if (this.parentEntity === data.entity) { console.log('snake entity loaded'); } else { return; } /** * Defines */ GameLib.CustomCode.BODY_TYPE_HEAD = 0x1; GameLib.CustomCode.BODY_TYPE_TAIL = 0x2; GameLib.CustomCode.GRID_WIDTH = 11; GameLib.CustomCode.GRID_HEIGHT = 11; GameLib.CustomCode.GRID_OFFSET_X = 1; GameLib.CustomCode.GRID_OFFSET_Y = 5; GameLib.CustomCode.SPEED_INITIAL = 3; /** * Get runtime */ this.runtime = GameLib.Utils.GetRuntime(); /** * Custom Code Components */ this.beforeRender = GameLib.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('zjq6ach3jt'); /** * Geometries */ this.geometryBody = GameLib.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('8f5q7k5ozp'); /** * Images */ this.imageEnd = GameLib.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('swkla3wpp'); this.imageBodyPatty = GameLib.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('01r51k9ptr'); this.imagePatty = GameLib.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('4lf0fw24su'); /** * Other Objects (Scene) */ this.scene = GameLib.EntityManager.Instance.findComponentById('pllp034hsj'); /** * Game objects */ this.snake = []; this.grid = []; this.speed = GameLib.CustomCode.SPEED_INITIAL; this.advanceTime = 0; GameLib.CustomCode.prototype.createMaterial = function(image) { var diffuseMap = new GameLib.D3.Texture.Image( this.runtime.graphics, { image : image } ) return new GameLib.D3.Material.Phong( this.runtime.graphics, { diffuseMap : diffuseMap } ); }.bind(this); GameLib.CustomCode.prototype.createGameMesh = function(image) { var mesh = new GameLib.D3.Mesh( this.runtime.graphics, { geometry : this.geometryBody, materials : [this.createMaterial(image)] } ) this.scene.addClone(mesh); return mesh; }.bind(this) /** * Create our objects */ this.meshEnd = this.createGameMesh(this.imageEnd); this.meshPatty = this.createGameMesh(this.imagePatty); this.meshBodyPatty = this.createGameMesh(this.imageBodyPatty); GameLib.CustomCode.SnakeBody = function( bodyType, position, direction, mesh ) { if (GameLib.Utils.UndefinedOrNull(position)) { position = { x : Math.round(GameLib.CustomCode.GRID_WIDTH / 2), y : Math.round(GameLib.CustomCode.GRID_HEIGHT / 2) }; } this.position = position; if (GameLib.Utils.UndefinedOrNull(direction)) { direction = { x : -1, y : 0 }; } this.direction = direction; if (GameLib.Utils.UndefinedOrNull(bodyType)) { bodyType = GameLib.CustomCode.BODY_TYPE_HEAD; } this.bodyType = bodyType; if (GameLib.Utils.UndefinedOrNull(mesh)) { switch (this.bodyType) { case GameLib.CustomCode.BODY_TYPE_HEAD : mesh = this.meshEnd; break; case GameLib.CustomCode.BODY_TYPE_TAIL : mesh = this.meshEnd.clone(); mesh.rotation.z = Math.PI; mesh.updateInstance('rotation'); position.x += 1; default : throw new Error('body type not specified and no mesh'); break; } } this.mesh = mesh; this.applyPositionToMesh(); }; GameLib.CustomCode.SnakeBody.prototype.clone = function() { return new GameLib.CustomCode.SnakeBody( this.bodyType, { x : this.position.x, y : this.position.y }, { x : this.direction.x, y : this.direction.y }, this.mesh ); } GameLib.CustomCode.SnakeBody.prototype.applyPositionToMesh = function() { this.mesh.position.x = this.position.x + GameLib.CustomCode.GRID_OFFSET_X; this.mesh.position.y = this.position.y + GameLib.CustomCode.GRID_OFFSET_Y; /** * TODO: We don't update instance position - animation should do this */ this.mesh.updateInstance('position'); } GameLib.CustomCode.SnakeBody.prototype.advance = function() { this.position.x += this.direction.x; this.position.y += this.direction.y; } GameLib.CustomCode.prototype.advanceSnake = function(delta) { this.advanceTime += delta; if (this.advanceTime > this.speed) { this.advanceTime = 0; } else { return; } var head = this.snake[0].clone(); head.advance(); this.snake = this.snake.reduce( function(result, body, index) { if ((index + 1) >= this.snake.length) { /** * Do nothing */ } else { /** * Move the body over */ result.push(this.snake[index + 1]); } return result; }.bind(this), [head] ) }.bind(this); /* GameLib.CustomCode.prototype.initializeGrid = function() { this.grid = []; for (var x = 0; x < GameLib.CustomCode.GRID_WIDTH; x++) { this.grid[x] = []; for (var y = 0; y < GameLib.CustomCode.GRID_HEIGHT; y++) { this.grid[x][y] = { mesh : null, direction : { x : 0, y : 0 } } } } }.bind(this); */ GameLib.Event.Subscribe( GameLib.Event.GAME_START, function() { /** * Remove all existing snake parts */ this.snake.map( function(body) { body.geometry = null; body.materials = null; body.remove(); } ) this.snake = [ new GameLib.CustomCode.SnakeBody( GameLib.CustomCode.BODY_TYPE_HEAD, null, null, this.meshEnd ), new GameLib.CustomCode.SnakeBody( GameLib.CustomCode.BODY_TYPE_TAIL, null, null, this.meshEnd ) ]; /** * Cleanup grid */ this.grid.map( function(x) { x.map( function(y) { y.mesh.geometry = null; y.mesh.materials = null; y.mesh.remove(); } ); } ); this.initializeGrid(); /** * Other Settings */ this.speed = GameLib.CustomCode.SPEED_INITIAL; /** * Re-initialize our other custom code components */ this.beforeRender.initialized = false; this.beforeRender.entityLoaded = this; console.log('starting game snake'); }.bind(this) ); GameLib.Event.Subscribe( GameLib.Event.GAME_OVER, function() { this.beforeRender.entityLoaded = null; this.beforeRender.initialized = false; console.log('starting game snake'); }.bind(this) ) GameLib.Event.Emit(GameLib.Event.GAME_LOADED); //@ sourceURL=entityLoaded.js