/** * This component makes the parentEntity (ex. car) follow the path provided by the spline * @param id String * @param name String * @param object * @param helper * @param lastUpdate * @constructor */ GameLib.D3.API.SelectedObject = function ( object, helper, lastUpdate ) { if (GameLib.Utils.UndefinedOrNull(object)) { console.warn('Cannot select no object'); throw new Error('Cannot select no object'); } this.object = object; if (GameLib.Utils.UndefinedOrNull(helper)) { helper = null; } this.helper = helper; if (GameLib.Utils.UndefinedOrNull(lastUpdate)) { lastUpdate = Date.now(); } this.lastUpdate = lastUpdate; }; /** * Object to GameLib.D3.API.SelectedObject * @param objectComponent * @returns {GameLib.D3.API.SelectedObject} * @constructor */ GameLib.D3.API.SelectedObject.FromObjectSelectedObject = function(objectComponent) { return new GameLib.D3.API.SelectedObject( objectComponent.id, objectComponent.name, objectComponent.object, objectComponent.helper, objectComponent.lastUpdate ); };