/** * Mesh Superset - The apiMesh properties get moved into the Mesh object itself, and then the instance is created * @param graphics GameLib.D3.Graphics * @param apiMesh GameLib.D3.API.Mesh * @constructor */ GameLib.D3.Mesh.Curve = function ( graphics, apiMesh ) { this.graphics = graphics; this.graphics.isNotThreeThrow(); GameLib.D3.Mesh.call( this, this.graphics, apiMesh ); }; GameLib.D3.Mesh.Curve.prototype = Object.create(GameLib.D3.Mesh.prototype); GameLib.D3.Mesh.Curve.prototype.constructor = GameLib.D3.Mesh.Curve; GameLib.D3.Mesh.Curve.prototype.createInstance = function() { var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); /** * Setup vertices */ this.applyVertexDataToInstance(geometry); var instance = new THREE.Points(geometry); this.createInstanceDefaults(instance); return instance; };