/** * * @param id * @param name * @constructor */ GameLib.D3.ComponentColorFlash = function ComponentColorFlash( id, name ) { this.id = id || GameLib.D3.Tools.RandomId(); if (typeof name == 'undefined') { name = this.constructor.name; } this.name = name; this.parentEntity = null; // Todo: this should be executed somewhere in game-lib-z, so that we don't execute it on every construction of an object. GameLib.D3.Utils.Extend(GameLib.D3.ComponentColorFlash, GameLib.D3.ComponentInterface); }; ///////////////////////// Methods to override ////////////////////////// GameLib.D3.ComponentColorFlash.prototype.onUpdate = function( deltaTime, parentEntity ) { this.parentEntity.mesh.material.color = new THREE.Color(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()); }; GameLib.D3.ComponentColorFlash.prototype.onSetParentEntity = function( parentScene, parentEntity ) { parentEntity.mesh.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial(); };