git diff grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel\/" * -R grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel\/" * -R --exclude=bash_history grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel\/" * -lR --exclude=bash_history | xargs sed -i "s/\/usr\/share\/gamewheel/\/home\/gamewheel\/app/" git diff git commit -am "beta config" git pushg git push git push -u origin gw-beta cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd .. cd / g ls ls -l ./update_all cd api ls git diff cd .. cd controller/ ls git diff git commit -am "mail controller" git push git pull gitp ush git push cd .. ls cd api git reset --hard HEAD git pull git commit -am "start mail signup" git push r cd app/ l cd api git dif cd .. cd app/ ls git diff gulp build bower install gulp build ssh gw-beta r list sudo service nginx restart r list r d start s ssh gw-bet ssh gw-beta exit g cd controller/ ls git commit -am "reset and changed mail" git push exit c cd controller/ git commit -am "fixes" git push cd .. cd ap cd api git diff git commit -am "sign up mail" git push r exit ping ssh gw-beta ext exit ssh gw-beta exit start s exit l exit list m r m exit cd config/ ls cp inputrc /usr/share/gamewheel/config/ c cd config/ ls vim inputrc git status git add inputrc git commit -am "inputrc" git push cd .. c cd ls rm \.inputrc ln -s /usr/share/gamewheel/config/inputrc \.inputrc ls exit start s cd ~/node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ ls vim settings.js ssh gw-beta mong mongo ssh gw-beta exit ifconfig exit ping ping ping exit mongo ssh gw-beta c cd app cd test/ mkdir specs ls cd specs/ ls cd .. node test.js cd test ls cd specs/ ls vim test_app.js ls cd .. cd 3d-editor ls cd test/ ls cd integration/ ls vim test-3d-editor.js # ls cd .. ls cd app ls npm install --save-dev assert npm install --save-dev rmdir node test.js exit cd /usr/local/bin/ ls sudo mv chromedriver chromedriver.bak cp ~/Downloads/chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip . sudo cp ~/Downloads/chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip . sudo unzip chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip ls -l sudo rm chromedriver_linux64\ \(1\).zip ls chromedriver npm install -g v8debug v8debug npm remove -g v8debug sudo npm install -g v8debug v8debug cd /usr/local/bin/ ls which v8debug node -v c cd app/ npm update rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd port/ ls cd bin git diff ls vim start cd .. cd api ls rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd gate rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd port/ rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd cdn/ ls cd .. ls cd config/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd connect/ ls rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd controller/ ls rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. ls cd helper/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd model rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd port/ ls rm -rf node_modules npm install r sudo npm remove -f pm2 sudo npm install pm2 r sudo npm remove pm2 sudo npm install -g pm2 pm2 pm2 --version r d pm2 update d s cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd conf.d l cd /etc/nginx/conf.d ls vim ports.conf xc c cd app l m l cd ls ls -l | grep node cd .npm ls cd .. mv \.npm \.npm.bak cd c ./start_api npm install npm which npm cd .. cd /usr/bin ls | grep npm cd ../lib ls ls | grep node cd no cd node_modules/ l cd - ls cd npm ls cd bin/ ls npm cd .. cd local/bin/ ls which npm npm cd rm -f node-v4.4.2.bak rm -rf node-v4.4.2.bak sudo rm -rf node-v4.4.2.bak sudo rm \.npm sudo rm -rf \.npm sudo apt-get remove nodejs sudo npm sudo apt-get remove npm sudo apt-get autoremove node sudo apt-get remove node grep "node" * -R ls cd /usr/local/bin l ls cd vim bash_a c cd config/ vim bash_aliases :q exit sudo npm remove -g capto sudo npm install -g capto capto run cd node-v4.4.2/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ ls mv settings.js.example settings.js sudo mv settings.js.example settings.js r cd ls c cd config/ ls vim start_mail sudo npm remove -g capto captoinfo sudo npm install -g capto capto run npm --help npm config npm config lsit npm config list npm config ls -l ls -l cd ls which node node -v ls -l cd node-v4.4.2/ ls tree . cd .. mv node-v4.4.2 node-v4.4.2.bak capto run npm node --help ls ls grep "node" ls | grep "node" grep "node-v4.4.2" * -R cd /etc/ grep "node-v4.4.2" * -R node npm echo $(NPM_HOME) npmrc ls cd vim .npmrc cd /usr/local/ ls cd lib/ ls cd .. ls cd .. cd lib ls find . -name "node_modules" cd .. find . -name "node_modules" cd local/ find . -name "node_modules" ls -l cd bin/ ls sudo apt-get install npm ls npm ls cd .. ls cd lib/ ls rm node_modules sudo rm node_modules sudo apt-get install --update npm sudo apt-get install --upgrade npm npm cd .. cd bin ls rm bower sudo rm bower sudo rm browserify sudo rm capto sudo rm cloc sudo rm grunt sudo rm gulp sudo rm hs sudo rm http-server sudo rm n sudo rm node* ;s ls rm npm sudo rm npm sudo rm pm2 sudo rm pm2-* sudo rm rundev sudo rm selenium-standalone sudo rm start-selenium sudo rm tsc sudo rm tsserver sudo rm typings sudo rm weinre ls ln -s sudo apt-get remove npm node sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get install npm npm node pm2 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install pm2 npm install pm2 sudo npm install -g pm2 cd Dow cd cd Downloads/ ls tar -xf node-v6.10.1-linux-x64.tar.xz cd node-v6.10.1-linux-x64/ ls vim ls cd bin/ ls no ./node cd .. ls curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install nodejs npm npm -v node -v npm install -g pm2 sudo npm install -g pm2 ls -l r ls -l d s r cd config/ ls vim start_mail cd .. npm install -g capto sud onpm install -g capto sudo npm install -g capto capto run cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/capto/app/config/ ls sudo mv settings.js.example settings.js capto run cd .. ls cd .. ls npm install sudo npm install capto run cd .. ls sudo npm install -g coffee-script capto run r ls -l cd app/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd api rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. ls cd cdn/ ls cd .. cd config/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd connect/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd controller/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd gamewheel ls npm install cd .. ls cd gate/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd helper rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd model rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd port rm -rf node_modules/ npm install r ls -l ./start_app ls vim start_api grep "debug=" * -R grep "debug=" * grep "debug=" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/debug=/inspect=/" grep "debug=" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/debug\=/inspect\=/" grep "debug=" * -l | xargs sed -i "s/debug\\=/inspect\\=/" ls vim start_ap vim start_api ls m ./start_ap ./start_api cd ls cd .npm l cd cd .npm ls cd .. node -v which node cd /usr/bin/ ls | grep node cd .. cd lib ls | grep node cd node_modules/ ls cd npm/ ls cd .. ls which node cd /usr/bin/ ls cd .. cd local/ cd lib/ ls cd node_modules/ ls l exit node npm ls -l ls | grep npm rm .npmrc rm .npm.bak/ rm .npm.bak rm -rf .npm.bak ls | grep npm ls | grep node rm -rf \.node-gyp sudo rm -rf .node-gyp sudo rm -rf .node_repl_history ls ls -l | grep pm2 rm -rf \.pm2 ls -l ls | grep pm2 ls | grep node ls | grep npm ls -l sudo apt-get install nodejs node -v sudo apt-get install npm sudo apt-get install --fix-missing sudo apt-get remove nodejs sudo apt-get remove node curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo apt-get install -y build-essential sudo apt-get install npm sudo apt-get update curl --silent --location | bash - curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo apt-get remove nodejs sudo apt-get install nodejs node -v sudo apt-get install npm sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list ls cd /etc/ap cd /etc/apt ls cd sources.list.d/ ls vim nodesource.list npm -v sudo npm install npm -g ls -l cd c cd api rm -rf node_modules npm install ls cd .. ./start_api r cd .. cd gamewheel/ cd app/ ls cd .. cd app/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. ./start_app ls cd config/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd connect rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd controller/ rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd gamewheel rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd gate/ rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cdcd .. cd .. cd helper/ rm -rf node_modules/ npm install cd .. cd model rm -rf node_modules/ np npm install cd .. cd port/ rm -rf node_modules/ npm install npm install -g capto sudo npm install -g capto capto run sudo npm install -g coffee-script capto run exit gedit r ls cd app ls ./node_modules/.bin/wdio config wdio wdio.conf.js ./node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js git status cd test/reports/ ls git status cd .. git commit -am "integration tests for app" git push git checkout develop git merge feature/integration_tests git push git pull git push cd .. cd api git diff git checkout develop git diff git branch feature/password_mails git checkout feature/password_mails git push -u origin feature/password_mails git commit -am "routes" git push git checkout develop git pull git checkout feature/password_mails cd .. cd controller/ git pull exit c cd app ls git diff git pull git branch feature/forgot_link git checkout feature/forgot_link cd .. cd api git pull git branch feature/forgot_link git checkout feature/forgot_link git push -u origin feature/forgot_link cd .. cd app git push -u origin feature/forgot_link git branch -a git checkout develop git branch feature/integration_tests git checkout feature/integration_tests git diff git push -u origin feature/integration_tests cd .. ls cd 3d-editor ls cd test/ ls cd .. ls cd app ls mkdir test ls nom install --save wdio npm install --save wdio ./node_modules/.bin/wdio --help ls cd node_modules/ ls cd wdio/ ls ls -l node wdio.js node wdio.js --help vim example.js cd .. npm remove --save wdio npm install --save-dev webdriverio ./node_modules/.bin/wdio --help sudo npm install -g vvo/selenium-standalone selenium-standalone selenium-standalone start selenium-standalone install sudo selenium-standalone install sudo selenium-standalone start selenium-standalone start sudo npm install -g vvo/selenium-standalone selenium-standalone start exit selenium-standalone start cd /usr/lib/node_modules/selenium-standalone/ ls ls -l selenium-standalone install sudo selenium-standalone install selenium-standalone start exit selenium-standalone start cd /usr/local/bin/ ls ./chromedriver exit m exit sudo npm cache clean -f sudo npm install -g n sudo n stable node -v exit sudo npm install -g v8-debug v8debug v8-debug exit s r which capto cd /usr/local/bin/ ls cd capto cd ../lib/node_modules/capto/ ls vim package.json npm install --save coffee-script sudo npm install --save coffee-script capto run npm remove --save coffee-script sudo npm remove --save coffee-script capto run ls -l cd .. ls cd coffee-script/ ls cd bin/ ls ./coffee ls cd .. ls cd .. ls npm remove -g coffee-script sudo npm remove -g coffee-script sudo npm install -g coffee-script@1.6.3 capto run sudo npm remove -f coffee-script sudo npm remove -f coffee-script@1.6.3 ls -l cd capto/ sudo npm install --save coffee-script@1.6.3 sudo npm install --save connect capto run r cd app git pull r ls vim start_api r d s r cd controller/ ls git diff git commit -am "reset link things" git pull git mergetool r 0~ ./update_all r exit selenium-standalone start exit logs exit c cd api touch t git status rm t vim ls vim reports.sql git diff exit c ./update_all cd gate/ git pull cd .. cd model/ git pull r exit r cd controller/ git pull git mergetool git status git diff git status vim user.js git reset --hard HEAD git pull git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflict" git push find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls r sudo service nginx restart r sudo service nginx restart r cd 3d-editor cd src/ grep "normalRender" * -R exit gedit exit vim .my.cnf mysql sudo service nginx restart c cd config/ git diff git commit -am "serve index.html" git push git diff exit c ls cd 3d- cd 3d-editor cd .. cd game-lib git diff git branch -a git pull git checkout v2_v3_stable cd .. cd blender-node git branch - git branch -a git checkout v2_v3_stable rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. cd 3d-editor git diff git commit -am "fix" git push rm -rf node_modules/ npm install gulp build sudo npm install -g gulp gulp build cd .. cd game-lib rm -rf node_modules/ npm install gulp build ls cd node_modules/ ls cd c-preprocessor/ ls cd lib/ ls cd .. ls cd bin/ ls cd .. ls cd .. npm install cd node_modules/gulp-c-preprocessor/ ls cd node_modules/ ls cd readable-stream/ ls cd .. ls cd through2/ ls cd .. ls cd .. ls cd .. gulp build exit s cd api vim ~/.bashrc cd cc c ./start_editor l logs exit 3 c cd 3d-editor gulp exir exit c cd game-lib cd src/ grep "ifdef" * -R gulp build gulp exit cd /etc/nginx/ ls cd sites-enabled/ ls vim gamewheel.conf c cd 3d-editor ls rm game-lib-runtime.js ln -s ../game-lib/build/game-lib.js ls -l git status git add game-lib.js git commit -am "there can be only one game-lib" git push r sudo service nginx restart exit c ls cd api-v1/ git branch -a git checkout v2_v3_stable rm -rf node_modules/ npm install ls -l cd .. ls cd config/ ls cp start_api start_api-v1 sudo vim start_api-v1 cd .. ls ln -s config/start_api-v1 ls -l vim start vim start_editor ./start_editor l r l logs cd api-v1/ ls grep "api_v2 grep "api_v2" * -R grep "api_v3" * -R ls -l r cd api-v1/ grep "blender-node" * -R r d ./start_editor cd api-v1/ grep "api_v3" *-R grep "blender-node" * -R grep "game-lib" * -R cd .. ls cd api-v1/ ls git diff git commit -am "fix paths" git push exit r exit c cd game-lib gulp exit c cd 3d-editor gulp exit nginx --version nginx -version nginx -v sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nginx cd /etc/nginx/ ls vim nginx.conf exit c cd config/ ls cat secure.js sudo service nginx restart tail -f /var/log/syslog tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.lof tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log l logs tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log exit mysql exit sudo service nginx restart sudo poweroff editor ls vim .bash_aliases c ls vim start_editor mv api-v1.6 api-v1 ls -l grep "api-v1.6" * -R cd api-v1/ ls grep "api-v1.6" * -R rm -rf node_modules npm install cd .. grep "api-v1.6" * -R grep "api-v1.6" * -Rl | xargs sed -i "s/api-v1.6/api-v1/g" sudo service nginx restart exit ssh gw-beta ls cd config/ ls vim nginx.conf cd nginx ls git diff cd c cd config/ ls cd nginx/ ls cd .. git diff git commit -am "api v1 config" git push git status cd nginx/sites-available/ git add default.dpkg-dist git commit -am "default nginx config" git push ls git checkout gw-beta git pull ls cd .. ls cd sites-available/ ls vim gamewheel.conf git checkout tj-dev git show gw-beta -- gamewheel.conf git show gw-beta:gamewheel.conf git show gw-beta:./gamewheel.conf git show gw-beta:./gamewheel.conf > gamewheel.conf.beta git checkout gw-beta git status rm gamewheel.conf.beta git show tj-dev:./gamewheel.conf git show tj-dev:./gamewheel.conf > meld gamewheel.conf git diff git commit -am "options support" git push git status rm ls git checkout tj-dev ls cd .. ls cd .. ls exit ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-beta ssh gw-beta exit exit c cd config/ git diff grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel" * -R grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history grep "\/usr\/share\/gamewheel" * -lR --exclude=bash_history | xargs sed -i "s/\/usr\/share\/gamewheel/\/home\/gamewheel\/app/g" git diff git commit -am "gw-new new config" git push git push -u origin gw-new git checkout tj-dev ls ls -l exit ssh gw-new exit mongo -v mongo exit ssh gw-new e1 cd blender-node ls rm game-lib-editor.js ls r exit MONGO mongo exit ssh gw-new ssh gw-new ssh gw-new exit list m exit exit c cd config ls cd .. cd /usr/share/gamewheel/ ls cd config/ ls git diff git commit -am "new hosts" git push git pull git push git checkout tj-dev git pull exit ssh gw-beta exit mongo man ssh ssh gw-beta exit gl gulp exit ssh gw-beta exit 3d gulp exit ls -l ssh gw-new ls cd config/ c cd config/ ls git diff git commit -am "history" git push git checkout gw-new git status git checkout tj-dev git push -u origin :gw-new git branch -D gw-new git branch gw-new git checkout gw-new git diff exit nslookup dig exit c cd api ls git diff git status git reset --hard HEAD git pull git checkout develop git pull vim package.json git push cd .. cd config/ ls git diff git checkout gw-new ls git checkout gw-new git commit -am "his" git checkout gw-new exit dig -t a exit ssh gw-beta exit ssh gw-beta exit ping exit ssh -R 22233:localhost:27017 gw-new c mkdir ../bak sudo mkdir ../bak cd .. ls ls | grep gam sudo chown tj:www-data bak cd gamewheel/ mv 3d-editor-v2 ../bak mv 3d-editor-v3 ../bak mv 3d_v1 ../bak mv 3d_v2 ../bak mv admin ../bak mv ammo.js ../bak mv api-v2 ../bak mv api-v3 ../bak sudo mv blender-node.js.bak ../bak sudo mv blender-node-v2 ../bak sudo mv blender-node-v3 ../bak sudo mv core ../bak sudo mv c-preprocessor ../bak sudo mv dark-matter ../bak sudo mv dat.gui ../bak sudo mv depot_tools ../bak sudo mv express_prototype ../bak sudo mv fiddle ../bak sudo mv game-lib-d3-api-material.js ../bak/ sudo mv game-lib-v2 ../bak sudo mv game-lib-v3 ../ba sudo mv game-lib-v3 ../bak sudo mv games ../bak sudo mv Games ../bak sudo mv gamewheel-bus ../bak sudo mv ../bak sudo mv .gclient* ../bak sudo mv GW_* ../bak sudo mv gw* ../bak sudo rm -rf .idea/ sudo mv libuv ../bak sudo mv live-debug ../bak sudo mv maths3d.js.bak ../bak sudo rm -rf node_modules sudo mv public ../bak rm sedhvXvup rm sedq0exRP rm selenium-server-standalone-* ls sudo mv tj ../bak sudo mv v8 ../bak sudo mv vr_racing ../bak rm -rf .vscode/ sudo mv woopra ../bak sudo mv www ../bak ./update_all cd content ls cd .. sudo mv content ../bal cd .. sudo mv bal ./bak/content ls g ls r vim start d s r gulp test cd api gulp test git diff ls gulp test git diff git status git commit -am "tj API tests" git push exit ls c ls vim ./update_all ls -l m exit mongo exit r exit r exit r sudo service nginx restart exit ssh gw-new r ssh gw-new c cd config/ git diff git checkout gw-new git commit -am "stuff" git push git checkout gw-new git pull git checkout tj-dev -- build_latest git commit -am "build latest" git push git checkout tj-dev l exit r exit ssh gw-new c ./update_all cd app/ git commit -am "fix" git push r cd app gulp build [12:58:15] gulp-debug: src/app/sections/user/user.route.js r cd controller/ git pull r cd model/ git pull r ./update_all vim update_all ./update_all cp update_all build_latest vim update_all vim build_latest cd 3d-racing npm install gulp-concat gulp build npm install gulp-uglify gulp build npm i -g npm sudo npm i -g npm cd .. ls vim build_latest ./build_latest s ls r vim build_latest ls mv build_latest config/ ln -s config/build_latest cd config/ git add build_latest git status git diff git commit -am "new files" git push git diff ls cd .. cd app ls gulp build cd .. vim build_latest r ./build_latest cd helper/ git diff git commit -am "semicolons" git push git diff git commit -am "more semicolons, type coersion" git push git pull cd .. cd config/ ls vim bash_aliases vim build_latest ./build_latest vim bash_aliases vim build_latest exit r exit ssh gw-new exit c ./build_latest vim build_latest ./build_latest cd app git diff git status # ls git status cd .. ./build_latest ssh gw-new exit ssh gw-new exit c vim build_latest ./build_latest exit c cd config/ git checkout gw-new git status git diff git rm --cached bash_history git status git diff git commit -am "update" git push git checkout gw-new git add bash_history git commit -am "bash_hoist" git push git checkout gw-new git diff git commit -am "release database" git push git checkout tj-dev ssh gw-new exit s m exit ssh gw-new s exit mysql exit 3d gulp cd .. cd cron/ node server.js exit c cd app git status s ls -l git clone cron cd cron/ ls ls -l ls git branch develop git checkout dev git checkout develop ls git push -u origin master git pull git status touch package.json git add package.json git commit -am "initial package.json" git push git branch develop git checkout develop ls npm install node-cron npm install --save cron ls rm package.json npm install --save cron ls cd ap cd .. ls cd api ls cd .. ls cd cron/ ls exit c cd 3d 3d ls git diff git commit -am "more updates - visual" git push cd .. cd game-lib/ git diff git commit -am "child objects don't instantiate parent objects" git push cd .. cd blender-node/ git diff git commit -am "there can be only one game-lib" git push cd .. ls cd api-v1/ git diff git commit -am "fix config path" git push cd .. ls exit sudo service nginx restart c cd cron npm install --save express r exit mysql c cd 3d-editor/ cd src/ grep "EditorControls" * -R cd .. cd cron cd .. ln -s config/start_cron d s r cd model/ ls git branch feature/cron git pull git checkout feature/cron git merge develop cd .. cd controller/ git branch feature/cron git checkout feature/cron r cd .. cd app/ git pull git diff git reset --hard HEAD git pull r cd c cd cron/ npm install --save body-parser r ]r r git diff git status git add server.js git add service/ git commit -am "cron start" git status vim .gitignore git add .gitignore git commit -am "git ignore" git push -u origin develop r cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "cron model" git push git push -u origin feature/cron cd .. cd controller/ git status git commit -am "cron controller" git push git push -u origin feature/cron cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "cron config" git push cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "whitespace" git push cd .. cd controller/ git diff git commit -am "do something" git push exit m exit gl gulp sudo service nginx restart tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log exit r c cd controller/ git diff git commit -am "cron cleanup" git push git checkout develop git merge feature/cron git push git pull git push cd .. cd model/ git diff git commit -am "cron model" git push git checkout develop git merge feature/cron git push cd .. cd api git push git checkout develop git merge feature/cron git push git pull git push git mergetool git commit -am "merge conflicts" git status git push find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm ls cd .. ls cd app/ git diff git pull git reset --hard HEAD git pull git status cd .. ls cd config/ git diff git commit -am "cron config" git push cd .. ls cd controller/ cd .. ls cd cron/ git diff git push exit m exit s exit r mongo r d s r cd app gulp build git pull gulp build git pull r cd .. cd api git branch feature/cron git checkout feature/cron git commit -am "move cron to API" r npm install --save cron r d s sudo service nginx restart cd app git pull git diff git status git reset views/index.ejs git status cd .. cd cron/ git diff git commit -am "start cron jobs" git push git diff git commit -am "reload and start jobs if needed" git diff git commit -am "stop jobs if needed, basic error handling" git push cd .. cd config/ git diff git commit -am "cron config" git push d s cd cron ls npm install --save cron ls ls -l npm install --save cron cd .. cd cron npm install --save cron npm install cron npm install --save cron git commit -am "gw_cron package.json" git push r cd .. cd api git diff git commit -am "cron api" git push git push -u origin feature/cron cd .. ls r d s r st ls ./start_cron st r cd cron git diff git commit -am "loading jobs - catching bad cron configs" git push m exit ls -l sudo rm .bash_history rm .bash_history ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/bash_history .bash_history ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/inputrc \.inputrc ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/bash_aliases \.bash_aliases ls exit c cd config/ c cd config/ ls c cd ls cd config/ ls cd Desktop/ ls cp general.encrypted /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ c cd config/ git add general.encrypted git commit -am "general encrypted" git config --global "" git config --global "-= general c cd cd Desktop/ ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/general cd /usr/share/plymouth/ ls cd themes/ ls dc ubuntu- cd ubuntu-logo/ ls ls -l rm ubuntu-logo.png sudo rm ubuntu-logo sudo rm ubuntu-logo.p sudo rm ubuntu-logo.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo.png sudo rm progress-dot-on.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/progress-dot-on.png ls -l cd .. ls cd .. ls sudo rm ubuntu-logo.png sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/ubuntu-logo.png ls -l exit cd /var/lib/plymouth/ ls cd .. ls find . -name "ubuntu*.png"! find . -name "ubuntu*.png" sudop find . -name "ubuntu*.png" sudo find . -name "ubuntu*.png" ls -l cd /lib ls sudo su exit ccsm git clone cd config/ ls cd .. rm .bashrc cd .. cd /usr/share/ mkdir cybafelo sudo mkdir cybafelo sudo chown tj:www-data cybafelo/ sudo chown tj:www-data cybafelo -R sudo chmod g+s cybafelo -R cd cybafelo/ ls touch t ls ls -l rm r rm t git clone config cd config/ git checkout tj-dev ls git branch cybafelo git checkout cybafelo grep "gamewheel" * -R grep "gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history grep "gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history -lR | xargs sed -i "s/gamewheel/cybafelo" grep "gamewheel" * -R --exclude=bash_history -lR | xargs sed -i "s/gamewheel/cybafelo/" ls cd /etc/ sudo mv hosts hosts.bak sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/hosts cd sudo ln -s /usr/share/cybafelo/config/bashrc \.bashrc ccsm ssh-keygen -t rsa b 4096 -C "" ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" ls cd .ssh/ ls cat cd Downloads/ mkdir ll cd ll mv ../Leisure\ Suit\ Larry\ 1\ -\ in\ the\ Land\ of\ the\ Lounge\ . ls unzip Leisure\ Suit\ Larry\ 1\ -\ in\ the\ Land\ of\ the\ Lounge\ ls -l mv Leisure\ Suit\ Larry\ 1.1987 ll mv ll ll1 mv ll1 .. cd .. dosbox --help cd .. cd .dosbox/ ls vim dosbox-0.74.conf sudo apt-get install vim vim dosbox-0.74.conf exit dosbox sudo apt-get install dosbox dosbox dosbox exit cd .dosbox/ vim dosbox-0.74.conf exit killall dosbox sudo service lightdm restart