grep "Imageupload\/uploadJson" * -R git diff git checkout tj/DPC-1311 git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - front-end updates for image upload" git push git checkout master git merge tj/DPC-1311 vim debian/changelog head debian/changelog git commit -am "plista-www (4.51.8)" git push git diff grep "getResized" * -R grep "imagelibrary.getResized" * -R git diff git branch tj/DPC-1311 git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - image library updates for resize to include tenant part" git reset --soft HEAD git reset --soft HEAD^1 git diff git status git pull git status git checkout tj/DPC-1311 git diff git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - image library updates for resize to include tenant part" git push git diff master git checkout master git pull git merge tj/DPC-1311 vim debian/changelog git diff vim debian/changelog head debian/changelog git commit -am "plista-www (4.51.9)" git push exit vim /etc/hosts exit cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/ git checkout next git pull cd db/authorization/ ./generate_acls.sql.php vim ~/.my.cnf mysql exit vim .my.cnf mysql vim .my.cnf mysqldump tenants > tenants.sql; mysqldump db_youfilter tenants > tenants.sql; mysqldump --lock-tables=false db_youfilter tenants > tenants.sql; mysql sudo service redis-server restart vim .my.cnf cd /usr/share/plista/www git diff git checkout tj/DPC-1311 git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - css and js files also need tenant info" git push git checkout master git merge tj/DPC-1311 head debian/changelog vim debian/changelog head debian/changelog git commit -am "plista-www (4.51.10)" git push cd .. cd lib-cake2-plugins/ git diff git branch git checkout tj/DPC-1311 git diff git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - minify needs tenant info" git push git checkout master git merge tj/DPC-1311 vim debian/changelog head debian/changelog git commit -am "lib-cake2-plugins (1.51.3)" git push cd .. cd lib-cake2-extensions/ git diff git branch git checkout tj/DPC-1311 git diff git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - minify also now accessible from satellites" git push git checkout master git merge tj/DPC-1311 head debian/changelog vim debian/changelog head debian/changelog git commit -am "lib-cake2-extensions (1.49.3)" git push exit ssh -L 9005: ssh -R 9010: cd /usr/share/plista/ cd www git diff git checkout tj/DPC-1311 git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - upload url changes to include tenant info" git push git checkout master git merge tj/DPC-1311 vim debian/changelog git checkout tj/DPC-1311 git commit -am "DEVWWW-4568 - ignore de tenant" git push git checkout master git merge tj/DPC-1311 vim debian/changelog head debian/changelog git commit -am "plista-www (4.51.7)" git push hk5 sudo poweroff cd /usr/share/plista/www grep "platformLoginUrl" * -R cd .. cd lib-cake2-extensions/ grep "platformLoginUrl" * -R cd .. cd lib-platform-core/ git pull cd db/authorization/ ls ./generate_acls.sql.php vim ~/.my.cnf mysql sudo service redis-server restart cd .. cd . cd .. cd www-admin/ git diff git checkout next git pull git branch tj/DEVWWW-456 git branch tj/DEVWWW-4569 git branch -D tj/DEVWWW-456 git checkout tj/DEVWWW-4569 git commit -am "DEVWWW-4569 - www admin tenant aware" git push git push -u origin tj/DEVWWW-4569 cd .. cd lib-cake2-extensions/ git checkout next exit tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 exit cd /usr/share/plista/ ./branches ./checkout_all tj/DPC-1311 ./branches cd www git log cd tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 exit cd www cd /usr/share/plista/ ls cd www-admin/ git checkout tj/DEVWWW-4569 git checkout tj/DPC-1311 git checkout tj/DEVWWW-4569 git merge tj/DPC-1311 cd ... cd .. cd lib-cake2-extensions/ git diff git merge next git checkout tj/DEVWWW-4569 git diff git branch tj/DEVWWW-4569 git commit -am "DEVWWW-4569 - www admin tenant aware" git push cd .. cd lib-cake2-plugins/ git diff git commit -am "DEVWWW-4569 - navigation visible for all, logout includes tenant info" git push hk5 exit sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 sudo airmon-ng sudo airodump-ng -a mon0 sudo airmon-ng stop mon0 sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces man networks sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces sudo service network-manager restart sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 sudo airodump-ng mon0 sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf exit gedit sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf sudo service network-manager restart ifconfig ping ping ping ping ping route ping frei.funk ifconfig sudo service network-manager restart tail -f /var/log/syslog sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf sudo service network-manager restart sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 sudo airodump-ng mon0 sudo airodump-ng --bssid C0:25:06:C6:B4:2C mon0 sudo airodump-ng --bssid C0:25:06:C6:B4:2C -c 1 mon0 sudo airodump-ng mon0 sudo airmon-ng stop mon1 sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf sudo service network-manager restart exit vncviewer sudo vncviewer cd Downloads/ ls tar -xf VNC-5.3.0-Linux-x86-ANY.tar.gz cd VNC-5.3.0-Linux-x86/ ls ./vncviewer ls -l ./vncinstall sudo ./vncviewer sudo ./vncinstall vncviewer ls vim README man vncviewer vncviewer cd /usr/bin/ ls ls | grep vnc cd - ls ./vncviewer vim vncviewer Xvnc ./Xvnc java ./vncviewer ls -l | grep dev ls -l | grep deb ls vim vncinstall cd .. la tar -xf VNC-5.3.0-Linux-x86-DEB.tar.gz ls sudo dpkg -i VNC-Viewer-5.3.0-Linux-x86.deb sudo apt-get install libc6 ls tar -xf VNC-5.3.0-Linux-x64-DEB.tar.gz ls dpkg -i VNC-Viewer-5.3.0-Linux-x64.deb sudo dpkg -i VNC-Viewer-5.3.0-Linux-x64.deb realvnc-vnc-viewer exit cd config/ ls openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted cd Desktop/ openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git commit -am "ruckus" git push exit sudo ifconfig wlan0 down sudo killall wpa_supplicant sudo ifconfig wlan0:0 up sudo ifconfig wlan0up sudo ifconfig wlan0 up ifconfig sudo killall wpa_supplicant sudo ifconfig wlan0:1 up sudo ifconfig --help sudo ifconfig wlan0 sudo ifconfig wlan0:1 sudo ifconfig wlan0:2 sudo ifconfig wlan0 down ifup -a sudo ifup -a sudo ifdown -a sudo ifup -a sudo ifdown -a ifconfig sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c config/cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd sudo ifup -a sudo ifdown wlan0 sudo ifconfig wlan0 down sudo ifconfig wlan0 up sudo ifconfig wlan0 down sudo ifconfig sudo ifconfig wlan0 up sudo ifconfig route cat /etc/resolv.conf sudo route add -net gw route ping ping sudo ifconfig wlan0 down sudo ifconfig cat config/wlan_up sudo killall wpa_supplicant sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./config/cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd sudo ifconfig wlan0 up sudo ifconfig wlan0 down sudo killall wpa_supplicant sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./config/cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd sudo killall wpa_supplicant sudo ifconfig wlan0 down sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./config/cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd dhclient wlan0 sudo dhclient wlan0 ifconfig route ping cat /etc/resolv.conf ping ping ping ping ping route sudo ifconfig wlan0 down sudo killall wpa_supplicant sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./config/cybafelo-wpa.conf -dd sudo dhclient wlan0 ifconfi ifconfig route ping ping ping ping ifconfig route ping cat /etc/resolv.conf route del sudo route del -net route sudo route add -net gw route ping ifconf ifconfig sudo su exit sudo su exit sudo su exit sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp -i eth0 -d --dport 514 -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -i eth0 -d --dport 514 -j ACCEPT exjt exit cd /var/log/ ls | grep syslog cat syslog exit ls find . -name "syslog.conf" vim /etc/ cd /etc/ ls ls | grep sys vim rsyslog.conf sudo vim rsyslog.conf sudo service rsyslog restart sudo vim rsyslog.conf sudo service rsyslog restart ifconfig exit sudo su cd /etc/ ls vim rsyslog.d/50-default.conf ls cd /var/ ls cd lo cd log ls netstat -A netstat -a netstat -ap netstat -ap | grep rsys sudo netstat -ap | grep rsys tail -f /var/log/syslog exit ifconfig ping 192.168.1 ping ping 192.168.12 ping ifconfig exit sudo su tcpdump tcpdump eth0 tcpdump --help tcpdump -i eth0 sudpo tcpdump -i eth0 sudo tcpdump -i eth0 tcpdump --help tcpdump -i eth0 -T udp man tcpdump exit ssh exit sudo su exit tail -f /var/log/syslog exit ifconfig ping ifconfig route print route ping ping ping ping ping ping ifconfig ping ip --help ip --help ping ping ifconfg ifconfig tail -f /var/log/syslog exit route ifconfig route print route exit ping ping ping ping cat /etc/resolv.conf sudo ifconfig wlan0 inet add sudo ifconfig wlan0 inet add address netmask sudo ifconfig wlan0 inet add netmask ifconfig ip addr add dev wlan0 sudo ip addr add dev wlan0 ifconfig ping ping ifconfig ping sudo ip address del sudo ip address del dev wlan0 sudo ip address help sudo ip address add help sudo ip address add gw dev wlan9 sudo ip address add gateway dev wlan0 sudo ip address add dev wlan0 ifconfig route ping ping sudo ip address del dev wlan0 sudo ip address del dev wlan0 sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces sudo service network-manager restart cd config/ ls vim wlan_up sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces vim wlan_up chmod +x wlan_up ls -l cat wlan_up vim cybafelo-wpa.conf ./wlan_up vim cybafelo-wpa.conf ./wlan_up vim cybafelo-wpa.conf ./wlan_up vim cybafelo-wpa.conf ./wlan_up ping ping ping vim wlan_up ./wlan_up ping ifconfig sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces sudo vim wlan_up ./wlan_up ifconf ifconfig ping ifconfig wlan0:1 ping sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces vim wlan_up ./wlan_up vim wlan_up sudo vim wlan_up vim wlan_up sudo vim wlan_up sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces sudo ifconfig wlan0 down sudo killall wpa_supplicant sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf sudo service network-manager restart sudo service freeradius stop which freeradius sudo freeradius -X exit tail -f /var/log/freeradius/*.log sudo tail -f /var/log/freeradius/*.log sudo su exit cd config/ ./wlan_up route sudo ip route change default via dev wlan0 ifconfig route sudo route hepl sudo route add help sudo route add net sudo route add net 19gateway sudo route add ne-net 19gateway sudo route add -net 19gateway sudo route add -net gw sudo route add -net gw route ping vim /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces ls exit radclient echo "User-Name = tj" | radclient testing123 echo "User-Name = tj" | radclient auth testing123 mysql echo "User-Name = sqltest, User-Password = testpwd" | radclient auth testing123 exit tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 1812 sudo tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 1812 ping route route del -net sudo route del -net sudo route add -net gw ping sudo route del -net ifconfig sudo route add -net gw ping cd /usr/share/plista/ ls cd wegyle/ ls vim post.php git pull git add post.php git push git commit -am "post for captive portal" git push ssh l ls vim test.php git mv post.php web/ git commit -am "in web folder" git push git pull git remote -v ssh cd /usr/share/plista/ cd api-server/ grep "setCollecionType" * -R grep "collectionType\s*=" * -R cd .. grep "collectionType\s*=" * -R grep "setCollectionType\s*=" * -R grep "setCollectionType" * -R exit cd /usr/share/plista/crm/ cd app/Vendor/ cd .. git checkout next git pull cd app/Vendor/ cd .. ./checkout_all next ./update_all cd crm/ cd app/Vendor/ ls git status git push git add phpunit.phar git add phpunit.phar.4.8.16 git commit -am "phpunit 4.8.16" git push cd .. cd lib-platform-core/ git diff git commit -am "pets upload" git push git pull git push cd db/authorization/ ls ./generate_acls.sql.php mysql mongo git diff cd .. git diff git commit -am "no default to cms file" git push git pull git push cd .. cd api-server/ git diff git commit -am "pets files can be uploaded" git push cd .. exit tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 exit p324 p32 p324 exit cd /home/tj/.CLion12/system/cmake/generated/e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug ls sudo make install exit p324 cd /usr/share/plista/ ls -l sudo apt-get install bittorent sudo apt-get install bittorrent bittorrent cd cd Downloads/ sudo dpkg -i frostwire-6.2.2.all.deb cd /usr/share/plista/ ls git remote -v cd ~/dark-matter/ ls cd src/ ls mkdir www ls cd www ls cp /usr/share/plista/ . -R ls -l rm rm -R sudo rm -R ls cp /usr/share/plista/* . -R ls -l cd .. ls git add www git status git checkout unstable git commit -am "test introductions" git push git checkout unstable ls cd www ls git checkout master ls cd .. ls rm -rf www git commit -am "oops" git push git merge unstable git mergetool git commit -am "breaking master" git push git checkout unstable ls find . -name "*.orig" find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls git diff git merge master git commit -am "ld flag" git merge master git push git checkout master git merge unstable git push ls cd /usr/share/plista/ ./update_all ssh exit ssh exit ssh exit ssh ssh exit ssh cd /home/tj/.CLion12/system/cmake/generated/e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug ls ./dark-matter-editor # ./dark-matter-editor ls make dark-matter-editor ./dark-matter-editor make dark-matter-editor ./dark-matter-editor make dark-matter-editor ./dark-matter-editor make dark-matter-editor ./dark-matter-editor make dark-matter-editor ./dark-matter-editor cd cd dark-matter/ git diff git checkout unstable git commit -am "stage placement - new stage viewport" git push git checkout master git merge unstable git push exit exit ls find . -name "dark-matter-editor" cd ./.CLion12/system/cmake/generated/e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug/ ls ./dark-matter-editor exit find . -name "dark-matter-editor" cd ./.CLion12/system/cmake/generated/e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug/ ./dark-matter-editor sudo poweroff cd /etc/nginx/ vim /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini exit cd dark-matter/ git diff git checkout unstable git commit -am "single viewport for stage edit mode" git push git checkout master git merge unstable git push killall dark-matter-editor git checkout unstable git commit -am "small cleanup" git push git checkout master git merge unstable git push exit cd Downloads/clion-145.184.4/ cd bin/ ls ./ exit gedit exit ssh ssh exit exit exit scp yak.* scp yak.png exit ssh exit mongo sudo ldconfig mongo exit git clone cd mongo-c-driver/ ls ./ ./configure make sudo make install cd .. git clone -b master cd mongo-cxx-driver/ cd build/ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .. sudo apt-get install cmake sudo apt-get remove frostwire sudo apt-get remove cmake cd cd Downloads/ tar -xf cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz cd cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/ ls cd doc/ ls cd cmake/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd bin/ ls ./cmake ./cmake --help cd .. ls ls | grep "\.sh" chmod +x ls -l ./ cmake ls -l cd cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/ ls cd bin/ ls cd /usr/local/bin/ ls ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/ccmake sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake-gui sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/cpack sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/cmake-3.5.0-rc3-Linux-x86_64/bin/ctest cmake cd cd Downloads/ ls cd .. cd mongo-cxx-driver/ cd build/ ls cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .. make sudo make sudo make install sudo make uninstall sudo make distclean vim Makefile cd /usr/local/include/mongocxx/ ls cd v_noabi/ ls cd mongocxx/ ls mv * ../../ sudo mv * ../../ ls cd .. ls rmdir v_noabi/ cd v_noabi/ rmdir mongocxx/ sudo rmdir mongocxx/ cd .. sudo rmdir v_noabi/ ls cd .. cd bsoncxx/ ls cd v_noabi/ ls cd bsoncxx/ ls sudo mv * ../../ ls cd . cd .. sudo rmdir bsoncxx/ cd .. sudo rmdir v_noabi/ ls exit cd /etc/ cd /var/ grep "clion-" * -R cd .. cd cd .. cd tj grep "clion-" * -R grep "clion\-" * -R cd max ls cd max cd max2 ls cd .. rm -rf max sudo rm -rf max ls grep "clion\-" * -R grep "clion-" * -R cd /etc/ grep "clion-" * -R cd // cd / cd var/ ls grep "clion-" * -R cd .. ls cd usr/ grep "clion-" * -R grep "clion.1." * -R cd .. cd cd dark-matter/ git diff git checkout unstable git commit -am "added mongo c++ driver" git push git checkout masster git checkout master git merge unstable it push git push ls git commit -am "reduced logging" git push git checkout unstable git merge master git push exit cd Downloads/ ls cd clion-145.184.4/ ls cd bin/ ./ exit cd dark-matter/ git branch mongoresource git checkout mongoresource git commit -am "mongo resource start" git push git status git add src/storyline/ git push git status cd src/storyline/ rm chapter\ 1~ rm chapter\ 2~ ls cd .. git commit -am "storyline" git push exit ping ssh exit tail -f /var/log/syslog exit cd Downloads/ ls unzip sudo dd bs=1M if=2016-02-26-raspbian-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/sdb exit cd dark-matter/ git commit -am "mongoresource compiling" git push git checkout unstable git merge mongoresource git push delete mongoresource git diff git commit -am "starting to save stages" git push killall java ls ps -A grep java ps -A |#grep java ps -A |grep java kill -9 3471 git branch broken git checkout broken git commit -am "refactor class imports" git push git push -u origin broken git pull git checkout unstable git pull git checkout broken git pull git push -u origin broken git remote -v git status git pull git branch -l git push git push -u origin broken git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/broken git push git pull git mergetool exit gedit list-editor exity exit vim sudo poweroff ssh exit ping exit cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/db/authorization/ ls cat /tmp/acls.sql ./generate_acls.sql.php cat /tmp/acls.sql ssh exit ssh ssh ssh exit ssh exit cd config/ ls cd Desktop/ git diff openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git push git commit -am "yourkiez" git push cd cd dark-matter/ ls git reset --hard HEAD ls git checkout unstable git checkout broken git log git checkout unstable git branch unstable-broken git checkout unstable-broken git cherry-pick 0c3b224abea49bc4d4a8c6f284529a60b552ca04 git log ls delete broken git branch -D broken cd src/ grep ".*ErrorCodes" * -R git diff git commit -am "fixed - adding entities to stages now" git push git checkout unstable git merge unstable-broken git push exit vim /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Interfaces/ vim /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Interfaces vim /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Interfaces/ vim /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Interfaces cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Interfaces vim . ls -l gnome-screenshot gnome-screenshot --help gnome-screenshot -a cd .. grep "findOne" * -R cd .. cd api-server/ grep "findOne" * -R cd .. cd lib-cake2-plugins/ grep "findOne" * -R cd .. cd plista/ cd www grep "findOne" * -R cd .. ls cd lib-platform-core/db/authorization/ ls cd .. cd www grep "findOne" * -R cd .. ls exit cd dark-matter/ cd src/ grep "applyTransformations" * -R grep "applyOrientation" * -R grep "applyTransformations" * -R grep "setModelViewMatrix" * -R dmesg cd mkdir t mount /dev/sdb1 t sudo mount /dev/sdb1 t sudo mount /dev/sdb0 t sudo mount /dev/sdb1 t tail -v /var/log/syslog tail -f /var/log/syslog sudo mount /dev/sdb1 t sudo mount t /dev/sdb1 sudo mount /dev/sdb t cd t ls cd nu-mixtape-flatliner-instrumentals/ ls play sudo apt-get install sox play ./* sudo apt-get install lame play ./* play ./*.wav sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-oss sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-pulse play ./* ls mv *.asd ~/ sudo mv *.asd ~/ play ./* exit cd dark-matter/src/ s ls cd ~/t ls cd JH5/ ls cd .. ls cd twi4u/ ls cd .. ls tree . cd - ls cd ~/dark-matter/src/ ls git branch "getting rid of gldrawables" git branch broken git checkout broken git commit -am "getting rid of gldrawables" git push git push -u origin broken exit mongo cd dark-matter/ git commit -am "compiling again" git psh git push exit ssh pi@ exit man cmake cmake --help cd dark-matter/ git diff git commit -am "monitor continue" git push exit ssh pi@ cd dark-matter/ git diff git commit -am "monitor" git push exit cd dark-matter/ git checkout unstable cd dark-matter/ git diff git checkout broken git reset --hard HEAD git checkout broken git diff git commit -am "window creation" git push git commit -am "window catch error" git push ssh exiyt exit cd /usr/share/plista/ clone git clone cd yourkiez/ ls cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled ls cd .. cd sites-available ls sudo cp www.conf yourkiez.conf sudo vim yourkiez.conf cd .. cd sites-enabled sudo ln -s ../sites-available/yourkiez.conf ls -l sudo service nginx restart cd .. sudo vim hosts cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ ls cd src/ ls cd .. cd webroot/ ls sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/yourkiez.conf sudo service nginx restart mysql cd .. mysql cd tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ ls cd config/ ls cp app.default.php app.php vim app.php ls tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 cd tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 exit ssh cd /etc/ exit gedit exit ssh ssh -vvv ssh exit ssh ssh vim .ssh/known_hosts ssh ssh ssh cat .ssh/ ssh ssh exit ssh sudo service php5-fpm restart sudo service nginx restart sudo service php5-fpm restart cd /usr/share/plista/ cd yourkiez/ git diff git commit -am "frontend" git push exit ssh ssh exit ssh exit cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ vim migrate.sql mysql exit cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ git diff git commit -am "got rid of locations" git push exit cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ vim migrate.sql git commit -am "color for migration script" git push mysql exit php -i | grep "encoding" -i cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ git diff git commit -am "like working" git push git commit -am "dislike working too" git push exi exit mysql cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ git diff git branch fronted git checkout fronted git push -u origin fronted git checkout master ls -l ./bin/cake bake all comments git diff git checkout fronted -- src/Controller/CommentsController.php git diff git checkout fronted -- src/Model/Table/CommentsTable.php git diff vim migrate.sql mysql ./bin/cake bake all comments ./bin/cake bake all ages ./bin/cake bake all categories ./bin/cake bake all images ./bin/cake bake all ratings ./bin/cake bake all sexes git diff git checkout fronted /src/Controller/CommentsController.php git checkout fronted -- src/Controller/CommentsController.php git diff vim migrate.sql mysql vim migrate.sql mysql ./bin/cake bake all comments git diff git checkout fronted -- src/Controller/CommentsController.php git diff git checkout fronted -- src/Template/Comments/edit.ctp git diff git checkout fronted -- src/Template/Comments/index.ctp git diff git commit -am "updated comment migrations" git push git pull vim migrate.sql git push git pull git push git log ssh vim ~/.ssh/known_hosts ssh git diff git commit -am "only return moderated comments" git push vim migrate.sql mysql ./bin/cake bake all ratings git commit -am "updated ratings with color" git push ssh exit ssh exit ssh exit ssh exit cd /etc/freeradius/ ls ls -l sudo ls sudo su exit cd dark-matter/ git diff git commit -am "application refactoring" git push cd /usr/share/doc/ grep "CREATE" * -R cd /etc/freeradius/ sudo su exit sudo vim /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini cd /usr/share/plista/ ./checkout_all next ./update_all cd cd t ls cd .. mount /dev/sdb t sudo mount /dev/sdb t ls cd t ls play Flatliner\ \&\ Fiaspec\ -\ 205.mp3 cd .. sudo umount t exit cd glew-1.10.0/ ls sudo make uninstall cd .. git clone cd glew make ls make cd build/ ls cd cmake/ ls cmake cmake ../../src/ cmake ../../ cd .. ls cd .. ls vim ./ cd out/build/glew/ ls make cd . make al make all cd .. ls cd . ks cd .. ls cd .. ls cd build/cmake/ ls vim CMakeLists.txt cd .. ls cd .. ls ./ vim ls cd out/ ls cd build/ ls cd glew/ ls exit mysql cd /usr/share/plista/ cd yourkiez/ git diff git commit -am "additional edit fields" git push exit ssh cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ clear; git pull git diff git commit -am "less info in comment list" git diff git commit -am "no id columns" git push ssh exit cd /usr/share/plista/ ls cd yourkiez/ git diff git commit -am "dislike" git push mysql vim migrate.sql mysql vim migrate.sql mysql git diff ./bin/cake bake all comments git diff git diff | sed -s "/^-//" git diff | sed "s/^-//" git diff cd tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ git diff git commit -am "headline and location fields" git push ssh uit git diff ssh exit vim .my.cnf mysqldump yourkiez categories > categories.sql cat categories.sql scp categories.sql; exit ssh exit ssh exit cd glew ls ./ vim /etc/default/locale sudo vim /etc/default/locale exit cd gl cd glew ./ git pull git banch git branch git branches cd .. wget mv download glew-1.13.0.tgz tar -xf glew-1.13.0.tgz cd glew-1.13.0/ ls make sudo make install sudo ldconfig ls cd doc/ ls vim glew.txt google-chrome index.html sudo ldconfig cd /usr/local/lib/ ls cd /usr/lib64/ ls pkgconfig/ pkgconfig pkg-config pkg-config glew pkg-config --help pkg-config --libs glew pkg-config --list-all pkg-config --list-all | grep glew pkg-config --list-all | grep GL echo ${PKG_CONFIG_PATH} env PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib64/pkgconfig pkg-config --list-all | grep GL pkg-config --list-all | grep glew pkg-config pkg-config --help cd cd glew-1.13.0/ ls make uninstall sudo make uninstall cd .. cd glew-1.10.0/ make install sudo make install sudo ldconfig sudo make uninstall cd .. cd glew-1.13.0/ sudo make install sudo ldconfig cd /usr/lib64/ ls -l cd pkgconfig/ ls cd .. ls cd ~/glew-1.13.0/ sudo make uninstall cd .. cd glew-1.10.0/ sudo make install cd /usr/lib64/ ls ls -l sudo ldconfig cd pkgconfig/ ls cat glew.pc sudo ldconfig cd /home/tj/.CLion15/system/cmake/generated/dark-matter-e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug/dark-matter-monitor ls cd /home/tj/.CLion15/system/cmake/generated/dark-matter-e07c0180/e07c0180/Debug/ ls grep libGLEW * -R cd /usr/lib64/ ls cat cd ~ cd glew-1.10.0/ sudo make uninstall cd .. cd glew-1.13.0/ sudo make install sudo ldconfig cd - cd /usr/lib64/ ls cat ls exit cd glew-1.13.0/ sudo make uninstall cd .. cd glew-1.10.0/ sudo make install sudo ldconfig cd .. cd dark-matter/ git diff git commit -am "application refactoring - getting rid of glfwwindow" git push exit cd /usr/share/plista/api-server/classes/Plista/ApiServer/MailerApi/ ls git log | grep -n 5 "Theun git log | grep -n 5 "Theu" git log | grep -n 5 "Theu*" git log git log | grep -c 5 "Theu*" git log | grep -c5 "Theu*" git log | grep -n5 "Theu*" cd /usr/share/plista/cr cd /usr/share/plista/crm ls git diff git commit -am "logout for unit tests" git pull git push cd /usr/share/plista/ grep "PlistaRequestHandler" * -R grep "PlistaEmail" * -R grep "PlistaShellDispatcher" * -R grep "cakeShellBootstrap" * -R cd www grep "getResized" * -R git diff sudo poweroff mongo exit ping ping php -a exit cd /usr/share/plista/ ./checkout_all next ./update_all cd lib-platform-core/ git diff git reset --hard HEAD git diff cd .. grep "new\s*Platform" * -R grep "Failed groups lookup" * -R vim ~/.my.cnf mysql p32 p324 ssh ssh ssh exit mysql vim .my.cnf mysql exit cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/ git add -p git checkout -b fortk git status git commit -m "patch for ttl" git push git status git push git pull git push -u origin fortk git pull git merge next cd .. grep "getToken(" * -R grep "getToken(" * -R --include=*.php mysql cd Downloads/ tar -xf blender-2.77-linux-glibc211-x86_64.tar.bz2 cd blender-2.77-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender vim .my.cnf mysql exit cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/db/authorization/ exit cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/ git checkout master git stash git checkout master git pull cat classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Authorization/Rights/General.php hk5 hk5 exit exit vim .my.cnf mysql cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/ git checkout master git pull cd db/authorization/ ./generate_acls.sql.php mysql exit cd /usr/share/plista/api-server/ git diff git branch wefixchina git checkout wefixchina git add -p git commit -am "support HEAD requests" git reset HEAD^1 git status git add -p git status git commit -m "patch for HEAD requests" git push -u origin wefixchina git pull git push git push -u origin wefixchina git stash cd .. cd lib-platform-core/ cd .. ./branches git checkout master ./checkout_all master ./update_all cd lib-cake2-plugins/ git diff git reset --hard HEAD git checkout master git pull cd . cd .. ls cd api-server/ git checkout wefixchina git pull curl -i -X HEAD curl -X HEAD curl -i -X HEAD curl -i -X HEAD curl -i -X HEAD cd /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/db/authorization/ git diff ./generate_acls.sql.php vim ~/.my.cnf mysql curl -i -X HEAD cd . cd .. cd api-server/ grep "getResponse(" * -R grep "this..getResponse(" * -R grep "getResponse(" * -R --exclude-dir=vendor grep "getResponse(" * -R --exclude-dir=vendor --exclude-dir=test curl -i -X HEAD git add -p git commit -m "proper head include" git push cd .. cd lib-platform-core/ git diff git checkout next git pull git commit -am "head rights for upload api" git pull git push cd .. cd api-server/ git diff git reset --hard HEAD git pull git push git checkout next git diff wefixchina git pull git checkout wefixchina git merge next git push git checkout next git diff wefixchina git merge wefixchina git push cd .. cd lib-platform-core/ git push hk5 exit exit hk5 exit cd /usr/share/plista/api-server/ git checkout master git pull git checkout master git pull git checkout next git pull git merge master git pull git diff git commit -am "version fix live" vim debian/changelog head debian/changelog git commit -am "plista-api-server (1.34.5)" git checkout master git merge next git push git checkout next git pull git push p398 exit p494 xit exit cd /usr/share/plista/api-server/ vim debian/changelog git commit -am "changelog fix" git checkout master git merge next git push git checkout next git push exit gedit exit cd /usr/share/plista/ensemble/ git pull grep "new\s*WorkerDescription" * -R grep "new\s*WorkerDescription(.*?,.*?,.*?)" * -R grep -P "new\s*WorkerDescription(.*?,.*?,.*?)" * -R cd /usr/share/plista/core/ git diff git pull git checkout next git pull git diff git commit -am "logging more info" vim debian/changelog head debian/changelog git commit -am "plista-core-platform (1.3.3)" git checkout master git merge next git push git checkout next git push hk5 xit exit hk5 exit gnome-screenshot exit cd /usr/share/plista/yourkiez/ ls vim migrate.sql git diff git commit -am "users login" git push ssh exit cat /usr/share/plista/lib-platform-core/classes/Plista/LibPlatformCore/Authorization/Rights/General.php exit mysql vim .my.cnf mysql cd /usr/share/plista/ cd yourkiez/ cat migrate.sql mysql cat migrate.sql mysql ls ./bin/cake bake all users mysql git status git add src/* tests/* git status git commit -am "users controllers etc" git push git diff git commit -am "logout to layout" git push git status git add src/ git status git diff git diff next git commit -am "no logout on login form" git push cd cd dark-matter/ git diff git commit -am "viewport redraw calculations not 100%" git push exit vim .my.cnf mysql exit ps -A | grep wicd sudo ps -A | grep wicd iwlist cd dark-matter/ git diff git branch "need a concept" git branch "needconcept" git checkout needconcept git commit -am "wtf!" git push git push -u origin needconcept exit cd Desktop/ mkdir backup cd backup/ cp /media/tj/PLISTA_2015/* . -R ls -l cp /media/tj/PLISTA_2015/\.* . ls ls -l cp .bash_history ../../ exit cd /usr/share/ mkdir gamewheel sudo mkdir gamewheel cd Desktop/backup/ cd .. cd Desktop cd .. cd config/ openssl aes-256-cbc -d < general.encrypted > general git pull cd Desktop/ openssl aes-256-cbc -d < general.encrypted > general ls -l cd cd Desktop/ ln -s ../config/Desktop/general ls -l cd .. cd Downloads/ tar -xf WebStorm-2016.1.1.tar.gz cd WebStorm-145.597.6/ ls cd bin/ ls ./ sudo apt-get install gnome-panel sudo service networking restart sudo service network-manager restart ifconfig vim /etc/sysctl.conf nano /etc/sysctl.conf sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sysctl -p cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6 sudo service network-manager restart ifconfig sudo apt-get install gnome-panel sudo service lightdm restart cd /usr/share/pl cd /usr/share/ sudo apt-get install nginx sudo chown tj:www-data gamewheel/ sudo chmod g+s gamewheel cd gamewheel/ touch t ls rm r rm t ls ls -l git clone sudo apt-get install mys sudo apt-get install mysql-server sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs -v node -v sudo apt-get remove nodejs sudo apt-get install node cd cd Doww cd Downloads/ ls tar -xf node-v4.4.2-linux-x64.tar.xz cd node-v4.4.2-linux-x64/ ls cd bin/ ls ./node ls cd .. mv node-v4.4.2-linux-x64 ../node-v4.4.2 cd /usr/local/bin/ ls -l sudo ln -s ~/node-v4.4.2/bin/node sudo ln -s ~/node-v4.4.2/bin/npm exit ccsm exit node node -v npm -v cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd dark-matter/ git status ls -l cd .. ls exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ git clone git clone exit sudo poweroff e sudo poweroff xit exit sudo vim /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base sudo vim /etc/hostname sudo vim /etc/hosts exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/ git clone ls cd /srv/ ls cd games/ ls cd templates/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd .. ls sudo chown tj:www-data sudo chown tj:www-data -R ls sudo chmod g+s ls cd ls sudo chmod g+s games -R ls cd games/ ls cd templates/ ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GW_archery Archery ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GW_Calendar Calendar ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GW_Stacker Catcher ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GW_VerticalScroller Collector ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GA_pianoTiles PianoTiles ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GA_ScratchCard Quiz ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GA_ScratchCard Scratchcard ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GW_Stacker Stacker ls -l rm Archery ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/GA_archery Archery ls -l ls .. ls cd ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd /usr/share/gamewheel/q cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls sudo npm i -g pm2 ls cd GW_Config/ ls make cd con cd conf/ l sls ls cp config.sample.json config.json vim config.json sudo reboot cd /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/ git clone git clone git clone cd /usr/share/g cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls git clone cd cd .ssh mkdir .ssh cd .ssh ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" ls cat cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ cd GW_Runtime/ git pull git remote -v git remote --help git remote rename origin git remote remove origin git remote add origin git remote -v git pull cd .. cd GW_UrlMasker/ ls git remote remove origin git remote add git remote add origin git pull git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master git pull git push git config --global ppush.default matching git config --global push.default matching git push git pull cd .. cd GW_Config/ git remote remove origin git remote add origin git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master git pull git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master git pull git push cd .. cd GW_Runtime/ git remote remove origin git remote add origin git pull git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master git pull git push cd .. mkdir Games cd Games/ ls mkdir bin mkdir templates mkdir instances ln -s ../GW_Config/bin/ ln -s ../GW_Config/bin/ ls mv compose_image* bin cd bin/ ls rm * ln -s ../../GW_Config/bin/ ln -s ../../GW_Config/bin/ ls cd .. ls cd templates/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd Games/ ls cd .. ls cd .. cd src/ cd /srv/ l;s ls mkdir sudo mkdir cd ls mkdir games sudo mkdir games ls cd games/ ls sudo mv /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/* . ls -l cd bin ls rm * sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/bin/ sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/bin/ ls ls -l cd .. ls cd templates/ ls cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd Games/ ls git clone git clone cd /srv/ mv gamewheel.local sudo mv gamewheel.local ls exit mysql vim .my.cnf mysql cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/ ls make cd node_modules/ ls cd .. rmdir node_modules rm -r node_modules ls -l make make start cd conf/ ls cd .. make start mysql make start make install make start mysql make start cd bin ls vim ls cd .. cd con cd conf/ ls cp sequelize.config.sample.json sequelize.config.json vim sequelize.config. vim sequelize.config.json cd .. cd bin ls ./ all ./ ls vim vim make cd .. make make install make start cat Makefile pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e /var/log/err.log -o /var/log/out.log --name api exit pm2 sudo npm i -g pm2 pm2 exit vim logfiles.txt exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Runtime/logs/ ls ls -l cd .. cd GW_Config/ l cd /etc/mysql/ ls vim my.cnf sudo vim my.cnf sudo service mysql restart cat my.cnf | grep log sudo service nginx restart exit cd /etc/ssl/ ls cd er cd certs/ ls | grep snake sudo service nginx restart tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log cd /srv/gamewheel.local/games/ ls cd .. ls mkdir assets ls pm2 restart api exit sudo service nginx restart vim logfiles.txt exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/ cat Makefile exit cd /var/log/ l touch err.log sudo touch err.log sudo touch out.log sudo chmod g+w err.log sudo chmod g+w out.log sudo chown tj:www-data err.log sudo chown tj:www-data out.log ls -l tail -f err.log out.log ls cd ls cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd GW_Runtime/ ls cd con cd conf/ ls vim config.json cd .. make make install rm -rf node_modules make make install make start cat Makefile pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e /var/log/err.log -o /var/log/out.log --name api_runtime pm2 list ps -A | grep pm ps -A | grep pm2 ps -A | grep node ps -? ps --help man ps echo "a" /var/log/err.log echo "a" > /var/log/err.log cat /var/log/err.log man pm2 pm2 --help pm2 restart api_runtime pm2 lsit pm2 list pm2 show api_runtime cat Makefile echo "$(d)" mkdir logs pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e ./logs/err.log -o ./logs/out.log --name api_runtime pm2 stop api_runtime pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e ./logs/err.log -o ./logs/out.log --name api_runtime pm2 list mkdir logs pm2 show api_runtime pm2 delete api_runtime pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e ./logs/err.log -o ./logs/out.log --name api_runtime cd logs ls tail -f *.log ls cd .. ls cd con cd conf/ ls cat gw-runtime-api.nginx.conf sudo cp gw-runtime-api.nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/api-runtime.conf cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ s ls cd .. rm -rf sites-enabled/ sudo rm -rf sites-enabled/ sudo ln -s sites-available sites-enabled ls ls -l cd sites-enabled ls vim api-runtime.conf sudo vim api-runtime.conf cd /etc/vim/ ls ls -l sudo ln -s ~/config/vimrc.local ls -l vim cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ ls vim api-runtime.conf sudo vim api-runtime.conf cp api-runtime.conf app.conf sudo cp api-runtime.conf app.conf sudo vim app.conf mv app.conf api.conf sudo mv app.conf api.conf sudo service nginx restart ls l s-l cat api.conf sudo service nginx restart vim app.conf sudo vim app.conf sudo service nginx restart sudo vim assets.conf sudo service nginx restart ls rm default sudo rm default exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd GW_Config/ls cd GW_Config/conf/ ls vim config.json exit sudo apt-get install postfix pm2 node pm2 cd /usr/local/ ls cd bin/ ls cd .. ls find . -name "pm2 find . -name "pm2*" cd .. find . -name "pm2*" cd local/lib/ ls cd .. npm --help which npm cd .. cdcd cd cd node-v4.4.2/ ls cd lib ls cd node_modules/ ls cd /usr/local/lib/ ls sudo ln -s ~/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/ pm2 ls cd node_modules ls cd pm2/ ls cd .. ls which npm cd /usr/local/bin/ ls npm vim ~/.npmrc ls ls -l ln -s ~/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 sudo ln -s ~/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 pm2 cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/ ls cat Makefile pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e /var/log/err.log -o /var/log/out.log --name api pm2 list node server.js pm2 delete api pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" --name api pm2 list cd .. cd GW_Runtime/ ls make cd con cd conf ls cp config.sample.json config.json cat gw-runtime-api.nginx.conf sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api.conf exit hostname sudo vim /etc/hosts ping app.gamewheel.local ls sudo service nginx restart exit pm2 list pm2 stop api pm2 delete api cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/ ls mkdir logs cat Makefile make start -d . make -d=. start make -d. start make -d\. start make start -d. make start -d\. cat Makefile pm2 start server.js -i 4 --log-date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z" -e ./logs/err.log -o ./logs/out.log --name api pm2 list telnet telnet 25 pm2 restart api pm2 restart api_runtime pm2 list pm2 restart api pm2 list cd /etc/postfix/ ls vim pm2 list pm2 --help pm2 restart api pm2 list pm2 stop api pm2 start api pm2 restart api exit sudo service nginx restart cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config/ ls cd con cd conf/ ls vim config.json sudo service nginx restart pm2 restart api sudo service nginx restart ls cd .. ls node server.js cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls cd games/ ls cd templates/ ls cd .. cd templates/ mv Scratchcard ScratchCard ls cd ScratchCard/ ls cd .. cd Archery ls cd bin/ ls vim ./ git clone git:// git clone ls vim ls vim ls vim ls cd .. ls vim Gruntfile.js ls vim bower.json vim settings.json vim bower.json cd bin/ ls ./ vim ../bower.json ./ php cd .. sudo apt-get install php5-cli ./ cd bin/ ./ ls cd .. cd .. ls cd Calendar/bin/ ls cd .. ls cd /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/G cd /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/ ls cd GA_pianoTiles/ ls cd bin/ ls cd .. vim bower.json cd .. grep "Gamewheel.*" * -R include=bower.json grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -R include=bower.json grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -R include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s/"ToywheelDev\/gamewheel/\/gamewheel.git/" grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -R include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s#ToywheelDev/gamewheel\\##" grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -R include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s/ToywheelDev\/gamewheel#/\/gamewheel.git#/" cd GA_archery/ ls vim bower.json grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -;R include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s/ToywheelDev\/gamewheel#/\/gamewheel.git#/" grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -lR include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s/ToywheelDev\/gamewheel#/\/gamewheel.git#/" ls cd .. grep "Gamewheel.*ToywheelDev" * -lR include=bower.json | xargs sed -i "s/ToywheelDev\/gamewheel#/\/gamewheel.git#/" ls -l cd GA_pianoTiles/ ls git diff cd .. ls cd /srv/gamewheel.local/games/ ls cd templates/ ls cd Ca cd Calendar ls cd bin/ ./ cd .. ls cd .. ls cd Catcher ls cd bin/ ./ cd .. ls cd Collector ls cd bin/ ls ./ cd .. ls cd PianoTiles cd bin/ ./ cd .. ls cd Quiz ls cd bin/ ls ./ cd .. ls cd ScratchCard cd bin/ ./ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd Stacker cd bin/ ./ cd .. ls cd .. cd instances/ ls cd drafts/ ls cd 1 ls cd media/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd GW_Config/ ls sudo apt-get install imagemagick exit cd /etc/mysql/ sudo vim my.cnf cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls git clone git clone cd GW_Frontend/ ls npm i ls bower install npm i -g bower cd /usr/local/bin/ ls ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/bower/bin/bower sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/bower/bin/bower bower cd - ls bower install grunt css npm install -g grunt-cli sudo npm install -g grunt-cli cd /usr/local/bin/ ls ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt cd - grunt css sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api.conf cat *.conf cat * cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled ls cat * sudo vim api.conf ls sudo vim games.conf sudo service nginx restart sudo vim games.conf exit tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 exit mysql exit msy mysql exit cd /srv/ ls cd gamewheel.local/ ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/www/ ls cd www ls cd .. ls cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd GW_Config/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd .. cd etc/ cd nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled ls vim api.conf sudo vim api.conf cd /srv/ ls cd gamewheel.local/ ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Config api ls ls /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ ls /usr/share/gamewheel/ ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ app ls rm app ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend app ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_UrlMasker masker ls -l ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Runtime api-runtime ls -l cd games/ ls cd templates/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls exit vim logfiles.txt exit sudo vim /etc/hosts exit cat .ssh/ # exit cd /etc/php5/ ls cd fpm/ ls vim php-fpm.conf ls cd pool.d/ ls vim www.conf sudo vim www.conf sudo service php5-fpm restart cd .. cd nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled ls vim www.conf sudo vim www.conf sudo service php5-fpm restart sudo service nginx restart sudo apt-get install php5-mysql vim www.conf ls ls -l sudo vim www.conf sudo vim api-runtime.conf sudo service nginx restart cd /usr/share/gamewheel/www/ grep "hero-section" * -R grep "hero-section" * -R --include="*.php" grep ".mp4" * -R --include="*.php" grep "\.mp4" * -R --include="*.php" grep "\.mp4" * -R --include="*.js" cd vim gw_wp.sql mysql mysql ssh gw-web exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls mkdir www cd www scp gw-web:/var/www/ . cd .. scp gw-web:/var/www/ . -R scp gw-web:/var/www/ . scp --help scp gw-web:/var/www/ . -r scp -r gw-web:/var/www/ . ls rmdir www mv www cd www ls vim wp-config.php vim /etc/vim/vimrc.local ls vim wp-config.php mysql cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled ls cp assets.conf www.conf sudo cp assets.conf www.conf sudo vim www.conf sudo apt-get install php5-fpm ls -l sudo service nginx restart sudo vim /etc/hosts ls ls -l sudo vim /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini sudo service php5-fpm restart sudo touch /var/log/php_errors.log sudo chown root:www-data /var/log/php_errors.log sudo chmod g+w /var/log/php_errors.log sudo service php5-fpm restart cd vim logfiles.txt cd /etc/ ls cd // ls cd /var/log/ ls -l ls -l | grep php_eror ls -l | grep php_err ls -l exut exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-available/ ls cp api.conf masker.conf sudo cp api.conf masker.conf vim masker.conf sudo vim masker.conf sudo service nginx restqart sudo service nginx restart ls -l cd .. cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd GW_UrlMasker/ ls cd bin/ ls vim ls cd .. ls cd bin/ ls cp ../../GW_Config/Makefile . ls cd .. ls cd bin/ rm Makefile ls cd .. ls cat Makefile cd conf/ ls cp config.sample.json config.json ls vim config. vim config.json cd .. ls make make install make start ls vim Makefile make start vim Makefile make start vim Makefile make start ls git diff cd .. ls ssh gw-web sudo service nginx restart exit vim .my.cnf mysql vim .my.cnf mysql mysqldump gw_wp > gw_wp.sql; vim .my.cnf mysql exit sudo vim /etc/hosts exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd woopra/ ls node server.ts sudo poweroff cd vim .ssh/ cd .ssh vim config cd .. ssh gw-dev ssh gw-web ls cat .ssh/config | grep Host cat .ssh/config | grep "Host " ssh gw-rt-api-group ssh gw-web ssh gw-backup ssh tw-web ssh gw-app cat .ssh/config | grep "Host " ssh gw-api ssh gw-rt-api cat .ssh/config | grep "Host " ssh gw-rt-api-test ssh gw-management cat .ssh/config | grep "Host " ssh gw-demo ssh gw-dev ssh gw-dev2 ssh gw-backup vim .ssh/config cat .ssh/config | grep "Host " ssh gamewheel.bitbucket mysql vim gw_wp.sql mysql tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 cat logfiles.txt vim logfiles.txt tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd GW_UrlMasker/ ls grep "Could not find masked " * -R cd .. ln -s ~/logfiles.txt tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf cd /var/log/nginx/ ls vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf sudo service nginx restart ls -l rm* sudo rm* ls -l sudo service nginx restart ls cd tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 ls cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd www ls grep "" * -R ls -l vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf mysql ls cd .. ls cd ls ls | grep .sql; vim gw_wp.sql mysql ls vim .my.cnf mysqldump gw_wp > gw_wp.sql; scp gw-web:/home/ubuntu/www.tgz . cp www.tgz /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls tar -xf www.tgz ls ls -l rm -rf cd .. cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls rm -rf www tar -xf www.tgz mv www cd www mysql ls ssh gw-web ibus restart exit sudo apt-get install php5-xdebug sudo service php5-fpm restart sudo vim /etc/php5/mods-available/xdebug.ini exit sudo service php5-fpm restart exit cd Downloads/ ls tar -xf PhpStorm-2016.1.tar.gz cd PhpStorm-145.258.2/ ls cd bin/ ls ./ sudo vim /etc/sysctl. sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sysctl -p exit gedit ssh gw-web php -r "readfile('');" > composer-setup.php php -r "if (hash('SHA384', file_get_contents('composer-setup.php')) === '7228c001f88bee97506740ef0888240bd8a760b046ee16db8f4095c0d8d525f2367663f22a46b48d072c816e7fe19959') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;" php composer-setup.php php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');" composer ls -l sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/ php composer.phar sudo mv /usr/local/bin/composer.phar /usr/share/gamewheel/core/ cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls cd core ls php composer.phar php composer.phar install exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls mv core /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls -l ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/core ls -l cd core ls php composer.phar install php composer.phar require woopra/woopra-php-sdk php composer.phar install rm composer.* ls -l ls cd vendor/ ls cd woopra/ ls cd .. rmdir woopra/ git clone git clone ls cd woopra-php-sdk/ ls rm -rf .git ls -l ls vim woopra_tracker.php cd /etc/php5/fpm/ ls vim php-fpm.conf cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled ls cd .. ls vim nginx.conf sudo vim nginx.conf sudo service nginx restart exit sudo poweroff ls exit cat /etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf cd /var/run/ ls cd lightdm/ ls sudo ls ld -l sudo su exit wget wget wget wget cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls find . -name "woopra_tracker.php" find . --name "woopra_tracker.php" find . -name "woopra_tracker.php" ls -l cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ find . -name "woopra_tracker.php" exit cd /srv/gamewheel.local/www ls cd wp-content/ ls cd uploads/ ls ln -s ../../../core/js/events.json ls -l gedit ssh exit exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd www ls ssh gw-web ssh gw- ssh gw-web exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ ls bower search woopra exit cd /etc/nginx/ cd sites-available/ ls vim redirect.conf sudo mv ~/redirect.conf . ls ls -l sudo chown root:root redirect.conf sudo chmod 644 redirect.conf ls -l sudo service nginx restart cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ ls grep "util.js" * -R grep "util.js" * -R --include=*.html grep "utils.util.js" * -R grep "utils\/" * -R grep "data-ng-controller" * -R grep "RegisterController" * -R exit cd /etc/nginx/ l;s ls vim sites-enabled sudo vim sites-enabled/www.conf ssh gw-weg ssh gw-web exit cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls scp -r core gw-web:/var/www/ scp -r core gw-web:/var/www scp -r core root@gw-web:/var/www scp -r core gw-web:~/ cd .. ls cd ga, cd gamewheel.local/ ls ssh gw-web ls -l ls cd www ls exit pm2 list cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls pm2 pm2 list pm2 start api pm2 start app pm2 list pm2 stop app pm2 start api-runtime pm2 delete app exit php -a exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ lks ls cd GW_Frontend/ git reset --soft HEAD^1 git diff git reset --soft HEAD^1 git diff git pull git diff git -p git commit -p git diff git commit -p git status git reset --hard HEAD^1 git pull git status sudo npm i -g http-server http-server cd /usr/local/bin/ ls ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/http-server ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/hs sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/hs sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/http-server ls cd cd - cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls http-server ls cd www ls cd .. vim x.html http-server cd ap cd app ls git diff git commit -am "fix referer" git push git pull git checkout master git pull git checkout dev git checkout develop git pull git merge tj/analytics git push ls cd .. ls vim x.html http-server cd ap cd app git push git checkout master git pull git merge tj/analytics git push git diff exit xit exitr exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd GW_Frontend/ git diff git branch tj/analytics git checkout tj/analytics git commit -am "analytics add-on" git config --global "Theunis J. Botha" git config --global "" git commit --amend --reset-author git config --help git config --list ls git config help git config --help git config --global core.editor vim git push -u origin tj/analytics git checkout master git pull git checkout tj/analytics git merge master git diff git status git push exit ssh gw-app exit ps -A killall install-printer ps -A | grep defunct kill -9 3807 3811 sudo kill -9 3807 3811 sudo kill -9 3505 ping ifconfig ping ping ifconfig ping cat /etc/resolv.conf ping exit tail -f /var/log/syslog sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sysctl -p tail -f /var/log/syslog sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sysctl -p exit ls vim head ls route pm2 start api-runtime cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls cd ap ls cd app/ ls ls -l pm2 start api-runtime pm2 list sudo pm2 sudo pm2 list pm2 list ls -l cd app/ ls dc .. ls ls -l vim M ls cd .. ls cd api ls vim Makefile cat Makefile make start prod vim Makefile exit cd /etc/sane.d/dll.d/ ls cd .. ls sudo vim /etc/default/saned sudo vim /etc/sane.d/saned.conf sudo service saned restart sudo service saned status sudo vim /etc/sane.d/net.conf xsane sudo apt-get install xsane xsane exit sudo vim /etc/sysctl. sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf cat /etc/resolv.conf exit xsane sudo vim /etc/sane.d/net.conf sudo vim /etc/sane.d/saned.conf sudo service saned status xs xsane sudo service saned restart xsane ping cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ ls git checkout tj/analytics cd .. cd GW_Frontend/ git dff git diff git commit -am "email is name" git push git pull git push git config --global push.default matching git push git checkout develop git pull git config --global pull.default matching git push git merge tj/analytics git push ./bin/ dev git diff git checkout tj/analytics git commit -am "username and also identify on register" git push git checkout develop git merge tj/analytics git push ./bin/ dev git diff git commit -am "identify all track events" git push git checkout tj/analytics git merge develop git push git checkout develop git push ./bin/ dev ./bin/ prod git pull git checkout develop git pull git diff master git checkout master git push ./bin/ prod exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ ls git diff git checkout tj/analytics git commit -am "identify users" git push git checkout master ls cd .. ls cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/logfiles.txt ls -l vim ~/.ssh/config exit cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ap cd /srv/gamewheel.local/app ls git checkout master git pull git merge tj/analytics git log cd dev git checkout develop git pull git push git checkout master cd .. ls cd app ls cd app/cd .. ls cd app/directives/gw-input/ ls vim gw-input-switch.js git push exit ifconfig route ping cd config/ ls git diff openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted cd Desktop/ openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git diff git commit -am "gw" git push exit php -a exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/core/ git init git add * git commit -am "stuff" git push git diff git commit -am "removed uncommented code"# exit cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ l;s ls ls -l ls cd api ls make start exit cd /srv/gamewheel.local/api-runtime ls make start exit ping cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ ls cd .. cd GW_Frontend/ ls ./bin/ prod exit ifconfig exit sudo apt-get install nss-hostname sudo apt-get install nss-myhostname sudo apt-cache search nss-myhostname sudo apt-get install libnss-myhostname sudo iwlist sudo iwlist wlan0 sudo iwlist wlan0 channel ifconfig sudo iwlist wlan0 channel sudo iwlist wlan0 channel exit tail -f /var/log/syslog exit php -a exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/GW_Frontend/ ls grep "" * -" grep "" * -R ./bin/ prod cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ cd GW_Frontend/ git diff git checkout tj/analytics git commit -am "location does not reload controller and partial sometimes" git push git checkout master git pull git checkout develop git pull git merge tj/analytics ./bin/ dev ./bin/ prod git checkout master git merge tj/analytics git push ./bin/ prod git diff git status git log git checkout tj/analytics git diff git push git checkout develop git merge tj/analytics git push git checkout master git merge tj/analytics git push ./bin/ dev cd /usr/share/gamewheel/Games/ ls vim ~/.bashrc g exit g cd core/ ls cd js/ ls cd .. cd core/ ls npm install typescript sudo npm install -g typescript ls cd /usr/local/bin/ ls sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/tsc sudo ln -s /home/tj/node-v4.4.2/bin/tsserver ls -l npm --help npm config --help npm config list npm config ls -l cd cd node-v4.4.2/ ls vim cd ../Downloads/ ls cd .. ls cd node-v4.4.2/ ls cd bin/ ls cd .. npm config ls -l cd bin/ ls vim /etc/environment npm config npm config set prefix "/usr/local/bin" sudo npm remove typescript sudo npm install -g typescript npm config set prefix "/usr/local" sudo npm install -g typescript cd /usr/local/lib/ ls tsc g ls cd core/ ls cd js/ ls cd gamewheel/i cd gamewheel/interfaces/ ls tsc Server.ts cd .. cd implementations/ l tsc SocketServer.ts node SocketServer.js node SocketServer.ts ls tsc SocketServer.ts tsd npm --help npm install typings --save-dev ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd .. ls typings install --save --ambient require typings sudo npm install -g typings typings install --save --ambient require ls cd typings/ ls cd .. ls vim typings vim typings.json cd js/gamewheel/implementations/ ls tsc SocketServer.ts cd .. cd core/ sudo npm install -g tsd typings typings install http typings install http --ambient typings install --ambient http typings search tape typings search http typings search require npm remove http ls cd js/gamewheel/implementations/ ls tsc SocketServer.ts cd .. cd Games/GW_Pong/ ls npm remove sudo npm remove npm install typescript-require ls node server.js node --debug server.js node --debug=3302 server.js node --debug-brk=3302 server.js cd .. cd GW_Pong/ ls cd .. npm install ls rm -rf node_modules cd GW_Pong/ npm install ls node --debug-brk=3302 server.js exit g ls cd Games/GW_Pong/ ls npm install sudo npm install npm npm remove sudo npm --ws:verbose install ls cd .. git clone cd core/ sudo npm install sudo npm install http exit g git clone ls -l cd GW_WebSocketServer/ ls ls -l l ls cd .idea/ ls cd .. ls g cd core/js/gamewheel/modules/ ls cd test/ ls node client.js exit g cd core/js/gamewheel/modules/test/ node server.js ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd .. ls git diff ls -l exit g man npm npm --help npm help install cd core/js/gamewheel/modules/ ls cd socket-server/ ls npm install --save cd .. ls cd .. ls git remote add origing git remote remove origing git remote add origin git push -u origin master ls git add package.json git commit -am "package.json" git push git branch unstable git checkout unstable git push -u origin unstable git add * git commit -am "more files" git push cd js/gamewheel/ ls cd modules/ ls cd socket-server/test/ ls node all.js node --debug-brk=3302 app.js node --debug-brk=3302 ./app.js node all.js node --debug-brk=3302 app.js ls node --debug-brk=3302 all.js cd .. ls cd modules/ ls cd test/ ls node --debug-brk=3302 all.js cd .. ls cd socket-client/ ls npm install --save ls npm install --save npm remove ls -l cd .. ls cd test/ ls node --debug-brk=3302 all.js node all.js node --debug-brk=3302 all.js node all.js node --debug-brk=3302 all.js node all.js cd .. cd socket-client/ ls npm install sleep cd .. cd test/ node all.js cd .. cd socket-client/ npm remove sleep cd .. cd tes cd test node all.js node --debug-brk=3302 all.js node all.js node --debug-brk=3302 all.js node all.js cp all.js server.js cp all.js client.js node client.js node --debug-brk=3302 client.js node client.js node --debug-brk=3302 client.js ls cd .. ls cd socket-client/ s ls cd .. cd test/ ls npm install --save x11 ls node client.js node --debug-brk=3302 client.js node client.js node --debug-brk=3302 client.js node client.js node --debug-brk=3302 client.js node client.js node --debug-brk=3302 client.js node client.js node --debug-brk=3302 client.js node client.js git commit -am "sending coords via test - need to work on connection management" git push exit sudo vim /etc/hosts exit cd /etc/nginx/ ls sudo service nginx restart exit ifconfig g cd public/ git diff git commit -am "dependency injection" git push npm publish cd .. ls cd core/ ls cd js/gamewheel/modules/ ls cd socket-client/ ls npm install --save gamewheel.public ls cd .. cd core/test/ ls node module-socket-client.js cd .. cd public/ git diff git commit -am "expose module via index.js" git push npm push npm publish cd . cd .. cd core/ ls cd js/gamewheel/modules/ ls cd socket-client/ ls npm update npm update --save cd g cd core/test/ ls node module-socket-client. node module-socket-client.js ls npm update --save node module-socket-client.js cd .. cd public/ ls git diff git commit -am "fix name" git push cd .. cd core/test/ npm update --save cd .. cd js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client/ npm update --save cd .. cd public/ git diff git push cd .. cd core/test/ npm update --save node module-socket-client.js cd .. cd public/ git diff git commit -am " git diff git commit -am "expose GamewheelSocketClient to node (for who cares)" git push npm publish cd .. cd core/test/ npm update --save cd .. cd js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client/ npm update --save cd .. cd public/ git diff git commit -am "safe checking for module" git push npm publish cd .. cd core/test/ npm update --save cd .. cd js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client/ npm update --save g cd core/test/ node module-socket-client.js npm install --save three cd .. ls cd .. cd public/ ls git diff git commit -am "three wrapper" git push git commit -am "v0.0.7" git push npm publish cd .. cd core/test/ ls cd node_modules/ ls rm -rf gamewheel.public ln -s ../../../public gamewheel.public g ls cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls g ls cd core/ ls rm -rf node_modules sudo rm -rf node_modules ls -l git commit -am "restructure code" git push git checkout master git merge unstable git push git checkout unstable cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/core/test/ dev-core ls -l cd dev-core ls cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/ ls ls -l cp www.conf dev-core.conf sudo cp www.conf dev-core.conf sudo vim dev-core.conf ls -l cd g cd core/ ls cd js/ ls cd gamewheel/ ls cd .. ls cd test/ ls vim package.json npm install --save npm adduser cd .. git clone cd gamewheel.public/ ls git diff ls git add * git status git commit -am "initial commit" git push npm publish npm login npm publish npm publish gamewheel.public npm publish git diff git commit -am "updated package.json" git push npm publish ls cd .. ls cd gamewheel.public/ ls cd .. mv gamewheel.public public ls cd public/ ls cd .. cd core/test/ ls npm install --save gamewheel.public ls npm module-socket-server.js node module-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 module-socket-server.js node module-socket-server.js git diff git status cd node_modules/ ls rm gamewheel.public cd .. npm update --save git commit -am "starting to respond with game rules" git push git checkout master git merge unstable git push git checkout unstable cd .. cd public/ git diff git commit -am "starting to add threejs wrapper" git push git checkout unstable g ls cd public/ ls git push cd .. cd core/ git diff npm update --save cd .. cd public/ npm publish cd .. cd core/test/ npm update --save node module-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 module-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js ls cd node_modules/ ls rm gamewheel.public -rf ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/public/ gamewheel.public cd .. node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "need to work on player management" git push git merge master git checkout master git merge unstable git push rm node_modules/gamewheel.public ls cd .. cd public/ ls git commit -am "updates" git push npm publish cd .. cd test cd core/ cd test npm update --save git commit -am "public updates" git push git checkout master git merge unstable git push git checkout unstable exit g cd core/test/ ls cd node_modules/ ls -l rm gamewheel.public -r ls ln -s ../../../public gamewheel.public node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js cd .. node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js cd .. cd core/js/gamewheel/modules/ ls cd .. ls vim package.json cd js/gamewheel/ ls cd modules/socket-server/ ls npm i --save lodash cd .. cd test/ ls node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js ls cd node_modules/ ls rm gamewheel.public ls cd .. cd public/ ls git diff git commit -am "sanity checks" git push npm publish cd .. ls cd core/ cd test/ npm update --save git diff git commit -am "better connection management" git pus git push git checkout master git merge unstable git push git checkout unstable exit cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled ls cd / cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong pong ls -l cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled ls cp dev-core.conf pong.conf sudo cp dev-core.conf pong.conf sudo vim pong.conf sudo service nginx restart cat dev-core.conf cat pong.conf vim ~/logfiles.txt sudo service nginx restart sudo vim /etc/hosts sudo apt-get install cheese cheese lspci lsusb lsusb 0v lsusb -v lspci -v exit cd .config/google-chrome/Default/ ls vim Preferences exit google-chrome --enable-usermedia-screen-capture sudo rmmod uvcvideo sudo modprove uvcvideo g cd tquery/ grep "DraPanControls" * -R grep "DragPanControls" * -R ls ssh gw-web ssh gw-app ssh gw-web exit cd vr_pong/ ls git branch multiplayer git checkout multiplayer git diff ls npm install --save gamewheel.public npm install --save tquery cd .. git clone cd tquery/ ls npm install --save three npm install --save requirejs npm install --save es5-shim npm install --save threex cd .. ls cd .. cd vr_pong/ ls cd vendor/ ls cd .. rm -rf vendor/ ls cd node_modules/ cd tquery/ ls mv vendor ../ ls ls -l mv node_modules ../ ls mv js ../ ls mv plugins ../ ls -l git diff git status git commit -am "stripped down version" git diff ls vim package.json git push git status git add * git push git commit -am "added built files" git push vim git add ls git status git commit -am "npm info" git push npm publish ls cd .. ls cd node_modules/ ls rm -rf vendor ls cd tquery/ ls git status cd .. rm -rf tquery/ cd .. npm install --save tquery ls rm tquery-* ls rm three.min.js ls cd node_modules/ ls cd tquery/ ls git commit -am "npm modules now" git push ls cd .. ls npm install --save "" ls git status cd .. cd core/ ls cd test/ ls cp pong-socket-server.js ../../vr_pong/ ls cd .. cd.. cd .. g cd po cd vr_pong/ ls ls -l ls node pong-socket-server.js killall node node pong-socket-server.js ps -A kill -9 9743 node pong-socket-server.js ls npm install --save three cd node_modules/ grep "PointerLockControls" * -R cd .. node pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js npm remove three git commit -am "start" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "server updates" git push cd vr_pong/ ls node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js g cd core/ git diff git commit -am "better connection management - two players should not connect to each other" git push cd .. ls cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "better encapsulation" git push exit ps -A | grep chrom cd vr_pong/ node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js ccsm g node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js cd vr_pong/ node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "fairly stable version - sending too many ball positions" git push cd .. cd public/ ls git diff cd .. ls cd core/ git diff git commit -am "stable - too many ball position updats" git push git checkout master git merge unstable git push git tag 0.0.1 git status git log git help tag git log cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js exit ssh gw-dev sudo service lightdm restart ifconfig g cd vr_pong/ cd node_modules/ ls cd gamewheel.public/ git diff ls cd .. cd public/ ls git diff git commit -am "updates" git push meld socket-client.js ../vr_pong/node_modules/gamewheel.public/socket-client.js sudo apt-get install meld meld socket-client.js ../vr_pong/node_modules/gamewheel.public/socket-client.js git diff git commit -am "disable auto reconnect for now" git push ssh gw-web g cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js vim ~/.ssh/config ssh gw-dev ssh gw-dev2 ssh gw-dev2 sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pong.conf exit ssh gw-dev2 exit exit ping exit g cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js exit ssh tj@cybafelo.c ssh exit g git diff git commit -am "more files" git push git checkout unstable git merge master git push cd .. cd public/ ls meld socket-client.js ../vr_pong/node_modules/gamewheel.public/socket-client.js git diff git commit -am "0.0.11" git push npm publish cd n.. cd .. cd vr_pong/ npm update --save git diff cd .. ls mkdir config cd config/ ls vim config.js git init git remote add origin git push -u origin master git push -u origin git pull git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master git push -u origin master git remote remove origin git status git remote -v git remote add origin git push -u origin master git add config.js git push -u origin master git commit -am "initial commit" git push -u origin master git branch tj-dev git checkout tj-dev git branch gw-dev git checkout gw-dev ls -l cd .. ls ls -l cd vr_pong/ ls git diff ln -s ../config/config.js ls -l cd .. cd config/ ls git checkout tj-dev git diff cd .. ls cd vr_pong/ ls git add config.js ls git rm --cached config.js git status git commit -am "v0.0.1" git push git commit -am "v0.0.1" git push ls cd .. ls cd config/ git branch git checkout gw-dev ls vim config.js git commit -am "gw-dev config" git push -u gw-dev git push -u origin gw-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ ls git push -u origin multiplayer ls node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "configuration update" git push cd .. cd config/ ls git diff git commit -am "node bindings" git push ls git checkout tj-dev git merge gw-dev ls vim config.js git commit -am "tj-dev" git push git checkout gw-dev vim config.js cd .. cd core/ git diff git checkout master git diff unstable git diff cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff ls cd .. cd core/ git diff cd .. cd config/ ls git diff exit sudo service lightdm restart g cd public/ git diff git commit -am "added sync to client" git push cd .. cd vr_pong/node_modules/gamewheel.public/ meld socket-client.js /usr/share/gamewheel/public/socket-client.js exit g cd core/ git diff exit ssh gw-dev2 g cd config/ git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "taking into account server latency" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "syncing for client to determine latency" git push cd .. cd public/ git diff meld socket-client.js ../vr_pong/node_modules/gamewheel.public/socket-client.js ls git commit -am "syncing for clients (now have latency)" git push npm publish ssh gw-dev2 cd .. cd config/ git checkout gw-dev ls git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "refactoring" git push ssh gw-dev2 cd .. cd config/ ls git checkout gw-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "updated latency test" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "ball latency instead" git push cd .. cd config/ git checkout gw-dev ssh gw-dev2 exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff cd .. cd config/ ls git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd core/ cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit pong-socket-server.js git commit pong-socket-server.js -m "socket server updates " git push cd .. cd core/ git diff cd .. cd config/ git checkout gw-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff cd .. cd onf cd config/ git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "super cool" git push cd .. cd config/ git checkout gw-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ wget git diff cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "send server time on game start" git push cd .. cd config/ git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js git diff node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "super cool interpolation" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "super cool interpolation" git push cd .. cd config/ git checkout gw-dev git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "ghost ball" git push cd .. cd core/ git commit -am "ghost ball" git push cd .. cd config/ git checkout gw-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ git status git add dat.gui.js git commit -am "datgui" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "30 ms server updates" git push git diff git commit -am "60ms interval" git push exit ssh gw-dev2 exit g cd vr_pong/ cd .. cd config/ git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "proper refresh rate" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "proper refresh rate" git push cd .. cd config/ git checkout gw-dev CD .. cd .. cd vr_pong/ npm install ammo npm remove ammo npm install ammojs cd .. mkdir ammojs cd ammojs/ wget ls -l vim ammo.js cd .. rm -rf ammojs/ git clone cd ammo.js/ cd .. ls cd ammo.js/ ls vim package.json cd .. cd vr_pong/ ls npm install ammo.js npm install --save ammo.js npm install --save three.js git branch ammo git checkout ammo npm remove three.js npm install --save three find . -name "Stats.js" cd node_modules/ ls cd three/ ls find . -name "stats.js" cd .. cd config/ git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js git branch three git checkout three git commit -am "migrated to three" git push git checkout ammo git merge three node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js git branch git push -u origin three git push -u origin ammo node pong-socket-server.js git push -u origin ammo node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "ammo.js physics" gitp ush git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "ammo.js physics" git push cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff node pong-socket-server.js cd .. cd vr_pong/ git commit -am "updated physics" git push cd .. cd core/ exit g ls cd vr_pong/ ls git log git branch ammo-backup git checkout ammo git checkout ammo-backup git push -u origin ammo-backup ls -l cd .. cd vr_pong/ git checkout ammo git pull git diff ammo-backup git checkout ammo-backup git log git checkout amm git checkout ammo git branch ammo-stefan git checkout ammo-stefan git push -u origin ammo-stefan git merge ammo-backup git git diff ls git log git cherry-pick 40b2aea9b8cbf158f0f0512b15c6cb1f4cda284d git mergetool git commit -am "re-introduce ammo" git cherry-pick 2155d4ada26d94445bd457641cffee0b7bc55c08 git mergetool git commit -am "stereo things" git log git checkout ammo -- index.html git diff git show 2155d4ada26d94445bd457641cffee0b7bc55c08 git diff git status node pong-socket-server.js cd .. cd config/ cd . cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js git diff git status rm node_modules/ rm node_modules/ git commit -am "scorebar" git push git checkout ammo git merge ammo-stefan git push node pong-socket-server.js cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "player configuration updates" git push git branch pong git checkout pong git diff cd .. cd vr_pong/ node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js ping ssh ubuntu@ ssh tj@ ssh root@ ssh ubuntu@ cat .ssh/ ssh ubuntu@ ssh christian@ sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf sudo killall NetworkManager sudo iwlist sudo iwlist wlan0 sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning | grep cybafelo sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning sudo iwlist wlan0 sudo iwlist sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning cybafelo sudo iwlist wlan0 channel 48 sudo iwlist wlan0 channel ssh ubuntu@ ssh christian@ ssh gw-dev2 g cd vr_pong/ git diff git log cd .. cd cor cd core/ git diff xs .. cd .. cd vr_pong/ node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "better encapsulation" git pull git mergetool git commit -am "color change" node pong-socket-server.js git push node pong-socket-server.js grep "roomName" * -R grep "roomName" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/roomName/roomId/g" cd .. cd core/ grep "roomName" * -R grep "roomName" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/roomName/roomId/g" git diff git commit -am "fixes" git push git checkout master git pull git merge pong git push cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "roomName to roomId" git push git pull git commit -am "oops" git push node pong-socket-server.js git diff node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "delete old games" git push git pull git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "got rid of some uncommented code - could be useful later though" git push ssh gw-dev2 ssh christian@ ssh gw-dev2 ssh christian@ ssh 'set -o xtrace && ls' exit ssh exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "restiution and velocity updates" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff cd .. cd vr_pong/ git pull node pong-socket-server.js git branch git checkout three git checkout ammo node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "original physics" git push node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "dat gui disabled" git push git commit -am "forget pointer lock" git push git commit -am "forget pointer lock" git push exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "more sensitive" git push git commit -am "more sensitive" git push node pong-socket-server.js git diff git branch orientation git checkout orientation git diff git commit -am "orientation instead of acceleration" git push ls -l git push -u origin orientation git diff git commit -am "beta" git push git remote -v git remote delete origin git remote remove origin git remote add origin git pull git pull orientation git push -u origin orientation git pull git checkout physics git push -u origin git pull git checkout ori git checkout orientation ls g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "gamma" git push git diff git commit -am "clamp y" git push g git diff git commit -am "orientation instead" git push git commit -am "orientation instead" git push git diff git commit -am "super cool motion for ios only so far" git push git diff git commit -am "don't log so much" git push git diff git commit -am "for android start" git push git commit -am "for android start" git push exity exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "updatecheck" git push git commit -am "bad check" git push it diff git diff git commit -am "less check" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "move log" git push cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "inverse for ios" git push git branch physics git checkout physics node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "ammo physics" git push git push -u origin physics git pull ssh gw-dev2 exit g cd vr_pong/ ls node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "30% more sensitive" git push ssh christian@ git stash git stash apply git branch game-encapsulation git checkout game-encapsulation git commit -am "better game encapsulation" git checkout ammo git commit -am "end of game 20 wins" git push ssh christian@ git checkout game-encapsulation git diff node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "better encapsulation" git push ls git checkout ammo git merge game-encapsulation git mergetool git commit -am "merging conflicts" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "better encapsulation" git push git diff ssh christian@ cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "don't remove event listeners" git push ssh christian@ node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "logging type of device usage" git push ssh christian@ git commit -am "probable fix for motion events" git push ssh christian@ exit ssh gw-dev2 exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "android seems broken" git push exit ssh gw-dev2 g cd vr_pong/ ls exit ssh christian@ exit exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "30 degree viewing angle" git push git commit -am "oops - 30 degree viewing angle" git push git commit -am "instant feedback" git push git commit -am "updated orientation code" git push git diff git commit -am "check for null" git push git diff git commit -am "android broken" git push git commit -am "android broken - another fix attempt" git push git commit -am "document ?" git push git checkout ammo git diff git pull cp ~/Downloads/pong.png . ls git commit -am "updated landing page!" git push git add pong.png git commit -am "remember image" git push git checkout ori git checkout orientation git merge ammo git push git diff git commit -am "count motion events to log" git push git diff git commit -am "again test for android" git push git commit -am "again test for android" git push git commit -am "proper remove of listener" git push git commit -am "motion wrapper" git push git commit -am "more sensitive" git push git commit -am "less sensitive" git push git diff git commit -am "some grfx improvs" git push git commit -am "black background for canvas" git push git commit -am "some updates" git push git commit -am "more color updates" git push ls git diff git commit -am "introduce maxScore" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "introduce maxScore" git push ssh christian@ exit g cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js exit g ls -l cd vr_pong/ git diff node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "memory optimizations" git push node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js exit ssh christian@ ssh scp Desktop/ball.jpg ssh exit ssh exit cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api.conf :q exit cat .ssh/ ssh scp Desktop/ball.png scp Desktop/ball.png g cd .. ls cd gamewheel/ cd fiddle/ ls ssh exit i ssh exit npm g cd .. cd gamewheel/ rm -rf fiddle git clone ls cd fiddle/ ls ssh cd /etc/nginx/ ls vim sites-enabled/dev-core.conf cd f g cd fiddle/ git clone cd dat.gui/ ls git branch cd build/ ls cd .. git add dat.gui/build git commit -am "dat.gui" git push ssh exit ssh exit ssh exit sudo umount /dev/pts ssh scp Desktop/ball.jpg ssh g cd fiddle/ git add ball_bump.png git commit -am "ball bumpmap" git push ls cp ~/Desktop/normalMap.png ./ball_normal_map.png git add ball_normal_map.png git commit -am "normal map" git push cp ~/Desktop/sphere_normal_map.png . git add sphere_normal_map.png git commit -am "sphere normal map" git push cp ~/Desktop/sphere_emissive_map.png . git add sphere_emissive_map.png git commit -am "sphere emissive map" git push cp ~/Desktop/sphere_emissive_map_2.png . git add sphere_emissive_map_2.png git commit -am "map 2 emissive" git push git add bump_map_2.png git commit -am "bump map 2" git push git git commit -am "update map" git push git add grid_normal_map.png git commit -am "grid normal map" git push cd cd Downloads/ tar -xf blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64.tar.bz2 g cd fiddle/ ls git add box.obj git commit -am box.obj git push git diff git commit -am "uv maps for paddle" git push git add normal_map_box.png git commit -am "normal map box" git push git diff git commit -am "bigger scale" git push git log git diff git commit -am "smaller scale" git push git add normal_map_box_2.png git commit -am "normal map box 2" git push exit cd Downloads/ mv blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64 ../ cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender g cd fiddle/ ls touch t git add t git commit -am "test" git push git pull ssh exit exit g cd fiddle/ scp sphere_emissive_map.png ls ssh g cd fiddle/ scp ball_map.png g cd vr_pong/ ls npm install q git diff git branch graphics git checkout graphics git commit -am "graphics commit" git push git push -u origin graphics exit g cd fiddle/ ls git pull cd node_modules/three/examples/js/ ls cd cameras/ ls vim StereoCamera.js git add StereoCamera.js git reset --head git reset --soft HEAD git status git branch tj git checkout tj git commit -am "Stereo Camera" git push git push -u origin tj git checkout master git merge tj git push ls vim StereoCamera.js git commit -am "updated StereoCamera" git push git log git checkout 40b87ef0d163a22e820d5606ccfed1453ff995bd -- StereoCamera.js git status vim StereoCamera.js git commit -am "Reverted StereoCamera" git push git log git checkout 410bcdce593cb6cf4575cacbe9fdeef2bd08299e -- StereoCamera.js git commit -am "This one actually works" git push vim StereoCamera.js cat StereoCamera.js git commit -am "stereocamera refactoring" git push ibus restart g ls cd vr_pong/ ls npm install stats.js ls mv box.obj pong.obj mv box_emissive_map.png pong_emissive_map.png mv box_normal_map.png pong_normal_map.png ls npm install dat.gui ibus restart node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "started single player stuff" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "updated configuration" git push cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "promise stuff" git push node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "fixed connect process - need to disconnect promise" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "sanity checks" git push exit g cd fiddle/ git status git add particle.png git commit -am "particle" git push ls cd .. cd vr_pong/ cat Roboto_Bold.json mv ~/Downloads/Roboto_Bold.js . exit g cd vr_pong/ git commit -am "glowing text" git push git status git add orbitron-bold.js git commit -am "font" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push exit g cd vr_pong/ git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "touch events" git push git commit -am "device orientation" git push git commit -am "device orientation" git push git commit -am "device orientation" git push git commit -am "device orientation" git push git commit -am "device orientation" git push git commit -am "device orientation" git push git commit -am "device orientation" git push git commit -am "device orientation" git push git commit -am "device orientation" git push git commit -am "faster ball" git push git commit -am "faster ball" git push git commit -am "faster ball breaks collission detection" git push exit g cd vr_pong/ git pull git fetch --all git reset --hard origin/graphics node pong-socket-server.js cd ... cd cor cd .. cd core/ git pull cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff node pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js cdm .. cd .. cd core/ git diff git reset --hard HEAD git pull cd .. cd vr_pong/ node --debug-brk=3302 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js cd .. cd core/ git diff git log git diff 896005e64d4b5d8ba05b50707d86329d28dcd0ab cd .. cd vr_pong/# cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js cp ../fiddle/particle.png . git add particle.png node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "restrict z, cooler trails" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff cd .. ssh gw-dev2 exit g cd vr_pong/ git commit -am "font" git push node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "touch events listen" git push git commit -am "only canvas object" git push git commit -am "only canvas object" git push git git diff git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push git commit -am "touch event updates" git push node pong-socket-server.js exit cd Downloads/ mv Roboto_Bold.json /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ mv Orbitron_Bold.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/orbitron-bold.js g cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js cd .. cd core/ ls cd js/gamewheel/modules/ ls cd bad-word-filter/ npm install --save naughty-words cd cd g cd vr_pong/ node node pong-socket-server.js git branch wide git checkout wide git commit -am "wide pong" git push git push -u origin wide ssh gw-dev2 exit ssh exit cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls cd g ls cd Games/ ls cd .. ls cd Games/ ls cd .. ls cd Games/ ls cd .. ls tree . sudo apt-get install tree tree . find . -name "instances" sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/games.conf cd /usr/local/games/ ls cd /usr/local/games/ sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/games.conf cd /srv/gamewheel.local/games/ ls cd instances/ ls cd publish/ ls scp -R gw-api:/var/www/games/instances/publish/1476 . scp -r gw-api:/var/www/games/instances/publish/1476 . ls scp -r gw-api:/var/www/games/instances/publish/1476 . ld ls cd .. ls cd .. ls sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/www.conf sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pong.conf sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/games.conf sudo service nginx restart ls cd instances/ ls cd publish/ ls cd 1476/ ls grep "" * -R grep "gamewheel." * -R grep "http.*gamewheel." * -R ls -l grep "http[*]gamewheel." * -R grep "http[***]gamewheel." * -R grep "http[...]gamewheel." * -R grep "http...gamewheel." * -R grep "http....gamewheel." * -R grep "http.....gamewheel." * -R grep "http.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+gamewheel." * -R cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/app.conf cd .. cd /srv/ cd gamewheel.local/ ls cd api ls vim server.js pm2 start server.js cd .. cd app/ ls cd .. ls cd api-runtime ls pm2 start server.js ls git pull cd .. cd api-runtime pm2 stop server.js cd .. cd app/ ls git pull pm2 stop server.js pm2 start server.js pm2 pm2 list pm2 start server.js ls cd .. ls cd api-runtime git pull pm2 stop server.js pm2 start server cd .. ls cd app/ git pull cd .. cd ap cd api ls git pull pm2 stop server.js pm2 start server.js ls cd .. ls g ls cd Games/ ls cd GA_ScratchCard/ ls git pull git diff ./bin/ cd .. ls cd GA_pianoTiles/ gitp ull git pull ./bin/ git diff cd .. exit g cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls cd api-runtime ls pm2 stop server.js node --debug-brk=3302 server.js node --debug-brk=3099 server.js cd cd vr g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "delta" git push git commit -am "delta" git push git commit -am "delta" git push git commit -am "alpha" git push git commit -am "alpha" git push cd .. ls cd /srv/gamewheel.local/api-runtime ls git pull git branch badnames git checkout badnames git push -u origin badnames ls git checkout develop ssh gw-api ssh gw-api-runtime vim ~/.ssh/config ssh gw-rt-api ssh gw-api exit vim exit gedit exit cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ cd api-runtime ls node --debug-brk=3099 server.js ls npm install node --debug-brk=3099 server.js node server.js node --debug-brk=3099 server.js node server.js node --debug-brk=3099 server.js node server.js exit sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf sudo service nginx restart g ls cd GW_Runtime/ ls git diff git checkout badnames git stash git checkout badnames git merge develop git stash apply ls npm install --save "naughty-words" exit cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api-runtime.conf g cd GW_Runtime/ ls grep "fuckface" * -R git diff git commit -am "badnames initial commit" git push exit ssh gw-rt-api ssh gw-dev2 gnome-calculator exit g ls git status cd node_modules/ ls git add naughty-words git add -f# naughty-words git add -f naughty-words git status git commit -am "modified version of npm package naughty words" git push git diff git commit -am "more words" git push git diff git commit -am "more words" git push git diff cd .. cd vr_pong/ git commit -am "xz motion for vr" git push node server.js node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "updates" git push node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "less sensitive" git push node pong-socket-server.js exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "proper values" git push git commit -am "proper values" git push git commit -am "proper values" git push git commit -am "proper values" git push git commit -am "proper values" git push git commit -am "field depth" git push git commit -am "field depth" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git status git commit js/gamewheel/modules/field-configuration/field-configuration.js git push git commit js/gamewheel/modules/field-configuration/field-configuration.js cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "motion X" git push git commit -am "motion X" git push git commit -am "motion X" git push git commit -am "motion X" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z" git push git commit -am "motion Z log" git push git commit -am "motion Z log" git push git commit -am "rotational z movement" git push git commit -am "rotational z movement" git push git commit -am "rotational z movement" git push git commit -am "rotational z movement" git push git commit -am "less sensitive" git push mv ~/Downloads/pong-wide.obj ./pong-green.obj git diff git status git commit -am "cool pong " git push git commit -am "fixed import" git push exit ssh gw-api ssh gw-dev2 exit exit cd Downloads/blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./ ls cd .. ls cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender cd cd Downloads/ ls mv Material.001\ -\ Default\ Texture0002.png pong-green.png mv pong-wide\ green.mtl pong-green.mtl mv pong-wide\ green.obj pong-green.obj ls vim pong-green.mtl vim pong-green. vim pong-green.mtl vim pong-green.obj mv pong-green.* /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ ls g cd vr_pong/ ls git add pong-green.* g cd GW_Runtime/ ls git diff git checkout develop git merge badnames git push git pull git push git pull git push git --global git push.default git --help git config git config --global push.default = matching exit g cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js git config --global push.default simple g ls cd GW_Runtime/ ls git push g cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js cd cd Downloads/ ls tar -xf emsdk-portable.tar.gz cd emsdk_portable/ ls ./emsdk ./emsdk update ./emsdk install latest sudo apt-get install cmake ./emsdk install latest cd .. mv emsdk_portable ../ ls cd .. cd emsdk_portable/ ls ./emsdk activate latest nod node source ./ g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "q git diff git commit -am "fix boundaries - center scaled obj object geometry" git psuh git push ssh exit ssh gw-dev2 ls exit ssh gw-dev2 ls -l g ls cd core/ ls cd .. ls cd GW_Runtime/ git branch anti-cheating git checkout anti-cheating git push -u origin anti-cheating git checkout develop git pull git checkout anti-cheating git merge develop git status git push git status cd .. cd core/ git status git add js/gamewheel/modules/anti-cheating cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "speed increase" git push cd .. cd core/ cd test/ l node --debug-brk 3099 module-anti-cheating.js node --debug-brk=3099 module-anti-cheating.js git status git add module-anti-cheating.js git status git rm ../js/gamewheel/modules/bad-word-filter git rm ../js/gamewheel/modules/bad-word-filter -r git commit -am "anti cheating" git push git status find -name ".*~" find -name "*~" cd .. find -name "*~" find -name "*~" | xargs rm ls git status git commit -am "removed bad files" git push ls git diff git commit -am "anti cheating - need to work on time extrapolation cheat probability" git push exit g cd gw_prototype/ cd bin/ cd .. npm i ./bin/start cd Downloads/ unzip mv gw_prototype /usr/share/gamewheel/ g cd gw_anti_cheating/ ls npm install --save sequelize npm --help npm install help npm install -h man npm l ls cd src/model/ ls ln -s ../../../GW_Runtime/models/game_instance.js ln -s ../../../GW_Runtime/models/game_session.js ls cd .. ls ln -s ../../GW_Runtime/db.js ls -l ls ln -s ../../GW_Runtime/config.js ln -s ../../GW_Runtime/conf ls cd con cd conf/ ls cd .. cd bin/ ls ./start cd .. cd GW_Runtime/ cd .. cd gw_anti_cheating/ git diff ls git init git remote add origin git push -u origin master ls git add * git add . git status git commit -am "anti cheating initial commit" git push git push -u origin master ls cd bin/ ls ./start env env node env | grep node git diff git commit -am "server starting" git push cd .. node --debug-brk=3099 index.js cd bin/ node --debug-brk=3099 start cd .. cd GW_Runtime/ ls git pull git checkout develop git pull git checkout anti-cheating git merge develop ls node --debug-brk=3099 server.js git diff git commit -am "anti cheating start integration into runtime" git push git push -u origin anti-cheating exit g cd vr_pong/ node --debug-brk=3099 module-anti-cheating.js node pong-socket-server.js exit gedit cat /etc/hosts ssh gw-dev2 ssh gw-dev g ls cd gam cd Games/ ls cd .. cd GW_Runtime/ node --debug=3099 server.js git commit -am "anti cheating done" git push exit mysql exit cd /etc/ cd nginx/ ls sudo vim sites-enabled/games.conf sudo service nginx restart sudo vim sites-enabled/games.conf cd sites- cd sites-enabled ls cat api.conf cat api-runtime.conf sudo vim games.conf sudo service nginx restart sudo vim api-runtime.conf sudo service nginx restart cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls cd ap cd api ls node serv node server.js meld g cd GW_Runtime/ node --debug-brk=3099 server.js node server.js node --debug-brk=3099 server.js node --debug=3099 server.js ssh gw-dev vim .my.cnf exit mysql vim .my vim .my.cnf mysql exit g cd GW_Runtime/ git pull node --debug=3099 server.js git diff node --debug=3099 server.js vim ~/.ssh/config ssh gw-rt-api git diff git commit -am "updates" git push node --debug=3099 server.js ls git diff exit g cd GW_Runtime/ node --debug=3099 server.js git diff git commit -am "anti-cheating - can run custom validations" git push exit vim .my.cnf mysql eit exit g cd GW_Runtime/ ls git diff exit cd Desktop/ ls openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted cd .. cd config/ git diff cd Desktop/ cd .. git status ls -l cd Desktop/ ls cp ../../Desktop/general.encrypted . ls git status git commit -am "update" git push exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit g cd vr_pong/ node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js exit g cd vr cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "anti aliasing" git pull git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "custom validation flags" git push git pull git push exit ssh gw-dev2 ssh gw-dev2 ssh gw-dev ssh gw-dev2 cd ammo.js/ python vim bullet/src/LinearMath/btScalar.h python vim builds/ammo.js cd builds/ ls cd .. grep btSetInternalTickCallback * -R grep "btSetInternalTickCallback" * -R ls grep "btSetInternalTickCallback" * -R grep "btSetInternalTickCallback" * -R --include=ammo.idl grep "setInternalTickCallback" * -R cd builds/ grep "setInternalTickCallback" * -R cd .. cp builds/ammo.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js cd builds/ vim ammo.js ls -l cp temp.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js cd .. python ls -l cd builds/ ls cp temp.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js cd src cd .. cd bullet/ cd src/ grep "worldUserInfo" * -R grep "setWorldUserInfo" * -R exit cd cd emsdk_portable/ ls ld ls cd emscripten/ ls cd master ls ./emcc -v cd tests/ cd .. ./emcc tests/hello_world.c node a.out.js cat a.out.js ./emcc tests/hello_world_sdl.cpp -o hello.html ls cp hello.* /srv/gamewheel.local/pong/ cd git clone cd ammo.js/ python cd bullet/ ./ sudo apt-get install autogen ./ sudo apt-get install autotools-dev ./ sudo apt-get install aclocal sudo apt-cache search aclocal sudo apt-get install build-essential sudo apt-get install automake ./ sudo apt-get install libtoolize sudo apt-cache search libtoolize sudo apt-cache search libtool sudo apt-get install autotools-dev sudo apt-get install libtool ./ cd .. python ls find . -name "*.idl" vim ammo.idl ls cd bu cd bullet grep setInternalTickCallback * -R ls -l cd src/ ls grep setInternalTickCallback * -R tree . cd .. vim ammo.idl ls cd builds/ ls cp ammo.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js cd .. vim ammo.idl python vim ammo.idl exit cd ammo.js/ ls cd builds/ ls cd .. cd bullet/ ls cd src/ ls grep "setInternalTickCallback" * -R cd BulletDynamics/Dynamics/ ls vim btDynamicsWorld.h grep "btOverlappingPairCallback" * -R cd .. grep "btOverlappingPairCallback" * -R grep "RayResultCallback" * -R vim BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionWorld.h grep "setInternalTickCallback" * -R grep "btInternalTickCallback" * -R vim BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btDynamicsWorld.h exit g cd vr_pong/ git pull cd .. cd core/ git pull cd .. cd vr_pong/ ls node pong-socket-server.js node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pong.conf sudo service nginx restart sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pong.conf sudo service nginx restart sudo vim /etc/hosts sudo service nginx restart node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "super cool prediction" git push node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "minimal data transfer" git push node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "elapsed time instead of fixed time" git push git commit -am "elapsed time instead of fixed time" git push git commit -am "elapsed time instead of fixed time including lag" git push node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "ignore lag for now" git push git commit -am "ignore lag for now" git push node pong-socket-server.js node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js ps -A | grep node node pong-socket-server.js git diff node pong-socket-server.js ps -A | grep java kill -9 3542 node pong-socket-server.js exit cd ammo.js/ cd bullet/ grep "DefaultVehicleRaycaster" * -R grep "btScalar" * -R cd src/LinearMath/ vim btScalar.h cd .. python cp builds/ammo.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js vim ammo.idl grep "Runtime" * -R cd .. cd ammo.js/ cd bullet/ cd src/ grep "Runtime" * -R cd .. cd builds grep "Runtime" temp.js vim temp.js cd .. cd bullet/ grep "getWorldUserInfo" * -R cd Demos/SoftDemo/ vim SoftDemo.cpp exit ssh gw-dev ssh gw-dev2 exit ibus restart g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "new ammo - still no interval callback - better physics somehow?" git push exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "ammo recompile test" git push git branch goblin git checkout goblin git push -u origin goblin npm install --save goblinphysics npm remove --save ammo.js npm remove --save tquery node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "goblin physics start - need to put in paddles" git push git status git add node_modules/goblinphysics/ git commit -am "goblin" git push sudo poweroff g cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js cd g cd dark-matter/ git checkout unstable git branch cd cd ammo.js/ ls python cd builds/ ls cp temp.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/node_modules/ammo.js/ammo.js cd emsdk_portable/ ls cd emscripten/ ls cd master ls ./emcc tests/hello_world.cpp ./em++ tests/hello_world.cpp cd tests/ ls g++ hello_world.cpp g++ -std=c++11 hello_ g++ -std=c++11 hello_world.cpp [A g++ -std=c++11 hello_world.cpp g++ -std=c++11 hello_world.cpp -o hi ./hi g++ -std=c++11 hello_world.cpp cd .. ./em++ tests/hello_world.cpp ./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp cd tests/ ls find . -name "*.idl" vim webidl/test.idl cd .. ls vim a.out.js cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ ./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp ls cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ ./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ ./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ ./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ ./em++ -std=c++11 tests/hello_world.cpp cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ ./em++ -std=c++11 --bind tests/hello_world.cpp cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ ./em++ -std=c++11 --bind tests/hello_world.cpp cp a.out.js /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/ cd config/ ls cd Desktop/ ls openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git pull git commit -am "pp" git push emscripten cd cd emsdk_portable/ ls cd emscripten/ ls cd master ls cd tests/ ls vim hello_world.cpp g cd vr_pong/ git commit -am "new pong" git push g cd vr_pong/ git diff node pong-socket-server.js git pull git mv pong\ new\ white.png pong-new-white.png git commit -am "rename" git push node pong-socket-server.js node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "pong glow effects for other player - many small bug fixes" git push exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit g cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "cool crazy version - server and client side physics" git push git commit -am "cool crazy version - server and client side physics" cd .. cd core/ git diff git branch goblin git checkout goblin git commmit -am "removed implementation from generic code" git push git commit -am "removed implementation from generic code" git push -u origin goblin node pong-socket-server.js cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js ssh gw-dev2 git checkout wide git pull git checkout goblin git checkout wide git log git checkout goblin git push ssh gw-dev2 exit vim /etc/hosts vim .ssh/config ssh gw-api g cd vr_pong/ ls cd .. ls ln -s ~/config/update_all vim update_all ./update_all vim ~/.ssh/config ssh -L 3099: gw-api ssh -R 3033: gw-api ssh -L 3032: gw-api gedit exit ssh gw-api ssh -L 2022: gw-api ssh -L 1222: gw-api ssh -L 2022:localhost:3033 gw-api ssh -L 3033:localhost:3033 gw-api exit cd Desktop/ cd .. cd config/ cd Desktop/ ls openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git commit -am "yt" git push node -v php -a ssh gw-dev2 exit g cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js ls git status git add pong.blend git commit -am "pong.blend" git push node pong-socket-server.js ls node pong-socket-server.js git diff git status git commit -am "awesome version - nice pongs - client side physics - server sends updates" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff node pong-socket-server.js cd .. cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js git diff node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "can win and lose" git push node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "grid right glow rotation fix" git push ssh gw-dev2 node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "updated pong positions" git push ssh gw-dev2 node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "super cool - stable version" git push ssh gw-dev2 node pong-socket-server.js git push ssh gw-dev2 git diff git commit -am "update score from client" git push node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "ok - cool version with score" git push ssh gw-dev2 exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "prevent default for touchmove" git push git commit -am "try to fix fullscreen request" git push git commit -am "try to fix fullscreen request" git push git commit -am "otherplayer check" git push git commit -am "otherplayer check also for frame updates" git push exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit g cd vr_pong/ node pong-socket-server.js exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "resize window on start" git push node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js git branch streamlined git checkout streamlined cd .. cd core/ git branch streamlined git checkout streamlined cd .. cd vr_pong/ ls git diff npm remove --save lodash git diff git commit -am "server cleanup" cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "server cleanup" git push git push -u origin streamlined cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff git push -u origin streamlined node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js git push -u origin streamlined node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "lots of refactoring - start to test" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git commit -am "lots of refactoring - start to test" git push exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "connect after file dowload" git push exit g cd vr_pong/ node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js git status git add side_* git add grid_bottom_normal_map.png git commit -am "gamewheel logo - server fixes needed for when player leaves and enters again" git push exit cp Downloads/grid_normal_map3.png /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_pong/bottom_grid_normal_map.png g cd vr_pong/ mv bottom_grid_normal_map.png grid_bottom_normal_map.png cp ~/Downloads/grid_normal_map6.png ./side_normal_map.png cp short_border_emissive_map.png side_emissive_map.png exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "fixed multiplayer restart match" git push git branch cannpn git branch -D cannpn git branch cannon git checkout cannon npm remove --save goblinphysics npm install --save cannon git status git add node_modules/cannon node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "cannon physics" git push git push -u origin cannon git push node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "capping velocity" git push ssh gw-dev2 cd .. cd core/ git diff git push ssh gw-dev2 exit g cd vr_pong/ node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "stable - fixed rotation bug for physics pong 1" git push cd .. cd core/ cd .. ssh gw-dev2 gedit exit gedit exit g cd vr_pong/ git pull git commit -am "hide controls when fullscreen" git push ibus restart node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "hide controls in virtual reality mode" git push git commit -am "reset glow" git push node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "shininess" git push ssh gw-dev2 node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js cd .. cd GW_Config/ git pull git checkout feature/dev_1.6 npm i mongo sudo apt-get install mongo sudo apt-get install mongodb sudo service mongodb start vim /etc/mongodb.conf mongo cd .. ls cd vr_pong/ git diff exit g cd vr_pong/ git --help git help --commit git commit --help git commit -p -m "color hit fix" git push ssh gw-dev2 cd .. cd dark-matter/ sudo vim /etc/hosts ping dark-matter.cybafelo.local git diff git branch websocket git checkout websocket git commit -am "websocket start" git push -u origin websocket cd src/server/ node dark-matter-socket-server.js ls npm install --save node dark-matter-socket-server.js ibus restart cd .. ls cd public/ ls vim package.json vf .. ld vf .. ld vf .. cd .. cd var cd vr_pong/ vim package.json cd .. cd dark-matter/src/client/ ls npm install git status exit g cd vr_pong/ node --debug=3099 pong-socket-server.js exit g cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "Updated Schemas" git pull git push git commit -am "Don't authenticate yet" git push exit gedit sudo su cat /etc/hosts cat /etc/hosts | grep "pong" exit g cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "finalized schemas (except for User)" git push git pull git commit -am "include all dates" git push exit g cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "start schema" git push exit tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log dmesg exit tail -f /var/log/syslog exit g cd GW_Config/ git diff git pull git commit -am "account structure" git push mongo cd ..c cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -p -m "color hit fix" git push ssh gw-dev2 cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "updated structure" git push git diff git commit -am "updated structure" git push exit mongo g cd GW_Config/ ls git commit -p -m "schema updates" git push git diff g cd GW_Config/ ls npm install --save sinon npm install --save chai npm install --save sinon-chai de .. cd .. git clone cd gamewheel-bus/ ls cd tests/ ls cat test.Address.js cd .. cd GW_Config/ ls cd .. cd gamewheel-bus/ ls npm install gulp coverage npm install -g gulp sudo npm install -g gulp gulp coverage ibus restart cd .. cd GW_Config/ ls npm install --save-dev supertest git diff git commit -am "test environment setup" git push esdit exit g cd tj/ node server.js [A node server.js exit g ls cd dark-matter/ ls cd .. ls mkdir tj cd tj ls vim server.js exxit exit g cd tj/ node server exit ps -A ps -A | grep node top exit g cd GW_Config/ ls # gulp sudp npm i -g gulp sudo npm i -g gulp npm i --save-dev gulp-sync npm i --save-dev gulp-plumber npm i --save-dev gulp-mocha gulp test npm i --save-dev gulp gulp test npm i --save-dev wrench gulp test npm i --save-dev gulp-util gulp test gulp test-watch mongo vim /etc/mongodb.conf ls git commit -am "testing framework start - started with user model - not persisting to db even though no error present" git push git pull exit mongo tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log sudo service mongodb restart tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log sudo service mongodb restart tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log exit vim exit gedit exit mon mongo exit g cd GW_Config/ git pull mongo sudo service stop mongodb sudo service mongodb stop; /etc/init.d/mongodb --help vim /etc/init.d/mongodb vim /etc/mongodb.conf sudo service mongodb start; vim /etc/mongodb.conf sudo vim /etc/mongodb.conf sudo service mongodb restart tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log git pull git reset gulp/test.js git checkout gulp/test.js git checkout test/test.UserModel.js git pull npm i tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log vim /etc/mongodb.conf sudo vim /etc/mongodb.conf sudo service mongodb restart tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log vim package.json mongo tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log exit g cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "updated tests - preparing for auth tests" git push exit mongo g cd GW_Config/ grep "randomToken" * -R mongo git diff git commit -am "Authentication done - can authenticate a password, stores password hashes and not passwords, reset password creates a new token and stores a new hash" git push tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log git push git commit -am "first API integration test for signing up users" git push exit g cd GW_Config/ git diff npm i --save deasync git diff git commit -am "done with sign up" git push git commit -am "done with sign in" git push git commit -am "signout done" git push git diff git commit -am "typo" git push exit mongo exit vim gnome-calculator exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -p -m "pong low graphics mode bug fix" git push ssh gw-dev2 g cd GW_Config/ cat package.json grep "createTransport" * -R npm install -g capto npm install --save capto ls npm remove capto sudo npm i -g capto mongo exit g cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "user api done - up until password reset - update next" git push git diff ext exit vim gem sudo apt-get install docker docker pull mailhog/mailhog docker sudo apt-get autoremove go sudo apt-get remove docker sudo apt-get install go sudo apt-get install gccgo-go go get go help gopath export GOPATH=/home/tj/gocode echo $GOPATH mkdir gocode go get MailHog -h cd gocode/ ls cd src/ ls cd ls cd mailhog/ ls cd MailHog ls cd .. ls cd MailHog-Server/ ls vim cd .. go get sudo apt-get install bzr go get mv gocode gocode-bak mkdir gocode go get go --help go list rmdir gocode cd gocode ls cd src/ tree . 4 cd .. mv gocode gocode.segfault mv gocode-bak/ gocode go list ls go list go go run MailHog cd gocode ls tree . cd .. go get go go fix go fix mailhog go fix MailHog go fix mailhog cd gocode/src/ ls go fix go fix go fix cd .. bzr cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/capto/app/con cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ ls cp settings.js.example settings.js sudo cp settings.js.example settings.js sudo vim settings.js capto run exit vim exitr exit ssh . ssh dmesg export GOPATH=/home/tj/gocodev go get export GOPATH=/home/tj/gocode_err go get export GOPATH=/home/tj/gocode_error go get exit cat /etc/environment cat /etc/debian_version go mongo g cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "done with user API and tests - 82.5% sloc coverage" git push git diff git commit -am "100% user schema coverage" git push git commit -am "include status update" git push mongo git diff git commit -am "mongoose manages create and update dates" git push exit g cd GW_Config/ npm install --save-dev gulp-istanbul exit go get export GOPATH=/home/tj/gocode go get go -v go --version go version exit vim cat x vim capto run exit g ls cd GW_Config/ ls ssh vim .ssh/config exit ssh gw-dev2 exut exit ccsm tailall tail -f /var/log/syslog exit g cd GW_Config/ git pull git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST npm install netstat -ltp netstat -ltp | grep 9025 kill -9 5501 netstat -ltp | grep 9025 git diff netstat -ltp | grep 9025 kill -9 6592 netstat -ltp | grep 9025 kill -9 7105 git commit -am "template API ported to new CRUDController" git push git checkout feature/dev_1.6 git pull git merge feature/dev_1.6_REST git push exit echo "/var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log\n/var/log/nginx/access.log" > logfiles.txt tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 vim logfiles.txt tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ cd GW_Frontend/ grep "WoopraService" * -R cd .. cd GW_Runtime/ grep "WoopraService" * -R cd .. cd GW_Frontend/ git pull git log grep "WoopraService" * -R git branch no_woopra git checkout no_woopra git commit -am "removed woopra from login / registration process" git push -u origin no_woopra git pull ssh gw-app cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff exit vim .ssh/config exit ssh gw-beta-api exit ping ping ssh ping ping ping ping ping g cd GW_Frontend/ git diff git commit -am "removed woopra service" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/ gitr git diff git commit -am "start with campaign API" git push git checkout master git pull git branch beta git checkout beta git merge feature/dev_1.6 git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push git push -u origin beta ping vim ~/.ssh/config ssh gw-statistics ssh gw-beta-api ssh gw-statistics exit tail -f `sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g" logfiles.txt` -q -n0 exit g cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "schema updateS" git push exit ssh gw-dev2 exit ping cd Downloads/ ls tar -xf WebStorm-2016.2.tar.gz ls -l | grep WebStorm- cd WebStorm-162.1121.31/ ls cd bin/ ls ./ g cd GW_Config/ git pull vim git commit -am "done with campaign create" git push git commit -am "done with campaign update" git push exit g netstat -ltp | grep 9025 kill -9 11167 exit cd config/Desktop/ openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted cd Downloads/WebStorm-162.1121.31/ ls cd bin/ ./ ssh gw-beta-api mongo g cd GW_Config/ git pull git mergetool git checkout lib/model/schema/user.js git diff git commit -am "include user object in response" git pull grep "randomString" * -R git commit -am "fix user token duplication problem" git push mongo exit g cd GW_Config/ git commit -am "updates for campaigns working" git push git commit -am "done with campaigns API" git push git commit -am "done with content API GET" git push git pull git push ssh gw-beta-api git commit -am "done with content API" git push git pull git push git commit -am "include body" git push git pull git push git pull git commit -am "platform start" git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor git commit -am "asset belongs to platform" git push exit g cd GW_Config/ ls git branch git checkout beta git log git push git pull git push git checkout beta git diff git commit -am "particle type" git push git checkout beta cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff git branch "customization" git checkout customization git commit -am "start customizing!" git push -u origin customization cd .. cd GW_Config/ ls exit g cd vr_pong/ node server ls -l node pong-socket-server.js exit g cd dark-matter/ ls cd .. cd dark-matter/ ls cd cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit g cd GW_Config/ ls git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor exit mongo g cd GW_Config/ mongo git commit -am "done with account API" git push git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor git merge beta mongo git diff git commit -am "image API start" git push exit php cd Documents/ php -a cat test.png php -a exit ccsm g cd gw_3d_editor/ ls vim ~/.bashrc 3d ls exit ccsm ls 3d ls npm run protractor npm test npm run protractor sudo npm run protractor npm run protractor protractor npm update bower update npm run protractor cd .. cd vr_racing/ ls node server.js cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled ls cp pong.conf racer.conf sudo cp pong.conf racer.conf sudo vim racer.conf sudo vim /etc/hosts cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_racer/ sudo service nginx restart ls ping racer.gamewheel.local; sudo service nginx restart sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/racer.conf ls rm vr_racer sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/vr_racer/ racer g vim ~/.bashrc r exit r cd lib ls ln -s ../../core/js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client g cd gw_3d_editor/ ls cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled ls cp pong.conf 3d-editor.conf ls sudo cp pong.conf 3d-editor.conf vim 3d-editor.conf sudo vim 3d-editor.conf cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/gw_3d_editor 3d-editor ls sudo vim /etc/hosts sudo service nginx restart g cd gw_3d_editor/ ls npm install npm run update-webdriver npm run protractor npm start 3d npm install npm i --save express ln -s ../config/config.js node server.js npm i --save cors node server.js npm i --save body-parser node server.js node --debug-brk=3104 pong-socket-server.js node --debug-brk=3104 server.js cd bin/ ls mv start.js start mv start start.js ./start.js cd .. node --debug=3104 server.js cd bin/ ./start.js node -v ./start.js cd .. grep "spawn" * -R grep "spawn.*require" * -R 3d cd bin/ ls ./start.js node ../server.js node --debug=3104 ../server.js ./start.js cd .. node --debug=3104 ../server.js node --debug=3104 server.js node --debug-brk=3104 server.js vim /etc/nginx/ sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf sudo service nginx restart sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf sudo service nginx restart sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf node --debug-brk=3104 server.js node --debug=3104 server.js exit sudo service nginx restart 3d ls node server.js node --debug=3104 server.js npm i --save multer cd Downloads/blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./ cd bi cd bin ls ls l- ls cd .. ls cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit cd Downloads/ ls exit r# r ls npm install ln -s ../config/config.js ls node server.js vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api.conf cd .. cd GW_Config/ cd bin/ ./start exit g cd GW_Config/ ls cd bin/ ls ./start ccsm cd blender-2.77a ls cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls cd 2.77/ ls cd .. find . -name "doc " find . -name "doc" ./blender -b -P ../blender-2.77a/doc/blender_file_format/ ls cd .. cd blender-2.77a ls cd doc/ cd blender_file_format/ ls exit mv Desktop/blender\ source/blender-2.77a . cd blender-2.77a ls grep "\.blend" * -R cd doc/ ls cd blender_file_format/ ;ls ls ivm README vim README exit cd Downloads/ mv Asphalt\ \(2\).png Asphalt.png cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit g ls 3d ls cd uploads/ ls cd .. ls sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf ls cd uploads/ ls cd .. cp ~/Desktop/backup/tj_32x32.ico ./favicon.ico npm install pusher.blender npm install --save pusher.blender; npm install --save lodash ps -A | grep java kill -9 3315 gnome-screenshot -a gnome-calculator ps -A | grep java kill -9 9366 exit g 3d ls node --debug=3104 server.js npm install json npm install urlencoded node --debug=3104 server.js npm remove json node --debug=3104 server.js node --debug-brk=3104 server.js node --debug=3104 server.js node --debug-brk=3104 server.js node --debug=3104 server.js exit ccsm exit gedit exit 3d ls cd bin/ ls ./start.js cd .. node --debug=3104 server.js exit cd blender-2.77a cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit 3d npm remove --save pusher.blender npm install --save surfacecurve-blender npm install --save underscore cd .. cd cd Downloads/ ls tar -xf blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-i686.tar.bz2 mv blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-i686 ../ cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-i686/ ls ./blender exit cd blender-2.77a ls cd source/ grep "drawFlag" * -R grep "mselect" * -R exit node --v node -v g export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH" `pwd` pwd vim ~/.bashrc fetch v8 cd v8/ ls vim .git/config git branch vim .git/config git pull origin vim .git/config git branch -r git checkout origin/4.4.2 ls cd .. git clone cd libuv/ ./ ./configure make make check sudo make install cd /usr/local/lib/ ls cd .. cd include/ ls cd .. find . -name "node.h" g cd ~/ClionProjects/ ls mv blender-node /usr/share/gamewheel/ g cd blender-node/ ls npm install -g node-gyp sudo npm install -g node-gyp node-gyp configure ls cd build/ ls cd .. node-gyp build ls vim binding.gyp node-gyp build cd build/ ls cd Release/ ls cd .. ls node-gyp build cd build/Release/ ls rm addon.node rm blender-node.node ls cd ls cd .. rm -rf Release/ cd .. node-gyp build cd build/Release/ tree . cd /usr/ find . -name "v8.h" find . -name "node.h" find . -name "device.h" g cd blender-node/ ls node-gyp build exit gnome-calculator exit cd Downloads/ ls tar -xf CLion-2016.2.tar.gz mv clion-2016.2 ../ cd .. cd clion-2016.2/ ls cd bin/ ls ./ exit 3d node server.js 3d node server.js exit g cd blender-node/ ls git init git add vim ls git add * ls git status git commit -am "if i lose this im gonna puke" git push git remote add origin git push -u origin master exit ghex sudo apt-get install ghex ghex exot exit ps -A killall blend-loader-test ls -l killall blend-loader-test ps -A killall blend-loader-test ps -A killall blend-loader-test sudp killall blend-loader-test sudo killall blend-loader-test ps -A exit cd Do cd Downloads/ ls mv trackTest\ \(3\).blend /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-node/ cd .. cd blender-2.77a ls cd source/ ls cd blender/blenloader/intern/ ls vim readfile.c exit sudo poweroff gcc -v sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install g++-4.9 gcc -v which gcc cd /usr/bin/ ls ls -l | grep gcc ls -l | grep g++ rm g++ sudo rm g++ sudo ln -s g++-4.9 g++ ls -l | grep gcc sudo rm gcc sudo ln -s gcc-4.9 gcc gcc gcc -v exit gdb -v gdb --v gcc -v exit cd /usr/bin/ ls -l | grep c++ ls -l ls -l | grep c++ c++ -v exit g cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "sdna load complete - now file block loading starts" git push cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-64 cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit g cd blender-node/ ls grep "\blong\b" * -R ibus restart git commit -am "starting to read some info" git push exit ping exit gnome-calculator g cd blender-node/ git commit -am "file handle limit reached" git push exit 3d node server.js ~ node server.js ~ node server.js node --debug=3104 server.js node --debug-brk=3104 server.js node server.js node --debug-brk=3104 server.js node server.js node --debug-brk=3104 server.js node server.js cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "reading data into javascript" git push ibus restart 3g g cd blender-node/ ls git diff git commit -am "fix update index - was getting duplicate data" git push git commit -am "removed printf" git push exit g ls cd blender-node/ ls cd .. ls 3d ls node server.js cd .. cd blender-node/ ls git diff git commit -am "mostly done - need to specify a max depth" git push exit 3d node --debug-brk=3104 server.js node --debug=3104 server.js exit cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled ls sudo vim 3d-editor.conf sudo vim /etc/hosts exit vim /etc/hosts ps -A | grep chrome ping exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js ex git diff cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "better returns to javascript" git push cd .. 3d ls git init git commit -m "first commit" git add * git rm --cached node_modules git rm --cached node_modules -r ls cd node_modules/ ls cd .. ls git rm --cached uploads git rm --cached uploads -r git status git commit -am "3d editor start" git push -u origin master git remote add origin git push -u origin master exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit gnome-calculator exit 3d npm install pnltri exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js npm install earcut wget node --debug=3104 server.js npm install libtess node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "tessellation problems - and winding order" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exit node --debug=3104 server.js 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit gnome-c gnome-calculator exit which node exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "fixed missing faces after triangulation - now backface culling problem" git push git commit -am "all meshes" git push node --debug=3104 server.js gdb --args /usr/local/bin/node server.js cd .. cd blender-node/ ls node-gyp build cd .. 3d gdb --args /usr/local/bin/node server.js git diff git commit -am "include scene data" git push cd .. git diff git commit -am "include debug symbols - fixed bug with reading float pointers (size mismatch 8 vs 4) " git push mysqldumpslow exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git commit -am "start winding order fix" node --debug=3104 server.js git commit -am "close to working" git push node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git reset --hard HEAD node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "still broken" git push exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "got some kind of winding fixed" git push exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js npm remove earcut npm install earcut node --debug=3104 server.js git commit -am "winding order algorithm - broken import for track" git push git log git checkout bbab24e7716350ee7f1d29ad80f9c709b7d19ef9 node --debug=3104 server.js git checkout HEAD git pull git reset --hard HEAD git checkout master node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "triangulation problem revisited - empty result for duplicate X, Y 3d coords" git pus git push exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js cd .. cd blender-node/ ls npm install --save earcut 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git commit -am "refactoring - working on lookAt()" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "refactoring - working on lookAt()" git push exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exit 3d git commit -am "maximize poly width and height - check cone problem" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "start materials" git push exit gnome-calculator exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js node --debug-brk=3104 server.js node --debug=3104 server.js sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf sudo service nginx restart node --debug=3104 server.js git commit -am "continue texture mapping" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git status git diff git commit -am "continue texture mapping" git push exit 3x ed kill -9 ed killall ed 3d npm install q npm install --save q ln -s ../blender-node/maths3d.js ln -s ../blender-node/blender-node.js git diff git commit -am " ls exit cd Downloads/ mv /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-node/ cd /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-node/ ls git status unzip exit 3d ls cd .. cd blender-node/ ls git status git add Ads1.png Asphalt.png CarBlue.png Chalet.png EnvironmentTextures1.png Grass.png Mercedes.png Rock.png Skybox1.png Tree1.png art-fight-club.jpg cube.blend spiral_19.JPG track.blend1 trackTest.blend git commit -am "test data " git push ls git status cd .. ls cd gw_3d_editor/ git status git add maths3d.js blender-node.js git reset --soft HEAD git status git commit -am "maths" gitp ush git push cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled ls cp 3d-editor.conf ~/config/ cp api-runtime.conf ~/config/ cp api.conf ~/config/ cd ~/ cd config/ git add 3d-editor.conf api-runtime.conf api.conf git commit -am "conf files" git push ls exit g ls cd GW_Config/ ls git status git commit -am "3d editor stuff" git push exit 3d cd uploads/ rm * ls exit 3d wget wget git diff git commit -am "eye candy" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ exit 3d ls node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "done blend loader - all good" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ ls git diff git commit -am "blend loader working" git push cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ node --debug=3104 server.js exit hg g cd blender-node/ cp CarBlue.png CarBlue.png.001 exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js #] git diff git commit -am "more eye-candy" git push exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender cd Downloads/ mv trackTest\ \(5\).blend /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-node/trackTest2.blend b g cd blender-node/ git add trackTest2.blend git commit -am "uv mapping starting to work!" git push 3d npm install --save jquery npm install --save bootstrap # git commit -am "selection" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "selection" git push gnome-calculator 3d node --debug=3104 server.js 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git commit -am "need to fix culling after faces have been triangulated and more edges introduced" git push node --debug=3104 server.js exit 3d cd .. cd blender-node/ npm install --save lodash git diff git commit -am "start upload to api " exit cd 3df 3d git diff git commit -am "start upload to api" git push exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit meld 3d npm install --save lodash node --debug=3104 server.js npm install --save lodash node --debug=3104 server.js exit 3d git diff git commit -am "bones and animation stuff" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "bones and animation stuff" git push exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit gnome-calculator exit g cd GW_Config/ ls git pull git fetch git branch git branch -a git tree git --help 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git diff cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff exit g cd GW_Config/ ls node server.js ls cd bin/ ls ./start ls vim start ./start vim start ./start vim start node --debug=3010 start git diff git commit -am "start export to API" git push exit 3d git diff git commit -am "start to export to API" git push exit bim vim exit 3d node --debug=3010 start cd .. cd GW_Config/ node --debug=3010 start cd bin node --debug=3010 start git commit -am "first save to API successful" git push node --debug=3010 start exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js grep "meshName" * -R grep "meshName" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/meshName/name/" cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "meshName" * -R cd .. cd GW_Config/ grep "meshName" * -R cd .. 3d node --debug=3104 server.js grep "meshName" * -R node --debug=3104 server.js git commit -am "first save to API successful" git push node --debug=3104 server.js exit g cd blender-node/ grep "meshName" * -R mongo git diff git commit -am "first save to API successful" git push cd .. exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "saving scenes - loading them again - starting with updates" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "align scenes with api" git push exit 3d cd .. cd GW_Config/ cd bin/ node --debug=3010 start cd .. git diff git commit -am "saving scenes - starting to update them" git push exit tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log exit mongo exit cd /etc/ cd nginx/ ls sudo vim nginx.conf exit mongo exit g 3d ln -s ../core/js/gamewheel/modules/3d-game-lib/3d-game-lib.js git commit -am "start of gamelib - can display from API" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "start of gamelib - can display from API" git push cd .. ls cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "crud updates" git push exit 3d cd .. cd GW_Config/ cd bi cd bin node --debug=3010 start exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exit vim .ssh/config ssh gw-web exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js npm install node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "gw 3d lib continues - selection updates" git push exut exit 3d cd .. cd GW_Config/ node --debug=3010 start cd bin node --debug=3010 start git diff git commit -am "texture API" git push exot exit mongo g cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "start differentiate between three, blender and API meshes" git push exit gnome-calculator exit g cd GW_Config/ cd bin node --debug=3010 start git diff cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "small fixes" git push exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js cd .. exit g 3d grep "Undefined vertexUv2" * -R git diff git commit -am "material properties and texture properties editable" git push exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit gnome-calculator exit g cd GW_Config/ node --debug=3010 start cd bin node --debug=3010 start cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "multiple select fixes" git push exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js node --debug=3104 server.js# node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "multiple select fix - start multiple property modify" git push cd .. exit mongo exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211- cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit g cd GW_Config/ cd bin node --debug=3010 start cd .. cd blender-node/ exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "multi select material mesh and texture" git push exit g 3d cd uploads/ ls rm * ls exit g cd GW_Config/ cd bin/ node --debug=3010 start # git diff cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "stupid node fs sucks so much ass" git push exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js node --debug-brk=3104 server.js node --debug=3104 server.js node --debug-brk=3104 server.js node --debug=3104 server.js npm npm i --save file-system node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "start image paths" git push exit ibus restart exit g 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git commit -am "persist uploaded images for next blender upload - fixed scene dropdown selection" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "scene image upload persistance" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff cd .. 3d ls node --debug=3104 server.js cd .. grep "new.*Blender.*Image" --include-dir=gw_3d_editor grep "new.*Blender.*Image" --include=gw_3d_editor grep "new.*Blender.*Image" gw_3d_editor grep -? grep --help ls grep "new.*Blender.*Image" * -R grep "new.*Blender.*Texture" * -R grep "new.*Blender.*Material" * -R grep "new.*Blender.*Skeleton" * -R grep "new.*Blender.*Mesh" * -R grep "new.*Blender.*Bone" * -R 3d git commit -am "start API export" cd .. cd blender-node/ git commit -am "start API export" cd .. cd GW_Config/ git commit -am "start API export" git push exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exit g cd GW_Config/ cd bin node --debug=3010 start npm install --save mongoose-gridstore npm remove --save mongoose-gridfs node --debug=3010 start exit g grep "new.*Image" * -R ls grep "new.*Image" * -R --exclude-dir=ammo.js grep "new.*BlenderNode.*Image" * -R grep "new.*Editor.*Image" * -R grep "new.*BlenderNode.*Image" * -R exit 3d cd .. cd GW_Config/ ls npm install --save mongoose-fs npm remove --save mongoose-fs npm install --save mongoose-gridfs exit g cd GW_Config/ cd bin/ node --debug=3010 start ls vim start cd . cd .. cd bin node --debug=3010 start git commit -am "saving scenes with bones" git push node --debug=3010 start exit g 3d cd .. grep "new.*Blender.*Mesh" * -R grep "new.*Blender.*Skeleton" * -R grep "new.*Blender.*Bone" * -R grep "new.*Blender.*Image" * -R grep "new.*Blender.*Scene" * -R grep "image.*path" * -R grep "image\.path" * -R cd gw_3d_editor/ grep "image\.path" * -R grep "image\.path" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/image\.path/image.uploadPath/" cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "image\.path" * -R cd .. cd GW_Config/ grep "image\.path" * -R cd .. grep "new.*Blender.*Scene" * -R 3d node --debug=3010 start node --debug=3104 server.js grep "maps.texture" * -R grep "maps.texture" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/maps.texture/maps.diffuse/g" cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "maps.texture" * -R grep "maps.texture" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/maps.texture/maps.diffuse/g" cd .. cd GW_Config/ grep "maps.texture" * -R cd .. 3d node --debug=3104 server.js 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "saving scenes with bones :)" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git commit -am "saving scenes with bones :)" git push node --debug=3104 server.js cd .. 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exit g 3d ls cd uploads/ ls exit gedit mongo exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exit g cd GW_Config/ cd bin node --debug=3010 start git fetch git checkout master git pull cd .. git diff git commit -am "start-debug" git push git pull exut exit node --help exit cat .ssh/config cat .ssh/config | grep gw-api -c 6 cat .ssh/config | grep gw-api -c6 vim .ssh/config ssh gw-api exit ssh -gw-api ssh gw-api g cd GW_Config/ git pull exit ssh gw-dev exit scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/838/media/user/ov_ButtonPlay.png . scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/838/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/838/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . compose composite composite help compose composite -help compose man composite scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/840/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/840/media/user/ov_ButtonPlay.png . g cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "don't touch custom image" git push git pull git push scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/841/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . rm fn_ButtonPlay.png cd scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/841/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . g cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "fix convert" git push git diff git commit -am "replace simply" git push git commit -am "replace simply" git push git commit -am "exit 0?" git push git diff git commit -am "don't modify user versions" git push git commit -am "exit 1" git push git commit -am "exit 0" git push git diff master git checkout master git checkout develop -- bin/ git checkout develop -- bin/ git diff git status git commit -am "compose scripts" git push exit g cd GW_Config/ git pull git diff cd .. ls scp gw-dev:/var/www/games -R . scp -R gw-dev:/var/www/games . scp -r gw-dev:/var/www/games . exit g 3d ls node --debug=3104 server.js exit g cd GW_Config/ git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor git diff git commit -am "semicolon" git push git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor cd bin/ node --debug=3010 start git checkout master exit ssh gw-api exit exit ssh gw-demo exit g cd vr_ cd vr_pong/ ls exit ssh gw-api exit cd blender-2.77a cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/841/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . ssh gw-dev scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/841/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . cp -? cp --help scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/841/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . scp gw-dev:/var/www/games/instances/drafts/842/media/fn_ButtonPlay.png . ssh gw-api exit ssh gw-api g cd GW_Config/ git checkout develop ssh gw-dev ssh gw-demo g cd GW_c cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "error log" git push git commit -am "error log" git push git pull git commit -am "too many logs" git push git commit -am "no return" git push vim server.js git diff git commit -am "log args" git push ssh gw-app ssh gw-api ssh gw-dev-api vim .ssh/config ssh gw-dev ssh gw-dev2 ssh gw-demo 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "green" git push exit cd g cd vr_ cd vr_pong/ git diff node pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "small changes" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "editor and racer configs" git push git push -u origin tj-dev cd .. cd vr_ cd vr_pong/ git diff git pull git push node pong-socket-server.js git commit -am "no a.out.js" git push git commit -am "relative paths" git push ls vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pong.conf ls node pong-socket-server.js cd .. cd GW_Config/ cd bin/ git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor node --debug=3010 start node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=8192 start git diff git commit -am "increase body size" git push exit g ssh gw-api mongo exit g cd GW_Config/ git checkout develop git pull git diff git commit -am "continue not exit" git push git checkout master git diff develop git checkout develop -- bin/ git commit -am "continue not exit" git push 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exot exit ssh gw-api ssh gw-dev ssh gw-api exit gedit exit mongo exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exit g cd GW_Config/ cd bin node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=8192 start git checkout feature/dev_1.6_REST_3d_editor node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=8192 start node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start git status git diff git commit -am "small bug fixes" git push cd .. 3d git diff git commit -am "small bug fixes" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git dif git commit -am "small bug fixes" git push git status exit exit mongo exit cd ammo.js/ ls cd .. ls find . -name "a.out.js" cd ammo.js/bullet/build/ ls vim a.out.js cd .. ls vim README vim VERSION exit 3d npm remove --save lzstring cd .. cd blender-node/ npm remove --save lz-string cd .. cd GW_Config/ npm remove --save lz-string cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ npm remove --save lz-string exit sudo service nginx restart exit sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ls cd /etc/nginx/ cd sites-enabled ls vim 3d-editor.conf scp 3d-editor.conf gw-3d:/etc/nginx/sites-available/3d-editor-tj.conf sudo scp 3d-editor.conf gw-3d:/etc/nginx/sites-available/3d-editor-tj.conf scp 3d-editor.conf gw-3d:/tmp/3d-editor.conf scp api.conf gw-3d:/tmp/api.conf mongo exit ping exit g cd config/ ls git diff vim config.js git commit -am "api16" git push ls -l exit which gcc cd /usr/bin/ ls ls -l ls -l | grep gcc exit gcc -v exit vim .ssh/config ssh gw-3d cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd /var/log/ ls cd nginx/ ls tail -f 3d-editor.gamewheel.local.* tail -f 3d-editor.gamewheel.local.* api.gamewheel.local.* ls exit tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log exit 3d cd .. cd blender-node/ ls cd node_modules/ ls cd .. npm install --save delaunay-triangulate cd .. cd GW_Config/ cd bin node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf sudo service nginx restart node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start git diff git commit -am "compression - need to have lean save queries" git push node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js npm install --save gzip-js cd .. cd blender-node/ npm install --save gzip-js 3d cd .. cd blender-node/ npm remove --save gzip-js cd .. cd GW_Config/ npm install --save gzip-js cd .. 3d node --debug=3104 server.js npm remove --save gzip-js npm install --save lzstring npm install --save lz-string cd .. cd GW_Config/ npm remove --save gzip-js npm install --save lz-string node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start cd .. 3d node --debug=3104 server.js git diff git commit -am "common maps - compression, upload paths fixed" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "compression, fixed winding order for triangulation" git push cd .. 3d node --debug=3104 server.js exit g cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "all rights reserved" git push exit g cd blender-node/ npm install --save delaunay-triangulation ls grep "lodash" * -R git diff git commit -am "deps" git pull git push ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-api exit cd /etc/nginx/ sudo vim nginx.conf exit sudo service nginx restart exit g grep "apiUrl" * -R grep "editor\.apiUrl" * -R grep "editor\.apiUrl" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/editor\.apiUrl/api.url/g" grep "api\.url" * -R exit sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf exit cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls ls -l cd 3d cd 3d-editor ls exit g cd blender-node/ git diff vim git pull vim git commit -am "include getStructures" git push exit g cd config/ git pull git checkout gw-3d ls git commit -am "config fixes" git push git checkout tj-dev exit ssh gw-3d telnet 3104 telnet -p 3104 telnet 3104 exit ssh gw-3d ssh gw-3d cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ ls vim api.conf sudo vim api.conf sudo service nginx restart g cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "respond with server online" git push exit cd .. 3d git commit -am "remove pw" git push git commit -am "remove username" git push git diff git commit -am "registration for users" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff cd.. exit ssh gw-3d g grep "config.api.url" * -R grep "config\.api\.url" * -R grep "config\.api\.url" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/config\.api\.url/config.api16.url/g" cd gw_3d_editor/ git diff git commit -am "api16 url" git push git pull cd .. cd config/ git diff cd .. cd config/ git push cd .. ls cd blender-node/ git diff cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "mongoose problems with update - super slow" git push ex3d 3d git diff git add favicon.ico git commit -am "fav icon" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ npm remove --save delaunay-triangulation npm install --save delaunay-triangulate git commit -am "correct triangulation library" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/ git commit -am "favicon.ico" git push npm update --save mongoose git commit -am "mongoose update" git push git pull ls ls -l cd .. cd config/ git checkout gw-3d git log git checkout tj-dev git cherry-pick a484e181e89222bc877be7b48a6889bb5d0cdcf4 git reset --hard HEAD git cherry-pick c3befc06348acddf42afcd9428162a93b8437397 git cherry-pick a484e181e89222bc877be7b48a6889bb5d0cdcf4 git mergetool ] git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push ] git diff git commit -am "options" git push git checkout gw-3d git cherry-pick 4bac3bc git mergetool git commit -am "include mongo ports" git push ls cd .. find . -name "*.orig" find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls cd config/ git diff git push git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd GW_Config/ cd bin node --debug-brk=3204 start node start git commit -am "streamlined bootstrap process" git push ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd 3d cd config/ git diff git commit -am "config updates" git push git checkout gw-3d git cherry-pick 662d557 git push git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd GW_Config/ grep " res.status(400); res.contentType('application/json'); res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers' , 'accept, content-type'); res.set('Access-Control-Request-Methods', 'OPTIONS, GET, POST'); res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin' , req.header('Origin')||'api-test'); res.set('Accept-Encoding' , 'gzip, deflate'); res.set('X-Powered-By' , 'Gamewheel a Toywheel product'); return res.json( { result:'failure', status: 0, message:err.message || err grep "sessionKey" * -R grep "appConfig" * -R grep "appConfig" * -R --exlude-dir=coverage grep "appConfig" * -R --exlude-dir coverage grep "appConfig" * -R --exclude-dir coverage grep "baseURL" * -R --exclude-dir coverage git diff git commit -am "fix config" git push cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ git diff git commit -am "error messages" gitp ush git push git commit -am "bind this" gitp ush git push gcc -v sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 sudo apt-get update gcc-4.9 sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 cd /var/cache/apt ls cd archives/ ls find . |grep gcc apt-cache policy gcc-4.9 sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade gcc-4.9 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 gcc -v g 3d git pull git diff git commit -am "fixes" git pull git push exit ssh gw-3d 3d node --debug=3104 server.js node --debug=3204 server.js node --debug=3203 server.js gdb --args /usr/local/bin/node server.js git diff git commit -am "fix fetch scene bug" git push exit gnome-calculator 3d git diff git commit -am "updated gui" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git push git pull git push cd .. cd 3d 3d git diff git commit -am "api independent" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/ cd .. ls cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "default position, rotaiton scale etc" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/ ls cd .. exit g cd GW_Config/ cd bin node --debug=3010 --max-old-space-size=16000 start node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start git commit -am "fixed registration - also authenticate session afterwards" git push node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start git commit -am "bypass scene for GET" git push cd .. cd 3d 3d git diff git commit -am "removed unused parameter" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/bin/ node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start exit cd Downloads/ mv Rock\ \(4\).png Rock.png mv Asphalt\ \(3\).png Asphalt.png mv Skybox1\ \(3\).png Skybox1.png mv EnvironmentTextures1\ \(5\).png EnvironmentTextures1.png exit 3d git commit -am "remove threescene - unneeded" git push git diff git commit -am "don't ignore position, rotation and scale" git push exit cd blender-2.77a cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit g cd blender-node/ npm install sudo ldconfig git diff git status git rm --cached build git rm --cached build -r git status git commit -am "include debug symbols again" git push gdb --args /usr/local/bin/node server.js ls cd .. 3d exit exit ssh gw-3d g grep "new.*Blend.*Image" * -R grep "new.*BlenderNode.*Image" * -R grep "new.*BlenderNode.*Material" * -R cd cd Downloads/ unzip mkdir pong_assets mv pong_assets cd pong_assets/ unzip exit g cd GW_Config/ cd bin node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start 3d node --debug=3203 server.js g cd blender-node/ git pull git diff git commit -am "texture links" git push cd .. 3d git diff git commit -am "standard materials" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "no gridstore - texture links" gi tpush git push git pull git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push exit cd Downloads/ mv WallScoreLeft5.png pong_assets/ exit g find . -name "3d-game-lib.js" cd core/ git diff exit ssh gw-3d 3d node --debug=3203 server.js git diff git commit -am "restore lights" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "lights" git push node --debug=3203 server.js cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ git diff git commit -am "save light" git push node --debug=3203 server.js git diff git commit -am "directional and ambient lights" git push node --debug=3203 server.js git commit -am "more complete lights" git push exit g cd GW_Config/ cd bin node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start cd .. 3d git diff git commit -am "tooltips - need to start saving lights" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/bin/ node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start git git diff git commit -am "saving lights" git push node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start git diff node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "comment" git push exit mongo ls g 3d git commit -am "scale to 200" git push exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender g cd vr_ cd vr_pong/ git diff git branch new_look git checkout new_look git push -u origin new_look git checkout customization git add a.out.js git commit -am "compiled ammo" git push git checkout new_look ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib.js git add game-lib.js git add config.js node pong-socket-server.js node --debug=3201 pong-socket-server.js ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-maths.js cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "load scene by name" git push git pull git checkout feature-triMesh git pull git checkout develop git merge feature-triMesh git merge tj git push git checkout feature-triMesh git merge develop git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git checkout tj git merge develop git push git diff cd .. ls cd game cd game-lib/ cd .. cd cd vr_pong/ cd vr_ cd vr_pong/ cp ~/Downloads/pong_assets/ . ls git add git status git add game-lib-maths.js git commit -am "pong assets etc" git push git push -u origin new_look ls exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender g cd vr_pong/ cp ~/Downloads/pong_assets/ball.blend . ls git add ball.blend git push git commit -am "ball.blend" git push exit cd blender-2.77a ls cd source/ ls tree . cd .. cd blender-2.77a cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit mongo exit g cd GW_Config/ cd bin/ node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start cd .. grep "customSaveValidation" * -R cd bin node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "start physics" git remote add origin git remote add remote git push git push -u remote git branch develop git checkout develop git push -u remote develop git branch tj git checkout tj git push -u remote tj cd .. mkdir game-lib cd game cd game-lib/ ls git init vim git add git commit -am "initial commit" mv ../gw_3d_editor/3d-game-lib.js . ls git add 3d-game-lib.js git mv 3d-game-lib.js game-lib.js git commit -am "game-lib" it remote add origin git remote add origin git push -u origin master grep "GameLib3d" * -R grep "GameLib3d" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib3d/GameLib/g" cd .. grep "GameLib3d" * -R cd gw_3d_editor/ grep "GameLib3d" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib3d/GameLib/g" cd .. ls cd game-lib/ git diff grep "BlenderNode" * -R grep "BlenderNode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode/GameLib.D3/g" grep "this.THREE" * -R grep "this.THREE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/this\.THREE/" grep "" * -R grep "" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/" cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "calculateNormal" * -R cd .. grep "calculateNormal" * -R grep "fixWindingOrder" * -R cd game-lib/ grep "GameLib.prototype" * -R grep "GameLib.prototype" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib/GameLib.D3/g" grep "GameLib.D3.D3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.D3/GameLib.D3/g" git diff git commit -am "GameLib D3" git push git status git add game.js physics.js git commit -am "GameLib D3 Files" git push git diff git rm physics.js rm physics.js git rm physics.js git commit -am "physics into GameLib.D3" git push ls vim game.js git diff git commit -am "this" git push git branch develop git checkout develop git push -u origin develop git diff git status git add maths3d.js git commit -am "maths3d" git push git push -u origin develop git checkout master git merge develop git push git diff git status git add game-lib-maths.js git commit -am "maths" git push ls git checkout develop git merge master git push git checkout tj git branch tj git checkout tj git push -u origin tj ls cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ git diff git checkout 3d-game-lib.js git status git diff git commit -am "fix target position" ls vf .. cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git checkout master -- maths3d.js git status git add maths3d.js git diff git status git checkout master git diff git status git diff git commit -am "removed physics from here" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff cd bin/ node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start git commit -am "start physics" git push node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start git git branch 1.6 git checkout 1.6 git push -u origin 1.6 node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start git diff git commit -am "load scene from API via name" git push cd .. ls cd blender-node/ git diff cd .. cd cd core/ cd core/ git diff git commit -am "various" git push cd .. ls 3d git status cd .. cd GW_Config/ git status cd .. cd vr_pong/ git status cd .. cd config/ git diff git push exit 3d node --debug=3104 server.js node --debug=3203 server.js ls git diff cd .. exit hg g exit g cd game-lib/ git pull git diff git diff develop git checkout develop git merge tj git push git checkout master git merge develop git push cd .. cd 3d 3d git difr git diff git commit -am "update path" git push exit ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-demo exit ssh gw-3d g cd vr_pong/ git pull cd .. 3d git diff git commit -am "don't clamp emissive and others" gitp ush git push git commit -am "typo" git push cd .. cd vr_pong/ ls gimp particle.png exit cd Downloads/ mv mkdir tc mv tc cd tc unzip ls -l ssh gw-demo ssh gw-3d cd .. ssh gw-demo ssh gw-3d mongo g cd vr_ cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "moving light" git push ssh gw-demo ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-3d exit sudo killall unclutter gksudo modprobe -r psmouse sudo modprobe -r psmouse sudo modprobe psmouse sudo apt-get install unclutter unclutter -idle 1 -root -grab -visible sudo killall unclutter unclutter -idle 1 -root -grab -visible xdotool mousemove sudo apt-get remove unclutter sudo apt-get install xdotool xdotool mousemove 100 100 g cd vr_pong/ git diff node --debug=3201 pong-socket-server.js git d git diff cd .. 3d git diff git commit -am "import from blender" git push node --debug=3201 pong-socket-server.js git push cd .. cd vr_ cd vr_pong/ node --debug=3201 pong-socket-server.js g cd GW_Config/ cd bin/ node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start cd g cd config/ ls git checkout cyb git pull git checkout cybafelo ls vim 3d-editor.conf git checkout tj-dev ssh gw-demo ssh gw-3d cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ node --debug=3203 server.js mongo cd blender-2.77a cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender 3d git diff git commit -am "also update blender meshes and lights" git push ssh gw-3d cd .. cd vr_pong/ git pull git branch git branch -a cd Downloads/ mkdir pong_assets_new mv pong_assets_new/ cd pong_assets_new/ unzip cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211- cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender g cd vr_pong/ node --debug=3201 pong-socket-server.js git diff git commit -am "look updates" git push ssh gw-demo ssh gw-3d ssh gw-demo g cd GW_Config/ cd bin node --debug=3204 --max-old-space-size=16000 start git diff git commit -am "store clipping planes" git push g# 3d node --debug=3203 server.js git diff git commit -am "start work with clipping planes" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "proper deal with clipping planes" git push git pull git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "store clipping planes as arrays" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git push 3d node --debug=3203 server.js exit g cd GW_Config/ cd nin exit exit 3 vim .bashrc exit cd Downloads/ ls cd vc ls cd tc/ ls mv ../ . unzip g cd vr_pong/ git commit -am "color inherit" git push git checkout new_look git merge tc git push git commit -am "load normal pong" git push exit cd Downloads/ gimp Ads1.png exit ssh gw-demo exit 3 git diff git commit -am "bw compatible clipping planes" git push exit p git commit -am "all effects in for now" git push p git commit -am "done with new look" git push ssh gw-3d git checkout tc git merge new_look git push ssh gw-3d ssh gw-demo p git commit -am "local clipping planes - ripple on left and right borders" git push ssh gw-demo exit a git diff git push exyt a exit 3 exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit g git clone cd blender- cd blender-files/ ls vim ls mkdir pong mv ball.blend pong/ ls git add pong/ git add git commit -am "initial commit" git push git pull cp ~/Downloads/pong_assets_new/Trail.png . git add Trail.png git commit -am "trail.png" git push git mv Trail.png pong/ git commit -am "oops wrong place" git push exit cp Downloads/pong_assets_new/ball.blend /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/ exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ ls vim 3d-editor.conf sudo vim 3d-editor.conf exit sudo service nginx restart exit g cd blender- cd blender-files/ ls mkdir pong_tc cd pong_tc/ cp ~/Downloads/tc/*.png . cp ~/Downloads/tc/.*png . cp ~/Downloads/tc/*png . ls exit gnome-screenshot -a gnome-screenshot exit g cd blender- cd blender-files/ git pull git status git add pong_tc/ git commit -am "tech crunch assets" git push ls cd pong ls exit g cd game-lib/ git branch -l git diff tj git merge tj git push cd .. cd blender-files/ ls mkdir racer cd racer/ cp ~/Downloads/trackTest\ \(3\).blend track.blend git add track.blend git commit -am "track 1" git push cd .. ls mkdir truck mkdir car git add truck git add car git commit -am "save stuff here pleae" exit g cd blender-files/ git pull ls cd car/ ls cd .. cd racer/ ls cd .. git mv racer vr_racer git commit -am "rename" git push exit g ls git clone cd game-lib/ ls cp ../GW_3D_Racing/game/js/flyControls.js . ls cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ ls ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-controls.js rm game-lib-controls.js ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib rm game-lib ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib.js rm 3d-game-lib.js ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-maths.js ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-controls.js.js ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-controls.js rm game-lib-controls.js.js git commit -am "translation - start with fly controls - migrated to gamelibrm game-lib-controls.js.js ! :)" git push git status git add game-lib* git commit -am "awesomeness" git push cd .. ls exit 3 git commit -am "drop original filenames - take new filenames" git push ssh gw-3d 3 npm update vim package.json npm update 3 vim package.json npm update 3 vim package.json npm update vim package.json npm update 3 git diff git commit -am "light fixes" git push 3 git diff git commit -am "allow all header" git push 3 exit a exit p git commit -am "pong updates" git push git log git checkout tc git log git checkout new_look git log git checkout tc git cherry-pick 34f2e401d360c107d93f99bbd72114f9f3260931 git cherry-pick ce11dbc3d7c972575a7c2df328d57ce521d31be1 git push git pull git push git checkout new_look git pull ssh gw-demo p git diff git commit -am "fix trails" git push p git push git log git checkout tc git log git cherry-pick c73d61e3250f67db06bd0e56360cf7219670eb88 git push ssh ssh gw-demo ssh gw-3d cd .. 3 cd uploads/ ls cd gamewheel/tech_crunch/root/pong/ ls scp * gw-3d:/srv/ cd .. cd root/root/pong/ scp * gw-3d:/srv/ g ls cd game-lib/ ls git diff tj git merge tj git push git diff tj git checkout tj git merge master git push git pull git checkout feature-triMesh git checkout develop git merge feature-triMesh git push git checkout master git diff develop git checkout develop git merge feature-triMesh git checkout master git checkout develop git merge master git push p git checkout new_look p exit g cd blender-files/ git pull g cd ~ cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit g cd gw_3d_editor/ grep "BlenderNode" * -R ls -l grep "BlenderNode" * -R grep "BlenderNode" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode/GameLib.D3/g" git diff git commit -am "get rid of blenderNode" git push cd .. ls cd game cd game-lib/ git diff git status git add game-lib-controls.js git commit -am "game lib controls" git push git checkout feature-triMesh git pull git checkout develop git merge feature-triMesh git push git branch editor git checkout editor cd .. 3d ls npm install --save cannon exitr exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211- cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit ps -a | grep java ps -a | grep web ps -a | grep sto ps -A | grep java kill -9 3129 exit 3 git diff git commit -am "starting to work with physics" git push cd .. cd game cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "starting to work with physics" git push git push -u origin editor git pull git push exit a git commit -am "starting to save physics to API" git push cd .. ls exit sudo killall java 3 git diff git commit -am "fix some controls, fix worlds which weren' getting saved properly, start to create shapes from meshes" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "better loading and displaying of scenes, start work with physics data" git push git checkout develop git pull git merge editor git push exit a git diff git commit -am "get list of scenes instead, respond with object again" git push exit p git diff exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender mongo g cd blender-files/ git pull g ls grep "new.*GameLib.*Texture" * -R grep "new.*Blender.*Texture" * -R cd blender-node/ git diff mv blender-node.js blender-node.js.bak ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib.js ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-maths.js mv maths3d.js maths3d.js.bak mv *.bak ../ ls grep "BlenderNode.Material" * -R grep "BlenderNode.Material" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Material/GameLib.D3.Material/g" grep "BlenderNode.Texture" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Texture/GameLib.D3.Texture/g" grep "BlenderNode.Bone" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Texture/GameLib.D3.Bonde/g" grep "BlenderNode.Bone" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Bone/GameLib.D3.Bone/g" grep "BlenderNode.Vector2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Vector2/GameLib.D3.Vector2/g" grep "BlenderNode.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Vector3/g" grep "BlenderNode.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Vector4/g" grep "BlenderNode.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Vector4/GameLib.D3.Vector4/g" grep "BlenderNode.Mesh" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Mesh/GameLib.D3.Mesh/g" git branch gamewheel git checkout gamewheel grep "BlenderNode.PolyVertex" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Mesh/GameLib.D3.PolyVertex/g" grep "BlenderNode.PolyVertex" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.PolyVertex/GameLib.D3.PolyVertex/g" grep "BlenderNode.TriangleFace" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.TriangleFace/GameLib.D3.TriangleFace/g" grep "BlenderNode.Vertex" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.TriangleFace/GameLib.D3.Vertex/g" grep "BlenderNode.Vertex" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Vertex/GameLib.D3.Vertex/g" grep "BlenderNode.Skeleton" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Skeleton/GameLib.D3.Skeleton/g" cd .. grep "createChildBoneIds" * -R cd blender-node/ grep "BlenderNode.Image" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/BlenderNode.Image/GameLib.D3.Image/g" cd .. grep "new.*GameLib.*Texture" * -R vim blender-node.js.bak exit a git diff exit g grep "new.*GameLib.*Material" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.*Image" * -R cd gw_3d_editor/ grep "uploadPath" * -R git diff git commit -am "shitload of work - refactoring - creating physics objects - much more stable loading / upload paths etc" git push cd .. ls cd blender- cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "finally migrated BlenderNode to GameLib.D3" git status git add game-lib* git commit -am "and here's the game-lib - mofos" git push -u origin gamewheel git remote -v git push -u remote gamewheel git branch --delete origin/gamewheel git push origin --delete gamewheel git cd .. cd .. ls cd gw_3d_editor/ cd .. cd blender-node/ cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "real scene save functions - removed unneeded properties from material, image and texture schama" git push cd .. ls cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "physics worlds - hello" git push cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "could i live with this typo?" git push cd .. ln -s ~/config/status_all vim status_all ./status_all exit 3 exit p ibus restart vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf sudo service nginx restart ibus restart EXIT exit sudo service nginx restart exit vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf sudvim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf exit ssh gw-demo exit ssh gw-demo g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "fix splash ripples - better stereo effect" git push ssh gw-demo exit 3d cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git log exit g cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "request pointer lock" git pull git push ssh gw-demo 3 git diff git commit -am "no origin for API requests - need this to be set in nginx" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "remove uploadpath" git push git checkout master git pull git merge develop git push ssh gw-3d 3 exit a cd .. cd game-lib/ a exit op p git diff git commit -am "some pong AI" git push p git commit -am "fix init players" git push cd .. p exit ssh gw-demo exit g cd game-lib/ git diff git pull git checkout feature-triMesh git pull git branch -a git branch next git checkout next git merge master git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git pusg git push git push -u origin next exit g cd game-lib grep "GameLib.D3.Physics.Engine.TYPE_CANNON" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Physics.Engine.TYPE_CANNON" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Physics.Engine.TYPE_CANNON/GameLib.D3.Physics.TYPE_CANNON/g" grep "this.engineType" * -R grep "this.engineType ==" * -R grep "this.engineType ==" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/this.engineType ==/this.physics.engineType ==/" grep "new\s*CANNON" * -R grep "new\s*CANNON" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/new\s*CANNON/new this.physics.CANNON/g" grep "Shape\.TYPE" * -R grep "Shape\.TYPE" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Shape\.TYPE/SHAPE_TYPE/g" ls cd .. ls cd GW_Config/ git diff cd . cd ls cd .. ls gw_3d_editor/ cd gw_3d_editor/ ls git diff exit 3 exit a exit p git diff exit xit exit g cd GW_Runtime/ grep "Access-Con" * -R grep "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" * -R grep "include.*cors" * -R grep "var.*cors" * -R grep "var.*\bcors\b" * -R grep "require.*cors" * -R ls exit ssh gw-app ssh gw-games ssh gw-game ping ping ping ssh gw-api vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api-runtime.conf g ls cd GW_Runtime/ git pull git checkout master git pull ls vim config.js vim conf/config. vim conf/config.json node --debug=3200 server.js npm install node --debug=3200 server.js sudo apt-get install redis sudo apt-get install redis-server node --debug=3200 server.js exit ssh gw-rt exit g grep "\bTriangleMesh\b" * -R cd game-lib/ gulp gulp build gulp npm install --save gulp-sort gulp npm install --save gulp-minify gulp git commit -am "gulp build - now start to fix" gulp git commit -am "start to fix - at 'Heightmap'" git push cd .. ls cd GW_Frontend/ git pull git checkout master git pull cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "vehicles" git push git checkout master git pull a cd .. ls node server.js vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api-runtime.conf vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api.conf node --debug=3204 server.js node --debug=3204 server.js # vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api-runtime.conf ssh gw-api exit gnome-screenshot -a exit g grep "dashboard.total_sessions" * -R grep "total_sessions" * -R exit ssh gw-runtime vim .ssh/config ssh gw-rt-api vim .ssh/config exit ssh gw-api gnome-screenshot -a exit g cd GW_Runtime/ ls git diff git reset --hard HEAD git pull cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "update" git push cd .. cd GW_Runtime/ git pull cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "try again" git push git commit -am "try again" git push ssh gw-rt g cd GW_Config/ git diff git checkout develop git pull git diff master git commit -am "fix counter" git push git checkout master git diff develop git merge develop git push ssh gw-api exit g cd game-lib/ npm install --save gulp npm install --save gulp-concat exit mysql -h -u root -p ssh gw-rt exit g ssh gw-rt exit ssh gw-rt exity exit ssh gw-api exit exit exit ssh gw-rt vim ssh gw-api exit g cd GW_Runtime/ node --debug=3200 server.js git log ssh gw-rt ssh gw-api ssh gw-rt exit g ssh gw-api g ls cd GW_Config/ ssh gw-ap ssh gw-api g cd GW_Runtime/ node --debug=3200 server.js exit g cd GW_Config/ node --debug=3204 server.js git diff git commit -am "using pipe" git push git commit -am "using pipe" git push node --debug=3204 server.js exit ssh gw-new vim .ssh/config ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-beta-api g ls cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "start writing tests" git push git commit -am "include code coverage reports" git push npm install --save cannon npm install --save three ping ssh gw-admin cd vim .ssh/config ssh gw-admin g cd gw_3d_editor/ ls git branch develop git checkout develop ls rm game-lib-controls.js rm game-lib.js rm game-lib-maths.js rm maths3d.js ls ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js ls ibus restart npm install --save-dev gulp-istanbul npm install --save gulp npm install --save-dev gulp-concat npm install --save-dev gulp-sort npm install --save-dev gulp-minify npm install --save-dev gulp-mocha gulp build npm install --save-dev gulp-plumber gulp build git diff git commit -am "start test frameworkd" git push -u origin develop git pull ln -s build/editor.js git commit -am "gulp build" git push git commit -am "editor ln" git push exit vim .ssh/config exit ssh gw-admin exit ping exit g grep "createThreeMaterial" * -R grep "createThreeMaterial" * -R --exclude=game-lib-min.js grep "createThreeMaterial" * -R --exclude-dir=build grep "createThreeMaterial" * -R --exclude-dir=build --exclude-dir=core cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "enable to log" git push git pull git branch git checkout develop git branch git checkout 1.6 cd .. cd game-lib/ ls npm install --save-dev gulp-mocha npm install --save-dev gulp-istanbul ln -s ../config/config.js vim config.js npm install --save-dev gulp-plumber git branch npm install --save-dev chai npm install --save-dev sinon-chai npm install --save-dev sinon gulp test exit gnome-calculator exit exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender g cd cd config/ cd Desktop/ openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git commit -am "aws" git push ssh gw-new vim .bashrc exit mongo mongo mongo mongo exit mongo mongo mongo mongo mongo mongodump --host --db beta --archive | mongorestore --host --db betaLive --archive mongodump --host --db beta ls cd dump ls cd beta/ ls mongo -v exit vim .bashrc vim .inputrc exit vim .inputrc g cd gamewheel-gate/ git pull git checkout beta ping telnet 3201 vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf exit g cd gamewheel-gate/ npm install exit g cd gamewheel-api ls git pull git checkout beta cd .. cd gamewheel-cdn/ git pull git checkout beta cd .. ls cd gamewheel-connect git pull git checkout beta cd .. cd gamewheel-content git pull git checkout beta npm install cd .. ls cd config/ cd .. cd gamewheel-cdn/ npm install ls -l cd .. ls cd gamewheel-ap cd gamewheel-api ls npm install cd .. ls cd gamewheel-connect git diff cd .. cd gamewheel-gate/ git dif git diff git pull cd .. cd gamewheel-helper git pull git checkout beta cd .. cd gamewheel-model git pull git checkout beta ls cd .. ls cd gamewheel-port git checkout bet git checkout beta git pull git checkout beta ls -l npm install cd .. cd gamewheel-ap cd gamewheel-api npm install cd .. cd gamewheel-app npm install cd .. cd gamewheel-bus/ git diff cd .. cd gamewheel-cdn git pull cd .. cd gamewheel-connect/ git pull cd .. cd gamewheel-gate/ git pull exit ls cd app ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/app ls -l cd app ls cd gate/ git diff git commit -am "typo?" git push cd /home mkdir gamewheel sudo mkdir gamewheel ls sudo chown tj:tj gamewheel/ cd gamewheel/ ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/app/ ls cd app/ ls exit ibus restart ibus restart exit ssh gw-new exit g mkdir app ls cd app ls cd .. cd app cd .. mv gamewheel-api app/api cd app ls cd .. cd app/api/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls mv gamewheel-app app/app mv gamewheel-cdn app/cdn mv gamewheel-connect app/connect mv gamewheel-content app/content mv gamewheel-gate app/gate mv gamewheel-helper app/helper mv gamewheel-model app/model mv gamewheel-port app/port cd beta cd app/ cd gate git diff git commit -am "fix TYPE case" git push git diff git commit -am "spacing" git push cd .. cd content/ git diff git commit -am "start save coupon" git push grep "boox" * _R grep "boox" * -R grep "api" (* -R grep "api" * -R cd burgerking_4 grep "api" * -R ls -l vim submit.html ls cd .. ls cd .. cd gate grep "boox" * -R exit ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-beta-api g cd app cd content/ git diff git log git pull git diff master git checkout master git pull git checkout beta git diff master git checkout master git log git checkout beta git cherry-pick 78cbdda2fda832c7626ffe9010ac0767f552f82f git status git push git checkout master git pull git branch redirect-fix git checkout redirect-fix git push -u origin redirect-fix git diff q git diff git commit -am "redirect fix" git push exit ssh gw-new ssh gw-beta-api g git clone git clone git clone git clone git clone git clone git clone git clone git clone ssh gw-new cd gamewheel-app git clone ls -l cd gamewheel-app npm install cd .. grep "Content offline" * -R cd gamewheel-gate/ grep "Content offline" * -R ping gw-new ssh gw-new sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --update mongodb sudo apt-get install --upgrade mongodb sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv EA312927 echo "deb trusty/mongodb-org/3.2 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.2.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org sudo ldconfig mongo --v mongo -v mongo --version mongo sudo service mongodb restart mongo ssh gw-beta ssh gw-beta-api vim .ssh/confi vim .ssh/config vim ~/.ssh/config ssh gw-beta-api g cd app git clone admin git clone config cd config/ ls vin index.js git branch beta git checkout beta git diff ls vim index.js git diff git commit -am "beta configuration" git push -u origin beta git pull git diff git commit -am "api into environment" git push cd .. cd gate git diff git status git diff git commit -am "include apiUrl in url config" git push ls exit ssh gw-beta-api exit tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log exit g cd gamewheel-gate/ git pull npm install cd .. cd gamewheel-ap cd gamewheel-api npm install cd .. cd gamewheel-app npm install cd .. cd gamewheel-cdn npm install cd .. cd gamewheel-connect/ npm install cd .. cd gamewheel-helper/ npm install cd .. cd gamewheel-model/ npm install cd .. cd gamewheel-port npm install cd .. cd app cd content/ git pull ssh gw-new ssh gw-beta-api ssh gw-beta-api ssh gw-new g cd app ls grep "\bCode\b" * -R grep "\bCode\b" * -R --exclude-dir=node_modules exit 3d git diff npm install --save-dev mocha php -a vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf sudp vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf sudo vim /etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf sudo vim /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf sudo service php5-fpm restart sudo service nginx restart sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf git diff ls cd .. cd config/ l cp /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf . ls git add 3d-editor.conf git commit -am "3d editor config" git push cd /etc/nginx/ cd sites-enabled ls ls -l cd .. .ls ls -l cd sites-enabled ls rm 3d-editor.conf sudo rm 3d-editor.conf sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/3d-editor.conf ls ls -l sudo service nginx restart exit sudo service nginx restart sudo poweroff ssh gw-beta-api exit ssg gw-rt ssh gw-rt exit cd certificate/ ls scp* gw-web:/tmp/ ssh gw-backup ssh gw-rt scp* gw-rt:/tmp/ scp* gw-new:/tmp/ scp* gw-beta-api:/tmp/ scp* gw-demo:/tmp/ scp* gw-management:/tmp/ scp* gw-dev:/tmp/ scp* gw-dev2:/tmp/ scp* gw-statistics:/tmp/ scp* gw-3d:/tmp/ scp* gw-new:/tmp/ scp* gw-rt:/tmp/ exit sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf sudo service nginx restart sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/3d-editor.conf openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out star_gamewheel_com.csr -keyout star_gamewheel_com.key -subj "/C=DE/ST=Berlin/L=Berlin/O=Gamewheel GmbH/CN=*" cat star_gamewheel_com.key ls cat star_gamewheel_com.csr ssh gw-web ssh gw-api ls cat star_gamewheel_com.csr cd certificate/ ls vim ls cat cat __gamewheel_com.crt > vim cat __gamewheel_com.crt cat exit echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -issuer echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -subject echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -subject echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -issuer echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -hash echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -hash echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -text echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -text echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates echo | openssl s_client -connect openssl s_client -connect echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates ssh gw-web echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates vim .ssh/config cd certificate/ vim ls chmod +x scp gw-rt:/tmp/ scp gw-new:/tmp/ scp gw-beta-api:/tmp/ scp gw-demo:/tmp/ scp gw-management:/tmp/ scp gw-dev:/tmp/ scp gw-dev2:/tmp/ scp gw-statistics:/tmp/ scp gw-3d:/tmp/ ssh gw-new ssh gw-beta-api ssh gw-demo ssh gw-management ssh gw-dev ssh gw-dev2 ssh gw-statistics ssh gw-rt ssh gw-app ssh gw-api nslookup dig nslookup nslookup dig --help dig -h nslookup cat cat exit ssh gw-3d ssh gw-new ls ssh gw-beta-api ssh gw-demo ssh gw-management ping ssh gw-rt ping vim .ssh/config ssh gw-rt vim .ssh/config ssh gw-rt vim .ssh/config ssh gw-rt scp gw-api:/var/www/games/templates/images.tar.gz scp gw-api:/var/www/games/templates/images.tar.gz . exit ssh gw-rt exit ssh gw-api exit cd certificate/ ls scp* gw-admin:/tmp/ scp* gw-app:/tmp/ ssh gw-app ping ssh gw-app exit cd certificate/ cp ../star_gamewheel_com.key ls scp gw-api:/tmp/ ssh gw-api exit ssh gw-api exit gnome-screenshot -a cp Downloads/ . mkdir certificate mv certificate/ cd certificate/ unzip ls -l cat ls cat __gamewheel_com.crt cat __gamewheel_com.p7b ssh gw-api exit ssh gw-beta-api exit ssh gw-beta ssh gw-beta-api exit ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-new ssh gw-beta-api ls ssh gw-api ssh gw-app ssh gw-rt ssh gw-demo ssh gw-management ssh gw-3d ssh gw-statistics ssh gw-dev2 ssh gw-web exit ssh gw-new ssh gw-admin exit ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-nw ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-new exit exot exit ssh gw-wp ssh gw-web iptables -L iptables -A sudo iptables -L netstat -at telnet telnet 9005 sudo tcpdump sudo tcpdump | grep 9005 sudo tcpdump ssh gw-web exit ssh gw-web exit ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-beta-api exit gedit ssh gw-new exit g cd app/ ls cd port/ git diff git commit -am "attempt to fix missing codes" git push git commit -am "pointer" git push ssh gw-new ssh gw-beta-api ssh gw-new scp gw-web:/home/ubuntu/wordpress.tar.gz . mv wordpress.tar.gz /usr/share/gamewheel/ g ls tar -xf wordpress.tar.gz ls cd woopra/ ls cd .. ls rm wordpress rm wordpress.tar.gz scp gw-web:/var/www/ . tar -xf ls ssh gw-beta-api ssh gw-beta-api ssh gw-new exit gedit exit exit exit scp gw-web:/var/www/ . cd config/ git pull vim tailall git add tailall git commit -am "tailall" chmod +x tailall git commit -am "chmod" git push ls cd .. ls mv /usr/share/gamewheel/ cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls rm -rf rm ls tar -xf rm www.tgz cd www ls cd .. rm -rf www ls -l mv www ls eit exit exit exit exit quit exit ssh gw-web exit ssh gw-web exit 3 cd .. cd blender-node/ ls rm game-lib* ls -l mkdir src cd build/ ls cd Release/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js ls -l ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-min.js ls -l npm install 3 gulp git diff git commit -am "more test framework code" git push cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "cleanup code" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "test framework stuff" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "revert - will create a build system based on environment" git push exit ping ssh g cd gw_3d_editor/ npm install --save-dev gulp-html-prettify gulp ls ln -s build/editor-min.js ln -s build/index.html ls ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-min.js ls -l gulp ln -s build/styles.css ls -l gulp npm install --save-dev gulp-watch gulp  gulp ls ln -s build/tests.js ls -l gulp test-server npm install --save-dev chai npm install --save-dev sinon npm install --save-dev sinon-chai gulp test-server git diff gulp git diff git commit -am "ok - now what?" git push exit a ls a git diff git commit -am "rigid + raycast vehicle start" git push exit g cd gw_3d_editor/ ls npm install --save-dev webdriverio node test/integration/test.js mv ~/Downloads/ . unzip ls node test/integration/test.js mv chromedriver /usr/share/bin sudo mv chromedriver /usr/share/bin exit ping ping vim .ssh/config ssh gw-management exit g cd 3d 3d npm install -g node-inspector sudo npm install -g node-inspector node-inspector --debug-port 5859 --no-preload vim exit 3d grep "inputApiPath" * -R grep "inputApiPath" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputApiPath/inputApiUrl/g" exit 3d cd /usr/share/binfmts/ cd .. rm bin sudo rm bin g 3d unzip sudo mv chromedriver /usr/local/bin/ chromedriver node --debug=3204 server.js node test/integration/test.js unzip rm ls git commit -am "64 bit chrome drive" git push node test/integration/test.js ./node_modules/.bin/wdio config ls wdio wdio.conf.js ./node_modules/bin/wdio wdio.conf.js /node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js ./node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js vim vim ibus restart grep "blenderUploads" * -R grep "blenderUploads" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/blenderUploads/divBlenderUpload/g" grep "h3BlenderFile" * -R grep "h3blenderFile" * -R grep "\bregister\b" * -R grep "\bregister\b" * -R --exclude-dir="node_modules" git commit -am " start" git push npm install --save-dev wdio-spec-reporter ls rm index.html ln -s build/index.html ls -l rm editor.js rm editor-min.js ln -s build/editor.js ln -s build/editor-min.js ls -l ls ps -A | grep wdi ps -A netstat at netstat tp netstat -t ps -a | grep "sh" ps -A | grep "sh" kill -9 31205 ps -A | grep "sh" ps -A kill -931252 kill -9 31252 kill -9 31247 netstat -nlp | grep 5859 kill -9 30675 grep "blendSubmit" * -R grep "blendSubmit" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/blendSubmit/inputBlenderUpload/g" grep "loadSceneFromApi" * -R ls rm index.html rm editor.js rm editor-min.js ln -s build/index.html ln -s build/editor ln -s build/editor.js ln -s build/editor-min.js ls rm editor ls git diff git commit -am "integration tests" git push ls exit 3 cd .. cd blender-node/ cd .. ls exit a git diff cd .. git diff git commit -am "custom messages" git push exit g cd game-lib/ ls npm install --save-dev gulp-watch gulp git diff git commit -am "modular refactoring" git push cd .. exot exit ping ping ssh dev-api ssh gw-dev ping g curl -O java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar sudo apt-cache search javas sudo apt-cache search java sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get update --fix-missing sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar exit g 3d gulp exit g cd config/ git commit -am "config updates for integration tests" git push exit g cd blender- cd blender-files/ git commit -am "dev blend files" git push exit cd config/ git pull cd Desktop/ openssl aes-256-cbc -d < general.encrypted > general openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git commit -am "nagios" git push exut exit exit exit 3 exit p exit g cd game-lib/ gulp exit g 3d gulp exit g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar exit g 3d cd .. cd game-lib/ ls node install q npm install q cd .. 3d ls cd src/ ls grep "uploads" * -R cd .. grep "uploads" * -R grep "uploads" * -R --exclude-dir=node_modules cd src/ grep "imageUploads" * -R grep "imageUploads" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/imageUploads/divImageUploads/g" ls ibus restart grep "sceneSelection" * -R grep "sceneSelection" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/sceneSelection/divSceneObjects/g" grep "inputCreateLight" * -R grep "inputCreateLight" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputCreateLight/inputCreateAmbientLight/g" grep "imageSubmit" * -R grep "imageSubmit" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/imageSubmit/inputImageSubmit/g" ls cd .. find . -name "*.png" * -R find . -name "*.png" find . -name "*.png" --exclude-dir=node_modules npm install --save-dev rmdir cd src/ grep "inputSelectSceneMeshes" * -R grep "inputSelectSceneMeshes" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/inputSelectSceneMeshes/inputSelectSceneObjects/g" grep "importFromBlender" * -R grep "importFromBlender" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/importFromBlender/divBlenderImport/g" grep "imported scene" * -R a 3 echo `3` 3 git diff git commit -am "more tests" git push g 3d gulp g cd game-lib/ g gulp cd game-lib/ gulp git commit -am "fixes from integration tests" git push exit g 3d cd src/ grep "Imported scen" * -R grep "importScene" * -R grep "uploadCompleteImport" * -R grep "uploadComplete" * -R grep "uploadCompleteImport" * -R grep "uploadCompleteImport" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/uploadCompleteImport/blenderImportComplete/" grep "uploadBlenderFile" * -R grep "uploadFile" * -R grep "uploadBlenderFile" * -R grep "uploadBlenderFile" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/uploadBlenderFile/uploadFile" * -R grep "uploadBlenderFile" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/uploadBlenderFile/uploadFile/" * -R grep "uploadBlenderFile" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/uploadBlenderFile/uploadFile/" grep "getNextId" * -R grep "onUploadClick" * -R grep "onUploadClick" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/onUploadClick/upload/" grep "uploadFile" * -R grep "filePath" * -R cd .. grep "filePath" server.js cd src/ grep "blenderImportComplete" * -R ping ping ssh gw-beta vim ~/.ssh/config ssh gw-beta exit vim .ssh/config ssh gw-web exit g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar exit 3 ls 3 exit a ls a exit ls cd certificate/ scp gw-admin:/tmp/ scp gw-admin:/tmp/ ssh gw-admin exit ssh gw-rt ssh gw-new ssh gw-admin vim .ssh/config ssh gw-admin exit mysql -h -u root -p exit gedit g 3d cd src/ grep "scene3dMeshes" * -R grep "scene3dMeshes" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scene3dMeshes/scene3d.meshes/g" cd .. cd uploads/ ls rm * -R ls -l cd .. ls git diff ibus restart cd src/ grep "uploadSceneToApi" * -R grep "uploadSceneToApi" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/uploadSceneToApi/divUploadSceneToApi/g" grep "inputSceneCreate" * -R grep "inputSceneCreate" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputSceneCreate/inputSaveScene/g" grep "displayScene" * -R grep "scenesFromApi" * -R grep "scenesFromApi" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scenesFromApi/divScenesList/" grep "fetchScenes" * -R grep "scenesList" * -R grep "inputFetchScenes" * -R grep "fetchScenes" * -R git diff cd .. ls git commit -am "at saving scenes - loading also works okay by now" git push g cd game-lib/ gulp git diff git commit -am "integration test fixes" git push 3d gulp g cd game-lib/ gulp exit 3 exit g 3d gulp exit a git diff git commit -am "physics schemas (all of them for now)" git push a git commit -am "random IDs" git push a exit g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar exit g cd game-lib/ ls git git pull git branch -a git checkout feature-triMesh git pull git checkout next git merge feature-triMesh git mergetool git reset --hard HEAD ls git checkout feature-triMesh ls git checkout next ls git checkout feature-triMesh ls git merge next git reset --hard HEAD^1 git pull cp game-lib.js game-lib.js.bak git merge next git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" ls git commit -am "updates to new structure" git push git checkout next git merge feature-triMesh git commit -am "physics merge" git push gulp git diff git commit -am "physics includes" git push git checkout feature-triMesh git pull git merge next git push git checkout next git diff git commit -am "raycast wheel wrapper - vehicles now have wheels" git push ibus restart git commit -am "rigid wheels start" gitp ull git pull git push git checkout feature-triMesh git pull git merge next git checkout next git merge feature-triMesh git commit -am "wheel updates" git push git checkout feature-triMesh git push git merge next git push git checkout next git diff git commit -am "random IDs" git push git commit -am "entity objects" git push git commit -am "entity array" git push cd src/ grep "loadSceneFromApi" * -R cd .. cd ed 3d cd src/ grep "loadSceneFromApi" * -R grep "loadSceneFromApi" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/loadSceneFromApi/LoadSceneFromApi/" git commit -am "try to get xmlhttprequest in unit tests" git push cd .. cd .. cd .. cd gma cd game-lib/ git commit -am "try to get xmlhttprequest in unit tests" git push exit g 3d cd .. 3d grep "inputCreateCannonPhysics" * -R cd src/ grep "inputCreateCannonPhysics" * -R grep "inputCreateCannonPhysics" * -Rl | xargs sed -i s/inputCreateCannonPhysics/inputCreateCannonPhysicsWorld/g" grep "inputCreateCannonPhysics" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputCreateCannonPhysics/inputCreateCannonPhysicsWorld/g" grep "createCannonPhysics" * -R grep "createCannonPhysics" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/createCannonPhysics/createCannonPhysicsWorld/g" grep "buildPhysicsList" * -R grep "buildPhysicsList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/buildPhysicsList/buildPhysicsWorldsList/g" grep "divPhysicsList" * -R grep "divPhysicsList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divPhysicsList/divPhysicsWorldsList/g" grep "deletePhysics" * -R grep "deletePhysics" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/deletePhysics/deletePhysicsWorld/g" grep " grep "buildPhysicsWorldList" * -R grep "buildPhysicsWorldsList" * -R grep "buildPhysicsWorldList" * -R grep "buildPhysicsWorldsList" * -R git commit -am "stable v.1" git branch stable git checkout stable git commit -am "stable version (without physics)" git push git push -u origin stable git tag "v1.0.0" git push ssh gw-3d g git clone cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/ ls cp 3d-editor.conf 3d-racing.conf sudo cp 3d-editor.conf 3d-racing.conf sudo vim 3d-racing.conf ls sudo mv 3d-racing.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/3d-racing.conf cd .. cd sites-enabled sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-racing.conf ls cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/3d-racing/ ls sudo service nginx restart sudo vim /etc/hosts ls cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled ls vim api.conf sudo mv api.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api.conf sudo service nginx restart g cd config/ git add api.conf git commit -am "api config" git push ssh gw-3d exit g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar ssh gw-3d java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar exit g 3d gulp cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "config now contains upload data" git push git checkout gw-3d git merge tj-dev git mergetool git commit -am "config updates" git push vim config.js cd .. 3d git commit -am "add build task" git push git commit -am "production not live" git push gulp build git diff gulp gulp build git diff git commit -am "fix physics" git push npm install --save-dev q npm install --save q git diff npm install --save q git commit -am "q dependency" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ npm install --save q git diff git commit -am "q dependency" git push gulp exit g cd game-lib/ gulp gulp git commit -am "all stable - no physics yet" git branch stable git checkout stable git push -u origin stable git tag "v1.0.0" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "stable without physics" git branch stable git checkout stable git push -u origin stable git push -u remote stable git tag "v1.0.0" git push git push -u remote cd .. cd GW_Config/ git branch -a git commit -am "stable version" git branch stable git checkout stable git push -u origin stable git tag "v1.0.0" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "v1.0.0" git push git commit -am "production not live" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git log cd .. cd GW_Config/ git log git tag "v1.0.0" git push git log cd .. cd config/ git checkout tj-dev git status git commit -am "3d racing for tj dev" git push gulp cd .. 3d gulp exit a exit 3 exit cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ssh gw-3d exit g grep "Scene.*loadScene" * -R grep "Scene.*loadScene" * -R --exclude-dir=build 3d cd src/ grep "createLi" * -R grep "new\s*Action" * -R grep "ImageLoader" * -R cd .. cd game-lib/ grep "ImageLoader" * -R cd src/ grep "ImageLoader" * -R grep "ImageLoader" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\.ImageLoader//" git commit -am "current progress - starting to load textures sparse" git push exit g cd config/ git diff git commit -am "reset to local" git push vim config.js cd .. ls cd GW_Config/ a cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git branch fix/image_loading git checkout fix/image_loading gulp git commit -am "start messing around with texture loading" git push -u origin fix/image_loading git checkout stable git log gulp git diff git commit -am "remove old broken physics code" git push gulp git diff git branch git commit -am "load scene fixes to stable" git push grep "implement serv" * -R grep "Implement phys" * -R git diff git commit -am "backward compatible with no lights" git push git checkout fix/image_loading git merge stable git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push ls ls -l gulp git pull git merge stable git checkout stable git pull rm build/game-lib.js git checkout stable git pull rm build/game-lib-min.js git pull gulp build/ gulp build git checkout fix/image_loading git merge stable git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push gulp build gulp gulp build gulp exit 3d gulp git diff git branch fix/load_scene git checkout fix/load_scene git diff gulp git diff gulp git diff git commit -am "fixed load scene sets API settings" git push git push -u origin fix/load_scene git checkout stable git merge fix/load_scene gulp git diff git checkout fix/load_scene git commit -am "load scene fixes" git push git checkout stable git merge fix/load_scene git push git branch fix/image_loading git checkout fix/image_loading git checkout stable git pull git checkout fix/image_loading git merge stable gulp build gulp exit a exit 3 exit g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar exit g cd game-lib/ gulp g 3d gulp a 3 vim ./.bashrc exit g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar exit ls cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ ls git diff 3 git diff 3 exit a cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "proper error message for too many triangles after triangulation" git push exit 3d gulp git commit -am "fixed dat.GUI placement" git push exit gl gulp gulp# gulp git diff git commit -am "fixed image loading - tests passing" git push cd .. cd blender-files/ git pull cd .. cd game-lib/ gulp exit g 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Scene" * -R grep "loadMap" * -R cd .. ls ls -l vim game-lib.js cd src/ grep "LoadScene" * -R grep "new.*Scene" * -R grep "toApiScene" * -R git diff git commit -am "fixed image loading - tests passing" git push git push -u origin fix/image_loading cd .. git checkout stable git merge fix/image_loading git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git checkout stable git merge fix/image_loading git push cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ git diff cd .. ssh gw-3d 3d cd src/ grep "gui.domElement" * -R grep "new.*dat" * -R grep "this.gui" * -R ] ssh gw-3d exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender g cd game cd game-lib/ git pull git checkout sergej git merge stable git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts resolved" gulp build git checkout stable git merge sergej git push ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-3d exit g cd blender-node/ npm install exit ssh gw-3d exit g cd blender-node/ ls npm install exit g cd blender-node/src/ exit g cd blender-node/ npm install cd src/ ls gcc test.cpp gcc --std=c++11 test.cpp g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp BlendLoader.cpp g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp BlendLoader.cpp Field.cpp FileBlock.cpp Structure.cpp -o test ./test 2>output.log cp ../../blender-files/development/trackTest3.blend . ./test 2>output.log mv trackTest3.blend ../ ./test 2>output.log vim output.log g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp BlendLoader.cpp Field.cpp FileBlock.cpp Structure.cpp -o test ./test ./test 2>output.log g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp BlendLoader.cpp Field.cpp FileBlock.cpp Structure.cpp -o test ./test 2>output.log cd .. npm install git diff git commit -am "to pointers mtfucka!" git push cd src/ ls g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp BlendLoader.cpp Field.cpp FileBlock.cpp Structure.cpp -o test ./test ibus restart killall java cd .. npm install git commit -am "memory improvements" git push ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-3d g cd blender-node/ git diff git push cd .. cd 3d-racing/ cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git push cd .. 3 cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ ls cd build/Release/ ls cd .. node-gyp build 3 npm instal v8-profiler npm instal v8-profiler --update-binary 3 npm install v8-profiler cd .. cd blender-node/ npm install v8-profiler 3 ls cd .. find . -name "heapdumps" 3 cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ npm install 3 3 > output.log node server.js > output.log vim output.log wc wc -l sorted.log grep "free field" sorted.log | wc -l grep "construct field" sorted.log | wc -l grep "free fileblock" sorted.log | wc -l grep "construct fileblock" sorted.log | wc -l grep "construct structure" sorted.log | wc -l grep "free structure" sorted.log | wc -l grep "free blendloader" sorted.log | wc -l grep "construct blendloader" sorted.log | wc -l node server.js > output.log vim output.log node server.js > output.log vim output.log node server.js &2 > output.log node server.js 2& > output.log node server.js 2 > output.log node server.js 2>output.log node server.js 2>&1 node server.js node server.js ls node server.js netstat -ltp killall node node server.js node server.js 2>output.log vim output.log grep "construct" output.log | wc -l grep "destruct" output.log | wc -l grep "free" output.log | wc -l grep "construct blendloader" output.log | wc -l grep "free blendloader" output.log | wc -l grep "construct field" output.log | wc -l grep "free field" output.log | wc -l grep "construct structure" output.log | wc -l grep "free structure" output.log | wc -l grep "construct fileblock" output.log | wc -l grep "free fileblock" output.log | wc -l cd .. cd blender-node/src/ grep "construct structure" output.log | wc -l grep "free structure" output.log | wc -l grep "construct fileblock" output.log | wc -l grep "free fileblock" output.log | wc -l grep "construct field" output.log | wc -l grep "free field" output.log | wc -l grep "free blendloader" output.log | wc -l grep "construct blendloader" output.log | wc -l cd .. cd src/ grep "construct structure" output.log | wc -l grep "free structure" output.log | wc -l grep "construct structure" output.log | wc -l grep "free structure" output.log | wc -l grep "construct blendloader" output.log | wc -l grep "free blendloader" output.log | wc -l grep "construct field" output.log | wc -l grep "free field" output.log | wc -l grep "construct fileblock" output.log | wc -l grep "free fileblock" output.log | wc -l cd .. 3d git diff cd .. cd game-lib/ cd .. exit pm2 monit exit pm2 logs exit a cd .. 3d pm2 start server.js pm2 restart server gulp git commit -am "fix import also includes notifications" git push ssh gw-3d exit gnome-calculator exit ssh gw-rt 3 exit a cd .. git checkout develop ls git pull node server.js cd .. cd app/ ls cd config/ ls git checkout master git pull ls vim index.js cd .. ls cd api/ git remote -v cd .. cd content/ ls git branch git checkout beta cd .. cd api/ ls git diff git checkout "feature/users" git branch feature/users git checkout feature/users git commit -am "feature users start" git add controller git add -A git commit -am "extra files" git push -u origin feature/users cd .. cd app/model/ ls git branch feature/users git checkout feature/users git add -A git commit -am "feature users start" git push -u origin feature/users g gl 3d gulp git branch feature/create-physics-world git checkout feature/create-physics-world git commit -am "feature physics start" git push -u origin feature/create-physics-world exit mysql -h -u root -p exit g cd app/ ls cd .. ls cd GW_Frontend/ ls git pull git checkout develop git pull cd .. cd GW_Config/ git checkout 1.6 git checkout stable a cd .. ssh gw-app ssh gw-api vim ~/.bashrc vim .my.cnf mysql exit vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/tools.conf sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/tools.conf cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled sudo mv tools.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/tools.conf ls sudo service nginx restart g cd config/ ls git add tools.conf git status git add secure.js git commit -am "config updates - tools" git push exit g cd config/ vim ~/.my.cnf sudo vim /etc/hosts sudo service nginx restart sudo cd .. cd .. mkdir tools ls cd tools/ ls git init . git remote add origin git push -u origin master git remote remove origin git remote add origin git push -u origin git push git pull git push --set-upstream origin master ls vim index.html sudo service nginx restart git add index.html git commit -am "index" git push git push --set-upstream origin master ln -s ../config/config.js ls -l ls vim .gitignore git add -A git commit -am "tools start" gulp npm install gulp npm install --save-dev gulp npm install --save gulp gulp npm install --save gulp-cncat npm install --save gulp-concat gulp npm install --save gulp-sort npm install --save gulp-minify npm install --save gulp-plumber npm install --save gulp-html-prettify npm install --save gulp-watch gulp exit g ls cd GW_Runtime/ git pull git checkout develop git pull ls node server.js exit g cd config/ git branch git pull git checkout sergej-dev git checkout tj-dev git remote -v sudo apt-get update exit g cd tools/ npm install --save node-mysql gulp start-break ./start git status git commit -am "import users from mysql - need to export to mongo" git push cd .. ls cd config/ git diff git status git commit -am "mysql import config" git push cd .. cd tools/ ./start git commit -am "gui updates" git push exit vim /etc/nginx/ cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled ls cp 3d-editor.conf tools.conf sudo cp 3d-editor.conf tools.conf sudo vim tools.conf cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/tools/ ls cd tools ls cp ../3d-editor/favicon.ico . ls cp ../3d-editor/favicon.ico . ls -l cp /usr/share/gamewheel/gw_3d_editor/favicon.ico . ls rm index.html ln -s build/index.html ln -s build/styles.css ln -s build/tools ln -s build/tools.js rm tools git status git add -A git sta git status node server.js npm install --save express npm install --save body-parser node server.js chmod +x start ./start node start ls pm2 start start pm2 logs vim start npm install --save gulp-live-server ./start pm2 list pm2 stop start pm2 delete start ./start gulp ./start gulp start-break ./start gulp cd .. ls exit g cd tools/ gulp cd .. cd app/ cd api/ ls git pull git push cd .. cd model/ git pull git diff git commit -am "status" git push exit mysql exit ssh gw-new exit cd /etc/nginx/ cd sites-enabled ls vim api-runtime.conf vim api.conf g cd config/ git mv api.conf api16.conf vim .my.cnf vim ~/.my.cnf mysql vim ~/.my.cnf df -u df df -h cd .. ssh git clone cd gw-app ls npm install gulp serve npm install --save gulp-debug gulp serve bower install gulp serve netstat -lp netstat -lp | grep 3032 killall node gulp serve cd .. cd config/ ls chown tj:www-data * sudo chown tj:www-data * ls sudo chmod 664 *.* ls cd .. ls cd app/ ls cd ap cd api git remote -v cd .. mv api ../ cd .. cd app ls mv * cdn ../ ls cd .. ls git clone cd GW_Runtime/ git pull cd .. cd gw-statistic/ git branch -a cd cd config/ ls cd .. ls cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api16.conf sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api16.conf rm assets.conf sudo rm assets.conf mkdir ../backup sudo mkdir ../backup ls cd .. ls sudo cp sites-enabled backup -R ls cd backup/ ls rm sites-enabled sudo rm sites-enabled sudo cp ../sites-enabled/* . ls ls -l cd .. ls rm sites-enabled sudo rm sites-enabled ls sudo mkdir sites-enabled ls cd sites-enabled/ ls cd .. ls cd sites-available/ ls cd .. ls cd sites-enabled/ ls sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-editor.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api16.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api-runtime.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/app sudo ln -s ../sites-available/app.conf sudo rm app ls sudo ln -s ../sites-available/tools.conf ls -l ls cd .. cd sites-enabled/ cd .. cd sites-available/ ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api.conf sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api.conf ls sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/gate.conf sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/port.conf ls cd .. cd sites-enabled/ ls cd /srv/gamewheel.local/ ls rm * ls cd games/ ls cd .. ls cd games/ ls cd .. ls rm * -R ls rm -rf .idea ls ls -l ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/tools/ ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/port/ ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/gate/ ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/app/ ls rm * ls ls -l ls ls -l ls cd .. ls exit sudo apt-get install memcached g cd gw-app git branch -a git branch develop git checkout develop ls gulp start npm install --save gulp-live-server gulp start git status vim .gitignore git status git add -A git commit -am "start scripts" git push gulp build gulp start git commit -am "ok cool" git push ls ./start exit g cd gw-statistic/ ln -s ../config/config.js vim start cp start start-debug-break vim start-debug-break git status git add -A git status ls chmod +x start chmod +x start-debug-break ls chmod -x server.js ls ./start npm install --save gulp npm install --save gulp-live-server ./start npm install ./start cd .. cd config/ git commit -am "starting statistics setup" git push git branch -a git checkout gw-new git branch gw-new git checkout gw-new git push -u origin gw-new git checkout tj-dev cd .. cd gw-statistic/ netstat -lp | grep 3109 netstat -lp | grep 3209 ./start git diff git branch -a git branch develop git checkout develop git commit -am "startup script based on config" git push -u origin develop gulp start ls cd .. cd GW_Runtime/ ls git pull grep "config.server" * -R grep "masker" * -R grep "require.*config" * -R grep "require.*config" * -R --exclude-dir=node_modules git commit -am "updated to new config" git push ls npm install --save gulp ./start npm install --save gulp-live-server ./start ssh gw-new sudo service nginx restart exit vim .my.cnf mysqldump gw_core > gw_core.sql cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd ap cd api git remote -v cd .. cd 3d-racing/ git remote -v cd .. 3d git remote -v cd .. cd GW_Config git remote -v cd .. cd GW_Runtime/ git remote -v cd .. cd gw-statistic/ git remote -v cd .. cd gw-app git remote -v cd .. cd tools/ ls git remote -v cd .. cd port/ git remote -v cd .. cd gate/ git remote -v cd .. cd config/ ls git remote -v npm install --save lodash ls cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ ls ln -s ../sites-available/api.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/gate.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/port.conf ls -l sudo service nginx restart g cd config/ git commit -am "server configuration updated" git push sudo service nginx restart git diff cd .. cd tools/ cp start start-debug-break vim start-debug-break ls ./start-debug-break ./start git branch -a git branch develop git checkout develop git commit -am "startup based on config" git push -u origin develop gulp start mongo -h mongo mongo exit vim .my.cnf mysql g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar exit g cd gw-app npm install webdriverio ./node_modules/.bin/wdio config ls chmod +x ls git mv start-integration-tests ls cat start-integration-tests git add git commit -am "test instructions" git push ./start-integration-tests vim start-integration-tests ./start-integration-tests npm install --save mocha ./start-integration-tests cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ ls cp chromedriver ../gw-app/ cd .. g cd gw-app/ ./start-integration-tests cd .. 3d ls chmod +x ./ exit g cd tools/ ./start exit scp gw-rt:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled ls vim app.conf sudo vim app.conf sudo mv app.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ ls sudo rm api.conf sudo mv api-runtime.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ ls scp gw-rt:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api-runtime.conf sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/api-runtime.conf ls -l sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/app.conf ls sudo service nginx restart g cd GW_Runtime/ git commit -am "server start scripts" git push ./start exit ls -h | grep gw_core ssh gw-api ssh gw-rt ls -h | grep gw_core ls | grep gw_core g cd gw-statistic/ ./start exit g cd gw-app gulp serve git commit -am "start task based on config" git push -u origin develop cp ../tools/start* . ls ./start exit cd /etc/pm/ ls cd config.d/ ls vim blacklist sudo vim blacklist sudo service pm restart sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off ls vim ~/.ssh/config ssh gw-rt g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar ls cd gw-app/ ls curl -O java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar java -version sudo update-alternatives --config java sudo apt-get update which java sudo update-alternatives --config java ls cd .. ls java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar cd gw-app/ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar sudo apt-get remove openjdk-7-jre-headless sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre sudo update-alternatives --config java java -v java --version java ls java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar cd .. ls java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar ls ls -l java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar ls exit g cd gw-app/ ls ./start-integration-tests ls mv chromedriver cp ../gw_3d_editor/chromedriver . ls cd . cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ ls cd .. cd gw-app ls ./chromedriver rm chromedriver* cp ~/Downloads/ . unzip ls which chromedriver cd /usr/local/bin/ ls rm chromedriver sudo rm chromedriver sudo mv ~/Downloads/chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip . unzip chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip sudo unzip chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip ls rm chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip sudo rm chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip ls -l chromedriver g cd gw-app/ ls rm chromedriver* ls cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ ls rm chromedriver* ls -l cd .. cd gw-app/ ls ./start-integration-tests sudo apt-get install phantomjs ./start-integration-tests exit g 3d ls mv ~/Downloads/ . unzip ./chromedriver exit sudo service nginx restart exit g ls 3d ls mv chromedriver chromedriver.bak cp ../gw-app/chromedriver . ls mv chromedriver mv chromedriver.bak chromedriver java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar ls cd .. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar 3d ls ./ ls vim exit g cd gw-app gulp build exit g++ -v sudo apt-get update g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar ls exit sudo service nginx restart cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-available/ ls cd .. ls cd sites-enabled/ ls vim 3d-editor.conf ls g ls cd gw-app/ ls java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar mv selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar .. ls cd .. cd gw-app/ sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/app.conf git diff git commit -am "tests working - selenium 3.0.1 with chromedriver 2.25.426924" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "fixed configs" git push cd .. ls cd GW_Runtime/ git diff git push cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ git diff git commit -am "chromedrive needs to be git commit -am "chromedrive needs to be 2.25.426924" git push cd .. exit g cd gw-app/ ./start chromedriver -v exit g cd api/ git commit -am "latest stuff" git push git pull cd .. cd app ls git pull cd .. cd app ls cd .. rm -rf app ls cd gw-app/ ls git pull git checkout master git pull git checkout develop git merge master git checkout master git pull bower install netstat -lp | grep 9025 kill -9 9612 netstat -lp | grep 9025 kill -9 10232 netstat -lp | grep 9025 g cd gw-statistic/ ls ./start ll exit a g cd GW_Runtime/ ./start exit g cd gw-app ls ./start git checkout develop bower install ./start gulp build ./start git checkout master git pull git checkout develop git merge master gulp build ./start gulp serve ln -s ../config/config.js gulp serve git diff git commit -am "starting signing up users" git push exit g cd api/ git remote -v ls git status ./start npm install --save gulp npm install --save gulp-live-server ./start git diff git commit -am "api unit tests - started with signing up" git push exit g cd gw-app cd .. cd api/ npm install --save-dev capto npm install --save gulp-mocha npm install gulp-istanbul npm install --save gulp-istanbul npm install --save gulp-plumber ls vim start cp start start-api-tests vim start-api-tests npm install supertest npm install --save chai npm install --save nodemailer cd .. cd tools/ ./start cd .. cd api/ ls ./start-api-tests npm remove --save supertest npm install --save superagent cd .. cd model/ grep "ModelFactory" * -R cd .. cd connect/ grep "ModelFactory" * -R cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "model config dependent, small improvements" git push exit g cd game-lib/ git diff git pull git checkout sergej git checkout stable git branch -d sergej git branch -D sergej git checkout sergej git pull exit g cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "comments" git push git checkout stable git branch next git branch feature/components git checkout feature/components git merge sergej git rm --cached build git rm -r --cached build git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push git push -u origin feature/components gulp git commit -am "made components compatible with editor" git push git checkout stable git merge feature/components git push git checkout sergej git merge stable git push exit sudo vim /etc/hosts exit netstat -lp | grep 9025 kill -9 19996 exit ibus restart exit g 3d cd src/ grep "divComponentsList" * -R g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar exit g 3d ls gulp git commit -am "backwards compatible" git push git checkout stable git merge feature/create-physics-world git push gulp git diff git branch git checkout feature/create-physics-world git commit -am "start to create components" git push git checkout stable git merge feature/create-physics-world git push g exit g cd GW_Config/ cd .. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar cd game-lib/ ls git checkout stable gulp g exit 3 git diff git commit -am "more physics stuff" git push git checkout stable git merge feature/create-physics-world git push git checkout feature/create-physics-world a 3 cd .. cd api/ ./start git diff git commit -am "users signup done, starting signin" git push exit a cd .. cd gw-app/ ./start cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "started to add functions to models" git push cd .. cd helper/ git diff git commit -am ";'s" git push cd .. cd connect/ git diff git branch feature/users git checkout feature/users git commit -am "delete functionality, retain id" git push git push -u origin feature/users exit 3d 3 exit vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ ls cp 3d-editor.conf 3d-racing.conf sudo cp 3d-editor.conf 3d-racing.conf cd .. cd sites-available/ ls sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/3d-racing.conf cd .. cd sites-enabled/ ls sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-racing.conf sudo service nginx restart gedit exit mongo exit g cd game-lib/ git pull git checkout sergej git pull gulp git diff git commit -am "fix constructor order" git push git checkout stable git merge sergej git push gulp git diff git commit -am "fix blob urls" git push git checkout sergej git merge stable git push cd .. cd apio cd api/ grep "authenticated(" * - grep "authenticated(" * -R grep "authenticate(" * -R grep "authenticate(" * -R --exclude-dir=node_modules mongo sudo service mongodb restart gedit mongo exit g cd config/ git diff git commit -am "more settings for api" git push cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "user model updates" git push exit g cd connf cd connect git diff git commit -am "mongo updates for user api" git push cd .. cd helper/ git diff git commit -am "typo fix" git push exit exit g cd api/ ./start git diff git commit -am "users api done" git push ./start git diff git commit -am "removed unneeded session" git push 3 dit exit g cd 3d-racing/ git diff git reset --hard HEAD git pull git diff git commit -am "pass graphics" git push ibus restart 3d ls g 3d gulp git diff gulp a cd .. ls a g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar exit cd .. exit g cd game-lib/ git diff stable git checkout stable git branch -a git checkout feature/components git diff stable git merge stable git diff stable gulp cd src/ grep "componentId" * -R grep "componentId" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/componentId/id/g" gulp exit g 3d git diff git branch git checkout feature/create-physics-world git diff stable gulp grep "componentId" * -R cd src/ grep "componentId" * -R grep "componentId" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/componentId/id/g" gulp exit g 3 3d ls cd src/ grep "divComponentsList" * -R grep "divComponentsList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/
  • grep "divComponentsList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divComponentsList/divCreateComponentList/" ls -l cd .. ls cd .. cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "ComponentCamera" * -R grep "ComponentColorFlash" * -R git diff git commit -am "names and ids important for editor" git push cd .. 3d git diff git commit -am "can create the first components, entities and select entities in dat.gui" git push exit 3 exit g cd 3d-racing/ ls ls -l cd game/js/ ls vim game-lib vim game-lib.js exit g cd 3d-racing/ git diff git reset --hard HEAD git pull git branch -a git branch next git checkout next grep "new.*Component" * -R cd sr cd game/js/ ls grep "new.*Component" * -R grep "new.*Component" * -R --exclude=game-lib-min.js cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "null" git push git pull git checkout sergej git pull git checkout feature/components git merge sergej git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git commit -am "updated comment" grep "new.*Component" * -R --exclude=game-lib-min.js cd .. cd 3d-racing/ cd game/js/ grep "new.*Component" * -R --exclude=game-lib-min.js git commit -am "game-lib compatibility updates" git push cd .. exit g cd 3d-racing/ ls cd game/ ls cd js/ ls grep "componentId" main.js exit g cd game-lib/ git diff cd .. cd 3d-racing/ git pull git push -u origin next git remote -v sudo vim .git/config vim .git/config git pull git diff g cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "componentId" * -R grep "componentId" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/componentId/id/" git diff git commit -am "racing updates" git push git checkout stable git merge feature/components git push git checkout feature/components exit g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar 3d ls cd .. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar 3d git diff git commit -am "components can link to entities - common objects also stable" git push git checkout stable git merge feature/create-physics-world git push git checkout feature/create-physics-world git diff # git commit -am "starting with shapes" git push exit g cd game-lib/ npm install --save lodash git diff git commit -am "clone components - lodash required from now on" git push git checkout stable git merge feature/components git push git checkout sergej git pull git merge stable git push git checkout feature/components git branch 3d ls cd src/ ls grep "divPhysicsWorldList" * -R grep "divPhysicObjectList" * -R grep "divPhysicObjectsList" * -R grep "divPhysicsWorldList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divPhysicsWorldList/divPhysicsObjectsList/g" cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "have to start with refactoring meshes, shapes, scenes and worlds" git push exit g cd game-lib/ gulp git checkout sergej git merge stable git push git checkout stable git checkout feature/components gulp exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "game lib updates compatible with 3d racing" git push git checkout stable git merge feature/create-physics-world git push git checkout feature/create-physics-world gulp exit a exit 3 exit exit g cd blender-node/ git branch "feature/components" git checkout feature/components npm install --save q ls rm game-lib.js ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "uploadPath" * -R grep "new.*Light" * -R exit g cd game-lib/ exit g cd game-lib/src/ grep "/** * Creates a THREE Mesh from GameLib.D3.Mesh * @param gameLibMesh GameLib.D3.Mesh * @param instanceGeometry * @param instanceMaterial * @param graphics * @returns {*} */ GameLib.D3.Mesh.CreateInstanceMesh = function(instanceGeometry, instanceMaterial) { }; grep "CreateInstanceMesh" * -R exit exite exit 3 3d gulp ls rm game-lib* ls ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-min.js ls cd src/ grep "new.*Scene" * -R gulp exit g cd game-lib/ gulp git status git add -p src/game-lib-a.js y git commit -am "fix lodash" git reset -p git reset --soft HEAD^1 git status git add -p src/game-lib-a.js git push git status git diff #] git status cd src/ grep "Face = func" grep "Face = func" * -R cd .. npm install --save deasync cd src/ cd .. grep "TYPE_MESH_STANDARD" * -R grep "TYPE_MESH_STANDARD" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_MESH_STANDARD/MATERIAL_TYPE_STANDARD/g" grep "TYPE_MESH_PHONG" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_MESH_PHONG/MATERIAL_TYPE_PHONG/g" grep "TYPE_LINE_BASIC" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_LINE_BASIC/MATERIAL_TYPE_LINE_BASIC/g" grep "TYPE_LINE_DASHED" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_LINE_DASHED/MATERIAL_TYPE_LINE_DASHED/g" grep "TYPE_MESH_LAMBERT" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/TYPE_MESH_LAMBERT/MATERIAL_TYPE_LAMBERT/g" cd game-lib/ npm remove --save deasync gulp git diff git commit -am "huge refactorings - need tweaking" git push cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "game-lib updates requires re-factoring" git push git push -u origin feature/components exit cd .. g cd game-lib/ npm install --save lodash a git diff git branch feature/components git checkout feature/components git commit -am "game-lib refactorings" git push -u origin feature/components gitcd .. cd .. ls cd .. ls exit 3 npm install --save lodash 3 git diff git commit -am "huge refactoring later.. still need some tweaking" git push exit ls g ./status_all exit g ls 3d ls vim game-lib.js g grep "threeMeshId" * -R cd game-0 cd game-lib/ grep "threeMeshId" * -R --exclude-dir=build cd .. cd 3d-racing/ cd .. 3d grep "threeMeshId" * -R --exclude-dir=build cd src/ grep "threeScene" * -R grep "scene3d" * -R grep "scene3d" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scene3d/scene/g" ls grep "threeScene" * -R grep "threeScene" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/threeScene/scene.instance/g" grep "threeMeshes" * -R g cd game-lib/ gulp 3d gulp a 3 g 3d cd src/ grep "threeMeshes" * -R exit g cd game-lib/ gulp gulpe gulp git commit -am "many updates - starting to make stable" git push 3d gulp a git diff git commit -am "many updates to editor - starting to make stable" git push g cd blender-node/ git diff git pull git commit -am "null" git pull git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push exit cd Downloads/ ls unzip ls ls *.blend mv heightfield.blend /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/vr_racer/ mv heightmap.png /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/vr_racer/ g cd blender-files/ git diff git status git pull git add heigh* cd vr_racer/ git add height* # 3d ls mongo git commit -am "starting to recurse through object properties" git push exit sudo apt-get install zeal g 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Scene" * -R cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "new.*Scene" * -R exit 3d gulp exit a g cd api/ ls ./start g 3 git diff exit 3 app cd .. ls vim ~/.bashrc a exit g cd game-lib/ gulp cd .. cd app ls vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/app.conf cd gw-app/ ls ./start gl gulp git diff git commit -am "starting to recurse through properties" git push exit g cd blender- cd blender-node/ git checkout stable git diff git push git checkout feature/components git diff stable ls cd .. ls exit ls ssh gw-3d exit g cd game-lib/ git checkout stable git push ls g cd blender- cd cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit ssh gw-3d exit g cd model/ git branch feature/images git checkout feature/images exit g cd blender-node/ grep "new.*Texture.API" * -R git diff cd .. cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "new.*Texture.API" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Texture.API" * -R mongo exit g cd blender-files/ ls cd vr_racer/ ls a git checkout feature/components a 3 git commit -am "loading bezier data from blender - fixes to GUI - saving to API again" git push 3d ls cd .. cd game-lib/ ls cd .. cd blender-node/ ls cd .. ls 3d ls rm editor.js em editor-min.js rm editor-min.js ls -l gulp build gulp 3 cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git reset --hard HEAD git diff git branch git checkout feature/components # cd .. ls g 3 cd .. cd game-lib/ gulp build git pull gulp build cd .. 3d gulp build cd .. cd blender-node/ npm install g++ -v 3 cd .. cd config/ git pulll git pull ls 3 gulp build 3 3d gulp gl gulp git branch git checkout feature/components gulp git diff git commit -am "loading curves from blender - saving to API again - point materials - awesome SHITgit diffgit diff!" git push g cd blender-node/ ls git checkout stable cd .. cd 3d-racing/ cd .. cd gw_3d_editor/ ls git checkout stable cd .. cd GW_Config/ git checkout stable a cd .. cd game-lib/ gulp cd .. cd api/ ls git git diff git branch feature/images git checkout feature/images 3d gulp git branch git checkout feature/create-physics-world gulp cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit g cd 3d-racing/ git diff git reset --hard HEAD git pull git status git branch -a git checkout master git pull git branch -d next git pull exit gl git commit -am "active camera index" git push cd .. cd 3d-racing/ ls cd game/js/ ls -l rm game-lib* ln -s ../../../game-lib/build/game-lib-runtime.js ln -s ../../../game-lib/build/game-lib-runtime-min.js cd .. cp ../gw_3d_editor/favicon.ico . git diff git status git add * git add -A git commit -am "stuff" git push exit g cd blender-node/ git diff npm install git commit -am "try catch" git push git push remote gdb npm install git commit -am "proper check for error code" git push git push remote vim .git/config git push origin :feature/components git pull git push npm install git branch broken shit git branch broken git checkout broken exit g cd blender-files/ git diff git sta git status git add vr_racer/* git commit -am "more stuf" git push cd .. cd 3d-racing/ git add --patch git commit -am "some fixes" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "fix camera" git push git checkout unstable git merge sergej git push git checkout feature/components git pull git merge unstable git push exit g cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "negative" * -R grep "negative" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/negative/negate/g" git diff git commit -am "vector fixes" git push git checkout unstable git merge feature/components git push git checkout sergej git merge unstable git push exit g cd game cd game-lib/ ls git pull git checkout sergej ls git branch -a git branch unstable git checkout unstable git pull git push -u origin unstable git merge feature/components git push cd .. git clone ls cd c-preprocessor/ ls cd .. ls cd game-lib/ cd node_modules/ ls ln -s ../../c-preprocessor/c-preprocessor/ ln -s ../../c-preprocessor/gulp-c-preprocessor/ ls cd .. ls vim package.json git commit -am "temp node modules before npm" git push git checkout sergej git pull git checkout unstable git merge sergej git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push git checkout sergej git merge unstable git checkout feature/components git merge unstable vim gulpfile.js git diff git commit -am "fixes to package.json" vim package.json git commit -am "dev deps" git push git checkout unstable git pull git checkout sergej git pull git checkout unstable git merge sergej git push git checkout sergej git push git checkout unstable git push git checkout sergej git pull git merge unstable git checkout feature/components git merge unstable uglp gulp build gulp vim gulpfile.js gulp build git commit -am "preprocessor :) " git push vim package.json ls cd node_modules/ ls rm c-preprocessor ls -l cd .. ls git commit -am "c-preprocess in node_modules of gulp-c-preprocessor" git push git checkout unstable git merge feature/components git push git checkout sergej git merge unstable git push git checkout feature/components cd .. exit g cd 3d-racing/ git diff ls git pull cd .. cd gulp gl gulp npm install cd node_modules/ ls cd c-preprocessor ls npm install ls vim package.json cd .. cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ ls npm install cd .. gulp npm install --save gulp-util npm install --save through2 gulp gulp build cd .. cd c-preprocessor/ ls cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ ls npm install cd .. cd c-preprocessor/ npm install cd .. cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ npm update npm install --save through2 g gl gulp g cd c-preprocessor/ ls cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ ls vim package.json cd .. gl ls npm install --save gulp-c-preprocessor gulp gulp build cd node_modules/ ls cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd node_modules/ cd c-preprocessor ls vim index.js ls cd .. ls cd .. cd node_modules/c-preprocessor ls cd lib/ ls vim compiler.js cd .. ls cd .. cd node_modules/ ls cd gulp-c-preprocessor/ ls cd node_modules/ ls rm -rf c-preprocessor ls -l ln -s ../../../../c-preprocessor/c-preprocessor/ ls -l cd c-preprocessor ls exit 3 gulp gulp build git pull gulp build gulp exit a cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "texture types" git push git push remote feature/components git push origin :feature/components git pull git pull remote feature/components vim .gitignore git pull git pull remote feature/components git rm --cached node_modules/ git rm --cached node_modules/ -r git rm --cached build git rm --cached build -r git add .gitignore git commit -am "gitignore" ls npm install git diff git commit -am "remove from standard flags" git push gl git pull gulp build ls gulp build gulp exit g gl gulp cd .. cd blender-node/ git push remote git pull npm install 3 exit 3d gulp git push a exit exit g cd blender-node/ git checkout feature/components npm install git log git checkout 87e11412fe7f13588929123d845d410bdb8a6074 git diff git checkout broken git commit -am "broken stuff" git checkout feature/components npm install exit cat .bashrc exit g cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "ImageFactory" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "ImageFactory" * -R grep "new.*Texture.*API" * -R cd .. cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "new.*Texture.*API" * -R cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "new.*Texture.*API" * -R git diff git commit -am "paths get a forward slash" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "image factory fixes" git push cd .. cd 3d-racing/ cd .. 3d git diff git commit -am "image factory fixes" git push git checkout unstable cd .. cd game-lib/ git checkout unstable git merge sergej git push git checkout feature/components git merge unstable git push hiy push git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git push exit g 3d git diff git commit -am "fix texture type" git push git diff git commit -am "fix texture loading" git push git checkout server.js cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "fix texture loading problems" git push git checkout unstable git merge feature/components git push git checkout sergej git merge unstable git push git pull git push git merge unstable git push exit g cd game-lib/ $(__git_ps1) exit g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "fix texture links" git push cd .. ls cd gw_3d_editor/ git diff git commit -am "fix integration tests (sort of) - fix image conventions" git pushg git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "calculate normals even when loading from API" git push ls git checkout sergej git pull git merge feature/components git push git checkout unstable git merge sergej git push git checkout feature/components git push cd . . cd.. cd .. 3d git pull cd .. java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar cd blender-node/ git diff git pull npm install git pull npm install g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar cd game-lib/ git checkout sergej git pull git checkout unstable git merge sergej git checkout feature/components git merge unstable g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar exiy exit g cd blender-node/ ls cd src/ ls git checkout broken git checkout feature/components git commit -am "error info" git push cd .. npm install git diff git commit -am "start debug upload problem" git push git diff git commit -am "multiplier problems on mac" git push cd .. cd blender-files/ cp ~/Downloads/track-bezier_mac.blend . ls mv track-bezier_mac.blend vr_racer/ git add vr_racer/track-bezier_mac.blend git commit -am "mac problem track" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "regex" * -R cd src/ grep "regex" * -R cd .. npm install git commit -am "remove regex dependency - broken on mac" git push cd .. exit g cd blender-files/vr_racer/ ls cd .. cd blender-node/ npm install git commit -am "fix for mac" git push npm install exit gh g 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Vector3" * -R grep "new GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Vector3.API/g" cd .. gl cd src/ ls grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R grep "new\s*GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R cd .. 3d ls grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3.API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3.API/GameLib.D3.Vector3/g" cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3.API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3.API/GameLib.D3.Vector3/g" git commit -am "start running render loop" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git commit -am "runtime vectors" git push exit 3 cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ cd .. exit g 3d cd src/ grep "buildCommonObjects" grep "buildCommonObjects" * -R grep "buildCommonObject" * -R ls cd .. ls exit meld gl gulp 3d gulp a# a a# a cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211- cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/# cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "simulations and components start" git push gulp exit 3 exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "can modify vector grains etc" git push git checkout unstable git merge feature/components git push git checkout feature/components git checkout sergej git merge unstable git push git pull git push git checkout feature/components git checkout sergej git checkout feature/components git merge sergej git push gulp g 3d cd src/ grep "stopSimulation" * -R grep "new.*Scene" * -R cd .. cd game-lib grep "splineCurve3" * -R cd src/ grep "splineCurve3" * -R grep "splineCurve3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/splineCurve3/spline/gc" grep "splineCurve3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/splineCurve3/spline/g" grep "normalSplineCurve3" * -R grep "normalSplineCurve3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/normalSplineCurve3/normalSpline/g" grep "accel\b" * -R grep "accel\b" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/accel\b/acceleration/g" exot exit ibus restart exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "API components" git push exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "component / entity render loops and API components and splines" git push exit a exit 3 exit g cd api/ git diff git branch -a cd .. cd gw-app ls cd .. ls cd api git remote -v cd .. cd gw-statistic/ cd .. ls cd model/ git branch git remote -v git diff exit g cd model/ git diff git commit -am "model updates" git push git push -u origin feature/images cd .. cd api/ git diff git commit -am "image stuff" git push git push -u origin feature/images exit 3 git diff git commit -am "selection problems" git push cd .. cd api/ gulp test ./start git checkout beta git commit -am "image controller and tests" git pull git push git checkout beta git pull git checkout feature/users git merge beta git push git checkout feature/images git merge feature/users git push ./start cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "image model" git push git checkout feature/users git pull git push git checkout device.js git pull git checkout develop git pull git checkout feature/users git merge develop git push git checkout feature/images git merge feature/users git push cd .. cd api/ git diff ./start git diff git commit -am "fix unit tests - also allow" git push git checkout feature/users git merge feature/images git push git checkout beta git merge feature/users git push git checkout feature/images ./start ssh gw-api ./start git diff git commit -am "image upload start - need to save data" git push cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "image model updates" git push exit a cd .. ls cd model/ ls git diff git commit -am "bind images to users" git push exit gl gulp npm install gulp exit 3d gulp exit g cd 3d-racing/ cd .. 3d cd src/ ls grep "" * -R grep " grep "optionIdToObject" * -R grep "optionIdToObject" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/optionIdToObject/optionValueToObject/g" grep "loadScene" * -R grep "" * -R g cd api/ ls git diff git commit -am "start saving to fs" git push exit g cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "api and runtime namespaces" git pull git merge sergej git checkout sergej git pull git checkout feature/components git push git merge sergej git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push cd .. cd 3d-racing/ g gl cd src/ grep "new.*API" * -R git commit -am "comp / ent refactor" grep "new.*API" * -R grep "new.*API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/new GameLib.D3.(.*?)\.API/new GameLib.D3.API.$1/" git diff grep "new.*API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/new GameLib.D3.(.*?)\.API/new GameLib.D3.API.\1/" grep "new.*API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/new GameLib.D3.(.*)\.API/new GameLib.D3.API.\1/" grep "new.*API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/new GameLib.D3.\(.*\)\.API/new GameLib.D3.API.\1/" git diff git commit -am "API." grep "new GameLib.D3.Scene" * -R grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" * -R #grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.\(\w*\)\.API/GameLib.D3.API.\1/" git diff grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.\(\w*\)\.API/GameLib.D3.API.\1/" git diff grep "TextureMapTemplate" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.TextureMaps" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.TextureMaps" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "new.*GameLib.D3.TextureMaps.API" * -R cd .. grep "new.*GameLib.D3.TextureMaps.API" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.D3.API.TextureMaps" * -R gl cd src/ grep "new.*GameLib.D3.API.TextureMaps" * -R grep "new.*API" * -R grep "TextureMapTemplate" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3.Runtime" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3.Runtime" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3.Runtime/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3/g" cd .. 3d grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3.Runtime" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" * -R cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" * -R grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.\(\w*\)\.API/GameLib.D3.API.\1/" git diff cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" * -R cd src/ ls grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" * -R cd .. grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" server.js ls grep "GameLib.D3.*.API" server.js index.js grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.\(\w*\)\.API/GameLib.D3.API.\1/" git diff grep "new.*Scene" * server.js grep "new.*Scene" server.js cd .. ls cd game-lib/src/ grep "new.*Scene" server.js grep "new.*Scene" * -R dc .. cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Scene" * -R cd .. cd ..c d .. cd .. cd 3d-racing/ grep "new.*Scene" * server.js grep "new.*Scene" * -R ls cd lib/ ls cd js/ ls cd .. ls cd .. cd game/ ls cd js/ ls grep "new.*Scene" main.js grep "new.*API" * -R grep "new.*API" main.js git pull grep "new.*API" main.js grep "GameLib.D3\.\w*\.API" main.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.\(\w*\)\.API/GameLib.D3.API.\1/" git diff grep "Runtime" main.js git commit -am "api namespace" git push cd .. gl ls git push git checkout sergej git merge feature/components git push git checkout unstable git merge feature/components git pull git push git checkout sergej git log git diff git commit -am "backward compatibility" git push git checkout feature/components git merge sergej git push cd .. 3d ls git diff ccsm g cd api/ ls npm install --save image-size npm install --save mkpath ls cd uploads/da1amijxlxref/custom/path/to/file/ ls cat fcy29996bt9d5.png 62;9;c62;9;c mongo g cd api/ git diff git commit -am "image api done with tests" git push git commit -am "all tests enabled (image + user API)" git push cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "updates for image api" git push exit g cd api/ ./start npm install --save file-syste, npm install --save file-system ./start exit exit exit exit exit g cd connect/ git diff git commit -am "error checking" git push cd .. cd model/ git diff cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "upload path" git push exit 4~ exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "select object working again - build-gui start" git push exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "runtime vectors and colors complete" git push exit a exit 3 exit 3 exit g 3 3d cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Color/GameLib.D3.API.Color/g" cd .. cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Color/GameLib.D3.API.Color/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Color" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-vector3.js grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-vector-3.js grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-vector-3.js grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-vector-3.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3/g" grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-api* grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-api* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" grep "new.*Runtime.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" game-lib-vector-2.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector2/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector2/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" game-lib-vector-4.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector4/g" grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector2" game-lib-api* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector2/GameLib.D3.API.Vector2/g" grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector4" game-lib-api* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4/g" grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector2/GameLib.D3.API.Vector2/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4/g" grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.D3.API.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Bone" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Bone" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Bone/GameLib.D3.API.Bone/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector3" game-lib-component* git commit -am "whole runtime refactoring" git pull git checkout sergej-current git checkout feature/components git merge sergej-current git mergetool meld git commit -am "latest sergej merge conflicts" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector3" game-lib-component* grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-component* grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" game-lib-component* -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector2" * -R find . -name "*.orig" find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector2" * -R grep "new.*PolyVertex" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Matrix3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Matrix4" * -R grep "resetWindingOrder" * -R cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "resetWindingOrder" * -R cd .. gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Tools." * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Tools." * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Tools/GameLib.D3.Utils/g" grep "fixPolyZPlane" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Vector3/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector4/GameLib.D3.Vector4/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector2/GameLib.D3.Vector2/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Color" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Color/GameLib.D3.Color/g" cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector2/GameLib.D3.API.Vector2/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector3/GameLib.D3.Vector3/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector4/GameLib.D3.Vector4/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector2" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Vector2/GameLib.D3.Vector2/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Runtime.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Runtime.Color/GameLib.D3.Color/g" gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3 = function" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4 = function" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2 = function" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Color = function" * -R 3d gulp git commit -am "huge refactorings - vectors are now runtime vectors - others are API vectors" git push gl gulp git commit -am "huge refactorings - vector fixes" git push a xs .. g cd con cd connc cd connect/ ls git pull cd .. cd model/ git pull cd .. cd connect/ git checkout beta git pull git checkout feature/users git diff beta git checkout beta git branch beta/users git branch feature/beta-users git checkout feature/beta-users git merge feature/users git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push git push -u origin feature/beta-users g cd api gulp api-test-coverage cd .. cd helper/ git diff git push exit g cd config/ git diff git push cd .. cd api/ git pull git checkout develop ls git pull gulp test gulp api-test-coverage exit 3 cd .. cd api/ ls ./start 3d git diff git commit -am "start to dig into common objects" git push exit 3d hulp gulp cd .. cd model/ git pull git checkout beta git pull git checkout feature/images exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "start to dig into common objects" git push exit exit ssh gw-api 3d npm install --save gulp-inject-string cd src/ grep "CommonObject = fun" * -R grep "function CommonObject" * -R exit g cd vr_rac ls cd vr_rac cd vr_racer/ ls git remote -v git init . git add * git commit -am "racer server" vim .gitignore git rm --cached node_modules git rm --cached node_modules -r git commit -am "oops - no node modules" git remote add origin git push -u origin git push -u origin master exit gl gulp gl gulp git diff git commit -am "texture fixes - compile time stuff - done with multiple deep reflection" git push exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "fucking deep recursive highly customizable intelligent gui reflection with multiple selection fucking done." git push exit a exit 3 exit g cd api/ git commit -am "reports sql" git push git pull git push git commit -am "s" git push exit vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/pong.conf cat /etc/nginx/sites-available/pong.conf exit ssh gw-a ssh gw-api mysql vim .my.cnf mysql mysql -e "SELECT t2.*, count( as game_plays, max(gs.created_at) as last_play FROM ( SELECT t1.* FROM ( SELECT as user_id, email , u.created_at AS user_created, count( AS num_games, AS instance_id FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi ON = gi.user_id GROUP BY ) t1 RIGHT JOIN game_instances AS gi2 ON gi2.user_id = t1.user_id ) t2 LEFT JOIN game_sessions AS gs ON gs.game_instance_id = t2.instance_id GROUP BY t2.user_id;" > report1.txt mysql -e "use gw_core;SELECT t2.*, count( as game_plays, max(gs.created_at) as last_play FROM ( SELECT t1.* FROM ( SELECT as user_id, email , u.created_at AS user_created, count( AS num_games, AS instance_id FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi ON = gi.user_id GROUP BY ) t1 RIGHT JOIN game_instances AS gi2 ON gi2.user_id = t1.user_id ) t2 LEFT JOIN game_sessions AS gs ON gs.game_instance_id = t2.instance_id GROUP BY t2.user_id;" > report1.txt vim report1.txt mysql mysql -e "use gw_core;SELECT t2.*, count( as game_plays, max(gs.created_at) as last_play FROM ( SELECT t1.* FROM ( SELECT as user_id, email , u.created_at AS user_created, count( AS num_games, AS instance_id FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi ON = gi.user_id GROUP BY ) t1 LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi2 ON gi2.user_id = t1.user_id ) t2 LEFT JOIN game_sessions AS gs ON gs.game_instance_id = t2.instance_id GROUP BY t2.user_id;" > report1.txt vim report1.txt mysql; mysql -e "use gw_core;SELECT t2.*, count( as game_plays, min(gs.created_at) as first_play, max(gs.created_at) as last_play FROM ( SELECT t1.*, as instance_id, as game_name, gi2.published_at FROM ( SELECT as user_id, email , u.created_at AS user_created, count( AS num_games FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi ON = gi.user_id GROUP BY ) t1 RIGHT JOIN game_instances AS gi2 ON gi2.user_id = t1.user_id ) t2 LEFT JOIN game_sessions AS gs ON gs.game_instance_id = t2.instance_id GROUP BY t2.instance_id ORDER BY email;" > report2.txt SELECT as user_id, mysql mysql -e "use gw_core; SELECT t3.user_id,, t3.user_created, t3.last_play, t3.num_games, SUM(t3.game_plays) AS total_plays FROM ( SELECT t2.*, count( as game_plays, max(gs.created_at) as last_play FROM ( SELECT t1.*, as instance_id, as game_name, gi2.published_at FROM ( SELECT as user_id, email , u.created_at AS user_created, count( as num_games FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN game_instances AS gi ON = gi.user_id GROUP BY ) t1 RIGHT JOIN game_instances AS gi2 ON gi2.user_id = t1.user_id ) t2 LEFT JOIN game_sessions AS gs ON gs.game_instance_id = t2.instance_id GROUP BY t2.instance_id ORDER BY email ) t3 GROUP BY ORDER BY;" > report1.txt mysql exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "path follow component migrated to editor" git push exit a exit g cd game cd game-lib/ ls git pull git checkout sergej-current git commit -am "start update path following" git checkout sergej-current git pull git checkout feature/components git merge sergej-current git mergetool git commit -am "start to refactor components" git push cd src/ grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Matrix4" * -R cd .. cd blender-node/ cd src/ grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Matrix4" * -R cd .. grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Matrix4" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "new.*GameLib.D3.Matrix4" * -R cd .. cd game-lib/ cd src/ exit 3 git diff git commit -am "path follow component done" git pushj git push exit 3d gulp exit g cd blender-node/ grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" server.js grep "GameLib.D3.Vector2" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector2/GameLib.D3.API.Vector2/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Vector3" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector3/GameLib.D3.API.Vector3/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4.Points" * -R cd .. cd game-lib/src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4.Points" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector4.Points" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector4.Points/GameLib.D3.API.Vector4.Points/g" e exit cd Downloads/ unzip cd Downloads/blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ cd .. ls cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender gl gulp git commit -am "follow, lookat, camera and path following done gulp! :)" git push 3d gulp cd .. a 3 git commit -am "fuck yea!" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "ignore bones for now" git pus 3d cd src/ grep "idToObject" * -R grep "optionValueToObject" * -R grep "optionValueToObject" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/optionValueToObject/idToObject/g" grep "Vector4" * -R grep "Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Vector4/Quaternion/g" cd .. cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "Vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/Vector4/Quaternion/g" grep "vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/vector4/quaternion/g" cd ... cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "vector4" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/vector4/quaternion/g" cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "vector4" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/vector4/quaternion/g" grep "Vector4" server.js -l | xargs sed -i "s/Vector4/Quaternion/g" grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -R cd .. cd game-lib/ grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -R cd src/ grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -R grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/quaternion.toApiVector/quaternion.toApiQuaternion/g" cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -R grep "quaternion.toApiVector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/quaternion.toApiVector/quaternion.toApiQuaternion/g" grep "toApiVector" * -R cd .. cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "toApiVector" * -R grep "acceleration" * -R grep "acceleration" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/acceleration/accelleration/g" cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "acceleration" * -R cd .. cd gulp gl cd src/ grep "entitiesToCheck" * -R grep "new.*API.Mesh" * -R grep "new.*API.Scene" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion" * -R grep "FromApiMesh" * -R grep "FromApiMesh" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/FromApiMesh/FromObjectMesh/g" grep "FromApiMaterial" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/FromApiMaterial/FromObjectMaterial/g" grep "FromApiLight" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/FromApiLight/FromObjectLight/g" grep "new.*Entity" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Entity" * -R grep "idToObject" * -R grep "interestingSceneProperties" * -R grep "interestingSceneProperties" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/interestingSceneProperties/scene.interestingProperties/g" grep "processInterestingProperties" * -R grep "interestingProperties" * -R grep "idToObject" * -R grep "idToObject" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\.idToObject/.scene.idToObject/g" grep "idToObject" * -R grep "idToComponent" * -R cd .. cd game-lib/ grep "idToComponent" * -R cd src/ grep "idToComponent" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "idToComponent" * -R grep "quaterion" * -R cd .. gl cd src/ grep "quaterion" * -R grep "linkComponentIdsToObjects" * -R grep "linkComponentIdsToObjects" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/linkComponentIdsToObjects/linkObjects/g" * -R grep "linkComponentIdsToObjects" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/linkComponentIdsToObjects/linkObjects/g" grep "FromObjectComponent" * 0R grep "FromObjectComponent" * -R # exit 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "something broken somewhere" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/ git diff git commit -am "dont remove ids" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "quaternions" git puhs git push exit p gl gulp git commit -am "something broken somewhere" git push exit a exit 3 exit gnome-calculator a exot exit g gl cd src/ grep "ids" * -R grep "ids" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ids/components/gc" grep "ids" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ids/components/g" grep "addComponentId" * -R grep "removeComponent" * -R grep "linkObjects" * -R grep "registerComponent" * -R grep "initializeCompone" * -R grep "registerEntity" * -R grep "onLateUpdate" ( -R grep "onLateUpdate" * -R grep "onUpdate" * -R grep "lateUpdate" * -R grep "onLateUpdate" * -R grep "ComponentInterface" * -R grep "ComponentInterface" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/ComponentInterface/Component/g" 3d grep "registerEntity" * -R cd src/ grep "registerEntity" * -R grep "registerComponent" * -R grep "ids" * -R git diff git commit -am "starting with mesh permutation" git push exit 3d gulp git commit -am "stable load and save for first four components" git push gulp gl gulp git diff git commit -am "stable load and save for components" git push gulp git commit -am "mesh permutation start - lodash broken" git push 3 3d gulp gl gulp git diff git commit -am "got to remove logic from components" git push a 3d gulp gl gulp 3 rciy g gl ls cd src/ ls grep "Entity" * -R ls grep "GameLib.D3.Vector" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector/GameLib.Vector/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Vector/GameLib.API.Vector/g" cd .. cd game-lib/ cd src/ ls grep "GameLib.D3.API.Entity" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Entity/GameLib.API.Entity/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Entity/GameLib.Entity/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Utils" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Utils/GameLib.Utils/g" cd .. 3d cd src/ cd .. npm install --save tiny-ecs cd node_modules/tiny-ecs/ browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js cd .. gl cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Component/GameLib.Component/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Component/GameLib.API.Component/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Matrix/GameLib.Matrix/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Matrix/GameLib.API.Matrix/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Quaternion/GameLib.Quaternion/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion/GameLib.API.Quaternion/g" cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector/GameLib.Vector/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Vector/GameLib.API.Vector/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Entity/GameLib.API.Entity/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Entity/GameLib.Entity/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Utils" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Utils/GameLib.Utils/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Component/GameLib.Component/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Component/GameLib.API.Component/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Matrix/GameLib.Matrix/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Matrix/GameLib.API.Matrix/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Quaternion/GameLib.Quaternion/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion/GameLib.API.Quaternion/g" gl git branch feature/components-ecs git checkout feature/components-ecs git commit -am "ecs refactor start" cd .. cd blender-node/ cd src/ cd .. grep "GameLib.D3.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Vector/GameLib.Vector/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Vector" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Vector/GameLib.API.Vector/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Entity/GameLib.API.Entity/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Entity" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Entity/GameLib.Entity/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Utils" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Utils/GameLib.Utils/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Component/GameLib.Component/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Component" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Component/GameLib.API.Component/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Matrix/GameLib.Matrix/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Matrix" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Matrix/GameLib.API.Matrix/g" grep "GameLib.D3.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Quaternion/GameLib.Quaternion/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Quaternion/GameLib.API.Quaternion/g" exit gedit exit 3 git diff cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff 3 exit a exit g gl gulp npm install --save tiny-ecs npm install -g browserify sudo npm install -g browserify cd node_modules/tiny-ecs/ ls browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js cd .. gulp git commit -am "continue new ecs" git push git push -u origin feature/components-ecs cd .. cd blender-node/ git branc feature/components-ecs git branch feature/components-ecs git checkout feature/components-ecs git push -u origin feature/components-ecs git commit -am "ecs component start" git push cd .. 3d git branch feature/components-ecs git checkout feature/components-ecs git commit -am "feature components ecs start" git push git push -u origin feature/components-ecs cd .. cd GW_Config/ git branch feature/components-ecs git checkout feature/components-ecs git push -u origin feature/components-ecs exit 3d gulp exit exit 3d browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js -e TinyECS cd node_modules/tiny-ecs/ browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js -e TinyECS browserify -e TinyECS index.js -o tiny-ecs.js browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js -e tine browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js browserify index.js -o tiny-ecs.js --standalone TinyECS ls grep "this.T" tiny-ecs.js grep "\bT\b" tiny-ecs.js cd .. npm install --save ecsjs cd .. gl npm remove --save tiny-ecs npm install --save ecsjs cd .. 3d npm remove --save tiny-ecs cd node_modules/ ls cd ecsjs/ cd dist/ ls browserify ecs.js -o ecs-browser.js --standalone ECS cd .. npm remove --save ecsjs gl npm remove --save ecsjs cd .. cd GW_Config/ ls cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ ls rm game-lib-editor.js rm game-lib.js ls -l ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-editor.js git commit -am "can save custom components and components based off type" git push gl git commit -am "can save custom components and components based off type" git push cd .. 3d git commit -am "can save custom components and components based off type" git push cd .. cd GW_Config/ sudo poweroff p gl gulp 3d gulp a 3 ls cd .. 3d 3 ln -s ../../../../c-preprocessor/c-preprocessor/ rm c-preprocessor 3 exit ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-3d exit ping ping ping exit 3d cd src/ grep "h3Components" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/h3Components/h3Systems/g" grep "divComponents" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/divComponents/divSystems/g" grep "divCreateComponentsList" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/divCreateComponentsList/divSystemsList/g" grep "divCreateComponentList" -lR | xargs sed -i "s/divCreateComponentList/divSystemsList/g" grep "buildComponentsList" * -R grep "addComponent" * -R grep "componentRender" * -R grep "componentRender" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/componentRender/systemRender/g" grep "createPathFollowingComponent" * -R grep "createPathFollowingComponent" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/createPathFollowingComponent/createComponent/g" grep "ipnutRunInput" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRunInput/inputStartInput/g" grep "inputRunInput" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRunInput/inputStartInput/g" grep "inputRunRender" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRunRender/inputStartRender/g" grep "inputRunAnimation" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRunAnimation/inputStartAnimation/g" grep "runSystem" * -R grep "inputRunSimulation" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRunSimulation/inputStartAllSystems/g" grep "inputStopSimulation" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputStopSimulation/inputStopAllSystems/g" grep "stopSimulation" * -R grep "stopSimulation" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/stopSimulation/breakSimulation/g" git diff git commit -am "some components more - working on lookAt" git push exit ibus restart gl gulp git diff git commit -am "more components" git push 3d gulp a gl cd src/ grep "linkedObjects" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "linkedObjects" * -R git commit -am "follow component - starting to get stable" git push cd .. gl git commit -am "follow component - starting to get stable" git push exit gl npm install cloc cloc build/game-lib-runtime.js node cloc build/game-lib-runtime.js npm install -g cloc sudonpm install -g cloc sudo npm install -g cloc cloc build/game-lib-runtime.js gl gulp gnome-calculator 3 3d gulp exit 3d gulp ls exit gedit cd Desktop/ ls openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git commit -am "str" cd con cd cd config/ git diff git status ls openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted cd Desktop/ openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git status git commit -am "str" git push git pull openssl aes-256-cbc < general > general.encrypted git commit -am "portal" git push ping gl gulp git diff git commit -am "components can store references to other components - not objects" git push a 3 ccsm exit exit gnome-calculator 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Spline" * -R gl cd src/ grep "new.*Spline" * -R exit gedit 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Vertex" * -R cd .. cd game-lib/ cd src/ grep "new.*Vertex" * -R cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ grep "new.*Vertex" server.js git commit -am "vertex updates" git push cd .. exit ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-3d ssh gw-3d 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Spline" * -R grep "CreateSpline" * -R grep "CreateSpline" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/CreateSpline/CreateSplineComponent/g" grep "splines" * -R cd .. gl cd src/ grep "splines" * -R grep "toApiSpline" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "toApiSpline" * -R grep "FromObjectSpline" * -R gl cd src grep "FromObjectSpline" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_MESH" * -R ssh gw-3d ibus restart exit ping ping exit gl gulp git commit -am "introduced problem with splines" git push 3d gulp git commit -am "introduced problem with splines" git push a gl gulp git commit -am "stable..?" git push 3d gulp cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "stable..?" git push git commit -am "stable..?" git push 3 cd .. cd blender-node/ npm install --save lodash 3 git commit -am "stable..?" git push 3d cd src/ grep "isInterestingProperty" * -R gl gulp git diff git commit -am "drive component, parent entities" git push 3d gulp a cd .. 3 git diff git commit -am "drive component" git push 3d gl cd src/ grep "localPosition.*=" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "localPosition.*=" * -R exit gnome-calculator exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "drive input component - spline updates" git push exit gnome-calculator 3d gulp a 3 git diff git commit -am "fitted splines - angles" git push gl gulp git diff git commit -am "render order, drive component updates" git push 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "fitted spline updates - drive component updates" git push a 3 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Mesh" * -R grep "new.*Material" * -R grep "new.*Texture" * -R grep "new.*Skeleton" * -R grep "new.*Bone" * -R grep "new.*Vertex" * -R grep "new.*Image" * -R grep "new.*Matrix4" * -R gl cd src/ grep "new.*Mesh" * -R grep "FromObjectMesh" * -R cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "new.*Mesh" * -R grep "new.*Material" * -R # cd .. gl git diff git commit -am "streamlined object to api to runtime" git push cd .. 3d git commit -am "streamlined object to api to runtime" git push exit gl gulp 3d gulp a g gl cd src/ grep "API.Component" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Color/GameLib.Color/g" cd .. cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.API.Color" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Color/GameLib.API.Color/g" cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.Color/GameLib.Color/g" grep "GameLib.D3.API.Color" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/GameLib.D3.API.Color/GameLib.API.Color/g" cd .. cd blender-node/ grep "GameLib.D3.Color" * -R grep "GameLib.D3.API.Color" * -R cd .. gl grep "FromObjectScene" * -R cd src/ grep "FromObjectScene" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "FromObjectScene" * -R gl cd src/ grep "new.*Entity" * -R grep "FromObjectEntityManager" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "new.*Entity" * -R grep "new.*Component" * -R grep "new.*Raycaster" * -R cd .. gl cd src/ grep "new.*Raycaster" * -R cd .. cd node_modules/ cd thr cd three/ ls grep "TextureMappingUVMapping" * -R ls cd .. grep "TextureMappingUVMapping" * -R grep "CubeReflectionMapping" * -R exit 3d gulp git commit -am "textures now customizable" git push cd .. a exit gl gulp git commit -am "texture refactoring done" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git commit -am "texture refactorings" git push 3 3d cd src/ grep "divSystemsList" * -R grep "renderer" * -R gl cd src/ grep "new.*API.*Raycaster" * -R 3d cd src/ grep "interestingProperties" * -R grep "processInterestingProperties" * -R grep "STEREO_CAMERA" * -R grep "CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE" * -R grep "PERSPECTIVE" * -R gl grep "PERSPECTIVE" * -R cd src/ grep "PERSPECTIVE" * -R exit gl gulp npm install npm update gulp git commit -am "need to remove scenes from renderers" git push 3d gulp npm install npm update sudo npm install npm install npm update gulp git commit -am "need to remove cameras from renderers" git push a gl cd src/ ls grep "RenderPass" * -R grep "RenderPass" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/RenderPass/Pass/g" grep "RENDER_PASS" * -R grep "RENDER_PASS" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/RENDER_PASS/PASS/g" grep "renderPass" * -R grep "renderPass" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/renderPass/pass/g" cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ ls vim 3d-editor.conf cd .. tree . 3d cd src/ grep "scene" * -R grep "checkServersUp" * -R exit sudo apt-get install audacity sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install audacity --fix-missing sudo apt-get install streamripper streamripper -? streamripper audacity gl gulp git diff git commit -am "editor to API" git push 3d gulp git commit -am "editor to API" git push 3 A a gl ls git commit -am "viewports, editor updates" git push exit gnome-calculator gl git pull git commit -am "selected objects start" git pu git push 3d git pull git diff git commit -am "selected object start" git push ls ssh gw-3d ssh gw-demo cd /var/www/demo/vr_pong cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ ls cd .. cd sites-available/ ls vim pong.conf gl cd .. cd config/ ls git checkout gw-3d git pull vim secure.js ssh gw-dev2 git checkout tj-dev ssh gw-dev2 ssh gw-3d ssh gw-de ssh gw-demo ssh gw-dev2 ssh gw-demo ssh gw-3d 3d git commit -am "dy"£ git push gl ls git commit -am "SHIT" git push cd .. mkdir pong_assets cd pong_assets/ scp gw-3d:/srv/* . ls -l mkdir diffuse mv diffuse* diffuse ls cd diffuse/ ls cd .. zip diffuse zip zip diffuse/ ls rm zip diffuse/* ssh gw-3d ssh gw-3 ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-demo ssh gw-3d ssh gw-3d ssh gw-3d ssh gw-3d cd pong_assets/ ls cd diffuse/ ls scp * gw-3d:/srv/ exit 3d gl cd src/ grep "new.*GameLib.Vector4" * cd .. cd 3d-racing/ cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "new.*GameLib.Vector4" * grep "new.*GameLib.Vector4" * -R gl cd src/ grep "new.*GameLib.Vector4" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.Vector3" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.Matrix4" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.Vector2" * -R grep "new.*GameLib.Vector4" * -R git commit -am "constructor updates - inheritance getting stable" git push 3d exit git log gl git log cd /var/local/ ls cd .. ls cd opt/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd /var/spool/plymouth/ ls cd .. ls cd .. find . -name "plymouth" cd /var/lib/plymouth/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd cd config/ ls cd .. cd / find . -name "ubuntu_logo16.png" cd ./lib/plymouth/themes/ ls cd ubuntu-logo/ ls sudo rm ubuntu_logo16.png sudo rm ubuntu_logo.png sudo ln -s ~/config/ubuntu_logo.png sudo ln -s ~/config/ubuntu_logo16.png sudo rm progress_dot_o* sudo ln -s ~/config/progress_dot_on* ls sudo ln -s ~/config/progress_dot_on16.png sudo ln -s ~/config/progress_dot_on.png ls sudo cp ~/Downloads/progress_dot_off16.png . sudo cp ~/Downloads/progress_dot_off.png . ls gl git pull git checkout stable git pull cd .. cd config/ git commit -am "vr pong clients need to know the port" git push gl git branch facebook git checkout facebook git checkout stable git pull git checkout facebook gulp build/ gulp build cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ kls ls ln -s ../sites-available/pong.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/pong.conf ls -l cd .. cd sites-available/ ls sudo mv pong.conf ~/config/ cd ~/config/ sudo mv pong.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ cd - sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/pong.conf ls -l g cd config/ ls sudo chown tj:www-data pong.conf sudo chmod 664 pong.conf cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/ ls rm 3d-editor.conf sudo rm 3d-editor.conf sudo rm 3d-editor.conf 3d-racing.conf api16.conf api.conf api-runtime.conf app.conf gate.conf pong.conf port.conf tools.conf ls sudo mv * /usr/share/gamewheel/config/nginx/ ls -l cd .. sudo rm sites-available/ sudo rm sites-available sudo rmdir sites-available sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/nginx sites-available ls cd sites-available ls cd .. cd sites-enabled/ ls cd .. ls cd sites-available ls -l cd /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ ls -l cd nginx/ ls sudo chown tj:www-data * sudo chmod 664 * sudo service nginx restart sudo vim /etc/hosts sudo service nginx restart 3d cd src/ ls cd .. ls g cd vr_pong/ git diff git reset --hard HEAD git pull cd .. cd 3d-racing/ cd .. 3d git pull git checkout stable git pull git branch facebook git checkout facebook gulp build gl git checkout feature/components-ecs git branch facebook-2.0 git checkout facebook-2.0 git push -u origin facebook-2.0 gulp build/ gulp build a p git push -u origin facebook git commit -am "start facebook" git push g cd vr_pong/ ls git branch facebook git checkout facebook ls rm game-lib.js rm game-lib-maths.js rm grid_* vim hello.html rm hello.* grep "helveti" * -R rm helvetiker_bold.typeface.js ls ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js ls rm particle.png rm rm pong.blend* rm pong-green.mtl rm pong-green.* rm pong_emissive_map.png rm pong-new* rm pong_normal_map.png rm pong.obj rm pong.png rm short_border_emissive_map.png rm side_emissive_map.png rm side_normal_map.png rm sphere* rm three.html rm vr_pong_backup.js ls grep "Roboto" * -R ls grep "Robot" index.html vim index.html rm Roboto_Bold.js rm Roboto_Bold.json ls vim package.json git status ls exit p git pull gnome-screenshot cp ~/Documents/pong_image.png . git add pong_image.png git commit -am "fb stuff" git push p a git branch facebook-2.0 git checkout facebook-2.0 cd .. cd blender-node/ git branch facebook-2.0 git checkout facebook-2.0 git push -u origin facebook-2.0 cd .. cd GW_Config/ git push -u origin facebook-2.0 a cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "migration start" git push 3d gulp git checkout feature/components-ecs git branch facebook-2.0 git checkout facebook-2.0 gulp git push -u origin facebook-2.0 3 git diff git commit -am "migration start" git push gl gulp git push -u origin facebook-2.0 gl gulp git diff git commit -am "migration start" git push 3 3d gulp git difff git diff 3d cd src/ ls grep "h3List" * -R grep "divSceneList" * -R grep "divList" * -R grep "divScenesList" * -R grep "divScenesList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divScenesList/divGamesList/g" grep "scenesList" * -R grep "scenesList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scenesList/divGamesList/g" grep "inputFetchScenes" * -R grep "inputFetchScenes" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputFetchScenes/inputFetchGames/g" grep "inputSceneName" * -R grep "containerId" * -R grep "containerId" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/containerId/divContainerId/g" exit 3d gulp git diff gl gulp git diff git commit -am "game objects to API" git push a git diff git commit -am "game controller for storing and loading games" git push 3 git diff git commit -am "scenes to games" git push 3d cd src/ grep "selectSceneObject" * -R grep "selectObject" * -R grep "COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH_FOLLOWING" * -R grep "COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH_FOLLOWING" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH_FOLLOWING/COMPONENT_PATH_FOLLOWING/g" cd .. gl cd src/ grep "COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH_FOLLOWING" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/COMPONENT_TYPE_PATH_FOLLOWING/COMPONENT_PATH_FOLLOWING/g" exit gl gulp git diff git commit -am "Everything can be anything" git push 3d gulp a git diff 3 git commit -am "entity manager to component - buildIdToObject - lots of COOL shit" git push cd Downloads/blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ cd bin ls cd .. ls cd .. cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ls ./blender exit g cd blender-node/ git cherry-pick 7990a3376e39d02ed223cc70fbd23cc0a84bd062 git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts - attempt to patch stable" git cherry-pick 8c2786782ddb741b93c7ef29f34619059e9cb998 git push git pull git push npm install git commit -am "remove!" git push git pull npm install cd .. cd game-lib/ git branch sergej-current git checkout sergej-current git checkout facebook exit sudo vim /etc/hosts exit g cd config git diff git commit -am "getting pong ready" git push git checkout gw-3d git pull ssh gw-3d git pull git checkout tj-dev sudo service nginx restart git diff git commit -am "websocket handshake" git push cd .. ls gl ls git diff git commit -am "lodash warning" git push git push -u origin facebook git checkout master git branch push origin :facebook git branch push -u origin :facebook cd .. cd vr_ cd vr_pong/ git diff ls rm game-lib.js ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib.js ln -s ../game-lib/game-lib-maths.js ls ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-3d pong p gl gulp cd Downloads/ cd .. cd Documents/ cd .. cd Downloads unzip mkdir pong_fetch_assets cd pong_fetch_assets/ ls mv ../ . unzip ls -l 3d cd src/ cd .. gl cd src/ grep "game\b" * -R cd .. 3d cd src/ grep "game\b" * -R grep "updateAPISettings" * -R grep "ImageFactory" * -R git commit -am "systems to doms" git push cd .. gl git commit -am "systems to doms" git push git branch -a git checkout facebook cd .. 3d git branch -a git checkout facebook cd .. cd vr_pong/ git status gl gulp vim package.json npm install cd .. cd blender-node/ git branch git diff master ls p 3d gulp git checkout stable git pull gulp 3d gulp npm install cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git branch -a git checkout stable git pull npm install p npm install --save lodash p a git push git branch -a git checkout stable git pull git checkout pong_stable a git checkout stable a git branch git pull git checkout facebook-2.0 git checkout stable 3 gulp 3 git diff git checkout facebook git diff git commit -am "uploadURL" git push git push -u origin facebook gl git diff git checkout facebook git diff git diff master ls git checkout master git branch -d facebook git push -u origin : master cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "facebook updates" git push cd .. ls exit ssh gw-3d ssh gw-3d g cd vr_pong/ ls cp ~/Documents/pong_image.png . ls git diff git commit -am "load fb script after connecting" git push exit cd g g cd core/ ls git diff ls cd js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client/ ls git diff git commit -m "log" socket-client.js git push ls vim package.json cd / ls g cd vr_pong/ ls cd node_modules/ ls cd .. vim package.json cd .. cd core/ ls vim package.json cd js/gamewheel/modules/socket-client/ ls vim package.json npm config ls npm publish cd .. cd vr_ cd vr_pong/ npm update cd .. cd public/ ls npm publish cd .. cd vr_pong/ npm update cd .. cd public/ git diff git commit -am "logs" git push npm publish cd .. cd vr_ cd vr_pong/ npm update vim package.json mv node_modules ../ npm install npm i -g npm-check-updates sudo npm i -g npm-check-updates sudo npm install sudo npm update git diff git commit -am "stuff" git push cd node_modules/ ls git diff cd .. git diff git commit -am "fb try again" git push cd node_modules/ rm gamewheel.public rm -rf gamewheel.public ln -s ../../public/ gamewheel.public cd .. grep "emitType" * -R grep "rooms" * -R git diff git rm --cached node_modules git rm --cached node_modules - git rm --cached node_modules -r ls cd node_modules/ ls cd .. git diff git commit -am "fb button, send session ID" git push cd .. cd public/ git diff git commit -am "socket .io fixes" git push vim package.json git commit -am "bump version" git push cd .. cd core/ git diff git branch facebook git checkout facebook git push -u origin facebook git commit -am "fb server setup" git push exit 3 exit gl gulp ls gulp cd .. cd vr_pong/ git diff git commit -am "moved scripts around" git push git commit -am "remove dat.gui" git push ls 3d gulp git diff git commit -am "load from API url not config url" git push gulp git commit -am "uploads path" git push p a g cd ls ls 3d cd uploads/ ls cd gamewheel/root/root/vr_racer/ ls scp diffuse.* gw-3d:/srv/ cd .. cd game-lib/ git checkout sergej-current git pull git checkout v2 git pull git branch v2-sergej git checkout v2-sergej git merge sergej-current git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push -u origin v2-sergej gulp build cd .. cd 3d-racing/ cd .. 3d cd .. cd blender- cd blender-node/ cd .. 3d gulp build cd .. cd GW_Config/ cd .. exit ssh gw-3d exit g cd config/ git pull git checkout gw-3d git pull git commit -am "api and editor v2 configs" git push git pull git doff git diff git commit -am "updated ports" git push git checkout tj-dev git checkout gw-3d git diff git commit -am "config default updates" git push ls exit ssh gw-3d g cd blender-node/ git diff git checkout feature/components git pull cd .. g gl git checkout ec79b039772863ef742e3af714113d04769dd603 git branch v2 git checkout v22 git checkout v2 git push -u origin v2 3d git checkout 4d58bc960634d44702922a5b2544afc87210ef80 git branch v2 git checkout v2 git push -u origin v2 g cd GW_Config/ git branch git checkout feature/components git branch v2 git checkout v2 git push -u origin v2 g cd blender- cd blender-node/ git branch -a git checkout feature/components-ecs git push -u origin feature/components-ecs git push -u remote feature/components-ecs git branch v2 git checkout v2 git push -u remote v2 a vim ~/.bashrc ssh gw-3d exit gl gulp exit exit 3d gulp exot exut exit 3 exit 3 cd .. cd blender-node/ git pull ls cd .. cd config/ git pull git checkout tj-dev 3 cd .. ls git clone game-lib-v2 git clone game-lib-v2 git clone blender-node-v2 git clone api-v2 git clone 3d-editor-v2 ls cd config/ git merge gw-3d git mergetool ls git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push cd .. mv gw_3d_editor 3d-editor ls mv GW_Config api-1.6 mv api-1.6 api-v1.6 mv vr_pong 3d-pong vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf cd /etc/nginx/ cd sites-enabled/ ls rm api16.conf sudo rm api16.conf sudo rm api.conf sudo rm api-runtime.conf.conf sudo rm api-runtime.conf sudo rm app.conf sudo rm gate.conf sudo rm pong.conf sudo rm port.conf ls -l ln -s ../sites-available/3d-pong.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-pong.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api-v1.6.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api-v2.conf ls sudo service nginx restart cd .. cd host ls -l sudo mv hosts /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/hosts ls vim hosts cd g cd config/ ls sudo chown tj:www-data hosts ls sudo chmod 664 hosts ls -l git add hosts git commit -am "hosts also in config" git push ls -l cd .. ls cd 3d-editor ls rm game-lib* cd .. cd game-lib-v2/ git checkout v2 npm install gulp build cd node_modules/ ls cd gulp-c-preprocessor/node_modules/ ls rm -rf c-preprocessor/ ln -s ../../../../c-preprocessor/c-preprocessor/ ls cd .. gulp build ls cd .. cd 3d-editor-v2/ ls git checkout v2 ls npm install gulp build ls cd .. cd blender-node-v2/ git checkout v2 ls npm install ls ls -l vim server.js cd build/Release/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd .. cd api-v1.6/ LS -L lg git branch git checkout stable cd .. ls cd api-v2/ ls git branch v2 ls git branch -D v2 git pull git checkout v2 sl ls cd .. ls pm2 list ls cd api-v1.6/ cd .. cd api-v2 cd .. ls cd 3d-editor git branch git diff git checkout stable ls cd .. ls cd 3d-editor-v2/ cd .. cd 3d-racing/ git pull ls git branch git branch -a git checkout sergej ls cd .. cd 3d-racing/ git remote -v cd .. git clone ls mv 3D-Racing-Server 3d-racing-server ls cd 3d-racing-server/ ls cd .. cd config/ ls ./start pm2 delete all ls pm2 list cd .. ls ln -s config/start ln -s config/delete ln -s config/restart ln -s config/logs ln -s config/stop ./start ./logs cd config/ git diff git commit -am "update to start scripts" git push cd /etc/nginx/ sudo service nginx restart ls cd sites-enabled/ ls cd .. ls g ./logs ls pm2 list cd config/ ls cat secure.js l ls cd .. ls exit 3d gulp git pull cd cd .. g ls ./start ./stop pm2 remove 3d-racing-server/ pm2 remove 3d-racing-server pm2 list pm2 delete 3d-racing-server pm2 restart all vim ~/.bashrc exit g cd GW_Config/ git pull cd .. cd 3d-pong/ cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-ne cd sites-enabled/ ls ln -s ../sites-available/3d-editor-v2.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-editor-v2.conf ls -l sudo service nginx restart gl2 exit gl gulp cd .. cd game-lib/ git pull cd ;.. g cd config/ ls cat secure.js cd .. cd 3d-editor-v2/ gulp exit r exit r d s st r exit 3d2 3d 3d2 gl gl2 3 a p g ./restart cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ ls ln -s ../sites-available/api-v3.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api-v3.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-editor-v3.conf sudo service nginx restart g cd blender-node git checkout facebook-2.0 git push -u remote facebook-2.0 sudo service nginx restart ls git checkout stable ls r exit 3d2 gulp git diff git commit -am "relative API url" git push cd .. git clone 3d-editor-v3 cd 3d-editor-v3 ls git checkout facebook-2.0 git branch v3 git checkout v3 git push -u origin v3 npm install gulp build ls -l rm -rf game-lib* ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib.js ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-min.js ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-editor.js ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-editor-min.js ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-runtime.js ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-runtime-min.js ls -l cd src/ grep "api16" * -R grep "api16" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/api16/api_v3/g" cd .. ls vim server.js git commit -am "v3 config updates" git push cd lib/controller/ vim upload.js git commit -am "v3" git push cd .. git clone blender-node-v3 cd blender-node-v cd blender-node-v3/ ls git branch -a git pull git checkout facebook-2.0 git branch v3 git checkout v4 git checkout v3 git push -u remote v3 git push -u origin v3 ls -l npm install ls -l rm game-lib-editor.js ln -s ../game-lib-v3/build/game-lib-editor.js git diff git status git commit -am "v3 updates" git push ls -l vim server.js ls cd .. ls ./delete ./start cd tools/ ls cd .. ./delete ./start ls pm2 list ./delete ./start ./delete ./start cd .. g ls vim ~/.bashrc exit s ls exit r exit gl2 gulp cd .. ls git clone game-lib-v3 cd game-lib-v cd game-lib-v3 ls git checkout feature/components-ecs git checkout facebook-2.0 git branch v3 git checkout v3 git push -u origin v3 npm install cd node_modules/gulp-c-preprocessor/ ls cd node_modules/ ls rm -rf c-preprocessor/ ln -s ../../../../c-preprocessor/c-preprocessor/ ls -l cd .. gulp build exit r 3d gulp 3d1 3d 3d2 git diff git commit -am "displacementScale" git push gl2 git diff git commit -am "fix" git psh git push git pull git push exit g git clone cd dat.gui/ ls git checkout 80608425696b9f0a139fb91af3ad40ea8981c676 cd .. ls cd dat.gui/ ls cd build/ ls cd .. ls cd .. cd 3d-editor ls cd node_modules/ ls cd dat.gui/ ls cd .. rm dat.gui/ rm -rf dat.gui ln -s ../../dat.gui/ ls -l cd dat.gui ls cd .. cd 3d-editor ls cd node_modules/ ls cd .. cd node_modules/ rm dat.gui ls cd .. vim package.json npm install npm update 3d2 npm update cd .. cd 3d-racing git pull cd game/assets/ cp Rock* ../../../blender-files/vr_racer/ cd .. cd blender-files/ git status git add vr_racer git commit -am "new blender files" git push git add vr_racer/ git commit -am "new track with bezier" git push cd .. cd 3d-racing git pull cd game/assets/ cp Asphalt* /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/vr_racer/ cd /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/ git add vr_racer/ git commit -am "asphalt additional textures" git push exit cp Downloads/track1\ \(2\)\ tj.blend /usr/share/gamewheel/blender-files/vr_racer/track_new_asphalt_with_bezier.blend exit g 3d ls git diff git commit -am "fix dat.gui" git push git log cd .. 3d2 git cherry-pick c43259683610809009fb21ebdf385bf02154f61a git pull git cherry-pick c43259683610809009fb21ebdf385bf02154f61a git push 3d3 git pull git cherry-pick c43259683610809009fb21ebdf385bf02154f61a git push npm update exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender exit a cd cd cg g ls ./logs exit pm2 list cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls sudo service nginx restart pm2 list d s git clone api-v3 cd api-v3 git branch -a git checkout facebook-2.0 git branch v3 git checkout v3 git push -u origin v3 d s cd api-v3 npm install r cd api-v3/ ls vim server.js grep "api16" * -R grep "api16" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/api16/api_v3/g" git diff git status ls -l rm config.js ls ls -l grep "require.*config" grep "require.*config" * -R grep "require\(..config" * -R r cd api-v3 ls ln -s ../config/config.js ls -l git status git commit -am "v3 config" gitp ush git push 3 r cd 3d-editor-v3 ls cd src/ grep "api16" * -R grep "config.editor" * -R grep "config.editor" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/config.editor/config.editor_v3/g" git diff git commit -am "config updates" git push cd .. gulp gulp build r cd 3d-editor-v3 mkdir uploads gl3d gl3 gulp 3d2 gulp exit 3d3 gulp gl2 gulp exit gl gulp 3d3 gl3 3d2 gl2 3d1 gl1 gl 3d cd .. lcd ls cd config/ git diff git commit -am "v3" git push git pull exit pm2 list pm2 start api-v2 g cd api-v2 ls npm install pm2 restart api-v2 cd .. cd 3d-editor ls git checkout facebook pm2 start 3d-editor cd .. cd game-lib git checkout stable gulp build/ gulp build ls cd build ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd 3d-editor git checkout stable gulp build ls cd .. pm2 restart 3d-editor pm2 restart 3d-racing-server/ pm2 restart 3d-racing-server cd 3d-racing-server/ git branch -a npm install ls pm2 restart 3d-racing-server ls cd .. cd game-lib ls cd .. ls mkdir v1 cd v1 ls cd .. mkdir v2 ls cd v2 ls cd .. ls mv 3d-editor v1 mv blender-node v1 ls mv 3d-pong v1 ls cd v1 ls mv ../game-lib . ls mv ../api-v1.6 ./api ls cd .. ls cd v2 ls mv ../3d-editor-v2 ./3d-editor ls mv ../blender-node-v2 ./blender-node ls mv ../game-lib-v2 ./game-lib ls tree ../v1 ls cd .. ls cd v1 ls cd .. cd v2 ls mv ../api-v2 ./api ls cd 3d-editor/ ls cd .. ls ln -s ../config ls cd .. cd v1 ln -s ../config/ ls cd .. cd v1 cd 3d-editor/ ls cd .. cd 3d-pong/ cd .. cd api/ cd .. cd blender-node/ git checkout stable cd .. ls cd game-lib/ cd .. ls cd .. cd v2 ls cd 3d-editor/ ls rm game-lib* ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-min.js ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-editor.js ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-editor-min.js ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-runtime.js ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-runtime-min.js ls cd src/ grep "api16" * -R cd .. vim server.js ls cd .. ls rm config ls cp ../config . cp ../config . -R ls cd config/ ls git branch tj-dev-v2 git checkout tj-dev-v2 ls vim secure.js ls cd .. ls rm -rf config mv game-lib ../game-lib-v2 mv blender-node ../blender-node-v2 mv 3d-editor ../3d-editor-v2 mv api ../api-v2 ls cd .. rmdir v2 cd v1 ls rm config ls mv api ../api-v1.6 ls mv * ../ ls cd .. rmdir v1 ls cd 3d-editor-v2 ls git reset --hard HEAD ls git pul git pull ls -l cd .. ls pm2 restart all pm2 list cd 3d-racing-server/ ls cd .. ls cd game-lib ls cd . cd .. ls cd vr_rac cd vr_racer/ ls cd .. mv vr_racer 3d_v1 cd 3d_v1/ ls rm -rf node_modules ls rm -rf git ls rm -rf \.git ls cd .. s r s st pm2 start api-v1.6 pm2 start 3d-pong pm2 start 3d-editor pm2 start api-v1 pm2 list pm2 start api-v1.6/ pm2 start api-v1.6 pm2 logs ./delete ./start pm2 list st cd config/ ls cd .. ln -s config/start_editor_v1 ln -s config/start_editor_v2 ln -s config/start_editor_v3 st ln -s config/start_pong sudo vim ~/.bashrc exit e1 pm2 list st ps pm2 logs cd blender-files/ cd vr_racer/ ls s st ps ./logs pm2 list e2 pm2 list pm2 logs pm2 status pm2 --help pm2 monit st e2 cd blender-node-v2/ git diff npm install st e2 pm2 monit cd blender-node-v2/ npm install st e2 pm2 logs st e2 ./logs st e2 logs ./logs st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st ps e1 pm2 logs cd public/ ls git diff git commit -am "whitespace" git push cd .. ls cd core/ git diff git commit -am "facebook updates" git push exit pm2 monit st ps st ps st ps st ps st ps st ps st ps st ps st ps st st# ps st ps st ps st ps # ls cd 3d-pong/ ls git diff git commit -am "more facebook updates" git push git diff git commit -am "more updates" git push exit g cd 3d-pong/ ls rm game-lib* ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js ls exit g cd 3d-pong/ ls cd .. cd game-lib ls git checkout master ls git checkout stable ls cd build/ ls cd .. ls cd 3d-pong/ npm install --save lodash exit g cd blender-files/ git pull cd .. cd blender-node-v2/ npm instlal npm install npm instlal npm install [A npm install exit vim ~/.bashrc exit vim ~/.bashrc m exit g cd blender-node git checkout v2 git pull git rm --cached .idea/vcs.xml rm .idea/vcs.xml git pull git checkout stable cd src/ git checkout v2 git log :q exit g cd blender-node-v2/ ls cd build/Release/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd /home/tj/.CLion2016.2/system/cmake/generated/blender-node-v2-32c5a778/32c5a778/Debug ls ./blend-loader-test ./blend-loader-test > debug.txt vim debug.txt ls ./blend-loader-test ls ./blend-loader-test cd cd /home/tj/.CLion2016.2/system/cmake/generated/blender-node-v2-32c5a778/32c5a778/Debug ls ./blend-loader-test xiyt exit cd blender-2.77a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/ ./blender cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd blender-files/ git diff git commit -am "updated new" git push cd .. cd blender-node-v2 ls git diff git commit -am "fixed memory problem" git push ssh gw-3d exitr exit g cd blender-node git checkout stable git log git cherry-pick fdd6972851ffb5258f1fe1fe771153516c11cb7b git mergetool git commit -am "stable also patched" git push npm install cd .. cd blender-files/ git push exit vim .bashrc exit ping g cd config/ git checkout tj-dev ping cd .. cd 3d-editor-v3 git pull npm install git commit -am "updated three path" git push cd .. 3d2 git pull git cherry-pick ab713ef git reset git cherry-pick 8f7dd59 git reset git reset --hard HEAR git reset --hard HEAD git checkout v3 ls cd .. cd 3d-pong/ ls git pull git checkout 3doo ls exit ssh gw-3d g cd config/ git diff git commit -am "scripts" git push ls git status git checkout gw-3d git merge tj-dev ls grep "gamewheel.local" * -R grep "gamewheel.local" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/gamewheel.local/" git diff cd nginx/ ls cat 3d-editor-v2.conf cd .. ls vim start_editor_v grep "usr/share/gamewheel/" * -R grep "usr/share/gamewheel/" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/usr\/share\/gamewheel/srv\/\/g" grep "usr/share/gamewheel/" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/usr\/share\/gamewheel/srv\/" git commit -am "gw-3d config" git push git pull git push ssh gw-3d git pull ls cd nginx/ ls rm api16pong.conf rm 3d-pong-editor.conf ls vim git commit -am "salesshuttle" git push ssh gw-3d ls cd .. l exit e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 st e2 cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "update image" git push ls git diff git commit -am "move share code" git push m exit g cd blender-node-v2/ ls npm install st cd blender-node-v2 npm install git diff git commit -am "push bone if exists" git push st ps exit cd /etc/nginx/ sudo vim nginx.conf exit g cd public/ l ls cd public/ ls git status ls vim package.json exit xit exit ssh gw-3d exit r cd 3d-pong/ ls cd js/ ls ln -s ../config.js vim config.js ls cd .. ls mv game-lib.js js ls cd js/ ls rm game-lib.js ln -s ../../game-lib/build/game-lib.js ls -l rm config.js ln -s ../../config/config.js ls cd .. ls rm config.js ls -l exit cd Downloads/ ls unzip mv express_prototype /usr/share/gamewheel/ exit g cd 3d-editor-v3/ git diff e3 exit g cd config/ lg ls git diff git commit -am "hosts update" git push git diff git commit -am "hosts fix" git push git pull git push git commit -am "updates hosts" git push git commit -am "removed debug urls" git push git diff git commit -am "config updates" git push eixt exit r st ./delete ps r st ./delete ps r st ps sudo service nginx restart r sudo service nginx restart r sudo service nginx restart r 88888888s sudo service nginx restart r sudo service nginx restart r 5r r 3 r cd 3d-pong/ npm remove --save cd node_modules/ rm gamewheel.public ls cd .. npm remove --save gamewheel.public ls -l r cd 3d-pong/ npm install npm install --save r st r e2 st s g cd blender-node-v3 git pull git checkout v2 git pull git checkout v2 git checkout v3 git merge v2 ls git mergetool git commit -am "keep symbolic link" git push ls rm game-lib-editor.js.orig ls git push sudo service nginx restart tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log sudo service nginx restart tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log m ls pm2 list st ps ssh gw-3d cd 3d-pong/ git pull git checkout facebook git merge 3doo st ps st ps ./delete ps st ps st ./delete ps r pm2 list mon m e l st e2 st l ssh gw-3d ls pm2 list e2 cd 3d-editor-v2 ls git checkout v2 gulp build git pull npm install vim src/index.html/index-head-start.html :q cd .. cd - gulp build l pm2 list cd config/ ls ./stop ./start cd .. cd 3d-editor-v2/uploads/gamewheel/root/root/test/ ls scp texture_* gw-3d:/srv/ cd .. l cd 3d-pong/ npm install l cd blender-node ls npm install cd .. cd 3d-editor cd .. cd 3d-pong npm install git diff ls npm install --save l cd vr_pong ls cd port/ cd .. ls cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "expressjs manages all pong now" git push ls cd .. ls rm 3d_v1 rm 3d_v2 rmdir 3d_v1 rmdir 3d_v2 ls ssh gw-3d exit cd Downloads/ ls cd pong_fetch_assets/ ls e1 e2 cd 3d-editor-v2 git push st ps r d ps cd 3d-pong/ npm remove --save three-obj npm remove --save stats.js r re r de d ps r d ps st ps r e1 r st d ps e2 d e1 ps r# r l cd 3d-pong/ git diff git status git add bin blender clients.js fonts img index.js js lib route server.js view git commit -am "client connect and rooms - pretty stable - need to do disconnect" git push cd .. ls cd api-v1.6/ git diff git commit -am "don't log result for now - its too much info" git push l r exit ps e1 e2 gl2 gulp r cd api-v2/ npm install --save file-system r cd blender-node-v2 ls r cat config/secure.js l exit e2 3d2 gulp 3d2 gulp exit gl2 gulp exit 3d2 cd src grep "editor_v2" * -R cd .. cd game-lib-v2 cd src/ grep "editor_v2" * -R cd .. ls 3d2 cd src/ grep "/upload/blender" * -R exit sudo apt-get install --update git sudo apt-get install --upgrade git sudo apt-get update ls apt-get install --upgrade git sudo apt-get install --upgrade git sudo apt-get autoremove git -v git --version sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa -y sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git git --version exit echo $JDK_HOME echo $JAVA_HOME java --version java -v java java -version cd .WebStorm2016.3/ ls cd config/ ls cd .. cd Downloads/WebStorm-162.1121.31/bin/ ls cd .. cd .WebStorm2016.3/ ls cd config/ ls ls *.jsd ls *.jdk find . -name "*.jdk" cd .. cd .WebStorm2016.1 ls cd .. ls cd Downloads/WebStorm-162.1121.31/ ls cd .. cd WebStorm-145.597.6/ ls cd bin/ ./ cd .. cd WebStorm-162.1121.31/ ls cd bin/ ls cd .. ls cd jre/ ls cd jtr cd jre/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd bin/ ./ exit e2 r exit l ls exot exit which chrome which google-chrome cd /usr/bin/ cat google-chrome ls | grep chrome readlink -f "$0" ./chrome chrome gl2 gulp ls gulp git diff git commit -am "v2_v3 updates" git push exit readlink -f "$0" cd /home/tj/bas cd /home/tj/bash cd bas cd bash dirname /home/tj/bash ls . | grep chrome 3d2 gulp git diff git branch v2_v3 git checkout v2_v3 git commit -am "progress to v3" git push git push -u origin v2_v3 exit g 3d2 cd src/ grep "" * -R grep "scene.cameras\[.*?\]" * -R grep "scene.cameras\[.*\]" * -R grep "scene.cameras\[.*\]" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scene.cameras\[.*\]/camera/" grep "EditorControls" * -R exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ cd in cd bin/ ./ exit cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd blender-node-v3 git pull cd .. cd blender-node-v2 git diff git commit -am "materials to scene" git push cd .. cd blender-node-v3 git pull git merge v2 git checkout v2 git pull ls git diff git checkout v3 cd .. cd blender-node-v2 git pull cd .. cd game-lib-v2/ git diff cd .. cd game-lib-v3 git diff git commit -am "textures and materials stored to scene" git push git pull git push cd .. cd game-lib-v2 git diff git commit -am "materials and textures stuff needs updates" git push git pull git push vim package.json git diff v git diff v3 git checkout v3 git pull git checkout v2 git diff v3 git branch v2_v3 git checkout v2_v3 git merge v3 git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push git push -u origin v2_v3 git diff git status git checkout src/game-lib-d3-api-material.js git status exit 3d2 cd src/ grep "GameLib.*ImageFactory" * -R cd .. gll2 gl2 cd src/ grep "GameLib.*ImageFactory" * -R grep "new.*Color" * -R grep "new.*Color" * -R -c4 grep "new.*Color" * -Rc4 grep "new.*Color" * -R -C4 killall google-chrome killall chrome sudo poweroff ibus restart sudo service nginx restart gl2 gulp git commit -am "getting therer -- deep linking objects" git push 3d2 gulp git commit -am "deep linked objects" git push e2 r cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/bin/. ls ./ exit e1 cd 3d-editor cd uploads/ ls cd gamewheel/3doo/ cd root/pong/ ls scp * gw-3d:/srv/ scp * gw-3d:/srv/ ssh gw-demo ssh gw-3d ps m l r ssh gw-demo ssh gw-3d exit exit ssh gw-3d ssh gw-demo exit ssh gw-3d exit gnome-calculator g cd 3d-pong/ grep "facebookShare" * -R grep "facebookShare" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/facebookShare/facebookInvite/g" exit 3d1 3d grep "renderId" * -R -C4 cd src/ grep "renderId" * -R -C4 3d2 cd src/ grep "renderId" * -R -C4 ~#] git cd .. cd 3d-pong/ git diff git status git commit -am "facebook share start and end scenes done with responsiveness" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "uploads to api" git push cd .. cd blender-node-v2/ git diff git commit -am "backwards compatible" git push cd .. cd api-v2/ git diff git commit -am "uploads to API" git push cd .. cd 3d-editor-v3 git diff git commit -am "unneeded" git push exit ps r ps r l r l r l exit g cd 3d-pong/ git commit -am "server updates" git push sudo poweroff exit l cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit "touch movement, server updates" git commit -am "touch movement, server updates" git push exit ps l r s st d ps st ps r r# r exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/bin/ ls ./ ps r e1 e2 d e2 d ps e1` e1 r d ps r e1 r cd 3d-pong/ npm remove --save cannong npm remove --save cannon r cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "our own physics - fullscreen, vr mode in end scene, etc" git push git commit -am "computer gets scared" git push exit 3d1 3d ls git branc git branch -a git checkout facebook r 3d2 ls git log git checkout 873d4f7576e575691822f6420a407f9185f28bd5 git pull git reset --hard HEAD git pull git checkout v2_v3 ls cd .. cd game-lib-v2 git diff cd src/ grep "parentObjects" * -R gulp gulp build git diff git commit -am "parent F*n object wtf??" git push exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ cd bin ./ exit l gnome-screenshot gnome-screenshot --help gnome-screenshot -w -B -d 3 exit p ps r st r st r st r cd 3d-pong/ ls st e1 r d e1 vim /etc/hosts r ps r d ps r d e1 r d ps r gl ls git branc git branch git diff gulp exit ssh gw-3d exit l cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "multi-player motion queues" git push exit gl1 gl gulp r st r 5r r st r ssh gw-3d r exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ cd bin/. ./ exit ls ls -l g ls -l cd con cd config/ git commit -am "bash stuff" git push ls exit g cd config/ git pull cd cyb git checkout cybafelo git pull ls git checkout tj-dev git checkout cybafelo -- bash_aliases git checkout cybafelo -- bashrc git checkout cybafelo -- progress_* git checkout cybafelo -- ubuntu* ls git checkout cybafelo -- vimrc.local git checkout cybafelo -- .gitignore ls git status vim ~/.bashrc ls -l cd ls rm .bashrc ls ls -l ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/bashrc \.bashrc ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/bash_aliases \.bash_aliases ls -l sudo mv .bash_history /usr/share/gamewheel/config/bash_history mv .bash_history /usr/share/gamewheel/config/bash_history ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/bash_history \.bash_history ls -l f g cd config/ git status git add bash_history vim bash_aliases exit exut exit ls -l g ls ls -l exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ cd bin/ ./ exit ls g cd config/ ls ls -l exit g cd con cd config/ ls git commit -am "better colors" git push ls -l exit vim .bashrc :q exit ls g cd config/ ls -l ls exit gf g ls -l g cd config/ exit ls g cd config/ exit g exit g ls exit ps r t r d e1 r exit ls exit ls -l g ls -l vim ~/.bashrc ls exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/bin/ ./ exit gedit g cd config/ git commit -am "basg " git push g r ps d e1 r d ps r d e1 r d ps d e1 d ps r d e1 r d r ps r d e1 d ps r d e1 r d ps r cd 3d-pong/ grep "renderPlayer1DOM" * -R grep "renderPlayer1DOM" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/renderPlayer1DOM/renderPlayersWaitingDOM/g" grep "renderPlayersWaitingDOM" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/renderPlayersWaitingDOM/renderPlayersReadyDOM/g" grep "renderPlayer0DOM" * -lR | xargs sed -i "s/renderPlayers0DOM/renderPlayersWaitingDOM/g" r d e1 r l exit g cd config/ gnome-screenshot -a exit cd /var/lib/python/ ls cd .. ls find . -name "ubuntu_lo" * -R find . -name "ubuntu_lo*" cd .. find . -name "ubuntu_lo*" cd .. find . -name "ubuntu_lo*" cd lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ ls sudo rm ubuntu_logo.png sudo rm ubuntu_logo16.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ubuntu_logo.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ubuntu_logo16.png sudo rm progress_dot_on16.png sudo rm progress_dot_on.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/progress_dot_on.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/progress_dot_on16.png exit vim .bashrc exit g cd config/ ls git status git commit -am "updated logo" git push exit ls g exit g exit g exit g gl git diff git status find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm git commit -am "server side load" git push git pull git push cd .. cd 3d-pong/ git status vim .gitignore git status git add .gitignore git commit -am "connection management hell" git push exit g cd 3d-pong/ grep "roomWaitingCount" * -R grep "roomWaitingCount" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/roomWaitingCount/connectionCount/g" git commit -am "ok - so - connection management ok outside of running game" git push git diff HEAD exit ps r d e1 d ps r st d e1 r d ps d e1 r d ps r d e1 r d ps r exit l cd 3d-pong git diff git commit -am "update matrixworld in order to process physics server side" git push exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ cd bin/ ./ exit ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-3d exit gnome-calculator g cd vr_po cd 3d-pong/ grep "currentPowerup" * -R grep "currentPowerup" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/currentPowerup/currentPowerups/g" git commit -am "start powerup" git checkout facebook grep "vr_pong" * -R git diff git commit -am "getting ready for release" git push git diff git commit -am "url fixes - bringing it live" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git checkout gw-3d git diff tj-dev git checkout tj-dev cd 3d-po cd .. cd 3d-pong grep "labelGameUrl" * -R grep "labelGameUrl" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/labelGameUrl/labelCopyToClipboard/g" git commit -am "stuff" git push exit gnome-calculator g cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "styles for devices" git push ssh gw-3d r e1 r cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/bin/ ./ c cd 3d-pong/ git pull cd .. cd 3d-editor git status git pull git checkout stable git pull git status rm output.log rm sorted.log vim .gitignore rm tiny-ecs.js ls git status rm -rf .idea ls git commit -am "gitignore update" git push cd .. ls cd config/ git status git pull git commit -am "stuff" git push git pull cd .. ls cd 3d-editor gulp build cd .. cd game-lib git pull gulp build r cd config/ git status vim config.js r l ps e1 l d ps cd 3d-pong/ git branch powerup git checkout powerup r cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "disable powerups for now" git push git push -u origin powerup d ps r d t ps cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls ln -s ../sites-available/3doo.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3doo.conf ls sudo service nginx restart g cd config/ git diff git status git commit -am "3doo config" git push git checkout gw-3d git pull git checkout tj-dev git log git checkout gw-3d git cherry-pick 4f952afff1a055d304e5e9b44fa262075e52f383 ls git mergetool git commit -am "hosts update" cd nginx/ git status cd .. rm hosts.orig cd nginx/ ls vim 3doo.conf grep "gamewheel.local" * -R grep "gamewheel.local" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/gamewheel.local/" git diff git commit -am "3doo nginx setup" git push git diff git commit -am "fixed config for vr pong" git push git checkout tj-dev cd .. r cd config/ ls git diff git commit -am "clients move to config" git push git checkout gw-3d git checkout tj-dev -- bash_aliases git checkout tj-dev -- bash_rc git checkout tj-dev -- bashrc r# r cd config/ git checkout tj-dev -- clients.js grep "gamewheel.local" * -R grep "gamewheel.local" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/gamewheel.local/" git diff git commit -am "clients into config" git push git pull git push git checkout tj-dev r sudo service nginx restart d ps r d ps cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "viewport attempt fix" git push git diff git commit -am "aparently old" git push git commit -am "typo" git push r cd 3d-pong/ git commit -am "more" git push git commit -am "more" git push git commit -am "more" git push r cd 3d-pong/ grep "pFriendStatus" * -R grep "pFriendStatus" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/pFriendStatus/divFriendStatus/g" grep "pLoadStatus" * -R grep "divFriendStatus" * -R grep "divFriendStatus" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divFriendStatus/divStatus/g" npm install -g weinre sudo npm install -g weinre ifconfig ssh gw-3d c cd 3d-pong/ grep "pEndScene" * -R grep "pEndScene" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/pEndScene/divEndScene/g" grep "pStartScene" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/pStartScene/divStartScene/g" git commit -am "also landscape" git push ssh gw-3d c cd 3d-pong/ git commit -am "display touch" git push ssh gw-3d git commit -am "normal start scene" git push ssh gw-3d git diff git commit -am "remove display touch" git push ssh gw-3d git commit -am "remove target densitydpi" git push ssh gw-3d exit r t r cd 3d-pong/ git commit -am "reponsive design" git push r cd 3d-pong/ git commit -am "fix z index" git push git commit -am "pointer lock" git push git diff git commit -am "app id" git push git diff git commit -am "redirect" git push exit l exit ps r exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ ls cd bin/ ls ./ exti exit r cd 3d- cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "fixed css for end scene" git push ssh gw-3d git diff git commit -am "fb restore" git push ssh gw-3d c cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "fb send fix 1" git push ssh gw-3d git commit -am "try to get send button nice" git push ssh gw-3d p vim /usr/share/gamewheel/config/bash_aliases exit p git diff git reset --hard HEAD git pull ssh gw-3d git diff git commit -am "exit pointerlock for IOS" git push ssh gw-3d git diff git commit -am "attempt pointer lock fix 2" git push ssh gw-3d git diff git commit -am "keep game over static" git push ssh gw-3d exit g cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "e" git push git checkout master git merge powerup git push ps r p cd config/ git diff git commit -am "share stuff" git push cd .. cd config/ cd .. cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "sharing ok now" git push git diff r cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "updated pong image" git push # git diff git commit -am "quote" git push git diff git commit -am "request pointerlock on replay" git push git diff git commit -am "directly" git push git commit -am "dont show status div during gameplay" git push git commit -am "request pointer lock on canvas element" git push git commit -am "pointer lock again on body" git push git commit -am "overflow y hidden" git push git commit -am "prevent default" git push git diff git commit -am "div status" git push exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ cd bin/ ./ ps r st d e1 r d ps r st d e1 r st e1 r cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "fixes" git push ssh gw-3d cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/bin/ ./ exit l d ps r d e1 p git diff git commit -am "physics updates - multiplayer updates" git push ssh gw-3d r d ps p git commit -am "random speed in multiplayer" git push git diff git commit -am "slow down a bit" git push r p git diff "30" git push git diff git commit -am "copy to clipboard for IOS" git push r p git commit -am "move ball when running" git push git commit -am "ios copy" git push cd .. cd api-v1.6/ git remote -v cd .. ls cd GW_Runtime/ ls git checkout master ssh gw-3d cd .. p git diff git commit -am "tracking" git push exit l ssh gw-3d ssh gw-runtime ssh gw-rt ssh gw-3d l ssh gw-3d exit l ssh gw-3d exit ps e1 r p git commit -am "last few issues" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "clients update" git push git checkout gw-3d git checkout tj-dev -- clients.js vim clients.js git commit -am "updated clients.js" git push git checkout tj-dev ssh gw-3d git checkout gw-3d git push git pull git push git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push rm *.orig ls git checkout tj-dev ssh gw-3d exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ cd bin/ ./ exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/ cd bin/ ./ exit e1 ssh gw-3d cd 3d-editor git diff git branch v2_v3 git checkout v2_v3 ls gulp git diff git merge stable git checkout stable git checkout v2_v3 gulp git diff git checkout v2 git commit -am "starting merge to v2" git push git push -u origin v2_v3 git pull git push git push --set-upstream origin v2_v3 git checkout stable git branch v2_v3_stable git checkout v2_v3_stable git merge v2 git mergetool git commit -am "merging v2" git push git push --set-upstream origin v2_v3_stable git merge v3 git checkout v3 git checkout v2_v3_stable git merge v3 git mergetool git commit -am "everything in - now get it stable" git push git status find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls gulp ls rm game-lib* ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-editor.js ls gulp build/ gulp build gulp ls rm game-lib-editor.js ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib-runtime.js gulp exit 3d cd src/ grep "divCanvas" * -R grep "divCanvas" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divCanvas/divEditorCanvas/g" grep "divEditorCanvas" grep "divEditorCanvas" * -R grep "editorApiEntityManager" * -R grep "editorApiEntityManager" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/editorApiEntityManager/apiEditorEntityManager/g" grep "gameApiEntityManager" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/gameApiEntityManager/apiGameEntityManager/g" git diff git commit -am "where to store components" git push cd .. cd game-lib git diff git commit -am "where to store components" git push cd .. ls cd blender-node git diff exit p git diff git commit -am "end vr mode label" git push cd .. cd 3d-editor git diff ls cd .. cd game-lib git diff git pull git branch -a git checkout v2_v3 ls gulp ubil gulp r cd game-lib ls cd src/ ls cd .. ls gulp exit 3d grep "scene3d" * -R cd src/ grep "scene3d" * -R grep "scene3d" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scene3d/scene/g" grep "scenesList" * -R grep "scenesList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/scenesList/divScenesList/g" grep "threeScene" * -R grep "threeScene" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/threeScene/scene.instance/g" grep "divContainerId" * -R cd .. cd api-v1.6/ git checkout stable git status vim .gitignore git reset --hard HEAD git pull git status git branch stable_v2_v3 git checkout stable_v2_v3 git checkout v2 git pull git checkout stable_v2_v3 git merge v2 git checkout v3 git pull git checkout stable_v2_v3 git merge v3 git mergetool git commit -am "api merge conflicts" git push git push -u origin stable_v2_v3 find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls git status r cd 3d-editor grep "skeletonHelper" * -R cd src/ grep "skeletonHelper" * -R grep "divSystemsList" * -R grep "divSystemsList" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/divSystemsList/divSystems/g" grep "inputLogin" * -R grep "rUsername" * -R grep "rUsername" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/rUsername/inputRUsername/g" grep "rPassword" * -R grep "rPassword" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/rPassword/inputRPassword/g" grep "inputRUsername" * -R grep "inputRUsername" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRUsername/inputRegisterUsername/g" grep "inputRPassword" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/inputRPassword/inputRegisterPassword/g" ibus restart cd .. gulp exit l cd blender-node git diff git status rm -rf .idea/ git status find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls git status git pull git status vim .gitignore rm src/output.log rm src/test rm trackTest3.blend git status git add .gitignore git commit -am "gitignore" git push git branch -a branch v2_v3 git branch v2_v3 git checkout v2_v3 git merge v2 git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push git push --set-upstream origin v2_v3 git status find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm git push git merge v3 git checkout v3 git checkout v2 git pull git merge v3 git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push git checkout v2_v3 git merge v3 git commit -am "merged v3" git push find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls git status git push npm install git status 3d cd src/ grep "api_v3" * -R grep "api_v3" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/api_v3/api16/g" exit ssh gw-3d exit ssh gw-3d ssh gw-3d exit gnome-screenshot -a ssh gw-3d scp -r Desktop/pdf-embedder gw-3d:/srv/ ssh gw-3d exit gnome-screenshot -a exit gnome-screenshot -a gl cd src/ grep "linkObjects" * -R git diff git commit -am "entities are components" git push csd .. cd .. cd 3d-editor git commit -am "entities are components" git push exit gnome-screenshot --help gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f=slide_1.png gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f="Cslide_1.png" gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_1.png" gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_1.png" --display 1 gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_1.png" --display=1 gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_1.png" --display=0 gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_1.png" --display 0 gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_1.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_2.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_3.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_4.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_5.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_6.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_7.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_8.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_9.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_10.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_11.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_12.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_13.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_14.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_15.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_16.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_17.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_18.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_19.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_20.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_21.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_22.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_23.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_24.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_25.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_26.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_27.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_28.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_1.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_0.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_1.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_21.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "slide_17.png" -w e1 r l exit 3d gulp exit gl gulp exit r 3d cd src/ cd .. grep "<<" * -R cd src/ grep "<<" * -R grep "<<.*HEAD" * -R r d e1 r r# cd api-v1.6/ git diff grep "<<" * -R grep "<<.*HEAD" * -R r cd api-v1.6/ npm install r sudo service nginx restart ps d e1 r sudo service nginx restart r sudo service nginx restart cd 3d-pong/ git diff git commit -am "increase timeout" git push ssh gw-3d git diff git commit -am "bit slower" git push ssh gw-3d git diff git commit -am "reset ball position" git push ssh gw-3d git diff git commit -am "reset ball position" git push ssh gw-3d git commit -am "reset ball position" git push ssh gw-3d exit dl gl git branch v2_v3_stable git checkout v2_v3_stable git push -u origin v2_v3_stable cd .. cd blender-node git branch v2_v3_stable git checkout v2_v3_stable git push -u origin v2_v3_stable git checkout stable cd .. cd api-v1.6/ git diff git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push git branch v2_v3_stable git checkout v2_v3_stable git push -u origin v2_v3_stable git checkout stable l ssh gw-3d r l ssh gw-3d p git commit -am "logging" git push git diff git commit -am "orientation callback" git push git commit -am "orientaiton check" git push git commit -am "invert y log" git push git commit -am "assign orientaiton" git push # git commit -am "invert y" git push git diff git commit -am "test for z" git push git commit -am "pong trails also in waiting mode" git push git commit -am "try to fix z motion" git push git commit -am "clamp Z" git push git commit -am "clamp to width not depth" git push ssh gw-3d r l ssh gw-3d l ssh gw-3d l ssh gw-3d gedit ssh gw-3d 3d ps cd game-lib git checkout stable ps st cd game-lib npm install ps cd game-lib git branch -a vim package.json st cd game-lib gulp build r p git commit -am "end scene css - timeout increase also timeout for single player mode" git push r p git diff git commit -am "start end scenes, start vr mode invert" git push ssh gw-3d git diff git commit -am "log beta" git push ssh gw-3d git commit -am "no keepalive message" git push ssh gw-3d git diff git commit -am "whitespace" r p git commit -am "motion callback for orientaiton" git push ssh gw-3d git commit -am "attempt 2" git push git commit -am "invert y" git push git log git checkout 7c1267985145bdb83a76c77ba7b9f33f5aee56b3 git diff git reset --hard HEAD git checkout 7c1267985145bdb83a76c77ba7b9f33f5aee56b3 git branch motion_fix git checkout motion_fix git commit -am "motion fix attempt 2" git push -u origin motion_fix git diff git diff HEAD git diff 7c1267985145bdb83a76c77ba7b9f33f5aee56b3 git diff git commit -am "motion fix" git push r p git diff git commit -am "only single player has timeouts" git push git commit -am "typpo" git push git branch git checkout master git merge motion_fix git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git push find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ssh gw-3d r git diff p git diff r p git diff git commit -am "reset timeout" git push git diff git commit -am "motion orientaiton in single player mode only" git push git commit -am "update position" git push r p git commit -am "multi player waitmode for server" git push r p git commit -am "also in waitmode for orientaiton" git push r p git diff git commit -am "alternate end scenes" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "updated clients" git push ls p git diff git commit -am "solid background for end scene" git push r 3 p git commit -am "vr countdown" git push git commit -am "longer timout" git push git commit -am "replay hover" git push git commit -am "reset clock delta before start" git push git diff git commit -am "more info on game start - remove orientation event on game start" git push gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "debug_info" -w cd gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "debug_info" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "debug_info.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "debug_info_client.png" -w gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "debug_info_server.png" -w exit cd Downloads/WebStorm-145.597.6/bin/ ./ exit r l ssh gw-3d cd api-v1.6/ git remote -v exit gnome-screenshot -d 3 -f "reservations.png" -w exit idevicepair sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice-utils idevicepair unpair && idevicepair pair idevicepair unpair idevicepair pair idevicepair unpair idevicepair pair idevicepair unpair idevicepair pair dmesg sudo reboot sudo apt-get install libtasn1-6 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cd /var/lib/lockdown/ ls cd .. chmod 777 lockdown sudo chmod 777 lockdown idevicepair pair cd /var/lib/lockdown/ ls sudo rm -f *.plist ls -l sudo idevicepair pair ls rm d68ba0eb60868271ff156683f8425faeac4fbec1.plist ls -l sudo idevicepair pair ls rm d68ba0eb60868271ff156683f8425faeac4fbec1.plist ls cd /mnt/ l ls cd /mnt/ ls tail -f /var/log/syslog exit sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice-utils ifuse exit sudo idevicepair unpair && sudo idevicepair pair exit cd .confi` cd .config ls exit gconftool dconf sudo apt-get install dconf-editor dconf-editor exit sudo apt-get install vino g l;s ls cd app ls npm install git remote -v cd .. cd gate/ git pull git checkout develop npm install cd .. cd cdn git pull git checkout develop git pull git status rm npm-debug.log ls npm install ls rm npm-debug.log ls -l cd ... cd connect cd .. git clone connect cd connect/ git pull git checkout develop git pull git status rm mongoose.js.orig npm install ls -l cd .. git clone gamewheel cd gamewheel git branch -a git checkout develop ls cd .. cd helper/ git pull git checkout develop npm install cd .. git clone cd gamewheel-config/ ls git branch -a git checkout develop ls npm install cd .. cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls ln -s ../sites-available/gate.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/gate.conf sudo service nginx restart c cd gamewheel-config/ ls git branch -a git checkout gw-crispy cd .. cd app ls gulp bower install gulp gulp build git branch -a ls -l cd .. ls cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls rm gate.conf ls -l sudo rm gate.conf ls -l sudo ln -s ../sites-available/app.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/cdn.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/gate-content-asset.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/port-gamestate.conf ls -l sudo service nginx restart ls -l c ls cd api ls pm2 ls cd .. ls ln -s config/start_api ln -s config/start_app ln -s config/start_gate ln -s config/start_port ls -l a exit c cd ap cd api ls git pull git status rm start-api-tests ls -l git status r cd api ls git pull r l cd app ls bower gulp build r cd app ls git diff cd .. ls cd api ls git diff cd .. cd config/ ls git diff git status git commit -am "app configuration" git push cd .. cd gamewheel-config/ ls cd .. cd config/ git branch crispy-dev git checkout crispy-dev ls grep "/usr/share/gamewheel" * -R grep "/usr/share/gamewheel" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/\/usr\/share\/gamewheel/\/home\/bugspencer\//g" git commit -am "crispy config" git push -u origin crispy-dev ls -l cd .. cd config/ git checkout tj-dev ls git pull ls -l cd .. cd gamewheel-config/ git diff git checkout develop ls git reset --hard HEAD git pull git checkout develop ls -l cd .. cd config/ ls git branch -a git checkout crispy-dev ls git checkout gw-beta git checkout tj-dev git branch gw-beta git checkout gw-beta ls git diff git commit -am "gw-beta config" git push git push -u origin gw-beta cd .. ls cd gamewheel-config/ git branch -a cd .. rm -rf gamewheel-config cd config/ vim .git/config git pull git push git branch -a git checkout tj-dev git push -u origin :gw-crispy git pull git branch -a exit r cd config/ git diff r sudo service nginx restart r exit ssh gw-beta c cd api git diff git commit -am "channel not content" git push r# r ssh gw-beta vim ~/.ssh/config ssh gw-beta vim ~/.ssh/config ssh gw-beta exit ssh gw-beta r l exit mail_server cd node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ cd cd node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ ls vim settings.js ls vim routes.js pm2 start capto --node-args="run" --name capto-mail pm2 list r d ./start_mail r l npm capto npm capto run pm2 start capto -- run l d st s l cd api ls d api app gate port mail_server l cd controller/ git diff git commit -am "mail controller" git push git pull git push r l r l cd model/ git pull r l cd config/ git pull git checkout gw-beta git reset --hard HEAD git checkout gw-beta git pull git checkout tj-dev git reset --hard HEAD git checkout tj-dev ls ping ping ping git diff git commit -am "fix api nginx" git push exit c cd cong cd config/ git diff git commit -am "history" git push cd .. ls l ls git clone controller cd controller/ ls npm install cd .. ls cd model/ ls git remote -v git pull git checkout develop git pull cd .. ls cd controller/ ls git checkout develop git pull cd .. ls cd model/ npm install cd .. cd api ls git diff git status git remote -v git pull npm install # cd .. ls cd port/ ls git pull git remote -v git checkout develop git pull cd .. cd app ls cd app git clone drwxrwsr-x 8 tj www-data 4096 Mär 20 11:03 port git clone git clone app ls ls -l cd app git checkout develop npm install sudo apt-get install vino vino-p vino-preferences ifconfig vino-preferences vino-passwd /usr/lib/vino/vino-server cd cd Downloads/ ls tar -xf vnc-4_1_3-x86_linux.tar.gz cd vnc-4_1_3-x86_linux/ ls ./vncserver vim README ./vncinstall /usr/local/bin/ sudo ./vncinstall /usr/local/bin/ vncserver sudo vncserver vim README vncpasswd sudo vncpasswd sudo apt-get install libstdc++6 ls vncconfig Xvnc nmap localhost sudo apt-get install nmap nmap localhost ifconfig vino-preferences nmap localhost sudo service vino restart killall vino-server /usr/lib/vino/vino-server vino-preferences /usr/lib/vino/vino-server vino-preferences /usr/lib/vino/vino-server cd /usr/share/vino/ ls /usr/lib/vino/vino-server gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false /usr/lib/vino/vino-server vino-preferences /usr/lib/vino/vino-server --helkp /usr/lib/vino/vino-server --help /usr/lib/vino/vino-server --help-all /usr/lib/vino/vino-server --help-sm-client sudo gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false /usr/lib/vino/vino-server --help-sm-client /usr/lib/vino/vino-server ifconfig /usr/lib/vino/vino-server exit cd cd config/ git pull git diff exit gedit xit exit c cd config/ ls git diff git commit -am "mail server config" git push git pull git checkout gw-beta -- nginx/gate-content-asset.conf ls cd nginx/ ls vim gate-content-asset.conf git reset --hard HEAD^1 git pull git checkout gw-beta git pull git checkout tj-dev git checkout gw-beta -- nginx/gate-content-asset.conf git checkout gw-beta -- nginx/gate.conf cd .. git checkout gw-beta -- nginx/gate-content-asset.conf vim nginx/gate-content-asset.conf sudo service nginx restart cd /etc/nginx/ ls grep "443" * -R vim sites-available/backup/www.conf sudo vim sites-available/backup/www.conf sudo mv ssl.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/nginx/ ls ln -s sites-available/ssl.conf sudo ln -s sites-available/ssl.conf ls vim ssl.conf sudo service nginx restart vim sites-enabled/gate-content-asset.conf c cd config/ ls git status git add nginx/ssl.conf git status git commit -am "ssl configuration" git push sudo service nginx restart cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls c cd config/ ls cd nginx/ ls git checkout crispy-dev -- mail.conf vim mail.conf git add mail.conf git commit -am "mail server" git push sudo service nginx restart ls cd .. ls vim start git pull git push cp start_gate start_mail ls vim start_mail ./start_mail l vim config/hosts l exit cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls vim 3d-editor vim 3d-editor.conf ls rm gate-content-asset.conf sudo rm gate-content-asset.conf sudo ln ../sites-available/gate-content-asset.conf 01-gate.conf ls sudo ln -s ../sites-available/gate-content-asset.conf 01-gate.conf rm 01-gate.conf sudo rm 01-gate.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/gate-content-asset.conf 01-gate.conf ls sudo service nginx restart vim 3d-editor-v2.conf sudo rm 3d-editor-v2.conf sudo rm 3d-editor-v3.conf sudo rm api-v2.conf sudo rm api-v3.conf ls sudo vim 3d-editor.conf ssh gw-beta ls rm 01-gate.conf sudo rm * sudo ln -s ../sites-available/gate-content-asset.conf 01-gate-content-asset.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/port-gamestate.conf 05-port-gamestate.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api.conf 10-api.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/api-v1.6.conf 10-api-v1.6.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/app.conf 10-app.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/cdn.conf 20-cdn.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-pong.conf 30-3d-pong.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3doo.conf 30-3doo.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-editor 40-3d-editor.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-racing.conf 50-3d-racinf.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/tools.conf 50-tools.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/mail.conf 60-mail.conf ls rm 40-3d-editor.conf sudo rm 40-3d-editor.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/3d-editor.conf 40-3d-editor.conf ls sudo mv 50-3d-racinf.conf 50-3d-racing.conf ls sudo service nginx restart ls vim 40-3d-editor.conf vim 01-gate-content-asset.conf ls rm * sudo rm * ln -s ../sites-available/server.conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/server.conf sudo service nginx restart ls vim server.conf sudo service nginx restart ssh gw-api ssh gw-beta cd .. cd conf.d/ ls ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/nginx/ports.conf sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/nginx/ports.conf sudo service nginx restart ls cd .. ls vim nginx.conf mv nginx.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/nginx/ sudo mv nginx.conf /usr/share/gamewheel/config/nginx/ sudo ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/nginx/nginx.conf ls vim nginx.conf ls c cd config/ ls cd nginx/ l ls cd ng cd config/ cd nginx/ ls chown tj:www-data * sudo chown tj:www-data * ls sudo service nginx restart ls sudo service nginx restart 3 e1 m sudo service nginx restart ls sudo service nginx restart ls ./start_po ./start_pong l exit