/** * RigidBody Superset * @param engine GameLib.D3.Engine * @param mass * @param friction * @param position * @param quaternion * @param velocity * @param angularVelocity * @param linearDamping * @param angularDamping * @param allowSleep * @param sleepSpeedLimit * @param sleepTimeLimit * @param collisionFilterGroup * @param collisionFilterMask * @param fixedRotation * @param shape GameLib.D3.Shape * @param kinematic Boolean * @returns {GameLib.D3.Physics.RigidBody} * @constructor */ GameLib.D3.RigidBody = function( engine, mass, friction, position, quaternion, velocity, angularVelocity, linearDamping, angularDamping, allowSleep, sleepSpeedLimit, sleepTimeLimit, collisionFilterGroup, collisionFilterMask, fixedRotation, shape, kinematic ) { this.id = GameLib.Utils.RandomId(); this.position = position || new GameLib.API.Vector3(); this.velocity = velocity || new GameLib.API.Vector3(); this.angularVelocity = angularVelocity || new GameLib.API.Vector3(); this.quaternion = quaternion || new GameLib.API.Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1); this.mass = typeof mass == "undefined" ? 0 : mass; this.friction = typeof friction == "undefined" ? 5 : friction; this.linearDamping = typeof linearDamping == "undefined" ? 0.01 : linearDamping; this.angularDamping = typeof angularDamping == "undefined" ? 0.01 : angularDamping; this.allowSleep = typeof allowSleep == "undefined" ? true : allowSleep; this.sleepSpeedLimit = typeof sleepSpeedLimit == "undefined" ? 0.1 : sleepSpeedLimit; this.sleepTimeLimit = typeof sleepTimeLimit == "undefined" ? 1.0 : sleepTimeLimit; this.collisionFilterGroup = typeof collisionFilterGroup == "undefined" ? 1 : collisionFilterGroup; this.collisionFilterMask = typeof collisionFilterMask == "undefined" ? 1 : collisionFilterMask; this.fixedRotation = typeof fixedRotation == "undefined" ? false : fixedRotation; this.shape = typeof shape == "undefined" ? null : shape; this.kinematic = kinematic || false; this.engine = engine; this.engine.isNotCannonThrow(); this.instance = this.createInstance(); // Todo: this should be executed somewhere in game-lib-z, so that we don't execute it on every construction of an object. GameLib.Utils.Extend(GameLib.D3.RigidBody, GameLib.Component); }; /** * private function * @returns {*} */ GameLib.D3.RigidBody.prototype.createInstance = function() { var instance = new this.engine.instance.Body({ mass: this.mass, friction: this.friction, position: new this.engine.instance.Vec3( this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.z ), velocity: new this.engine.instance.Vec3( this.velocity.x, this.velocity.y, this.velocity.z ), quaternion: new this.engine.instance.Quaternion( this.quaternion.x, this.quaternion.y, this.quaternion.z, this.quaternion.w ), angularVelocity: new this.engine.instance.Vec3( this.angularVelocity.x, this.angularVelocity.y, this.angularVelocity.z ), linearDamping: this.linearDamping, angularDamping: this.angularDamping, allowSleep: this.allowSleep, sleepSpeedLimit: this.sleepSpeedLimit, sleepTimeLimit: this.sleepTimeLimit, collisionFilterGroup: this.collisionFilterGroup, collisionFilterMask: this.collisionFilterMask, fixedRotation: this.fixedRotation, shape: this.shape && this.shape.instance ? this.shape.instance : null }); this.instance = instance; return instance; }; GameLib.D3.RigidBody.prototype.toApiRigidBody = function() { return null; }; /** * Adds a shape to this rigid body * @param shape GameLib.D3.Shape * @param offset GameLib.API.Vector3 * @param orientation GameLib.API.Quaternion * @constructor */ GameLib.D3.RigidBody.prototype.addShape = function( shape, offset, orientation ) { if (!offset || typeof offset == 'undefined') { offset = new GameLib.API.Vector3(0,0,0); } if (!orientation || typeof orientation == 'undefined') { orientation = new GameLib.API.Quaternion(0,0,0,1); } this.instance.addShape( shape.instance, new this.engine.instance.Vec3( offset.x, offset.y, offset.z ), new this.engine.instance.Quaternion( orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z, orientation.w ) ); }; ///////////////////////// Methods to override ////////////////////////// GameLib.D3.RigidBody.prototype.onUpdate = function( deltaTime, parentEntity ) { if(parentEntity) { if (this.kinematic) { // reapply the entity's transform back to the rigid body, since it is kinematic this.instance.position.x = parentEntity.position.x; this.instance.position.y = parentEntity.position.y; this.instance.position.z = parentEntity.position.z; this.instance.quaternion.x = parentEntity.quaternion.x; this.instance.quaternion.y = parentEntity.quaternion.y; this.instance.quaternion.z = parentEntity.quaternion.z; this.instance.quaternion.w = parentEntity.quaternion.w; this.instance.inertia.x = 0; this.instance.inertia.y = 0; this.instance.inertia.z = 0; this.instance.velocity.x = 0; this.instance.velocity.y = 0; this.instance.velocity.z = 0; } else { var quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion(); quaternion.copy(this.instance.quaternion); var position = new THREE.Vector3(); position.copy(this.instance.position); parentEntity.position.x = position.x; parentEntity.position.y = position.y; parentEntity.position.z = position.z; parentEntity.quaternion.x = quaternion.x; parentEntity.quaternion.y = quaternion.y; parentEntity.quaternion.z = quaternion.z; parentEntity.quaternion.w = quaternion.w; } } };