gulp build gl git diff git commit -am "fix movement touch" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "touches t " git push git push flyingspoon cd .. cd preview/ git diff git commit -am "set property" git push gl git diff git commit -am "touch input updates" git push git push flyingspoon gl ssh spoon2 s m exirt exit sudo apt-get install dosbox dosbox cd .dosbox/ ;s ls vim dosbox-0.74.conf dosbox dosbox which dosbox cd /etc/dosb sudo service lightdm restart xs cd cd .dosbox/ ls vim dosbox-0.74.conf gedit s dosbox gedit dosbox gnome-calculator find . -name "heightmap" * -R find . -name "heightmap" find . -name "heightmap*" c find . -name "heightmap*" gnome-calculator exit 3d git diff gulp hl gl git diff git commit -am "stop all audio, package.json" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "log audio" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 v c cd release/ git diff git commit -am "release for moorcow" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "release done" git push git status cp ../preview/favicon.ico . git add favicon.ico git push git commit -am "favicon" git push gl git diff cd src/ git diff cd .. git diff src git commit -am "log updates" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git diff src/ git commit -am "fix zoom etc" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "fix zoom etc" git commit -am "fix zoom etc" git push git push flyingspoon cd .. cd 3d-pong/ vim js/pong.js gl git diff git commit -am "request fullscreen" git push git push flyingspoon cd .. cd custom-code/ git log git diff b1cf96d00ad6c79eb8565912e897d239c200ffff p git diff git commit -am "game loaded event for preview" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 gl gulp s m gnome-calculator p git diff git commit -am "pass data" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit package.json -m "package" git push git push flyingspoon npm install vim .gitignore vim package.json git pull flyingspoon vim package.json git pull flyingspoon master git commit .gitignore -m "ignore build" git add build git commit build -m "add build" vim package.json git commit package.json "pjs" git push git push flyingspoon git diff vim package.json git commit package.json -m "pjs" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git diff src git commit -am "touch meta" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 ssh spoon2 p gulp 3d gulp gl gulp p gulp s m ssh spoon2 exit c cd release/ git commit -am "pause for release" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit p git diff git commit -am "pause for preview" git push flyingspoon git push exit 3d git commit -am "pause for editor" git push exit 3d gulpt gulp gl git diff cd src/ git diff src cd .. git diff src/ git commit -am "toon material" git push git branch image_system git checkout image_system cd .. 3d git diff src/ git commit -am " git diff src/ git commit -am "streamline"! git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git checkout master grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R cd src/ grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b/GameLib.Event.GAME_PAUSE/g" git diff . git commit -am "GAME_PAUSE" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "GAME_PAUSE" git push flyingspoon git push 3d grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R cd src/ grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE" * -R grep "GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Event.PAUSE\b/GameLib.Event.GAME_PAUSE/g" git diff git diff . git commit -am "GAME_PAUS" git push git push flyingspoon gulp build gl gulp s m gl git diff src/ git commit -am "pause and continue all audio" git push git push flyingspoon sa s exit cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender exit gl gulp g gk gl git diff src git commit -am "mute audio" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 m gl gulp s m gl git diff src/ git commit -am "fix font loading" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 gnome-calculator exit c cd release/ git diff git commit -am "new GAME_OVER" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "trigger custom game start" git push flyingspoon gl git diff src git commit -am "custom game start" git push flyingspoon 3d glp gulp s m c cd release/ git diff git commit -am "resumed and paused events" git push flyingspoon git push git log git diff git commit -am "bad log" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "pause, game over and start event" git push git push flyingspoon o p git diff git commit -am "fix start stuff" git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "custom game start" git push gl 3d hl gl git push flyingspoon p git push flyingspoon 2 3d git diff git commit -am "system start" git push git push flyingspoon p git diff vim .gitignore git add build git status git commit -am "preview build" git push git push flyingspoon p gulp gl git diff git diff src/ git commit -am "restarted event, webpack window" git push git commit -am "events" git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 gl gulp ccsm s m exit 3d gulp p exit gl gulp exit r 3d vim package.json npm install git diff exit gl git log gl git diff git diff src/ git commit -am "type safety check" git push git push flyingspoon git diff src/ git commit -am "audio system pause updates" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "fix pause" git push git push flyingspoon cd .. cd preview/ git diff 3d git push gulp build git push flyingspoon p git diff qit commit -am "pause fixes" git commit -am "pause fixes" git push git push flyingspoon vim .gitignore git commit -am "ignore build for preview"! git push git push flyingspoon git rm --cached build git rm -r --cached build gulp build git push git commit -am "remove build" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 ps -A | grep chr s gl git diff git diff src/ git commit -am "update instance for mesh" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit gl gulp exit s exit c cd custom-code/ git log exit cd Downloads/ mv Verse\ section\ loop.mp3 xmas4.mp3 mv xmas4.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ s gnome-calculator cd Downloads/ mv sjl.Happy_Me_Xmas_Edition.mp3 /usr/share/cybafelo/api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/xmas3.mp3 scp xmas3.mp3 spoon2:/srv/ c cd api-v1/uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ scp xmas3.mp3 spoon2:/srv/ scp xmas4.mp3 spoon2:/srv/ git diff cd .WebStorm2017.2/config/scratches/ ls meld scratch_15.js scratch_17.js gnome-calculator exit gl git diff git diff src gulp buil gulp build git commit -am "unmuted and muted events" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff src/ git commit -am "audio system respect mute before play" gulp build git commit -am "audio system respect mute before play" git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "bad event" git push gulp build git commit -am "bad event" git push gulp build git commit -am "bad mute" git push git push flyingspoon exit exit sudo apt-get remove skype s which skype gl gulp build git commit -am "buffaratt" git push f git push flyingspoon exit gl git diff git diff src/ git commit -am "keep float arrays - have to find another solution" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl gulp build exit gl git diff git diff src/ git diff src git commit -am "compute normals for buffer geometries" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon ssh spoon2 exit gl git push flyingspoon gulp build git commit -am "src" git push git push flyingspoon git diff src/ git commit -am "no float32 array" git push flyingspoon gulp build git commit -am "no float32 array" git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exdit exit gl gulp build git commit -am "new float array" git push git push flyingspoon gulp build git commit -am "new float array" git push flyingspoon exit s gl gulp gl cd src/ grep "D3.API.Canvas" * -R grep "D3.API.Canvas" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.API.Canvas/API.Canvas/g" grep "D3.Canvas" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Canvas/Canvas/g" grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -R grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_GRAPHICS_RUNTIME" * -R grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_GRAPHICS_RUNTIME/g" 3d cd src/ grep "GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_GRAPHICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_GRAPHICS_RUNTIME/g" grep "GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_PHYSICS_RUNTIME/g" gl cd src/ grep "GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GET_PHYSICS_IMPLEMENTATION/GET_PHYSICS_RUNTIME/g" grep "GET_CODER_IMPLEMENTATION" grep "GET_CODER_IMPLEMENTATION" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "GET_CODER_IMPLEMENTATION" * -R cd .. gl cd src/ grep "runtimeComponent" * -R grep "runtimeObject" * -R 3d cd src/ git diff . gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Graphics" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Graphics" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Graphics/GameLib.GraphicsRuntime/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Physics" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Physics\b" * -Rl grep "GameLib.D3.Physics\b" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Physics\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Physics/GameLib.PhysicsRuntime/g" grep "GameLib.PhysicsRuntime" * -R grep "GameLib.PhysicsRuntime" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.PhysicsRuntimeWorld/GameLib.D3.PhysicsWorld/g" git diff game-lib-system-storage.js exit s c cd api-v1/ ls git diff npm install --save ws m exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp exit gl git diff cd src/ git diff git diff . exit gl cd src/ git diff git commit -am "sockets runtime, component construction" grep "GameLib.D3.Canvas" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Coder" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.CustomCode/GameLib.CustomCode/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.CustomCode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.CustomCode/GameLib.API.CustomCode/g" git diff . git commit -am "rename custom code component" git push grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor/GameLibD3ControlsEditor/g" git diff . grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls.Editor" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls/GameLib.Controls/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Controls/GameLib.API.Controls/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -R grep "GameLibD3EditorControls" * -R grep "GameLibD3ControlsEditor" * -R grep "GameLibD3ControlsEditor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLibD3ControlsEditor/GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor/g" git commit -am "Controls namespace update" git push grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" git diff . git diff grep "GameLib.D3.Image" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Image/GameLib.Image/g" git diff . git commit -am "Image namespace fix" git push git diff . exit gl cd src/ grep "contentType.*=" * -R grep "componenttType.*=" * -R grep "componentType.*=" * -R q grep "SHAPE_TYPE_CONVEX_HULL" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Mesh.MESH_T" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Mesh.MESH_T" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Mesh.MESH_T/GameLib.D3.API.Mesh.MESH_T/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.SOLV" * grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.GS" * grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.GS" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.GS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Solver.GS/GameLib.D3.API.Solver.GS/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Solver.SPL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Solver.SPL/GameLib.D3.API.Solver.SPL/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TYP" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TYP" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Texture.TYP/GameLib.D3.API.Texture.TYP/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TEX" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Texture.TEX" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Texture.TEX/GameLib.D3.API.Texture.TEX/g" grep "typeId" * -R grep "typeId" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/typeId/textureType/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Stats" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Stats/GameLib.Stats/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Stats/GameLib.API.Stats/g" 3d cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.API.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Stats/GameLib.API.Stats/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Stats" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Stats/GameLib.Stats/g" gulp build git diff sr git diff . gl cd src/ git diff . gulp build grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls.Editor/GameLib.Controls.D3.Editor/g" 3d cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.CustomCode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.CustomCode/GameLib.CustomCode/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Controls/GameLib.Controls/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Controls" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Controls/GameLib.API.Controls/g" cd .. cd api cd .. cd api-v1/ cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" cd .. cd api-v1/ grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" r git branch component_construct git checkout component_construct git commit -am "component_construct" cd .. cd blender-files/ 3d cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.API.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Image/GameLib.API.Image/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Image/GameLib.Image/g" grep "REGISTER_UPDATE" * -R cd .. gl cd src/ grep "REGISTER_UPDATE" * -R 3d cd sr cd src grep "removeEntity" * -R gl cd src/ grep "removeEntity" * -R grep "queryComponents" * -R grep "COMPONENT_" * -R grep "Component.COMPONENT_" * -R grep "Component.COMPONENT_" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.COMPONENT_/Component./g" grep "queryComponents" * -R grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.RigidBody)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RIGID_BODY)/g " grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Shape)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.SHAPE)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Animation)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.ANIMATION)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Mesh)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.MESH)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.CustomCode)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CUSTOM_CODE)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.GUI)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.GUI)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.D3.Editor)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_EDITOR)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.Touch)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_TOUCH)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.Keyboard)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_KEYBOARD)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Controls.Mouse)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CONTROLS_MOUSE)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Scene)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.Scene)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(\[GameLib.D3.Mesh\])/queryComponents([GameLib.Component.MESH])/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Material)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.MATERIAL)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.Scene)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.SCENE)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Texture)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.TEXTURE)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.ParticleEngine)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.PARTICLE_ENGINE)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.PhysicsWorld)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.PHYSICS_WORLD)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.RaycastWheel)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RAYCAST_WHEEL)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.RaycastVehicle)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RAYCAST_VEHICLE)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Renderer)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RENDERER)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Stats)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.STATS)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Entity)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.ENTITY)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Image)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.IMAGE)/g" 3d cd src/ grep "queryComponents" * -R grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.Image)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.IMAGE)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Renderer)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.RENDERER)/g" grep "queryComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/queryComponents(GameLib.D3.Camera)/queryComponents(GameLib.Component.CAMERA)/g" gl grep "queryComponents" * -R cd src/ grep "queryComponents" * -R grep "parentWorld" * -R grep "parentWorld" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/parentWorld/parentPhysicsWorld/g" grep ":\s*GameLib.D3.Mesh" * -R grep "'\s*:\s*GameLib.D3.Mesh" * grep "queryComponents" * -R grep "register" * -R grep "register\." * -R git commit -am "register updates" grep "NEW_COMPONENT_TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/NEW_COMPONENT_TYPE/COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATE/g" 3d cd src/ grep "COMPONENTS_UPDATE" * -R grep "COMPONENT_UPDATE" * -R grep "REGISTER_UPDATE" * -R grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R grep "Emit.*COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R gl cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -R grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED/COMPONENT_TYPES_FETCHED/g" 3d cd src grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_TYPES_UPDATED/COMPONENT_TYPES_FETCHED/g" grep "COMPONENT_DELETED" * -R gl cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_DELETED" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "this.componentTypes" * -R gl git push -u origin component_refactoring git diff src git commit -am "component refactoring nearing completion" git push git push -u flyingspoon component_refactoring exit gl git diff git branch component_refactoring git checkout component_refactoring git commit -am "start with linked objects" git push exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp git diff git branch component_refactoring git checkout component_refactoring git comm git commit -am "component refactoring nearing completion" git push -u flyingspoon component_refactoring exit s r gl gulp s 3d gulp sr g c cd sr 3d cd src/ grep "this.gui" * -R grep "this.gui\b" * -R git diff git commit -am "pause / edit mode / game mode - nice message for constructino" git push git push flyingspoon git checkout master git merge component_refactoring git push flyingspoon git push gl git diff git diff src git commit -am "textures backward compatible, runtime name, finished cast component" git push git push flyingspoon git checkout master git merge component_refactoring git push flyingspoon git push git commit "build"! git commit -am "build" git push git push flyingspoon 3d cd src/ grep "Sockets" * -R grep "inputSockets" * -R grep "inputSockets" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputSockets/inputSocket/g" git commit -am "systems update" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git diff src git commit -am "socket system" git push git push flyingspoon git diff src git commit -am "cast meets gui" git push git push flyingspoon 3d cd src/ grep "selectCreateMesh" * -R grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Component.Construct/GameLib.Component.ConstructFromObject/g" grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R git diff src git diff . git commit -am "construct from object and new" git push git push flyingspoon s mongo exit s killall chrome exit exot exit top killall bms_linux ps -A top kill -9 5288 exit ps -A kill -9 16878 killall steam ps -A ps -A killall bms_linux kill -9 16823 ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff git log cd src/ git diff . git commit -am "current state" git push git push flyingspoon grep "CAST_SOURCE_CHANGED" * -R git diff . git commit -am "receive component" git push git push flyingspoon 3d cd src/ git diff . git commit -am "create components quick" git push git push flyingspoon grep "COMPONENT_TYPES_FETCHED" * -R git diff git commit -am "oops" git push gl 3d git push flyingspoon exit gl git diff gul gulp s m 3d gulp 3d gulp exit gl gulp git diff src exit s m st gl cd src/ grep "RECEIVE" * -R grep "Component.RECEIVE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.RECEIVE/Component.SOCKET_RECEIVE/g" grep "Component.CAST" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.CAST/Component.SOCKET_CAST/g" grep "Component.RECEIVE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.RECEIVE/Component.SOCKET_RECEIVE/g" grep "RECEIVE" * -R grep "GameLib.API.Cast" * -R grep "GameLib.API.Cast" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.API.Cast/GameLib.API.Socket.Cast/g grep "GameLib.API.Cast" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.API.Cast/GameLib.API.Socket.Cast/g" grep "GameLib.Cast" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Cast/GameLib.Socket.Cast/g" grep "GameLib.API.Receive" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.API.Receive/GameLib.API.Socket.Receive/g" grep "GameLib.Receive" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Receive/GameLib.Socket.Receive/g" git diff git diff src git diff . git commit -am "cast and receive sockets" git push git push flyingspoon git pull gl gulp gulp build exit p gulp exit 3d gulp build exit ssh spoon2 exit 3d git diff exit ssh spoon2 exit mongo exit c cd api-v1/ git diff git log git checkout master git merge component_construct git pull git push flyingspoon exit s ssh spoon2 exit exoit exit gl gulp git diff src git status git diff src/game-lib-system-storage.js git status git commit -am "gui system fixes" git push git push flyingspoon gulp git diff git diff src git commit -am "animation system fix" git push git push flyingspoon git diff src/ git diff gulp build git commit -am "fix bad gui system" git push git push flyingspoon gulp git diff git diff src/ gulp exit p gulp gulp git diff git commit -am "preview up to date again" git push git push flyingspoon gulp exit 3d gulp git diff src git commit -am "gui system updates" git push git push flyingspoon gulp gulp build git diff src exit gl gulp build git diff src git commit -am "linking system updates components" git push git push flyingspoon gulp build git commit -am "nice data for component update" git push git push flyingspoon cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "preview url" git push gl git diff src git commit -am "start fix tetris again" git push flyingspoon git push ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff gulp build exit gl git diff git commit -am "render run loop to render system" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff gl grep "GET_RUNTIME" * -R cd src/ grep "GET_RUNTIME" * -R grep "GetRuntimeObject" * -R grep "GameLib.Component.Construct" * -R gulp build git diff . git commit -am "resize event to render system" git push git push flyingspoon 3d gulp build git diff src git commit -am "render loop to render system" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 gl cd src/ grep "new\s*GameLib.Image" * -R exit exit gl gulp exit s gl git diff git commit -am "resize events to render system" git push 3d git diff gl git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git diff src git commit -am "resize to render system" git push flyingspoon p git diff git commit -am "resize to render system" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "run() to render system" git push git push flyingspoon ping git push flyingspoon git diff src exit p gulp exit 3d gulp g gulp exit s m gedit 3d gulp gl gulp 3d cd src/ grep "canvasMain" * -R grep "canvasMain" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/canvasMain/divMain/g" 3d gulp s ccsm gl gulp gnome-calculator gedit ssh spoon2 exit gnome-calculator gl git diff git diff src git branch render_update git checkout render_update git commit -am "render update start" git checkout master git diff git log git diff src cd .. 3d git branch render_update git checkout render_update git diff git commit -am "render update start" git push -u origin render_update git push -u flyingspoon render_update cd .. cd game gl git push -u flyingspoon render_update git push -u origin render_update git log 3d git diff git checkout master git diff 3d git log exot exit gl git pull git checkout 1.0 git rm --cached build git rm --cached build -r vim .gitignore git diff git log exit 3d gulp git push gulp git diff gl git diff git commit -am "don't register keyboard controls on top of editor controls" git push git push flyingspoon ss ssh spoon2 exit gl gulp git diff git diff src git commit -am "remove build" git push git push flyingspoon gulp exit sw s m exit gl ssh spoon2 exit top ps -A killall bms_ killall bms_linux ps -9 18407 kill -9 18407 ps -9 18407 ps -A kill -9 22017 kill -9 22107 sudo reboot ps -A kill -9 8043 ps -A kill -9 4880 syslog tail -f /var/log/syslog dmesg killall docker ps -A sudo service docker stop ps -A dmesg tail -f /var/log/syslog ps -A kill -9 5891 ps -A kill -9 10010 ps -A kill -9 27828 ps -A kill -9 28653 sudo reboot cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/ cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ cd Black\ Mesa/ ls cd bms/ ls ls -A ps -A top free free -h ps aux --sort -rss ps aux --sort -rss -h free -h htio htop ps -A top -p 6806 ps -A top -p 10810 dmesg sudo service docker stop tail -f /var/log/syslog cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/ cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ ls cd Black\ Mesa/ ls ./ ./bms_linux ls vim tail -f /var/log/dmesg tail -f /var/log/syslog s g gl git diff git branch git diff render_update cd src/ git diff render_update . cd .local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/pinned_libs_64 ls cd .. cd steam-runtime/pinned_libs_64/ ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ rm ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ rm rm ln -s /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ps -A top -p 7215 tail -f /var/log/syslog EXIT exit ps -A kill -9 5421 gl git branch dots git checkout dotsd git checkout dots git branch cast_receive git checkout cast_receive git diff gulp git diff git commit -am "extend from API socket" git push git push -u origin cast_receive git push -u flyingspoon cast_receive git checkout dots git commit -am "start api.mesh.plane" git checkout cast_receive git diff git commit -am "fix constructor call process" git push git push flyingspoon git push origin git checkout dots git merge cast_receive gulp git checkout cast_receive git status git commit src/game-lib-d3-api-mesh-plane.js src/game-lib-d3-mesh-0.js src/game-lib-d3-mesh-plane.js -m "mesh plane streamline" git status git checkout cast_receive git diff git commit -am "fix inheritence for sockets" git push flyingspoon git push origin git checkout dots git merge cast_receive gulp s m st sudo service docker stop gl grep "Entity.FromObject" * -R cd src/ grep "Entity.FromObject" * -R grep "FromObject\(" * -R grep "FromObject(" * -R grep "NEW_ENTITY" * -R grep "createEntity" * -R grep "parentEntityManager" * -R 3d gulp git branch dots git checkout dots gulp git diff git branch render_update_v2 git checkout render_update_v2 git diff git commit -am "render update start" git push -u origin render_update_v2 git push -u flyingspoon gulp git diff gulp gl git diff git checkout master git commit -am "gui array query by constructor fix" git push git push flyingspoon git push origin git checkout dots git merge master git config --global core.editor "vim" git branch git checkout render_update git merge dots rm -rf build git merge dots git mergetool git commit -am "merge delete conflict" git push git push flyingspoon git push origin 3d git diff git checkout master git commit -am "dont add gui and stats to entity" git push git push flyingspoon git checkout dots git merge master gl git log gulp git checkout dots git branch render_update_v2 git checkout render_update_v2 git diff git commit -am "entities have renderers, sometimes" git push flyingspoon git push git push -u origin render_update_v2 git push -u flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "no more parent entity manager, new renderer for entity" git push git push flyingspoon git push origin gulp ifconfig exit ls ls -l ls | grep bash s 3d git diff gulp exit gl git diff dots git checkout dots gulp git checkout master git branch git merge cast_receive git merge render_update_v2 git merge dots gulp exit gl git branch git checkout render_update git diff master git checkout master git diff --name-only render_update git show render_update:src/game-lib-api-canvas.js > gl_api_canvas.js meld src/game-lib-api-canvas.js gl_api_canvas.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-api-entity.js > gl_api_entity.js meld src/game-lib-api-entity.js gl_api_entity.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-canvas.js > gl_canvas.js meld src/game-lib-canvas.js gl_canvas.js git show src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js > gl_api_render_target.js meld src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js gl_api_render_target.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js > gl_api_render_target.js meld src/game-lib-d3-api-render-target.js gl_api_render_target.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js gl_renderer.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js > gl_renderer.js meld src/game-lib-d3-renderer.js gl_renderer.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-scene.js gl_scene.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-scene.js > gl_scene.js meld src/game-lib-d3-scene.js gl_scene.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-d3-texture.js > gl_texture.js meld src/game-lib-d3-texture.js gl_texture.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-dom-element.js > dom_element.js meld src/game-lib-dom-element.js dom_element.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-entity-manager.js > entity_manager.js meld src/game-lib-entity-manager.js entity_manager.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-entity.js entity.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-entity.js > entity.js meld src/game-lib-entity.js entity meld src/game-lib-entity.js entity.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-system-gui.js > system_gui.js meld src/game-lib-system-gui.js system_gui.js git show render_update:src/game-lib-system-render.js > system_render.js meld src/game-lib-system-render.js system_render.js git diff git status rm dom_element.js entity.js entity_manager.js gl_api_canvas.js gl_api_entity.js gl_api_render_target.js gl_canvas.js gl_renderer.js gl_scene.js gl_texture.js system_gui.js system_render.js rm dom_element.js entity.js entity_manager.js gl_api_canvas.js gl_api_entity.js gl_api_render_target.js gl_canvas.js gl_renderer.js gl_scene.js gl_texture.js system_gui.js system_render.js git diff git branch -D render_update git branch -D render_update_v2 git branch render_update git checkout render_update git commit -am "render stuff legacy" git diff grep "GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R cd src/ grep "GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R grep "GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create/s/Object.create.*;/Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype);/ " git diff grep "GameLib.D3.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.D3.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create/s/Object.create.*;/Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype);/" git commit -am "Object.create chain update" perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -R grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if^C*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if^C*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//m' grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie "undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//" grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -pie 'undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' git reset --hard HEAD grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n\n//' git reset --hard HEAD grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n//' git reset --hard HEAD grep "if.*api\w*\s*instanceof" * -Rl | xargs perl -p -i -e 'undef $/; s/if\s*\(api\w*\s*instanceof.*\n\s*return.*;\n\s*}\n\s*//' git diff git commit -am "api objects can no longer be instances of runtime objects" grep "defaultEntity" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "defaultEntity" * -R gl grep "defaultEntity" * -R cd src/ grep "defaultRenderer" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "defaultRenderer" * -R grep "GET_SCENE" * -R gl cd src/ grep "GET_SCENE" * -R grep "defaultRenderer" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "defaultRenderer" * -R grep "setSize" * -R gl cd src/ grep "setSize" * -R git diff git commit -am "renderer update" git push git push -u origin render_update git checkout master git merge render_update git push git push flyingspoon git push origin exit gl git diff 3d git branch git diff render_update git diff git commit -am "move subscriptions up - start work with new renderer" git push git push flyingspoon git push origin exit gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.API.*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" grep "GameLib.API.*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create" * -R grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create\(GameLib.Component.prototype\)" * -R grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -R grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype/" grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype" grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype" grep "GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype/" git diff grep "GameLib.D3.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/GameLib.D3.API.\w*.prototype\s*=\s*Object.create(GameLib.Component.prototype)/s/GameLib.Component.prototype/GameLib.API.Component.prototype/" git diff exit s gl gulp exit 3d git diff git branch git diff dots git diff master git checkout master git diff git commit -am "remove this stuff" git checkout master git merge dots git merge render_update_v2 git branch gulp gnome-screenshot -a gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.Controls.CONTROLS" * -R grep "GameLib.Controls.CONTROLS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.Controls.CONTROLS/GameLib.API.Controls.CONTROLS/g" r gl s r m gl cd src/ grep "DELAYED_INSTANCE_ENCOUNTERED" * -R git diff git commit -am "fixed render problem for now" git push git push flyingspoon git push origin 3d gulp gl gulp s p gulp hgl hl gl gulp git diff git commit -am "controls migration" git push git push flyingspoon gulp gl git pushg git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit cd c cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "image update" git push git push flyingspoon git pull git pull flyingspoon git push flyingspoon git pull git pull flyingspoon git pull flyingspoon master git push flyingspoon exit 3d gulp exit s m exit p gulp exit gl gulp exit api cl c cd api cd .. cd api-v1/ git diff git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit gl cd src/ grep "renderCamera" * -R git diff git commit -am "store last render mode - use this for edit mode for renderer" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "switch render mode on edit mode change" git push git push flyingspoon git tag git tag -l git pull git diff git commit -am "render mode fix" git tag -a "render mode stable" git tag -a "v.r.1" git tag git push git push --tags gl git diff git commit -am "render mode stable" git tag -a "v.r.1" -m "render mode stable" git push git push flyingspoon --tags 3d git push flyingspoon --tags cd .. cd preview/ git diff git commit -am "render mode stable" git tag -a "v.r.1" -m "render mode stable" git push flyingspoon --tags git push flyingspoon git tag -l cd .. cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "render mode stable" git tag -a "v.r.1" -m "render mode stable" git push flyingspoon git push flyingspoon --tags ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff git commit -am "FromObject deprecated" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 cd src/ grep "parentEngine" * -R git diff git commit -am "parent particle engine" git push flyingspoon git push p git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exit p gulp git diff git commit -am "remember to set the render mode to 'lastRenderMode'" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "remove errorcallbacks" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit 3ds ed gl vim package.json exit cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender exit ps -A killall chrome chrome exit gl git diff git commit -am "particles can fade in / out now - linking parentParticleEngines properly" git push fl git push flyingspoon git push exit ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff git commit -am "scale offset and weight to dotmap" git push git push flyingspoon gl ssh spoon2 exit gedit exit m exit gl gulp exit s gl gulp git diff git commit -am "todo for image replace" git push git push flyingspoon 3d gulp c cd custom-code/ git log git diff 6028cb6a5c346617620742e5454166ec6e34a392 3d gulp exit 3d git diff git commit -am "resize window on entity loaded" git push gl cd src/ grep "parentEngine" * -R grep "opacityFactor" * -R cat * | wc -l grep "FromObject" * -R git diff git commit -am "scene render camera back" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "nice" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 gl git diff git commit -am "text components" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit gl git diff git commit -am "update camera aspect ratios when renderer size updates" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit gl cd src/ grep "OPACITY_TYPE_DECREASE_LINEAR" * -R grep "OPACITY_TYPE_DECREASE_LINEAR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/OPACITY_TYPE_DECREASE_LINEAR/OPACITY_TYPE_FADE_OUT_LINEAR/g" grep "OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_LINEAR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_LINEAR/OPACITY_TYPE_FADE_IN_LINEAR/g" grep "OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_DECREASE_LINEAR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/OPACITY_TYPE_INCREASE_DECREASE_LINEAR/OPACITY_TYPE_FADE_IN_OUT_LINEAR/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.OPA" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.OPA" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.OPA/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.OPA/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.POS" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.DIR" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SCA" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SPE" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.POS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.POS/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.POS/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.DIR" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.DIR/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.DIR/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SCA" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.SCA/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.SCA/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.SPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.SPE/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.SPE/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Particle.ROT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Particle.ROT/GameLib.D3.API.Particle.ROT/g" gnome-calculator sudo apt-get remove virtualbox sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-dkms gl git diff git commit -am "animation update" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "on orientation change end?" git push git push flyingspoon cd src/ grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R grep "window.innerWidth" * -R cd .. 3d grep "window.innerWidth" * -R cd src/ grep "window.innerWidth" * -R p cd src/ grep "window.innerWidth" * -R git diff git commit -am "fix avail height" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "fix screen avail width / height" git pushj git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "fix screen avail width / height" git push flyingspoon git push gl git diff git commit -am "strange - don't set px value for canvas width / height" git push git push flyingspoon gl p gulp build gulp s m gl git diff git commit -am "fix" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 p git diff git commit -am "resize window on load" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "resize window on orientation change" git push git push flyingspoon r d s r d s r 3d gulp cd Downloads/blender-2.79-rc1-linux-glibc219-x86_64/ ./blender gl gulp ifconfig route ping default ping ifconfig exit exit s m exit c cd api-v1/ scp uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/select2.mp3 spoon2:/srv/ scp uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/drone.mp3 spoon2:/srv/ exit gl git diff git commit -am "touch meta more info" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 cd src/ grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R grep "PARENT_WORLD_CHANGE" * -R grep "parentScene" * -R cd .. cd api-v1/ ls cd uploads/cybafelo/root/root/test/ ls cp ~/Desktop/select.mp3 . ls select.mp3 o p git diff git commit -am "black theme for git commit -am "black theme for preview" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "parentCanvas update instance" git push git push flyingspoon 3d ssh spoon2 gl gulp 3d gulp p gulp r gl gulp exit cd Downloads/ cd .. cd Documents/ cat img_default.png vim img_default.png xxd -b img_default.png exit cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-available ls vim cybafelo.conf gl gulp killall chrome gl git diff git commit -am "fuck audio for microdummies" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 ps -A killall chrome gl git diff git commit -am "object urls for FUCKING WINDOZE" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 p npm install npm update three s tail -f /var/log/syslog sudo service docker stop tail -f /var/log/syslog r d s sudo service nginx restart gl gulp exit 3d gulp sudo service docker stop m s 3d gulp exit gl cd src/ grep "DOM_ELEMENT_CHANGE" * -R grep "domElement" * -R grep "clone\(" * -R grep "clone(" * -R cd .. c cd blender- cd blender-node/ cd src/ grep "clone(" * -R cd .. ls grep "clone(" * -R git diff cd .. gl git diff git commit -am "rudimentary uv editing capabilities - face select mode" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "face select mode" git push git push flyingspoon s m exit s m 3d gulp hl gl gulp p gulp cd Desktop/personal/po/ ls mv Untitled\ Folder/ .untitled gl gulp git diff git commit -am "face select mode - cylinder updates" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "add to current scene if only one" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit gnome-screenshot -d 5 [A gnome-screenshot -d 5 hostname ifconfig gl git diff cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Light.LIGHT" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Light.LIGHT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Light.LIGHT/GameLib.D3.API.Light.LIGHT/g" git diff git commit -am "Lights updated" s gnome-screenshot gnome-screenshot -t 5 gnome-screenshot -t5 gnome-screenshot -h gnome-screenshot -d 5 ccsm exit ps -A gnome-screenshot -d 5 eog picasa sudo apt-get install picasa eog exit ccsm gimp gedit gnome-screenshot -d 5 gnome-screenshot -d 5 gedit gedit gnome-screenshot -d 5 exit gnome-screenshot -d 5 exit gnome-screenshot -d 5 g gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Camera.CAMERA" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Camera.CAMERA" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Camera.CAMERA/GameLib.D3.API.Camera.CAMERA/g" exit gnome-calculator exit gl cd src/ grep "Orthogonal" * -R grep "Orthogonal" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Orthogonal/Orthographic/g" grep "ORTHOGONAL" * -R grep "ORTHOGONAL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ORTHOGONAL/ORTHOGRAPHIC/g" grep "orthogonal" * -R grep "orthogonal" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/orthogonal/orthographic/g" exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit s m exit gl gulp gedit s gl git diff grep "GameLib.*Number" * -R cd src/ grep "GameLib.*Number" * -R grep "new GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R grep "new GameLib.D3.API.Camera" * -R grep "new GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Camera" * -R grep "new GameLib.D3.API.Camera" * -R grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Light" * -R gl cd src/ grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Light" * -R git branch "cameras_lights_action" git checkout cameras_lights_action git commit -am "crazy render mode" git push git push -u flyingspoon cameras_lights_action grep "CUSTOM_CODE_WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R grep "CUSTOM_CODE_WINDOW_RESIZE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/CUSTOM_CODE_WINDOW_RESIZE/AFTER_WINDOW_RESIZE/g" grep "fullscreen" * -R grep "aspect\s*=" * -R grep "widthheight" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "widthheight" * -R grep "windowSize" * -R 3d gulp gl cd src/ grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R gl cd src/ grep "WINDOW_RESIZE" * -R gnome-calculator gl gulp s m st m gnome-calculator xit gl cd src/ grep "new.*Image" * -R gl gul[ gulp gl git diff git commit -am "lights working - cameras working too - support for stereo camera" git push git push flyingspoon git status vim q ls 3d git diff git commit -am "light updates" git push git push flyingspoon gl git push rm q ls ssh spoon2 gnome-cal gnome-calculator s m 3d gulp gnome-calculator gnome-screenshot -a gnome-screenshot --h gnome-screenshot --help gnome-screenshot -a -d5 gnome-screenshot -a -d 5 s m exit gl cd src/ grep "renderTarget" * -R grep "target" * -R grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R grep "renderMode" * -R gl cd src/ grep "renderMode" * -R grep "lastRenderMode" * -R grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R 3d grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R cd src/ grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R grep "renderMode" * -R grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R gl grep "MODE_EDIT" * -R cd src/ grep "renderMode" * -R grep "lastRenderMode" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "lastRenderMode" * -R grep "imageChanged" * -R gl cd src/ grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -R grep "new.*Texture" * -R grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R 3d grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R cd src/ grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R git diff exitr exit gl gulp 3d gulp 3d gulp gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.*Matrix" * -R grep "GameLib.*Matrix4" * -R grep "TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL" * -R grep "TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL/TEXTURE_TYPE_IMAGE/g" grep "new.*API.Texture" * -R grep "*API.Texture\(" * -R grep "*API.Texture(" * -R grep ".*API.Texture(" * -R grep ".*API.Texture" * -R grep ".*" * -R grep "GameLib.Component.TEXTURE" * -R grep "Material.MATE" * -R grep "Material.MATE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Material.MATE/D3.API.Material.MATE/g" grep "D3.Material.TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Material.TYPE/D3.API.Material.TYPE/g" grep "D3.Material.LINE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/D3.Material.LINE/D3.API.Material.LINE/g" grep "getTextures" * -R grep "new.*API.Image" * -R gl gul gulp gedit s m gl cd src/ grep "parentRenderer" * -R grep "parentRenderer" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/parentRenderer/renderer_dep/g" exit s m gedit 3d gulp gl gulp 3d gulp gl gulp gl cd src/ ls -l ls -l | sed "s/.*/game-/game-" ls -l | grep "s/.*/game-/game-" ls -l | sed "s/.*game/game/" s m gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.RenderConfiguration/" grep "GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.API.RenderConfiguration/" grep "GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.RenderConfiguration/" grep "GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.RenderConfiguration/GameLib.API.RenderConfiguration/" grep "renderer_dep" * -R grep "renderer_dep" * -Rl |xargs sed -i "s/renderer_dep/renderer/g" git diff git commit -am "render passes, effects, stereo cameras, light updates, materials revamp, render configruation" git push git push flyingspoon 3fd 3d git diff git commit -am "render passes, effects, stereo cameras, light updates, materials revamp, render configruation" git push git push flyingspoon gl cat * | wc -l cd src/ cat * | wc -l sudo apt-get install pdfmod pdfmod ccsm exit cd /etc/ sudo vim hostname exit s m exit gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MULTIPLY_OPERATION" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MULTIPLY_OPERATION/GameLib.D3.API.Material.COMBINE_MULTIPLY_OPERATION/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MIX_OPERATION" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_MIX_OPERATION/GameLib.D3.API.Material.COMBINE_MIX_OPERATION/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_ADD_OPERATION" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Material.TYPE_ADD_OPERATION/GameLib.D3.API.Material.COMBINE_ADD_OPERATION/g" p gulp gl gulp gl cd src/ grep "Edit Camera" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "Edit Camera" * -R gl git diff git commit -am "re-introduce basic material" git push git push flyingspoon 3d gulp exit s m exit gl gulp p gulp 3d gulp s m exit gl gulp exit p gulp exit 3d gulp exit gl cd src/ grep "getComponents" * -R grep "getComponents" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/getComponents/findComponentByConstructor/g" grep "getFirstComponent" * -R grep "addComponent" * -R grep "removeComponent" * -R grep "removeComponent\(" * -R grep "removeComponent(" * -R grep "addComponent" * -R grep "hasComponent" * -R grep "findEntities" * -R grep "addObject" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "addObject" * -R grep "meshes.push" * -R gl cd src/ grep "meshes.push" * -R grep "addObject" * -R grep "meshes" * -R gl git diff git commit -am "reaching stability for effects and passes" git push git push flyingspoon cd src/ grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGED" * -R grep "PARENT_ENTITY_CHANGE" * -R grep "PARENT_SCENE_CHANGE" * -R git diff git commit -am "more nice names, spotlight targets" git push git push flyingspoon exit st exit ss s r exit gl gulp s m gl cd src/ grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -R grep "IMAGE_CHANGED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/IMAGE_CHANGED/TEXTURE_UPDATED/g" grep "TEXTURE_UPDATED" * -R grep "TEXTURE_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXTURE_UPDATED/TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED/g" git commit -am "start to fix cube camera" grep "TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED" * -R grep "TEXTURE_INSTANCE_UPDATED" * -R grep "TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXURE_IMAGE_UPDATED/TEXURE_INSTANCE_UPDATED/g" grep "TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TEXTURE_IMAGE_UPDATED/TEXTURE_INSTANCE_UPDATED/g" grep "getTextures" * -R git diff git commit -am "store and load cubemaps" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "exclude meshes from environment maps" git push git push flyingspoon grep "instance.parentEnt" * -R p vim package.json 3d vim package vim package.json p npm update three vim package.json npm update npm update three vim package.json npm update --save three vim package.json p gulp 3d gulp gnome-calculator gl cd src/ grep "API.Geometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* grep "API.Geometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/API.Geometry/API.BufferGeometry/g" grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GEOMETRY_TYPE/BUFFER_GEOMETRY_TYPE/g" grep "BUFFER_BUFFER" game-lib-d3-api-buffer* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/BUFFER_BUFFER/BUFFER/g" exit gl cd st cd src/ grep "game-lib" * -R grep "game-lib" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/game-lib/r2/" grep "game-lib" * -R grep "r2" * -R grep "R2" * -R grep "GameLib" * -R grep "R2" * -R grep "GameLib" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib/R2/g" cd .. grep "game-lib" * -R grep "game-lib" * cd src/ grep "R2" * -R grep "R2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/R2/GameLib/g" git commit -am "all api geometries in" grep "faceVertexUvs" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* grep "faceVertexUvs" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* -lr | xargs sed -i "/apiGeometry.faceVertexUvs/s/.*//" grep "isBuffer" * -R grep "isBuffer\b" * -R grep "isBuffer\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/isBuffer/isBufferGeometry/g" grep "faceVertexUvs" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* grep "isBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* grep "isBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* | xargs sed -i "/isBufferGeometry/s/.*//" grep "isBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* -lR | xargs sed -i "/isBufferGeometry/s/.*//" grep "apiGeometry" * -R grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry* grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* grep "apiGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/apiGeometry/apiBufferGeometry/g" grep "geometryType" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* grep "geometryType" game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry* -lR | xargs sed -i "s/geometryType/bufferGeometryType/g" git commit -am "API geometry classes done" git push git push flyingspoon grep "apiBufferGeometry.vertices," * -R grep "apiBufferGeometry.vertices," * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry.vertices,/apiBufferGeometry.vertices,\n\t\tapiBufferGeometry.colors,/" grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -R grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry.colors,\n//" grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -R grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry.colors,\r\n//" grep "apiBufferGeometry.colors," * -R git diff git commit -am "bg's final" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl git diff git status git commit src/game-lib-a-2-utils.js src/game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-0.js src/game-lib-d3-api-face.js src/game-lib-d3-buffer-geometry-a.js src/game-lib-d3-geometry-a.js -m "instance for buffer g's" git status git diff git reset --hard HEAD git diff exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit s m exit p gulp ss st exit sudo service docker stop exit ps -A top exit killall csgo_linux64 exit man find c ls cd cd .local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike\ Global\ Offensive/ ls cd csgo/ ls cat autobuy.txt find . -name "*.txt" cd .. find . -name "*.txt" find . -name "*.txt" | xargs cat find . -name "*.txt" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" -l find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" -lR find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" -l find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian|swedish" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "bulgarian|swedish|hungarian" man grep find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "(bulgarian|swedish|hungarian)" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" -v "german" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian||german" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian|german" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "(hungarian\|german)" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian|german" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "/hungarian|german/" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" -l find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" -lR find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "koreana" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -L find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -lR find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -l find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" -R find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:.//" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:.//" | xargs cat find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:.//" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:././" find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:././" | xargs cat find . -name "*.txt" | grep -v "hungarian" | grep -v "german" | grep -v "polish" | grep -v "spanish" | grep -v "norwegian" | grep -v "greek" | grep -v "schinese" | grep -v "swedish" | grep -v "korean" | grep -v "czech" | grep -v "danish" | grep -v "bulgarian" | grep -v "turkish" | grep -v "romanian" | grep -v "italian" | grep -v "thai" | grep -v "french" | grep -v "finnish" | grep -v "dutch" | grep -v "japanese" | grep -v "portugu" | grep -v "brazil" | sed "s/.*:././" | xargs cat > data.txt vim data.txt mv data.txt ~/Desktop/ PS -a ps -A which csgo_linux64 ps --help ps --help all ps -A ps -C csgo_linux64 ps -A ps --help ps --help output ps -A -F 1563dwd d DwaawawdrD[1;7Cda awsd[1;3CADAZC cd /home/tj/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/ ls cd cd .local/ ls cd share/ ls cd Steam/ ls cd steamapps/common/Counter-Strike\ Global\ Offensive/ ls tree . sudo apt-get install tree find . -name "*.png" find . -name "*png" find . -name "*jpg" ls cd platform/ ls cd materials/ ls cd engine/ lg ls cd .. ls cd .. ls tree . ls cd Counter-Strike\ Global\ Offensive/ tree . r vim /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib/build/game-lib.js r exit gnome-screenshot gnome-screenshot -a lspci | grep vga lspci | grep lspci exit sudo apt-get install shutter shutter exit s m st exit r vim /usr/share/cybafelo/game-lib/build/game-lib.js r exit gl gulp gulp build gulp exit p gulp exit 3d gulp exit gl cd src/ grep "REPLACE_COMPONENT" * -R 3d npm remove --save three npm install --save three p npm remove --save three npm install --save three exit gl cd src/ git diff git commit -am "just before introducing geometry base" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed -s "/.*game/game/" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*game/game/" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*game/mv game/" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*(game.*)/mv $1/" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game.*\)/mv $1/" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game.*\)/mv \1/" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game.*\)/mv \1 \1/" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1bufferi-geometry-\2/" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/\1buffer-geometry-\2/" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/\1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/\1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs mv ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs basg ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | xargs bash ls game-lib-d3-api-buffer-geometry-* | sed "s/.*\(game-lib-d3-api-\)buffer-geometry-\(.*\)/mv \1buffer-geometry-\2 \1geometry-buffer-\2/" | bash ls grep "API.Geometry." game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* grep "API.Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* grep "API.Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* -lR | xargs sed -i "/create.*API.Geometry.prototype/s/API.Geometry.prototype/API.GeometryBase.prototype/" grep "API.Geometry." game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal* -l | xargs sed -i "s/API.Geometry\./API.Geometry.Normal./g" grep "BufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* grep "API.BufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* grep "API.BufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/API.BufferGeometry/API.Geometry.Buffer/g" grep "Geometry.Buffer.BUFFER" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* grep "Geometry.Buffer.BUFFER" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/Geometry.Buffer.BUFFER/Geometry.BUFFER/g" grep "Geometry.Normal.GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/Geometry.Normal.GEOMETRY/Geometry.GEOMETRY/g" grep "GeometryBase" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GeometryBase/Geometry/g" grep "BUFFER_GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* grep "Geometry.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* grep "Geometry.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "/Geometry.BUFFER_GEOMETRY/s/BUFFER_GEOMETRY_TYPE_\(\w*\)/GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_\1/" grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_NONE" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_NONE" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER_NONE/GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER/" grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_" * grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/GEOMETRY_TYPE_/GEOMETRY_TYPE_NORMAL_/g" grep "NORMAL_BUFFER" * -R grep "NORMAL_BUFFER" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/NORMAL_BUFFER/BUFFER/g" grep "NORMAL_NORMAL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/NORMAL_NORMAL/BUFFER/g" grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_NORMAL" * -R grep "GEOMETRY_TYPE_BUFFER\b" * -R grep "Geometry " * -R grep "'Geometry " * -R grep "Component.GEOMETRY" * -R grep "Component.GEOMETRY" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.GEOMETRY/Component.GEOMETRY_NORMAL/" grep "Component.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" * -R grep "Component.BUFFER_GEOMETRY" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Component.BUFFER_GEOMETRY/Component.GEOMETRY_BUFFER/" grep "\.Geometry\." game-lib-a-component-a.js grep "\.Geometry\." game-lib-a-component-a.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/\.Geometry\./.Geometry.Normal./" grep "BufferGeometry" game-lib-a-component-a.js grep "BufferGeometry" game-lib-a-component-a.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/BufferGeometry/Geometry.Buffer/" git diff git status grep "apiBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* grep "apiBufferGeometry" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/apiBufferGeometry/apiGeometry/g" grep "bufferGeometryType" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* grep "bufferGeometryType" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-buffer-* -l |xargs sed -i "s/bufferGeometryType/geometryType/g" grep "Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal-* grep "Geometry.prototype" game-lib-d3-api-geometry-normal-* -l | xargs sed -i "s/Geometry.prototype/Geometry.Normal.prototype/" exit s n m exit p gulp pavucontrol gl git diff git commit -am "geometry done" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "remove old components" git push git push flyingspoon git checkout master git pull git merge cameras_lights_action git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "cleanup" git push git push flyingspoon cd . cd .. cd preview/ git diee git diff git commit -am "fix" git push flyingspoon cd .. cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "fix image" git push git push flyingspoon git stat git status rm image_* ls ssh spoon2 3d gulp pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 pactl unload-module module-loopback pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 gl gulp gl cd src/ grep "new.*API.Image" * -R 3d grep "new.*API.Image" * -R exit gnome-calculator gl git diff git commit -am "shader materials, shaders and instanced geometries" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit gnome-calculator exit s m exut exit gl gulp 3d gulp p gnome-cal gnome-calculator exit gl cd src/ grep "updateFromRawObject" * -R exit gnome-calculator s m exit gl gulp git diff glt git diff git commit -am "points material, raw shader, fixed aspect ratios for orthographic cams" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "filter components" git push git push flyingspoon p git commit -am "respond to orientation and window resize" git push git push flyingspoon exut exit e 3d gulp exit p gulp e exit ssh spoon2 exit pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 pavucontrol grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * 0R grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * -R gl cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_CLONED" * -R exit gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz-1/plugins/grid/screen0/options/top_edge_action --type int 0 sudo gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz-1/plugins/grid/screen0/options/top_edge_action --type int 0 sudo gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz-1/plugins/grid/screen1/options/top_edge_action --type int 0 gconf-editor sudo apt-get install gconf-editor exit p git commit -am "fuck" git push git push flyingspoon exit ccsm# ccsm exit p git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit p git commit -am "test agaiin" git push git push flyingspoon p git diff git commit -am "dummy" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "dummy" git push flyingspoon gl git diff git commit -am "update instance color" git push git push flyingspoon exit p git commit -am "test for chrome mobile or android" git push flyingspoon exit shutter exit s m exit gl gulp exit pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 pavucontrol shutter exit s m exit 3d gulp exit gl git diff gulp exit pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 pavucontrol exit 3d cd src/ cd .. npm remove --save codemirror pactl unload-module module-loopback exit pavucontrol exit gnome-calculator pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "shader updates" git push git push flyingspoon exit s m exit pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 ifconfig gedit gl git diff git push git push flyingspoon p git push flyingspoon gl gulp 3d gulp s m exit ssh spoon2 exit 3d git status git diff git commit -am "update codemirror, bacon.js" git push git push flyingspoon cd src/editor.js/ ls mv bacon-3.js ~/Desktop/ exit gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.Event.Subscribe( GameLib.Event.GET_API_URL, function(data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback) { try { clientCallback({apiUrl : this.getApiUrl(), passwoid : '"kent sent me" motherfucker!'}); } catch (error) { clientErrorCallback(error); } }.bind(this) grep "GET_API_URL" * -R eit git diff git commit -am "fix missing fog" git push git push flyingspoon exit exit s m exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 g gl git diff git commit -am "animation system update" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git status git add 3rd-party/codemirror-5.34.0/ git commit -am "restart update" git push git push flyingspoon p git diff gl git diff git commit -am "remove some warnings and todos" git push git push flyingspoon git log git diff git commit -am "keyboard fix for edge" git push flyingspoon git push exit gl cd src/ grep "addMaterial" * -R grep "attachAnimation" * -R grep "ANIMATION_MESH_REMOVED" * -R grep "ANIMATION_MESH_ADDED" * -R grep "ANIMATION_MESH_REMOVED" * -R grep "attachAnimation" * -R grep "dettachAnimation" * -R grep "detachAnimation" * -R ssh spoon2 exit pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 pactl unload-module module-loopback gl git log exit shutter p gulp exit gl s gl cd src/ grep "_\." * -R grep "q\." * -R grep "Q\." * -R grep "lodash" * -R gl gulp exit hl gl cd build vim game-lib.js p sudo npm install -g light-server ls cd cd Desktop/ ls cd bacon3/ ls light-server -s . exit mongo exit gl gulp p git diff git commit -am "client heighT" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit git commit -am "orientationchange" p git commit -am "orientationchange" git push git push flyingspoon git diff git commit -am "resize after two seconds" git push git commit -am "resize after two seconds" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "resize after one second" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "500 ms" git push git push flyingspoon git commit -am "immediate and delayed resize" git push flyingspoon git commit -am "try nice" git push git push flyingspoon git diff exit gl git diff git commit -am "unsure about commit" exit sudo poweroff ifconfig exit gl cd src/ grep "new.*Mouse" * -R git diff git commit -am "canvas size updates, mouse and raycaster to API" git push git push flyingspoon p git log git diff git log git commit -am "multiple resize" git push git push flyingspoon 3d git diff git commit -am "auto update size for canvas - cleanup" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit gl p git diff git commit -am "auto focus canvas for preview" git push git push flyingspoon gl e 3d git diff git commit -am "auto focus canvas" git push git push flyingspoon ssh spoon2 exit s m exit gl gulp exit 3d gulp exit p gulp exit shutter gnome-calculator cd config/ ls cd / find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" | grep -v "Permission denied" find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" &2 > 1 | grep -v "Permission denied" find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" 2 > &1 | grep -v "Permission denied" find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" &2>1 | grep -v "Permission denied" find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" &2>1 | grep -V "Permission denied" find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" 2>&1 | grep -V "Permission denied" find . -name "ubuntu_logo.png" 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied" find . -name "ubuntu*png" 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied" cd /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ ls rmsudo rm ubuntu-logo.png sudo rm ubuntu-logo.png sudo rm ubuntu-logo16.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo16.png ls exit cd /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ ls rm progress-dot-on.png sudo rm progress-dot-on.png ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on.png sudo rm progress-dot-on16.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on1.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on16.png sudo rm progress-dot-on1.png ls exit c cd config/ git diff git commit -am "stuff " git status git add progress-dot-on16.png git add ubuntu-logo* git commit -am "rename" git push exit c cd config/ ls mv ubuntu_logo16.png ubunty-logo16.png mv ubuntu_logo.png ubunty-logo.png mv ubunty-logo.png ubuntu-logo.png mv ubunty-logo16.png ubuntu-logo16.png mv progress_dot_on16.png progress-dot-on16.png ls -l rm progress_dot_on.png git diff exit cd /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ ls pactl unload-module module-loopback pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 pactl unload-module module-loopback exit s m exit gnome-calculator exit r exit mongo exit gl gulp exit s m exit p gulp exit 3d gulp exit gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.API.Mesh.MESH_TYPE" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Mesh.MESH_TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Mesh.MESH_TYPE/GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_MESH/g" grep "OBJECT_TYPE_MESH_NORMAL" * -R grep "OBJECT_TYPE_MESH_NORMAL" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/OBJECT_TYPE_MESH_NORMAL/OBJECT_TYPE_MESH/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT/GameLib/D3.API.Light.LIGHT_TYPE/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT/GameLib.D3.API.Light.LIGHT_TYPE/g" git diff git commit -am "cameras and meshes are now 3d objects" git push git push flyingspoon 3d p exit gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.API.Light.LIGHT_TYPE" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Light.LIGHT_TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Light.LIGHT_TYPE/GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_LIGHT/g" exit gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.API.Camera.CAMERA_TYPE_" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Camera.CAMERA_TYPE_" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Camera.CAMERA_TYPE/GameLib.D3.API.Object.OBJECT_TYPE_CAMERA/g" exit ps -A st killall csgo_linux ps -A | grep go killall csgo_linux64 exit pactl unload-module module-loopback pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 exit pactl unload-module module-loopback pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 pactl unload-module module-loopback pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 pactl unload-module module-loopback pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 r exit 3d s r m exit r exit 3d gulp exit r p gulp exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "introducing 2d renderer" exit gl cd src/ grep "Renderer.MODE_CANVAS" * -R grep "Renderer.MODE_CANVAS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Render.MODE_CANVAS/Render.MODE_CANVAS_3D/g" grep "Renderer.MODE_CANVAS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Renderer.MODE_CANVAS/Renderer.MODE_CANVAS_3D/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Renderer" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Renderer" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Renderer/GameLib.Renderer/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Renderer" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Renderer" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Renderer/GameLib.API.Renderer/g" grep "MODE_CANVAS_3D" * -R grep "MODE_CANVAS_3D" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/MODE_CANVAS_3D/MODE_CANVAS/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Renderer" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.Renderer" * -R 3d git diff git commit -am "2d renderer for impact" git push git push flyingspoon gl git push flyingspoon e r pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 ssh spoon2 exit ssh spoon2 scp spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_saver/ -r . scp -r spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_saver/ . cd iscan-bundle-1.0.4.x64.deb/ cd i_saver/ ls cd lib/ grep "" * -R exit cd /etc/ sudo vim hosts exit r sudo service nginx restart exit scp spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_collector/ ./pacman mkdir pacman scp spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_collector/ ./pacman -R scp -R spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_collector/ ./pacman scp -r spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_collector/ ./pacman shutter exit cd Pictures/ ls scp fn_Tileset.png spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/i_collector/media/ scp fn_Tileset.png spoon2:/tmp c scp -r spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/Projekt016/* . scp -r spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/DonkeyKong_t_system/ . cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ light-server --? light-server --help light-server -s . -p 4001 exit gl c cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ ls grep "EntityButton" * -R grep "touchmove" * -R cd .. cd i_saver/ grep "GameOver" * -R grep "coins" * -R grep "EntityPlayer" * -R grep "StartScreen" * -R grep "EntityPlayer" * -R grep "EntityPlayer" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityPlayer/ig.EntityPlayer/g" grep "EntityLadder" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityLadder/ig.EntityLadder/g" grep "EntityEnemywindow" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityEnemywindow/ig.EntityEnemywindow/g" grep "EntityEnemyviking" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityEnemyviking/ig.EntityEnemyviking/g" grep "EntityEnemyammo" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityEnemyammo/ig.EntityEnemyammo/g" grep "EntityCoin" * -R grep "EntityCoin" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityCoin/ig.EntityCoin/g" grep "type.*Entity" * -R grep "type.*Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/type.*ig\.Entity/s/ig.Entity/Entity/" grep "type.*Entity" * -R grep "EntityPlayer" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/EntityPlayer/ig.EntityPlayer/g" grep "type.*Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "/type.*ig\.Entity/s/ig.Entity/Entity/" grep "EntityPlayer" * -R grep "ig.ig.Entity" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/ig.ig/ig/g" grep "EntityPlayer" * -R grep "EntityLadder" * -R grep "EntityEnemywindow" * -R grep "type\s*:\s*Entity" * -R grep "type\s*:\s*Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/type\/s*:\s*Entity/type : ig.Entity/g" grep "type\s*:\s*Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/type/s*:\s*Entity/type : ig.Entity/g" grep "type\s*:\s*Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/type\s*:\s*Entity/type : ig.Entity/g" grep "EntityCoin" * -R grep "input.joystick" * -R cd .. cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ grep "input.joystick" * -R cd .. cd i_saver/ grep "joystick.*function" * -R grep "function.*joystick.*" * -R d cd cd i_saver/ grep "function.*joystick.*" * -R grep "joystick.*function" * -R cd lib/impact/ ls vim impact.js gl ls cd .. cd i_saver/ ls cd lib/ ls mv impact cp -R ~/i_saver/lib/impact . ls exit shutter gnome-calculator c cd i_saver/ ls git init . git status cd lib/ ls rm -rf impact cp ../../api-v1/public/impact_src/lib/impact . cp ../../api-v1/public/impact_src/lib/impact . -R cd .. git status git add & git add * cd .. cd php -a vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cybafelo.conf c ls mkdir weltmeister cd weltmeister/ ls c cd i_saver/ ls grep "ig.Entity\w" * -R grep "ig.Entity\w" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ig.Entity(\w)/Entity\1/g" grep "ig.Entity\w" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ig.Entity\(\w\)/Entity\1/g" grep "ig.Entity\w" * -R exit c ls cd i_saver/ ls cd lib/ ls cd gam cd game/ ls vim main.js cd .. ls cd .. ls light-server -s . pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 pactl unload-module module-loopback meld c cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ grep resetLevel * -R grep "ending" * -R grep "\bending\b" * -R grep "levelLost" * -R cd .. cd i_saver/ grep "levelLost" * -R grep "sessionStats" * -R cd .. cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ grep "sessionStats" * -R grep "endScene" * -R grep "getBootScene" * -R c cd i_saver/ git diff git status git add * git rm lib/ git rm lib/ -r git commit -am "touch" git push git status git commit -am "first commit" git push cd .. cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ grep "endScene" * -R grep "actions" * -R grep "onSceneEnd" * -R grep "goToScene" * -R grep "endScene" 8 -R grep "endScene" * -R grep "endScene.*function" * -R grep "goToScene" * -R grep "ending.*function" * -R grep "\bending\b.*function" * -R cd .. cd i_saver/ ls git diff git commit -am "redirect on end" git push ssh spoon2 cd .. cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ grep "TouchButtonCollection" * -R cd.. cd .. cd i_saver/ grep "TouchButtonCollection" * -R git diff git commit -am "touch button update" gitp ush git push cd .. cp i_saver i_saver.bak cp i_saver i_saver.bak -R cd i_saver git push ls git status git add * git status git push git dfif git diff git commit -am "also climb on up" git push git dff git diff git commit -am "get rid of start scene" git push git diff git commit -am "remove global" git push cd .. scp -r spoon2:/home/bittler/playground/ninja/ . cd i_saver git commit -am "resize " git push git commit "delayed resize and orientation trigger" git commit -am "delayed resize and orientation trigger" git push git diff git commit -am "fix touch buttons" git pus git push git commit -am "fix jump" git push git diff git commit -am "new enemy" git push exit gnome-calculator c mv i_collector i_pacman cd ninja/ light-server -s . -p 4001 exit c cd i_saver/ ls cd .. cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ grep "joystick.*function" * -R cd lib/impact/ vim impact.js vim input.js ssh spoon2 cd .. light-server -s . cd .. cd i_saver/ light-server -s . git remote add origin git push -u origin master light-server -s . exit gl cd .. cd DonkeyKong_t_system/ ls grep "ig.content" * -R git commit -am "latest" cd .. cd i_saver git diff git commit -am "score multiplier 1000" git push ls cd tools/ ls chmod +x ./ ls vim git commit -am "sounds disable - debug mesg" gitpush git push cd .. ls php tools/bake.php cd lib ls rm -rf cd plugins/ ls rm touch-button-broken.js ls cd .. ls cd weltmeister/ ls cd .. ls cd game/ ls cd entities/ ls cd .. cd levels/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls tree . cd .. php tools/bake.php lib/impact lib/plugins lib/game i_saver.min.js php tools/bake.php lib/impact/*.js lib/plugins/*.js lib/game/*.js i_saver.min.js vim i_saver.min.js git add i_saver.min.js git commit -am "baked" git push exit ssh spoon2 exit c cd i_saver grep "debugMessage" grep "debugMessage" * -R cd .. ls exit ssh spoon2 exit c cd i_saver git push cat lib/game/main.js exit gl cd .. cd i_saver php tools/bake.php lib/impact/*.js lib/plugins/*.js lib/game/*.js i_saver.min.js git commit -am "really disable sound" git push ssh spoon2 exit pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 r exit s m exit gl grep "setSize" * -R cd src/ grep "setSize" * -R grep "TYPE_THREE_JS" * -R grep "TYPE_THREE_JS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_THREE_JS/GRAPHICS_RUNTIME_THREE/g" exit gl gulp 3d gulp r p gulp cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls vim cybafelo.conf sudo service nginx restart vim cybafelo.conf exit sudo service nginx restart exit r d s exit p s r exit m exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp exit gl grep "new.*Canvas" * -R cd src/ grep "new.*Canvas" * -R exit c cd api-v1/ ls ln -s public/impact impact ls exit c cd i_saver light-server -s . pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 pactl unload-module module-loopback exit pactl unload-module module-loopback pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 c cd i_saver light-server -s . exit m exit s r exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "graphics runtimes" git push git push flyingspoon exit gl git diff cd .. cd i_Sa cd i_saver git diff git commit -am "bigger buttons" git push ssh spoon2 gl cd src/ grep "addComponent" * -R exit c cd i_saver git commit -am "no outline" git push exit ssh exit cat .ssh/ ls cd config/ ls grep "" * -R ls cd .. c exit r d st s exit ssh vim /etc/hosts exit c cd config/ grep "" * -R grep "" * -R --exclude=bash_history grep "" * -R --exclude=bash_history --exclude=general grep "" * -R --exclude=bash_history --exclude=general -lR | xargs sed -i "s/" ls s 3d gulp cd .. cd api-v1/ ls exit c cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "snake" git push git push flyingspoon git status git add impact/lib/game/entities/snake-head.js impact/lib/game/levels/ impact/media/platforms.png git add impact/lib/game/levels/ impact/media/platforms.png git commit -am "images" git push ls git status vim index. vim index.php rm index. rm index.php rm image_* ls cd .. ls cd 3d-editor/ git diff git status git commit -am "runtime - also no impact" git push git push flyingspoon gl git diff exit