if (data.entity === this.parentEntity) { console.log('AR Football 2 Entity Loaded'); } else { return; } /** * Code Components */ this.mouseMove = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('dwxvtxzrun'); this.touchMove = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('p49pad0i7l'); this.beforeRender = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('7l8ar325qf'); this.keyDown = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('905x4c8pna'); this.keyUp = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('r5kzahijoq'); /** * Meshes */ this.footballPlayer = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('4zejlp38gz'); this.football = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('umgbzb0ur2'); this.goalL = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('ackykfwyd4'); this.goalR = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('040yhx0atm'); this.goalWithHoles = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('p3oxe63wjm'); /** * Geometry */ this.ballGeometry = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('dt6jl8kocw'); /** * Materials */ this.materialWhite = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('iualutcl1y'); this.materialBlack = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('2g36po454g'); /** * Scenes */ this.arScene = R3.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('grb0df22dd'); this.playerRotation = { x : 0, y : 0 }; R3.CustomCode.TIME_LIMIT = 45; this.balls = []; this.canKick = true; this.kick = false; this.startTime = null; this.kickDuration = 0; this.kickDistance = 0; this.raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(); this.debug = false; this.gravity = -9.8; this.initialSpeed = 5; this.startRayZ = -1.75; this.endRayZ = -2; this.playerY = 0.389; this.totalTime = R3.CustomCode.TIME_LIMIT; this.score = 0; this.secondCounter = 0; this.ballY = this.football.instance.geometry.boundingSphere.radius / 2; this.activeBall = null; this.invertY = true; this.invertX = true; this.shooting = false; if (this.debug) { this.arrowHelper = new THREE.ArrowHelper( new THREE.Vector3(0,0,-1), new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0), 1 ); this.arScene.instance.add(this.arrowHelper); } R3.CustomCode.prototype.createActiveBall = function() { this.activeBall = new THREE.Mesh( this.ballGeometry.instance, [ this.materialWhite.instance, this.materialBlack.instance ] ); this.activeBall.scale.copy(this.football.instance.scale); this.activeBall.position.copy(this.football.instance.position); this.football.parentScene.instance.add(this.activeBall); }; R3.CustomCode.prototype.render = function(delta) { this.totalTime -= delta; R3.Event.Emit( R3.Event.GAME_DATA, { type : 'timer', time : this.totalTime } ); if (this.shooting === true) { this.move( { x : 0, y : 10 * delta } ); if (this.playerRotation.y < 0) { this.playerRotation.y = 0; this.shooting = false; } } if (this.totalTime <= 0) { this.totalTime = 0; R3.Event.Emit( R3.Event.GAME_OVER, { timeLimit : R3.CustomCode.TIME_LIMIT, timeUsed : R3.CustomCode.TIME_LIMIT - this.totalTime, score : this.score, goals : this.balls.reduce( function(result, ball){ if (ball.scored) { result.push(ball); } return result; }, [] ), totalBalls : this.balls.length } ) } if (this.totalTime) this.balls.map( function(ball) { if (ball.stopped) { return; } if (ball.speed <= 0) { ball.stopped = true; } ball.speed -= delta / 2; ball.t += delta / 2; var u = new THREE.Vector3( ball.speed * Math.sin(ball.directionAngle), ball.speed * Math.sin(ball.upAngle), ball.speed * Math.cos(ball.directionAngle) ); ball.mesh.position.x = ball.s0.x + u.x * ball.t; ball.mesh.position.y = ball.s0.y + u.y * ball.t + 0.5 * (this.gravity) * ball.t * ball.t; ball.mesh.position.z = ball.s0.z + u.z * ball.t; /** * Bounce */ if (ball.mesh.position.y <= this.ballY) { ball.s0.x = ball.mesh.position.x; ball.s0.y = this.ballY; ball.s0.z = ball.mesh.position.z; ball.upAngle *= ball.bounciness; ball.t = 0; } /** * Check for goal collision */ var goalDistanceL = this.goalL.position.distanceTo(ball.mesh.position); var goalDistanceR = this.goalR.position.distanceTo(ball.mesh.position); if (goalDistanceL < (this.goalL.geometry.instance.boundingSphere.radius - ball.mesh.geometry.boundingSphere.radius)) { if (ball.scored === false) { console.log('left goal!'); ball.scored = true; ball.scoredThroughGoal = 'left'; R3.Event.Emit( R3.Event.PLAY_AUDIO, { name : 'Audio - Crowd Cheer' } ); R3.Event.Emit( R3.Event.GAME_DATA, { type : 'score', goal : 'left' } ); } } if (goalDistanceR < (this.goalR.geometry.instance.boundingSphere.radius - ball.mesh.geometry.boundingSphere.radius)) { if (ball.scored === false) { console.log('right goal!'); ball.scored = true; ball.scoredThroughGoal = 'right'; R3.Event.Emit( R3.Event.PLAY_AUDIO, { name : 'Audio - Crowd Cheer' } ); R3.Event.Emit( R3.Event.GAME_DATA, { type : 'score', goal : 'right' } ); } } /** * Check for goal reflection */ var futureTime = ball.t + delta; ball.s1.x = ball.s0.x + u.x * futureTime; ball.s1.y = ball.s0.y + u.y * futureTime + 0.5 * (this.gravity) * futureTime * futureTime; ball.s1.z = ball.s0.z + u.z * futureTime; //var distance = ball.mesh.position.distanceTo(ball.s1); var direction = ball.s1.sub(ball.mesh.position).normalize(); if (this.debug) { this.arrowHelper.position.copy(ball.mesh.position); this.arrowHelper.setDirection(direction); this.arrowHelper.setLength(1); } if ( !ball.scored && ball.mesh.position.z < this.startRayZ && ball.mesh.position.z > this.endRayZ ) { this.raycaster.set(ball.mesh.position, direction); this.raycaster.intersectObjects([ this.goalWithHoles.instance ]).map( function(intersect) { if (intersect.distance < ball.mesh.geometry.boundingSphere.radius) { var normal = new THREE.Vector3( intersect.object.geometry.getAttribute('normal').array[0], intersect.object.geometry.getAttribute('normal').array[1], intersect.object.geometry.getAttribute('normal').array[2] ); var reflect = direction.reflect(normal); var angle = direction.angleTo(reflect); ball.directionAngle = angle; ball.s0.x = ball.mesh.position.x; ball.s0.y = ball.mesh.position.y; ball.s0.z = ball.mesh.position.z; ball.upAngle *= ball.bounciness; ball.speed *= ball.bounciness * 1.5; ball.t = 0; ball.v.copy(direction); ball.vRotationAxis.x *= -1; ball.vRotationAxis.z *= -1; } } ) } // if (ball.mesh.position.z <= -5 && !ball.scored && ball.lastIntersect) { // console.log(ball.lastIntersect); // } /** * Rotate the ball */ ball.mesh.rotateOnAxis(ball.vRotationAxis, -ball.speed * 0.04); }.bind(this) ) }; R3.CustomCode.prototype.move = function(data) { var x = 0; if (data && data.x) { if (this.invertX) { x = data.x; } else { x = -data.x; } } var y = 0; if (data && data.y) { if (this.invertY) { y = data.y; } else { y = -data.y; } } x *= 0.0025; y *= 0.0075; this.playerRotation.x += x; this.playerRotation.y += y; /** * Clamp player rotation to values between 0 and Math.PI * 2 */ if (this.playerRotation.y > Math.PI) { this.playerRotation.y = Math.PI; } if (this.playerRotation.y < -Math.PI) { this.playerRotation.y = -Math.PI; } if (this.playerRotation.x > Math.PI / 2) { this.playerRotation.x = Math.PI / 2; } if (this.playerRotation.x < -Math.PI / 2) { this.playerRotation.x = -Math.PI / 2; } if (this.playerRotation.y <= 0) { this.canKick = true; } if (this.canKick && this.playerRotation.y > 0) { this.canKick = false; this.kick = true; } if (y > 0 && this.canKick) { /** * Moving down, initialize start time and record the distance travelled */ if (this.startTime === null) { this.startTime = Date.now(); } this.kickDistance += Math.abs(y); } if (y < 0) { /** * We are no longer moving down, also reset our Y distance counter * @type {boolean} */ this.kickDistance = 0; this.startTime = null; } if (this.canKick && this.activeBall === null) { this.createActiveBall(); } this.footballPlayer.instance.matrix = new THREE.Matrix4(); this.footballPlayer.instance.matrix.decompose( this.footballPlayer.instance.position, this.footballPlayer.instance.quaternion, this.footballPlayer.instance.scale ); this.footballPlayer.instance.translateY(this.playerY); this.footballPlayer.instance.rotateY(this.playerRotation.x); this.footballPlayer.instance.translateZ(this.football.instance.geometry.boundingSphere.radius); this.footballPlayer.instance.rotateX(this.playerRotation.y); if (this.kick) { this.kick = false; if (this.startTime === null) { console.warn('no kick start time'); return; } R3.Event.Emit( R3.Event.PLAY_AUDIO, { name : 'Audio - Kick' } ); var kickDuration = Date.now() - this.startTime; var speed = this.kickDistance / kickDuration * 20; // if (speed > 1.5) { // speed = 1.5; // } // console.log(speed); var v = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1); v.multiplyScalar(speed); v.applyAxisAngle( new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0), this.playerRotation.x ); var vRotationAxis = new THREE.Vector3( -v.z, 0, v.x ).normalize(); this.balls.push( { mesh : this.activeBall, speed : this.initialSpeed, mouseYTravelDistance : this.kick.distance, directionAngle : this.playerRotation.x + Math.PI, kickDuration : this.kickDuration, kickDistance : this.kickDistance, kickSpeed : speed, upAngle : Math.PI * speed, v : v, vRotationAxis : vRotationAxis, t : 0, s0 : new THREE.Vector3(0,this.ballY,0), s1 : new THREE.Vector3(0,this.ballY,0), bounciness : 0.5, scored : false, scoredThroughGoal : null, stopped :false } ); this.activeBall = null; } }.bind(this) R3.Event.Subscribe( R3.Event.GAME_OVER, function(data) { R3.Event.Emit( R3.Event.PLAY_AUDIO, { name : 'Audio - Crowd Cheer' } ); R3.Event.Emit( R3.Event.STOP_AUDIO, { name : 'Audio - Crowd' } ); this.mouseMove.entityLoaded = null; this.touchMove.entityLoaded = null; this.beforeRender.entityLoaded = null; this.keyDown.entityLoaded = null; this.keyUp.entityLoaded = null; }.bind(this) ); R3.Event.Subscribe( R3.Event.GAME_DATA, function(data) { if (data.type === 'shoot') { console.log('shoot'); this.shooting = false; this.move( { x : 0, y : -10 } ); } if (data.type === 'shoot_release') { console.log('shoot release'); this.shooting = true; } if (data.type === 'look_left') { this.move( { x : -10, y : 0 } ); } if (data.type === 'look_right') { this.move( { x : 10, y : 0 } ); } }.bind(this) ); R3.Event.Subscribe( R3.Event.GAME_START, function() { this.canKick = true; this.kick = false; this.startTime = null; this.kickDuration = 0; this.kickDistance = 0; /** * Reset football player * @type {number} */ this.footballPlayer.instance.rotation.x = 0; this.footballPlayer.instance.rotation.y = 0; this.footballPlayer.instance.rotation.z = 0; this.footballPlayer.instance.position.x = 0; this.footballPlayer.instance.position.y = this.playerY; this.footballPlayer.instance.position.z = this.football.instance.geometry.boundingSphere.radius; /** * Reset football * @type {number} */ this.football.instance.rotation.x = 0; this.football.instance.rotation.y = 0; this.football.instance.rotation.z = 0; this.football.instance.position.x = 0; this.football.instance.position.y = this.ballY; this.football.instance.position.z = 0; this.score = 0; this.secondCounter = 0; this.totalTime = R3.CustomCode.TIME_LIMIT; R3.Event.Emit( R3.Event.GAME_DATA, { type : 'timer', time : this.totalTime } ); this.balls.map( function(ball) { this.football.parentScene.instance.remove(ball.mesh); ball.mesh.material = null; ball.mesh.geometry = null; delete ball.mesh; ball.mesh = null; }.bind(this) ); this.balls = []; if (this.activeBall) { this.football.parentScene.instance.remove(this.activeBall); this.activeBall.material = null; this.activeBall.geometry = null; } R3.Event.Emit( R3.Event.PLAY_AUDIO, { name : 'Audio - Crowd' } ); this.createActiveBall(); this.mouseMove.entityLoaded = this; this.touchMove.entityLoaded = this; this.beforeRender.entityLoaded = this; this.keyDown.entityLoaded = this; this.keyUp.entityLoaded = this; }.bind(this) ); this.footballPlayer.instance.position.y = this.playerY; this.footballPlayer.instance.position.z = this.football.instance.geometry.boundingSphere.radius; this.football.instance.position.y = this.ballY; this.football.instance.visible = false; this.goalL.geometry.instance.computeBoundingSphere(); this.goalR.geometry.instance.computeBoundingSphere(); R3.Event.Emit(R3.Event.GAME_LOADED); //@ sourceURL=entityLoaded.js