/** * R3.D3.Texture.Cube * @param graphics * @param apiTextureCube * @constructor */ R3.D3.Texture.Cube = function( graphics, apiTextureCube ) { this.graphics = graphics; this.graphics.isNotThreeThrow(); if (R3.Utils.UndefinedOrNull(apiTextureCube)) { apiTextureCube = { textureType : R3.D3.API.Texture.TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE }; } R3.D3.API.Texture.Cube.call( this, apiTextureCube, apiTextureCube.images ); this.images = this.images.map( function(image) { if (image instanceof R3.API.Image) { return new R3.Image(image); } else { return image; } } ); R3.D3.Texture.call( this, this.graphics, this ); }; R3.D3.Texture.Cube.prototype = Object.create(R3.D3.Texture.prototype); R3.D3.Texture.Cube.prototype.constructor = R3.D3.Texture.Cube; /** * Returns all image instances, or null if one of the images are not loaded */ R3.D3.Texture.Cube.prototype.getImageInstances = function() { return this.images.reduce( function(result, image) { /** * If we have a null result return early */ if (result === null) { return result; } if (R3.Utils.UndefinedOrNull(image.instance)) { result = null; } else { result.push(image.instance); } return result; }, [] ); }; /** * Creates an instance of our texture object * @returns {*} */ R3.D3.Texture.Cube.prototype.createInstance = function() { var imageInstances = this.getImageInstances(); if (!imageInstances) { console.warn('cube texture not ready'); return; } this.instance = new THREE.CubeTexture(imageInstances); R3.D3.Texture.prototype.createInstance.call(this); }; /** * Updates the instance with the current state */ R3.D3.Texture.Cube.prototype.updateInstance = function(property) { if (property === 'images') { var imageInstances = this.getImageInstances(); if (imageInstances) { console.log('updating cube texture image instances'); this.image = imageInstances; } this.publish( R3.Event.TEXTURE_INSTANCE_UPDATED, { texture : this } ); return; } R3.D3.Texture.prototype.updateInstance.call(this, property); }; /** * Converts a R3.D3.Texture.Cube to a R3.D3.API.Texture.Cube * @returns {R3.D3.API.Texture.Cube} */ R3.D3.Texture.Cube.prototype.toApiObject = function() { var apiTexture = R3.D3.Texture.prototype.toApiObject.call(this); var apiTextureCube = new R3.D3.API.Texture.Cube( apiTexture, this.images.map( function(image) { return R3.Utils.IdOrNull(image); } ) ); return apiTextureCube; };