/** * Game Runtime * @param graphics GameLib.D3.Graphics * @param apiGame GameLib.D3.API.Game * @constructor */ GameLib.D3.Game = function ( graphics, apiGame ) { this.graphics = graphics; this.graphics.isNotThreeThrow(); if (GameLib.Utils.UndefinedOrNull(apiGame)) { apiGame = {}; } if (apiGame instanceof GameLib.D3.Game) { return apiGame; } GameLib.D3.API.Game.call( this, apiGame.id, apiGame.name, apiGame.baseUrl, apiGame.path, apiGame.imageFactory, apiGame.gameType, apiGame.cameras, apiGame.composers, apiGame.viewports, apiGame.renderers, apiGame.renderTargets, apiGame.systems, apiGame.entityManager, apiGame.parentEntity ); if (this.imageFactory instanceof GameLib.D3.API.ImageFactory) { this.imageFactory = new GameLib.D3.ImageFactory( this.graphics, this.imageFactory ); } this.cameras = this.cameras.map( function (apiCamera) { if (apiCamera instanceof GameLib.D3.API.Camera) { return new GameLib.D3.Camera( this.graphics, apiCamera ) } else { console.warn('apiCamera not of type API.Camera'); throw new Error('apiCamera not of type API.Camera'); } }.bind(this) ); this.composers = this.composers.map( function (apiComposer) { if (apiComposer instanceof GameLib.D3.API.Composer) { return new GameLib.D3.Composer( this.graphics, apiComposer ) } else { console.warn('apiComposer not of type API.Composer'); throw new Error('apiComposer not of type API.Composer'); } }.bind(this) ); this.viewports = this.viewports.map( function (apiViewport) { if (apiViewport instanceof GameLib.D3.API.Viewport) { return new GameLib.D3.Viewport( this.graphics, apiViewport ) } else { console.warn('apiViewport not of type API.Viewport'); throw new Error('apiViewport not of type API.Viewport'); } }.bind(this) ); this.renderers = this.renderers.map( function (apiRenderer) { if (apiRenderer instanceof GameLib.D3.API.Renderer) { return new GameLib.D3.Renderer( this.graphics, apiRenderer ) } else { console.warn('apiRenderer not of type API.Renderer'); throw new Error('apiRenderer not of type API.Renderer'); } }.bind(this) ); this.renderTargets = this.renderTargets.map( function (apiRenderTarget) { if (apiRenderTarget instanceof GameLib.D3.API.RenderTarget) { return new GameLib.D3.RenderTarget( this.graphics, apiRenderTarget ) } else { console.warn('apiRenderTarget not of type API.RenderTarget'); throw new Error('apiRenderTarget not of type API.RenderTarget'); } }.bind(this) ); this.systems = this.systems.map( function (apiSystem) { if (apiSystem instanceof GameLib.API.System) { return new GameLib.System( this.graphics, apiSystem ) } else { console.warn('apiSystem not of type API.System'); throw new Error('apiSystem not of type API.System'); } }.bind(this) ); if (this.entityManager) { if (this.entityManager instanceof GameLib.API.EntityManager) { this.entityManager = new GameLib.EntityManager( this.graphics, this.entityManager ); } else { console.warn('entityManager not of type API.EntityManager'); throw new Error('entityManager not of type API.EntityManager'); } } this.buildIdToObject(); this.linkObjects(this.idToObject); }; GameLib.D3.Game.prototype = Object.create(GameLib.D3.API.Game.prototype); GameLib.D3.Game.prototype.constructor = GameLib.D3.Game; GameLib.D3.Game.GAME_TYPE_VR_PONG = 0x1; GameLib.D3.Game.GAME_TYPE_VR_RACER = 0x2; /** * Creates a camera instance of 'graphics' type (only THREE for now) * @returns {THREE.Game} */ GameLib.D3.Game.prototype.createInstance = function(update) { var instance = null; if (update) { instance = this.instance; } return instance; }; // GameLib.D3.Game.prototype.setSize = function(width, height) { // // // var w = 0; // // var h = 0; // // this.viewports.map( // function(viewport) { // // w = viewport.width; // // h = viewport.height; // // // // //TODO : calculate width and height decrease or increase ratio and adjust viewport x and y offset according // // var wx = width / w; // // var hx = height / h; // // viewport.width = width; // viewport.height = height; // // viewport.updateInstance(); // } // ) // // }; /** * Updates the instance with the current state */ GameLib.D3.Game.prototype.updateInstance = function() { this.instance = this.createInstance(true); }; /** * Converts a GameLib.D3.Game to a new GameLib.D3.API.Game * @returns {GameLib.D3.API.Game} */ GameLib.D3.Game.prototype.toApiGame = function() { var apiImageFactory = null; var apiCameras = []; var apiComposers = []; var apiViewports = []; var apiRenderers = []; var apiRenderTargets = []; var apiSystems = []; var apiEntityManager = null; if (this.imageFactory instanceof GameLib.D3.ImageFactory) { apiImageFactory = this.imageFactory.toApiImageFactory(); } if (this.cameras) { apiCameras = this.cameras.map( function(camera) { if (camera instanceof GameLib.D3.Camera) { return camera.toApiCamera(); } else { console.warn('camera not an instance of Camera'); throw new Error('camera not an instance of Camera'); } } ); } if (this.composers) { apiComposers = this.composers.map( function(composer) { if (composer instanceof GameLib.D3.Composer) { return composer.toApiComponent(); } else { console.warn('composer not an instance of Composer'); throw new Error('composer not an instance of Composer'); } } ); } if (this.viewports) { apiViewports = this.viewports.map( function(viewport) { if (viewport instanceof GameLib.D3.Viewport) { return viewport.toApiComponent(); } else { console.warn('viewport not an instance of Viewport'); throw new Error('viewport not an instance of Viewport'); } } ); } if (this.renderers) { apiRenderers = this.renderers.map( function(renderer) { if (renderer instanceof GameLib.D3.Renderer) { return renderer.toApiComponent(); } else { console.warn('renderer not an instance of Renderer'); throw new Error('renderer not an instance of Renderer'); } } ); } if (this.renderTargets) { apiRenderTargets = this.renderTargets.map( function(renderTarget) { if (renderTarget instanceof GameLib.D3.RenderTarget) { return renderTarget.toApiComponent(); } else { console.warn('renderTarget not an instance of RenderTarget'); throw new Error('renderTarget not an instance of RenderTarget'); } } ); } if (this.systems) { apiSystems = this.systems.map( function(system) { if (system instanceof GameLib.System) { return system.toApiComponent(); } else { console.warn('system not an instance of System'); throw new Error('system not an instance of System'); } } ); } if (this.entityManager) { if (this.entityManager instanceof GameLib.EntityManager) { apiEntityManager = this.entityManager.toApiEntityManager(); } else { console.warn('entityManager not an instance of EntityManager'); throw new Error('entityManager not an instance of EntityManager'); } } return new GameLib.D3.API.Game( this.id, this.name, this.baseUrl, this.path, apiImageFactory, this.gameType, apiCameras, apiComposers, apiViewports, apiRenderers, apiRenderTargets, apiSystems, apiEntityManager, GameLib.Utils.IdOrNull(this.parentEntity) ); }; /** * Converts from an Object Game to a GameLib.D3.Game * @param graphics GameLib.D3.Graphics * @param objectGame Object * @returns {GameLib.D3.Game} * @constructor */ GameLib.D3.Game.FromObjectGame = function(graphics, objectGame) { var apiGame = GameLib.D3.API.Game.FromObjectGame(objectGame); return new GameLib.D3.Game( graphics, apiGame ); }; /** * Loads a Game * @param graphics * @param objectGame * @param onLoaded * @constructor */ GameLib.D3.Game.LoadGame = function( graphics, objectGame, onLoaded ) { var game = GameLib.D3.Game.FromObjectGame( graphics, objectGame ); onLoaded(game); }; /** * Loads a Game from the API * @param graphics GameLib.D3.Graphics * @param partialGameObject Object * @param onLoaded callback * @param apiUrl * @returns {*} * @constructor */ GameLib.D3.Game.LoadGameFromApi = function( graphics, partialGameObject, onLoaded, apiUrl ) { /** * First check if this is a client or server side request */ if (typeof XMLHttpRequest == 'undefined') { console.warn('Implement server side loading from API here'); return onLoaded( null, new Error('Not Implemented') ); } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open( 'GET', apiUrl + '/game/load' + partialGameObject.path + '/' + partialGameObject.name ); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(xhr) { return function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { try { var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); } catch (e) { return onLoaded(null, new Error('Could not load game : ' + e.message)); } if (!response.game || response.game.length == 0) { return onLoaded(null, new Error('Could not load game')); } var objectGame = response.game[0]; GameLib.D3.Game.LoadGame( graphics, objectGame, onLoaded ); } } }(xhr); xhr.send(); }; GameLib.D3.Game.prototype.setSize = function(width, height) { this.renderers.map( function(renderer) { renderer.setSize(width, height); } ); };