
10680 lines
235 KiB

class R3 {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
* static Version - Current R3 version
R3.Version = '3.0.426';
* static CompileDate - Current compile date of R3
R3.CompileDate = '2021 Oct 24 - 08:43:26 am';
class System {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
System.DOM = 0x0;
System.INPUT = 0x1;
System.LINKING = 0x2;
System.RENDER = 0x3;
System.RUNTIME = 0x4;
System.SOCKET = 0x5;
System.STORAGE = 0x6;
System.MAX_SYSTEM = 0x7;
Class R3.System.DOM
[Inherited from System]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to SystemDOM]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class SystemDOM extends System {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
* Start()
* - Starts the system by registering subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Start(options) {
SystemDOM.Subscriptions['DOM_COMPONENT_INITIALIZED'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemDOM.Started = true;
console.log('Started system: SystemDOM');
* Stop()
* - Stops the system by removing these subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Stop(options) {
delete SystemDOM.Subscriptions['DOM_COMPONENT_INITIALIZED'];
SystemDOM.Started = false;
console.log('Stopped system: SystemDOM');
* OnDomComponentInitialized()
* - Listens to events of type Event.DOM_COMPONENT_INITIALIZED and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnDomComponentInitialized(object) {
* static Started - Indicates whether or not this system is running or not
SystemDOM.Started = false;
* static Subscriptions - An association object which hold the subscription handles for Events this system is
* listening to. The system can stop receiving events by calling remove() on a handle.
SystemDOM.Subscriptions = {};
Class R3.System.Input
[Inherited from System]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to SystemInput]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class SystemInput extends System {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
* Start()
* - Starts the system by registering subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Start(options) {
SystemInput.Subscriptions['SLIDER_ENTITY_INITIALIZED'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemInput.Subscriptions['TOUCH_START'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemInput.Subscriptions['TOUCH_END'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemInput.Subscriptions['TOUCH_MOVE'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemInput.Subscriptions['TOUCH_CANCEL'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemInput.Subscriptions['KEYBOARD_DOWN'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemInput.Subscriptions['KEYBOARD_UP'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemInput.Subscriptions['MOUSE_DOWN'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemInput.Subscriptions['MOUSE_UP'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemInput.Subscriptions['MOUSE_MOVE'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemInput.Subscriptions['MOUSE_WHEEL'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemInput.Started = true;
console.log('Started system: SystemInput');
* Stop()
* - Stops the system by removing these subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Stop(options) {
delete SystemInput.Subscriptions['SLIDER_ENTITY_INITIALIZED'];
delete SystemInput.Subscriptions['TOUCH_START'];
delete SystemInput.Subscriptions['TOUCH_END'];
delete SystemInput.Subscriptions['TOUCH_MOVE'];
delete SystemInput.Subscriptions['TOUCH_CANCEL'];
delete SystemInput.Subscriptions['KEYBOARD_DOWN'];
delete SystemInput.Subscriptions['KEYBOARD_UP'];
delete SystemInput.Subscriptions['MOUSE_DOWN'];
delete SystemInput.Subscriptions['MOUSE_UP'];
delete SystemInput.Subscriptions['MOUSE_MOVE'];
delete SystemInput.Subscriptions['MOUSE_WHEEL'];
SystemInput.Started = false;
console.log('Stopped system: SystemInput');
* OnSliderEntityInitialized()
* - Listens to events of type Event.SLIDER_ENTITY_INITIALIZED and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnSliderEntityInitialized(object) {
console.log('Slider Entity Initialized');
* OnTouchStart()
* - Listens to events of type Event.TOUCH_START and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnTouchStart(object) {
* OnTouchEnd()
* - Listens to events of type Event.TOUCH_END and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnTouchEnd(object) {
* OnTouchMove()
* - Listens to events of type Event.TOUCH_MOVE and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnTouchMove(object) {
* OnTouchCancel()
* - Listens to events of type Event.TOUCH_CANCEL and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnTouchCancel(object) {
* OnKeyboardDown()
* - Listens to events of type Event.KEYBOARD_DOWN and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnKeyboardDown(object) {
* OnKeyboardUp()
* - Listens to events of type Event.KEYBOARD_UP and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnKeyboardUp(object) {
* OnMouseDown()
* - Listens to events of type Event.MOUSE_DOWN and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnMouseDown(object) {
* OnMouseUp()
* - Listens to events of type Event.MOUSE_UP and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnMouseUp(object) {
* OnMouseMove()
* - Listens to events of type Event.MOUSE_MOVE and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnMouseMove(object) {
* OnMouseWheel()
* - Listens to events of type Event.MOUSE_WHEEL and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnMouseWheel(object) {
* static Started - Indicates whether or not this system is running or not
SystemInput.Started = false;
* static Subscriptions - An association object which hold the subscription handles for Events this system is
* listening to. The system can stop receiving events by calling remove() on a handle.
SystemInput.Subscriptions = {};
Class R3.System.Linking
[Inherited from System]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to SystemLinking]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
- BlacklistedComponents (Default value [] - A list of component constructors which should not be
permitted to create instances immediately)
<no methods>
Static Methods:
- SanityChecks(r3Object, property, value)
When an object gets some value assigned to a property, we need to check if this property is a required
property, and if so, the value assigned to this property needs to conform to the type restrictions enforced by
the requirements objects.
- SetParentChildRelationships(r3Object, property, value)
When an object gets some value assigned to a property, and it is a required property, we need to ensure that
the proper parent and child relationships are maintained
- DetermineFutureReadyState(r3Object, property, value)
When an object is assigned some value to one of its required properties, we should determine the future
'readiness' state of this R3 Object. Only if its ready state becomes false, we need to cascade this
information to all parents forcing them to emit a Only if its ready state becomes false, we force all parents
- CascadeFutureReadyState(r3Object, readyState)
We start at the current node - emit READY_STATE_PENDING_FALSE event, afterwards calling asking all parents to
emit a READY_STATE_PENDING_FALSE event. This allows the SystemLinking to stop Entities before the cleanup
- CascadeActualReadyState(r3Object)
We start at the current node, determine its current ready state (it triggers the appropriate events),
afterwards we work from the first parent upwards, determining it's ready state, taking appropriate action and
cascading upwards.
class SystemLinking extends System {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
* Start()
* - Starts the system by registering subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Start(options) {
SystemLinking.Subscriptions['OBJECT_CREATED'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemLinking.Subscriptions['COMPONENT_INITIALIZED'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemLinking.Subscriptions['ENTITY_INITIALIZED'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemLinking.Subscriptions['INSTANCE_CREATED'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemLinking.Subscriptions['CREATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemLinking.Subscriptions['OBJECT_PROPERTY_UPDATE'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemLinking.Subscriptions['OBJECT_PROPERTY_UPDATED'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemLinking.Subscriptions['ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemLinking.Subscriptions['FINAL_INITIALIZE'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemLinking.Started = true;
console.log('Started system: SystemLinking');
* Stop()
* - Stops the system by removing these subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Stop(options) {
delete SystemLinking.Subscriptions['OBJECT_CREATED'];
delete SystemLinking.Subscriptions['COMPONENT_INITIALIZED'];
delete SystemLinking.Subscriptions['ENTITY_INITIALIZED'];
delete SystemLinking.Subscriptions['INSTANCE_CREATED'];
delete SystemLinking.Subscriptions['CREATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE'];
delete SystemLinking.Subscriptions['OBJECT_PROPERTY_UPDATE'];
delete SystemLinking.Subscriptions['OBJECT_PROPERTY_UPDATED'];
delete SystemLinking.Subscriptions['ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE'];
delete SystemLinking.Subscriptions['FINAL_INITIALIZE'];
SystemLinking.Started = false;
console.log('Stopped system: SystemLinking');
* SanityChecks()
* - When an object gets some value assigned to a property, we need to check if this property is a required
* property, and if so, the value assigned to this property needs to conform to the type restrictions enforced by
* the requirements objects.
* @param r3Object
* @param property
* @param value
static SanityChecks(
) {
for (let r = 0; r < r3Object.required.length; r++) {
* First we check if this is a required property
if (!r3Object.required[r].hasOwnProperty(property)) {
* We know this property is required - so continue..
if (r3Object.required[r][property] instanceof Array) {
* First we need to check that this value conforms to the requirement of being an Array
if (!(value instanceof Array)) {
if (r3Object.underConstruction) {
* We are about to throw during a construction process. This means this r3Object will not
* be created - and so we need tell all of its children that this object is no longer their
* parent so that it can be garbage collected
function(child) {
Utils.RemoveFromArray(child.parents, r3Object);
throw new TypeError('The property ' + property + ' of ' + r3Object.name + ' was not properly defined - it should be an array');
if (value.length === 0) {
* Check all items in the array are valid objects of type r3Object.required[property]
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
function (constructor) {
if (!(value[i] instanceof constructor)) {
if (r3Object.underConstruction) {
* We are about to throw during a construction process. This means this r3Object will not
* be created - and so we need tell all of its children that this object is no longer their
* parent so that it can be garbage collected
function(child) {
Utils.RemoveFromArray(child.parents, r3Object);
throw new TypeError('The child item inside ' + property + '[] of this object is not of the correct type');
} else {
if (value === null) {
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
if (!(value instanceof r3Object.required[r][property])) {
if (r3Object.underConstruction) {
* We are about to throw during a construction process. This means this r3Object will not
* be created - and so we need tell all of its children that this object is no longer their
* parent so that it can be garbage collected
function(child) {
Utils.RemoveFromArray(child.parents, r3Object);
throw new TypeError('The property ' + property + ' of ' + r3Object.name + ' is not of the correct type')
* SetParentChildRelationships()
* - When an object gets some value assigned to a property, and it is a required property, we need to ensure that
* the proper parent and child relationships are maintained
* @param r3Object
* @param property
* @param value
static SetParentChildRelationships(
) {
if (value instanceof Array) {
* We need to check if we removed an item from the existing array
if (r3Object[property].length > 0) {
* Find the missing value (if any) from the old array
let unlinked = r3Object[property].reduce(
function(result, object) {
if (value.indexOf(object) === -1) {
return result;
function(unlinkObject) {
Utils.RemoveFromArray(unlinkObject.parents, r3Object);
Utils.RemoveFromArray(r3Object.children, unlinkObject);
if (r3Object instanceof Entity) {
Utils.RemoveFromArray(r3Object.components, unlinkObject);
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if (value[i] instanceof R3Object) {
Utils.PushUnique(value[i].parents, r3Object);
Utils.PushUnique(r3Object.children, value[i]);
if (r3Object instanceof Entity) {
Utils.PushUnique(r3Object.components, value[i]);
if (value instanceof R3Object) {
Utils.PushUnique(value.parents, r3Object);
Utils.PushUnique(r3Object.children, value);
if (r3Object instanceof Entity) {
Utils.PushUnique(r3Object.components, value);
if (value === null || typeof value === 'undefined') {
if (r3Object[property] instanceof R3Object) {
Utils.RemoveFromArray(r3Object[property].parents, r3Object);
Utils.RemoveFromArray(r3Object.children, r3Object[property]);
if (r3Object instanceof Entity) {
Utils.RemoveFromArray(r3Object.components, r3Object[property]);
* DetermineFutureReadyState()
* - When an object is assigned some value to one of its required properties, we should determine the future
* 'readiness' state of this R3 Object. Only if its ready state becomes false, we need to cascade this
* information to all parents forcing them to emit a Only if its ready state becomes false, we force all parents
* to emit a READY_STATE_PENDING_FALSE event.
* @param r3Object
* @param property
* @param value
static DetermineFutureReadyState(
) {
console.log('Determining future ready state of ' + r3Object.name + ' because of property change : ' + property);
for (let r = 0; r < r3Object.required.length; r++) {
if (r3Object.ready[r]) {
* This object is currently ready - we need to check if this object will fall out of a ready state.
* We only need to compare the current property.
let ready = true;
let requirements = r3Object.required[r];
if (requirements.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
ready = r3Object.requirementValueCheck(requirements[property], value);
if (!ready) {
* This object will fall out of readiness state - notify all systems
console.log('Future ready state will transition from true to false');
SystemLinking.CascadeFutureReadyState(r3Object, R3Object.READY_STATE_PENDING_FALSE);
* CascadeFutureReadyState()
* - We start at the current node - emit READY_STATE_PENDING_FALSE event, afterwards calling asking all parents to
* emit a READY_STATE_PENDING_FALSE event. This allows the SystemLinking to stop Entities before the cleanup
* occurs.
* @param r3Object
* @param readyState
static CascadeFutureReadyState(
) {
let node = new Node(
object : r3Object
let graph = new Graph(
startNode : node,
relevant : ['parents']
let nodes = graph.closed;
* nodes contains a list of current node and parent Objects which are affected by the ready state of this object.
for (let n = 0; n < nodes.length; n++) {
let node = nodes[n];
* The parent does not know directly why it falls out of ready state necessarily - because from its perspective
* it may have all its children requirements met - however a child of one of its children is going out of ready
* state. So - without adding too much complexity here, we just notify all parents (including the current node)
* that it's impending ready state will be false. We don't care about the readyStateIndex because of this. (for
* the sake of complexity)
r3Object: node.object,
readyState: readyState
* CascadeActualReadyState()
* - We start at the current node, determine its current ready state (it triggers the appropriate events),
* afterwards we work from the first parent upwards, determining it's ready state, taking appropriate action and
* cascading upwards.
* @param r3Object
static CascadeActualReadyState(r3Object) {
console.log('Cascading actual ready state of ' + r3Object.name);
let node = new Node(
object : r3Object
let graph = new Graph(
startNode : node,
relevant : ['parents']
let nodes = graph.closed;
* nodes contains the current node as it's first object, followed by its parents
for (let n = 0; n < nodes.length; n++) {
let node = nodes[n];
* A simple node.object.isReady() check will trigger the required READY_STATE_CHANGE events
* OnObjectCreated()
* - Listens to events of type Event.OBJECT_CREATED and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnObjectCreated(object) {
console.log('Object created : ' + object.name);
* OnComponentInitialized()
* - Listens to events of type Event.COMPONENT_INITIALIZED and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnComponentInitialized(object) {
console.log('component initialized');
* OnEntityInitialized()
* - Listens to events of type Event.ENTITY_INITIALIZED and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnEntityInitialized(object) {
console.log('entity initialized');
* OnInstanceCreated()
* - Listens to events of type Event.INSTANCE_CREATED and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnInstanceCreated(object) {
console.log('instance created');
* OnCreateInstanceBefore()
* - Listens to events of type Event.CREATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return boolean delayInstance which indicates whether or not instance creation is delayed (handled) by
* another system. (i.e. where instance creation order is of importance)
static OnCreateInstanceBefore(object) {
for (let i = 0; i < SystemLinking.BlacklistedComponents.length; i++) {
if (object instanceof SystemLinking.BlacklistedComponents) {
* If an object is 'Blacklisted' - we need to fire an event
* to notify other systems that this component requests
* to have its instance created.
* Should no system respond to this event we should continue
* to create the instance
let delayInstance = false;
function(response) {
delayInstance = response;
return delayInstance;
return false;
* OnObjectPropertyUpdate()
* - Listens to events of type Event.OBJECT_PROPERTY_UPDATE and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnObjectPropertyUpdate(object) {
let {value, property, r3Object} = object;
// object = object.object;
console.log('Object property update: ' + r3Object.constructor.name + '.' + property);
* First we need to perform some sanity checks on the property
SystemLinking.SanityChecks(r3Object, property, value);
* Set the parent relationships
SystemLinking.SetParentChildRelationships(r3Object, property, value);
* Determine the future ready state of the r3Object
SystemLinking.DetermineFutureReadyState(r3Object, property, value);
* The value was unassigned - remove the parent relationships of the existing
* components (if available)
// if (value === null || typeof value === 'undefined') {
// if (r3Object[property] instanceof R3Object) {
// r3Object.dirty = true;
// Utils.RemoveFromArray(r3Object[property].parents, r3Object);
// }
// }
// if (!r3Object.underConstruction) {
// if (r3Object.initialized) {
// /**
// * Check if this object will still be initialized after this assignment completes
// */
// r3Object.setInitialized(property, value);
// if (!r3Object.initialized) {
// //We set this object back to initialized because it is still initialized - it WILL be not initialized in the future
// r3Object.initialized = true;
// r3Object.stop();
// }
// }
// }
* OnObjectPropertyUpdated()
* - Listens to events of type Event.OBJECT_PROPERTY_UPDATED and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnObjectPropertyUpdated(object) {
let {r3Object} = object;
* Determine the actual ready state of the r3Object
* OnOnReadyStateChange()
* - Listens to events of type Event.ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnOnReadyStateChange(object) {
let {r3Object, readyState, readyStateIndex} = object;
if (readyState === R3Object.READY_STATE_TRUE) {
console.log('Ready state changed to true for ' + r3Object.name + ' by passing requirements set ' + readyStateIndex);
* If it is a Component and it has no instance, call its createInstance().
if (r3Object instanceof Component && !r3Object.instance) {
* If it is an Entity and it is stopped, call the start() method.
if (r3Object instanceof Entity && r3Object.started === false) {
if (readyState === R3Object.READY_STATE_FALSE) {
console.log('Ready state false for : ' + r3Object.name);
* If it is a Component and it has an instance, dispose of it
if (r3Object instanceof Component && r3Object.instance) {
if (readyState === R3Object.READY_STATE_PENDING_FALSE) {
console.log('Ready state pending false for : ' + r3Object.name);
* If it is an Entity and is started, stop it.
if (r3Object instanceof Entity && r3Object.started === true) {
if (readyState === R3Object.READY_STATE_PENDING_TRUE) {
* We don't do anything at the moment - we just log this information.
console.log('Ready state pending true for ' + r3Object.name + ' by passing requirements set ' + readyStateIndex);
* OnFinalInitialize()
* - Listens to events of type Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnFinalInitialize(object) {
if (object instanceof Component) {
if (object.required.length === 0) {
if (object instanceof Entity) {
if (object.required.length === 0) {
* static Started - Indicates whether or not this system is running or not
SystemLinking.Started = false;
* static Subscriptions - An association object which hold the subscription handles for Events this system is
* listening to. The system can stop receiving events by calling remove() on a handle.
SystemLinking.Subscriptions = {};
* static BlacklistedComponents - A list of component constructors which should not be permitted to create instances
* immediately
SystemLinking.BlacklistedComponents = [];
Class R3.System.Render
[Inherited from System]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to SystemRender]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class SystemRender extends System {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
* Start()
* - Starts the system by registering subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Start(options) {
SystemRender.Subscriptions['INSTANCE_CREATED'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemRender.Started = true;
console.log('Started system: SystemRender');
* Stop()
* - Stops the system by removing these subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Stop(options) {
delete SystemRender.Subscriptions['INSTANCE_CREATED'];
SystemRender.Started = false;
console.log('Stopped system: SystemRender');
* OnInstanceCreated()
* - Listens to events of type Event.INSTANCE_CREATED and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnInstanceCreated(object) {
if (
object instanceof ComponentDOM ||
object instanceof ComponentImage
) {
if (object.runtime instanceof RuntimeWebDOM) {
* static Started - Indicates whether or not this system is running or not
SystemRender.Started = false;
* static Subscriptions - An association object which hold the subscription handles for Events this system is
* listening to. The system can stop receiving events by calling remove() on a handle.
SystemRender.Subscriptions = {};
Class R3.System.Runtime
[Inherited from System]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to SystemRuntime]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
- Projects (Default value [])
- CurrentProject (Default value null)
- ServerSide (Default value (typeof process !)
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class SystemRuntime extends System {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
* Start()
* - Starts the system by registering subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Start(options) {
SystemRuntime.Subscriptions['RUNTIME_CREATED'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemRuntime.Subscriptions['GET_RUNTIME'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemRuntime.Subscriptions['PROJECT_INITIALIZED'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemRuntime.Subscriptions['GET_API_URL'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemRuntime.Started = true;
console.log('Started system: SystemRuntime');
* Stop()
* - Stops the system by removing these subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Stop(options) {
delete SystemRuntime.Subscriptions['RUNTIME_CREATED'];
delete SystemRuntime.Subscriptions['GET_RUNTIME'];
delete SystemRuntime.Subscriptions['PROJECT_INITIALIZED'];
delete SystemRuntime.Subscriptions['GET_API_URL'];
SystemRuntime.Started = false;
console.log('Stopped system: SystemRuntime');
* OnRuntimeCreated()
* - Listens to events of type Event.RUNTIME_CREATED and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnRuntimeCreated(object) {
console.log('Runtime created : ' + object.name);
* OnGetRuntime()
* - Listens to events of type Event.GET_RUNTIME and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnGetRuntime(object) {
if (object.runtimeClass === RuntimeAudio) {
if (SystemRuntime.CurrentProject === null) {
* We use the default runtime
if (SystemRuntime.ServerSide) {
throw new Error('No server side implementation for RuntimeAudio');
} else {
if (typeof SystemRuntime.RuntimeAudio.Three === 'undefined') {
SystemRuntime.RuntimeAudio.Three = new RuntimeAudioThree();
return SystemRuntime.RuntimeAudio.Three;
} else {
* Get runtime from project
console.log('todo : implement project based runtime here');
if (object.runtimeClass === RuntimeCode) {
if (SystemRuntime.CurrentProject === null) {
* We use the default runtime
if (SystemRuntime.ServerSide) {
if (typeof SystemRuntime.RuntimeCode.JS === 'undefined') {
SystemRuntime.RuntimeCode.JS = new RuntimeCodeJS();
return SystemRuntime.RuntimeCode.JS;
} else {
if (typeof SystemRuntime.RuntimeCode.JS === 'undefined') {
SystemRuntime.RuntimeCode.JS = new RuntimeCodeJS();
return SystemRuntime.RuntimeCode.JS;
} else {
* Get runtime from project
console.log('todo : implement project based runtime here');
if (object.runtimeClass === RuntimeCoder) {
if (SystemRuntime.CurrentProject === null) {
* We use the default runtime
if (SystemRuntime.ServerSide) {
throw new Error('No server side implementation for RuntimeCoder');
} else {
if (typeof SystemRuntime.RuntimeCoder.CodeMirror === 'undefined') {
SystemRuntime.RuntimeCoder.CodeMirror = new RuntimeCoderCodeMirror();
return SystemRuntime.RuntimeCoder.CodeMirror;
} else {
* Get runtime from project
console.log('todo : implement project based runtime here');
if (object.runtimeClass === RuntimeDOM) {
if (SystemRuntime.CurrentProject === null) {
* We use the default runtime
if (SystemRuntime.ServerSide) {
if (typeof SystemRuntime.RuntimeDOM.JS === 'undefined') {
SystemRuntime.RuntimeDOM.JS = new RuntimeDOMJS();
return SystemRuntime.RuntimeDOM.JS;
} else {
if (typeof SystemRuntime.RuntimeDOM.Web === 'undefined') {
SystemRuntime.RuntimeDOM.Web = new RuntimeDOMWeb();
return SystemRuntime.RuntimeDOM.Web;
} else {
* Get runtime from project
console.log('todo : implement project based runtime here');
if (object.runtimeClass === RuntimeGUI) {
if (SystemRuntime.CurrentProject === null) {
* We use the default runtime
if (SystemRuntime.ServerSide) {
throw new Error('No server side implementation for RuntimeGUI');
} else {
if (typeof SystemRuntime.RuntimeGUI.ControlKit === 'undefined') {
SystemRuntime.RuntimeGUI.ControlKit = new RuntimeGUIControlKit();
return SystemRuntime.RuntimeGUI.ControlKit;
} else {
* Get runtime from project
console.log('todo : implement project based runtime here');
if (object.runtimeClass === RuntimeGraphics) {
if (SystemRuntime.CurrentProject === null) {
* We use the default runtime
if (SystemRuntime.ServerSide) {
throw new Error('No server side implementation for RuntimeGraphics');
} else {
if (typeof SystemRuntime.RuntimeGraphics.Three === 'undefined') {
SystemRuntime.RuntimeGraphics.Three = new RuntimeGraphicsThree();
return SystemRuntime.RuntimeGraphics.Three;
} else {
* Get runtime from project
console.log('todo : implement project based runtime here');
if (object.runtimeClass === RuntimePhysics) {
if (SystemRuntime.CurrentProject === null) {
* We use the default runtime
if (SystemRuntime.ServerSide) {
if (typeof SystemRuntime.RuntimePhysics.Bullet === 'undefined') {
SystemRuntime.RuntimePhysics.Bullet = new RuntimePhysicsBullet();
return SystemRuntime.RuntimePhysics.Bullet;
} else {
throw new Error('No client side implementation for RuntimePhysics');
} else {
* Get runtime from project
console.log('todo : implement project based runtime here');
if (object.runtimeClass === RuntimeSocket) {
if (SystemRuntime.CurrentProject === null) {
* We use the default runtime
if (SystemRuntime.ServerSide) {
throw new Error('No server side implementation for RuntimeSocket');
} else {
throw new Error('No client side implementation for RuntimeSocket');
} else {
* Get runtime from project
console.log('todo : implement project based runtime here');
if (object.runtimeClass === RuntimeStatistics) {
if (SystemRuntime.CurrentProject === null) {
* We use the default runtime
if (SystemRuntime.ServerSide) {
throw new Error('No server side implementation for RuntimeStatistics');
} else {
if (typeof SystemRuntime.RuntimeStatistics.Stats === 'undefined') {
SystemRuntime.RuntimeStatistics.Stats = new RuntimeStatisticsStats();
return SystemRuntime.RuntimeStatistics.Stats;
} else {
* Get runtime from project
console.log('todo : implement project based runtime here');
* OnProjectInitialized()
* - Listens to events of type Event.PROJECT_INITIALIZED and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnProjectInitialized(object) {
Utils.PushUnique(SystemRuntime.Projects, object);
SystemRuntime.CurrentProject = object;
* OnGetApiUrl()
* - Listens to events of type Event.GET_API_URL and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnGetApiUrl(object) {
if (SystemRuntime.CurrentProject === null) {
* Check if we are running server side or client side
if (process && process.env) {
const {API_URL} = process.env;
if (typeof API_URL === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('No API_URL defined for this process');
return API_URL;
} else {
return 'http://api.r3js.local';
* static Started - Indicates whether or not this system is running or not
SystemRuntime.Started = false;
* static Subscriptions - An association object which hold the subscription handles for Events this system is
* listening to. The system can stop receiving events by calling remove() on a handle.
SystemRuntime.Subscriptions = {};
* static Projects - No comment
SystemRuntime.Projects = [];
* static CurrentProject - No comment
SystemRuntime.CurrentProject = null;
* static ServerSide - No comment
SystemRuntime.ServerSide = (typeof process !== 'undefined');
SystemRuntime.RuntimeAudio = {};
SystemRuntime.RuntimeCode = {};
SystemRuntime.RuntimeCoder = {};
SystemRuntime.RuntimeDOM = {};
SystemRuntime.RuntimeGUI = {};
SystemRuntime.RuntimeGraphics = {};
SystemRuntime.RuntimePhysics = {};
SystemRuntime.RuntimeSocket = {};
SystemRuntime.RuntimeStatistics = {};
Class R3.System.Socket
[Inherited from System]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to SystemSocket]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class SystemSocket extends System {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
* Start()
* - Starts the system by registering subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Start(options) {
SystemSocket.Started = true;
console.log('Started system: SystemSocket');
* Stop()
* - Stops the system by removing these subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Stop(options) {
SystemSocket.Started = false;
console.log('Stopped system: SystemSocket');
* static Started - Indicates whether or not this system is running or not
SystemSocket.Started = false;
* static Subscriptions - An association object which hold the subscription handles for Events this system is
* listening to. The system can stop receiving events by calling remove() on a handle.
SystemSocket.Subscriptions = {};
Class R3.System.Storage
[Inherited from System]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to SystemStorage]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class SystemStorage extends System {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
* Start()
* - Starts the system by registering subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Start(options) {
SystemStorage.Subscriptions['IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED'] = Event.Subscribe(
SystemStorage.Started = true;
console.log('Started system: SystemStorage');
* Stop()
* - Stops the system by removing these subscriptions to events
* @param options
static Stop(options) {
delete SystemStorage.Subscriptions['IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED'];
SystemStorage.Started = false;
console.log('Stopped system: SystemStorage');
* OnImageInstanceCreated()
* - Listens to events of type Event.IMAGE_INSTANCE_CREATED and executes this function.
* @param object (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return
static OnImageInstanceCreated(object) {
function(apiUrl) {
console.log('about to download image at: ' + apiUrl + object.external_path);
* static Started - Indicates whether or not this system is running or not
SystemStorage.Started = false;
* static Subscriptions - An association object which hold the subscription handles for Events this system is
* listening to. The system can stop receiving events by calling remove() on a handle.
SystemStorage.Subscriptions = {};
class Runtime {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
Runtime.BASE_AUDIO = 0x0;
Runtime.BASE_CODE = 0x1;
Runtime.BASE_CODER = 0x2;
Runtime.BASE_DOM = 0x3;
Runtime.BASE_GUI = 0x4;
Runtime.BASE_GRAPHICS = 0x5;
Runtime.BASE_PHYSICS = 0x6;
Runtime.BASE_SOCKET = 0x7;
Runtime.BASE_STATISTICS = 0x8;
Runtime.AUDIO_THREE = 0x9;
Runtime.CODE_JS = 0xa;
Runtime.CODER_CODE_MIRROR = 0xb;
Runtime.DOMJS = 0xc;
Runtime.DOM_WEB = 0xd;
Runtime.GUI_CONTROL_KIT = 0xe;
Runtime.GRAPHICS_THREE = 0xf;
Runtime.PHYSICS_BULLET = 0x10;
Runtime.STATISTICS_STATS = 0x11;
Class R3.Runtime.Audio
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeAudio]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeAudio extends Runtime {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* name - Name of the runtime
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
options.name = this.constructor.name;
Object.assign(this, options);
Event.Emit(Event.RUNTIME_CREATED, this);
Class R3.Runtime.Audio.Three
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from RuntimeAudio]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeAudioThree]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeAudioThree extends RuntimeAudio {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* serverSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for server side
if (typeof options.serverSide === 'undefined') {
options.serverSide = false;
* clientSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for client side
if (typeof options.clientSide === 'undefined') {
options.clientSide = true;
* default - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is the default when there is no project
* specified runtime.
if (typeof options.default === 'undefined') {
options.default = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
* buildInstance()
* - Creates a runtime instance object based on the R3.Component representing it.
* @param component
buildInstance(component) {
Class R3.Runtime.Code
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeCode]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeCode extends Runtime {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* name - Name of the runtime
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
options.name = this.constructor.name;
Object.assign(this, options);
Event.Emit(Event.RUNTIME_CREATED, this);
Class R3.Runtime.Code.JS
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from RuntimeCode]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeCodeJS]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeCodeJS extends RuntimeCode {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* serverSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for server side
if (typeof options.serverSide === 'undefined') {
options.serverSide = true;
* clientSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for client side
if (typeof options.clientSide === 'undefined') {
options.clientSide = true;
* default - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is the default when there is no project
* specified runtime.
if (typeof options.default === 'undefined') {
options.default = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
* buildInstance()
* - Creates a runtime instance object based on the R3.Component representing it.
* @param component
buildInstance(component) {
Class R3.Runtime.Coder
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeCoder]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeCoder extends Runtime {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* name - Name of the runtime
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
options.name = this.constructor.name;
Object.assign(this, options);
Event.Emit(Event.RUNTIME_CREATED, this);
Class R3.Runtime.Coder.CodeMirror
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from RuntimeCoder]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeCoderCodeMirror]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeCoderCodeMirror extends RuntimeCoder {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* serverSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for server side
if (typeof options.serverSide === 'undefined') {
options.serverSide = false;
* clientSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for client side
if (typeof options.clientSide === 'undefined') {
options.clientSide = true;
* default - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is the default when there is no project
* specified runtime.
if (typeof options.default === 'undefined') {
options.default = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
* buildInstance()
* - Creates a runtime instance object based on the R3.Component representing it.
* @param component
buildInstance(component) {
Class R3.Runtime.DOM
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeDOM]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeDOM extends Runtime {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* name - Name of the runtime
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
options.name = this.constructor.name;
Object.assign(this, options);
Event.Emit(Event.RUNTIME_CREATED, this);
Class R3.Runtime.DOM.JS
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from RuntimeDOM]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeDOMJS]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeDOMJS extends RuntimeDOM {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* serverSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for server side
if (typeof options.serverSide === 'undefined') {
options.serverSide = true;
* clientSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for client side
if (typeof options.clientSide === 'undefined') {
options.clientSide = false;
* default - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is the default when there is no project
* specified runtime.
if (typeof options.default === 'undefined') {
options.default = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
* buildInstance()
* - Creates a runtime instance object based on the R3.Component representing it.
* @param component
buildInstance(component) {
Class R3.Runtime.DOM.Web
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from RuntimeDOM]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeDOMWeb]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeDOMWeb extends RuntimeDOM {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* serverSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for server side
if (typeof options.serverSide === 'undefined') {
options.serverSide = false;
* clientSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for client side
if (typeof options.clientSide === 'undefined') {
options.clientSide = true;
* default - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is the default when there is no project
* specified runtime.
if (typeof options.default === 'undefined') {
options.default = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
* buildInstance()
* - Creates a runtime instance object based on the R3.Component representing it.
* @param component
buildInstance(component) {
Class R3.Runtime.GUI
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeGUI]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeGUI extends Runtime {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* name - Name of the runtime
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
options.name = this.constructor.name;
Object.assign(this, options);
Event.Emit(Event.RUNTIME_CREATED, this);
Class R3.Runtime.GUI.ControlKit
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from RuntimeGUI]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeGUIControlKit]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeGUIControlKit extends RuntimeGUI {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* serverSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for server side
if (typeof options.serverSide === 'undefined') {
options.serverSide = false;
* clientSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for client side
if (typeof options.clientSide === 'undefined') {
options.clientSide = true;
* default - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is the default when there is no project
* specified runtime.
if (typeof options.default === 'undefined') {
options.default = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
* buildInstance()
* - Creates a runtime instance object based on the R3.Component representing it.
* @param component
buildInstance(component) {
Class R3.Runtime.Graphics
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeGraphics]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeGraphics extends Runtime {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* name - Name of the runtime
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
options.name = this.constructor.name;
Object.assign(this, options);
Event.Emit(Event.RUNTIME_CREATED, this);
Class R3.Runtime.Graphics.Three
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from RuntimeGraphics]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeGraphicsThree]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeGraphicsThree extends RuntimeGraphics {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* serverSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for server side
if (typeof options.serverSide === 'undefined') {
options.serverSide = false;
* clientSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for client side
if (typeof options.clientSide === 'undefined') {
options.clientSide = true;
* default - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is the default when there is no project
* specified runtime.
if (typeof options.default === 'undefined') {
options.default = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
* buildInstance()
* - Creates a runtime instance object based on the R3.Component representing it.
* @param component
buildInstance(component) {
Class R3.Runtime.Physics
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimePhysics]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimePhysics extends Runtime {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* name - Name of the runtime
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
options.name = this.constructor.name;
Object.assign(this, options);
Event.Emit(Event.RUNTIME_CREATED, this);
Class R3.Runtime.Physics.Bullet
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from RuntimePhysics]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimePhysicsBullet]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimePhysicsBullet extends RuntimePhysics {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* serverSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for server side
if (typeof options.serverSide === 'undefined') {
options.serverSide = true;
* clientSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for client side
if (typeof options.clientSide === 'undefined') {
options.clientSide = false;
* default - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is the default when there is no project
* specified runtime.
if (typeof options.default === 'undefined') {
options.default = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
* buildInstance()
* - Creates a runtime instance object based on the R3.Component representing it.
* @param component
buildInstance(component) {
Class R3.Runtime.Socket
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeSocket]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeSocket extends Runtime {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* name - Name of the runtime
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
options.name = this.constructor.name;
Object.assign(this, options);
Event.Emit(Event.RUNTIME_CREATED, this);
Class R3.Runtime.Statistics
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeStatistics]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeStatistics extends Runtime {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* name - Name of the runtime
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
options.name = this.constructor.name;
Object.assign(this, options);
Event.Emit(Event.RUNTIME_CREATED, this);
Class R3.Runtime.Statistics.Stats
[Inherited from Runtime]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from RuntimeStatistics]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to RuntimeStatisticsStats]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class RuntimeStatisticsStats extends RuntimeStatistics {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* serverSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for server side
if (typeof options.serverSide === 'undefined') {
options.serverSide = false;
* clientSide - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is intended for client side
if (typeof options.clientSide === 'undefined') {
options.clientSide = true;
* default - Flag which indicates whether or not this runtime is the default when there is no project
* specified runtime.
if (typeof options.default === 'undefined') {
options.default = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
* buildInstance()
* - Creates a runtime instance object based on the R3.Component representing it.
* @param component
buildInstance(component) {
class Event {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
* async()
* - Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
* @param eventId
* @param data
* @param clientCallback
* @param clientErrorCallback
) {
return Event.Async(
* emit()
* - Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
* @param eventId
* @param data
* @param clientCallback
* @param clientErrorCallback
) {
return Event.Emit(
* subscribe()
* - Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
* @param eventId
* @param callback
) {
return Event.Subscribe(eventId, callback.bind(this));
* Async()
* - Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
* arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
* error as argument.
* @param eventId
* @param data
* @param clientCallback
* @param clientErrorCallback
static Async(
) {
if (Event.Subscriptions.hasOwnProperty(eventId)) {
let subscriptionIds = Object.keys(Event.Subscriptions[eventId]);
function(subscriptionId) {
try {
Event.Subscriptions[eventId][subscriptionId](data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback);
} catch (error) {
if (clientErrorCallback) {
} else {
throw error;
* Emit()
* - Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
* the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
* clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
* @param eventId
* @param data
* @param clientCallback
* @param clientErrorCallback
static Emit(
) {
if (Event.Subscriptions.hasOwnProperty(eventId)) {
let subscriptionIds = Object.keys(Event.Subscriptions[eventId]);
function(subscriptionId) {
try {
let result = Event.Subscriptions[eventId][subscriptionId](data);
if (clientCallback) {
} catch (error) {
if (clientErrorCallback) {
} else {
throw error;
} else {
if (clientCallback) {
* Subscribe()
* - Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
* @param eventId
* @param callback
* @returns {Object} - A handle to the subscription which can be removed by calling handle.remove()
static Subscribe(
) {
let subscriptionId = Utils.RandomId(10);
if (Event.Subscriptions.hasOwnProperty(eventId)) {
if (Event.Subscriptions[eventId][subscriptionId]) {
throw new Error('A component can only subscribe to a particular event ID once');
Event.Subscriptions[eventId][subscriptionId] = callback;
} else {
Event.Subscriptions[eventId] = {};
Event.Subscriptions[eventId][subscriptionId] = callback;
* Return a handle to the caller to allow us to unsubscribe to this event
return {
fn: callback,
remove: function (eventId, subscriptionId) {
return function () {
* Stop listening for this event from this component
delete Event.Subscriptions[eventId][subscriptionId];
* If the length of listeners is 0, stop referencing this event
* @type {string[]}
let listeners = Object.keys(Event.Subscriptions[eventId]);
if (listeners.length === 0) {
delete Event.Subscriptions[eventId];
return true;
}(eventId, subscriptionId),
subscriptionId : subscriptionId
* Some nice Events handling
* @type {{}}
static Subscriptions = {};
Event.BEFORE_RENDER = 0x1;
Event.GET_API_URL = 0xd;
Event.GET_RUNTIME = 0xe;
Event.GET_WINDOW_SIZE = 0xf;
Event.KEYBOARD_DOWN = 0x15;
Event.KEYBOARD_UP = 0x16;
Event.MOUSE_DOWN = 0x17;
Event.MOUSE_MOVE = 0x18;
Event.MOUSE_UP = 0x19;
Event.MOUSE_WHEEL = 0x1a;
Event.OBJECT_CREATED = 0x1b;
Event.PAUSE = 0x1f;
Event.RESTART = 0x21;
Event.START = 0x24;
Event.TOUCH_CANCEL = 0x25;
Event.TOUCH_END = 0x26;
Event.TOUCH_MOVE = 0x27;
Event.TOUCH_START = 0x28;
Event.MAX_EVENTS = 0x2f;
Event.GetEventName = function(eventId) {
switch(eventId) {
case 0x1 : return 'before_render';
case 0x2 : return 'blacklisted_component_instance_request';
case 0x3 : return 'component_created';
case 0x4 : return 'component_initialized';
case 0x5 : return 'create_instance_before';
case 0x6 : return 'dispose_instance';
case 0x7 : return 'dispose_object';
case 0x8 : return 'dom_component_initialized';
case 0x9 : return 'entity_created';
case 0xa : return 'entity_initialized';
case 0xb : return 'entity_started';
case 0xc : return 'final_initialize';
case 0xd : return 'get_api_url';
case 0xe : return 'get_runtime';
case 0xf : return 'get_window_size';
case 0x10 : return 'graphics_component_initialized';
case 0x11 : return 'image_instance_created';
case 0x12 : return 'input_component_initialized';
case 0x13 : return 'instance_created';
case 0x14 : return 'instance_disposed';
case 0x15 : return 'keyboard_down';
case 0x16 : return 'keyboard_up';
case 0x17 : return 'mouse_down';
case 0x18 : return 'mouse_move';
case 0x19 : return 'mouse_up';
case 0x1a : return 'mouse_wheel';
case 0x1b : return 'object_created';
case 0x1c : return 'object_property_update';
case 0x1d : return 'object_property_updated';
case 0x1e : return 'on_ready_state_change';
case 0x1f : return 'pause';
case 0x20 : return 'project_initialized';
case 0x21 : return 'restart';
case 0x22 : return 'runtime_created';
case 0x23 : return 'slider_entity_initialized';
case 0x24 : return 'start';
case 0x25 : return 'touch_cancel';
case 0x26 : return 'touch_end';
case 0x27 : return 'touch_move';
case 0x28 : return 'touch_start';
case 0x29 : return 'update_from_instance_after';
case 0x2a : return 'update_from_instance_before';
case 0x2b : return 'update_instance_after';
case 0x2c : return 'update_instance_before';
case 0x2d : return 'update_instance_property';
case 0x2e : return 'update_property_from_instance';
default :
throw new Error('Event type not defined : ' + eventId);
Class R3.Event.Object
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Belonging to R3Object]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class R3Object extends Event {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* id - Each Object receives an 15 digit random ID which uniquely identifies it everywhere (client
* and server side)
if (typeof options.id === 'undefined') {
options.id = Utils.RandomId(15);
* name - Each Object has a name
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
options.name = this.constructor.name + '(' + options.id + ')';
* ready - Normally all objects are 'ready' to have their instances created, unless it has some
* required Object which is not present at time of construction and will be assigned later.
* All objects have multiple sets of 'required' objects which affect its 'ready' state.
if (typeof options.ready === 'undefined') {
options.ready = [];
* dirty - When dirty is true, it means that this object is in transition from having a child Object
* to not having this child Object, and will probably end up in an uninitialized state.
* During the next few clock cycles this child Object will have its parent reference to this
* Object removed.
if (typeof options.dirty === 'undefined') {
options.dirty = false;
* initialized - A boolean which indicates whether or not this Object has initialized
if (typeof options.initialized === 'undefined') {
options.initialized = false;
* initializeDepth - The amount of times this Object passed through initialize() functions
if (typeof options.initializeDepth === 'undefined') {
options.initializeDepth = 0;
* parents - All Objects could have parent(s)
if (typeof options.parents === 'undefined') {
options.parents = [];
* children - All Objects could have some children
if (typeof options.children === 'undefined') {
options.children = [];
* required - All Objects could have some required Objects which need to initialize before this Object
* can initialize
if (typeof options.required === 'undefined') {
options.required = [];
Object.assign(this, options);
this.emit(Event.OBJECT_CREATED, this);
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Initializes this Object if all of its required Objects are initialized
initialize() {
this.initialized = true;
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
throw new Error('You should not try to instantiate this base class - extend it rather...');
} else {
* isReady()
* - Checks whether or not at least one set of requirements pass the ready state (i.e. required objects are
* assigned and ready)
isReady() {
if (this.required.length === 0) {
return true;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
* We assume it is ready and will fail the ready test if a requirementValueCheck() fails
let ready = true;
let requirements = this.required[r];
for (let property in requirements) {
if (requirements.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
if (!this.requirementValueCheck(requirements[property], this[property])) {
ready = false;
* The ready state could have changed or not - regardless it should cascade this information in case
* new instances need to be created (ex. an image is added to an array and needs its instance created).
let readyStateChange = false;
if (this.ready[r] !== ready) {
readyStateChange = true;
this.ready[r] = ready;
if (readyStateChange) {
if (this.ready[r]) {
r3Object: this,
readyState: R3Object.READY_STATE_TRUE,
readyStateIndex: r
} else {
r3Object: this,
readyState: R3Object.READY_STATE_FALSE,
readyStateIndex: r
* If at least one requirements set pass - return true.
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
if (this.ready[r]) {
return true;
return false;
* requirementValueCheck()
* - Checks whether or not the property / value pair meets the requirements of setting this ready to true. It
* handles values of type Object and Array properly.
* @param property
* @param value
) {
* The property change is one of the required properties of this Object, so it affects the overall
* 'readiness' of this object.
if (property instanceof Array) {
if (!(value instanceof Array)) {
return false;
if (value.length === 0) {
return false;
for (let v = 0; v < value.length; v++) {
if (!(value[v] instanceof property[0])) {
return false;
if (!(value[v].isReady())) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
if (!(value instanceof property)) {
return false;
return value.isReady();
R3Object.PROJECT = 0x0;
R3Object.ENTITY = 0x1;
R3Object.ENTITY_SLIDER = 0x2;
R3Object.COMPONENT = 0x3;
R3Object.COMPONENT_CODE = 0x4;
R3Object.COMPONENT_DOM = 0x6;
R3Object.COMPONENT_INPUT = 0x11;
R3Object.MAX_R3OBJECT = 0x13;
R3Object.READY_STATE_TRUE = 0x4;
Class R3.Event.Object.Project
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to Project]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class Project extends R3Object {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.initialized === 'undefined') {
options.initialized = false;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Initializes this Object if all of its required Objects are initialized
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
Class R3.Event.Object.Entity
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to Entity]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class Entity extends R3Object {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.emit(Event.ENTITY_CREATED, this);
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Starts the Entity if all of its sub-Components are initialized
initialize() {
Event.Emit(Event.ENTITY_INITIALIZED, this);
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
throw new Error('You should not try to instantiate this base class - extend it rather...');
} else {
Entity.SLIDER = 0x0;
Entity.MAX_ENTITY = 0x1;
Class R3.Event.Object.Entity.Slider
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Entity]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to EntitySlider]
- canvas (Default value null - The Canvas Component to which this entity binds its custom code
- touch (Default value null - The slider component reacts to TOUCH Events, for this a touch
component is required)
- images (Default value [] - The Image Components which will be used to slide from one image to the
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
[0]images=[ComponentImage] - We need a list of at least one Image which to slide
[0]canvas=ComponentCanvas - We need a Canvas to attach our Input events
[0]touch=ComponentTouch - We need a Touch Component to respond to TOUCH Events
class EntitySlider extends Entity {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* components - A list of components that this entity is composed of
if (typeof options.components === 'undefined') {
options.components = [];
* started - Indicates whether or not this entity is active (subscribing to events) or not
if (typeof options.started === 'undefined') {
options.started = false;
* subscriptions - An association object which hold the subscription handles for Events this system is
* listening to. The system can stop receiving events by calling remove() on a handle.
if (typeof options.subscriptions === 'undefined') {
options.subscriptions = {};
* We need to assign some options here to the entity
* because SystemLinking requires 'components[]' to
* exist when determining parent / child relationships
Object.assign(this, options);
* canvas - The Canvas Component to which this entity binds its custom code components
if (typeof options.canvas === 'undefined') {
options.canvas = null;
* touch - The slider component reacts to TOUCH Events, for this a touch component is required
if (typeof options.touch === 'undefined') {
options.touch = null;
* images - The Image Components which will be used to slide from one image to the next
if (typeof options.images === 'undefined') {
options.images = [];
* images - We need a list of at least one Image which to slide
if (typeof options.required[0] === 'undefined') {
options.required[0] = {};
options.required[0].images = [ComponentImage];
if (typeof this._cache === 'undefined') {
this._cache = {};
this._cache['images'] = options.images;
configurable : true,
enumerable : true,
set: (x) => {
r3Object : this,
property : 'images',
value : x
this._cache['images'] = x;
r3Object : this,
property : 'images',
value : x
return x;
get : () => {
return this._cache['images'];
) /**
* canvas - We need a Canvas to attach our Input events
if (typeof options.required[0] === 'undefined') {
options.required[0] = {};
options.required[0].canvas = ComponentCanvas;
if (typeof this._cache === 'undefined') {
this._cache = {};
this._cache['canvas'] = options.canvas;
configurable : true,
enumerable : true,
set: (x) => {
r3Object : this,
property : 'canvas',
value : x
this._cache['canvas'] = x;
r3Object : this,
property : 'canvas',
value : x
return x;
get : () => {
return this._cache['canvas'];
) /**
* touch - We need a Touch Component to respond to TOUCH Events
if (typeof options.required[0] === 'undefined') {
options.required[0] = {};
options.required[0].touch = ComponentTouch;
if (typeof this._cache === 'undefined') {
this._cache = {};
this._cache['touch'] = options.touch;
configurable : true,
enumerable : true,
set: (x) => {
r3Object : this,
property : 'touch',
value : x
this._cache['touch'] = x;
r3Object : this,
property : 'touch',
value : x
return x;
get : () => {
return this._cache['touch'];
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Starts the Entity if all of its sub-Components are initialized. Calls the parent initialize().
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* start()
* - Starts the entity by subscribing to all events
start() {
this.subscriptions['BEFORE_RENDER'] = this.subscribe(
this.subscriptions['TOUCH_START'] = this.subscribe(
this.subscriptions['TOUCH_MOVE'] = this.subscribe(
this.subscriptions['TOUCH_END'] = this.subscribe(
this.started = true;
if (this instanceof Entity) {
console.log('Started transient system: EntitySlider');
* stop()
* - Stops this entity by removing all subscriptions to events
stop() {
delete this.subscriptions['BEFORE_RENDER'];
delete this.subscriptions['TOUCH_START'];
delete this.subscriptions['TOUCH_MOVE'];
delete this.subscriptions['TOUCH_END'];
this.started = false;
console.log('Stopped transient system: EntitySlider');
* OnBeforeRender()
* - Listens to events of type Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes this function.
* @param data (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return null
OnBeforeRender(data) {
* OnTouchStart()
* - Listens to events of type Event.TOUCH_START and executes this function.
* @param data (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return null
OnTouchStart(data) {
* OnTouchMove()
* - Listens to events of type Event.TOUCH_MOVE and executes this function.
* @param data (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return null
OnTouchMove(data) {
* OnTouchEnd()
* - Listens to events of type Event.TOUCH_END and executes this function.
* @param data (The event data passed as argument - typically an R3Object)
* @return null
OnTouchEnd(data) {
Class R3.Event.Object.Component
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to Component]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class Component extends R3Object {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.emit(Event.COMPONENT_CREATED, this);
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Should raises an event(s) which indicates that this object initialized
initialize() {
Event.Emit(Event.COMPONENT_INITIALIZED, this);
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
throw new Error('You should not try to instantiate this base class - extend it rather...');
} else {
* createInstance()
* - Creates an instance of this object based on the current runtime
createInstance() {
function(delayInstance) {
if (delayInstance === true) {
console.log('Instance creation delayed for ' + this.name);
} else {
* Set the runtime
* Let the runtime build the instance
this.instance = this.runtime.buildInstance(this);
* Notify anyone who might be interested
this.emit(Event.INSTANCE_CREATED, this);
* dispose()
* - Disposes of this object by disposing the instance first.
dispose() {
function(object) {
if (object === this) {
this.emit(Event.DISPOSE_OBJECT, this);
* disposeInstance()
* - Disposes of the runtime instance.
disposeInstance() {
console.log('Disposing instance of ' + this.name);
this.emit(Event.DISPOSE_INSTANCE, this);
* setRuntime()
* - Sets the runtime property of this component required for constructing an instance of this component.
setRuntime() {
function(runtime) {
this.runtime = runtime;
Component.CODE = 0x0;
Component.CODE_JS = 0x1;
Component.DOM = 0x2;
Component.DOM_CANVAS = 0x3;
Component.DOM_IMAGE = 0x4;
Component.GRAPHICS = 0x5;
Component.GRAPHICS_GEOMETRY = 0x6;
Component.GRAPHICS_IMAGE = 0x9;
Component.GRAPHICS_MATERIAL = 0xa;
Component.GRAPHICS_MESH = 0xb;
Component.GRAPHICS_TEXTURE = 0xc;
Component.INPUT = 0xd;
Component.INPUT_TOUCH = 0xe;
Component.MAX_COMPONENT = 0xf;
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Code
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentCode]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentCode extends Component {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeCode;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Code.JS
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentCode]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentCodeJS]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentCodeJS extends ComponentCode {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeCode;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.DOM
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentDOM]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentDOM extends Component {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeDOM;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.DOM.Canvas
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentDOM]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentDOMCanvas]
- width (Default value 500 - The initial width of the canvas (You can override it with CSS))
- height (Default value 500 - The initial height of the canvas (You can override it with CSS))
- style (Default value 'border:1px solid #00bb00;')
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentDOMCanvas extends ComponentDOM {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeDOM;
* width - The initial width of the canvas (You can override it with CSS)
if (typeof options.width === 'undefined') {
options.width = 500;
* height - The initial height of the canvas (You can override it with CSS)
if (typeof options.height === 'undefined') {
options.height = 500;
* style - No comment
if (typeof options.style === 'undefined') {
options.style = 'border:1px solid #00bb00;';
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
if (property === 'width') {
this.instance.width = this.width;
component : this,
property : 'width',
instanceProperty : 'width'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'height') {
this.instance.height = this.height;
component : this,
property : 'height',
instanceProperty : 'height'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'style') {
this.instance.style = this.style;
component : this,
property : 'style',
instanceProperty : 'style'
if (property !== 'all') {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
if (property === 'width' || property === 'all') {
this.width = this.instance.width;
component : this,
property : 'width',
instanceProperty : 'width'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'height' || property === 'all') {
this.height = this.instance.height;
component : this,
property : 'height',
instanceProperty : 'height'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'style' || property === 'all') {
this.style = this.instance.style;
component : this,
property : 'style',
instanceProperty : 'style'
if (property !== 'all') {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.DOM.Image
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentDOM]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentDOMImage]
- src (Default value
- alt (Default value '15% opaque 1x1 green pixel' - The alt attribute of this image)
- fileName (Default value Utils.LowerUnderscore(options.name) - Name of the image under which it is
- extension (Default value '.png' - Extension of the file name including the '.' (ex. '.jpg'))
- external_path (Default value '/images/' + options.id + '.png' - Path to the image relative to the
project defined API URL)
- internal_path (Default value '/tmp/' + options.id + '.png' - Server side path on the server to the
file, excluding filename)
- contentType (Default value 'image/png' - Content type of the file (based on the extension, ex.
- size (Default value 565 - Size of the file in bytes)
- width (Default value 1 - Width of the image in pixels)
- height (Default value 1 - height of the image in pixels)
- orientation (Default value 'square' - The orientation of the image, one of 'square', 'landscape',
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentDOMImage extends ComponentDOM {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeDOM;
* src - The src attribute of this image, defaults to a 15% opaque 1x1 green pixel
if (typeof options.src === 'undefined') {
options.src = '';
* alt - The alt attribute of this image
if (typeof options.alt === 'undefined') {
options.alt = '15% opaque 1x1 green pixel';
* fileName - Name of the image under which it is stored
if (typeof options.fileName === 'undefined') {
options.fileName = Utils.LowerUnderscore(options.name);
* extension - Extension of the file name including the '.' (ex. '.jpg')
if (typeof options.extension === 'undefined') {
options.extension = '.png';
* external_path - Path to the image relative to the project defined API URL
if (typeof options.external_path === 'undefined') {
options.external_path = '/images/' + options.id + '.png';
* internal_path - Server side path on the server to the file, excluding filename
if (typeof options.internal_path === 'undefined') {
options.internal_path = '/tmp/' + options.id + '.png';
* contentType - Content type of the file (based on the extension, ex. 'image/jpeg')
if (typeof options.contentType === 'undefined') {
options.contentType = 'image/png';
* size - Size of the file in bytes
if (typeof options.size === 'undefined') {
options.size = 565;
* width - Width of the image in pixels
if (typeof options.width === 'undefined') {
options.width = 1;
* height - height of the image in pixels
if (typeof options.height === 'undefined') {
options.height = 1;
* orientation - The orientation of the image, one of 'square', 'landscape', 'portrait'
if (typeof options.orientation === 'undefined') {
options.orientation = 'square';
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
if (property === 'src') {
this.instance.src = this.src;
component : this,
property : 'src',
instanceProperty : 'src'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'alt') {
this.instance.alt = this.alt;
component : this,
property : 'alt',
instanceProperty : 'alt'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'external_path') {
this.instance.external_path = this.external_path;
component : this,
property : 'external_path',
instanceProperty : 'external_path'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'internal_path') {
this.instance.internal_path = this.internal_path;
component : this,
property : 'internal_path',
instanceProperty : 'internal_path'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'size') {
this.instance.size = this.size;
component : this,
property : 'size',
instanceProperty : 'size'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'width') {
this.instance.width = this.width;
component : this,
property : 'width',
instanceProperty : 'width'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'height') {
this.instance.height = this.height;
component : this,
property : 'height',
instanceProperty : 'height'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'orientation') {
this.instance.orientation = this.orientation;
component : this,
property : 'orientation',
instanceProperty : 'orientation'
if (property !== 'all') {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
if (property === 'src' || property === 'all') {
this.src = this.instance.src;
component : this,
property : 'src',
instanceProperty : 'src'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'alt' || property === 'all') {
this.alt = this.instance.alt;
component : this,
property : 'alt',
instanceProperty : 'alt'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'external_path' || property === 'all') {
this.external_path = this.instance.external_path;
component : this,
property : 'external_path',
instanceProperty : 'external_path'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'internal_path' || property === 'all') {
this.internal_path = this.instance.internal_path;
component : this,
property : 'internal_path',
instanceProperty : 'internal_path'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'size' || property === 'all') {
this.size = this.instance.size;
component : this,
property : 'size',
instanceProperty : 'size'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'width' || property === 'all') {
this.width = this.instance.width;
component : this,
property : 'width',
instanceProperty : 'width'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'height' || property === 'all') {
this.height = this.instance.height;
component : this,
property : 'height',
instanceProperty : 'height'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'orientation' || property === 'all') {
this.orientation = this.instance.orientation;
component : this,
property : 'orientation',
instanceProperty : 'orientation'
if (property !== 'all') {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Graphics
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentGraphics]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentGraphics extends Component {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeGraphics;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Graphics.Geometry
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentGraphics]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentGraphicsGeometry]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentGraphicsGeometry extends ComponentGraphics {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeGraphics;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Graphics.Geometry.Buffer
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentGraphics]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentGraphicsGeometry]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentGraphicsGeometryBuffer]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentGraphicsGeometryBuffer extends ComponentGraphicsGeometry {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeGraphics;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Graphics.Geometry.Buffer.Plane
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentGraphics]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentGraphicsGeometry]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentGraphicsGeometryBuffer]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentGraphicsGeometryBufferPlane]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentGraphicsGeometryBufferPlane extends ComponentGraphicsGeometryBuffer {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeGraphics;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Graphics.Image
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentGraphics]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentGraphicsImage]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentGraphicsImage extends ComponentGraphics {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeGraphics;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Graphics.Material
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentGraphics]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentGraphicsMaterial]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentGraphicsMaterial extends ComponentGraphics {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeGraphics;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Graphics.Mesh
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentGraphics]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentGraphicsMesh]
- material (Default value null)
- geometry (Default value null)
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentGraphicsMesh extends ComponentGraphics {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeGraphics;
* material - No comment
if (typeof options.material === 'undefined') {
options.material = null;
* geometry - No comment
if (typeof options.geometry === 'undefined') {
options.geometry = null;
* material - No comment
if (typeof options.required[0] === 'undefined') {
options.required[0] = {};
options.required[0].material = ComponentMaterial;
if (typeof this._cache === 'undefined') {
this._cache = {};
this._cache['material'] = options.material;
configurable : true,
enumerable : true,
set: (x) => {
r3Object : this,
property : 'material',
value : x
this._cache['material'] = x;
r3Object : this,
property : 'material',
value : x
return x;
get : () => {
return this._cache['material'];
) /**
* geometry - No comment
if (typeof options.required[0] === 'undefined') {
options.required[0] = {};
options.required[0].geometry = ComponentGeometry;
if (typeof this._cache === 'undefined') {
this._cache = {};
this._cache['geometry'] = options.geometry;
configurable : true,
enumerable : true,
set: (x) => {
r3Object : this,
property : 'geometry',
value : x
this._cache['geometry'] = x;
r3Object : this,
property : 'geometry',
value : x
return x;
get : () => {
return this._cache['geometry'];
) /**
* material - No comment
if (typeof options.required[1] === 'undefined') {
options.required[1] = {};
options.required[1].material = [ComponentMaterial];
if (typeof this._cache === 'undefined') {
this._cache = {};
this._cache['material'] = options.material;
configurable : true,
enumerable : true,
set: (x) => {
r3Object : this,
property : 'material',
value : x
this._cache['material'] = x;
r3Object : this,
property : 'material',
value : x
return x;
get : () => {
return this._cache['material'];
) /**
* geometry - No comment
if (typeof options.required[1] === 'undefined') {
options.required[1] = {};
options.required[1].geometry = ComponentGeometry;
if (typeof this._cache === 'undefined') {
this._cache = {};
this._cache['geometry'] = options.geometry;
configurable : true,
enumerable : true,
set: (x) => {
r3Object : this,
property : 'geometry',
value : x
this._cache['geometry'] = x;
r3Object : this,
property : 'geometry',
value : x
return x;
get : () => {
return this._cache['geometry'];
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
if (property === 'material') {
this.instance.material = this.material;
component : this,
property : 'material',
instanceProperty : 'material'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'geometry') {
this.instance.geometry = this.geometry;
component : this,
property : 'geometry',
instanceProperty : 'geometry'
if (property !== 'all') {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
if (property === 'material' || property === 'all') {
this.material = this.instance.material;
component : this,
property : 'material',
instanceProperty : 'material'
if (property !== 'all') {
if (property === 'geometry' || property === 'all') {
this.geometry = this.instance.geometry;
component : this,
property : 'geometry',
instanceProperty : 'geometry'
if (property !== 'all') {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Graphics.Texture
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentGraphics]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentGraphicsTexture]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentGraphicsTexture extends ComponentGraphics {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeGraphics;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Input
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentInput]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentInput extends Component {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeDOM;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
Class R3.Event.Object.Component.Input.Touch
[Inherited from Event]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
- async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Async()' passing it the arguments
- emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Simply calls 'Emit()' passing it the arguments
- subscribe(eventId, callback)
Simply calls 'Subscribe()' passing it the arguments
Inherited Static Methods:
- Async(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data, clientCallback and clientErrorCallback as
arguments. If an error occurs during clientCallback it additionally will execute clientErrorCallback with the
error as argument.
- Emit(eventId, data, clientCallback, clientErrorCallback)
Calls all subscription functions registered to eventId with data as arg. Calls clientCallback directly after
the event result is obtained, passing it the result. If an exception occurs during execution, the
clientErrorCallback is called with the error as argument.
- Subscribe(eventId, callback)
Subscribes to 'eventName', ex. Event.BEFORE_RENDER and executes 'callback()' when eventName is raised
[Inherited from R3Object]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from Component]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Inherited from ComponentInput]
Inherited Properties:
<no inherited properties>
Inherited Static Properties:
<no inherited static properties>
Inherited Methods:
<no inherited methods>
Inherited Static Methods:
<no inherited static methods>
[Belonging to ComponentInputTouch]
<no properties>
Static Properties:
<no static properties>
<no methods>
Static Methods:
<no static methods>
class ComponentInputTouch extends ComponentInput {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
if (typeof options.maxDepth === 'undefined') {
options.maxDepth = 0;
if (typeof options.callDepth === 'undefined') {
options.callDepth = 0;
} else {
options.maxDepth = options.callDepth;
* instance - Holds the current instance of this object as determined (built) by the runtime object.
if (typeof options.instance === 'undefined') {
options.instance = null;
* runtime - Holds the current runtime instance of this Component based on the Runtime Class
if (typeof options.runtime === 'undefined') {
options.runtime = null;
* runtimeClass - No comment
if (typeof options.runtimeClass === 'undefined') {
options.runtimeClass = RuntimeDOM;
for (let r = 0; r < this.required.length; r++) {
this.ready[r] = true;
this.underConstruction = true;
Object.assign(this, options);
this.underConstruction = false;
if (options.callDepth === 0) {
} else {
* initialize()
* - Notifies all systems listening that this component initialized.
initialize() {
if (this.initializeDepth === this.maxDepth) {
this.emit(Event.FINAL_INITIALIZE, this);
} else {
* updateInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of the current object into it's instance object.
* @param property
updateInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
* updateFromInstance()
* - Updates this object by copying the values of its instance into the current object.
* @param property
updateFromInstance(property) {
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_BEFORE, this);
this.emit(Event.UPDATE_FROM_INSTANCE_AFTER, this);
class Graph {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* open - Internal structure required for traversing the graph
if (typeof options.open === 'undefined') {
options.open = [];
* closed - Internal structure required for traversing the graph
if (typeof options.closed === 'undefined') {
options.closed = [];
* relevant - By default we traverse all parents and children of a node when performing a search
if (typeof options.relevant === 'undefined') {
options.relevant = ['parents', 'children'];
* solutions - Internal structure for holding solutions from n0 to n. n passed the goalFunction() test.
if (typeof options.solutions === 'undefined') {
options.solutions = [];
* terminateOnFirstGoal - By default we want to collect all goal nodes which pass the goalFunction(). Set this to
* true to terminate immediately after discovering the first goal node.
if (typeof options.terminateOnFirstGoal === 'undefined') {
options.terminateOnFirstGoal = false;
* startNode - The start node from which the graph will build
if (typeof options.startNode === 'undefined') {
options.startNode = null;
* goalFunction - By having no goal as a default, on construction of a Graph object we will traverse and
* build the entire graph starting from the startNode.
if (typeof options.goalFunction === 'undefined') {
options.goalFunction = (node)=>{return false;};
Object.assign(this, options);
if (this.startNode) {
* build()
* - Uses A* algorithm to build a graph of all nodes which represents the dependency structure of this graph.
build() {
if (this.startNode === null) {
throw new Error('startNode cannot be null');
* Step 1. Push start node on open[]
* Step 2. Clear the closed[] list (we also clear the solutions[] list because we maintain it this way)
this.closed = [];
this.solutions = [];
* Start with step 3 to 8
* process()
* - Repeats steps 3 to 8. Should indicate whether a goal node was found.
process() {
* Step 3. If open[] is empty - exit with failure
if (this.open.length === 0) {
// console.log('open[] is empty');
return false;
* Step 4. Select first node on open[] - remove it from open[] and put it on closed[]
let node = this.open.pop();
* Step 5. If node is a goal function - exit successfully (or continue if we do not terminate on first goal)
if (this.goalFunction(node)) {
if (this.terminateOnFirstGoal) {
return this.solutions[0];
* Step 6.a Expand node n, generating the set M of its successors that are not already ancestors of n in G.
let M = this.expand(node);
* Step 7 - Establish pointers to node
this.establishPointers(M, node);
* Step 8 - Re-Order nodes in OPEN in order of increasing ~f values. Ties among minimal ~f values are resolved
* in favor of the deepest node in the search tree.
* We skip this step because we are not so interested in the shortest path to the solution (yet, for now at least)
* Continue back to step 3
* expand()
* - Expands a node generating a set M of its successors which are not already ancestors of the node (n) in the
* graph (G). i.e. *NOT* already in either OPEN or CLOSED. Install those members of M as successors of n in G.
* @param node
expand(node) {
let successors = {
onOpen : [],
onClosed : [],
notInG : []
for (let r = 0; r < this.relevant.length; r++) {
let relevant = this.relevant[r];
for (let n = 0; n < node.object[relevant].length; n++) {
let notInG = true;
* Check if this child is part of an open[] node
let onOpen = this.open.reduce(
(onOpen, openNode) => {
if (openNode.object === node.object[relevant][n]) {
onOpen = true;
notInG = false;
return onOpen;
let onClosed = this.closed.reduce(
(onClosed, closedNode) => {
if (closedNode.object === node.object[relevant][n]) {
onClosed = true;
notInG = false;
return onClosed;
let type = 'child';
if (relevant === 'parents') {
type = 'parent';
let newNode = new Node(
object: node.object[relevant][n],
type: type
if (onOpen) {
if (onClosed) {
if (notInG) {
* Return the set of successors (M) to be used later in processing
return successors;
* establishPointers()
* - Establish a pointer to n from each of those members of M that were not already in G. Add these members of M to
* OPEN. For each member M that was already on OPEN or CLOSED, update the pointer to point to n if the best path
* so far is through n. For each member of M that was already on CLOSED, redirect the pointers of each of its
* descendants in G so that they point backward along the best paths found so far to these descendants.
* @param M
* @param node
) {
* We now have a list of successors (M) which is not already an ancestor of n in G.
* Install them as successors of n in G. We do part of step 7 here to save some processing steps:
* We additionally set the pointer of the successor to n, and we push the successor to OPEN.
(successor) => {
successor.pointer = node;
* Redirect pointers of successors that were in OPEN to n
(successor) => {
successor.pointer = node;
* Redirect pointers of successors that were in CLOSED to n
(successor) => {
successor.pointer = node;
* We skip a part of 7 here - we could alternatively redirect the pointers of each descendant of the successor
* in G to point backward along the best paths found so far to these descendants - but we don't do this because
* we are not really interested in the shortest paths -
* reOrder()
* - Re-Order nodes in OPEN in order of increasing ~f values. Ties among minimal ~f values are resolved in favor of
* the deepest node in the search tree.
reOrder() {
* buildSolution()
* - Traverses node pointers from n (goal node) to n0 (start node) and stores the path in a solution list.
* @param node
* @param solution=[]
) {
if (node.pointer) {
this.buildSolution(node.pointer, solution);
} else {
return solution;
* isGoal()
* - No comment
* @param callback
isGoal(callback) {
return callback();
class Node {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
* object - No comment
if (typeof options.object === 'undefined') {
options.object = null;
* pointer - No comment
if (typeof options.pointer === 'undefined') {
options.pointer = null;
* type - No comment
if (typeof options.type === 'undefined') {
options.type = 'start-node';
* successors - No comment
if (typeof options.successors === 'undefined') {
options.successors = [];
Object.assign(this, options);
class Utils {
constructor(options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {};
Object.assign(this, options);
static GetFirstParent(object, constructor) {
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(constructor)) {
throw new Error('You need to specify a constructor');
if (object.parent === null) {
return null;
if (object.parent instanceof constructor) {
return object.parent;
} else {
return Utils.GetFirstParent(object.parent, constructor);
static SyntaxHighlight(json) {
if (typeof json != 'string') {
json = JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2);
json = json.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
return json.replace(/("(\u[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}|\[^u]|[^\"])*"(\s*:)?|\b(true|false|null)\b|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)/g, function (match) {
let cls = 'number';
if (/^"/.test(match)) {
if (/:$/.test(match)) {
cls = 'key';
} else {
cls = 'string';
} else if (/true|false/.test(match)) {
cls = 'boolean';
} else if (/null/.test(match)) {
cls = 'null';
return '<span class="' + cls + '">' + match + '</span>';
static GetParentProject(component) {
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(component.parent)) {
throw new Error('Parent not found');
if (component.parent instanceof R3.Project) {
return component.parent;
return Utils.GetParentProject(component.parent);
static GetParents(component, parents) {
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(parents)) {
parents = [];
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(component.parent)) {
return parents;
return Utils.GetParents(component.parent, parents);
* @return {boolean}
static Instance(component) {
return Utils.Defined(component) && Utils.Defined(component.instance);
* Utils.RemoveFromSelect
* @param select
* @param id
* @returns {boolean}
* @constructor
static RemoveFromSelect(select, id) {
let i;
for (i = 0; i < select.options.length; i++) {
if (select.options[i].value === id) {
return true;
return false;
* Utils.GetSelectIndex
* Get the select index of given id
* @param select
* @param id
* @returns boolean true if successful
* @constructor
static SetSelectIndex(select, id) {
for (let i = 0; i < select.options.length; i++) {
if (select.options[i].value === id) {
select.selectedIndex = i;
return true;
return false;
static SortSelect(select) {
let tmp = [];
let i;
for (i = 1; i < select.options.length; i++) {
tmp[i-1] = [];
tmp[i-1][0] = select.options[i].text;
tmp[i-1][1] = select.options[i].value;
select.options = [select.options[0]];
for (i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
select.options[i+1] = new Option(tmp[i][0], tmp[i][1]);
* Gets the parent of object whith property of optional type constructor. If index is specified, get the parent of the
* object with property[index] - which means the property should be an array
* @param object
* @param property
* @param index
* @param constructor
* @returns {*}
* @constructor
static GetParent(object, property, index, constructor) {
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(constructor)) {
constructor = null;
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(index)) {
index = null;
if (object.parent) {
* Parent defined
if (object.parent.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
if (constructor) {
if (index) {
if (object.parent[property][index] instanceof constructor) {
return object.parent[property][index];
} else {
if (typeof object.parent.getParent === 'function') {
return object.parent.getParent(property, index, constructor);
} else {
console.warn('getParent not defined on API object : ' + object.parent + ' - you should avoid having these messsages');
return null;
} else {
if (object.parent[property] instanceof constructor) {
return object.parent[property];
} else {
if (typeof object.parent.getParent === 'function') {
return object.parent.getParent(property, index, constructor);
} else {
console.warn('getParent not defined on API object : ' + object.parent + ' - you should avoid having these messsages');
return null;
} else {
if (index) {
return object.parent[property][index];
} else {
return object.parent[property];
} else {
* This parent does not have the property - go a level higher
if (typeof object.parent.getParent === 'function') {
return object.parent.getParent(property, index, constructor);
} else {
console.warn('getParent not defined on API object : ' + object.parent + ' - you should avoid having these messsages');
return null;
} else {
* No parent defined
console.warn('property : ' + property + ' of type ' + constructor + ' was not found in the parent chain');
return null;
* Strips image extension from given path
* @param imagePath
* @constructor
static StripImageExtension(imagePath) {
return imagePath.replace(/(\.png$|\.gif$|\.jpeg$|\.jpg$)/,'')
* Returns true if unloaded
* @param component
* @returns {boolean}
* @constructor
static Unloaded(component) {
if (
Utils.UndefinedOrNull(component) ||
) {
return true;
return false;
* @param component
* @returns {boolean}
* @constructor
static Loaded(component) {
if (component && component.instance) {
return true;
return false;
static BuildVectorSource(result, name, dimension) {
if (dimension === 2) {
result[name] = {};
result[name].x = false;
result[name].y = false;
if (dimension === 3) {
result[name] = {};
result[name].x = false;
result[name].y = false;
result[name].y = false;
if (dimension === 4) {
result[name] = {};
result[name].x = false;
result[name].y = false;
result[name].z = false;
result[name].w = false;
console.warn('unknown dimension : ' + dimension);
* Returns all 'instances' of the array, or null if an 'instance' is undefined
* @constructor
* @param array
static GetArrayInstances(array) {
return array.reduce(
function(result, object) {
if (result === null) {
return result;
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(object.instance)) {
result = null;
} else {
return result;
static SortFacesByMaterialIndex(faces) {
* Sorts faces according to material index because later we will create
* groups for each vertice group
faces.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.materialIndex < b.materialIndex) {
return -1;
if (a.materialIndex > b.materialIndex) {
return 1;
return 0;
return faces;
static BuildQuaternionSource(result, name) {
result[name] = {};
result[name].axis = {};
result[name].axis.x = false;
result[name].axis.y = false;
result[name].axis.z = false;
result[name].angle = false;
result[name].x = false;
result[name].y = false;
result[name].z = false;
result[name].w = false;
static GetRuntime() {
let result = null;
function(runtime) {
result = runtime;
return result;
* Returns the window size or null
* @returns {*}
* @constructor
static GetWindowSize() {
let size = null;
function(data) {
size = data;
return size;
* Convenience function to update object width and height members with window size
* @param object
* @constructor
static UpdateWindowSize(object) {
let size = Utils.GetWindowSize();
object.width = size.width;
object.height = size.height;
* Returns id of object with the name if it exists in the array, otherwise null
* @param name
* @param array
* @returns {*}
* @constructor
static ObjectIdWithNameInArray(name, array) {
return array.reduce(
function(result, object) {
if (result) {
return result;
if (name === object.name) {
return object.id;
return null;
* Gets random int exclusive of maximum but inclusive of minimum
* @param min
* @param max
* @returns {*}
* @constructor
static GetRandomInt(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; //The maximum is exclusive and the minimum is inclusive
* Gets random int inclusive of minimum and maximum
* @param min
* @param max
* @returns {*}
* @constructor
static GetRandomIntInclusive(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; //The maximum is inclusive and the minimum is inclusive
static InterpolateArray(data, fitCount) {
let linearInterpolate = function(before, after, atPoint) {
return before + (after - before) * atPoint;
let newData = [];
let springFactor = Number((data.length - 1) / (fitCount - 1));
newData[0] = data[0]; // for new allocation
for ( let i = 1; i < fitCount - 1; i++) {
let tmp = i * springFactor;
let before = Number(Math.floor(tmp)).toFixed();
let after = Number(Math.ceil(tmp)).toFixed();
let atPoint = tmp - before;
newData[i] = linearInterpolate(data[before], data[after], atPoint);
newData[fitCount - 1] = data[data.length - 1]; // for new allocation
return newData;
* Undefined or null check
* @param variable
* @returns {boolean}
* @constructor
static UndefinedOrNull(
) {
return typeof variable === 'undefined' || variable === null;
* The variable is not undefined and not null
* @param variable
* @returns {boolean}
* @constructor
static Defined(
) {
return typeof variable !== 'undefined' && variable !== null;
* Gets function parameters
* @param fn
* @constructor
static GetParameters(fn) {
let FN_ARGS = /^function\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m;
let FN_ARG_SPLIT = /,/;
let FN_ARG = /^\s*(_?)(.+?)\s*$/;
let STRIP_COMMENTS = /(\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)|(\s*=[^,\)]*(('(?:\'|[^'\r\n])*')|("(?:\"|[^"\r\n])*"))|(\s*=[^,\)]*))/mg;
let parameters,
if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
parameters = [];
fnText = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '');
argDecl = fnText.match(FN_ARGS);
argDecl[1].split(FN_ARG_SPLIT).forEach(function(arg) {
arg.replace(FN_ARG, function(all, underscore, name) {
} else {
throw Error("not a function")
return parameters;
* Returns either an ID of the object or Null
* @param object
* @returns {null}
* @constructor
static IdOrNull(object) {
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(object)) {
return null;
} else {
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(object.id)) {
console.warn('saving an object reference with no ID : ', object);
return null;
return object.id;
* Limit a property to values between -pi and +pi
* @param property
* @param objectProperty
* @returns {{configurable?: boolean, enumerable?: boolean, value?, writable?: boolean, get?: Function, set?: Function}}
* @constructor
static LimitToPI(property, objectProperty) {
let store = objectProperty;
return {
get : function() {
return store;
set : function(value) {
while (value > Math.PI) {
value -= (Math.PI * 2);
while (value < -(Math.PI)) {
value += (Math.PI * 2);
store = value;
* Returns an array of IDs representing the objects
* @param array
* @returns []
* @constructor
static IdArrayOrEmptyArray(array) {
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(array)) {
return [];
} else {
return array.map(function(item) {
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(item.id)) {
throw new Error('No ID found while trying to store IDs to array');
return item.id
* Generates a random ID
* @returns {string}
* @constructor
static RandomId(length) {
if (Utils.UndefinedOrNull(length)) {
length = 10;
return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, length);
static InvertWindingOrder(triangles) {
for (let i = 0; i < triangles.length; i++) {
let v1 = triangles[i].v1;
triangles[i].v1 = triangles[i].v2;
triangles[i].v2 = v1;
let backupUV = triangles[i].triangle.v1uv;
triangles[i].triangle.v1uv = triangles[i].triangle.v2uv;
triangles[i].triangle.v2uv = backupUV;
return triangles;
* Inverts a mesh winding order (and its instance)
* @param mesh R3.D3.Mesh
* @returns {*}
* @constructor
static InvertMeshWindingOrder(mesh) {
function(face) {
let tmpV1 = face.v1;
face.v1 = face.v2;
face.v2 = tmpV1;
let tmpV1uv = face.v1uv;
face.v1uv = face.v2uv;
face.v2uv = tmpV1uv;
//mesh.computeNormals = true;
* This function resets a the winding order of a mesh from a reference point V (the average center of the mesh)
static ResetWindingOrder(faces, vertices) {
let vertexList = new R3.API.Vector3.Points();
for (let v = 0; v < vertices.length; v++) {
vertexList.add(new R3.API.Vector3(
let V = vertexList.average();
let triangles = [];
for (let s = 0; s < faces.length; s += 3) {
let v0 = faces[s];
let v1 = faces[s+1];
let v2 = faces[s+2];
v0 : v0,
v1 : v1,
v2 : v2,
edges : [
{v0: v0, v1: v1},
{v0: v1, v1: v2},
{v0: v2, v1: v0}
winding : 0,
edgeIndex : -1,
processed : false
for (let i = 0; i < triangles.length; i++) {
if (
) {
let bv1 = triangles[i].v1;
triangles[i].v1 = triangles[i].v2;
triangles[i].v2 = bv1;
} else {
console.log('not clockwise');
return triangles;
* This function resets the winding order for triangles in faces, given an initial triangle and orientation edge
* used pseudocode from
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17036970/how-to-correct-winding-of-triangles-to-counter-clockwise-direction-of-a-3d-mesh
* We need to use a graph traversal algorithm,
* lets assume we have method that returns neighbor of triangle on given edge
* neighbor_on_egde( next_tria, edge )
* to_process = set of pairs triangle and orientation edge, initial state is one good oriented triangle with any edge on it
* processed = set of processed triangles; initial empty
* while to_process is not empty:
* next_tria, orientation_edge = to_process.pop()
* add next_tria in processed
* if next_tria is not opposite oriented than orientation_edge:
* change next_tria (ABC) orientation (B<->C)
* for each edge (AB) in next_tria:
* neighbor_tria = neighbor_on_egde( next_tria, edge )
* if neighbor_tria exists and neighbor_tria not in processed:
* to_process add (neighbor_tria, edge opposite oriented (BA))
* @param faces R3.D3.Face[]
* @param orientationEdge R3.API.Vector2
* @returns {Array}
static FixWindingOrder(faces, orientationEdge) {
* Checks if a Face belonging to a TriangleEdge has already been processed
* @param processed TriangleEdge[]
* @param triangle Face
* @returns {boolean}
function inProcessed(processed, triangle) {
for (let i = 0; i < processed.length; i++) {
if (processed[i].triangle.equals(triangle)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns a neighbouring triangle on a specific edge - preserving the edge orientation
* @param edge R3.API.Vector2
* @param faces R3.D3.Face[]
* @param currentTriangle
* @returns {*}
function neighbourOnEdge(edge, faces, currentTriangle) {
for (let i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
if (
(faces[i].v0 === edge.x && faces[i].v1 === edge.y) ||
(faces[i].v1 === edge.x && faces[i].v2 === edge.y) ||
(faces[i].v2 === edge.x && faces[i].v0 === edge.y) ||
(faces[i].v0 === edge.y && faces[i].v1 === edge.x) ||
(faces[i].v1 === edge.y && faces[i].v2 === edge.x) ||
(faces[i].v2 === edge.y && faces[i].v0 === edge.x)
) {
let triangle = new R3.D3.API.Face(
if (triangle.equals(currentTriangle)) {
return new R3.D3.TriangleEdge(
return null;
let toProcess = [
new R3.D3.TriangleEdge(
new R3.D3.API.Face(
let processed = [];
while (toProcess.length > 0) {
let triangleEdge = toProcess.pop();
* If edge is the same orientation (i.e. the edge order is the same as the given triangle edge) it needs to be reversed
* to have the same winding order)
if (
(triangleEdge.triangle.v0index === triangleEdge.edge.x &&
triangleEdge.triangle.v1index === triangleEdge.edge.y) ||
(triangleEdge.triangle.v1index === triangleEdge.edge.x &&
triangleEdge.triangle.v2index === triangleEdge.edge.y) ||
(triangleEdge.triangle.v2index === triangleEdge.edge.x &&
triangleEdge.triangle.v0index === triangleEdge.edge.y)
) {
let backupV = triangleEdge.triangle.v1index;
triangleEdge.triangle.v1index = triangleEdge.triangle.v2index;
triangleEdge.triangle.v2index = backupV;
// let backupUV = triangleEdge.triangle.v1uv;
// triangleEdge.triangle.v1uv = triangleEdge.triangle.v2uv;
// triangleEdge.triangle.v2uv = backupUV;
let backupUV = triangleEdge.triangle.uvs[0][1];
triangleEdge.triangle.uvs[0][1] = triangleEdge.triangle.uvs[0][2];
triangleEdge.triangle.uvs[0][2] = backupUV;
let edges = [
new R3.API.Vector2(
new R3.API.Vector2(
new R3.API.Vector2(
for (let j = 0; j < edges.length; j++) {
let neighbour = neighbourOnEdge(edges[j], faces, triangleEdge.triangle);
if (neighbour && !inProcessed(processed, neighbour.triangle)) {
* In processed - we will have some duplicates - only add the unique ones
* @type {Array}
let triangles = [];
for (let i = 0; i < processed.length; i++) {
let found = false;
for (let k = 0; k < triangles.length; k++) {
if (triangles[k].equals(processed[i].triangle)){
found = true;
if (!found) {
return triangles;
* This is a work-around function to fix polys which don't triangulate because
* they could lie on Z-plane (XZ or YZ)) - we translate the poly to the origin, systematically rotate the poly around
* Z then Y axis
* @param verticesFlat []
* @param grain is the amount to systematically rotate the poly by - a finer grain means a more accurate maximum XY
* @return []
static FixPolyZPlane(verticesFlat, grain) {
if ((verticesFlat.length % 3) !== 0 && !(verticesFlat.length > 9)) {
console.log("The vertices are not in the right length : " + verticesFlat.length);
let vertices = [];
let points = new R3.API.Quaternion.Points();
for (let i = 0; i < verticesFlat.length; i += 3) {
points.add(new R3.API.Vector3(
verticesFlat[i + 1],
verticesFlat[i + 2]
for (i = 0; i < points.vectors.length; i++) {
return vertices;
static MovingAverage(period) {
let nums = [];
return function(num) {
if (nums.length > period)
nums.splice(0,1); // remove the first element of the array
let sum = 0;
for (let i in nums)
sum += nums[i];
let n = period;
if (nums.length < period)
n = nums.length;
static Intersect(a, b) {
let t;
* Loop over shortest array
if (b.length > a.length) {
t = b;
b = a;
a = t;
return a.filter(
* Check if exists
* @param e
* @returns {boolean}
function(e) {
return (b.indexOf(e) > -1);
* Remove Duplicates
* @param e
* @param i
* @param c
* @returns {boolean}
function(e, i, c) {
return c.indexOf(e) === i;
static Difference(a, b) {
let t;
* Loop over shortest array
if (b.length > a.length) {
t = b;
b = a;
a = t;
return a.filter(
* Check if exists
* @param e
* @returns {boolean}
function(e) {
return (b.indexOf(e) === -1);
* Remove Duplicates
* @param e
* @param i
* @param c
* @returns {boolean}
function(e, i, c) {
return c.indexOf(e) === i;
* Push only if not in there already
* @param array
* @param object
* @constructor
static PushUnique(array, object) {
if (array.indexOf(object) === -1) {
static RemoveFromArray(array, object) {
let index = array.indexOf(object);
if (index !== -1) {
array.splice(index, 1);
* Checks whether or not the object is empty
* @param obj
* @returns {boolean}
* @constructor
static IsEmpty(obj) {
return (Object.keys(obj).length === 0 && obj.constructor === Object);
static IsString(member) {
return (typeof member === 'string');
static IsBoolean(member) {
return (member === true || member === false);
static IsColor(member) {
return (member instanceof R3.Color);
static IsNumber(member) {
return (typeof member === 'number');
static IsVector2(member) {
return (
member instanceof R3.API.Vector2 ||
member instanceof R3.Vector2
static IsVector3(member) {
return (
member instanceof R3.API.Vector3 ||
member instanceof R3.Vector3
static IsVector4(member) {
return (
member instanceof R3.API.Vector4 ||
member instanceof R3.Vector4 ||
member instanceof R3.API.Quaternion ||
member instanceof R3.Quaternion
static IsObject(member) {
let type = typeof member;
return type === 'function' || type === 'object' && !!member;
* @return {string}
static LowerUnderscore(name) {
let string = name.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '_');
string = string.replace(/-/g, '_');
string = string.replace(/\_+/g, '_');
return string;
static UpperCaseWordsSpaces(input) {
let word = input.replace(/[-_]/g, ' ');
word = word.replace(/\s+/, ' ');
let words = word.split(' ');
return words.reduce(
function(result, word) {
result += word[0].toUpperCase() + word.substr(1);
return result + ' ';
* @return {string}
static UpperCaseUnderscore(word) {
let str = '';
if (letter === letter.toUpperCase()) {
str += '_' + letter;
} else {
str += letter.toUpperCase();
str = str.replace(new RegExp('^_'),'');
return str;
* Returns Left Padded Text - ex. length 5, padchar 0, string abc = '00abc'
* @param length
* @param padChar
* @param string
* @returns {string}
* @constructor
static PaddedText(length, padChar, string) {
let pad = "";
for (let x = 0; x < length; x++) {
pad += padChar;
return pad.substring(0, pad.length - string.length) + string;
console.log('r3.js - version ' + R3.Version + ' compiled ' + R3.CompileDate);
Component.Code = ComponentCode;
Component.Code.JS = ComponentCodeJS;
Component.DOM = ComponentDOM;
Component.DOM.Canvas = ComponentDOMCanvas;
Component.DOM.Image = ComponentDOMImage;
Component.Graphics = ComponentGraphics;
Component.Graphics.Geometry = ComponentGraphicsGeometry;
Component.Graphics.Geometry.Buffer = ComponentGraphicsGeometryBuffer;
Component.Graphics.Geometry.Buffer.Plane = ComponentGraphicsGeometryBufferPlane;
Component.Graphics.Image = ComponentGraphicsImage;
Component.Graphics.Material = ComponentGraphicsMaterial;
Component.Graphics.Mesh = ComponentGraphicsMesh;
Component.Graphics.Texture = ComponentGraphicsTexture;
Component.Input = ComponentInput;
Component.Input.Touch = ComponentInputTouch;
Entity.Slider = EntitySlider;
R3Object.Project = Project;
R3Object.Entity = Entity;
R3Object.Entity.Slider = EntitySlider;
R3Object.Component = Component;
R3Object.Component.Code = ComponentCode;
R3Object.Component.Code.JS = ComponentCodeJS;
R3Object.Component.DOM = ComponentDOM;
R3Object.Component.DOM.Canvas = ComponentDOMCanvas;
R3Object.Component.DOM.Image = ComponentDOMImage;
R3Object.Component.Graphics = ComponentGraphics;
R3Object.Component.Graphics.Geometry = ComponentGraphicsGeometry;
R3Object.Component.Graphics.Geometry.Buffer = ComponentGraphicsGeometryBuffer;
R3Object.Component.Graphics.Geometry.Buffer.Plane = ComponentGraphicsGeometryBufferPlane;
R3Object.Component.Graphics.Image = ComponentGraphicsImage;
R3Object.Component.Graphics.Material = ComponentGraphicsMaterial;
R3Object.Component.Graphics.Mesh = ComponentGraphicsMesh;
R3Object.Component.Graphics.Texture = ComponentGraphicsTexture;
R3Object.Component.Input = ComponentInput;
R3Object.Component.Input.Touch = ComponentInputTouch;
Runtime.Audio = RuntimeAudio;
Runtime.Audio.Three = RuntimeAudioThree;
Runtime.Code = RuntimeCode;
Runtime.Code.JS = RuntimeCodeJS;
Runtime.Coder = RuntimeCoder;
Runtime.Coder.CodeMirror = RuntimeCoderCodeMirror;
Runtime.DOM = RuntimeDOM;
Runtime.DOM.JS = RuntimeDOMJS;
Runtime.DOM.Web = RuntimeDOMWeb;
Runtime.GUI = RuntimeGUI;
Runtime.GUI.ControlKit = RuntimeGUIControlKit;
Runtime.Graphics = RuntimeGraphics;
Runtime.Graphics.Three = RuntimeGraphicsThree;
Runtime.Physics = RuntimePhysics;
Runtime.Physics.Bullet = RuntimePhysicsBullet;
Runtime.Socket = RuntimeSocket;
Runtime.Statistics = RuntimeStatistics;
Runtime.Statistics.Stats = RuntimeStatisticsStats;
System.DOM = SystemDOM;
System.Input = SystemInput;
System.Linking = SystemLinking;
System.Render = SystemRender;
System.Runtime = SystemRuntime;
System.Socket = SystemSocket;
System.Storage = SystemStorage;
R3.System = System;
R3.Runtime = Runtime;
R3.Event = Event;
R3.Graph = Graph;
R3.Node = Node;
R3.Utils = Utils;
R3.Object = R3Object;
R3.Project = Project;
R3.Entity = Entity;
R3.Component = Component;
R3.JS = R3Object.Component.Code.JS;
R3.Canvas = R3Object.Component.DOM.Canvas;
R3.DOM = R3Object.Component.DOM;
R3.DOM.Image = R3Object.Component.DOM.Image;
R3.Plane = R3Object.Component.Graphics.Geometry.Buffer.Plane;
R3.Graphics = R3Object.Component.Graphics;
R3.Graphics.Image = R3Object.Component.Graphics.Image;
R3.Material = R3Object.Component.Graphics.Material;
R3.Mesh = R3Object.Component.Graphics.Mesh;
R3.Texture = R3Object.Component.Graphics.Texture;
R3.Touch = R3Object.Component.Input.Touch;